VSUW CM-M l AM i « W E S A TRIP TO HECETA. T ROYAL NEIGHBORS ORGANIZE.!! W E S TE R N HOUSE ACME COMMERCIAL A camp of the Royal Neighbors was , W M . B R Y N D , Prop. Last Saturday morning Phil and Bes­ sie Nicolle, Katharine I.cvage, K. N instituted at Acme last Friday evening Everj-thing in connection with the f t l l Y FRIDAY MORNING— ; Weatliersott and wife, and WML W ealh-! by Mrs. Stipes, deputy Head Oracle, who - H ouse is New and First-Class. erson and family, set out for Ileeeta for ' came from Portland for that purpose. r t lA N K B. W IL SO N , This order is tlie ladies’ auxiliary of SPECIAL ATTENTION TO I nk C ounty , O regon . — i a few days outing. While one drove the the M. W. A., and the members carry COMMERCIAL TEAVELLERS. pld liver, and cure, team to the ocean beach the others endowment policies payable to their rel­ i • - BY - - - Rouse r t uo tor biliousness, sick I headache, jaundice, j boarded the steamer Lillian, and in a atives at death, the same as their breth­ The notice of the public is called J k O J S Æ E , ¡ A T H E R S O N nausea, indiges| Uon, etc. They are In­ short time were safely landed at tlie ren in tlie camp. to our new valuable to prevent a celd or break up a mouth of the river. A short distance up mid Proprietor, The Lillian made an extra trip that fever. Mild, gentle, certain, they are worthy ' tlie beach they camo to tlie wagon, and B A T H ROOM your confidence. Purely vegetable, they - ■ some took passage ou that while others evening from Mapleton to Florence ami THE WAIj where Hot and Cold Baths may be can be taken by children or delicate women. I a year in advance.----- Acme, returning after the business was Price, 20c. nt ail medicine dealers or by mail ! preferred walking. The ocean was very had at any time. finished, to give people along the river a of C. I. llooa di Co., Lowell, Maas. calm and the air clear, with very little chance to attend if they wislied. the post-office at Florence, ' j wind, making it a pleasant trip. gKregon, as second-class j Mrs- Stipes was assisted in the work Near the mouth of Sutton Creek some We Carry a Fine and The Nettie Sundborg arrived in yes­ I of the party saw a deer, and soon after a bv Estelle Bean and George Peil. terday. The following were elected officers for SA U R I i halt was made to eat dinner. Before Varied Stock o f , -■-«««— BATHS MADE KNOWN The piling for O. W. llurd’a new i starting again a camera was brought out the first term: Mrs. Fred C. Peil, Orr a ll D e s c i» k B T i Yearly. ___ I PLICATION. cle; Katharine Brund, Vice Oracle ; Mrs. wharf are about all driven. Men a n d w om en of good mid res« to reprenent ' and tho party photographed. :&1 n o tic e s 8 cent* per line. each In s e rtio n us, som«‘ to tra v e l a p p o in tin g agents* o th e rs for The insurance adjuster is expected Before leaving the beach a clam bed G. R. Mills, Chancellor; Greta Brynd, local w ork looking a fte r our interests. Jq o o salary g u a ra n te e d y e arly ; e x tra com m issions here this week to settle the loss on the was found and enough clams dug for Receiver; Mrs. L. V. Stingley, Marshal; and exponses, ra p id a d v an c e m e n t, old e sta b ­ iorenee, Oregon, July 19» 1901. Mrs, George Montgomery, Recorder; lished house. G rand c h an c e for earn est m an or Florence cannery. j supper for all. w om an to secure p le a sa n t, p e rm a n e n t position, The ascent of tlie cape ridge was made Mrs, John Powell, Outside Sentinel; liberal incom e a n d fu tu re. New, b rillia n t Hues. C. E. Harwood and Ohas. Eacey are Lulu Whisman, Inside Sentinel; Mrs. WESÍTLIMGS. exercising the painter’s art on F. B. 1 by easy stages, some riding, while tlie Ludvig Christensen, Fred C. Peil, and W rite a t once. STAFFORD PRESS, | rest took a shorter route on foot. From Wilson’s residence property. Mrs. W. II. Weatberson, Managers. 