ran« w ft fffOOl/'S P ills e s t F R ID A Y A r e p rep a re d from N a­ tu r e ’s m ild laxatives, a n a w hile g en tle a re reliable a n d efficient. T h e y M O R N IN G — ►AT-------- iticaoN.— ftoirse /Ao Lsw&t* TI. W K A T I I E R S O N E d ito r a n il C u re S ic k H eadache, Bil­ iousness, S o u r. S tom ach, a n d C o n stip atio n . Sold everyw here, 25c. p e r box. P ro p rieto r. IE WAY OFT bbm «: $1.60 & year in advance.----- I trepaicd by C.LHood a Co.,Lowell,Mas». at the post-. .Ilice a t Florence, GOOD;' tered county, Oregon, aa second-class matter. _ , J BT18ING RATER MADE KNOWN ON AP­ I Descript P L IC A T IO N . n o lle « ! 8 c e n ts p er lin e , each In se rtio n I Silver (Í e n e e , O reg o n , A u g . 9 , 1901. j QUALITÎ ,T3 ! r W E S T L IN G S . P e st is N en e to Good. Sperry's Best Family Flour second h a n d sew ing m achine Inquire at this office. Eugene papers are agitating th e T H E " of holding a street fair. ert McCrae, of M innie, was trnns- I I business in Florence W ednesday. Florence L nm ber Co.’s mill was 5’ N e c k ydown W ednesday on account of ng a pulley. . blue p rin t plats of any tow nship l i J r C 1 P l Pie or Douglas counties call a t C JIJLU u ilU ild eti’s office. largest variety of th e choicest ____ at tlie lowest prices can alw ayys nd a t W . F. Safley’s pop ular m eat rt. I ' l T i^ T ) ¡ f '* * —50 persons desiring to dis- 1 ' l i l t U reft' estate in this vicinity to call place th ,ir property on our list. A W eatherson. _ . S m ith, an elderly gentlem an who ds in Q ^ ^ o rk ed lor Fred B e a ll a t M a p le t o n nram er, had th r e e ribs bro k en a ays ago by falling from a load of to Suit. are informed th a t the Evangelical li is to furnish a gasoline launch re nee of th e ir m in ister here in ig his journeys up and down the A new cabin has been built on the steam er R obarls. B u tter trom th e G ardiner cream ery is now on eale in Florence, A new meat m arket is soon to be opened in town by Al. R eady. A ranch at th e portage on N orth Fork to ren t. Apply to A. O. F u n k e. Prof. R essler. late sup erin ten d en t of Eugene schools, I irs presented th e high school of th a t place a library of 1000 volumes, A gold-filled w atch, w altham move­ m ent, and P ark er hreechdoading shot­ gun, 10 gauge, to trade for stock. G. L. H oughton , Ada, Oregon. W . F . Safley has recently made some changes in his m eat m arket. He is al­ ways on hand to atten d to th e w ants of his custom ers and supply them with anything in the line of meats. O. O. Buck, B eirne, A rk., says: I was troubleJ with constipation until I bought D eW itt’s L ittle E arly R isers. Since then I have been en tirely cured of my old com plaint. I recom mend them . Meyer & Kyle. A nother large party of pleasure seek­ ers w ent io H eceta Saturday. Among them were Mrs. W orkm an and children, Mrs. McLeod and children, Mrs. W is­ dom , her son and daughter, Miss E tta Saunders and Caleb M orton. “ My bahy was terribly sick with the iliarhoea,” says J . H. D oak.of W illiams, Oregon. “ We were unable to cure him with th e d octor’s assistance, and as a last resort we tried C ham berlain’s Colic, Cholera and D iarrhoea R em edy. I am happy to say it gave im m ediate relief and a com plete cure. F or sale by O. W. H urd. SPECIA L MEETING. COUNCIL PROCEED IN GS- PERSO N ALS. J . A. Lev ago and family are visiting in tow u. W in. Kyle went to A stoiia a few days ago on a business trip. C. C. K auffm an, of E ugene, gave ns a pleasant call Wednesday afternoon. M r. M cPherson, of M arshfield, spent several days on the Siuslaw this week. J . L. D aiilin, ol Spokane, W ash., is visiting relatives a t Florence and Maple­ ton. M r. H ollenlieck, of P t. P errace, and a parly of friends, w ent to Heceta Mon­ day. R. N. W eatherson w ent to his home­ stead Tuesday to see about m aking some im provem ents. Mesdames W . H. and R. N. W eather- son were visiting at M apleton several days this week. D. P . Demoss and B. B arn ett are as- assisting H . H . Fisk n t p utting up the telephone wire. Geo. O. Knowles