H 0 F ie e i ■ S T ‘ A D V E R TIS E R S |t> SIUSLAW’S OKLT PAPES. j O PP O R TU N ITY 4 j 8 " ' " ’1 : ip t FLORENCE, OREGON, FRIDAY. OCTOBER 11, 1901. Of •NERAL DIRECTORY ',p- n ’ »hen, ’ Kid». •I in lîfv STATE OFFICERS STEA M ER M A R G U E R IT E , A Z Z o -----W ill m ake Sf. T . s & a »rial S T A G E U IN E . T. G e e r. trips H H. Barrett, Prop’r, ^ 5 k;='FiofflC 6 a il Head of Tide. Stage Leaves Steamboat Landing on the Umpqua for Florence Saturdays. Returning, Stage Leaves Florence fun or............. 1,1 i ry ot fj’ate. er . ..F . I- Dunbar. regular daily F. 8. Moore, \ ----Between----- ' ly General D. K. N . B l a c k b u r n i ..........\ . R. 6 . B e an stea m er ------ makes daily trips ----- - M p p l D i s t r i c t . . J . W . H a m ilto n taftb .ting A ttorney LiLLrAN . O ^ - M. Brow ,J M a p |e t o n t() b -ANI) ÎQ UNTY OFFICERS Sundays. Extra Trips When Necessary Charges Reasonable. *• Noll «• an i aj . ,H . R. K in c a id . I ........ .(. IL l i n i H 8 V ........ H . D . E d w a rd s SH ' u u in i Leaves Mapleton at 7 A. M. Leaves Florence at 2 P. M. On SUNDAYS leaves Mapleton at 8 A. >1. and Florence at .8 P. M. ■ t'.'» r.ooci.lW BI .... .E . U . L ee .. W . W . W ith e r s . ..A . 8. P a tte r s o n ••• •'•I * « » v - ¡ n • a j p • . > ,D . P . B u rto n W . M . M ille r R«.««,;, Superintendent. "■ 1 . V r* ' ........ THE STEA M ER A C M E ,.C . M, Collier .'^ C .' IL H Gridin " of P eace' S T A G E L IN E . E. B a n g s , P roprietor. Stage leaves E ugene for F lor- ' ence daily except S unday a t 6 a. in. i A rriv es a t F lo ren ce th e day fol- low ing a t 10 a. in. R e tu rn in g stage leaves F lorence ' for F n g e n e d aily except Sunday a t a t 2 p. in. A rriv es in E ugene a t 6 p. m . th e day following. W ill carry freight and passengers 5 00. from F lorence to San F rancisco. Single fare - - ‘‘"“A , „ ----- R o u n d trip - - - - 0.00. W ill also b ring up fre ig h t »• IHO, T ick ets for sale a t E . B angs’ ' CITY OFFICERS. Ukicii i liv ery b arn , E ugene, an d a t O. W . —- F o r fu rth e r inform ation in q u ire H u r d ’s office in Florence. f . . . , .'. . . . , .M a r io n M o i n s - OF All th ro u g h freight on the stage Lu < E. Ai Evans, >wl feli I _ ' | W. H. W e r tlii- r s o n , c ith e r w ay betw een E ugene aud A. W . B E A D L E & CO. •-Ol T r u s t e e . - ! W (n n r v lllli »re»«, ____ 1 M apleton, w ill be charged at th e (.L . . C C b h r r i s t e n s e n . I am t— 22 M ark et St. ! rate of tw o cents per pound d u rin g , «U. ¿Uí’. V /Á . .L C. P h e lp s »Utti., San F rancisco, C alifornia. I th e m o n th s of O ctober, N ovem ber, i Stt n S s O. W. Hurd D ecem ber, J a n u a ry , F eb ru ary , I rer . M arch and A pril, and one cent pet- .. .G. C. Cumpton tl......... pound d u rin g th e m onths of May, i *t >!-e, _ - •Mein ------- _ - j ---- I J u n e , J u ly , A u g u st and September. hlj t »id . ÔfdÜ iAa'- y ' C. - C u m p to n t T .- i i L ...» » .. ft G. ÏGI- Ô» .h< ♦ av 4 »> * ♦ * ORTHERN Pacific, Ry. -3EOR5T SOCIETIES Í * iiomacb. V __— - wt like 5w m Ï ; A. M. F lo re n c e L o d g e N o . 107 »»thin«, e g u ia r s o m n u u i i c a t i u n o n s e c o n d .r tb S u v i.c la y s to each n e - o h J - “ £ . \V. COHB, \ \ . M - $ f e, - •-r.