33 Church St., New Haven, Conn. one point ou tlie top a fine view was had ie B e s t i s N o n e too G ood. The shelves are nearly all up in The new lodge starts out witli 25 mam-, W ANTED —TRUSTW ORTHY MEN AND WO Meyer & Kyle’s new store building and of Sea Lion rocks, on which about a B e s t bers, and there are already ten applica­ m en to tra v e l a n d ad v ertise for old estab lish ed QUAL it will be ready to occupy about I ugust hundred sea lions were basking iu tlie tions to be presented at the next meet­ house of solid fin a n c ia l stan d in g . Salary <780 a suusliine. year a n d e x p en ses, a ll p»iyai le in cash. No can 1st. r | , l l | ’ i-V'S We arrived at Cape Creek about 4 ing with several more in prospect. vassing re q u ire d . G ive references an d enclose A coat of fresh paint carefully applied The next meeting will be held iu self-addressed stam ped envelope. A ddress M an­ ! to the roof and wails of his bouse is o’clock, where we found a fine camping Gates’s ball Monday evening. After tlie ager, 355 C ax to n bldg, C hicago. place and plenty of grass for tlie horses. bouse ihejateat improvements to L. M. il now it, ispAllred Funke’s While some were mranging tlie eamp business is finished a short address will W ANTED—ACTIVE MAN OF GOOD CHA RAC ' Christensen’s property, be given by Mrs. Stipes. This will be te r to d e liv e r an d c o lle ct in O regon, for old vhich the painter is using his brush. and preparing supper, the others went sta b lis h e d m a n u fa c tu rin g w holesale house. The piles that annoy you so will be for a stroll on the beaili. Alter supper followed by a number of readings and e <900 a y ear, su re pay. H onesty m ore th a n e x p e ri­ s e l -r-or blue print plats of any township quickly and permanently healed if you tlie entife party went out to watch the recitations, after which supper will be ence re q u ire d . O ur reference, a n y b a n k in any city. E nclose self nd dreaded stam p ed envelope. -*• -I--i-«tane or Douglas counties call at C use DeWitt’s Witcli Hazel Salve, Be­ served. After supper a dance will be M anufacturers, T h ird Floor, 334 D earborn ot., sun sink into the ocean. Holden’s office. given in tlie Acme Commercial Co.’» C hicago. ware of worthless counterfeits. Meyer Fundap morning after a ramble over niong the recent improvements at & Kyle. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. ! tlie rocks and a iiearty breakfast, tlie hall to which outsiders will be admitted Bay View Rftel is a new windmill tlie same as members. Stella, the eldest daughter of John t8’ ®^pumping company visited the light house, where water. ïk -Ur’ Afc" Afc* -W -Ur’ -W OF AA» AK W Us> JA» W 11« tea tea L and Office a t R oseburg, O regon, Morris, was severely scalded a few days W(J {ound Mr Sa| ijbury> the second as ACME ITEMS. J u n e 26, 1901. uard: J. W. Bounds, of Mapleton, ago by snilling a kettle of hot water on N otioe Is hereby given th a t th e follow ing- sistant keeper, who showed us through na m e d s e ttle r has filed notice of h is in te n tio n to BY RARA AVIS. accepted a‘ position in the J. W. herself. m ak e c o m m u ta tio n final proof in su p p o rt of h is the tower and explained tlie workings of c la im , a n d th a t «aid proof w ill be m ade before >s Furniture Co.’s store. Send your orders to the City Meat tlie maetiinery. After a pleasantcail on July 17, 1901. C. H. Holden., U. H. Com m l««ioner, a t F lorence, W e b u y direct from th e L a r g e s t Job bing O regon, on A ugust 15,1901, vis: M illard F, P h il­ 'he telephon* poles are nil set and as Market when you want any kind of Mr. Hansen, the first assistant keeper, Danielson arrived yesterday. lips, on