r t h e w e s t . Get the M ost Out o f Your Food RESOLUTIONS OF RESPECT. ORDINANCE NO. 30. A WORTHY SUCCESSOR. Florence Lotlge No. 107, A. F . A A. An Ordinance m aking the assessm en t! •‘S o m eth in g New U nder file S u n ” M., at th eir regular coiinnunicatit n 1 lor the cost of building a sidewalk on Main, Madfson and First Streets. All doctors have tried to cure O atakkk adopted the following resolutions: The Tuicn o f Florence doe» Ordain aa by the nso of imwdc.s, aeiil gaces, inlial- W HB bkas , The m urderous hand of an Pollute»: i i rs and drugs in paste form. T heir pow- c -e. . . . . . . .¡tie rs drv up the mucous m e m b ra n e assassin has ruthlessly cut siiort the sect on 1. T h at whpreas the Boartl o f . r „U9j„g t|,eill (O crack open and bleed. great life of W m. M cKinley, the beloved Trustee» -------- ------- of ______ ..... used in the inhalers of the Town Florence ....................................... dal, 1 The powerful acids I’reeident of the United States, at : a time ' 0,1 llie tl“) H 111,1 ,la)' of F ebruary, 1901, pass 1 ll;lve entirely eaten away the same ineiii- d i day w hen, with love for all and offense to - Ordinance <>rJina" ‘ « No. N » -‘- 28, M. ordaining th at a side- side-I I |,r» l n ie * ,lia " " ir "’" k,er? ' la w » i" '* 1 »” . /»V lo r ail atm otienre t o - __ . • , cure, wla.e p is’es and ointm ents cannot w ards none, h i, wise counsel and strong i ■ , " i « ' 10 n n rt,‘ °t or P»™ tnereof, as per TAR R if C U R E ,” mid is sol Being asked w hat course lie would take tremely low price of One noe one of th e m em bers of congress who us but ali m ankind to a loftier devotion i the following list, the sam e to be col­ package containing internal iu Congreae to work in the interests of went to Hie P hilippines to study for him - ’° J “ *F 1 »nd lected according to the provisions of tlie medicine sufficient for a full m ottth’L ch arter. tlie fair, M r. Tongue replied: treatm ent ami everything necessary to . **■* th e actual conditions in o u r new W E LL S E L E C T E D STOCK OF W iibkbas , As President of tlie repub­ its perfect use. Section 2.— m a t is . a very difficult < question to possessions, has retu rn ed home “ S N U F F L E S ” is the only perfect ffe lic a t a period w hich will ever he known ) ORIGINAL TOWN. ¡CATARRH C U R E ever made and is •new er. Yun will rem em ber th a t P o rt-I gives B< No. of No. of IN A L L S H A D E S A N D new and j IflOt. Block. Name of Owner. Amount. now recognized as the only safe and pos­ R IB B O N S itive cure for tlm t annoying and disgust- I QL in our national life, he I 1 fi W H W eatherson $ 4.22 ing disease. It cures all inflam m ation i 2 5 quickly and perm anently and is also A It P e a rc e ... 9.04 , b M H a rtle y ......... governm ent shall endure, entitling him 3 9.04 wonderfully ¡¡uiek to relieve HAY i te introducing or shaping legislation ¡„ , conditions. They are taking kindly ,o ' •» rank with FEVER or COLD in tlie HEAD. 4 6 C ora 15 Andrews 9 01 the wisest of statesm en, CA 1 A liR H when neglected often lends 5 5 e o o T iZ ' i’ A b i" G° 'e m w e n ., and its m easures are the noblest of patriots, and the Geo M Miller .. 9.04 to CONSUMPTION — •• SN U FFLES ” fi 5 greatest X i , ,0 V ^ ' y P° ‘,Ul" native 9 04 will save you if you use it at once, ft is id • • of A m ericans, now, therefore, l>e it 6 7 I W Va w ter 9.01 no ordinary remedy, but a complete S E I Bourse, hv either Senator. If in t h e ' population. T H E M ? - S E E T l i X to i * til In the districts th a t have 5 treatm ent whicii is jiositively guaranteed | Resolved, T hat Florence Lodge No. 8 L M Miller . 