THE W EST YOUR HOHE PA PER SU PP O R T IT •c «ufTewr rjfcJ Not. lug e , * ' - tnd J wen ou -it. T.Ufcïg L aoinu anltoJJJ ui about UfaigJ »in nut e«t > Í» » ♦ * car « » J pia. - bi a li S f e N atom RIpHMtl aunt ot^ BB E R A L D IR E C T O R Y STATE O F F IC E R S- Of t! fourni » Jfl their r » B ________________ << TRAVELERS’ GUIDE. STEAM ER THE FRENCH SHORE.” T R A V E L E R S ’ GUIDE M A R G U E R IT E , G A R D IN E R o — - W ill m a k e ------ S T A G E D ees th is illus­ trate your e x p e ri­ en ce? A n d a re you w or- L IN E . and Head of From Mapleton to ea t like ¿ago do dhl out w ith bli and o f -------- A N D t h e teetlrnont» rte«l th e m . Rlpa a c tu a lly cured ro d isa p p ea red id h o n e ' e r coi v a red, ch u b b y ft I a t tr ib u t e to R| th e y w ill b en efit If ta k e n accoi on (w ithou t gloss ie poor and the c< forty-eight centi B ruts) w ill tie sen Lj^-cta and at rcllut Florence R E T U R N .-------- EUGENE-FLORENCE STAGE LINE. L eaves M ap leton a t 7 A. M. L eaves F loren ce a t 2 I*. M. Kincaid. O n SUNDAY’S le a v e s M a p leto n a t 8 A. M. U . .................J. R. Hill an d F lo ren ce a t 3 P. M. ~ î} « .. . . H. D. Edwards ......... E .U . Lee W. W. Withers THE STEAM ER .A. 8. Patterson .. . D. P. Burton ...... ^ -C 3 V E E 3 uperintendent.. ..W . M. Miller .............................C. M. Collier . ( S . . . . G . W. Urittin Peace. ............. C. H. Holden AVill carry freight and passengers . . . . . . . . G. C. Compton from F loren ce to San F rancisco. E. B a n g s , Proprietor. S tage leaves! E u g en e for F lor­ ence d a ily ex cep t S un day at 6 a. m. A rr iv es a t F lo ren ce th e day fol­ lo w in g a t 10 a. m . R etu rn in g stag» le a v es F loren ce for F u g e n e d a ily ex c ep t Sunday at a t 2 p. m . A rriv es in E u gen e at 6 p. m . th e day follow in g. S in g le fare - - - - 5 00. R oun d trip - - - - 9.00. t h \ i i CITY OFFICERS. T ick ets for sa le a t E . B an gs’ . . . *** #.* *** liv e ry barn, E u g en e, and a t O. W . F or further in form ation in qu ire H u rd ’s office in F loren ce. .. .Marion Morris » « .(• •'j. - OF — , A. Evans, P R ? ? ; i A ll through freight on the stage . H. Weetherson, Ì 9 Ù R ’ * * “ ""' A . W . B E A D L E & CO. eith er w ay betw een E u g en e aud m. Brynd, M apleton, w ill bo charged a t the Christensen. 22 M arket St, rate o f tw o cents per pound d uring ................ J . C . P h e l p s San F ran cisco, C alifornia. th e m onths of O ctober, N ovem ber, I........O. W. Hurd D ecem ber, J a n u a ry , February, . .G. C. Cumpton March and A pril, and one cent per pound d uring th e m onths o f May, J u n e , J u ly , A u g u st and September. CRET S O C IE T IE S . W ill also brin g up freigh t Florence Lodge No. 107. unication on second re in each month. « ,W . C obb , W. M. ilia , Secretary. Fsrpetua Lodge, No. 181, ry 1st and 3d Tuesdays Silbers and visiting tending are cordially A. O. F unkk , M. W. orrs, Recorder. ORTHERN Pacific, Ry. A r ic d H fo r fear you are soon to be bald? Then cease worry­ ing, for help is at hand. Y ou n e e d something t h a t w ill put new life into the hair bulbs. Y ou need a h a ir fo o d , su ch a s — It brings health to the hair, and the fall­ ing ceases. It always restores color to g ra y h a ir. You need not look at thirty as if you were fifty, for y o u r g ra y hair may have again all the dark, rich color of youth. >1 .00 a bottle. All druggists. " I a r a a barber b y tra d e a n d have h ad a g r e a t d ea l t o d o w it