ACME COnriERCIAL CO. CLOSING OUT SALE Of Men’s and Boy’s Clothing and Furnishing Goods, Continuing Until the Entire Stock is Sold. These goods MUST GO and will be sold at a Sacrifice. W e H. WEATHEIÎSOX ” IS Editor and ÎPrvprietor. FANCY bu m s : DRY GOODS, LADIES’ TAILOR MADE aixl MILLINERY GOODS. Just .TIMING BATES MADE KNOWN ON AP­ PLICATION. • eenta par liltv, e a c h in s e r tio n Received, an elegant l,ne °e T. Is N one too Good. Sperry’s Best! Family Flour "V". T. Hooper moved to A. R . Buttolpb’s e or Douglaa counties call at C. ranch on North Fork a tew days ago. IO N O F ___ Ulen’» office. Born, in Florence, Oregon, on Friday, e E. Parson* has been appointed . w wter at Creswell to succeed T ry - October 4, 1901, to M r. and Mrs. Ernest R J i i ) T i ) T i® u,y‘ re,,igned’ Lloyd, a daughter. ’ t I sty-seven bead of sheep for sale ix B R p K ite Om 'V jy'A E . H . I) a VII., Point Terra.«, Ore. Goods Bickleton, Wash., where l.e was ' in bl,8iness ,iere to 8l8V 80(1 >' m8ki,|K vtSSSaMMWi and notice sent to Sheriff W ill.- enW " l!l" 11 to furnish meat regularly Sugeae. He was brought hack to to tho8e wl‘° " i8h U' ________ Where he waived Do you suffer from piles? I f so do and is.held to await action "of t"™ to surgery (or relief. D e W itt’s He is accused of Witch H»zel Salve will act more quickly Henry Bidwell, surely and safely, saving >ou the expense n e Extfl°w* *ro,n G’ *■ ^ ln,8lox 8nd tw° and danger of an operation. Meyer A Kyle. S iii A U F F PERSONALS. O IL PRO SPECTS. ! tions strong that oil can be found in the ! vicinity where he obtained the rock, He intends to prospect further, and pro- poses Soon to bore down and see what lie can find. O U T O F CANS. ▼ D ry Goods, Dress Goods, W hat is said to be the most important suit ever begun in Oregon, is that com­ menced by I .add hsvin« worked for four lo ren ce several several ¡ J'e8rs i,‘ i tl,e transacting business in F MOteme svlvftn. an(1 f81" 01’8 °>1 regions the of Penn- weak and has opened dress-making par­ lors over A. O. Funke’s store. * M Eugene, Oregon. For sprains, swelling and lameness there is nothing just as good as Cltam- bprlain’s Pain Balm. Try it. For sale davs this week. by O. W . Hurd. Chas. Gibson, who has been logging A new sign has been put up over the near Meadow this summer, has moved door of the Bay View Hotel to guide the back to Corvallis. traveller to that well known hottse. Sophie Nicolle moved to Florence this ted—90 persons desiring to dis- The steamer Roharts came up from real estate in this vicinity to call ^ 1 7 0 0 fn Uce, their property on our list. Coos Bav last Friday loaded to the J liV J {(J: Weatberson. guards with merchandise and cannery supplies. books in the Salem office of the Married, in Gardiner, Oregon, Wednes­ rn Pacific Company show that at fj«lial rates the freight on e x h ib its to day, October 2, 1901, by Rev. W . W. >m the state fair would have ag Edmundson, M r. Alfred Pyrhz and Miss Clara Sparling. pany trans- ail exhibits free of charge. About Nov. 1st will have 3 or 4 tresh IR E VP-TWiihyoe have no appetite, do not milch cows for sale. Grade Jersies— v t o ro*,r ffxxl Mnd leel dull after eat- cheap only for the quality. Am over­ ™ ■ T n i may know that yon need a dose stocked. J oe M okbis , J b . imberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tlte Florence Lumber Co.’s mill re­ ,2 8 cents., Samples free sumed operations Monday morning after H e rd ’s drug store. being shut down most of the time for u A U llB tW tb « SB. old pioneer of over two months on account of the strike ■ | » d i e d in theasyl um at Salem last in San Francisco. B K T " r-T cf Cents (tbWeB »o the Western House. A full line of staple and fancy grocer­ '«d eeeond hand sewing machine ies at Meyer A Kyle's. ft. Inquire at tb it office, The schooner Sacramento was towed big heat e u h price paid for green down from Acme yesterday. safley’». The steamer Lillian was on the beach B chicken dinner at the Western for repairs several days this week. - on Sunday when you are in Flor- We received a fine string of trout from ‘N < W n c print plat« of any township Chas. Vanderburg a few days ago. i on We Carry a Fine anti Ladies’ Tailor Made -Suits, Jackets, Capes and Millinery. W E S T L IN G S. AND Ì5 W IL SO N , need the room for $1.60 a year in advance. the poet-officc at Florence, Oregon, a« second-class ST< X.’K OF. FRANK 8 We H ave a .C om plete Stock B oots and Shoes. ************************** Yonr patronage ia always appreciated, sad no small yonr purchases, you may rest assured it will be our aim to sell yeu the beat goods obtainable at reaaoaable METER &ZYLB * Hova Qlwoy, 4 * * * on HanJ a Pin« $toolr of G ^oeE f^iE g, k e D ry Q oo d s, W ft B ros Q o o J ., CARD OF T H A N K S . A new remedy for biliousness is now on »ale at O. W . H u rd ’s drug store. I t To all our friends who so Hndly. aided 118 called Chamberlain’s Stomach and us during the illness and after the death LivsrJCableta. I t g ves quick relief and of our little one, we give our sincere will prevent the attack if given aa soon as the first indication of file* disease ap­ ttianks. pears. Price, 25 ceuts per box. Sam­ G eorge S avxiieks axd F amily . ples free. There is more Catarrh in this section 9 of the country than all other diseases . Dr — ---b Hobbs' s* Svan S v a ra ra Pinteara al! MAaar Illa. S a » ala Iraa Add » m i ' arona Masaa» Ca .b a u M e a » put together, and until the last few hen, I n d . : “ De DIED. Mothers everywhere praise One M in ­ E arly R is e r s never bend ute Cough Cure for tiie suffering it has years was supposed to be incurable. For ‘ a great many years doctors pronounced ' >M»Uke pills, but do their Near Point Terrace, Oregon, Sunday relieved and the lives of their little ones it a local disease, and prescribed local I make ine feel like it has saved. Strikes at the root of tiie morning, October 6, 1901, Stella, daugh­ remedies, and by constantly failing to thorough, reliable. trouble and draws out the inllainiuation. ter of M r. and Mrs. George Saunders, i The children's favorite cough cure. cure with local treatment, pronounced i I aged 5 years and 6 months. it incurable. Science lias proven catarrh 'f iX t S Funeral services were held Monday Meyer A Kyle. i in circulation to be a cnnstitntional disease, and there­ tl»e effect that afternoon by Rev. T. A. Yost and tiie 8 T R IK E S E T T L E D . fore requires constitutional treatment. ! Indicate that yonr fiver lieen given to body laid to rest in the cemetery at H a ll’s Catarrh Cure, manufactured by I Is out of order. Tbe , who died sml- Point Terrace. After a strike of eleven weeks, the dif­ ! F. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the beet medicine to rouse r being on a spree ficulties between the City Front Federa- only constitutional treatment on the I the liver and rare all O O O N E W S comes from those direction of the these Ills, is found In : tion of San Francisco and the Employ­ market. It ia taken internally in doaea , who take Hood's .Sarsa]>arilla for tern examination er’s Association were settled by arbitra­ I Irorn 10 drops to a teaspoouial. I t acta scrofula, dyspepsia anil rheumatism. weed was made Steuurtsaan'cthut W O O D ’ S C U R S S tion, October 2, the governor of tiie j directly on the blood and mucous snr-1 n. They found ! state acting as mediator. | faces of the system. They offer one, . tSesota Bold by an sue FURS W A N T E D . from paralysis, The terms of settlement are nearly the hundred dollars for any case it fails to of a blond vessel, The highest rash price paid for all same as those contained in a proposition cure. Send for circulars and testimon­ and pressure on which tlte Draymen's Association made ials. Add. ess kinds of furs and bides. to the Brotherhood of Teamsters on F. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo, O. G. C. Ccurrow. W M . B B Y N D, Prop. Sold by Drogaists, 75c. nights I snffered At Reddy’s Meat M arket. Florence, Or ' August 30, souse concessions being made Everything in i-onnection with the i by both sides. As the Brotherhood of Hall's Family Pills sre the best. attack of cholera T O OUR PATRO NS. H oumc ia New and Pirxt-GTaaa. , of Teamsters was the first to quit work, by eating cucum­ ■ the other organisations striking through ber, elerk of the r« have made arrangements by ! svnipstny, wtien tbe teamsters settled lie, Iowa. ” 1 ch we w ill furnish the Weekly their difficulty tbe reel were free to go y die, and tried a but ail to no' Oregonian witli the W est for one year back to work, For Infants and Children. The notice of the public is called j bottle of Cliamher- to any addreaa for the sum of tv.o J.-I- I t is understood that tha employers to our naw n and Diarrhoea Ian javahle cash in advance. will give work to as many of timir old l relieved me en- ------------" ...... ...... ">«“ • • ¿"bi but will not disrfiarge Bears the is lev sale hr O . i « 4 e e a « v T r w n e w e ta WMk CassaesSs their non-union man who are competent , where Hot and CoM Batba may ba CvrxlT Cstlmrtlr, ears eoMtlpaUee lersver. and wbo wish to remain. had at anv time. ■s-aw O C.O.C.lath N—till Ava Tear KMaays Boots « Shoes, T KK Gent’s Furnishing Goods, Constipation, Headache, Biliousness, Heartburn, Indigestion, Dizziness, C of H a rd w a rE , Paints, Oils, etc. tfoorf'« P///« WEOTERN HOUSE. C A S T O R IA Tki KM Y ATCTNTIQN TO COIOOECIAL TBA71LL1M. SPZCIAL Han Always Bai|kt ■ATM nfwl —— P rices as Low as tiie L ow est I K42«, ROOM i W opeQ ce. «iCj