FUKS W ANTED T H E Scrofula KVJCUY rgll>AA* MOMMI*«.— —vAST— ^LOR^MCB, I m p * COUNTY , QttKtíOh - - " BV---- H , W E A T IIE K S O N $ ’.d i to r and P r o p r ie to r . F lo r e n c e , G aegou J u ly 19, lt'01 Pew are aril rely free freni It. It Liu^y duwlop so slowly as to «uwe tie If any disturbance during the wlxjle *riod of cbildhool. Jfc may then produce Irregularity of the nmach and bowcjj, dy?pep3la, catarrh, nd marked - tendency to consumption -tore rcartfectlhg itself In much cutaneous ruptiou or f Undular swelling. It 1« best to 1x> sure that you are quite ee from it, and for its complete eradica- <»u you cm rely on f lo o d 's S a rs G p a rifla Tlie bust of all medicines tor all tumors. WASHINGTON LETTER. are working six days a w e e k and will --------- continue right along. C. A. Brtow & Tlte highest casli price Go., patent lawyers, whose business be­ kinds of (urn and bides. G. C. C umpton . ! fore the patent office exceeds that of any At Salley's Meat Market, Florence, Or i other t i r . n , says that very few applica­ tions for patents, perhaps not more than one in a hundred, will lie delayed by the long rest of the commissioner and assist- J ant commissioner of patents. The President’s proclamation declar- ing free trade witli Porto Rico on and E u g en e, Oregon. after Jaly 25th, will be issued as soon as j be receives an official copy of the resolu- I,on adopted by the legislature of Porto 1 P a id «1» C ash C ap ital, - $ 5 0 ,0 0 0 - 5 0 ,0 0 0 Rico. S u rp lu s , - - - IMPROVED FACILITIES FOR SHIPPING. (F bom Oca R egulab C obbespoxdent .) But a few years ago tlii* part of the ^tate had very poor facilities for sending ^nerchandise to market or for getting in «upplies such as were not produced a t flow#. The merchants usually had their goods shipped to Yaquina, where they Jay for weeks and occasionally for m onths awaiting the coming of a boat to ^riflg them f° the ijinslaw. At th at time Yaquina, besides being ponnected w'ith the Willamette Valley fjy railroad, lrnd regular steamboat com­ munication with San Francisco. To propiote her trade by way of the ocean and assist ip developing her resources, a jetty was constructed on which some 1700,000 was expended by the general gnveymnsnt, ^ fter soots years the rail­ road went into tits hands of a receiver, the sienmer was taken off that run, the yailrqad was sold for an inAi.itesmally pmall per cent of its cost, and Yaquina foday has fallen far short of its prospects pf a few years ago. On the other hand saw mills have been erected on the giuslaw, a jetty is partly finished, schooners have been poming here more frequently, and this yeason a fine steamer Jia s been running petween $an Erancisc^ and the 8iuslaw. The shipping facilities of tills place lire constantly improving, and goods for fhe Yaquipa merchants are noyj being ^hipped from San Fyancisco by way of p’lorenco and reshipped to Yaquina. I t may lie asked w hat has brought «bout this grgat change in the shipping business pf this part of tlio country. The cause is to be found in the great tim ber resources of this valley. Stand­ ing »long the hanks of theSiuslaw River pre to be found hundreds of millions of feet of the finest tim ber th at grows in th e world. To remove thia timber and jnanufacture it intp lumber for market yrill require tlie lalior of a large nqinber pi men for many years and will furnish Jlieiq the means q( earning a livelihood forlhemsolves and their families. In connection wif.li this take iqtq