h you r H a ir V ig o r. I .h a v o fo u n d th a t It w ill d o e v e r y th in g t h a t yon cla im fo r i t . I t has g iv e n m e th e m o st c o m p le te s a tis fa c tio n In m y b u s i­ n e s s .” IiENUY j . G kokok , M arch 22,1899. K a n sa s C ity , Mo. NOTARIES. A. R. BUTTOLPH, * NO. 12. . Notary Pdb ic, Surveyor W r M o t b a O o o to e *, I t you do not obtain all the benefits you expected from th e use ot th e V igor, w rite the Doctor about It. Misery, squalor and wretchedness, accentuated by nn almost ceaseless ; struggle with hunger and cold, are the portion of the Inhabitants of tho i “North Shore,” In Newfoundland, Their little hamlets are perched In the rifts In the almost unbroken hills, and the fierce storms sweep the surface almost to their doorsteps, while for seven mouths of tli^ year their coast Is blockaded with Ice aud they ore cut oft from all communication with the outside world. The only Industry Is podflshlng, and cod Is the sole medium of exchange. The people rarely see money, and bar­ ter Is the system of trading, a quintal of cod being the unit of value. The needs of the Usher folk are only sup­ plied by the Itinerant trader, bis schooner being laden with provisions, clothing and Ushlng appliances. Thus have these people lived for generations. They are Ignorant, for the means of education are nonexistent, the children being content with what satisfied their fathers. The common objects of every­ day life are unknown to them. They have neither horses nor cattle. Only a few of the older folk who have ven­ tured south have any knowledgo of these things. There are no roads and therefore no vehicles. Travel Is by boat during the summer and over the Ice floes dur­ ing the rest of the year. The few let­ ters for the clergy aud others who can read nro conveyed to the settlements by dog teams during the winter, and, save for the fortnightly visit of the mallhoat during the period of open navigation, a steamer la never seen by the residents. With such marvels as electric tele­ graphs, telephones and electric light they are of course unfamiliar, and their standard of Intelligence Is best Indicated by stating that It Is not un­ usual to And a Justice of the peace who cannot write his own name.—Cham­ bers’ Journal. A MAN AND HI8 VIOLET8. Th« S t o r r o f th o V lv a o lo u o W h o R e c e iv e d th e F le w e v a . EXPENSIVE LAUGHTER. j it W 'll e r e M is e ry -, S q o a l - r , R obk , v a n d C o ld R n l e I n N e w f o u n d l a n d . i , x ; r n o r ................................ .. . T. T. Geer. 7> .F. I. Dunbar. R E G U L A R D A IL Y T R IP S H . H . B a rre tt, P rc p ’r, ia.«i o. tar y of S 'a te .... 4 4 wiy t h t j l ----- B e tw e e n — . F. 8. Moore. I 4 ly c ur«- 4 ÄWv *»»• ?£*• *•£••• Stage Leaves Steamboat Landing on T> ablic Instruction J. II. Ackernau 4 u> ¿«> ‘ i ® Printer.......................W. the Umpqua for Florence Saturdays. Printer. H. Le .-da. 4 Ä 4 Returning, Stage Leaves Florence Mrl -oey General P. R. N. Black' urn . R. 8. Bean f e Sundays. . .F. A. Moore „ If y rfiT no Court S T E A M E R L IL L IA N Extra Trips When Necessary E. Wolverton gUiTere.l I --------M AK ES D A IL Y T R IP S --------- Charges Reasonable. h i. iiMn-fieoood D istrict..J. W. Hamilton tu d ill— A il-.nincli et 40,000?