<- i •' actually agni end bo utvw cob ^ - » - « gw a red, chu" oiubbjiwíT 'O I attribute at they will •<«) I f takua W. * Perpetua Lodge, N o. 131, Ì JT the poor and t h e A rg a n d v is itin g ligu re cordially m o r S le e p in g ,.l------- I rt Jet g o * Brothers in id « a tt e n d . . b B E vass , N. G. C a rs E le g a n t D in in g C ars • - C ars 8T. PAUL ■■hiieiit, No, 42. hall ill F lo re n c e GRAND »LO REN CE. - - - M A R IA N M O R R IS, OREGON MAPLETON. FO RKS W IN N IP E G F r id a y of e a c h EUGENE BUTTS iiotiB , O. B. .1. A. Y m i Street, Florence, Oregon. BEST FOR THE BOWELS Bank If you haven’t a rotfular, healthy movement of the bowels every day, you're ill or will be. Keep your bowels open, and be woll. Force, in tho shnpeof vio­ lent pbvsioor pill poison, 1 j danRorous. The smooth est, oaslest. most porfoct w ay of keeping tbo bowels clear and clean is to tako Of E u gen e, Oregon CANDY C A T H A R T IC TO -. NEW n eatly Kazor Honing and S cisso rs Grind­ ing a sp ecia lty . F ront T H R O U G H T IC K E T S O. F.—Sunset RvbekalI l.o d v c No. C H IC A C O 14 meats .n Odd F e llo w s ’ h a ll, ice, the woond and f o u r th T h n r s - W A S H IN G T O N -enings in each month. P H IL A D E L P H IA p o p r ie t o k . OREGON. Loan s Savings H E L E N A * '» t P Sh avin g and H aircutting and prom ptly done. D tA N , Uniteù States Commissioner CROOKSTON Hi is degree are Ask TON S R IA L - PARLOR. FA R G O TO Pectoral for .25 cents. your druggist. O re g o n and NOTARY PUBLIC, DULUTH Now, for the first time you can get a trial bottle of Cherry P U B L IC . M IN N E A P O L IS : f . i i s , N . g . M bs . “ My wife was tro ib le d with a deep-seated cough on ¿ungs /o r three yea rs. Q ne day I th ought o f how A yer’s C herry Pectoral sav ed th e life o f my sister after th e d o cto rs h a d all given her u p to die. So I p u rchased two bottles, an d it cu red my wife completely. I t to o k only one b o ttle to cu re my sister. S o you see th a t th ree bot­ tle s (one dollar each) saved two lives. W e all sen d you o u r h eart­ felt th an k s fo r w h at you h av e done fo r us.”— J. H . B ukgk , M acon, C o L, Ja n . 13, 1899. • MORRIS. FRED. C. S leep in g D O, PMU B<*. ! NOTARY T o u ris t ). F. Maple Lodg« No.. 13'J. m.-ci- 'ey Thuraday availing in Meyer A Hall, MHpleton. Oregon. I'.r. th- id ltanding invited to attend. rth noo, MARION , “ Heeetft LodgeNo. I l l .m e e ts W ed ftp q d fci e v e n in g in L o d g e s Here is evidence : , N o tary P u b lic ,S u rv e y o r ’ W m . B ernhardt , M. W. ' X e N O T A R IE S . to attend. • l«n (without n K. R. BUTTOLPH, Sec h a ro GisappwHi, d except I T h e r e a re h u n ­ d reds of cough m edi­ cin es w h ich relieve coughs, a ll.c o u g h s , excep t b a d ones! T h e m edicine w hich has been cu rin g the w o rst o f bad coughs for 6 o years is A y er’s C h e rry P ectoral. F |o r e n c e EETVBX.- a o EU G E N E -FL O K E N C E » s m , HAKU ON THE NEUVES cjraftutfrig »nw TRAVELERS’ GUIDE TRAVELERS’ GUIDE. A YORK MKDY COXPAflT, CMK AGO or »«W YOÜÏ health. Addreu _________ ’nate Saturday J K 'W J f À v m e . Visiting invited to utt.-i ■!. Gito. G. I 't - i i , ' . t • ■Olerk. et, most c 1 lii.uwnd sous ireatiwii- General Agent. ; Kooma 2 and 4, SUelL.il Block EUOEXE. OREÓON. A. D- C H A R L T O N , A asi.tant General Paaaenger Agent. *¿fló Morrison St., Cor., Sd. P o r tla n d , O r. C ollections receive our prompt atten tion. STEItUSG RI City and County Warrants bought. KEEP YOUR BLOOD CLEAN W .E . BROW N. President F . W . O SBURN. D . A . P A IN E . Vice President. W . W . BROW N, C ashier. ÁTTORNE A. DR. U. ATWQOP. A. P H Y S IC IA N & D E N T IS T . Motto: Kind Treatm ent, Prompt A tteuiiun. Good Work. lighter ani! us prove it OB. C. H. T. ATWOOD. A ss t Cashier. DCCCK, Diseases of Women a Specialty. JOHN O. BECK, l ’t. Terrace, Oregon. ittomey a t L aw , W. H. WEATHERSON, Florence, Oregon. Watch the Went for Trip» to Coaat. Eugene, : : Oregon O regon iS -R oom s 7 and a IlelA reii'» B n iM in g . la U o o tto n fiv a n to c o lle ctio n s and pro c . H. H O LD EN , OlW" r O R N B Y - A T - I j A W . — - ' s audUr».U!I»CÏB. D O N ’T Florence Real Estate Agency. bought, soli I and eltchaiiged. ' R I E ^ W lands a specially. Í Do You W a n t a H om e in W e s te rn O regon T R A V IS , - a t - L aw . 