con» piderat|oq, after the tjnjber is removed, the value of the land for agricultural purposes, fruit-growing and stock-rais­ ing, and it will bo seen that a man by purchasing |ai)t| on tips rivej is laying a foundation for a comfortable fortune for )>imfl«lf and liis family. W ashington , July 8, 1901. The post ollice departm ent has begun a fight in which il is clearly right and in which it will be supported by all the strcngtli of tlie executive branch ot the government, but notwithstanding those advantages, it must get the supixirt of the press and of public sentiment, in order to win a permanent victory. This fight is to shut the fake publications out of the privilege of second class mail. Ttie government pays $60,000,000 a year for carrying second class mail and receives less than $4,000,000 for it. T hat much of this loss is due to ■buses which have crept into t’ « construction of the law— constructions never dreamed of when the law was beiijg enacted—is apparent to everyone who has become at all fa­ miliar witli what constitutes a large pro­ portion of second class mail. In fact, from an investigation which lias been going on for months, the postal officials have been convinced that fully one-half of the m atter cow mailed as second class, should under a strict and perfectly proper construction of the law, be com­ pelled to pay as third class m atter. A new rule for tlje construction of the law is to be issued by the post office depart­ ment, for the especial purpose of shut­ ting out fake publications, \yhen it is promulgated, look out for squeals front the owners of the fakes and from such legitimate publications as can be wheed­ led or paid to say that tlio business of legitimate publication is being inter­ fered With, These squeals will be work- First National B Ttie President’s proclamation for th e settlement the e opening to public settlem ent of in m Kiowa, Comanche and Apache Indian ’ Reservations in Oklahoma, was issued today. A force of thirty clerke from tlie general land office, left Washington Sat- urday night, to do the work of tlie land A N K era and tirugs in purne mini. ■ •■■■■ i.... decs dry up tlio mucous membranes | causing them to crack open and lilted. ; Tlte powerful acids used in tlie inhalers have entirely eaten away the same uiem- , brants that, their makers have aimed to cure, while pastes and ointments cunnt-t | reach the disease. An old and experi­ enced practitioner who lias for many years made a close study and specialty of the treatment of C atakkii , has at last perfected a treatment which when faith- j fnilv used, not only relieves at once, but j permanently cures CATARRH, by re­ moving the cause, stopping the dis- I We o(n,r ever„ aeCo-.lnodiiU on eoiieistent M11.“ p ru d e n t banking. C orrespondence solic- , I lteil . — ......... President | T. G. Hendricks . . , y. B. K akin......... Vice President | £■ E . S r o d ^ r a s s . Cashier Oa(j|iitr ch arg es, and c u rin g a ii in fla m m a tio n . It is the only remedy known to science j that actually reaches tho afflicted parts. IS CONSTANTLY RECEIVING NEW GOODS IN TH E WA7 |lU V C. L. T I IPG lx.w ... .a, panCy Hair ' C ,, « Hair l . Uombs of all DesctVK*T «1 on Braids and Gimp I Trimming, Gold and Silver” 08 S E E The United States postal department has been compelled to take some action against the growing newspaper lottery schemes, and as a result the postmaster general has been instructed to collect eight cents per pound instead of one cent from all gift enterprise publica­ tions, prize, guesBing contest and other fake newspaper subscription proposi­ tions.