* m . Q uad . Co.. Pa. "I can tru th fully recom m end th e m edL d u e » for a lt fem ale w cak uesecs. I h ave used several b ottles o f ' Favorite P rescription ' which I couaiiler a great M essin g to w eak w om en . I a-aa so nervous aud discouraged that I hardly k n e w w hat to do. Y our k in d ad vice for h om e treatm ent h elp ed m e w ond erfttlly. Thanks Io Dr. Pierce.» Doctor Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets cure biliousness, and sick headache. They should be used In conneqtion with "Favorite Prescription,” whenever the use of a laxative is indicated. .4 A WALL STREET DEAL. 3» I t W a e Q u le k a a S B x » e a e lv e a ^ e t h a O M F a m u er. “Waal, it’s Jest os the papers and my old woman said,” remarked tbe old fanner from western New York who was on hta way back home from the metropolis; “And what did they say?" i man who shared his seat “About WaU street and lambs are shorn down there." “Oh, I seel Thtn you took la WaU street, ehF* “I did," was the solemn reply. ■»’ ‘ “What was your filer?" ’ • j “Didn’t have no filer.” “But what did you speculate IB to lose your money?” “Nothin 'tall. I didn’t have time to speculate. I'd Just bought two i , for 0 cents off a stand and was dertn whether I’d take a filer In or copper when a man come along and takes my >17 out of my bind pocket and said: " *Yoa are too late, old man. Wheat has gone up six p’lnta and shrunk you ont of >8 margin, and copper's gouo to Texas and shrunk you out o f tbe other >0. Better move on now and com« down and strike beeswax when It's an the boom? “That’s what he said, sir, and I pick* ed up my feet and dug ou t I bad >8 in another pocket and I didn’t pro­ pose to bang around until turnips Jumped eight or ten p’lnts and le ft ha» dead broke In a big town." M. QDAA “Yes, It was a lovely bunch of vio­ "Did Morgan give you the lie?" lets,” sighed the girl who received “Yea, and bla second has Just been Lowell, Ma««. them, “but I wish they had never come to me. You see, it was thia way: The trying to adjust matters peaceably." MARION MORRIS. “fibowlng tbe white feather, eh? man who sent them Is one of those aw­ What did be propose?” fully nice fellows wbo bore yon to F. Hecetalxxlgc No. 111.meets “That Morgan should withdraw the S le e p in g C a rs kind you feel so glad to see Wednesday evening in Lodge TONSORIAL - PARLOR. death—the If I would admit tho fact?’— Brothers in E le g a n t talking to some one else, don’t you epithet Lesllo's Weekly. attend. FLORENCE. - - - OREGON M A R IO N M O R R IS, P popriktor . know,” she ended appealingly. D in in g C a rs . E vans , N. G. "Yes; I’ve seen tbe type," sympathet­ Shaving and Haircutting neatly ically replied her auditor. T o u ris t FR E D . C. B E A N , ”1 notice?’ complained Mrs. Henpeck, and promptly done. “Well, on my birthday ha sent that “that you Derer call me 'dear' any S lee p in g C a rs X F. Maple Lodge No.. nn-t-i« lovely bunch of violets—perfect beau­ Razor Honing and Scissors Grind­ ry Thursday e v e n in g in M e y e r A ST. PAUL ties they were—with a dear little note "No," confessed Mr. Henpeck; "I ing a specialty. R an, Mapleton. Oregon. Broth- to tbe effect that ho bad to go out of couldn’t conststontly." M IN N E A P O L IS and NOTARY PUBLIO, good atanding invited t o a t t e n d . Front Street, Florence, Oregon. town, but would be represented by “Indeedl And why not?” DULUTH these little purple clad messengers, so , T. J. N lh . j . N. G. MAPLETON. OREGON “Well, talk Is cheap, you know .»