t k l s w e s etching Joints item is that Ohauneey—“Our Ciiaun CONGENIAL MARRIAGES. A WORTHY SUCCESSOR. --------- L-> the lingers, toes, arm«, and other cey. 'a« the nation calls him, and “ De — rvuLiauKu « vbbi rajcav iiotudKo.— part« of the body, are joint« that ara Peach," as the Bowery elite dub him, is 8tt" r“ “cta~ »kmuivls. “ Something New Under the Sun” r_ inflamed and swollen by rtieomatism— to be married again— aeon, aud sure and " M,e Epincopal church is endear* ; that acid condition of the blood which safe enough! The statesman, orator, or‘n* “* counteract the loose divorce All doctors have tried to cure C at , unit F lo bm cb . L ab « C odbvv , Oaxeox “ KU 010 muscles also. wit snd wealth maker has surrende.ed '*** ,be ‘and «nd to place under ' bv ,be use po«r«lere, acid gurus, inhal­ buffer?,-j dread to move, especially ers and drags in paste form. Their pow- and «“ lewaeticl ban both tlie,ders dry up the mucous membranes • - - BT - - • after sitting or lying long, and their to I he charms of .Miss May Palmera condition ie commonly worse in wet K nicker locker Southern belle whose bU">,”« 'r‘Hy and the innocent parties c"u,,i"g’tbem to crack open and bleed, tieauty, wit, diplomacy and American t0 a separation who shall ven- 1 Imvi/Xtirely eaten away'the sam'emem- weather. It has been a lone tlm« since « h.,-« womanllncas, are celebrated on the two ture 10 bapriiuri. in remarriage, an I H«nes «H»« •heir makers have aimed to been without H ood's Sarsaparilla. ilv E d ito r au d 1 roprietor. cure, while pastes and ointments cannot M»‘ hr tb, ' lks ,le CUO|<1 not do without IL continents of Europe aud America. Of ad‘aueed social philosophy is bestirring reach the disease. An old and experi­ He has keen troubled with rheumatism — IS CONSTANTLY RECEIVING NEW itself to discover what constitutes a con- enced practitioner who has for many ■ since be was a boy, and Hood's Sarsapa. ouur* :> »he coming reason wiil bring the '•Xtbs jj J ♦ v ___ a ... -- . years made a cloee study and specially F lo re n c e , O regon, Oct. 18, 1ÍW1. niacanilai home - Be“‘at bridto grace ‘‘U cap, til home ........... ,n»«'riage, “« n a g ., and «nd to to enjoin « jo in upon upon the the of the treatment of CATAKan.'bai; at'T.sl A da Dorr. Sidney, Iowa. mid to adorn the highest otti -ial and ‘!,e 'mportance of choosing their ! pefected a treatment which when faith- eocialrie. m. -r............ life o partner« a r t.m r . „ u ; irb ,i . «is . n .................... ~ .. . IIu,,y I f ,,l |v lined, nm only v relieve« relieves at nt once, but '« X f- .«aw» Ä n<* on,- Steps are bring taken in ban Fran- Z Z O O r f X . r / y y c z r z i x s ^ s Z / x . social circles. Thu elect are all agog to Hfe 1 with «lidcerninent. On the J permanently cures UATAKKH, b y re-, “ ' ' ’ ■ - CONSISTING OF tn n u ir id t f t ■ s.sa-.sso __ - I. . l* see iter and and refuse to believe that ‘bresbobi ° l ‘Hia new philosophy! an un-! ,?')v*nk ‘H” ‘-•auee, stopping the dis- ctsco to bring influence to hear % on a n d P ills . »1,0* O 1 J an.l u E 1 . f -S t ' t /■ S Ä _ • k - f c . » ! 1*1,0 Ü T ÿ — ¡ — Congress for the re-enactment of the Remove the cause of rheumatism—no tbe • !tog«d portraits of her in the news- Fancy Hair Ornaments, Hair C o m b s Cluntwa exclusion act. The present law outward application can. "Take them. papers do Jrnr any tort of justice. When *eeln8 ’uipossible to agree upon what are aetu*Hy reaches the afflicted parts. •n_ A_____ does , . ibis wonderful is r* known will exp ire,,, May, 1852, and .nil««« it the exact conditions and elements which “SNUFFLES’ ’the remedy GUARAN g D ü Â -■ ' the Senator come upon tlie scene, 11.