h is H. K. No. 9975, for th e ne}4 sec. 32, n as the glass for the insulators ar- meat, sausage, or bologna. Prices rea­ and liia wife, we returned to camp. The M anufacturers in th e country, for C A 8H , and w s au R. 9 W. Mr. Holcomb is convalescing after Tp. H e 18 n 8-, am es th e follow ing w itnesses to p ro v e hi» 3s the wire will be strung. sonable. Win. Safley, proprietor. rest of tlie day was spont in climbing several days of sickness. c o n tin i'o u s residence upon a n d c u ltiv a tio n of said la n d , viz: F. C. Peil, A. F. H u rd a n d C. B. to g e t th e L o w e st P rices, b esid es a lw a y s being ■ . B. Holbrook, of Lowell, has been The second son of Robert Bernhardt over tlie rocks, gathering mussels, pick­ organ, of F lorence, O regon; II. H. Fisk, of Mrs. Helt is visiting for the summer M ted a pensiou of $12 per month and had one of his forefingers cut off by a ing np pebbles, sea moss, star fish and M apleton, Oregon. ta in in g first-class goods. W e are n o t p a y in g J. T. B u id o s », R egister, witli her sister, Mrs. Burrell. eral hundred dollars back pay. small axe in the hands of a playmate other curiosities, watching the sea lions Miss Rebecca Henderson left Tuesday e x p e n se s and w ill s e ll you go o d s a t reason able rate«. Eugene to Mapleton is last Monday while they were out gath­ and birds and Beeing tlie other sights of for a visit witli her parents on Maple NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. tlie place. w in good condition, and passengers ering spruce gum. L and Office, R oseburg, O reson. Monday morning all were out early, Creek. , . „ the stage find it an easy drive for a J u ly 5, 1901. A rural free delivery route will be es­ ods In (Jy. Mr. R. S. Dennis is stopping at this v-i v-* Vi v -’ v* & w v*' w w w w *** »*» N otice Is h ereby g iv en th a t th o follow ing- Jk tablished at Eugene, September 2. The and while some took a walk ou the named s e ttle r h a s tiled not!«'« of h is in te n tio n place again after an absence of about beach, others prepared breakfast and Owing to the annoyance, the Lillian route will be 21 miles long, and serve a to m a k e Itnal proof in su p p o rt of h it c la im , an d th a t sa id proof w ill be m ade before C. H. H o l­ II blow but one whistle ten minutes population of 720. B. F. Ford has been j made ready to start for home. Just three months. den, U. S. C om m issioner, a t latke P rec in c t, O r­ after starting back we met Miss Davis, Mr. Thompson preached a very inter­ egon, o n A u g u st 21. 1901, viz: B artholom ew fore leaving, instead of three as here- appointed carrier. Ise n h o o t, on h ts H. K. No. 8713, for th e n l4 set-,, who is teaching near Heceta, and soon esting sermon at the school louse last pre. n e ‘i ilw L sec. 17, a n d swi4 se!4 sen. 8, ’1 p 19 fl, D. W. Stibbens has rented the Maple­ after Mr. Clark, who is rusticating at R 11 W. Sunday evening. t o p s t h e C o u g h a n d w o r k s oft’ t h e C o ld ton hotel and will take possession next H e n a m e s th e fo llo w in g w itness«« to prove ikative Bfon*Quinirie Tablets cure a week . Mr. Stibbens is a first-class hotel Mr. Cobb’s. Nearly all tlie poles have been placed h is c o n tin u o u s resid en ce u p o n a n d c u ltiv a tio n of said la n d , viz: From the cape a sail was seen on the ■Id in one day. No Cure no Fay. Keeper and is well known to the peopl ® on the Acnie-Florence telephone line, Kd A nderson, of F lorence, O regon; F. W. W oodcock, 8. J. S hrum a n d H en ry L underking, horizon, and we watched it make its way which will soon be completed. in this part of Oregon. of L ake P recin ct, Oregon. _ i r 26 “ “t** slowly toward the mouth of the river. J. T. B r id g e s , R egister. C«Ol> «The schooner Bella, 