- like my eyes and whose fragrance al­ F A R C O -------------- Cathollc Standard and Times. ways reminded him of me. I thought TO Q R A ND FO RKS •’ ). F. Irene Encampment, No. 42, tbe note rather nice,” she concluded V a js a r d e n a b le . CROOKSTON •te hi I. O. O. F. hall in Florence pensively, "and put the flowers In the Mrs. Ondcgo (making a call)—I am :ond and fourth l-'ri.lny of ea, R parlor on tbe center table, writing back W IN N IP E G sorry to hear you are baring troublo . Members of th is d e g re e a re that I bad done so. Why In tbe world with your cook. H E L E N A ««d lly invited to rtter.d. was I io prompt?” she walled. ' 8. J . S kymovr , C. I*. Mra Upjohn—Yes, I shall bars to let I f y o n h a v e n 't a regu lar, h o a lth r n io r a a ssa t o f th# BUTTE “It was no more than polite.” bow els 111 or ___________ * e v e r y d a y , y o u * ’re “ ** * w ill be. Keep your - Of Eugene, Oregon ?»1L. Bcrily. Serena go. I didn’t mind her practic­ b o w els op en , and bo w ell. F orce, lu th e sh a p e o f v io ­ “Ob, much morel My dear. It is al­ ing on tho piano now and then, bat she le n t phytdo o r p ill p o iso n , In d a n g e r o u s. Tho sm ooth ­ e st, oasloht, m o st p e r fe c t w a y ot k e e p in g th o bow els ways Idiotic to go Into details Ilka that 0 . F.—Sunset Rebi-I; all L odge No. d e a r and c le a n i s to ta k e to Join our golf clubl—Chicago TO Well, bo did not go out of town, but wants 14, meets in .Odd Fellows’ ball. C H IC A C O CANDY Tribune. ce, the second and fourth Tliura- was ’fortunately’ detained aud came CATHARTIC W A S H IN G T O N eniugs in each month. around after all to tell me so. And G ave H L * A w a y . K atbekine B kun d , N. G. thoso wretehe^ violets”— P H IL A D E L P H IA They had been at tbe masquerade, > O. P bil , Sec. "Surely they were all right?” where she had recognised him at once. General Banking Business N EW YORK “I had loaned them to Annie to wear “Was It tbe loud beating of my heart, O. P.—Mlgnoit Ixxlge No. 1 0 \ B O S T O N A N D A L L to tbe Blanks’ dinner. Of courso I my darling, that told you I was here?" ebekah Degree, meets in Meyer A Transacted on Favorable Terms bad to tell him that the beat of tbs murmured be. C - i a|LHall, Mapleton, the 1st and 3rd P O I N T S E A S T » » 'I S O U T H D rafts is s u e d o n th e p r in c ip a l c it ie s o f th e room was too great and I bad put 3» I Allay evenings in each month, "Oh, no." she replied. ”1 recognised For in fo r m a tio n , tim e card», m ap» « u d tic k e t» U n ited S ta te s a n d fo reig n co u n tr ie s. a x . I I ’> M attie O. H udson , N . G. them In tbe Icebox. Just ns he was you by the size of your feet?’—Town E A T ’ EM LIK E C A N D Y e tc ., c a ll o n or w rite ’. C. B bak , Sec. going and I was congratulating myself Topics. I n te rest a llo w e d o n D em a n d C ertifica tes of Plear-ant, P a la ta b le , P o te n t. T a ste Good, Po Good, N orer Rkk- n. W eaken, or G ripe. 10,25, and 60 t ent« on my escape In sailed that miserable R. M c M urphey , D ep o sit w h e n le f t sta ted p eriod. nor box. W rite f o r fr e e baiuple, and b o o k le t on Wave Camp No. D e e p Bess C o m a s w e la p e . health. Addreae 433 girl, violets nnd all! If be bad only s 2 a n d 4, S h e lto n B lo c k , ■rial, elepi^ C ollection!* re c e iv e o u r p ro m p t a tte n tio n . STiRLl.X:; BKBF.nY rPSFA lY , CIIK AGO er KKW YOKM. alternate Saturday G eneral A g en E t. U G R E oom “That’s about a s bum a piece of ma­ gone, ns he said lie would. It would N E , OREGO N. est, most - * C ity a n d C o u n ty W arrants b o u g h t. A-nre. Visiting have been nil right. Men are so unre­ rine architecture,” said the starfish, rs are invited to n t ' ,- 1.1. A. D- C H AR LTO N, Inspecting the hull of Noah’s ark, “i W . E. B RO W N , D . A . P A IN E , liable!’’