T H h i V Z J B S T . WASHINGTON LETTER. , Isthm us of Panam a, lias Iwo «mail w ar­ A W ORTHY SUCCESSOR. Scrofula ships anil a battleship on the way tlie'P, ¡ ( F rom O ur R roular C okkkspoxdext .) • •Som ething New Linder th e Sun” I two via the Pacific and the other via th e — PU BLISH ED KVKKY FRIDAY MORNING.— Few are entirely free from tt. W ashington , August 19, 1901. ! A tlantic. The European w arships seem It may develop so slowly as to cause All doctors have tried to cure C atarrh title if any disturbance during the whole Acting Secretary H ackett received a to have been oreered the-e under the by the use of powders, acid gases, in h al­ ers and drugs in paste form. T h eir pow­ crio j of childhood. call today from the three gentlem en wh o impression th a t the absurd story puh- ders dry up the mucous m em branes F lo rrn cb , L ank C o u n ty , O rego . n It may then produce Irregularity of the lished in E urope, alleging an intention causing them to crack open and bleed. stomach and bowels, dyspepsia, catarrh, j are counsel lor Adm iral Schley. They .nd marked tendency to consumption Tlie powerful acids used in tlie inhalers • - - by - • • jefore raanifestins itself in much cutaneous ' carried a com plete list of the witnesses on the p art of this country to seise and have entirely eaten away the sam e ineni- eruption or glandular swelling. Schley desires to appear before the court hold the Isthm us, was true. W ith war- It is best to be sure that you are quite free from it, and for its complete eradica- of inquiry and requested to be furnished Bilips of several nations in adjacent cure, while pastes and ointm ents cannot reach the disease. An old and experi­ (ion you can rely on with a list of the witnesses of the navy waters and fighting on tlie Isthm us, it enced practitioner who has for many E d ito r a n d P r o p r ie to r . | d ep artm en t. M r. H ackett inform ed would be an easy m atter for some hot­ of (lie treatm ent of C a tarrh , has at last The best of all medicines for all humors. tert tnem th a t th eir request could not be headed naval officer to make serious perfected a treatm ent which when faith­ F lo r e n c e , O reg o n A u g . 3 0 , 1901. e co complied w ith nt th is tim e because, trouble which m ight result in a big war. fully used, not only relieves at once, but = - ===== CONSISTING OF — — ----- bnui perm anently cures CATARRH, by re ­ ú «*- owing to the absence on leave of Judge moving the cause, stopping the dis­ WESTERN LANE COUNTY ROADS. T here can be no doubt tn at tlie re­ charges, and curing all inflam m ation. “A SKIN GAMS ” Advocate Leinley. the list had not yet Fancy Hair Ornaments, Hair Combs o f all De««**11 sponsibility of great wealth is more I t is the only rem edy known to science mo th a t actually reaches the afflicted parts. The desire of our co in iy officials, as been com pleted, but th a t in accordance I pot C harles H arwood and some o th er “ po- dem onstrated in the past two or th ree 'v*tli th e practice of the deoartm ent, the acutely felt in this country than ever This wonderful remedy is known as 1 . - I before. L arger gifts are made in a larger | ‘‘SN U FFLES, the GUARANTEED CA- litl.-ul reg en erates,” are working a t the I TA R R H C U R E ," anil is sold nt tlie ex- rem years, to have a through wagon road to list would be sent to Adm iral Schley, way as fortunes increaso in size and tremeiy low price of One Dollar, each expense of th e only profitable route to ! ., , . , , , ju st as eoon as it was made up. r 7 H I the coast is very com m endable. All the num ber. And we are glad to think that I P-^kage containing internal and ex tern al tlie se t, viz: the wagon road via Msple- The shock received by tlie discovery m edicine sufficient for a full m onth s in h ab itan ts of tlie western p a rt of the it is not pressure from w ithout so much treatm en t and everything necessary to ton to Florence, for advancing the in ter­ of tlie dishonesty of a public official in