T H E W E S T . General Debility WASHINGTON LETTER. GENERAL NEWS A W O R TH Y SUCCESSOR. Civil governm ent lias liee.'i inaugu­ Day ii> and out there is that feeling of (F ri )M O UB R k GI'LAR CORRESPONDENT.) ••Something New Under the Sun” rated in the P hilippines, C om m issioner weakness that [naked a burden of itself. r U S L t*H S D K VSHY F R ID A Y UOSX1NU.— Taft having been sworn in as governor F o il does not strengthen, W àshington , July 1, 1901. All doctors have tried to cure C atarrh bleep does not refresh. July 4th. by the use of powders, acid gases, inhal­ T lie^Prsshlent’s usual prom ptness in ’t is hard to do, hard to bear, what The in terio r departm ent lias discov­ ers and drugs in paste form. T heir pow­ F dossncs , L ans C ounty , O bkuox should be easy, — vitality is on the ebb, and delliiiug his |*o«ilion upoH im portant ered extensive land frauds in the Nortli- ders dry up the mucous m em branes ! the whole system suffers. m atters is m aking Ids failure to either west. It is said many arrests will soon causing them to crack open and bleed. For this condition take The powerful acids used in the inhalers ¡ “ ‘p °i n t “ “ ü* uü'" '“ i“ io“ « o f « * .« « « .. j be made. have entirely eaten away the sam e m em ­ keep Oom- A dispatch of July 6 from M anilla says branes that their m akers have aim ed to It vitalizes the blood, gives vigor and ton® or to say th a t he intends to to nil Jhe organs and functions, und is m issioner Evans iu th a t position, very ,l,e ¡ " « " W “ I«8' 1«'- Bellarinino, with cure, w iiile pastes and ointm ents cannot IS CONSTANTLY REC EIV IN G N EW GOODS IN T H E WAY(j— positively unequalled for ail run-down or 1000 inen mid 214 rifles, has surrendered reach ttie disease. An old anti experi­ puzzling tc. everybody. The doubt is enced practitioner who lias for m any 1 debilitated conditions. Editor »ml Proprietor. to Col. W int at Albay. T a. years made a close study and specialty not calculated to add to the etiicacy of ¡ . All gift enterprise guessing contest of the treatm ent of C atarrh , lias at last t le work of the 1 ension Bureau, as the publications are hereafter to be excluded perfected a treatm ent which when faith­ Florence, Oregon July 12, 1901. A TERRIBLE FXPLOSION. I C( employes of th a t establishm ent, whose from th e m ails in tire United Slates, fully used, not only relieves nt once, b u t; CO NSISTIN G OF perm anently cures CATARRH, by re- - nrc P t. Ti-naee, Ju ly 8, 1901. first in terest is to retain their jobs, don’t The law will he strictly enforced. moving the cause, stopping the dis-1 PROTECTION AGAINST FIRE NEEDED. charges, and curing all inflam m ation. E ditor of tiix W kst —S ir : Has the j know ‘•where they are at ” They know Chas. G . Dawes, controller ol the cur- Fancy Hair Ornaments, Hair Combs o f all D e s c ry , editor of the W bst or any of its readers th a t there is a radical difference of o p in - i" 31“1*’ l"‘" ,end« « ’J ‘‘‘« resignation to It is the only rem edy known to science th at actually reaches the afflicted parts, i _. | the president to take effect October 1. This wonderful remedy is known a s' The tire last Friday morning, by ever been iu a real powder explosion, or ' have you th e least idea w hat power dy­ ton as to how certain pension laws Mr. Dawes stales it is his intention to he “ SN U FFLES, the GUARANTEED CA- which $20,000 wortli of property was nam ite lias? H aving been through a slionld be construed between those who a candidate before the people of Illinois TARRH C U R E ,” and is sold 12537638 destroyed and the