—New York Mall and Express. Ir.-d t l w / L G » . G . l ’E ii., V . C . A ss is ta n t G eneral P a ssen g er A g en t, President. Vice President. ever plowed these waters.” MIIIMWIg. Olerk. 255 M orrison 8 t., C or., 3d. A n i m a l P e c a l lm r l t le a . “Oh, I don’t know,” replied the bar­ leous Mi ......... F . W . OSBURN, W . W . B RO W N , D r . C. IT. T. A twood . D r . A. O. A twood . P o r tla n d , O r. If a female fox (vixen) gets caught nacle. “I’m a good deal stack on It C a sh ie r . A s s t C a sh ier. ATTORNEYS In a steel trap and Is discovered by myself.”-—Chicago Tribune. P H Y S IC IA N S D E N T IS T . in lighter" • - «4 «-»<■»-< M otto: K in d trea tm e n t, p rom p t a tten tim i, tho male or fox dog, it Is snld lie Inva­ good work. riably kills her, although I have not D e e s T h is E x p l a in I t 7 1« and h.,*A. C. WOODCOCK, beard It stated tlint tbe vixen would JOHN O. BECK, "Another theatrical company baa W. H. WEATHERSON, l e t u s p w [' ¿wHEK D iseases of Women a Specialty. kill the dog fox or another vixen or the been quarantined. There seems to be Ft. Terrace, Oregon. Florence, Oregon. W atch th e W eit for Trip» to Coa»t. male another male. something contagiosa about these trav­ Eugene, : : Oregon. If n cow becomes Impaled on a fence eling aggregations.” - O regon anil groans with pain, the whole herd “Say, perhaps It’s the ’catchy’ songs teOSH 7 »n d » McTxtrvn’fc B u ild in g . Instantly rush wildly to the spot, fight they sing.”—Cleveland Plain Dealer. .tM n tlo u g ir a » t o c o l le c t i o n s a n d p ro ­ TOBACCO SPIT nnd apparently do their best to destroy lis s a . and S M O K E her If not beaten off. Cal. Ia and Hz. Your Life away! A hog confined with others In a pen I You can h e cu red o f a tty form o f to b a cco u sin g "Co you think that genius Is moved e a s ily , be ina.te w e ll, stro n g , m a g n etic , fu ll o f breaks out and on being returned to to exert Itself by Inspiration T ’ C. H . H O L D E N , n ew life nnd v ig o r b y ta k in g N O - T O - B A O . F i ¡r .r s . ijw x n r - a t - x u a - w , the pen Is at once set upon anti.bitten “Sometimes,” answered the very se­ i th a t m a k es w e a k m en stro n g M any gain ten p o u n d s in fen d a y s. O ver B O O , O U O by the others. and e. S; LumCoMMihRiosKR. rious young man, "but oftener by tbe e m d . AllI d r u g g ists. C urs g u a rsn te o d . Book- Why, with all the Instinct animals expiration of tbe period for which rent I S ' L A d d i c t » 8 T S A L IN G R PJ3LÜWMM. »Id 7 ^ ■■chHngpd. R E M E D Y CO., C h ica g o o r N ew York. 437 possess. Is the desire so strong to In­ has been paid?’—Washington Star. He—Dearest, I’m not good looking, jure or destroy rather than to help or I'm not wealthy, my grandfather m le d S t t » * Do Y ou W a n t a H om e in W e s te rn O reg o n ? rescue?—New York Sun. Jailed for sheep stealing, nnth-my S a b lla s a P v ls a d s b lp . re, . T R A V IS , elven tW - “Rlnklns and Joppa are great friends, lly use bad grammar, but I own a V IN C E N T & C O ., i,l Ihe »d W o e « T h a t C aaees S aeeelagr, horse and cutter! aren’t they?” Como to F loren ce and ace th e fine farm s 1 -'An nrtlj Among Its many curious products Ute» "I W . Rha—My own!—Chicago Newa. I •They’re simply Infatuated. Each Is and beautiful forests in th e S iu sla w v a lley . nu-f-’ii TUUR South Africa Includes the “sneese wilting to listen while tbe other brags.” I .