19 days out from Tlie now residences nre rapidly near­ A camp of M. W. A, is to be instituted At length tlie tug Robarts was seen in Francisco, arrived in Monday and at Blachley tomorrow evening. George STATEMENT. ing completion, and add very materially loading with lumber at the Florence Peil, Deputy Head Consul, will give the steaming toward tlie craft, and just alter to the appearance of tlie town. we left the beach we had an opportunity Florence, Oregon, July 5, 1901. \i^ AW W necessary instructions and formally in­ to see tlie Robarts again cross the bar, rO-BATEiU“ ‘,’ r ^ raiU- H .. f ,, F. H. Alexander lias also been under­ To the voters for Goddess of Liberty: *“7^ Wanted—60 persons desiring to dis- stitute the lodge. There are 32 appli­ with the schoouer Bella in tow. Just at going the ravages of the popular malady ¡ a ' .1 We, the committee appointed to secure r H I Hose of real estate in this vicinity to call cants for membership to start with. this time another sail was observed far —something similar to lagrippe. means for the purpose of procuring and nd place their property on our list, Mrs. Wm. Saubert accidentally sprain­ decorating the Liberty cars for the 4th It is easier to keep well than get cured. out at sea and proved to be the Daniel­ Your patronage is always appreciated, aad no matter hew leek & Weathareon. ed her ankle last week. However, at of July, beg leave to submit the follow­ DeWitt’s Little Early Risers taken now son, which arrived in tlie next day. I » X Thp schooner Danielson arrived from and then, will always keep your bowels this writing she is rapidly recovering small your put chases, you may rest assured it will be our i We reached home about 3 o’clock, just ing report: an /rancieco Tuesday and is taking on in perfect order. Thc-y never gripe but iu time to miss a liglit rain, which began from the injury. Total amount rec’d by votes $49.05 aim to sell you tho best goods obtainable at i ^ _ _ _ cargo of lumber at the Siuslaw and San promote an easy gentle action. Meyer falling soon after. George O. Knowles is working in tlie EXPBNDITUKES. francisco Lumber Co.’s mill. & Kyle. saw mill. He spends a considerable por­ Acme Commercial Co, mdse $ 3.40 tion of his time in our burg now-a-days. The West, Bristol board. Some brick from tlie new yard on Win . . . 1.00 GENERAL NEWS. Wonder wiiat the attraction is? F. M. Rath, services with A bad complexion generally results Brynd’a ranch at Pt. Terrace were team and wagon......... 6.50 Mrs. Stipes, Deputy Head Oroole, M. rom inactive liver and bowels. In all brought to Florence by tlie Lillian last A. B. Kittredge, an attorney of Sioux W, A., organized a lodge of Royal Neigh­ F. M. Rath, lumber........ 1.26 uch cases, DeWitt’s Little Early Kisers Friday. Mr. Mosgard lias established a Mr. Cumpton, services witli irodnee lasting and permanent results. yard at that place and the brick which Falls, lias been appointed U. S. Senator bors last Saturday evening. There will team and wagon ............ 6.50 from South Dakota to succeed Senator be over 20 names on the charter. we have seen are of good quality. Mrs Hollenbeck, silver paper 50 " ltr8k yer A Kyle. Kyle, deceased. O. W. Hurd, m dse.............. 6.26 Those famous little pills, DeWitt’s “36” was the lucky number in the The city of Roseburg has made a con- It is now stated that Daniel S. La­ recent bicycle raffle, Chas. Saubert was Mrs. R. E. Kanoff, mdse.... 1.25 ,ract with the Roseburg Water & Light Little Early Risers compel your liver Meyer A Kyle, m dse.......... 8.00 mont, Cleveland's secretary of war, ¡ b J Co. to furnish itlie city with water for and bowels to do their duty, thus giving the lucky man, and be now sports a R. Brynd, services.............. 