* #? ft zkr * « * ,h a v a ure« Blpan« Tabcta« w ith aom nah •**•»- faction that I •» ’» cbverfuliy ree'»«u«n* a J IU»» be&n troubled for about thro» jr«Ar< «bat t called WUou» a tu u lu oonuug on ragu laltj joc« a weak. W u lold by dUforaot pliyiielan« UV 11 waa V.UMU W b *t t«v.h, o f wMeb11 had •ew raL I Lad tha teeth eitrucMK), but tho at- touita oonUitued. I l.a-1 «<■«> adv.rthw m .nta of Hit,an» t abula« lu *11 ika puper» b uth ad n o t* th In t t . in. but about alx week« since a friend In duce.1 mu to L-j th en . ffiavo taken >>u - t « o of » • *01*11 • vent box«« of the Tabulea . » I h av. h»d no nenrranre • f the «ttack«. Itave never given * W*thu»>nl-1 tor anyttiiim before, but the great amount of good which I believe ha« boon done roe by Hl pans Tubules Induct« roe to add mine to the many testim onial» you doubtless h iv e in y»ur possession now. ** D tW irt. * « * ' O D 3D Ê3 _Æ_ÎTÏD E N D S . wo*- 5 **************************************^ THl HOME COLD CURE a w a r e • ( • TT>«n«and P la c e « . T h e S ta r s a n d S tr ip e s a t A cre, T lio K in d Y o n H a v e A lw a y s B o u g h t , a n d w h ic h h a s b e e n In u s o fo r o v e r 3 0 y ea r s, h a s h o m e th o s ig n a tu r e c i __ a n d lia s b e e n m a d e u n d e r b is p e r - so n a l su p erv isio n sin c e its in fa n cy . A llo w n o o n e to d e c e iv e y o u in th is. A ll C o u n te r fe its, Im ita tio n s a n d “ J u s t - a s - g o o d ” a r e b u t E x p e r im e n ts t h a t tr ifle w it h a n d e n d a n g e r t h e h e a lth o r I n fa n ts a n d C h ild r en —E x p e r ie n c e a g a in s t E x p e r im e n t. I want to inform yon, tn words o f highest praise, o f tha Ix-nedt 1 have derived from R lpani T&bulc». I am a profeaalonul uurse and lu this profeadlou a clear head la alWBjs needed, ftlpana Tahulee does it. After oue of my cases I fouud myself com pletely ruudowu. Acting on the advice of Mr. Geo. Bow­ er, Fh. G., 5S8 Newark Ave., Jersey City, 1 toog Klpau« Tabulea w ith grand results. I haY* b«aa a iraat •uff-rer fovuvarflY» f«urs. Nothing «»»»^ Mjr feet and legs and abduui«» «. I uoul4 not wear »Utow on my f«e|« (IreMg. I saw Hlpaas T a b u la te dally pap^r. bought io m e aud t o _ •<1. Hava talcan them about thru«« is RUota a ch a n g e! 1 am not cunxtl|^ and I o w e It a ll to Rlpan* Tabul< | aeren joor« old , have no oocu—■ hQiikubold dutlea aud auralug i He ha« had tha dropay and 1 Tahules for him . He (eels aotnefa to lu. aom e tim e, he ha« been alt i» ay uao rnj tatter and namo aa j Mr«. M art ( V have been Buffering from „ «luce 1 wu« a little girl. 1 could e«r orgoli place wllk, bea«laoh«n •toinaoh. I Rlpans Ttfo, aunt of t taking lh _ Of tho Stnlm ’ fouud suukb thi lr ua« to take I her hav» be«n ip last Oulcbij «ay they h«*" ly cured iuj < I am twenty old. You to use this lifer Mrs. J. I RI-P-A-NS ' A good American had been making Whnt do you think of a sword blade tliut contains a thousand sheets of met­ some soul stlrriug remarks about the * glorious star spangled banner when an The modern stand­ • lag«nie n a hoarty meal. My mother Is n ft7 years o f age to directions of tliis wonderful discovery doubled on Itself and hammered until good thing, so what did they do but I am satisfied that they w ill benefit ar Bears the Signature of and Is enjoying the b esto f health aud spirits ; also the cradle to old age) if taken accord is positively guaranteed, to cure tlie must ft is down to Its original dimensions eats hearty meals, an Im possibility before she give Richard the star spangled banner, tions. obstinate ease, no matter how- hard n This process Is repeated 15 times. Four took klftars Tabules. AMTOW H. B lsumbk . amj, by all the gods, he took It with drinker, Oqr records show the miirvep similar bars are then soldered together, ons transformation of thousands of doubled upon them selves, resoldered him In the charge and planted It on P~=x»t « « . .