„„1 wood” tree, which tskes Its namo from —Chicago Becord. W h r Th e? D M a *t C t a H t l s . ' ,.rth SUT t® c o lle c t io n s a n d ■II. -t«t««( tho fact that one cannot cut It with a Miss Crochet—I saw yon at my song her E u g en e , Oregon- saw without sneering, as the fine dust recital last evening. I wonder If «boas D o Y o u W a n t a R a n c tf? A a la ta r la p a r . ■. ,f the »»Mg an dt H ayin gs R ank. „ td f'r has exactly the effect of snuff. Even people In tbe back seats made any cam- Old Gentleman—Here, sir, how Is It Oregon. T .” In planing tho wood It will sometimes I catch yon kissing my daughter* plaint. I am sure they couldn't have Ke \ o . niw J . . - -ho* j - D o Y o u W a n t U n im p ro ved L a n d 7 cause sneering. No Insact, worm or Tbe Lover—Ry sneaking In on os, heard me. utile f.,rl® • _____ barnacle will touch 14, It Is very bitter sir.—Philadelphia Press. Miss Teller-No, I heard no com­ H o te l. to the uiste, and when placed In water it bind*; plaint. It la true, however, as yoa sup­ D o Y o u W a n t T o w n Lots? ntfiee »1 » It will rink. The color Is light brown posed. they couldn’t hear a note-—Boa- a t AH ata SiituraWi — j nnd the grain very closo and hard. ton Transcript. W>1. es.-e«: . . For dock work, piers or jetties It Is a D o Y o u W a n t T im b e r L a n d s ? W est A M e a S v H e fe r e a a a . useful timber, lasting a long while un­ “Kxpugn!” roared the Boston gi der water. Eugene. There came a strange rustling i Digests what you eat. W ksre «ba Shoe Plaab^L “Is that the blogrnph people I” „a I t artificially digetto tbe food and aida Young Girl (glancing at her pedal eg- Is »ref SNE A N D tbe commander. Naturo In strengthening and L>n of « 555??*1 tr* ’n>ltl«‘s>— Oh, dearl My feet ara aa i WE BUY AND SELL ALL KINDS OF REAL ESTATE “No,” reeponded the captain; atructlng tb e exhausted dlgostlve or­ awfully bigi J. T. W la our men searching their poski gans. It lathe latest discovered d igest-, Practical Auntie—But you stand on ttonarles for tho word ‘expuga? " ant and tonic. No other preparation ' •" T V . ROUTE, ON COMMISSION. co go News. can approach It In efficiency. I t In-, tb’_mBl*r*ffht-dontyou! atantly rellevesand permanently cures Young Girl—Ob, yes, but so da 1 PUÉ etsaM I Dvspepsla, Indigestion, Iieartburn, folk» too^-New York Tribune. ived A henpecked mao being told ;c, M1 Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea. I — - .............. .. Sick Headache, Gastralgta,Cramps and S re« 7 Biss»». Old acqualntauga was marrh Irate iiven all other results of Imperfect digestion. claimed. “I am glad to hoar tt." Beggnr— Ray. boss, won't you help a I« »t. -i noÄ»U P ries SOc. and I I . LartcsUe contains ML Mm« I But. reflecting a moment, bo ____ >n fi ne* J W . H . W E A TH E R S O N . smallai» Book all about dyspepsia raalMdtr» poor fellow out of a Job? > la s tone of compassion Jos k ley— Gracious I Can’t you gat sa t . . J ” aid I P reseras h» C. C. DeW ITT a C O . C h ita s » J nees. “And yet I don’t of It without my help? Protend yeo’rs Prop -X X. i — à»-«® - j» k A - . A » -A. ,-A^-uA, MBYkK A K Y LF. i sick or something. -Ptiilauelpbla Prasa. I should be: ho never «Ud a « o a p .-» ene® «I F io r noe, NOTARY O regon A d d r ess, D a . J . C. A Y E R , ’ PUBLIC. BEST FOB THE Loan s Savings Bank BOWELS EUGENE THROUGH TICKETS ¡ h i Cash Capital $50,000 5,000 KEEP YOUR BLCOD CLEAN ttorney at Law, F lo r e n c e R e a l E s t a t e A g e n c y . - at - Law. D O N 'T D R U G G IS T S , Kodol Dyspepsia Cure : nce JOHN C. BECK.