OUKGÜS.- C o n s tip a tio n , H e a d a ch e , B ilio u s n e s s , H e a rtb u rn , In d ig e s tio n , D izziness, Indicate that your liver Is out of order. The best medicine to rouse the liver and cure all these Ills, Is found In W E A T IIE R S O N Editor and Proprietor. IE W AY«-------- H o o d 's P ills T erm «; |l-5 0 « year in advance.- e o rç 25 cents. tered a t the p o n t office a t F lo re n c e , i county, Oregon, ua secund-clasu m a tter. D e s c ry ITMWG BATES MADE KNOWN ON PLICATION. n AP­ I 8 eentM per line, each in a c tio n Sold by all medicine dealers. PERSONALS. -------- B. F. Kane went to Eugene Monday for a short visit. S l h ( ‘ I Jn ce G R E E N L E A F IT E M S . ACME ITEM S. Ju ly 8, 1901. M r. Sabin i, in niter more cattle. Seth Simnwnn went to Eugene for medical nid. H aving made th e roads good, S uper­ visor B erkshire walked to town and cam e home on a new hike. M r. E vans is stiii living a t Mrs. Down- inga, unable to take care of him self, and will probably never be any better^ Pbineas Taylor, of Fairview , came to A lpha to spend the F ourth and was in no b urry about startin g home. W hy? I A lpha bad th e biggest celebration in | its history this year. About 80 people participated in the jollification, some of i them travelling 50 miles to be there. St. P ieire W llcutt tipped over on bis way home from th e A lpha celebration w ith the family in a wagon. Still lie says there were no sticks in the lem on­ ade. BY BARA AVIS. DO YOU GET UP » WITH A LAME BACK ? — Ju ly 10, 1901. Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable. Alice A lexander is on the sick list. who reads the new s-' F R A N K B. W I L S O N , M a n a g e r , The Acme left Monday with a cargo of j now of the wonderful lath ami lum ber. cures made by Dr. Kth.—r’s Swamp-Root, Frank Sauliert and Roy Alexander the great kidney, liver spent Sunday last on Ten-M ile Lake. A C M E , and bladder remedy. M r. and Mrs. G. E. Gibhs and John ¿X It is the great medi- cal triumph of the nine- Goodin are spending a week at the lakes. jll[ teenth century; dis- Through an oversight we failed fo fo - :['l covered after years of * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ward “ our item s " for publication list tjjl scientific research by Qfcr31 Dr. Kilmer, the emi­ week. nent kidney and blad­ An epidemic of cold in th e head and der specialist, and is lungs, accom panied som etimes by sore wonderfully successful In promptly curing W e Carry a F in e anti lame back, kidney, bladder, uric acid trou- th ro at, is quite p revalent in our burg. , bles and Bright's Disease, which is the worst Varied Stock o f Mrs. E . P. W aite and family are being (orm of kidney trouble. honored with a visit from her father and ; Dr. Kilmer's S w a m p -R o o t Is not rec­ m o th er, who recently u r riv e d fro m th e ommended for every thing but If you have kid- ‘ ney, liver or bladder trouble it will be found east and exnect to rem ain till fall. Just the remedy you need. It has been tested Some lime ago a money order depart- I In so many ways, in hospital work, in private m en t was added to o n r post office. This ! practice, among the helpless too poor topur- , . , . . , . 1 chase relief and ha- proved so successful in is a decided im provem ent over the regis- : every cas0 lhat a spec|a i arrangement has try system of rem itting money, etc. been made by which all readers of this paper W hile assisting to place th e deekload ' «ho have not already tried It may have a , , , ’ , , sample bottle sent free by mall, also a book on the Acme, (.has. Holzer was .tr ic k telling more about Swamp Root and how to on the head by a falling tim ber, which findout ifyou have kidney or bladder trouble, inflicted a painful though not serious When writing mention reading