—Plaindealer. FANCY = CONSISTING OF Ornaments, T tre m e ) v lo w * • p r ic e o _ f O ne D o lla r , each treinely low price package containing internal and external medicine sufficient for a full m o n l l i 's treatment and everything necessary to [ N O T IC E F O R P U B L IC A T IO N , i t s perfect use. "S N U F F L E S ” is tlie only perfect offices th at will be opened at Reno and CATARRH CURE ever made and is R IBBO N S U n ite d S tates L and Office, IN as the only Lawton. R oseburg, Oregon, J u ly 11,1901. , now recognized « . - safe , and - pos . Notice i. hereby given th a t in com pliance ¡live cure for that annoying and disgnst- , ....... . . . v . isio . . . . n . . so . . . f .h \t 1 , 1 . . . . . . . . of . . i . ing . . . disease. I . . . . . . . . . I It t cures CUFtS 111 w i t h t • h e . p . ro th a e an. a c t e of Congress all I inllamniut “ I wish to truthfully state to you and J u n e 3.1878. e n title d -A n act for th e sale of qu><*ly and permanently a I ls also the readers of these few lines that your tim b e r la n d s in the S tales of C alifo rn ia, Oregon, I w o n . lerf'.Uv qit.ek to relieve HAY or COLD in the HEAD. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is without ques- j N evada a n d W ashington T e rrito ry ,” as ex- FEVER CATARRH when neglected often lends ! i lion the best and only cure for dyspepsia te n d e d to a ll th e P ublic Land State« by act to CONSUMPTION — “ SNUFFLES ” j that I have ever come in contact w ith!»' Au«u“‘ «■ < •" * “ o r e k n ' will save you if you use it at once. I t is j ‘ but a complete and I have used many other prepara- has th,s (Uj. flJe(J this ofBcc hls sworn no ordinary remedy, tions." John Beam, West Middlesex, ! s ta te m e n t No. 1729, for th e pu rc h a se of th e s',' treatm ent which is positively guaranteed j Pa. No preparation equals Kodol Dys- ! s w « rec 17, seQ of see 18 an d n C , a ,- o f ! to cure pepsia Cure ns it contains all the natural inwm W"ffer‘P proof “ to’ ‘“l.ow ! accompany each package. Don’t delay, digeatants. It will digest all kinds of tha; the „ought u m„fe vnluBble for it5 but send for it at once amI write lu. Fancy Line food and can’t Help but do you good, tim b e r o r stone th a n for n g rie u ltu ral purposes, , r !‘Ulcula.rs !l8 tO;yourcomhUon, and you will receive special advice from the (iia aini to e sta b lish h is claim to said la n d before Haver A Kvle. coverer of this wonderful remedy regard- th c lfte g iste r a n d R eceiver of th is ottiee a t Hose burg, O regon, o u T uesday, th e 2 tth day of Septem tair, 1901. H a n am es as w itnesses: I-ee M. T rav is a n d faiint E dm u n d so n , of Ma- p leton, O regon: M atthew 8. W allis a n d Jo h n N. W oods, of E ugene, Oregon. A ny aud all persons cla im in g adversely the above-described la n d s are requested to file th e ir claim s In th is office on o r before said 21th day of Septem ber, 19ol. J. T. llK in o is , Register. AM D “ GUARANTEED CATARRH CURE.” Sent prepaid to any address in tlie United States or Canada on receipt oi One Dollar. Address Dept. 1, EDWIN B. GILES & COMPANY, 2330 and 2332 Market Street, Philadelphia. For Sale to Gun and Fish Club, O WELL SELECTED STOCK OF ALL SH A D ES AND ie QUAL >1 LADIES’ BELTS M T H E M S E E vhi< ■or b -.ant Hoi moi Nec^ Ba) aa uar< ucc Zs F he t n as es tl S. ted eral T H of Ladies’ and] Cents’ LATEST S T M OF LADIES' AND