««to. £ X ' L‘“a' drunkards into sober, industrious, and and heated, the operation being repeat­ Acre’s walls. It w as ridiculous, of at tome drug s t o r e s - fob five cents . This low-prtcta s* fnrt v^iirht mint, Upright men. , ed five times. This process makes the course, and we Englishmen laughed, dosen of tho fivo-oent cartons (120 tabulee) san be had by TXBUi as) vdll be sant fJlQQ WIVE«, CUBE YOUR HUSBANDS ! ! superposed layers so tldn that a saber but ♦»>" audience took U quite ns the «XM.C, OOM«».««, NO. .7 spn.ee ity « . N « York-or . V« K ir .» . T .« n » s may also bo had of 4oma »rooar«. ganoroi «4°«--, ‘“ T"' . roU-r CHILDREN, CURE YOUR FATH- contains nt least a thousand sheets of correct thing, and the way the people •ron r .hop« They baoi.h pain, lniluoe aloep and prolong Ufa. Ona «1 aa roil ITOL J R8 1 | J ld s remedy is iu no sense a stormed and shouted and clapped was «T »strum hut it is a speeiOe for tins d is­ pietnl. If you find one o f these swords that enough to have made Richard turn ease only, and is so skillfully devised and prepared that it is thoroughly solu­ has a veined appearance, you may over In his grave. Historically It was ble and pleasant to tlrn taste, so th a t it know It Is caused by alternate layers of away off, dramatically It was open to T M e C N T A U R C O M M H » , T Y M U R R A Y S T R C C T . W CW Y O R K C IT Y . can be given in a cup ol tea or eolice iron and steel lieing soldered together. criticism, but patriotically It was a howling success.”—Washington Star. wrthotii tlie knowledge of the t*F«on —New York Herald. taking it. Thousands of drunkards have M t r M themselves with this priceless A W o r d K e p t H im t ' i . T r ig o n o m e t r y In X B u y W o r ll, remedy, and as many more have been An ahsentminded m rallte was the “ Few people know,” said Dr. J. C, NÖTIGE FOR PUBLICATION. «tired xml lHfi.lt» tempérale m in >-y hav­ cause of much amusement at a Mem­ Egelston while performing nn opera­ REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. thg “ CURE ” Hilminixtered by lov- phis hotel a few nights ago. H e reg­ tion nt the City hospital, "that It takes United States Land Office, Jng IriMidv xnd relatives without tlieir The Florence Real Eslate Agency Roseburg, Oregon, May 14,1901. knowledge )I) coffee or tea, and believe istered early after supper, but did not trigonometry to locate a bullet in the today that»'they di»coptimie0 NOT W A I1'. o'clock, Ills usual bedtime, he remark­ In which the bullet or foreign sub­ property. Do not be delndoil by apparent and mix- ed to the clerk that he believed he stance Is deeply imbedded a mathemat­ 80 acres of timber land about four; June 3 ,1S7S, entitled “An act for the sale of timber lnnds iu the State« of California, Oregon, leading »‘ im provement.’’ Drive out tlm would ‘'remain.” ical computation Is necessary to show miles from Acute aud mile from Siue- Nevada and Washington Territory," as extended dixeaee xt ones and for all tune. I lie “AH right,” said the obliging man Just how deep the bullet Is. The X ” HOME GOLP CURE ” is sold at the behlud the counter. The big clock rays make tho flesh transparent, leav­ law river. Has a large quanliiy of tirnnd , to all the Public l and States by act of August 4. cedar timber which can lie easily hauled ! 