4 « n a n * Saslngs Bank Oregon. e H otel. W est E u g en e . NE AND ENCE ROUTE. Do You W ant a Ranch? 4 4 Your L ife aw ay l You can be cured o f any form of tobacco uaing easily, be made w ell, strong, m agnetic, full of new life and vigor by tak in g M O - T O -B A O , that m akes w eak men strong Many gain ten pounds in ten days. Over ed. AU *” . druggists. ■“------ --------------------- *— *— 1 ’•- *<- cared. Cure guaranteed. Book- . ------- and advice FREE. Address STERLING * XMEDY CO., C hicago or New York. 437 1 Do You Want Town Lots? Do You W ant Timber Lands? D R U G G IS T S , E u g en e , Oregon. 4 Do You W ant Unimproved Land? 4 4 Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. 4 WE BUY AND SELL ALL KINDS OF REAL ESTATE ON COMMISSION. elOIIN C. BECK. AV. II. WEATIÎKRSON P ro p and S M O K E V IN C E N T & C O ., Como to F lorence and see th e fine farras and beautiful forest« in th e Siuslaw valle,y. and ollee TOBACCO SPIT A O O, O OO YE â SJ j 4 T h » L o v e A f f a i r « o f t h e F a t h e r o f T il« 1 U o n u try . George W ashington’s love affairs be­ gan at a very early age. and be was to the day of his death “fund of the girls.” I t T a k e « Y o u t h a n d S t r o n v à b afcd . The first sweetheart was one Mary C o u r u t ; « t o H o ld a n E u v l u e r r ’a J o b llland, with whom he fell In love when o n O n e o f T h e s e B r w lu W h i r I t a * . he wag only 14 years of nge. This Is N e rv e H a c k in g R u n s . i ascertained from an entry In one of bis “One of the greatest difficulties of ; diaries, where he refers to her as his the real inoiiutalu roads, like the Colo­ j "lowland beauty.” Having tired of rado Midland, the Hlo Graude Western i Mary, he wrote to a friend that he had •nd the Denver aud Itlo Grande, Is In decided to “bury his chaste mid trou- ' getting engineers,” said the city pas­ ! blcsome passion,” which, havlug done, senger agent of the lllo Grande West­ he soon found himself enamored of ern road. This gentleman is fuinlllar i Lucy Cary, a sister-in-law of Colonel Not only in feelings but in looks. Ths with all the interinountaln roads, Falrfnx. H is affection for this young rin is clear, the eyes are bright, the where the trains have to all but fly to j lady lasted for some years, being only cheeks are plump. No more pain sail i Interrupted now and again by his nut reach some of their destinations. niiscrv, lie more sick headache, no 1 “One might suppose that all roads unti Virginia pussion of making love jaundice. What worked the change? would look alike to the experienced en­ to every pret.y girl whom he met. Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery, gineer, but they don't. Along aome of ! In 1T52 his first serious love affair which cured the disease of the stomach the prairie roads an engineer can take i was shattered. Having falleu In love that preven -nl proper nutrition, and Also a run on any new track almost ns well with a certain Miss Betsy Fuuutleroy, cleansed the clogged and sluggish liver. Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery as ou one he has traveled for years aud j he determined to ask her to become Ids knows with his eyes abut. Hut here In I wife, hut the fates had destined him cures diseases of tile stomach and other the west It Is different. Down In Colo­ to marry another, for she rejected Ills organs of digestion und nutrition. It cures diseases of lungs, heart, liver, and rado, where are some of the greatest proposals. He afterward came back other organs which seem remote from monuments to the railroad builder to st to her, but found Hint she had not the stomach because many of these dis­ have ever been erected, an engineer changed her mltul on that score. eases have their cause in a diseased eon- lias to travel over the roads sometimes Ills next heartache was caused by n dition of the stomach involving the utrrtion. for weeks with old. oxperienoed engi­ girl In New York ufter lie bud become allied organs of digestion and nuti - I »ent von a letter about a year ago.- neers who know the track before he n colonel. She w as the heiress Mary Mrs. 1 Ellis Hninilton, of FaniiinKton, Marisa will be trusted with n train. It Isn’t a Phllllpse. H is business called him Co.. .. West We»t Vn. Va. - I »toted tny ca«e 0« pin Inly as t question of engineering ability; merely away from her; but, having finished could. Hiul received 4 letter frum you in • t davn. tvlliug me to m»e Dr. Pierce'« Golden Med­ one of experience. this, he returned to New Y'ork and pro­ ical »¡Ncovery and Favorite Pre«erii>tfnr !ain t. am i th in k I am cured now. I aekeed edge character and ability, who lost of Daniel Park Custls. We learn from our doctor if he couldn't cure me. und he «Ud lie could give me medteiue to help me but the their nerve with the first trip and took | history that she was young, pretty, In­ trouble might return any time. 1 doetoeen the first train for a flutter eouutry. telligent and rich. He had been with three yen nt without any relief Haven't had headaehe «Mice | took the firet bottle or Dizzy reverse curves, trestles that her all of mi afternoon and wus to ride fick your medietue." seem to totter In the wind, precipices away to his home the next morning. Dr. Pierce's Pellets cure constipatioa. that seem to yawn for a fellow’s life On Ills wny he stopped nt her home and grades that are a revelation of and then and there told of his love and horror to the newcomer crowd In be­ asked her to become his mate for life. wildering confusion on the view, and This time, contrary to his previous REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. unless a fellow Is ns stolid os nn ox or proposals, he w as accepted.—Chicago nervy as the mischief he Is apt to lose Tlnies-Ilorald. The Florence Real Estate Agency his head. Its» bargains to otter in the following ‘‘You would be surprised at the num­ property, H O U S E H O L D H IN T S. ber of young engineers who are on the 160 acres on upper North Fork, about mountain roads. For one thing, a man Set a email box of llnte In the prntry, 12 mile» from Florence. AboqttOscrws does not last there as to» does on a less and It w ill help to keep it dry and the bottom, 4 or five acres oi it cleared, apd picturesque, more prosaic run. It takes e small barn on phtee. Convenient to youth and strength and courage of n air pure. Soda should never be used for flan- j school. County road ernases tbe lend. - rare order 1 > stand It all. The compa­ 23(1 acre» ol land fronting about IJg nies are th most appreciative In the nels, and If they are kept In good con­ world, for they realize how hard It Is to dition they should