is handling the th ro t­ tle of the M arguerite w hile E ngineer F unke is taking a vacation. F . Shum an and Mr. Pierce, of Eugene, with th eir fam ilies, arrived here Monday m orning on a cam ping trip. Judge P o tter came in from Eugena on his wheel the first of the week to attend to some business m atters in Florence. Mrs. O. L. Brew ster, of Tsiltcoos, was in town S aturday, th a t being uer first visit to Florence for a year and a half. E d. Anderson ami family are now res­ idents of Florence, having moved into the house recently purchased from Fred H olste. Messrs. W arner, Lucky and another gentlem an from Eugene arrived yester­ day for a few days of cam ping on the N orth F o rk . A regular m eeting of the town council was held in Odd Fallow s’ building Mon­ day evening with President Morris in the chair. T rustees Brynd, C hristensen and W eathers«!! and the president a n ­ swered a t roll cull. A bsent, T rustee Evans. M inutes of lust m eeting were read and approved. The following bills were allowed and w arrants ordered drawn to pay for them : Janies M orris, services as deputy m ar­ shal July 4, $3; George G. Pcil, services as deputy m arshal July 4, $3; the W est , p rinting, $19, T he bill of Bay jw H otel for $4 60 for hoard of prisoners was referred to finance com m ittee. The street com m ittee reported an ordi­ nance providing for building a sidewalk from the west side of W ashington street near the Presbyterian church, along the along tlie south side of Second street to the west side of Jefferson street, thence across Second and thence on tlie nortli side of tiiat street to tlie west side of Madison street, thence on tlie west side of Madison to the nortli Bide of Fourth street, term inating a t tlie southeast corner of tlie Kobe property. The ordi­ nance was read twice and will come up again a t n ext m eeting. A petition signed by some tw enty of tlie heaviest tax p arera in town was p re­ sented asking tlie council to levy a tax to provide adequate protection for prop­ erty against fire. On motion tlie president was directed to ascertain tlie cost of a suitable hand pum p and hose and report to the council a t tlie nex t m eeting. A djourned. THE STRIK E. ' WESTERN HOUSE W M . B R Y N D , Prop. E v e r y t h in g in co n n e c tio n w ith th e H o u s e is N e w a n d F ir st-C la ss. T h e n o tic e o f th e p u b lic is c a lle d to o u r n ew B A T H » , . ™ , . , . , . ^ For Sals to Gun and Fish Club, PRIVATE AP A ^A 4r Urv AV W U p ^ Uz W hV Ud We Carry a F ine and Varied Stock o f PARTIES, --------T h e B e a u tif u l-------- JO R G E N SE N I S L A N D S , General Merchandise, Patent Medicines, --------In “ T siltco o s,” o r --------- T E N -M IL E LAKE, Douglas* C ounty, Oregon, C o n ta in in g in b o th 42.94 acres — th o large isla n d 8s.94 acres, a n d th e sm all 4 acres—ly in g iu sectio n s 2 a n d 85. P E R F E C T T IT L E . F or S a le a t $ ia P er A cre. A ddress: Dry Goods, Dress Goods, W . H . W E A T H E R SO N , Florence, L ane C ounty, Oregon. PA Y V IE W H O T E L C A S S ID Y & SON - - Proprietor». Prints, fluslins, Yarns, Crash, Notions, 5 Groceries. F lo r a n o a . O r e g o n . T a b le s fu r n ish e d w ith a ll t h e d e lic a c ie s o f th o se a so n . G iv e u s a c a ll. E ugene, for Mining. Mill Coir.moroial Men. ^ JL O 1Æ B 3, R O O M w h ere H o t an d C o ld B a th s m a y be b a d a t a n y tim e . H o tel , 0 F R A N K B. W IL SO N , SPECIAL ATTENTION TO COMMERCIAL TRAVELLERS. L ate reports from San Francisco say the outlook lor an amicable settlem en t Ira Bray, his son and daughter, Mr. of the strike has considerably dim in ish ­ and Mrs. E vans, and L. O. E m m ett, of ed and indications aro th at tlie contest - - P roprietor. M innie, were among those transacting will be a protracted one. Mayor P helan T. N . SEG A R, lias been compelled to abandon his po­ N ew M anagement . business in Florence Saturday. sition as m ediator. Tlie sand team sters, S trictly F irst -G lass . A. K raus, a P ortland artist, has been about 600 iu num ber, were ordered