this generous w ound. offer In this paper and send your address to «J1_, Rev. O. G. Poling, P . E . Evangelical j Dr. Kilmer & Co.,Bing- church, preached a very interesting ser 1 hamton, M .Aia'Siliii; N. Y Y. The mon a t the schoolhouse Tuesday even­ regular fifty cent and tionioor smunp Hoot dollar sizes are sold by all good druggists. ing. Rev. S. A. Wood assisted with th e services. WESTERN HOUSE Onpt. R ead, of Coos Bay, has been in this locality during the past week inves­ W M . B R Y N D , P rop tigating the outlook for shipbuilding. E verything in connection with the However, nothing definite has resulted House is New and First-Class. from his visit. E dgar hand returned from San F ra n ­ SPECIAL ATTENTION TO cisco on the Acme. He was accom pa­ COMMERCIAL TRAVELLERS, nied by relatives who will spend the W e b u y d ir e c t fr o m t h e L a r g e s t J o b b in g H o u s e « a n d sum m er here. Mrs. Burrell also arrived The notice of the public is called to our new home M onday. B urt now wears a happy M a n u fa c tu r e r s in t h e c o u n t r y , fo r C A S H , a n d w e a r e e n a b le d sm ile. B A TH ROOM OREGON. Pleas. T ucker, of H erm ann, was 12, 1901. among th e passengers to Florence on M onday’s boat. ! Mrs. R obert Lowf is visiting relatives W E S T L IN G S . j on Fiddle Creek. _ , , ,, Clarence B u rn ett ean see a deer as far Revs. Poling, Wood and Yost gave ns „„ „ , B e s t i s N o n e to o G o o d . — ii . i . i as 8°m e people ean see one on a prairie. a pleasant call this week. A crowd were a t G reenleaf bridge re- Q U A L I! Joe Fellm an returned Tuesday, after j cently, when suddenly Clarence pointed I spending two weeks at various points in i his finger and exclaim ed, “ See th at i th e valley. | deer 1 ” The others looked and laughed Dr. Patterson was in Florence again at him , declaring lie was m istaken. The doctor is called here fre- Picking up a gun, he said : “ W atch, 1= ta w ent to Y aquina S atur- ! J Tuesday. 'Rubai q „ en tly of late. and I ’ll sneak around through the turning Sunday. , George Bradley and family have re­ brush and take a sh o t a t h im .” W hile C ^ E J ' F 'i r r l a g e license lias lieen issued to turned to P o rtlan d , after residing a year lie stole away th e men laughed a t,h is H arrington and Ordella Camp. sim plicity till they wi re startled by a or two in Arizona. shot, and eure enough a lino deer gave a T ripp h as Moved from the Rogers Mrs. P epper and children shook th e 0 the old Florence Hotel build- Florence dust from theii feet yesterday, leap and fell dead w ith a bullet in its eye. Then it was G larence’s turn to N e ckv, and left for G ran ts P a u to reside. I«’ gh. Morris Hotel is no more. I t is Jak e B enner returned to Florence I pjj- -o rw ard to be known as Bay View You ean never cure dyspepsia bv d ie t­ W ednesday evening, after an absence of ing. W hat your body needs is plenty of a m onth nt Eugene and oth er places. good food properly digested. Then if blue p rin t pl*tB of any tow nship Mrs, K anotf has been spending a few your stomach willl not digest it, Kodol e or D ouglas’counties call a t C , days on N orth F ork, hut will retu rn to Dyspepsia Cure will. I t contains all of — Ulen’s office. Florence about th e m iddle'of n ext week. the n atural digestants hence m ust digest Thom pson will preach in the O. W . H urd is oft on a business trip . every class of food and so prepare it th at . , terisn church in Florence, Sun- | { , I > I uly 14th, a t 11 a. in. and in Acme to be absent th ree or four weeks. He n atu re can use it in nourishing ttie body For the past few days the conipnny w i,e ro H ot auj Cold Baths ntay be ¡will visit San Francisco before retu rn in g ! and replacing th e wasted tissues, thus has been m aking extensive repairs in had at any time. l,0lnf* ¡giving life, h ealth , stren g th , am bition, the m ill. A new slab conveyer is rap ­ t t b f t l ' o a g h a n il w o r k s o f f t h e C o ld Fred 8. Dow. of M ar?h3eldt represent- ' pure blood and healthy appetite. Me idly nearing com pletion, and a fine large .ve Bromo-Quinine T ablets cure n I ing the Sperry F lour Mill*, was tran s- & K yle. edger came up on the Acme and is now In Qua” one ^ nre n o i ' u y- acting business in Florence and Acme! CO n T F a c T X v ^ r B e d . being placed in position. 