be neither mangled mile on Slusl«w river, about 6 miles get a good man. and they treat a good nor Irontxl. above Acme. A good bouse ant(. barn, Mud stains eon usually be removed man right royally. But even this does a young orchard, and 16 acres cleared. from silk by rubbing with a plpce of not attract a surplus of the right sort Convenient to school. $10»X) srortb of flannel. If the stuln proves obdurate, “The principal dangers are In the heavy grades and In the sharp corves, rub with a piece of lineu saturated timber on the land. About 20 head of cattle will) the pt*<*- HteamefS to sad though landslides are far from un­ with alcohol. If your window glnss Is lacking In Irom Florence pass every day. Price, known. One must know Ills train aud Ids road like a book to get through brilliancy, clean It with a liquid paste including farm, stock and m«cbi*erjN with his life on the Marshal! pass, for made of alcohol and whiting. A little »3600. Instance, where you seem to plunge of this mixture will remove specks and 100 acres, five miles sooth of Florence, headlong down the mighty hill. A rock Impart a high luster to the glass. fronting nn Clear latke. 14 acres havo on the track, a broken wheel, a runa­ To render feather« white Immerse been plowed and 16 acres more slashed way car or a failure of the brake« to them for a short time In naphtha or work would end In a smash up that benslnc. Blnse In a second dtoh of the and ir. grass. A comfortable booeo of would startle the whole country. The same and dry In the open air. Then six rooms, a barn and other outbuild* hill might he a glare of lee or frost. It bleach by exposing In a box to the va­ Ings, a bearing orchard of 76 trees and « might be wet or snowy, and If you set por of burning sulphur In a moist at­ good wagon road to the river. Prloe the airbrake too hard so as to start the mosphere. »1250. Stock trill be told place i f wheels to sliding down the blU you gn Good clear starch Is easily made. desired. ' like a gigantic toboggan, with dentil Wet the lump starch with cold wnter, 168 acres lying on both stdes of mid destruction at the end of the ride. stir till smooth, pour on boiling w atef Creek, in Section 2, township,17, l The management of the airbrake aud and cook till clear. It takes a quart of knowing where the curves and danger­ trailing water to "clear” tw o table- 8. About 100 seres bottom, with « O i« ous place» are Is the greatest part of an spoonfuls of lump starch. I f too thick, acres cleared, and 40 acres house and good barn. On coonty engineer's education In the mountains. tblil with blued water. about H milelruin School and] "For my own part, knowing the dan­ gers ns I do, I feel nerv-ms nfter riding Several million feet of good fir timber on ln e lo d ln s th e F r a m e . 100 miles over the wildest parts of the Ills Indulgent friends hnd praised bis the place. Price »1000. Time will roads even ns a passenger. I rode attempts nt painting and drawing to given on part if desired. through the Itoyal gorge on the engine such an extent that the youth really 80 acres of timber land «bunt fqur a few w eeks ago and w as glad when Imagined him self to be nn artist. Ills mile» from Acme ami mile front Siue- the ride wns over. It makes a fellow wealthy friends even bought Ills pic­ feel trembly like to think what might tures for considerable sum s of money law river. Has a large quantity of fir and cedar timber which can he easily hauled be, though the worst rarely happens. “to encourage him,” as they said. Such Is the care taken In equipment Itecently