MISSES’ G1 •CAREFUL SELECTION OF LACES AND E M B E O ID E P ,0 the i NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. P R IV A T E P A R T IE S , U n ited States Land Office, R osebnre, Oregon, J u ly 12,1901. --------T he B e a u tifu l-------- N otice is hereby given th a t in co m p lian ce w ith th e provisions of th e a c t of Congrewi of Notioe of Assessment for Street Im- J u n e 3, 18*K, e n title d “ An net for th e sale of tim b e r la n d s in the states of C alifo rn ia, Oregon, —-----In “ T siltcoos,” o r --------- provement. N evada and W ashington T e rrito ry ,’’ as e x te n d ­ ed to all th e Public Land S tates by a c t of A ugust 4. 1892, J o h n F. B all, of Meadow, c o u n ty of Lnne. T E W -M IL E LAKE, tate of Oregon, has th is day filed iu th is office Notice is hereby given th at at a regu­ S h is sworn statem e n t So. — , for th e purchase Douglas County, Oregon, th e «"'.‘ a 8CC- 24’ nwVi sec. 25, in T ow n­ lar meeting of tlie Board of Trustees of of s h ip No. 17 8., R ange No. 9 west, a n d w ill offer the Town of Florence, lield on July 1st, proof to show th a t th e land shught is m ore val­ C o n ta in in g in both 42.94 acres— th e large isla n d uab le for its tim b e r or stone th a n for a g ric u l­ 38.9-1 acres, a n d th e sm all 4 acres—ly in g in 1901, the following assessments were I tu ra l purposes, and to establish hi« claim to said sectio n s 2 a n d 35. made for the purpose of building side­ la n d before th e R egister and R eceiver of th is office a t R oseburg, Oregon, on F riday, th e 27 T I T X j HÎ. day of Septem ber, 1901. walks : l _ i e . i nam es as w itnesses: W illiam E. Wells, Frederick W ells an d Isaac TOW N E. Staples, of M apleton, O regon: E llsw orth B en­ m , of P o rtlan d , Oregon. OWNER. AMOUNT h a Any A ddress: lot . bl ’ k a n d all persons cla im in g adversely the W II Weatlierson $ 4.22 above-described lands are requested to flic th e ir 5 1 W . H . W EATH ER SO N , . ~ ri n aa ! claim s in th is office on or before said 27 day of 6 A R Pearce......... 9.04 8 ePiem »«r, 1901. J . T. B b id o is , R egister. F lorence, L ane C ounty, Oregon. M H a r tle y ......... 9.04 5 Organdies in Assorted Shades and W hite Goods in (Jy. to JO R G E N SE N I S L A N D S , For S a le a t $12 Per Acre. From ’ ll" 11 bid fore 1 - Children’s Waists in Sizes to Su» to p « xatb >ld in rioo2 The s m Fn Latest in G ents’ Collars and Golf S' IN FACT upon congreRs, where the fight will cer­ tainly be carried. Postal officials declare in the most positive terms tiiat tlie new construction of tlio law will not injure 3 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. 9.04 Cora B Andrews. 6 any legitimate publication and count 4 U nited 8tates Land Office, 9.04 Geo M M ille r.... 5 5 Roseburg, Oregon, Ju ly 5,1901. ! The Breeder’s Gazette, upon getting the support of all such. 9.04 N otice is heraby given th a t in com pliance 0 6 O ne of th e best all a ro u n d form papers th e provisions of th e act of Congress of Uapt. L. Craven, who served as Quar­ 7 0.04 J w n ith I W V sw ter... 5 of th e c o u n try , 28 to 36 pages w reekly. eekly. n e S , 1878, e n title d “ An a c t for th e sale of tim b e r la n d s in th e State« of C alifornia. Oregon, 9.04 L M Miller ... 