out spending a week or so on th e SiuBlaw. F ree S ample R ooms . Monday night. T his will leave about H e speaks very liigiilv of th e resources E lectric L ights and B ells j 6000 carpenters and builders w ithout of tliis valley and of its prospects. C e n tr a lly L o c a te d . m aterial to continue th eir work. Tlie ^ ACME COMMERCIAL CO. W e b u y direct from the L a r g e st Jobb in g H ou se* — * M anufacturers in th e country, for CA SH , and w e are enafclsd to g e t th e L o w e st Prices, b esid es a lw a y s b ein g su re o f ob ­ ta in in g first-class goods. W e are n o t p a y in g enormous e x p e n se s and w ill s e ll y ou good s at reasonable nW. »n d num ber of cuts and bruises by the run- j to q u it work ftt a lnoraelll.g notice. n m g a w a y o f a lioree which they were gl.ip owners and m asters of veasels $ 1 t o $ 2 P e r D ay driving j telegraphed to the secretary of tlie treas- E ugene, Oregon. Clias. RoBsell and wife were among Uiy a t W ashington asking th a t Chinese the passengers to Florence on S aturday’s employed on vessels be perm itted to un- N O T IC E F O R P U B L I C A T I O N boat C lm rlie lias resigned his position ; load vessels. The secretary refused to as a m em ber ol the life-saving crew at allow them to goon the wharves, as th a t U n ite d S tates L and Office, R osebunt, OreKon, H am m ond, Oregon, would he a violation of tlie Chinese ex­ A ugust 3,1901. clusion act. N otice Is hereby given th a t in co m p lian ce GENERAL NEWS. We Have a Complete Stock of Boots and Shoes. It is announced th a t G rand M aster Nelson, G rand P atriarch Ryan and Grand Secretary Sharon will visit Heceta Lodge No. I l l , I. O. O. F ., of F lo ren ce,' on Thursday evening, A ugust 20. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * A special m eeting of the lodge will be w ith th e p ro visions of th e net of C ongress of D on’t be satisfied witli tem porary re- J u n e 3,1873, e n t i t l e d '* A n n et for tlie sale of held th a t evening, and after its adjourn- A t V allejo, C ab, the Selby Sm elting lief from indigestion. Kodol Dyspepsia tim b e r la n d s in tlie States of C alifo rn ia , Oregon, i ient a banquet will tic given a t the works were robbed Monday n ig h t of C u re perm anently and completely r e - | leva«,a, am i W ash in g to n T o rrlto ry ," »» W estern House in honor of tlie guests. gold bricks valued at $330,000. moves this com plaint. I t relieves per­ I e x te n d ed to Jill th o P u b lic Land States Yonr patronage ia always appreciated, and no matter hew They go from here to G ardiner aud on . by a c t of A u g u st 4, 1892, Jam e s W are, of Eugene, m anently because it allows tlie t i r e d c o u n ty of Lane, State of O regon, has th ia dav A London di patch says th e govern­ to Coos co u n ty . filed iu th is office b is Hworn sta te m e n t No. 1765. email your purchases, you may reat assured it will be our ooastaa» awU of m ent has avowed its intention to w ith­ stom ach perfect rest. D ieting w on't r e s t , : the purchase of th e Lots 9, 10, ction No. 12, In T o w n sh ip No. S., No. tlie stom acii. N ature receives supplies 12,In 1 9S FLO R EN C E SC H O O L . • lo 9 -e “ bout half of tlie prop- G rç p e E rç jE g , h A PPO R T IO N M E N T MADE. Mrs. S. G. Shrum , of Alene, is visiting wood, was visiting friends a t A lpha last va lu a b le for its tim b e r o r stone th a n for a g ric u l­ M IwvliVg^, gfiij. T ba rem aining property tu ra l purposes, and to CHtubliHh idn c la im to witli friends on th e river this week. week. said la u d before th e R eg iste r and R eceiver of igaln bid in by the county. A num- th is office nt Roseburg, D ouglas county O regon, The state has made an apportionm ent Tlie d au g h ter of Mr». George Cham- Mr. Jo rd an , who lias tau g h t a very on W ednesday, tiie 23rd day of Octol>er, 1901. 