*.*...... E l i r a n l s « in j G i i i i p T r i i i i i n i X r C o M f c 1» re-enacted or ^ARRH fîfïRF »• and <«»«! t. Mi.a at *t._- he will need his readiest repartee to lay tlie ioundation fora happy man iage, TARRH CUBE," is . sold the — new one adopted a WASHINGTON LETTER. ward off ttie merry jibes of his host of ^er‘au* clemeute of dissonance are rue-; tremely low price of One Dollar. great tide of Chinese immigration will paekm.-e containing internal and » xternal witliout doubt 1« getting toward the I admirers. ognizabie by casual observers. May' medicine sufficient for a full month’s F bom O e « R bgilab OoutiBroxiMCBT.) L nited States. This would be a great j The Schley Court of Inquiry ¡8 exper- and December do not, as a rule, pair off ‘ta“r X " t ure. eTerything nw*»eary “> j WELL SELECTED STOCK OF.. injury to the country, and especially to j teueibg a longer search of tin* facts in happily; the Jove that is bought with! z* ■ " is tlie onlv perfect W ashixotok , Oct. 7, 1901. .. . jCATARRH GERE ever made and is n m r » / \ the working classca, on whose prosperity cast: or glittering jewels The modest little Butch Reform the Santiago Naval campaign than the a cold v„ ft« anelu-lnow reeogniied as tlie only safe Hint pos- RIBBONS IN a l l SHADES a n o r -'" H * * - * - - s.te quantity; no woman was ever !,,ve oure for that annoying and disgnst- campaign required in tlie rinding, block- d ^X ^nL ^ ... J , i . adlnK ",Mf ’ “"••Htog of Cervera's fleet. happy with a brutal husband, nor are q X k “ also . . . ---- ---- . . . or frivolous 'wonderfully quirk to relieve HAY The members of^h is ^ • " n*oa^ aiua‘ Adtnirai Schley’s im en iiapjiy with selfish ' 1.1,0,mating i n , < W T y B y S . t a n I n u l . ' P, i:Ä 5 ontentinns in the case is not yet con­ wives, union are cluded, and the end there Of not in sight. uonduio“s frolu the problem, there yet t0 CONSUMKriON _ ” SNUFFLES ” £ a resolution of the raising « funj o ¡ ,000 with which to hoard of superri«ors of San F rancisco, a • erect remain« a wide ti—Id for th» d«.»«>.. • 1 'U ^ou >’ou UHe at once. It is I So tar public opinion seems IS to have been ' “ ior the determine-, no ordinary remedy, but a complete C .U ,. „ „ , , lw c„ , . « . o n * *od * u „ ,f — t h e m s e e “ testin.nnv and n.,.i t,on 01 thow ,ran* Of Character, of inind ! tre»tll,ent which i« positively positively guaranteed iniaranipp.l *- S E E by the testimony, \V. IL W EATIIEItSON N O V E L T IF Q AWO re. . V t-l-IlLO AND FANPV T" ~ Hood’s Sarsaparilla as LADIES’ BEL® prevmlioK „ » coou„y being ih ro.n ......... ’H — m O n ,.,.., n « . ««ubera of the iegielgture, member, of m i,,.,,,. linn n, the d.urd, j. b , , - ....... n , . nd society will become to hear the Schley side of it. Only one v^fue sentiment is common, and thatls regret 2 ’" that the great victory ever degenerated into so 8avor/ a conflict between high 8hali w ,k e ,lw Me,d marriage. A schoi- accomP«ny-*ch package. Don’t delay* ar,y ma“’ »*» has himself laid |„s lif e - I : - - r -h- “l ° nte’ niiu "nJ write 11,11 f _ « lilt! lUU e s particulars as to your condition, aud von Fancy Line happlne!