2B cent«. S A L U T I Tuesday, ______ ited—50 persons desiring to dis- Y e a r ly . Those famous little pills, D eW itt’s f real estate in this vicinity to call Mount, of E ugene, was on th e Sins- \ Some three weeks ago Meyer ft Kyle L ittle E arly Risers compel your liver I Men and women of good address to represent »lace th e ir property on our list. law Friday and Saturday p u ttin g th e i “ ,,d tl,e Ae,no Comm ercial Oo. asked for .. us, some to travel appointing agents, others for “ ------- ' saws in order for the Florence L um ber ! hids for constructing a telephone line i and bo"'e,a to 1,0 th e ir d o t’r’ tl,M K‘v,n« I ' local work looking after our interests. $900 ft Weal hereon. yon pure, rich blood to recuperate your salary guaranteed yearly; extra, commissions 1 and expenses, rapid advancem ent, old estab­ R oberts w ent to Y aquina agnin ' Co. an d for th e Siuslaw & San Francisco from Acme to Florence. lished bouse. Grand chance for earnest man or The first of th e week a contract was body. A re easy to take. N ever gripe. woman ay, returning th e n ext day. On i u m ° er Go. to secure pleasant, perm anent position, M eyer ft Kyle. liberal income and future. New, brilliant lines. awarded to H . H . F isk and work com- ay back ehe called at Alsea and F ish W arden V an Dtwen cam® in from Write a t once. I. O . O. F. IN S T A L L A T IO N . k ir |^j, out a schooner. I Y aquina on th e R obarts Sunday and i menced 0,1 ita construction Tuesday. All ST A FFO R D P R E S S , ,r «pending a- week in Florence, I * en t UP to ln tc h e ry a t M apleton. m aterial is being furnished to the con­ 33 Church S t ., N e w H a v e n , Conn. tractor. I. G . K notts left Wednesday m o rn , He ,e ,‘ Mond,,y m orning by th e beach The officers elected by H eceta Lodge WANTED.—Capable, reliable person In every T he line is to connect M eyer ft K yle’s rCoos com ity to resume .his labors routu for ll,e No. I l l to serve for the n ext term were county to represent lorae comj»any of solid store with th a t of th e Acme Comm ercial ATE IN m lf of tbe Sunday schools. i i t j . easier to keep well than get cured. Co. I t will perhaps be extended to M a­ inducted into th eir respective chairs ttnuncial reputation; |9M salary per year, paya­ W ednesday evening, th e exercises being ble weekly; per day absolutely Bure and all ite descending a grade Ju ly 4, th e D eW itt’s L ittle E arly R isers taken now pleton and E ugene in the near future. C look an d Y am hill stage was over-1 and th en , will alw ays keep your bowels under the direction of L. M. C hristen­ expenses; straight, bonn-flde, definite salary, no commission; salary paid each Saturday and ex­ sen, D. D. G. M. pense money advanced each week. STANDARD CH U RCH A NNOUNCEM ENT. L O ne of tlte passengers was killed \ in perfect order. They never gripe b u t They were as follow s: R. I.. E vans, HOUSE. n34 D kahuorn Sr., C hicago . 