entiro business por- real explosion and still being in the land are dem anding th e ap|»oiutment of a for the U . S. Senate, and he could not trem ely low price of One Di containing internal and external tion of Florence pu t in jeopardy, *'as | <•* the living, I will try to w rite it ju st as ( new com m issioner of pension« anil O om -j mnku th e canvas and attend to - th e du package medicine sufficient. for a full m onth’s served to aw aken th e m inds of our lead- , >• happened. About 6 p. in. Tom Neely y ! m issioner E vans hut they don’t know ' ties oi ° ,Ul;e Bnt’=»filctorily at the sam e treatm ent and everything necessary to W ELL SELEC TED STOCK OF tim e. its p e rfe c t use. iog citizens to the need of more efficient I and in) self were sitting in th e (roll t which of those opinions is held by the SNUl-’F L E S ” is the only perfect 1 room of W. W . N eely’s house, I was ap p aratu s for fighting the flames. Flor- C U R E ever made and is reading aloud to Tom out of an M. W. A. President, and their lack of knowledge ■ W hen you w ant a m odern, up-to-date CATARRH now recognized as the only safe and pos­ IN ALL SHADES AND QUALI! ence hue been exceedingly fortunate so ljooU_ wb6n a „ a t 0I1(.e j (e|l 1|lvHe|f on th is subject leaves them , ns the say phvsic, try C ham berlain's Stomach and itive cure for th at annoying and disgust­ RIBBONS far na loss by fire is concerned, as the tited g ang up in th e air, and it seemed tr.g goes, “ between the devil and the Liver T ablets. They are easy to take ing disease. It cures all inflam m ation ami pleasant in effect. Price, 25 cents, quickly and perm anently and js also cannery was th e first building burned in to me th a t I w ent up two feet, but I deep se a .” The question is one th at Samples free at O. W. H e rd ’s drug store. wonderfully quick to relieve HAY .oppose it was only th a t m any inches, th e tow n, hut witli its loss and the efforts FEV ER or COLD in the HEAD. Ó off my chair. I rem em ber seeing Tom m ust, sooner or later, be decided by the Notice of Assessment for S treet Im- CA TARRH when neglected often leads required to prevent the destruction of go np at the same time, And before I President, and his friends and oppon- i I to CONSU MPTION — ” SN U FFL E S ” i provement. o th er buildings, our people realize th a t hud regained my balance I heard the en ts agree th a t th e sooner lie does it,! w ill save you if you use it at once. It is i I no ordinary rem edy, hut n complete b e tte r ap p aratu s is needed to protect most let rible explosion, window glasses j the b etter it will be for everybody con- ! Notice is hereby giver, th a t nt a regu- t'e a tm e n t which is positively guaranteed th e rem aining piopcrty from loss in this and picture fram es falling and breaking, 1 .I to cure CATARRH in anv fort orm or stage i 1 eerned, him self included, as threats lar meeting of the Board of Trustees of if used according to the directions which p art I rem em ber very well as a which ! wiry. At present the fire com pany’s large picture fram e (ell to the floor just 1 ‘lllve been made to expose correspon- tll,! Lown of Florence, held on July 1st, accompany each package. D on’t de'ay, j eq u ip m en t consists of water buckets and back of w here I was standing. V a se s, deuce in connection witli this m atter 1901, the following assessm ents were hut semi for it ut once, and write lull particulars as to your condition, and you , F an cy L in e of L a d ie s ’ a n d : C e n ts ’ Neckrç a number o f sm all chemical extinguish- and glass jars were throw n