* « the grave w iti,\i wife „ho Of L ad ies’ and C e n t s ’«!» ,.u will re, e,ye special advice from the dis-1 seemed ins complement in every intel , oterer of tins wonderful remedy regard- I - ing your case witliout cost to von beyond irii regular price of CATARRH “SNUFFLES The Court itself, presid- lectuul taste and spiritual aspiration, tlie “GUARANTEED O U ’> M th« ” mid delegates from each county, city, i President t Van V Buren was the only other byjAdn*iFal ^ « e y . is unstint- surprises bis friends by declaring that c / ePa,d any ^ildress in the and trad» and labor unions are to he ad- m b er of this particular communion ’ / Pr‘"8t'J *°r **vidant impartiality similarity of tastes is not the best basis' i tes or Canada on receipt of fa s' inz>» . vne Dollar. Address Dept 2330 1 and FTUVTN iuitted to seats in the convention. , for happiness In opposition to hi. the-, B. GILES & COMPANY,P 23* bo lias occupied tlie presidential office, j , P?rPÜÎ* ‘° ‘ ‘rUe findin«- - careful selection of The independence which character,»-«. ..." ‘ æ H° USe ° f RePreWntatives that ! ory, which seems ¿ein« to L»e controverted by j *lar'ce^ Street, Philadelphia. The professional anarchists in the : the experience of liia own life, thousands 8 , President Roosevelt seems also to obtain f"'“ Dwen‘bor> )ew tban United States have almost witliout ex a d m in is t r a t o r s r e p o r t . in bis family. Mrs. Roosevelt is a lovai ^ h “ * ',,eu,bersl"P »¡H be of new of worthy u,e„ and women, dragging out I ception been of foreign birth. If tlie - __ In the County Court of Lane Cou ntv. J J*** malppiul i . /«wily history of ti.e individual, form- U°"1U1,!;,il:ant ol ‘be Protestant Epimio- material. Only eighty-four new men existences made desolate by the want of U-rte ° i A a "Ì°8- Hadsal1- deceased, J. were elected last fall. Many of these, 8y,“patbT 8,,(J “ppreciation, urge upon i ing this body ¡of malcontents could be pal Church, and lias been granted pos- bowever, are already coming to Wash- y0U0« tb a t‘bay «"«H make sure of a ! Oa.* *®»-o8T, 1901. Organdies in A s s o r te d S f n d n - and U /L .a ■*e«rio„ of the famous “Presidential raced, it is probable that they would ington to acquaint themselves with the l‘“nuony »»Wests and o.: pursuits he- J. ! * ’ .................................*190'0’ ^ a d c ^ and W h ite Goodl ng. j Pew’’ in historic old St. John’s church, with the I, J V3la ““« J ot pursuits be CASH PAID OUT PIIEFEIIÜKD CLAIMS. prove to belong to a class o( unforto- Go new President, with department officials f° re «¡vi„g their hearts into others to Select From Meyer A Kyle, supplies for Mrs. nates who have passed through genera- I °0 Lafayette Square. That pew has salsi and routine and to secure living quarters keeping. Society and history give con­ Hadsall Rous of poverty, depravity and perl,ana W* UpieJ by ,ix “ *e uine Presi. | ...................... . . . Tth for the session. Nearly all the new- tradictory testimony on the subject. Taxes.. ------ ' dent® who wei ( H iir f is tl'jis is in S iæ » ¡ t oppression, wjtl, the result that th. Dr. R. L. E v a n s........... ............. 15 iu ore mem bet s of religious have, perhaps, inherited a bent of mind ' denoml,,a;io‘'»- Washington, Madison members ,„re .from the northern and ri'ere aru nut »anting countless insian- Mrs. H ad sall...........k ' G O 00 ’.Ji.' SHirma.u for ^ rs' Hi'dsall.. 20.00 Wl‘e‘u weu “nd "oman of the most r Cash which is distinctly abnormal. It i. pos , and Monroe served their terms before St, eastern states. The south and west both 1.97 on hand to balance............. •ihle, even probable, that such a bent John's obtained the title of “The Presi- have a custom of holding on to efficient i d’88i,,,ilar ‘•'baraeterlstics, all of whose L a t e S t in C e n t S ’ C o l l a r s a n d O il? would not be recognised by the p.ychol- I delU “ Cbun:h»” but Win. Henry Harri- congressmen and last year a majority of i *ntere818 wbere dire‘-dlF counter to each 1 Tl'e c°ntracte now let wiil"pro- ogi.t, the medical student, or the alien- *!On’ **“ • uuc* ,ior. J“bn Tyler, Taylor, the stares ln those secitone re-elected ' other’e, have dwelt together for long AU Í bietimes in wliat appears to have been J. A. M c L eod , »•* -a a distinct lorn, of mental disease H “ u,ore> ?