W ELL SE LEC TED STOCK OF county will be more than rejoiced when as hum ane im pulses from w ithin which its perfect use. ests of th e Douglas county G lenada road " S N U F F L E S ” is tlie only perfect the two enterprises now on tlie hands of W ashington, is of itself high testim ony stim ulates to generosity, says th e New] CATARRH C U R E ever scheme. fer made innite and amt is r » r p r > n \ ! ç tlie county court are completed, so th at of the general honesty of those connected now recognized as the only safe and pos- K I D D D l x D IN A L L S H A D E S A N D QUAI York P ost. W ealth sees poverty and F or th e purposes stated in nnother ! itive cure for ttiat annoying and disgust- j there will he an ex it to Eugene from w ith the public service. T here was gen­ need and stunted lives nnd unrelieved ing disease. I t cures all inflam m ation j colum n of the W est this week this road eacti side ot tlie river. Tlie building of eral surprise when an investigation, and perm anently and is also misery about it and yearns to be a res­ ! ¡qiiickly Is very necessary, but why should a light conducted by the commissioner of p at­ wonderfully quirk to relieve HAY 1 these roads is tlie m ost profitable and Y cuer, a creator of opportunity, and by FE V E R or GOLD in the HEAD. he made for it a t the expense of more economical enterprise in which tlie ents, resulted in tlie dism issal of Edward CATARRH when neglected often leads voluntary distribution to undo excess. ilia i th ree tim es th e num ber of Lane to CONSUM PTION — “ SN U FFL E S ” county can engage, as it opens up re­ V. Shepard, chief clerk of the paten t oo< will save you if you use it a t once. I t is ' county citizens who would be benefited sources th a t are now practically dor- °® t’e’ ^or having stolen $89.0.» from a le. The discontented worries of a morose no ordinary rem edy, but a complete CJjJ"A-T"1 i | 1 by th e older and more practical route? safo in th a t office. li e had been chief treatm ent which is positively guaranteed K— m ailt, and will encourage the settlem ent i person may very likely shorten liis days, to cure CATA RRH in any form or stage 1 W e do not believe in the system of falsi- ■ vs’ of m any new hom ebuilders and business clerk of tlie office for m ore than three and the general justice of n a tu re ’s ar- if used according to tlie directions which | tyin g which lias been resorted to in ! bl years and received a salary of $2,500. , i •„ ... I accom pany eacli package. D on’t delay, i m en. rangem ent provides th a t ins early I bllt send for it at once, and write lu ll, ne order to procure aid from tlio county, I W hile a considerable sum has been j He was regarded as a very efficient parture should entail no long regrets partieulars as to your condition, and you F a n c y L in e of L a d ie s ’ an d C e n ts ’ iNec°w and brand ail such m ethods as infamous. will receive special advice from the d is­ l expended tow ard the expensive work of official. »ok On the other hnnd, tlie m an who can coverer of this wonderful remedy regard­ T he road will havo to pass over four E yidently the U nited States Commis­ ( blasting away tlie many ledges of rock car ing your ease w ithout cost to you beyond laugh keeps his h ealth . To tlie per­ large m ountains, besides the main d i­ P w il ! which were a h in d ran ce to tlie work, sioners of tlie St. Louis E xposition, are fectly healthy laughter comes often. Too tlie regular price of “ S N U F F L E S ,” t “ G UARANTEED CATARRH C U R E. Uiua! vide, and on each there is a heavy grade, not figuring on any postponem ent of the oil the proposed road from Mapleton Sent prepaid to any address in tlie commonly, though, as childhood is left ini. w hile ou the main river road there are and to the rem oval of brush and logs tim e for holding tlie exposition. E x - behind, the habit fails, and a half smile United States or Canada on receipt of C A R E FU L SELEC TIO N OF One D ollar. Address D ept. 1, ED W IN put no m ountains