to the floor, : th a t m ight make a large «¡zed scandal, made for the purpose of building side­ will receive special advice from tire dis- i walks : erg. W l.ile these are very effective in and it seemed th a t the very earth was coverer of this wonderful i t m i r remedy e i i i v u y r regard­ v g a r u - i ■ Gen. Miles liat an ile a th a t it would OKIGIXAL ing your ease w ithout p u ttin g o u t a sm all blaze, they cannot j re n t asunder from the way tilings were TOWN ttie regular price of lie wise to w ithdraw the m ost of our be used to advantage in p utting ou t a striking the house and raining on lite OW NER. AM OUNT “ GUARANTEED C.-’ roof, which was som ething terrible. It. tro o p s from Cuba now, instead of wait- LOT lit, K bit Sent prepaid to atty address in the large fire. 5 1 \V H W eatlierson « 4.22 seem ed to me as if there were two ex- mg until the Cuban governm ent is es- U nited States or Canada on receipt of 5 A R P earce........ . 9.04 One Dollar. Address D ept. 1, EDW IN I t has been suggested th a t a force plosions, for after I had regained my | tablished, and he lias officially recom- 2 CA R EFU L SELECTION OF Idi 5 3 M H a r t l e y ........ . 9.04 B. G ILES * COMPANY, 2330and 2332 puinp to ho worked by five or six men, feet ano th er crash came, and to make it , , . ,, Tl M arket S treet, i ’liiladelpltiu. . I mended to Sec retary Root th a t fifty per ! 4 5 Cora B Andrews 9.04 be purclnued by the town, together witli worse Mrs. Neely came run n in g into the tei 5 Geo M M iller. .. 9.04 6 cent of the five thousand A m erican ; <4 s< II Uly several hundred feet of hose. In case of room from the kitchen, wringing iter , fi . 9.04 to Gun and Fish C lu b / hands and scream ing at th e top of her troops now in Cuba, be ordered home, e m a fire in th e business p art of town, hose 9.04 6 I W Y aw ter........ . 7 voice, her face wearing the most terrified and the work they are doing he turned 5 8 004 I. M M ille r ........ could be laid to the river and water expression th at ! ever saw on it person I over to the C ubans. He thinks it an ve II 41 sl 9 5 9.04 PR IV A T E PA RTIES, played upon the flames. To protect or ever expect to see. 1 then began to I __ ,, . II II II Organdies in Assorted Shades and W hite Goods in Q u a^' 11.15 10 6 st tiie capac- e° °UPor unity to test the ------- The Beniitifiil-------- buildings hack from the river, it would come to my senses and knew som ething L j ily of the C ubans to govern them selves 1 Geo Sovei ns ... . 11.15 J Ü K G E N S E N 4 I S L A N D S , to Select From be necessary to provide a supply of terrible had happened, But w hat? ifei ii ii 4 9.04 h a d n ’t th e least idea. A thousand i *** a sm all way—the preservation of 2 fn w ater from some o th er source. The ------- In “ Tsiltcoos,” o r -------- Wm C h u rch ill. . . 9.04 3 4 thoughts seemed to go through my mind i>eace, protection of property, etc.—bnt )lac Sl II pum p and hose would at once furnish in a very few setonds. I never realized 4 9.04 4 it is understood th a t Secretary R oot is T E N - M IL E LAKE, 5 L M M ille r .......... 9.04 4 iriuclt b etter protection for m ost of the bow fast a person can th in k until my opposed to any fu rther reduction of our 6 A O C leve'and. . . 9.04 4 Douglas County, Oregon, ex p eriem e litre today. I th ought of property in town titan can be had under Lord & TI ioiiihs . 9.04 Containing in both 42.94 acres— the large island 4 landslides, volcanoes, earthquakes, troop on the island, until the C ubans 7 th e present condition of affairs. ii ii 8 9 04 4 Johnstow n and Gaivi-stun floods, und I have th eir governm ent established. 