6 termaster of tlie 32nd Volunteer Infant­ 8 N evada and W ashington T e rrito ry ,"« » ex ten d e d Regular Price, $2.00 P er Year. < < < ( $ < 9.04 to all th e P ublic Land States hy net of A ugust 4, 5 ry in the Philippines, and who is now 9 (( (< If Joseph K ellm an, of Florence, c o u n ty , of 11.15 1IW2, T lie B r e e d e r ’s G a z e tte aud 6 10 I«ane, State of Orevon, lias th is day filed in th is visiting Wasliingtô'n, Said of the oppor­ ‘ "19. for th e pur- Geo gov ern s........ 11.15 offfeefore T f --. M F Parker 5 th e R egister and R eceiver of th is office a t Rose • wOHiElSrCaili JXLC21« Jo tiiat effect, aud said justice shall and commercial enterprise. In my office 2 <1 II << 9 .0 4 burg. O regon, on S atu rd ay , th e 5 day of October, _ __ _ 5 3 thereupon deliver to tlio affiant one were four American boys employed as 4 51 to $ 2 P er Day ■* O W H u r d ... 5 v „ . 0 v 4 i 119?}- He n am es as w itnesses: 9 04 C. II. H o ld e n ,o f Florence; P. E. Jac k so n , of E u g e n e . - - - - O re g o n Jpather tag (designed and issued by the clerks. They were,worth $10U a month 5 5 M « a n 1 n tn n - F W K htip . o f F lo r e n c e , a n d IL II ■ & • 9.04 5 ytate game warden) for the hide of each each, to corporations in tliis country. 0 A ny an d all ervons c la im in g adversely the W A Cox . 9.04 at»ove-describe»! la n d s are requested 5 reqii to file th e ir i deer, not exceeding five |n all. One of Tiiey decided to cast their lot in Manilla 7 im s in th is office on o r before said 5 day of i 904 c O la ctober, 5 O W Hurd 8 and remain there. AU of them are 1901. J . T. B bidokh , R egister. tlioae t a n aliall bq securely fastened 9.04 9 6 CASSIDY & SON - - P ro p rieto rs ■witli wire to each deer skin, and the j 'vcl1- NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. 11.15 10 5 F lo ra n o e , O re g o n . pwner ia then entitled to offer aucl, deer M'- r “ul Sheldon, a New York law- Tlie sever:»! amounts as above state«! J. U nited States Land Office, Roseburg. Oregon, Ju ly 13th. Bun. pkin for aale or exchange or transporta- >’er« wl,° t‘*'s i U8t ,rt>ul » busi- ' Kr0 now due and payable to tlie Kecord- N otice is hereby given th a t in coui|diance T a b les fu r n ish e d w ith a ll t h e 1 of Florence, and will be- w ith tb«^jrovl«ion's_bf th e a c t of Cnngre»« ,.f pon it» any point witliiq the state. T | ip | nesa viait from all of tlie islands of tho er of tlio Town _ . . . j __ ,, i ju n e ¡i, inzo, e n title d “ An n et for th e snip of lira- uroater and lessor Antilles, except Cuba come delinquent after ten daye iroin the lM,r |n„u, the states of C alifornia, Oregon, d e lic a c ie s o f th e sea so n . G iv e u s j punishm ent (or violation of any of tho d a t e Ilf t h i s iin tie p N e v ad n a n d W ashington T e rrito ry ," as extended , , . . . ... . — to nil th e P ublic Lnnd States by act of A ugust 4. urovisioqa of tlio act ia by a fipn of not und : Porto Rico, was asked what the. Dated tins 2nd dsv of Jnlv, A. D. 1901. 1892, Jo h n N. W oods, of B u g eu e ,co u n tv of Lane, a c a ll. _____ _ 7 impriaonment iu the county jail for ¡States, which is sure to come, as the C andy C a th a r tic , c u re c o n stip a tio n forever. «how its tim b e r or »tone th a n for ag ric u ltu ra l p u r - ' T h e M ost P o w e rfu l D is in fe c ta n t, a n d to e stablish his claim to said laud I D eodorizre an d Q erm lclde K now n pot lew Hian 30 nqr mope than J20 days, conclusion of the negotiations for the tfk. 25c. It C. C. C. fail, druggists refund monax. poxoH. before th e R egister an d R eceiver of th is office . to M odern Science a t Roseburg, O regon, on T uesday, th e 24 day of 1 iij- by both such fine and Imprieonment. purchase