41-14 nother had his arm broken. prom ote an easy gentle action. M eyer o n o d >• , , - , N. G .; Fred H ew itt, V . G .; Win. Kvle, WANTED—TRUSTWORTHY MEN AND WO piles th a t annoy you so w ill be ! Kyle. Rev. C. C. Pohng, of th e Evangelical Treag The fo,|o tti„g offieer8 were Bp. men to travel and advertise for old established ly and perm anently healed if you church, will preach at M apleton on F ri- ' j pointed and Installed: Phil W. Nicolle, bouse of solid flnaneial standing. Salary >780 a LACKED ONE KIDNEY. i t t ’s W itch Ilazei Salve. Be- day evening, the 12th in st., a t 8 p. m ., 1 W a r.; F. C. P eil, C o n .; J . L. F urnish, year and expenses, h II payable in cash. No can of w orthless counterfeits. M eyer and a t H erm an on to e 13th a t 8 p. m. j I. G .; A. C. K arnoivsky, O. G .; W. R. vans Ing required. Give references and enclose T he first of th is week W ill Safley and on the 14th at 11 a. in. In th e after­ I Dilley, It. S. N. G .; F . H . A lexander, self-addressed stamped envelope. Address Man­ ager, 855 Caxton bldg, Chicago. Itiö n in bankruptcy was filed a showed us a beef th a t he had killed a noon of the sam e day at 4 o ’clock he w ill ' L. S. N. G .; S. J . Seym our, R. S. V. G .; d a v o r two previous, which was some- preach a t the Reed apim intnient. Rev. WANTED—ACTIVE MAN OF GOOD CHARAt ijrs ago by T . A . G ilbert, n hoot Leonard Isaakson, L. S. V . G .; W. L ter to deliver and collect in Oregon, for old 10c dealer of Eugene. H is liabili- | thinK of “ curifis‘ty t0 a stu d en t of natu- : S. M. Wood will assist in all of these Fisk, R. S. S .; Geo. G. Peil, L . S. S .; established m anufactOrlna wholesale house. >900 a year, sure pay. Honestv more than experi­ " ” j t to f 8078, with $6752 assets, ral history, as it had no kidney on th e services. ence required. Our reference, any bank in an W. H . W eatherson, C hap. eltv. Enclose self addressed stamped enveloiM tin g moetly o f a stock of shoes. i le ftsid e . The rig h t kidnev was found The steam er Lillian m ade a trip from M anufacturers, T hird Floor, 334 Dearborn St, MORE IM P R O V E M E N T S . in tlie usual place and was perfectly nat ■ com plexion generally results head of tide to bring m em bers of the Chicago. oral, except th a t it was som ew hat larger nactive liver and bowels. In all NOTIGE FOR PU BLIC A TIO N . For some m onths it lias been reported order from M apleton and points along th an the o rdinary. The kidneys of a D eW itt’s L ittle E arly Risers ' th e river to atten d the installation. fullgrown bovine usunlly weigh about th at O. W. H urd would soon build a new United State* Land Office, lasting and perm anent results. A t th s close of the exercises a fine . Roseburg, Oregon, June ft, 1901. two pounds or rath er less, but this wharf in front of his store. Notice 1» hereby given that in compliance r 4k Kyi«. W ednesday m orning workmen began j lunch was spread a t th e W estern House, with th e provision* of the uet of Congress of tipped tbe beam a t three pounds. There 18/8, entitled “ An act for the sale of tim ­ f. G . W . M ttam , of P leasant Hill, was about ns much fat on the left side of i fearing out the old w harf, and the new I over which m em bers of the local lodge June?!, ber land* in the States of Oalifornin, Oregon, j and th eir guests had an enjoyable time Nevada, and W ashington Territory,’’ a* extend­ sen elected principal u t tbe Geary tb e backbone as on the right, b u t tb e one will be constructed im m ediately, ed to all the Public Land States by act of August I before separating for th eir homes. I in Engene for tb e coming year. left side bad no artery through it, such 4, 1892, Matthew K. Wallis, of Kuaene, county of Lano, State of Oregon, has thia day filed in this T H E R O Y A L N E IG H B O R S . M ilam h at been teaching in this : as is connected with th e kidneys of most office his sworn statem ent No. J(»81, for »he pur­ HEARTBURN. chase of the northw est q u arter <»f section No. y for some eight o r ten years past. ' quadrupeds. Tbe anim al when alive Mrs. Stipes, of P o rtlan d , Deputy Head 20, in township No. 