3S.94 acres, and the siimll 4 acres—lying in sections 2 and 85. 9 L M M ille r.......... 9.04 4 ant B ereit was all over iu a few seconds, | In a large room of the Sm ithson! After the fire of loat Friday morning, II II II 10 11.15 4 and I was o u t of doors, for I did n t stay i n„ , , .... P E R F E C T T I T I j H!. , , , , , . 7 in stitu tio n , a p erm anent exhibition will when the people hail lime to consider, in the house only long enough to get on I COX S A I)D . For Sale a t $12 Per Acre they began to realize that it was only by my feet. When I got outside I saw a t 8l‘ortly be l,ir<)* n ° I* n under the nam e 1 6 O W H itn l........... 11.15 II II II W E A RE U P-TO-D ATE IN lbe "C h ild ren 's M useum .” The ceil- 2 9.04 j Address: a combination of favi r.iltle circum­ once w hat had happened, for the black- <1 0 L II P o t t e r ......... 3 9.04 stances that the entire business part of suiith s I iod , not over sixteen feet from i trigs are hung with artificial wild vines V E R Y T H I N I 9.04 1 W . I I. W E A T H E R S O N , fi the house, was blown to atom s, not a j among which are swung m any cages of 4 L ena B ergm ati... the town was saved from destruction. < 1 II Florence, Lane County, Oregon. 8 9 04 ¡ th in g left stan d in g b u t a few posts. T he . ,ive ginging b jrJ a n J lhe ex ( fi H ad the wind been blowing up instead «hop was 16x24 and 10 feet high. W hat I , . . . , ’ 0 fi 9.04 ' Wm K vle............. of down the river when the fire occurred l.a d d o n e it I knew n o t; I only knew j ” 1,ic1' " “-‘“J “ «»etorites. insects, dead 7 fi M F P a rk e r.......... 9.04 ll as II fi i t is doubtful if the flames cuul I have th at Mr. Neely had been working in th e Hnd * dvo> m odelsof diam onds, gold nttg- 8 9.04 , One of the best nil nronud farm pnpers 0.04 1 fi W A Cox ............. of the country, 28 to 8C pages weekly. been kept from the ether buildings. shop a few m inutes before and my tirât ■ gets und all the cuiuiuoiier m inerals, 5 II II II fi thought was of him . I knew th a t if lie Small anim als, and m any oilier things b) 42.78 Had it not been that a large number of la II 1« whs there when th e explosion took 6 9.04 ' people ware fu town at the time and pla>e tliat he was killed. I started back with w hich children are sufficiently 1 The Breeder’s Gazette and 2 M F P a rk e r.......... 5 9.04 tlia t the men responded immediately to look for hint, and m eeting him in the fam iliar to be interested in, being strec- II II 14 T h e W kht fi 3 9.04 arranged for the comprehension of 4 when the nlarin was given and were dour asked him w hat iiad happened and 6 O W H ttrd ............ 9.04 II II II 9 04 ! soon on the ground to render the needed w h at did it. l i e told me in h very few ! children. T he idea of a m useum espec- 5 fi II II 1« fi 9.04 assistance, it is prolmblu the loss would words th a t g ian t pow det had been stored iully for lite am usem ent, and ineiden- 6 WANTED.- Capable, reliable perwm in every j awuy in the shop for some tim e and it 9.04 f W A C o x .............. fi present large com pati y solid ; have been several times greater. As it hail exploded. Of course the first thing tally for the education of children, came 7 i puinuon, salary per year, paya- 5 8 O W Httrd ......... 