0.04 H ouse, it should he done by Represent- been for u nt I? c,,re CATARRH in any form or stage 5 years scourged by war, indue- j 107. A. F. A A. M., do hereby give ex­ 8 4.91 if iisetraecording to Ihe directions which ' ^ . 7 / 7 , ' , ’. up . M .« H - le. 10 5 11.15 i accompany each package. D on’t delay, t pression to our heart f«lt grief a t tlie 1 4 that all <4 i i . . ii.c .iw r , „ .„ „ y ,,,.,,, r a cl Geo Soverns . 11.15 j but send for it at once, and write lull ' dreadful calam ity th a t lias overtaken I 2 «< .i 4 tion from Oregon, both in the House j country is passing through a reconstruc- 9.04 particulars ns to your condition, and vou i Fancy Line of Ladies’ and Cents Neci e on (A n .« , I „ „ ~ -------------------------- i '» — ' « » » . « « d « u . ' 3 4 9 04 i will receive special advice from the dis­ Win C hurchill coverer of this wonderful remedy regard- ■ 4 sam e as th e South and so good a m an. As a citizen we 4 3 H| 9.04 ing your case w ithout cost to yon beyond upon th e legislation to he introduced after Ihe Civil W ar. 4 L M M ille r ........ 9.04 ' tl,e regular price of “ SN U FFL E S,” tlie I saw in all tlie honored him , as a patriot we followed 6 ng g and urged, and act unitedly. W hatever 0(14 “ GUARANTEED CATARRH C U R E .” / 4 A 0 C le v e la n d ........ 9.04 light provinces evidences of the ravages of **“»>. an J now, as men an d brothers, w e fi Sent prepaid to any address in the 7 4 Lord & Thomas course of action may be decided upon, I ! war. 9.04 United State« or Canada on receipt of* '•mad fie ld s und villages have been *uourn him . L et ashes m ingle with *i «i 8 4 ehall take off my coat and use all the ( burned, and irrigation ditches 9.04 One Dollar. Address Dept. 1, EDW IN! c mi O A R E FU L SE LEC TIO N O F ___ upon “»be«, an I d ust w ith dust, but while the 9 4 L M M iller 9.04 ; p? GILES A COMPANY, 2330 and 2332 energy,and w orking ability I posses, to , which the agriculture of the country Iah I 4 tomb shall hold in its unyielding em ­ 10 11.15 .Market Street, Piiiladeiphia. • w is t in m aking th e exposition a sue- largely depends, have been r bit allowed to brace th e body of W m. M cK inley, bis U C E S A N D E M B E O I D f f l »ne t cess. I believe in it. I suggested some- go to ruin. $182.32 GENERAL NEWS. Now all this is changing. sp irit shall live until tlie end of time c o x ' s ADDITION TO FLOKEXCK. Ioidi t Z Z ? t i’ ,in eW ,D ey ear’ 1‘'f0’ b 3 t ‘ t Field' Sre be‘n,{ r” >Unted’ villages r c No. of No. of and to th a t cause for which his life was Hon. Seth Low has been nominated Name of Owner. Urn tim e it was not verv enthusiastically built, and th e natives beginning to re- Lot. Bloc«. Amount. ■werificed. F inally, he it j by the republicans ami citizens union 1 6 O W H u rd . .. received. I t » ill be a wonderful advan- sum e their agricultural life. This gives .. 11.15 I tickets as the anti-Tam many candidate Organdie, in Assortel Shades and W hite Goods Resolved, T h at this lodge he draped 2 6 . 9.04 tage, not to Oregon or P ortland alone, a look of tlirift ¡fi Quante to th e country, and a in m ourning for tl.irty days, an d th at 3 « L H P o tter .. .. . 9.04 ! for mayor of New York. h u t to th e e n tire Pacific Coast. E astern of n 4 5 m arked transform ation will he seen these resolutions be published in the to Select From A fight took place in San Francisco Letta Bergm an. . 9 04 people are g etting very m uch interested w ithin a few years. I can im agine no plat 5 Sunday m orning between strikers and 6 . 9.04 W a n one issue. 0 . W. H lbd , 1 A l 6 in ns. They are w anting to know more 8 Wm K y le ... . 9.04 policemen. Seven men are known to be g reater im provem ent than has been ef­ C hairm an Com. 7 6 nine •b o u t ¡u s. They w ant to know more fected in the brief period of American M F P arker. . 