1S92, Edwin Staples, of Mapleton, county of extrem ely low price of One Dollar, thus ticked off another hour, and the old ing only the bones and foreign sub­ Ijmc, State of Oregon, has this day filed In tilts ■daring within the reach of every body a man addressed the clerk again: stance visible, so that you see just to the river. Price 1600. treatment more pffeciual than others office his sworn statement No. 1627, for the pur­ 120 acres o( tide and bottom land ! »'I say I believe I’ll remain.” where the bullet is, and yet you don't coating >25 to >50. Full directions ac- chase of the s)4 scl4, six sw(4 ef Section No. 22, “Yun have my permission, sir.” know where it Is. You know Its lati­ fronting un tlie Sinslaw liver about nine InTp.No. 17 S., Range No. 9 W., and will offer ««Dipxnv eaob pneknge. Special advice When the hands on the dial pointed tude and longitude, so to speak, but miles alayve Florence. A large, new j proof to show that the land sought is more val­ b y xkilled physicians when requested without extra charge. Bent prepaid to to 11, the old fellow, who was so those measurements are surface meas­ frame liouso, a good barn, uud a bearing J uable for its timber or stone than for agricultu­ any part ol the world on receipt of One sleepy he hardly knew where he w as urements. and you don't known how orchard of 11 acres on the place. About ral purposes, and to establish his claim to said Dollar. Address Dent. 1. EDWIN B. “at,” called out in a half angry voice: deep the object is beneath the surface, land before the Register and Receiver of this U1UBS A COMPANY, 2330 and 2332 1 “By the eternal, I say I believe Pll The point on the surface of the body 20 acres have been plowed. Steamer to office at Roseburg, Oregon, ou Wednesday, the 7 Market threat, Philadelphia. Florence pauses the place every day. day of August, 1UU1. beneath which tlie bullet Is can be All jorreapondenco strictly conliden- remain!” Again the clerk assured him of his readily located, but bow far beneath Price >6000, including stock and ma­ lie names as witnesses: William Wells, Fred Wells, Cora M. Staples, tinl, permission, hut the situation was be­ that point is the bullet? chinery. and K. Benham, all of Mapleton, Oregon. coming critical, and something had to A S T O C K FARM. “This Is the question that trlgonom e-; A good frame house and two lots in Any and all persons claiming adversely the be done. try has to answer, nud l>y knowing the West Florence, near the river. A new above-described lands nre requested to file their A good stock farm of 1(10 acres lying ‘‘When you are ready to retire,” said nnswer a great deal of unnecessary claim« in this office on or before raid 7 day of on Booth slough is now offered lor sale. the clerk, “you can get your key at cutting may be saved, and wliat might sidewalk to the property. Price $300. August, 1901. 40 acres of land on North Fork about About half of it is bottom and tide land, this desk.” J. T. Bam azs, Register. otherwise bg a dlflieult and daugcrous 3Va' miles from Florence. One acre “Retire," said the exasperated g u est | operation may be rendered compara­ the tide land being already diked. A NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. NAW hoq««„ an orchard id over ‘<¡00 trees “Thnt Is the very word I’ve been try­ tively safe and easy. If the bullet en ­ cleared. Price $200. 41 acres on North Fork nbout five on the place, and about 600,000 feet of ing to think of for tw o hours. Give ters one side of tlie body, for instance, me the key to my room. I’ll sleep un- j miles from Florence. Several acres tide nud lodges within an Inch or two of good tiuiher conveniently ahunted for United States Lund Office, til 10 o’clock In the morning to make ’ jugging. Extensive out range. About up for lost time!”