1.00 A, O. Funke, mdse.............. 1.68 i«n at $420 and per sewer year purposes for you pure, rich blood to recuperate your 1 slated for tlie presidency of tlie Northern strictly up-to-date Rambler bicycle. Ire year, protection J. W. Carman, m dse........... 60 * * * * From some of the residents of Maple body. Are easy to take. Never gripe. Pacific Railroad. The volcano Kloet, in Northern Java, A C O O D C O U C H M E D IC IN E . Jraek, w* learn that good wo k ha9 been Meyer & Kyle. Total amount expended . $37 93 suddenly became active. It destroyed Many thousands have been restored to Bal turned over to Miss Lily lone on tbe mads in that district this coffee plantations for fifty miles around. PERSONALS. Brynd............................... 11.12 health and happiness by the use of mintner, and they are in much better Seven hundred natives and a few Euro­ Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. If af­ • ------- Condition than.in previous years. $49.06 $49.04 George Peil went to Blachley yester­ peans perished. The country around is flicted with any throat or lung trouble, H a v e 0 1 way a on H a n d a Rim ^tocl^ of D. W. Kinnard and family passed The committee bolds bills for all of strewn witli corpses. The loss will foot give it a trial for it is Bure to prove ben through Florence Monday on their way day. tlie above amounts. Respectfully sub­ up over a million dollars. eficial. Coughs that have resisted all R. N. Weatberson started to Eugene to Heceta, where Mr. Kinnard will in­ mitted, M auiox M orris , A dispatch from Vancouver, B. C., last other treatment for yuan, have yielded spect some government surveying which Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. R. E. K anoff , Saturday, says there are now 47 Japan­ to this remedy and perfect health been was done in that vicinity some time ago. Mrs. W. R. H ollenbecc , Mrs. E. C. Knowles has been spend­ ese prisoners marooned on a small island restored. Cases that seemed hopeless, G f^ o e E ^ iE g , Committee. |Y q ' DeWitt’s Witcli Hazel Salve should ing a week at Mapleton. in the Gulf of Georgia, according to the that the climates of famous liea'th re- be promptly applied to cute, burns and Aichie Knowics goes to Smith River I official statement of tlie union fisher­ sotts failed to benefit, have been perma­ scalds. It soothes and quickly heals the today to remain a few days. REMEDV FOR STOMACH and men. The provincial police are trying nently cured by its use. For sale by. O. Twe BEST BOWEL TROUBLES. injured part. There are worthless coun­ Mrs. D. E. Severy and children are ! to ascertain the location of this island, W. Ilurd ___ “ I have been in the drug business for terfeits, be sure to get DeWitt’s. Meyer visiting relatives on Tsiltcoos lake. ö r y G fo o d s. ★ ★ G to o d s. ] for although the authorities do not like BLOWN UP. twenty years and have sold most all of Kyle. /r e s s Nellie Rice started to Ord yesterday - to admit that Japanese have been spir­ tbe proprietary medicines of any note. , Prof. A. Oj^Bechdolt, of Seattle, lias I to visit her cousin, Mrs. Jos. Sletnmons. ! ited away in the manner alleged by the The Ping Yang school bouse on the Among tlie entire list I have never found J Ubeen elected superintendent of the Eu­ o h a w k , 12 miles northeast of Eugene, anything to equal Chamberlain's Colic, Dr Evans and son oi Lake Creek were j strikers, i t M gene public schools to succeed Prof. Res- tals are missing, and the statement that ( was almost completely demolished last Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for all ¡-passengers to Florence on tlie Marguer-1 ler, resigned. Prof. Bechdolt lias held a they are prisoners is generally accepted ! Sunday night by an explosion of dyna­ stomach and bowel troubles,” says O. position in the Seattle public schools for | ite yesterday. as true. The captive Japanese, whose mite. The building was erected six or W. Wakefield, of Columbus, Ga. “This Roseburg Review: L. E. Bean, clerk ' ome tim e^3 • offense Is that they fished when tlie seven years ago atid cost $400 to $500. It remedy cured two severe cases of cholera Sleeplessness.