9.04 wounded, one of them fatally. 8 I last 6 “ “ ............... 9.04 E . H. H errim an has been elected ab o u t this portion of tlie U nited States. ru le .’’ GREENLEAF ITEMS. 9 6 W A C o x ................. 9.04 president of th e Southern Pacific Com- I all I T h e tourist travel is increasing rem ark ­ <4 «4 10 6 on b! pany to succeed Chas. M. H ays, re­ 42.78 Sept. 28, 1901. ably. E astern people a-e coming here It ill well known th a t wasps do much 1 and 6 " “ “ .................. 9-04 signed. H e has been chairm an of the L a te s t in C e n t s ’ C o lla r s George H ale and five com panions yes­ 2 instead of going to E u rap e. The 1905 inj ur* to iru iL »>>d com plaints have been 8 a n d G o lf Shn M F P a rk e r.............. 9.04 bile executive com m ittee of the Southern! terday came over tlie m ountains with 3 6 trael exposition would bring them by th e . nuni,,rou» this season from m any qnar- gun« and a two-iiorse “ “ “ .............. 9.04 Pacific. He will direct th e affairs wagon after wild 4 6 O W H u r d ............... 9.04 that company from New York. ns TC thousands. It would do m ore to make te rl lb ii country ; hut it appears th at game. << << <4 5 6 W E A R E UP-TO-DATE IS ’c h‘at It is now thought that pugilistic events ................ 9.04 the East acquainted with this coast, th e possible injury to fruit by ttees baa Road Supervisor B etkshire is happy 6 S ................ 9.04 may soon he revived in Chicago. An with our people, and with our resources, been tlie subject of an exhaustive inves­ •g ain . Alts. B. and the family 7 6 w A O ox................ 9.04 ordinance authorizing the appointm ent V E R Y T H IN fP * « home from a visit to her m o th er’s on 8 than all other agencies combined fo the tigation by tlie C alifornia experim ent S O W H urd by 1 of h coin m it tee to 9.04 Coyote Creek. T h ere’s a wagon load of supervise “ wrestling fi la®t ten years. It ought to be a success. stations. Tlie conclusions arrived at are 9 05 and other boxing exhibitions” was them and none of them very larue 10 Y O U R S 5 It must lie a success. Every genuine th a t although the m outh p arts of bee« either. T R U L Y 11.15 passed by the city council and tlie mayor ’ declined to veto it, thus perm itting it to Oregonian, having at heart his own wel- are so constructed th a t they m ight he M artin Olson and l.is team have kept $218.76 become a law. i a « \ and tlie welfare of the state, will used for both eating and in ju rin g fruit, i moving so steadily between (l.is place Total. »401.08 T h e w ill of the late Preeidwjt MvKin- Lertawly do every»'-«..« to. w , to all the evidence obtainable points to the and Eugene this fall th a t the road looks Tliis , „ O rdinance shall be HI full force 'ey has been filed for t.rol.-.r« t i , make the exposition worthy of the intel­ ¡ Lw» : th a t is very seldom tl.at a n g jn ju ry worn. " " J effect ironi and after its approval by «mate and ’ ‘ ' 1 d income of personal property t no X * ...o. i . . . — 0». Fierre done. In tins co u n try the b<$ lias W tiicnt and Miss Annie the P resident of the B oard of Trustees ligence and energy of our people and the Alamasi jacked hops in th e sam e box in and publication in a new spaper for ten koos to Mrs McKinley during her nat­ rarely bee,, accused of doing any injury variety and extent of our resources.” ural life ; »1000 is to be paid to l.is m oth­ a valley hop yard this ye„ r , and th days. to fruit, b u t in th e fruit-grow ing dis­ liked it «0 well th a t they decided to oc­ er annually while she lives, and after Approved tliis the 21st dav of Septem ­ her death th a t am ount 1 goes to his sister. 