to cross w hatever between from th e roadbed, practically finishing Senator G arter, of M ontana, rep resen t­ is the best th a t visits the thought-lined 1!. G ILES & COMPANY, 2330 and 2332 i n th e main divide and tiiu sea. This th at p art of tlie work, no money is now ing tlie United S tates Comm ission, and m outh of a modern man or woman. M arket S treet, P hiladelphia. • tt would inske th e e x tra ten or eleven forthcom ing for the completion of this Ex-G overnor Francis, of Missouri, pres­ People become more and more burdened limo m iles of road, as estim ated by C ounty 1st f m ost im p o rtan t coast road in W estern ident of the Exposition Com pany, came witii the accum ulations of knowledge Surveyor Collier, to be traversed, th e Mi Oregon. The river route to th e sea is to W ashington for the purpose of getting and with the weighing responsibilities most economical to travel in the end. her the most im p o rtan t project witii which Secretary lin y to expedite tlie P residen­ of life, but they should still spate time Organdies in Assorted Shades and W hite Goods in i 8 f< We subm it, is it right to procure aid tho county lias now to contend, and tial invitations th a t are to be sen t to to laugh. grec through false testim ony and nt tlie ex ­ every governm ent in the world through steps should he taken for its com pletion to Select From .naee pense of another worthy enterprise? Is the D epartm ent of S tate, to he repre­ a t tlie earliest possible date. Vitt A L P H A C L IP P IN G S - it not far more honorable to let this Eugene, Oregon. W ith a view to benefiting a larger sented by exh ibits at tlie exposition. : sor m a tte r wiu through on its m erits? B y E ven C h an g a . num ber of citizens th a n by any other They found Secretary H ay anxious to Paid up Cash Capital, 35 0 ,0 0 0 m eans of road-budding in this county, aid in every possible way tow ard m aking Lyle. A ugust 26, 1901. Surplus, . . . - 5 0 ,0 0 0 FIRST IMPRESSION. and opening a road to Florence for resi­ tlie exposition a success, and secured bis W m. H arris has arrived from Eugene den ts along th e river for over forty assurance th a t tlie Presidential proclam ­ We offer every accommodation consistent witii a load of provisions for w inter use. witii prudent banking. Correspondence solic­ ation should go out nt the earliest possi­ miles, including the m any residents of ited. A formor resid en t of Sleepy Eye, “ IlfTf Cougar seem to be very abundant. ble m om ent. ts. M innesota, in a recent com m unication In d ian Creek, Lake Creek and its trib u ­ Andy A lam asi, w hile riding on liis T. G. H en d rick s......................... President M r. J . C. C arroll, of O m aha, n o w in wheel on Lake Creek last week, had to 8. B. E a k in .......................Vice President atiar from Eugene to tlie Sleepy Eye H erald, taries and tlie many patrons of the Lake P. E. S ro d g rass.......................... Cashier j WE ARE UP-TO-DATE IîâroP* h as tlie following interesting inform a­ Creek road, and m aking an ex it to the W asliingion, said of tlie short corn crop: give tlie rig h t of way. O thers Iiave been L. H . P o tte r......................... Asst. C ashier : seen, and about a week ago one jum ped V E R Y T H I K fö S tion for tlie enlig h ten m en t of his former valley for several hundred residents "T lie farm er is not going to suffer be on one of M r. H arriso n ’s cows, clawing cause there will be 600,000,000 bushels along th e main river and at Acme and neighbors: her neck severely. pile WANTED—TRUSTWORTHY MEN AND WO- I corn less this year than were harvested "T lie country around Eugene looks Florence, w hat more profitable or e n te r­ ______ , , of Greenleaf, ' men **’ *r»vel and ndvertlse for old established [ N orm an Egglesham l“,lld flnanc!al "‘»"«P11»- Ssl«T U«o« | fine, Homo ol it, anil the prices of land prising schem e could tlie county engage last year. In fact, lie is going to profit who w ent to C alifornia about tlie 21st o f ' ' ‘° T | year and expenses, all paynble In cash. No can­ by it, and th e N ebraska and Iowa in th an opening tlie M apleton-Florence Ju ly , was overcome w ith heat, and is range from $25 to $125 per acre, while vassing required. Give references and enclose farm er is fully aw are of th is. Tlie farm now lying in the Stockton H ospital witii self addressed stamped envelope. Address Man out K close to tlie city $300 to $100 is asked, road for travel. font t ager, 355 Caxton Bldg., Chicago. Tlie G lenada-W ildcat road, too, is ers are going to profit liy tlie short crop, typhoid fever. much of th is high priced land is in fruit kiln O. A. P otterf will have his 16x32 foot • n d with good buildings. The w heat im p o rtan t and should certainly be built because the price of corn is much higher jpOO h prune d rier ready in a short tim e for liis than it wus last y ear. The cu rren t price NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. crop here varies and will run from 10 Io through for th e people of western Doug­ a the largo crop of prunes, w hich will ripen in Land office nt Roseburg, Oregon, 15 bushels to the acre In some places, las county, who would be tlie principal of corn is tw enty cents a bushel higher about two weeks, and for his peaches reaac „ . August 14,1901. Noth e is hereby given that the following while in others it will go 35 to 40 bush­ beneficiaries, and a large n um ber of the th an a t this tim e last y ear, nnd witii and plum s. named settler has hied notice of tils Intention proof in support of 000 p els. This is a fine city and they all tell | resid en ts of G lenada and along the line tliat ra le for all his corn th is year, tlie A num ber of our citizens went to the to m ale final hto claim, nnd ttiat said proof will 1« made farm er not only will not lose anything ,1 toe coast last week, paid a visit to tlie light before F. C. Bean, U. S. Commissi of the rimd in Lane county, nnd for the Commissioner, nt Mn- us th a t business is good. Niue to ten good tim e, an d returned i f ö Ä Ä Ä M , viz: ' Join J°hn L' house, had by liaving less corn, but will actually o|iening to settlem ent of large am ount large tran sfer wagons are kept busy all a " ne t ------- The B eautiful-------- th in g yet, nor lias Mr. L arrabee. 1 will fers of tim ber lands the dispatches s a y : lina, w hich experts state is identical U nited States arm y nearly a year ago, i es, tc and who for several m onths past 1ms witii (list used in C hina for m aking m at­ have to get a t som ething pretty soon, ns “ Tlie railroad |>enple have closed ne­ Jhe C , . , , , . .b een lending Filipino insurgents lias | ----- «noel it will n o t do lor me to rem ain long idle. gotiations nnd consum ated a sale of ting. Tins ru sh is a hardy p lant and a ¡ l een CRpture(| by Macabebe scouts. In “ Tslltcoos,” or _____ very rapid grower. The stalks are from ercen There is a new block going u p in tlie city 100,000 acres in Southern Oregon to T. Oharles W . N ordstrom was hung by T E N -M IL E LAKE, one-sixteenth to three-eights of an inch 1 the sheriff of K ings county at Seattle and m any additions to o th er stores, a II. W alker, of M inneapolis, and 70,000 xeent Ponglas County, Oregon, large building a t tho S tate U niversity acres more will be disposed of from the in diameter and grow to a height of ] Friday for tlie m urder of William .Ma­ Chte tron! th ree to seven feet, Tlie annual *°r’ ' n N ovember 1891. ConUini.uf m both 12.91 ac re « - the large inland • n d m any new and fine residences. The sam e d istrict to an eastern syndicate, ourt < Tlie plant of tlie P ortland Cremator- Ss M R, rt'3. «bd the «inali 4 aerea—lying in of m atting into the U nited im putation is close to 6,000. We have I Over in tlie K lam ath country a big C im i n portation distici »ectimi« 2 and 35. t i l o f»- vi v / t i * . • »• . 