—Y on can’t sleep in tlie I in tlie U. S. Land office, is taking a ten , union fishermen lin.,1 declared a strike, contained about $75 worth of apparatus. morbus in my family and I have recom­ *s»illeet night, if your digestion Is bad. j days’ outing at tlie Blue River mines. are being fed regularly and will be kept Just before it was built there was con- mended and sold hundreds of bottles of PROP» Take Hood’sSarsaparllla—It strengthens R. N. V. satberson and wife have rent- i prisoners as Iona as possible. ■»»»Off -Nf-urvruFMr» : siderable trouble over the location and it to my customers to their entire satis establishes that condi-: ed Hie Morris bouse on Gargriier avenue, I tion in which sleep regularly comes and j recently occupied by Mrs. Pepper, and j You can never cure dyspepsia bv diet- ■ there baa been constant dispute over tlie faction. It affords a quick and sure H ats & Caps, & Shoes, I matter ever since. cure in a pleasant form.” For sale by I have taken up their abod£ there. ie sweet and refreshing. 1 ing. What your body needs is plenty of I This is the fourth attempt that has O. W. Hurd. *F- JL JLai.zv ! good food properly digested. Then if been made to destroy the building. Of- The Mie of lands to which Lane coun­ B E W A R E O F O IN T M E N T S F O R C A ­ ty has ocqnired title by virtue of sale for your stomach willl not digest it, Kodol : (¡cera are investigating and suspicion T A R R H THAT CONTAIN MERCURY, I Dyspepsia Cure will. It contains all of I points to certain parties as perpetrators REAL ESTATE TRAN8FER8. taw—, which was announced to be held As mercury will surely destroy tlie sense the natural dlgestants hence must digest of the crime. , t Eugene July 8, did not take place nt George E. Bradley, et ux, to W. W that time. The sale is now advertised of smell and completely derange the every class of food and so propare it that whole system when entering it through nature can use it in nourishing the body Neely, 160 acres in Ip 18 s, r 9 w, $700. to lie held at Eugene August 12. 8UNDAY SERVICE8. the ^mucous surfaces. 8uch articles Julia A. Bean to M. Meyer and Wm. “I am indebted to One Minute Cough should never be used except on prescrip- | and replacing tbe wasted tissues, thus E xW Corfl for Rev. Wm. Plowman, of the Evangeli­ Kyle, land in tp 18 s, r 9 w, $1. present good health ami niy tions from reputable physicians, as tlie ■ giving life, health, strength, ambition, Geo. B. Dorris, executor, to Fred Fisk, ; pure blood and healthy appetite. Meyer cal church, will hold services on Sunday, life. 1 weejreated in vain by doctors damage they will do is ten fold to the i July 21, at tlie portage on North Fork at 46.60 acres in-eec 17, tp 18 «, r 10 w ; $200. for long trouble following la grippe. 1 good you can possibly derive from them. j & Kyle. Fred Fisk to Sarah June Allison, 45,t^ 2 p. m., and in the Methodist church in took One Minntr Cough Cure and recov­ Hall’s Catarrh Cure, manufactured by I acres in tp 18 s, r 10 w ; $480. Florence at 8 p. ra. GREENLEAF ITEMS. ered my health.” Mr. E. II. Wise, F. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo, O., contains : Robert H. Bernhardt to Mary Bern­ Rev. T. A. Yost will preach at the Mc­ Madison, Ga. Meyer A Kyle. no mercury, and is taken internally, Leod school house at 11 a. m. and in hardt, 40 acres in tp 18 s, r 11 w, $6. July 11 a young man acting directly upon the blood and mu-1 July 18, 1901. !