of the ialnnda from Denmark, N o V e n tu re A b o u t It . S eptem ber, CUSS e nam es as w itnesses: • vtaa-J is only a m atter of time. He replied: “Is this your first venture fn m atri­ C H harles M. K issvnger and Lee T ravis, of Eu Hitthltn Chitlen “ A few wealthy merchants, mostly mony?” tlie preacher asked while the gene, O regon; J o h n S teers,of M apleton, O regon; M. 8. Wwuaw. “fa lla c e , of E ugene. Oregon. S wim r u n s , Cholera, bridegroom was out In the vestlbulo Senator 11. A . Booth ia constantly in • s • « si _ «- /%!!» Any »11«» and m a ll i pvt {xeraotiM will,9 vmiiiiitig c laim ing nti adversely the Danes, oppose the sale ot the island, be­ ito, j», giving certain ln stru etlo n sto the heat «uove-deacrlbed^landaare re reqiiest«»t q u e u ed to ft ip their i V om i, Lits, fecetpt of le ttr n from prominent men all claim.1« in thin office on or before said 24 day of cause they are afraid of American enter­ mat), who was also bis bead clerk. tul Cuk.rsi Lite, >id ill | Septem ber, 1901. J. T. B midobs , Kegluter. pvwr tlie state urging him to allow hi. -W»y dear Mr. Goodlelgb.” she Son Sooth. prise. The natives of all the islands of Itneti Pesta. plied, almest blushing, “thia Isn’t a NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. papt* to be uaod In connection witli tins Leaser*Antilles, I find upon ipecial in­ venture nt nlk He has given me deeds B A N N E K M A N ’8 P H E N Y L E enrev hor»eg of I dlitem p er, pink eye, fistula, grease heel, cuts, avree, fepqblican candidacy for governor. I A nd office a t Roceburg, Oregon. a lso m ange un dog«. quiry were in fwvor of annexation, to more than $00.000 woith o( property Ju ly 15.1901. B A N N E R S ! A N 8 P H E N Y L E r a re, , h « n of Wliila this II certeiflly very compliiuen- Tiiey were very anxious, tlie French ea- already.”—Chicago Times-Herald. N otice H heraby given th a t th e follow ing- root rot. and te aure death to aheep tick. It is etullv name«! se ttle r ha.« filed notice of h ls in te n tio n applied and n ever fails. 7 |arv to Mr. Booth, who no dqnbl wopld to m ake final proof iu su pport of his« clntm . and Y O U R F R U I T T R E K S vhonld be spraved with prcially. They tliiuk tiiey are naturally In h e r ite d . th a t naid proof a ill be m ade before C. 11. H o ld ­ Phenyle. which absolutely de»troys all worm«, lice pll that reeponaiblo position as wisely ' •Ta." said l i t t l e W illie , looking up en» U 8. ( ommisBioner. a t Florence, O regon, o n and inM cta too lar Hway from their mother eonu- B A N N E R M A N ’S P H E N Y L E «$> a general dl.- from bis arithmetic, "w hat Is a linear ," u‘ see, w «»J>‘u«xon pud as well aa any other citlxen of tlie io 1J01’ . 7823, r t f l o : r th Jo « ‘ svQ 32, Tp. 16 S., Infectant 1« uneoualled, h avin g l»een need over' i t tnes, and say tlie ofiieials sent them are fOOtr* yog« i and w _ ___ _____ ___ or ill be found netful in every honeehold K.10W. ^late, awl whoae integrity, botie.ty and m ent. It i„ endoraed by emniinent**r>hy»l- . .T .- » - - — n r .i v rvnlled pa, ns. co,,,muon, He nsmss resitteacs the fnllnwln« wltnews to prove hl, establish never men witli authority, who can take nonitary au th oiltie* and boards of health all U by—er—a - H linear root, >• repnco u | kui a u d c u ltiv a tio n of oians. over th o United Rtatea. Used by the City of Chicago joyalty to party interests makes him one nianv large ito a t raiaero hold and alleyiale existing evil* and temporising, "why. It's ono th a t's he- Mid Un t, vl«. th roagb ou t the I nlto-l Rtotee. feannemtan’i Phenvlo redltary. Didn’t you never hear tell o t pf the lorenxwt dlisena of the stale, he to equally guaranteed to prevent the above named burdens, Tiiey say these olfieials never a linear descendant?”