9.04 was, the uren from out of town took we did was to sec if anyone was h u rt or to Prof. S. 15. Langlev a year or two ago, j II II II ; f3 per day absolutely sun» and all 9 6 9.04 II sl IS hold promptly and labored ns earnestly killed, hut as luck would havo it we i and lie has since been arranging to put 10 11.15 , . . . . . ». , , .. . . -------------1 ’ ; s a ia r v p a id e u c The several am ounts a9 above sta te ! ' penw money advanced each week. STANDARD to prevent the fire from spreading ns did « ere «11 in the bouse; Mrs. ?seely and it into practical effect. The m ethod of \ l i-u Johnson, T..I. .. were I iu . . the I. ..... her sister, Mrs. exhibition isn ’t the only unique feature «re HO‘V tine and payable to tiie Record- ifou.SE, ::»i D karbohn st ., i - hicaiio . -n i, I the townepeople, and only ceased their kitchen getting supper, anil the t w o L , , . . _ er of tiie Town of Florence, and will lie- efforts when their help was no longer two children had ju st come in from play 1 ,u Dew m useum . t has, bo far as V n n e delinquent after ten days from the needed. I t is the opinion of a large ma­ Mrs. Neely, stepping to the kitchen 1 'no could not have kept th e UMter nn rc n n i m i t t i n n lv i» n ® w. ».iw» n uaw> n i ini vr u II t * • g / i « , _ FU RS W ANTED F ree S ample R ooms . flames from spreading to other build­ She had hardly tim e to tu rn around lnfur,,ied *d u lt. «'id absolutely uiean- ings. W e wish to say tliat our pnqierty w lien the explosion took place. How l,,lf'e88 to a chilli. In this museum E lectric L ights and B ells The highest rash price paid for all owners feel that the outaidera did them fortunate for us it exploded when it did, | everything is labeled with its common kinds of furs and (tides. C entrally Located. a great favor at a time when it was for in attem pting to put out tho fire nam e aud in addition, w here possible a G. C. C umpton . Hsadquartsrs for Mining, Mill and n o n e o H u w im 'd have ever thought of gliorl ,aet re |a , jng therelf)> At Salley's Meat. M arket, Florence, Or much needed, and for it our ]>eople are Commercial Men. thu box of giant caps and th e 125 sticks very grateful. The additional claim Cliir of dynam ite th a t was stored away in tiie ---------- s “ against » ...... — w ....... i v it . , , $ I to $ 2 Per Day by U eim any and several V m ^ io tta ’ are due to im h n 'm h .m l E u g en e, At th e n ex t general election in this Shop, and we would perhaps have been f « 1 p u ro re b blood, . . . . O regon. blown up or probably crippled for life, i o th er powers, wl.ieli were a t first eo pus- am i b y p u rify in g th e blood w ith sta te th e voters will lie railed iqion to \V lien 1 tell th e readers of the W est w hat sling to tiiis governm ent, are now known ,Iv o d ’8 S araaoarilla th ey a re C U R E D , vote on an am endm ent to th e state con- I lie explosion did, d o n ', th in k I am to have been prom pted by a greed of stitu tin n providing for the adoption o( exaggerating, lor I am not. One w indow C A S S ID Y & SON - - P ro p r ie to r s . which the powers should be lieaitily w h at is known as tiie initiative and ref­ in the house was taken out of the frame F lo re n o e , O re g o n . and not a gl.iss broken, an o th er window asham ed. By some error in figuring^ eren d u m . In Oregon before any atnend- th e sash and every pane of glass whs C hina agreed to pay a total indem nity in e n t becomes a p art of the Btate c o n a ti-' broken. P a rt of the casing w as broken Tables furnished with all the j . w . CARM AN w Iticli exceeded the aggregate dem and tu t ion it m u st lie }>aased by two nieces- off the kitchen door, and Mrs. Juhnson of all the powers by »2o,400,000. As delicacies of the season. Giv re us eive legislatures and then tie voted on hv *«* **le '*oor «*■ th e tim e. Lamp Eugene, Oregon, The last two Icgislatures > iru it Ì1 “ "’ dÌ8‘"’8. “killets, '° ° 1 ’ «8 tl,8t Iw a m e known, G crtnany a call. tiie people . . . in i , favor of ........................ one was P»t 000 more and have declared tire initiative «>"1 . „ , «very , pan , . of .. milk , , hut , , ‘ in a claim for 1 10.000 v.vw .w u more amt . upset, and w hat it d id n ’t break in th e Jap an for $5,(XX),000, and other powers Paid up Cash Capital, - $ 5 0 ,0 0 0 N otice for PUBLICATION. an d referendum , and should it receive a A , house k t. A lia MX l l t l l p . a l u l MXWfMXV* ■, . I x / I . .. saw . . it turned over. k And if I ever Surplus, . . . - 50,000 i announce th eir intention te do the snnte. Laud Office a t Korebure, Oregon. m ajority of all th e votes cast in the elec- a stirred up lionse I saw it today. Ilrok- June » , 1901. Tiiis governm ent projiosed tliat the ....... ....f Wo offer every aeconiniodatlon conrintent tio n , it will tlii u I m -< ouio a p art of th e ' dishes, mila pitchers, picture „ , frames, Notice h, hereby Riven tlia t. th e folIoniiiR Id im agine exre88 8» ‘oul.l 1« deducted from tho total l'ru d ru t ‘’• “ king. Corre.pi»nilsncc w lic- t»tue,l »ertler l,»9 «let rnnte« f his intention lam ps and everything you eou co n stitu tio n . These are favorite nteas- •- make flaut proof in support 'f b*'1 claim anti were on the floor. I patairs things were indem nity to Ire paid by C hina, but from tires of the farm er's alliance i ml peo- . . . . President th at said proof will tie made before C. H ut toe saute condition. A stick of wood th e m anner w ith which the proposal T. G. H endricks 8. B. E.ikin . . . . Vice I’re-i-lent Holden, U. 8. Commissioner, nt Florence, Ore- p ie 's party . T h e referendum requirea w ent through an up stairs window and ............C ashier iron.on A llan.t 15,1901. v il: Ainasa F. Hurd, on was received, it is certain th a t it will I’. E . St odgrase. H. E. No. W i , ,„r the sec. » , Tp. lss., th a t law s paaneil by th e legislature must struck the bed n ext to the one on which L. H . P o tter ..A sst. C ashier hl- K. 9. W be sub m itted to the people for them to Fisk was sittin g . C u t doors not be accepted, and th a t the m ajority He names the following witnesses to tilings were scattered tar aud wide. ,d tlie P°"'er8 are determ ined to squeese NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. accept or reject before* the laws rau Ix­ his co iti» la n unii d ’'vIz-Skle“Ce UpOn Ând c u h i' flti«„ of. sai Tlnev etosscut saws were throw n one >be last dollar |x>seible out of C hina. United Staten Isan4 Office. en forceil. The Initiativ« provides a wav 1 Fred Peil and K C. lu T îd Î h n, nf Fluretire. .... , . Rnselmru. Oregon. Ju ly 5. 1901. illudigli and th irty feet, were all ta inted Oregon; M . F. l’hillipi • "î Acme, Oregon; c . b . Secretary Hitchcock believes in adopt­ Nntkce i« hereby iriven th at in n u n p iu n e e by wlrich tiie people m ay, by th e ir votes, l)Ul ol all(| „ he„ (ounJ were not with the provisions of the a c t of <'oiitfrvf'M t.f Morgan, of Fit »reuce, < ing gixxi ideas wherever found. J. T. B ridgi ?». Reciater. m \ h in- <**"€2. entitled ‘-An act for th call for a taw wideli, if demanded liy a over four feet ap art. A » hiœ th a t Ger- m ajority of tile eitisens, the legislature was blown close to the b ^ r , „ " l n m h ‘'n'-'n-'Id'H è I '’,'-.m ',’,I( j | Do k T hurm an was corniti ng Imme fr,an » '» " î l'«d 8 -orewi(u,l, renew ing it . U w ill Irsve to adopt. ianv. State of Onwon.'haâ this dav flled in thï» T h * M e t P o w .rfw l D l» ln f.c t« n t work in, splashing water all around and forests, he subm itted a plan for the office ah »worn ■tatemeat X«». l ? i l f,»r th«» pu DMoSorlzre aad O trm lc ld . Koow a A sledge ham m er was lahhslnn.nt of .b u r e a u ,M lh« d tp a rt. to M odero Science . . . . w T J Í Í ‘w i . í X ^ V S Eunis Stuart, who liad eiiarge of i into tin» boat. , , . . . ' i Un own one hundred and fourteen feet, ..