—Memphis Scimitar. the skin on the other side, the other, land, the rest bottom aud bench laud. Roseburg, Oregon, April 23, 1901. side of the body would be the one from A comfortable house and a small barn |6 head of cattle, most of them cows, Notice is hereby given that in compliance which to operate."—K ansas City Jour­ on the place. Price $700. with the provisions of the act of Congress of O p p o r tu n ity . with the land. Price $3,000, including nal. 100 acres of unimproved land on North June 3,1878. entitled “An net for the sale of In one of the old Greek cities there attack. Inquire at the Florence Real Fork nbout ten niilea from Florence is timber lands in tho States of California, Oregon, stood long ago a statue. Every trace of T h e C h in e« « C n ln ln c . Estate Agency. It has vanished now. But there Is still Though Chinese cuisine has been offered forsaled. Near to county road. Nevada and Washington Territory,” as extend­ to all the Public Laud States by act of FOIt r t ’ BLKJATXON. lu existence nn epigram which gives ua credited with some utterly fabulous Will make a good stock ranch. Price ed August 4,1892, John Joyce, of Gardiner, county un excellent description of It, and as dishes, such ns white mice served $450. of Douglas. State of Oregon, has this day filed iu Unit«., Hint«» Land Office, wc read the words we can surely dis­ alive, which add piquancy by th eir, this office his sworn statement No. 1557, for the lloipbunt, Oregon, cover the lesson which those w ise old squeak ns they dive down tlie g u llet,1 160 acres mostly tinibei land lying in purchase of the seh.i nw1^, lot7, ne*4 nwV^, nw’^ Nay 27th, tool. Greeks meant that tho statue should curiosities in the edible line do form section 13, township, 13 south, range 10 ne*^, of Section No. 17, in Township No. 21 8., MoUce Je hereby s h e« t)i«l hl compliance west. About three acres cleared. A Ranee No. 11 W., nnd will offer proof to show teach to every passerby. The oplgrinn ' a considerable list. with th* pro’ l«lo«* <’f ■!>* « 'I of Congrcsa of Junes. »87«, entitled "An act for (lie Mile of Is In the form of u conversation be­ ' Bird’s nest soup, for Instance; a creek large enough to float logs runs that the land sought is'niore valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, clear soup made from the refined through the land. Price $660. timber laiut* in the t>|»lee of California, Oregon. tween a traveler and the statue: “ What is thy nnrac, O statue?" Nevada aud We»hjngton Territory," a» extend gluten with which a certain species A tract of about 50 acres fronting on and to establish his claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this office at Rose “I am called Opportunity.” •d to »It tho I’eWie land State« by act of Augu*t o f sw allow fasten their nests beneath Clear lake three miles south of Florence. burg, Oregon, on Saturday, the 13th day of 4, ISM. KiUworth B«nl)uni. of Portland, county "Who made thee?” the rocks; stewed “sea slugs,” another A fair house and about live acres cleared. July, 1901. p( Multnomeh, State of Oragon, has thin day “Lysippus.” nasty sounding dish, but transcending A good wagon road from the place to He names as witnesses: gtod In ahi* office bi* «worn «tateroeui No. ISat. “Why art thou on thy toes?" In flavor tho aldernianto green turtle Bridget Joyce, John Cassidy, W. F, Peck and for the putvlj***< f tbr nw1. nw1,, ii » Y »nd “To show thnt I stay but n momenL" fat. There may be, too, on flrst Intro­ the Sinslaw river at Glenada. A fine Dennis O’Brien, all of Gurdiner, Oregon. SW*4 a«S. of Xesllon No. twenty thn-e (28) la place for a summer residence. Price "Why bust thou wings on thy feet?” Any aud all persons claiming adversely the duction. some prejudice against