‘er” a»d Arthur, worsl.iiqxid their solid delegations. Administrator. , the most perfect cot,cord, the inteller When the mind roaches the point of de­ in the edirice, and gave it the distinction WE ARE UP-TO-Din xfo mutual republican administration is tbe __ tual gap being bridged by . their ________ _ pravity at which it is unable to distin­ which, in part, Mrs. Roosevelt will guarantee of an Isthmian canal under Hffection and respect. Indeed, old-fash- reqpw to it. guish the difference lietween riglit and V E R Y T " I f, ioned tradition, which claims Biblical ! (Ti< wrong-nay, moM( t,,at u aniUkeij A strong movement is being inaugu- American control.—Plalndealer, Y O U R S authority, demanded a husband who' Tht wrong for right, even to the point of rated 111 this city and is to he extended T R U L lig h , conceiving the murder of sn innocent throughout the country, to the end of hi0 ' , ^ ’, Pbe,pS' Forea,dale. Vt„ savs ;Bbuuldl* ' b e wife’s intellectual euper- ipt>i ns child was completely c r e d ot „ bad ,or’ and « woman in completes„bi«,.ita having tjie projected bridge across tbe and unoffending individual to be an act ' ■ ’ ” S i f f i OP LADIES’ AND « 3 EMBROIiffl IN F A C T First National A N H B Eugene, Oregon. l ’otomac, converted into . magnificent the strong- j UrfoiÍ.Ha n i ' ? ' f eW“re ° f — i -inded w McKinley Memorial bridge. It is deem­ rerieits. it mstautly relie oman was long regarded as a Paid «P Cash C apital, sves piles. - 850,000 matrimonial bugbear. ed a most appropriate form oi honoring Meyer & Kyle. . , , ,r- ° n the other * Surplus, ’ - 50,000 the martyred President, as it will con. ! *“" ’ iro,n the earl«8t historical rec­ Will? urmlenTkanÄm?""!?°',’lt|,|n consistent ord s down to the present day, the world MAT RECEIVE BOUNTY, «tnuie a great connecting link between ACME NEWS. Ited. P ‘ tanking. Correspondence solle has presented radiant examples of the the national district and northern sec , T. G. Hendricks n . *j BY Ï I X MAtiXL’S. intellectual wife and mother, the It 1« now claime.1 in certain circle. ‘*°“ “' U,B coun,rJ'and the great B e th , lius- 8. B. Eakin. .............xd • • Pre8>dpnt hand’s close companion and the intelli . I P* E. Snodgrass..............' that there is an old federal law by which r "e reu]“rkabl« manifestation« of per- Fr,? " e,,t ...............•••■• Cashier the volunteers who saw »ervice in the , *,U,‘“1 a"d regrst made througb- gent guide and leader of her sons Tlie I*. H. Potter. .................. October 16, 1901. Asst. Cashier athe?v.HtÌn“1*!’ ÌS VÌ,ÌtÌ,,? Eu2en* «nd past century has been rich i late Spanish-American war are each en- ° Ut HouW'' upou the occasion of m examples R cities, . °f women who In the different fields of AUEXT3 WANTED FOR lilled toalx,u ntyof»192. It is «„id the r,esld,:nt MvKinley’. assassination and atber valley Frank aubert has been quite sick sele»‘* . art, literature, industrial “ The Authentic Life of the Mar- law was enacted shortly after the civil death, have euiptiasixe*!, in tlie public ! organ- with la grippe, but is tyred President,” war and nevor repealed. This i,ie a mat- appreciation, his patriotic efforts 10 » W H . .