1 aazvzx l i l i l í .a H B C z4 l i l l l O I l l o l 0 11 1 I ) • v l th re e public schools churches of all d e - 1 slice of 45,000 aeres lias been sold to a ¡ ‘ “ na is estim ated at J00,- fligt ¡Ilciner#|io|1 occured T hursday ). R. PERFECT t i t l e . OOO.lXK) yards, which is sufficient evi- T here were 23 bodies aw aiting inciner- o att nom inations, and all branches of busi- Pennsylvania capitalist. The purchas- For Sale a t $12 Per Acre Kmeri ne-a are well represented.’’—H ans Mo ers are m aking decisive stc|>s towards deuce of the value of a successful a t­ ation. re» th. Add rex»: gefsen. | building a railroad spur to connect their tem pt to m anufacture it from reeds j Mrs. S. H . A llport, Johnstow n, P a., x> atti found here. The m anufacture is said to ! W . H . W E x lT H E R S O N , — t 1 m ills that are to lie with the main line flave 1 say s: “ O ur little girl alm ost strangled be a sim ple and inex;>eiiaive process and to death witii croup, Tlie doctors said _____ r l ‘*r»"c«. Lano f'ountv. Orason. •¡pie r th e publisln'd of the Soutliorn Pacific. In thia project One might think from ..._ r ------ - ----- - .......... r- - , — ¡ 1 • 1 , 1 ■ ---- ------------ ------- tnra s statem en ts liia t it really took money in “ æy «re to lie assisted by other big him - "* " , g y ’ kllleJ lnbor b ,,0‘ ,h e «O“ ''*»’* «»•> but she was instantly necessary. It may be ttiat the m atting relieved bv One M inute Cough C ure, The NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. tlie am ounts m entioned, says an ex . her concerns already doing business in £ 2 1 lì °* Msplr m aking industry shall prove one of th e Me7e rA Kvlt change, to form th e gigantic tru sts th a t th e K lam ath field. Such a railroad will greatest boons for the negro ttia t lias Notts. ¡■h"?,; ¡,'i ;T 'plia?- m e becoming to num erous. If it ilid °P®n *° Oio m arkets of tlie world ini- there I ever arisen for any race from a com bina­ June in« 3 l.dx. «nttn.vj * » "S '? « of in fon tliere would be no money left for oth er tnense forests of virgin tim ber. l* r land* Xwn4la. .:-n;tw»...1,,<,,,n L t a!i,i-.-.‘". tion of n atural and m anufacturing con- bridgi , Including th e rocent »ale of 55,000 purposes. e«1 t» n ll lheÎbïbiicïJ!n.’i*r thv p.m ha«v of the i,.¿ 1 ’" ‘.o"’'.'"* U «, The coal producers ot England sre , tional publications, both here and in tlo n No. ts. in tow i has recently dispose.! of 227,000 acres of .b ill ‘ml will filter pnxil threatened with a new rivalry. Exten- «uf i'' ,h o a ''.l ii.m th« '',!a ln,„i ¿JT.’ E urope, may result in m aking tlie revo­ 1- more v»ln«t.U-ï.’ . rï,7 "|','ù r'a ‘ l.h1 'l.,i ’' ,'1 e, for the reason that the oil hum s n ,,,'o,, •ll** produces ami uses most iron side of th e Isth m u s of P anam a, and E u ­ w ithout smoke and can be stored with *° • • material ropean cablegram s say will send others, ' The highest rash price paid for all T. Barn««». Reti,rar. » a 'orencc. O r ■ ’’" *« «»»»« »nd ndvertire f„, o l.tre u M .X ii States in the vear 1W0 shot ahead of all long lived they would no doubt supplai t Tins government, which is under a 1 ; ’ * • ' ■"’’ «-’ pen,,... p, ,,ra ” lar> I use of coal in tira whole eoa I lese reg- other countries in the production of iron treaty obligation to maintain lira neu­ » ••» Bara «Is W ith Cnnearera. forever. •»>' addrerae.1 .tnmpe.1 , n».i I ef the eouthweet.—Clyde Herald. trality and ire« transit across across the n « ^ ^ »«.S*, u G & C.ta4L d neatouremadaeruw. agar, M u A'Mre- Maa EU G EN E, OREGON. W. H. W EATIIERSON Hood’s Sarsaparilla NOVELTIES AND FANCY C«£ Braids and Gimp Trimming, Gold and Silv LADIES’ BELTS TTïETFÆ SEE T H »1 ^¡LATEST S.7LES OF LADIES' AND First Ncitiona! B A N LACES AND EMBBOIDEJ E Children’s Waists in Sizes to SiiiF A Latest in Gents’ Collars and Golf Si‘"re IN FACT ■VO URS O . W TR U LY .H U R C A R M A N h Hotel Eugene, CHEAP CASH STORE! ürv Goods, ★ Groceries ★ and * Goods as Reoresente¿ •JORGENSEN IS L A N D S Binder Twine. M achine O il. M a c h in e Extras. Lo ÖÖ nÖ «•••<1 M i n i n g S u p p fe Everything in the Hardw are Line. J. A, r ^,., m „, G r iffin Hardware Compaq §