fried In to w u h lh No. «eventeen I7( aouth, Itauge No, “To show how quickly I pass by.” above-described lands are requested to file tlieir grasshoppers. But courage In this in­ $600. p ly - (S) wMf, W, M., and will ofler proof to «how “But why is thy hair so long on thy stance Is rewarded by a deliciously 100 acres of land near Olcar lake lying claims in tills office on or before said 13th day of Ihal the land nought 1» wore valuatdc for ita r)wbw or atone than toy agrlnilturnl purpose«, forehead?” crisp, brown mouthfuL of a delicate iu section 11, township 19 south, range July, 1901. J. T. B ridges . H>«isier. “That men may seize me when they nutty flavor. and to tatabllah his claim to «old land ladore 12 west. Price $260. tha koglater and «oraiver of thio obii e at R omj - meet me.” Reanty of rinisb, quality of material, eleg«* It Is a fallacy to suppose that pork 112 acres unimproved land lying on N O TICE FOR PU B L IC A T IO N bwrg. hotutlaa county ttn-gou, on Saturday, the “Why, theu, Is thy head so bald be­ forms a constant article of diet In BEARINGS, the finest workmanship, the sim plest, mosO* ____ parenteoutb (If) day of August, nWI, tlie nortii side of Clear lake 2's miles hind?” United States Land Office, China. As a matter of fact, It Is too like a bicycle, best of attachments, east’ payments, old inie* m J NO »MM« •» WilMNtt: "To show that when I have once expensive nnd Is only eaten on high south of Florence. A good wagon road Roseburg, Oregon, William Henry Drake, of Me« v, curious document som e time ago ns he John C Beck, Point Terrace, Oregon, or nw»; gw»4 of section No. 27, in Township No. 17 Macbeth. “I prithee come with tne.” Itnaa'l'tirg, Orneen, 8., Range No. 9 W., and will offer proof to show May 27th, 1901. “And what,” asked the examiner, “do wna looking through a bundle of pa­ YV. H . YVeatberson, Florence, Oregon. that tlie land sought is more valuable for Its tim­ NMie* to h»r*by given that In' eem|i|laur« you understand ’prithee’ to mean?” pers that date back to tlie eighteenth 300--'5)G Post street, San Francisco, Cal. RANCH. ber or stone than for agricultural purposes, nnd gr|lh the pruvltiono of tliz act e f em igre« « of “1 understand It to be a corruption of century. The document Is n receipt— A LARGE STO C K to establish his claim to said land before the /gna a, UTS, entitled ” An act for the »ale ol •pray thee,’ ” replied tho would be probably the only one of Its kind In ex ­ The M Cox Ranch,” including about Register and Receiver of this office at Roseburg, i f ..,»■ m th o Slate« of California, Oregon, istence—which w as given to a Hano­ B D . T a i n k . P cpler in Wli to Sew ing Machínen. K c f «e- on Wednesday, the 7 day of August, Novada, and Washington 'i'enltmy," *» teacher, surprised at so trivial a ques­ 1200 acres, 12 miles from Florence on Oregon, verian captain by a canon of Duisburg 1901. »atondad to all the Putille la m i Siete« tion. m e ocean beach, near the Cape. A She names as witnesses: "I ant glad.” said the examiner. “The during the Seven Years’ war. by act U< Angu*l «. 19*2. Wfiliaui Henry brake, E. Benham, William Wells, Fred Wells, and NOTICE FCÍ7 PUBLICATION. NOTICE FOR PUSli "I. the undersigned,” It rends, “here­ house and baru on tlie place and a few of Meadow, county of Lane, s u t e of tMegoii. lady who ennte Just before you assured Edwin Staples, all of Mapleton, Oregon. acres plowed. The government road to by acknowledge that I have received 50 me that It was the Christian name of I.nud Office, K"St!A;rg, Oregon haathtaday Xl. d In thia ofBee hl« «worn »Ute- Any and all persona claiming adversely the U u ilc ’i .. A.uv 1« 1 blows of a stick, which were Inflicted Heceta light house crosses tlie land. gaaut Mo. If«'», for th« parch*«« of the «', of the Macbeth's w ife.”