«..n* .i . '•»«»«• wini m e iin be in o,x-ration. ing Wisely in retaining Iwr services. i «'I airo a In thi« office on or bef.»re aaid If t h d«v look on and wonder how such an explo­ of Mvpterolier. 1901. The receipts of the government for the oa dog» arcane ft eel, cuts, sure®. J. T. B ai dg aa. Register. sion took place and no one was h u rt. A Hood’s Sarsaparilla , r . VV. IT. WEATHERSON N O V E L T IE S 'S Braids a n d n AND FANCY n C g, Gold and SilverU Í LADIES’ BELTS I G S E E TK EE1Æ S E E TZEZE? LATEST Si TEES OP IAMBS’ AND MISSES' GL0‘ LACES AM) EM JillOI DEBI Children’s W aists in Sizes to Suit. Latest in Cents’ Collars and C oif Shi IN FACT Y O U R S TRLUUE Y O .W .H U R E $ 2 .5 0 P er Year. CARMAN’ v iiiiiu j m ik h i H o te l CHEAP CASH STORE! Eugene, Drv Goods, ★ Groceries ★ and ★ Notion^ FLORENCE MEAT MARKET. Just Ooened. H MORRIS «’ * HOTEL, F i r s t N a t io n a l A U Goods as Reoresentet H Binder Twine. ¡u'l ra Machine Gii. W achine Extras. BANNERMAN S PHENYLE H W f i I g m g a i i d M i n i n g S u p p l ì» ★ “ 1 wish to trn lhfiillv state to you and few fee! from the shop it took ttie roof ro-.V^Îiîè^iYA’î ■MPS’îîX S itî'’ *, ,l”"p J"**r )"•* closed exceeded ita es­ *° »‘‘»'F U<‘ »« <• rartly ilio readers of these few I hm » liia t your a J(jg JMfn a|w, tt|W „ # Ji#n wj|1( pe„ d i,or„ by «78,000.000, which waa NOT ICE FOR PUBLICATION W llo l xad n .T .r l.l". K'alof D.vspepaia Cure is without ques­ It» TXXjad«us rublH.lt of all Minds, covering the pig, alxm t «3,000,OIX) less limn th e a u rp ln . of Lend Office, at iinatburg. Oregon. aa4 iu K l> . » ‘»’ ’ •«•yr all wonaa Ura tion Urn best and only curs lor dys,x>|xua up lait not even arratcld n e them . Tout’s . ___ _ . July t, t« t. F H .K N T L B a .a . die- f N otice lx b e n b v s ire n th a t i h . b d low ins teífccWt» >W vns-uualled, ¿Z?>maT^ -— tim i 1 havs «sur eotnu in contact with w atch was on tire wall of the front room, (lie prvvioui focal year. Títere v il! be nani,-,! yeam aad »I« »111 be f onad .e it le r has ah--* cnnJ . i TT" iko«iieh*j r ,ne> <>o stml. surplua for ths fiscal yewr he- ^ f ''’ ' ,1 I r'ioTT'iTSi matte before Fniuk || »nr t ntt*r| State* l s«. (’.»i i -. - ai ........ Gardiner. Ore»- Sfco»« tk . t o il, : Pa. Mo |>rwparation equals Kixlol Dvs- pievea in it. I t waa in goral sha,» and ‘'»murena reducing war tassa, roes into aafclsH «taa. forth« m d V ocu o' Ü->—«T ro.; .m c i a, Lrh'- ’ 1' »S.’ *"» “ • »*"» aiinM “ * th . »1H| '» ‘r ■‘ ».‘«»»v«»- Tp. m » .. ft. U W ’ pepsiaO itreaait o otitainsalllhe n a t a r a l j ; , , , , , , ^ at ,4 affect today and that w ill rtdima the wad ahmit the . . , H* namrs the foth-« ins will.™.-, . ,,, u> pr»»ve dige-taata. It will digust all kin-ls of eion. Tom-says hu w ill sail it cheap to ’**«*»” * • of tits government to ths "I**" *"d «wlHniii ■M, t ' \ r < N E R * i Ä N •» c o . luotl and ra n 't lie'p hut do you good, anyone who wants n go n. Abi^t}.’John t«cb ant Ruck i - m i t. r Î „ ™ C4M ill . P sjl . a . te A K tb . Everything in the Hardware Line. hot c*»T®tChlr.X, «U . Gxusux dollars. dottier. Or^on; J. I llcnt«»xi