Ì U hd J “ d - * » * « . Which tell» »11 about »er of considerable interest 10 tbe boys 8U““ P ÜUt ’« ‘-t'onahsm and to make the His Boyhood Days, ministers. wl>A A .1 ... w i s Poroestic Life, real 'Sat“rday last. who went to the Philippines, and if it i .Southern people leel themselves _ _ _ Fork P 'lf after busiue, ■ss reformers-tl.e list grows bevond all ’l e ^ ' a r a s s . ^ « : rwk° ni’'K-imve entered into an equal S I-ane county s„d wine of it to the 8ms- funherance of tl,i, op,W f „ e project v '“ this'book of " Lan tn,,rd- Kveryonc foe«.»» Tayl° r’ Phe*P*’ Wortbi" copartners!,ip with law valley. »id be held on October Utb, and through J and th«ir husbands, Tbrlllin« Intere,, , nd v «,u, ble H u. Meade brothers, of Indi -Haring their joys „„d tlleir tri(iujp()8 A reeenti.su. of the Cincinnati E„. Í ÌU l“ì moveuient.it ,lopedi will visited o„7 ta,7g 7un„ " t h e ^ k torlcal Facts. and privations, and fumisi,i Agents will make fio qu.rer contains the following dispatch m. mipetus that will carry the idea ,n ,o | ~ r,l‘B — ........ “ '<» Pouna cliinook sal- «Tuggles . . ng ; Ifc for H,;'tn¿e" on'o,,?«0? * *?ay seI"»F it- Send to the •plenuid and speedy realisation. It j, 1 ™on leaped P”,1“d Lblnk sal from New York : world new and lofty ideals of ’¿ Ä Ä T Ä f f i ' — sell our Itoli. "It has boeii diseovored by a lawyer ot not doubted ti.at Congress will be favor- "Pfed‘‘y. "'e ‘ • «“d fate ^ t the hand’s of i W l'at “ 7 “* “nd perfcct union between H w w lquartérs w ith thV™®* frora p «c>» the afternoon" for’ PnoL"'"8? “d leU I, " 8Weet'æS3 1 mid refreshment afternoon for Eugene, where she for the man who cast, aside engrossing , "1Ut “l “n *arl» daU'. ot Secretary of bM "“““ red a similar position. mental problems upon entering hw 1 ! "Ute H*Z’ Suub •«• event would not I A 8,1,>r‘ *»1»T Has la,en j ° ’>e in ............ ¡¡“ " ‘•HU-W . Ä ' v «•fvertliï J- W - C A RM AN beai- U,ill,°" • ÄOUn‘ of 'He su dde'iX takÎ1 b""'6’ û"d ‘,,ere,n b e ’ urPri«"ng. The .Secretary ,s i n ______ ________ a complété r,tt 7 “‘xord w,u' tbe Proclaimed po|,Cy o l ' "*“ “P ° l " coupl‘’ °* iro" pulleys, change from tlie day’. 8ter„ Caæ s. ■ e » - Î « , d l r""d*"t R«*»v«lt, undoubtedly, b u t) * "nd San Frai>oi»co I. t il li- The correct conclusion would seem to be ........ ... ...J X e: ? , large lumber marit*t Happiness, in t|le majority Property near the eroes. oi c«Me, is not’to be made or marred by "“P*l Him to forego further official WB*k«- WANTKD-TRV mfv IV, intellectual harmony or tlie lack of it. tbe claim that the volunteers of the late ■,ar” ' Hu doe' '«» tori that hi. .erv.c.s ' "’»rren Nichol., of Elmira ptiin,~—i . stwobt . ■*»” HV ! M KN AND W(). pmised Rind beans, true love, and tend^r âûd war win nwelve a bounty of »190 each, I ar* >'*d>spenaable to the new adminfo. ,hr0,,* b ber” Saturday on » search for unselfish consideration on tlie it to eet,mated that the payment of the ‘« ‘to« and lie i. tired of the .riteful i Ca“ ‘* I ''' 7 '“C“ UUa ° ° ‘“e par‘ "-p'dre* G l ~ cash. No can. •daims will cost the federal government, »"»rcpreeentalions of wbicl, be has been ' m "d enclose Ue° ’ K< Uibba Have , 'J " ' a"d a"d wife, may generally ; ^ “¿J^tosiampea been morei, lnto Umj ro, itfenc< iu be relied u,mn as safeguards to a happy t,,,On Bld« " « ‘‘ '•dress Msn- |5 ,000,000. It is said that Iho discovery » »"«tant victim to tlie , , ......... -‘V uisco,ery , wuin ,0 the partisan valta.. ai**»a -.1 - . ,„■„ me iu a nappy uf U ..., old law. was made by accident tournai«. A. be b«. an ample fortune Ho.cl’husmees.’