In walking along the Htrnnd to the river. Price »600. and In getting the best men that the In Irandon he wns ranch delighted nt 120 seres ol tide sad bottom land mountain roads have as sinull a propor­ seeing ono o f his pictures, finely fram­ fronting on the Siuslnw river shout nine tion of losses as the dead level ronds of ed, In a denier’s window, especially as miles above Florence. A large, new the plains. But It takes a man of nerve he wns w alking with a pretty lady be­ frame house, a good barn, and a bearing to pilot a train through some of the fore whom he wished to appear In the orchard ol 11 acres on the place. About wilder regions. Iteat possible light. 20 acres have lieen plowed. Steamer to* “A freight train Is the worst. In that C'tlllng the attention o f the lady to Florence pusses the place every day.t It Is much heavier than a passenger the picture, he said: and Is expected to make almost the "Pardon me, but I have some curiosi­ Price »5000, including stock aud ma­ same time. All the heavy stock trains ty to know how my pictures stand eoin- chinery. going cast, 25 to 30 cars, make passeu- I merclally." A good frame house and two lots in ger schedule. A freight is so loosely West Florence, near the river. A n ew 1 And the tw o entered the shop. coupled ns to be very unmanageable at I “My good man," said he to the keeper sidewalk to the property. Price »300. critical polr. s. The stock trains nre the j of It. “what Is the price of that picture 40 acres of land on North Fork about terror of the engine drivers and all the • In the window here'/" 3 ’g miles from Florence. One acre trainmen. 1 "Three tAilHIngs.” cleared. Price »200. “A fellow Isn’t necessarily a coward “Great Scott!” cried the artist recoll- 41 Hcres on North Fork -bout five when he throws up his Job ns englueer Ing. over tlie mountain roads, after seeing The shopman, thinking the exclam a­ miles from Florence. Several seres (Ida wliat the dangers are. Not one passen­ tion to he one of surprise at the high land, the rest bottom aud bench land. ger In 10.000 would assume tin- same price. . added: A comfortable house and a small barn danger. The position calls for nlisolute- Well. It Includes the frame!’’—Ex­ on the place Price »700. , ,, . ly steady nerve, and one who feels that change. 100 acres of unimproved lend on North he Is likely to get rattled Is dnngerons Fork about ten mile» from F'oreuce is to himself, to the company mid to ail T h e S a e e rs a fs l D e e te r . offered for snled. Near to county road. who ride behind him. A man must The king o f purgatory sent his llctors think and net like lightning In the fnc«> . to earth to bring back some skillful Will make a good stock ranch. Price of so many dangers that he must tie Chinese physician. "You must look for »450. sure of his ability to stand the strain. one." said the king, "at Whose door I A tract of »bout 50 acres fronting on No one stays any great numlier of there nre no aggrieved spirits of dlseni- | Ulear lake three miles south ol Florence. years. It Is beyond one's power to do bodied patients.” The llctor went off. ! A fair house and about five scree cleared. so" and be safe. A man may be brave I but at the house of every doctor they I A good wagon road from the place to mnl willing and all that, but these are ' visited there were crowds of walling \ the Siuslaw river at Ulenaila. A «we not enough. He must he sure and proof ghosts hanging abouL At last they agnlnst stampede. Much n man Is worth ’ found a doctor at whose door t hero was place for a summer residence. Price rverythlng to the coni|ianles. and they only a single shade and cried out. »500. 