18 8., range No. 9 W., and W hen th e quantity of food taken is too W 0 t i M ? ? l0 n g in K ,0 C’ ' Bra?,< li,,tl e if tn 7 ’eri,'C,ly he" lt‘” ' “ « o o d th riv - Oracle, M. W. A., will arrive today to large or th e qnality ton rich, heartburn will offer proof to «how tha; the land sought is more valuable for its tim ber or stone th an for « ‘ ■»Safley qn.te eeverc-ly W ednesday er, being owned by Al. Ready for several organize a lodge of th e Royal Neighbors Is likelv In follow,' and especially s o il ’ agricultural purposes, ami to establish his claim I t«» said land before the register and revolver of ng. t ptoveil ag. I It ptoved a death w arran t for years. of m erica t u u t « . . will ¡ ii h be . ................ of A America. The lodge instituted th e digestion tins been ___ weakened by con­ I this office ut Roseburg* Oregon, on Thursday, the 22d day of August, lflOl. "Tg, M he loon after tmik » bath in at Acme th is evening. stip ation. K at slowly and not too freely | He imines as wituesaev: SEW ING M A C H IN ES. ver from which he lias not y et re- D uring last May an infant child of our o( easily digested food. M ssticste t h e ; Any Hint „11 person, claim ing Adversely the neighbor was Buffeting from cholera in ­ food thoroughly. Let six hours elapse ntaive-dtserlbea We have for sale one of the latest im ­ lands are reqne.ted to tile th eir H tt’a Witch.- H azel Salve should tn this office on or befoie sold ZZd day of fantum . The doctors had given up all between meals and when you feel a full­ claInis proved W hite, drop-head, hall-benring August, 1901. »mptly applied to cuts, burns and hopes of recovery. I took a bottle of ness and weight in the region of the J. T. B ridoks , Bcgftter. I. I t »oothea and quickly heals tbe sewing machines with m an u factu rer’s C ham b erlain 's Colic, Cholera and Dinr- stomach after eating, indicating that ' guarantee. sd p art. Tbs ire are w ortblete coun- N OTICE FOR PUBLICATION. ,'ave *n,en to° m ncll> take one of Also a Cham pion m achine, m ade by rlioea Remedy to th e house, telling them « , be sore to get D eW itt’s. Meyer C ham berlain's Stomach and Liver Tab­ I th e New H ome Co., with seven draw ers I felt sure it would do good if used ac­ Land Office nt Roseburg, Oregon, le. June 26, 1901. cording to directions. In two days tim e lets and the heartburn may be avoided. _______ t . . . . ani' a f'1" set of attachm en t« . Notice is hereby given that tbe folfowlng- report o i D I J repore D r r. . P atterson, health ... , For saje by O. W. H urd. named settler bus ilb-.l nolice of bis Intention to . Call at th e W est office and exam ine th e child had fully recovered. The child niskecoinninhitlon dual proof Ii. support of his r e a t G ard iner, shows th a t durin g ^ e. e is now vigorous and healthy. I have LANE C O U N T Y CRO PS. m achines if you want a bargain. claim , and that said proof will he made before V W uarfer ending Ju n e 30, 1901, eight lb If. Holden, V. H. ('oininIwloner, at Klorenee, recommended this rem edv frequently on August 15, 1901, viz: Millard F, P h il­ The Oregonian of Ju ly 8 says It is Oregon, Is arrived and departed from th a t lips, on his H. E. No. 997ft, for the lie1, sec. 32, B E W A R E O F O IN T M E N T S F O R ¡C A ­ and have never known it to fall.—Mrs Tp. I»H.. It. 9 W. estim ated th a t.th e w heat crop of Lane , . T he sanitary condition of eacli T A R R H THAT CONTAIN MERCURY, C urtis Baker, Book w a ite r, Ohio. Sold lie names the following witnesses to prove his county will am ount to 800,000 bushels, ! continuous was “ firet-class."’ residence upon and cultivation of As m ercury will surely destroy tbe sense by O. W. H urd. raid land, viz. F. Peil, A. F. Hurd and ('. H. or more th an an average crop. A bout I Siuslaw ft 8«n» Francisco L um ber . ¡of „ ...... ............ c .» .iBo the .„ e i . smell and com pletely u derange Morgan, of Florence, Oregon; II. If. Fisk, of Mapleton, Oregon. 500,000 buahels will be for export. O ther ‘ •e constantly polling in more and whole system when entering it through 11 18 Believed the visit of the River J. T. B kidoks , Register. tnnchmftry. A few days ago they th e tnncoifs bu H a o «. Such articles H arb o r C om m ittee will be oi much crops prom ise equally well. Oats are filling better than usual, and will yield a etl a new edger of the latest im- nhonhi never be used except on prescrip- benefit to Oregon. T he com m ittee by a NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. d p attern , end they propose soon tiens from reputable physicians, as the personal inspection of existing condi- good crop. The hay crop is being bar- j Land Office, Roseburg, Oregon. vested, and will he the largest for yenrs. in an electric light p lan t for the d a m a g e they will do is ten fold to the July ft, 1901. tions will fully realize the needs of river H ops are doing well where they have Notice is hereby given th at the following- good you can possibly derive from them . »ctth*r has filed notice of hi* intention y against Tw o. It is not reasons Mall’s C atarrh Cure, m anufactured by and harbor im provem ent. T h eir trip, been properly tended, and vegetables of nameri to make final proof to support of his claim , an T a k f H ood's S areap irilla acting directly upon the blood and m u­ undeveloped resources, and the possi­ is th is true of prunes, the principal ex- ! ¡VÌI 'i*.. P «» *'■ iy o fi, * 1 * 5 / 0 0 . Itre fre a h e s the blood, cous surfaces of th e system . In buying ' He name* the following w itnetres to prove bilities of increased traffic and com­ port fruit. ivea the appetite, makes sleep easy Mali’s C atarrh Cure be eure yon get tlie hl« conti ii hour realdeuce upon and cu ltivation • of Raid laud, Viz The efforts of Congressman Mtfol. genuine. I t is taken in tern ally , And is merce. T he BEST RCMECV FOR STOMACH AND Krl Anderem , of Florence. Oregon; F. W. Woodcock, S. J. elirum and Henry latoderklng, goo’s repotatifin as a prone grow- made in Toledo, Ohio, by F . J . Cheney Tongue in arranging the Oregon trip so BOWri TftwUbLE«. of lavke I'reelnct, Oregon. ate ■« given em phasis by th e erec- ft Co. Testim onials free. “ I have been in the drug business for j th a t th e distinguished visitors m ight sen J. T. IlanxiEs, Ilegl.ter. >y th e Corvallis and Benton C ounty Sold by driiggis*«, 75c per b ottle. ; our broad fields and grow ing industries, tw enty years and have sold m ost all of IN S P E C T E D . i C om pany of the largest prune H a ll’s Family Rills are the best. th e proprietary medicines of any note. ' as well as th e rivers and harbors, arc io Hl tbe U n ite d S tates, and proba- Among the entire list I have never found ! be com m ended. The m em bers of the anything to equal C ham berlain’s C o lic,1. ^'a f’,a ' 1' inspector of N O T IC E T O f IR E M E N . 1 • re largest in th- > C aptain Geo. F u ller, m .pector ! com m ittee are deeply im pressed with Cholera and Diarrhoea Kerne,ly for capacity of 1200 to 1.500 ■ere S," " lay ° " t,,B V ' ™ 1 l,ere ! la o ip ro n e a . • T his com pany o« ns Notice is hereby givrn th a t there will the rich possibilities of th e state, and stom ach and bowel troubles,” says O. I * W. W akefield, of C e'a nbn«, O r . "T h is ' H 8 M" proceeded to exam ine tbe ibard of over 100 acres, and has he a special m eeting of th e Florence Fire will w ithout doubt realize the necessity Condition oi th e steam ers M ink, M ar­ or er large d ry e r in perfect order. 