8c (tool savings hanks are steadily tricts prem ium s are offered for the de­ cupy th e|san io box the rem ainder of ber, 1901. The estate is valued ai , th eir lives, and when they got home at about »225,000. M arion M orris , growing in favor because they teach the struction of wasps' nests.— Scientific A Milwaukee dispatch of September j limy announced tl.at they had become Pt A m erican. e n t of tlie Board of T rustees of the pupils habits of tlirift. Tlie principal of I man and wife. For the present the Town of Florence, Laue Co., Oregon -J e a y s : J he annual tour of inspection! ol the board of m anagen ot th eÑ U m .aí a Softool in West Virginia also calls at­ The value of live cattle exported iron. bride is stopping a t h er father-in-law ’s. A ttest: Soldiers* witl, 11 il0 ,“ e W8a C0ll,P|eted today tention to the (act that a noticeable de- Ihe U nited States for the year ending G eo . O. K nowles , Recorder. I t l l a p p .n e d lu a D r u g S t o r e . w«th the inspection of the National Perm has been brought a lo u t in tlie “ One day last w inter a lady came into . . . , 30, 1901, am ounted to 437 696 »so ome of this city. General McMahon let w Over-Work Weakens •m o u n t of caudy and g UIn con.um sd by , against »:(0,635,153 in the year’ ending my drug »tore ..ml asked for a brand . f speaking o f the hoard, said: “The bond oung girls and th e n um ber of cigarette« 1 Ju n e 30, 1900, and »30 514 8 ft cough m edicine I hat I did not have in Your Kidneys. ¡velo] T ,„ . ...................................... „ „ X X . " ’*“ sto ck ,” says Mr. C. R. G randin, the pop. OOd’l w —V...U ,n. jvui vii'iing Ju n e Unhealthy Khtaeys Make Impure Blood. Ute homes for the good and s „fiicient j 1899. The value ular druggist of O ntario, N. Y. •,Si»e reason th a t experience has taught us dicate th a t the pupile are learning the of th e dressed beef id bu and beef products was disappointed and w anted to know ! ‘»t tt is better for the veteran and for ! »I meaning of thrift—that it is n o t , am ounted G ott what cough preparation I could recom - •e people in the community in „ h i d " ' to »14,225.379 for the •ry three minutes. •rivet • ly ..» ¡n g money, b u t cu ttin g off ending J „ ne 30, 190 1 ; »42.i70.407 for year the m end. I said to Iter The kidneys are your the homes are located.** i tl.at I could freely «•lai blood purifiers, they fil­ •x p en d itu res an d foregoing had 7 « * ending Ju n e 80, 1900, and »34,087,- recommend C ham berlain's Cough R em ­ D rv G o o d s , * C r o c e r ie lg Ml ter out the waste or edy and tl.at she could take a hottie of habita. “, S , * S s s ; 'ï i - y 1 874 for the year ending J llne 30, 1 8 ^ . Impurities i i the blood. ■ ?  S a n d ★ l ¥ o t i w « eni the rem edy and after giving it a fair M The value of hogs and hog products ex­ «rial H .h e did not find it worth the! The governor of North Carolina bae wex ported for the year ending J u n e 30, 1901, money to bring back tlie bottle and I ! adopted a wise course in the matter of Pains, aches and rheu­ The j «m ounted to »120,703,000, against »112,-’ would refund the price paid. In tlie matism come from ex- Irugx granting pardons to conyicte. He h course of a day or two tlie lady cam e ' .Of. url° acid ln ’he notified the people of that state that all 379 574 " 1! ” pr*Vl®“* > e“r’ and ♦11«.- back in company with a iriend in need * A W blood, due to neglected kidney trouble. »« 379,674 in tlie year before Hint. of a cough medicine and advised tier to petitions for pnrdom must first be ad- buy a bottle of Chain berlaiu S A I ■”« vertleed for a certain length ot time in nel. I It hae been dem onstrated a t Sabine E u gene , O reg on. tlie newspaiwrs of ttie locality where the recom mendation for the rem edy.” I t i, poisoned workine Dumping LlJ he M blood In throu^X etos »hi„i. and' ,ki>.’