^ *'*' CO° “ nue in “•« “ “rr,“«e' Some °n« has aptly said that while an attorney „«a looking over some "nd d"tot tastes, public office i. a bur l" 8 Mr Kn.isae nu “"»«‘«ge can be positively unhappy provided by a federal and state statute psMetl m invvesr. ago. Tbesute bounty law provide, for the payment of »84 and the feileral law »192 to each volunteer ___ It will Iwe m m , that the »84 referred to in the above paragraph is the sum of the bounty paid by tl,e »-ate of New York. Kliould there be any truth in aitisi neat itue Wb PROWeiish B in de r T w ine. Machine Oil. >f the M a c h in e Exira*2“" BAY view hotel • grace to Idra. However, .1 , . . - P itie s are CASSIDV making Acme hi« headquarter« for à SIDY A SON o __ ’ S0K - - . . Proprietor». « ellb r.d , but tbe good breeding must He likely to remain in hi. present of-1 few dava. I» |„ „ |, rtl(r at«,»«. M o r e n o « , O r e gon. Schooners Danielson, Lixxie Prien and li ' **' ° U *'*rd «nd “ One day last winter a lady «.«„,« Into H“ ' until the .Senate d , . ^ . of the se v - I " m g A Wing have an,led from s J c®nv**“ 10“’ ,ud «»k«>ify that culture of • m »w » . » » * la my drug store and asked f.,r a brand of • « I treaties, which he Tables furnished w ith ‘He spirit which makes liar,I,ness and cough medi,fuel hat I did not baveri ............................. .............................................................................. all th e .lock ,’1 say. Mr. C. R. Grandin, ti.e p.,p- in onaideratenete impossible, and which delicacies o f the season, Give ns uiar druggist of Ontario, N. V. . hi. retirement, it to generally gforffie. tl.e object of it« affection as the a call . «sanmed Webb and Mr». E E W a ite went down »'«»«Ihne of heaven tint, the petal of ti.e was disappointed aud wanted to kn« ßt'st-class what cough prepari Hion I could recoin- that I,e will be suec-eded by Secretary Í On ,b* Ldhan to the > mouth of the river unfolding dowel. ' I mend. anidri her that I could freely “ '**• -------- «®» «» -- «be - head of the ward«.I 1 toslay reenmmand Chamlwriain*« Vmitfh R, tra- pertinent. ------------ "ork on tbe new church is progresa LOGGING TEAM AND tiiu » - o ■dv end that she rould tak FOR m « . . . a » , , . ¡th thc That part of ‘be s,.,,«| contingent ¿ 2 “ hottie of “n d “ •*,nrt Hme another ’ SAIF SALE. the remedy and after giving |t a /ajf whieh ,lM retnrne trial if she did nit find it „„rtf, tjle resort a I, ia I I , -------- Acme s swiftly growing list, «•>• aummer money to briug bank J lie bottle and I t"p,c* °* ‘“tereeting "ne million feet of good fir Umbercon- H nffxl gossip, ono tlie marriaga of would refund the vcnient to the 8,u.la„ R.wr for sa)e a, , ' b u p ;e « n « ’ - » reason.ble price. Logging , T. N. SEOAR y, ready built from the tian timber ,m. river, I X v - , _ w m a . ’ her to the *’ «0« wbbt . ' Proprieto so six head of number one work ST« m v ít t r e J f lu i. i u f r i oxen and a pair of hull,, fty,,,, eigtit years old. Inquire g F*** S a a n a Roowg. recommendation the remedy.” Binsrev W a it i , well worthy friend who hod suffered rimilorly I put EufcmæLtonre n Í for m I o by O. W. Kurd. °f « "oble husband and an ideal wedded th* • < Kodol Dyspepeta'Cere Acme, Oregon. i n , A C M t^ l y L o c a te d . = ire. life. Many congratulations were cabled LH“ to »tomng fast and will soon Ie able sprains t *o work. Before he n ^ ) Kodol Dyreí’í •'"in» »nd lamenerel IC nicg, Jßjj ' « « "«»blog j,,„ . . g ^ < ^ 1 tolte Care I'reew. I n d e r i n — Z w t a Z t o E H o g g in g and H i lion IIIIliT o ro o m ß ATH C Evei-ything n the Hard ware Line. for b e r c i a i Mek -MfionaJ fot.- wreck. Meier a K, -.. a Por r i/.' »at Oregon. í 'vare r- LrQ H N E , Comp. ORE qon . 4