'C om pany in th e Odd Fellow ’s Building remedy enred two severe eases of cholera iof fu rth e r im provem ent of Oregon's guerite and L illian. All were found sa t­ f t Bbow t o world th a t O regon on Monday evening, Ju ly 15, 1901, at 8 m orbus in my family and I have recom­ ■less on a broad ^o’clock p. in. All m em bers are re­ rivers and harbors, and will tie inclined mended and sold hundreds of bottles of isfactory and were granted license to to deal fairly w ith all portions of tbe it to my custom ers to th eir en tire satis­ continue th e eairying business for Scale.—A lta e v H erald. quested to be present. an o th er year. I« M arion M orris , faction. It affords a quick and an re to One M innie Cough sta te .—Albany H erald-D issem inator. C aptain F ire Co. cure in a pleasant form.” F o r sale by ■nod health afnl my Buy and Try a Box Tonight in vain by doctors Í4ist Monday th e Oregon S tate T ezt- O. W . H urd. A C O C O C O U C H M E D IC IN E . . . While you think of it, go bny and loltowiug la grippe. 1 M any thousand« have lieen restored to j 'xx,*t Commission m et at Salem to select try a box of Cascareis Candy Ca- M A R R IE D . Souu'n C ure and recov- 1 thartic, ideal laxative, tonight. You’ll health and happiness by tb e use of | textbooks for the pnblic schools of th is ’ M r. E. H . Wise, At the W estern H ouse, in Florence, a t i ; never regret it. Genuine tablets C ham berlain's Cough Remedy. If af- state. The m em bers of th e commission brwr ft Kyle. 10 a. m ., T hursday, July 11, 1901, Mr. »tamped C. C. C. Never sold in dieted with any th ro at or lung trouble, nre „ w . Scott, editor of tb e O regonian ; Ira P. H errington, of Ord, to M¡«a Or­ bulk. AU druggists, ioc. W P give it a trial for it is sure to prove ben w „ , , - . , r, , . _ . . . „ n m . 8 . Ladd, banker, of P o rtland; W . della Cam p, oi M apleton. C'ongratula- > eficisl. Coughs th a t have resisted a ll * i TO OWBK A CO LI* IN O N « B A Y o th er treatm en t for years, have yielded 8. Colvig, law yer, oi Jackeonville; P . 8. tions. --------- Take IgtxatiVe Bromo Q uinine Tablets. l a n d Children. to th is remedy and perfect h ealth been Cam pbell, P resident of M onm outh N or-! i All druggists refund tb s m oney If they | fail to core, E. W. G rove’s signature is tore Always Bought restore*!. C isee th a t seemed hopeless, mal School, and O. A . Jo h n s, lawyer, of th a t the clim ates of famous health re- Baker C ity. sm ta failed to benefit, have been per m a - . jitce, Oregon, J u l y TS ! Sperry’s Best SE Family Flour ACME COflflERCIAL CO., $900 Suit. I N General M erchandise, P atent Medicines, Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Prints, Muslins, Yarns, Crash, Notions, £ Groceries. t o geft t h e L o w e s t P r ic e s , b e s id e s a l w a y s b a in y s u r e o f o b ­ t a in in g f ir s t - c la s s good s. We a r e n o t p a y in g e n o r m o u s e x p e n s e s a n d w i l l s e l l y o u g o o d s a t r e a s o n a b le r a te s . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * We Have a Complete Stock of Boots and Shoes. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Y our patronago is alw ays appreciated, and no matter how- small your purchases, you m ay rest assured it w ill be our oonaUut aim to sell you the best goods obtainable at reasonable price«. MEYER & KYLE * E! H ave Q I ways * on * B ry * * a H and P in e K- G ^ O C E ^ IE S , ★ ★ G o o d sj ocl^ o f B ress G to o d sj I L A*H U, rORIA any» nentlv cured l.y ita use. u- " .H u r d F o r «a : bv. O . i s»*u • * » « • « • »»«e W ith (-»«carets. Omni, Cathartic, care constipation forever. M«.sse. I f C. 0- C. fa ll, druaalau ref oat I < s ? ító IfBAkare la on nvary t ____ ______ tmhm . JLaxa ti ve Bromo-Quinine W RRW W ! V L . H a ts & C a p s, J Í L B o o ts & S h o e s, . 1 ! Gent’s Furnishing Goods, H ardw arE , Paints, Oils, Prices as Low as the etc.