$ry Eggerton presented 23 | cous surfaces of the system. In buying j Trout and deer are more shy this year J Acme at 8 p. m. H e ARTBURN. Mr. Thompson will speak at Point ips to County Clerk Lee Hall’s Catarrh Cure be sure yon get tne than last. ! Terrace at 3 p. m. and at Mapleton at 8 When the quantity of food taken is too ¡avit that be is a resident j genuine. It is taken internally, and is j J, A. Burnett is going to California to I p. in. large or the quality too rich, heartburn ___________ __ and that the animals from . made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Clieney . is likely to follow, and especially so if seek his fortune. Ips were taken were killed Testimonials free. During last May an infant chiliTof onr i tj)e dig^tion has been weakened by con- St. Pierre Willcutt and Mike and Bty. He was paid $46 for Sold by druagists, 75c per bottle. neighbor was suffering from cholera in ■tipatiob. Eat slowly and not too freely Andy Alamasi went down today to try on after Clerk Lee received : Hall’s Family Pills are the best. i fantum. The doctors hod given np all of eerily digested food. Masticate the their lnck at logging on the Siuslaw. Otn Albany saying the fel-: I hopes of recovery. I took a bottle of food thoroughly. Let el« hours elapse to sell the scalps there, Lucas Wheeler moved out a couple of j Chamberlain’« Colic, Choler» and Diar- between meals and when you feel a full­ SEWING MACHINES. at once arrested on a j loads of furniture from his new house rhoea Remedy to the house, telling them ness and weight in the region of the jury and upon examination j We have for sale one of tbe latest im­ on Neison Creek last week. He is living ! I felt sure it would do good if used ac­ «tomach after eating, indicating that Ibonds of $600, in default of proved White, drop-head, ball-bearing in a house tie has built near Irving. cording to direction*. In two days time yon have eaten too mach, take one of e* lodged iu jail. William Wheeler started for MapletoM tlie child hod folly recovered. The dilld Chamberlain's Htoinach and Liver Tab­ sewing machines witli manufacturer's | yesterday witli Ja load of potatoes, b u t. is now vigorous and healthy. I have leta and tlie heartburn may be avoided guarantee. Also a Champion machine, made by : the rocks at Cape Horn knocked out a recommended tiiis remedv frequently For sale by O. W. Hurd. the New Home Co., with seven drawers wheel of hie wagon and he is on the and have never known it to fail.—Mrs. Curtis Baker, »«..^waiter, Ohio. Sold TO CtIRK A C O I.D I N 0 X 1 D A Y road yet. and a lull set of attachments. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. Call at the W k « t office and examine George W. Knight, who filed on a by O. W. Hard. All druggists refund tbe money if they its and Children. : these machines if you want a bargain. homestead on Ohickahoininy Creek, hail fail to cure. E. W. Grove's signature it a mile above Happy Camp, last year, Yon Have Always Bought «a each box. 36c. and bnilt a bouse there, has moved in HE B E ST Should be your aim when buying medicine. Get with hi« family. Thia vreek tliey are Tilts signatura is osi a v a rT to ; of U m fausto« ■uar Ar« Tour BMuara » Hood’« Sanaparilla and have the camping on Luca«. Wheeler's place on Laxative Bromo-Quimne p, A X j b m MUB bb bbbub * a M A* «aa Uau ala tzaa best uediciuc MONEY CAN BUY. Nelson Creek and cutting hay, $900 General Merchandise, Patent Medicines, ISE Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Family Flour LTSfc l Prints, Huslins, Yarns, Crash, Notions, s Groceries. jMfigllfrpm We Have a Complete Stock of Boots and Shoes. I y @ I MEYER & ZYLE T- M I ★ A G e n t’s F u rn is h in g Goods, mi H a rd w a rE , Paints, he etc. Prices as Low as the Lowest S T O R IA omf Oils, œs âs T i Kôfi«, PlopcDce.