—Catholic Stand- and destroy all obnoxious odor« if freelv J . t . RaiixiK!«, Re$:i>t«»r. jaiaiiively declines to give tlie m atter u»ed about th e premLea. W r it e for c ir c u la r « a n d have sultieient inlluonve to ncvompUsh ,r d a a d r 1 ^ _____________ te s tim o n ia l^ . Agents wanted. AddreM N O T IO E F O R P U B L IC A T IO N anv oonsideration . really ,, important. BANNBRMAN uuiixuyi. { whatever. Mr. Booth anything 0 7 -7 3 C lark Street CHICAGO. IL L . Both o f tho sons o f Thomas Jefferson js a biwy man, «»«4 the extensive ipter- l a n d Office « t lioseburg. Oregon. anZ T'hen>i® w asgrantod the tw o The publication of Hie action of tlie were member« o f congress from Vire ,om*o< A'* rd«»“ y«ta of the Booth-Kelly jJo. command so Commissioner of Patents in suspending’ glide white be w as president One of xoueelsherebyw1v.nth.tthe Wtewing .mm,A oiliZi« 2 Select WE ARE UP-TO-DATE IP.___ Wan EVE R Y T H I Y O U R S Hose of nd pi T R 5 . T j r J'Y J “ T h ai an En O .W .H U R irodnci -» « e y e r S2.5O P er Year. 3 francii A b ifl The« C A R M A N ’S Hotel Eugene, Fran CHEAP CASH STOliB 6 Drv G o o d s ,* Groceries Jrsak, Ione oi ininme :on«iiti D. 1 tli reog Io Hec> apects waa do ★ and ★ Nut be proi •calda. ---------------- — > ------------------injure terfaib kK yl> Goods as ReoresenU" gen op 1er, rw MORRIS *** HOTEL, BANNEKMAN S l«l. peeing “ 1 work of tlie entire patent office was sus- h„ alrd notlw ol h„ mtcnUou to make three was Thomas Mnnn Randolph and the Other John W. Eppea. fin al proof in «upport of hi« claim , an d th a t Mid proof will N) made before Marte L. W.re. The average weight of R aheep fleece U. 8. Comiulaaioner, at Eugene, Oregon, on Au la 5*9 pounds. . If«st3®» l»n. via: Howard Pop«, brother of ------- ’ J am en Pope, decaoAed, on H. E. No. séan for th< Chronic Constipation Cured. | ~ ‘ M T “• ,nJ *-* ’• N O T IC E .I H D ruggists, P U B L IC A T IO N I-Äuff Office, a t R oseburg. O regon, ^vsjc, try Chamberlain’s ¡Jtomacl| apd M «^. o»ren. of Alpha, I m V : timiqcrs of the patept office, who decide fo r con aü p ation . C a K a r e u C andy | \ ’ l They ant easy to take , __ - - e guarAntecd. ----------- V^thartlC- - I - ure G enu- liront» P. Jarkaon «ntl a v a n t Jacknon. of En i®“ * ____ .1 rx C. r-x . . lam e eouotyJO . regon. i i „.I teM .nl in e ffe t. Price, » cei.U. U>* »»’ » « W * wi mm «n ine u b t le 1 ts sU m ped C. AX kt N ever fen«, all . . of ap|*n1 being taken to the cemmMoaee» S0 jj ju bulk. FOR N otice is hereby given th a t the am rd settler ht »nd forty ex- recen t years is the p o sitiv e rem edy hJ* r*’",,n"o,>s reaMenr« «p.» aud cultivation ty’ttp'l fo,” W»qt « inoitern, np-to-dste MtO. W. 11 o rd 'sd rag 81« W. CARMAN Binder Tw ine. M achine ri RF? co. pitKh of h it attention $!>•$«» H »»- all hearings iu appeal cases before him­ ftired th e pqtuinatiqn, lie could not ac­ self and tlie assistant commissioner d u r­ cept. Mr. Booth has many Lane coqnty ing July^and August, seems to have friends wtio would lake plvaeure in been taken hy some to mean th at the «.■cine litni thus honored, -lii'gister. ■ . , . poaitio Oi!. M ach in e Extr^ L o ° ’° ì i i o ’ AJVO ö l i i o and M ining Sui low b Everything in the Hardware Line.