4 pieces were redeem ed by form er ‘ He nam e* as w itnesses: of tlie interest on tlie irreducible school berlain is slowly recovering from h er re- successful term of school here, will close sr» since being advertised, Jam e s Ware, Jo h n M. H ess an d C harles K is­ B r y < 5 o o d sj ★ ★ B ress G fo o d s f fund collected during tlie past year. ! cent illness. ¡th e term on the 7th. We wish M r. singer, of Eugene, au d A. Rl< liardson, of Glen- a r B aker City last Saturday the Lane county gets witli 7557 school chil- i ten a, a ll of Oregon. M r. W. R . Dilley has left for hi» home Jordan future good luck. Any an d all persons c la im in g a dversely th a __ i . i n of the Red Boy m ine were held dren $9,219.54, or $1.22 per child. L ast! near Corvallis to spend the August holi­ A lter a lay off of six weeks, the A lpha atxive-descrlbed lands a re requested to file th e ir i j l T t y r highw aym en, w hile on th eir w ay year slie received $1.56 per child. c la im s in th is office on or before said 23rd day of days. sawmill has started up again w ith orders O ctober, 1901. urn and supposed to have tlie J. T. B hi n ogs. R egister. R obert Bay nnd wife, of N orth F ork, enougli to keep it running tliis m onth. SEW ING M ACHINE. ;hly cleanup of th e ir mine, am onnt- were visiting a t th e residence of Mrs. We are in fo rm el tiia t B renton Lam b o about $30,000, witli them . Tlie N O T IC E F O R P U B L I C A T I O N A new, ball-bearing, oak finish, seven- j G ates th e first of tlie week. lias m arried a young lady a t A lturas, decline to say w hether tha rohliers U nited States Tjiud Office, ed th e gold or not, and decline to draw er, Cham pion sewing m achine with ! Mrs. Daisy Seym our is now visiting C alifornia. Roseburg, Oregon, J u ly 30,1901. inform ation to th e officors Two a full set of attachm ent«, m ade hv th e with relatives in Roseburg. Mr. B erkshire lias a force of men N otice is hereby given th a t in co m p lia n ce P R O P R 'f have been arrM ted on suspicion of New Home Sewing M achine Co., for j M r and Mrg< T C Sgllbert «„d Mr. th e provisions of the a c t of Congress of blasting off a ledge of rock a t little J w u ith n e 3, 1878, eutitlep tic k. I t 1« aoslljr applied and n ever fa ll*. the original—D e W i t t 's j O( Deming. In d . " H is bowels would I digest an y th in g . Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Oregonian witli the for one v e r T O U B F R U IT skoeM be 'p ra y e d w ith hen>le, w hich a b e o ln te l/ deetroys r * * w o rm *, Uee ! move from five to eight tim es a dav. I is tlie (only preparation containing all to any address for the sum of tv o Jid- P and Ineect*. » A W M lB M A M t r a M T T e R a * a reaeral dta- had a bottle of C ham berlain’s Colic, { th e n atu ral digestive fluids. It gives lart javable cash in advance. In fe c ta n t I * unequalled, b a v in « been >i«ed o v e r 11 y e a r* and w ill be found useful in every household o r Cholera and D iarrhoea Remedy in th e weak slO trachs en tire rest, restoring establishm ent. I t I* eedoeeed by smmtaent physi­ T O C ttR K A C O L I) IN O N * D A Y cian«, s a n ita ry a u th o iltle « an.n»le w.»ies'. M .l. sort Hlplueu ef eeer« et We W vrM’s ila record ot cure» is G R E A T E S T . I f C. C. 0 . ta lL druottiete refund * o n o r . 3 o lf SI Duplu of cattle buyers were in this ty the first of tlie week, tint as the ■ rice they offered for yearlings is ibout w hat calves eold for last fall 3-D ATE IN lid not get any cattle here. ■u files W hite, B ryantsville, In d ., says H lit*» W itch Hazel Salve healed run tores on both legs. He had suffered ra. Doctor» failed to help him . G et It’». Accept no im itations. Meyer le. telephone line has been finished M eyer A K yle’s store to the Flor- Lnm ber C o.’s mill. The wire is being put up from Florence to a an d th e line will be in working _____ r in a few day». ■r ' ^ b e action of your bowels is not easy regular serious com plications m ust ra _ Mlie final result. D eW itt's L ittle Y Risers will remove this danger. T pleasant and effective. M eyer A R MEYER &, ZYLE Y l S H Z V \S V -4 L Gent’s Furnishing Goods, H ardw arE , BANNERMAN'S PHENYLE Paints, £ Oils, etc. phehhe he W k » t trim Prices as Low as the Lowest ORIA IHare Always Bought orni A HI opcdcc . Oref°n