100 acres ol land near Clear lake lying treat him like u |»rlnce.-— Butte Inter- "This man Is evidently the skillful one Mountain. we nre In search of.” Gn Inquiry, how- . in section 11, township 19 sooth, range I ever, they discovered that he had only 12 west. Price »250. A O la r h F lo w e r . stnrferi practice the day before.—Giles' ' 112 acres unimproved land lying aw Fame and fortune await the Ingen- "History of Chinese Literature." the north side ol (Jlesr lake 8,*^ asUaa loua horticulturist who e n ti s u w d In south ol Florence. A good wagon road producing a flower tliat Is viitirely T a Be W le e . from it to the Slnslsw river. Price »000. l>lsck, a prublcm that h ss liltlierto de­ "Ef you w ants to git de reputation o’ fied the efforts that have been umile In 138 ar res of land nt Elmira, Oregon. knowlu a lot.” said Loci» Kben. "keep that dlri-ction for more than three cen­ A box bouse, good hern, »ml plealy of still an let de yuthub feller talk. He’« turies past. for. notwlthslinidlng the gwlneter to go a way wtf de Idea dal you outbuiliiiugs on prsiuieaa; « aeres sensntlonsl novel of Alexandre Dumas, rouldu't he’p train purty wise abter lls- orchard, 1U acres In c"U i»a«o«. M f entitled "The Black Tulip.” liiere Is no such thing as a isnlly black flower In tenlu so long to him.”—Washington acres more clesred land, slasbwli balance, bra existence, although altnoet every color Star. land. Price »20 per sere, »1000 down. and shade of the rainbow Is present In Be brief, for it Is with words as with Fbr fnrthrir Information (lowers and blossoms. ■unbeauit. the mors they are coudeosed Po»nl ' 1 be deeper they burn. W, 11- W vsthsrsoa, D e e e H fs I. "Bnt she looks so confiding." •a «sali wd» SU C H A CHAHOC. tm. G e n e ra l B a n k in g B u s in e s s I |te Camp So. FOND O F T H E G IR LS. JS Transacted on Favorable Terms r.iA fignon Ixxlge N o . H 105. ! B O S T O N A N D A L L iehekfth Degree, meets it. \ A P O IN T S E A S T a.nt S O U T H Drafts Issued on th e prlncipnl c itie s of the ÏV A H all, Mapleton, th e ¡ - ' i.ie l ..m Por Inform ation, tim e cards, m ap . and ticket» U nited States and foreign countries. E A T ’ E M L IK E C A N D Y J \U .d a y evening» in e«;h month. etc., cali 011 or write Pteaaant, Palatal ’.«, Pot«nt. Tasto Good. I><> Good, M attis O. H i d >..\, \ . «■• Interest allow ed on Demand C ertificate! of r niCKPH »vo»Kuu. «»r vsiij»»-, » p«r box Write for ire« «ample, and booklet or F. C. B eam , Sec. R . M c W lU R P H E Y , Deposit when left stated perl<»d. -i.il, elegance«' RUNNING TRAINS OVER MOUNTAIN ROADS IS RISKY WORK. NO. 24. 11 artlfle'.ally dige->ta t he food and aids Nature In strengthening and recon­ structing the exhausted digest»»« or­ gans. I t Isthe latestdiscovereddlgesV- ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach It In efficiency. I t In­ stantly relieves and permanently cure« Dyspepsia« indigestion, H eartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea. Sick Headache, Gaatralgla t ’rampsand all other result» of imperfect digestion. Price Me. shd *1. Lurga.toerenmlBalHtim* smailsls. IkraSallalaiatCuiap-.iaia.Iioair»'-« m> e. c. d - « it T ‘'rh s t's Just vrhs« makes her so hor­ The average man gets angry every mintnn, Clip® Ctzsintsirea Can't r « Cathartic, • c o . Chieoe» rid. When .von get 10 know her. yon time be la la tbe wrong and knows IL— na.2fte.--------- U U. O. O. laÏL «rusaista r Jud that she hes nothing to couMds “ k iv u t « KYUL