• 9-50,000 tbie ie to prevent pardon« being quietly but ' llrI»l«S, - - . m arine peet, wl.ich i. , o destructive to R E -D READINGS. Tb« oui now now modern modern science science proves »h.» 7 railroaded without proper examination ■ 50,000 j J- w . CARMAN! • « constitutional disease,’’häve t ä » wharf piling, was supposed to work only PROPHET/»«»1« "ing in kidney lro’u b k 7 ' aVe ,h®ir begln' October 1,1901. We offer eve Iwing mode ae to the merits of the case, >1 th« in salt w ater. The fall of a w harf David Beers leaves for Eugene to d .v 1 v If you are ,r e sick slck you can make n« , vm. A brudent C S * tlte practioe heretofore. school '.u g eu e today by firs( doc,or|n„-,v„ „ 7 i1, ^ alte no_mlstake book! •tending in fresh w ater at Sabine P as, «0 attend school. •nd 'he e«teordfna v e f 5 ^ tn oi Dr m‘!d --fa ile d J - G. H endricks, Mr. 1 syloi and family retu rn ed from because of the honeycombing ol its filler ... 1 resident j - 15. Eakin wM A new law makes the next November j by th e worm throw s new light, however, Eugene I.at W ednesday. ■ » tee President cutodgrass. ? .u .J : h ? y.'.,,r ? " d M" M’ M ilW 8« « d S d o n » , m e r » , " 105* l ! h . Potter. . . . . . . . Cashier term of county court« tlie time for fixing 0» ite vitality. B in d e r T w it n s . Asst. Cashier maile a trip to M apleton on business, the boundary line of election piwdnele. by all druggists In fifty- Sunday school has been closed for the cent and one-dollar siz­ • The January term before an election wae Efforts are now being made to have es. You may have a w inter. M a c h i n e O il. Eugene, th e tim e by tlie old law. Tlie limits G eo rg i. join th e num ber of so.Hl.ern •ample bottle by mall ----- M aster Dewey Mann was quite ill last lre, e ;«a b ° P*mPhl«' 'elUngyou hoaMnRfn?j ’ • N. SEGAR, m ost be fixed by tlie courts eo as to con- states th a t h a re provided for th e die- week. Out If you have kidney or bladder 1,? Li » « .M m .,,,.;. ' P ,0 ’ r l ' 1» ' torn» to w ard and road d istrict bounds- ir«‘";l'i»cmont of illiterate negroes. Tlie Mention this paper w hen w, ritlne. M a c h i n e Extras. Mr. Ferris has gone to E ugene with riw. I t to also provided th a t no eluetioii 9 "netion of revising the state conetitu load ol c littem . S trictly F ikst -C i . ass . preeinc« will liave more then 300 voters. | lio" ll'« ‘ purpose i t being vigorously F ree S fl»L « R oom «. Stella Milledge spent Friday at Her­ «cter »nd S,H«I repi'itailAn’ln ew-h 8 ° F < , P etitio n , to tlie court lor desired change« ‘ «fiiteted, and it ie probable a convention mann. thia c,unity required, rer,r-7U . Rti*e iu c p n f E[, r R,t Lio“ r a ' ;<,,BK,-:-s eM selebllahed wealth« hueiiie.fh ni1 "'•'ertt''' Us ¡net ‘ be brought in at the coming Ni» will be held before long. Mr. Pool 1« helping Mr, Bump e n . i . l »tending, «elarv s is ,o f C e n tra lly Located, move jB ” IT"W’ «.1dltlnn.l, »»»G v with bis household furniture. wem ber term or precinct limite will Wednesday direct tn.tn he,Ei, ¿7 n T"*1' (,‘" h headquarters fcr Mining, Mill aad -»•nged. w calic.1 C ham berlain's Stom ach and Misses Clara end Eva Taylor are at- SI to $2 Per Dav W.VNTID—T R l’RTWORTIly g y y Ö Eugene, . . Way n*»n » to «« i» It to intereeting to note that the U n it­ L »-¡labi« ta. U g r j i quick relu t id lending school in Eugene. meu tr a .._i w l and . .d r e r ti.e , , , AND Wi »Ui p rev en t the attack il g ,VP„ « , i .« — o — • —■■. - n .,,..,.! „en.,1 r old eitnhlished Oregon. b o u .— w fw g id B ati State« Supreme Court ie more nearly as tl,e fir«t indication of tlie disease ap­ bad long suffered fL tn indtge,. y w . n d expense». «11 p « w |.|, I bail ’ rW * A ” N I - W U m » yog can. Ip with ite docket than it bae been for pears. Prim, 25 ceins per box. Nam- tio n ,” w rite. G. A LeDeis. C e d .r City, Kot Ol" ‘The A uthentic f j f e of {fia and titeliMf Mo. Like o th e r, I tried m any prepar. •elf «ddrej,ed stampe,! »meet half • century. This important plea (rue. .Mar­ atione but wm . t> re J P r e ,i <>«ntr” but never found an y th in g th a t elem ent wee made by one of tlie oldest Which te ll, . h «h,,,,, did me any good until 1 took Kodul D ye- Wc find on our table a copy ol “ Public H l. Boyhood P»«-» 1 of the court, ¡«elio declam i that p epeiaC ure. Cue bottle cured me. A BAY VIEW HOTEL, n i' m! i!::."!;’’'.',’' lh .. Land.” T nis is a weekly publication friend who bed suffered sim ilarly I put «■er on the I tribunal ie now only about a ye C A S S ID Y A SON ’ recently establislied a t Spokane. Waal,., on th e use of Kodol Dyspepsia C ure. j ■ ite docket.— Ex. ’ P roprietors. Governor ¡ hl _ _ n and devoted to those intereoted in tlie He is gam ing fast and w ill , o n I e able F l o r e r» °® , O r e g o n . inten-it t ««Mustion, ful lertth, oat even- i n Ameriani, win’i " i to work. Before lie u»«i preserve wa„i to • .»Id st « Puce thaï ail party of expert .len n ä n ehip- public land of the Uuited States. elot I ohi •M M ind. unti i sia Cure iudigeetion had m ade him w .n u thi •n atr-nl.” ■ boek of Tables Airnishetl with all • Kveryí>ne I re have been inspecting our ship- total wreck. Meyer A Kyle. the Thrffitng v »leliewicsoftho season P cw ltl'e Idttle Early Kisers never d.e- Oue point tlieae subjects of tlie te r ic .t F « c „ . " Give us WURS W A N T IO . a call can era reel y fail to appreciate is appoint. They are safe, prompt, gentie, ff i. ".»• d«v «tu effm-tfvo iu removing all impurities Iron» « .'.n , l w ' "" "'itnt «iiî w,’in« , it. -- Send 1 The highest cash price paid for all alno of tlie American werk iugulati ,.n'r *- "Dwr the liver and bowels. Small and easy ¡0 • mde of (ure and hide». A first-class »'it our Hob. 'ffd. rs Bu,^ d Ilia American m achine.— Hwl I lake. Never gripe or distress. Meyer froi R , „ ,, , G. C. CvMrrow. tail. A Kyle. T H K O () At Reddy t Meat Market. Florence, Or in fU aL lU U icU KVKUY F BIDAY MCBNINO.__' You d o u ’t a n d c a n ’t if y o u r ttom ach ia weak. A w eak stom ach doe« not di- geet ail th a t is ordinarily taken into it. PboaxaCB, L am b C o d k t y , O bm o x I t gets tired easily, an d w hat it fails to digest is w asted. • - - BY - Among th e signs of a weak stom ach are uneasiness after eatin g , tits of ner­ vous headache, a n d disagreeable belch­ ing. “ I have taken Hood’3 Sarsaparilla at alnerent times tor stomach troubles, and a Editor and Proprietor. 1 run down condition ot the system, and have — » _____- — - ■ --------------------------- t**n g r e a tly benefited b y i’ s u se. I would ------------ ------- not be w ith o u t it in m y fa m ily . i a m t r o u - r lo r e n c e , O reg o n . O et 4 If m l b , d e sp e c ia lly in su m m e r w ith w eek Rtoiu- . e. u , u u . 4, i j i j i . acl, and nausea and Hod Hood s Sarsaparilla w. H. WEATHERSON fancy H ood’s Sarsaparilla Braids and Gimp Trimming, Goldand Sil is LADIES’ BELTS S I M OF LADIES' AND Ü » Children's Waists in Sizes to 9 *4 CHEAP cash STOKE! ★ F ir s t N a tio n a l G o o d s as f?eoresenteiS wm Hotel Supplies. E v e ry th ^ n the Hardware Line. kih I o ) Griff,’ m H a rd w are in eoancrtion will, the i,Oua(, teikUn »life, Proprietor, ¿ w ^ ° Company. R E a 0 N ’ x ' « « Y 8 W SSf5!tssssSj