—Judge. Roseburg, O rcgt*?J Wotiee 1* hereby given th?»t th e ’ hdlowiii.’- al>ove-described lands are requested to file their Lak —U , n«»q of lh« Ml*, of Set ti,m tweuly-tiii'ce upon me by a lieutenant of Captain The place will support several hun­ claims in this office on or before said 7 day of named «. ttier hits Me 1 notice of hi-« inteiitimi Notice is hereby T h « A k a a rg M ale. fat), and th» »•*» *• ■« timi No. B.'s regiment as ft punishment for the dred head of cattle or a large herd of August, 1901. e provisions oi '»r JT-ei Tito to mako dual proof i , »uppoi t of l,i- .-1,01,1. mid iwwatptox (9X). 1» Tswmhlp No. «eventeen (tT) that wild proof Will b<- ; , i.t fore Ji. Hid­ June 3, 1878, entitled “An octi« 1 The wickedness of mules Is a stand- stupid uud frivolous calumnies which J. T. B ridgks . Register. den, I s. Cemnihtdoner. hi H. ien.v, Oregon. ber lands in the States of »* Rang» No, Nln« (9) weit, W, M., lug Joke, and you nre always hearing 1 have uttered In regard to the regi­ sheep or gnats. About 600 head of sheep Nevada, and Washington TlgJJl f T f will ndhr proni to «how that »>« lami them abused. Ever see a team of mules ment of chasseurs. II. E. .So. M M. f... 11,,. «u> n n ',. See. 21. lie'; ed to nil ihe Public Land Stew* J For my Impru­ and goats now on the ranch will be sold NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. 4, 1892, Mary Ellsworth »lu gh t la Bio»» »alualil« for |l» Uattier or »tone with the land if debired. run away? Almost every day you see dent words I now admit that I aiu pro­ Heniuio Hie („1;.,.vin.. u i t;, t o prove county of Multnomah, State« gffl »hau for agrttiullural pMr»'“ »*i *n’' u’ «»toblUh Time will be given on part of the price his onti'iiiii eis residence upon ,,„d cultiv atio n lav fifed in this office her Land Office, at Roreburg. Oregon, •la elätin Io Mid land hrforu the K«gi«ler amt a family horse running away, usually foundly sorry. I received my punish­ of said laud, y ix: >f'O tor for the g lF t did you ever see a mule No. twenty-three (23). >’» held by two nieu, and 1 bear testimony quire at the Florence Real Estate and John Bry.;d, nil of Yuroce, Orcaon. auunty. Otosna. on guttuday. »he n »vcn to « iilb teen (17) South, Range No. - , n«m«l «enter h»» filed notice oi h i. Intention J. 1. BfiihoK'f, KegUtvr. run away? Did you ever personally to tho fact tliat the oftiier struck me as Agency. ||T ) day of Augmt. I9t>l. ui'd v 111 offer proof to to make final proof in support of hl« claim, and ' know a mule to kick any oue? The rigorously as he could with a stick »uglit id more valuable ‘nr” M» nam*« a* » Itlig-WM that «aid proof will be made before F. C. B«ui NOTICE FCR PUBLICATION^ th in for agricultural purpotw« KUaworlb Han ham aud Mary Wtawnrth Stoke fact 1», the mule works hard on light that w as as thick as my finger. htrt-hiini to the baid land l* Lrf ; V. 8. t'ommtmioner, at Mapleton. Oregon on |y , <4 Forttand, Nnllnoinah eountjr, orr»ton, feed nnd gets nothing hut abuse.— "In proper form and with due grati­ «.id Receiver of this office »t Lend Office, at Roxcitnrg, Oregon, Auru«tS. 1901, v li j„»eph Fellman. on his II. riwdariek Walla au I William Well», of Nuple county. Oregon, on Satunw- I Atchison Globe. tude I sign this receipt and sto w that K. So. 961S, for the ••■< ne1» see 17, «,•* „ , May 22,1901. day of August, 1901- J ■ou. U n a Couaag, Oregon .*.i ht r8b7, 8, ven thn‘ Ihe following (17) all therein Is true.” She names as witnesses: and ,w'« «w>, see 9, T. i s 8., R. 9 W. to i « 7 b "’ i 1.*''1 ""ti,'e ”f hl> intentloi. Any and *U f * * ’* rla)' l n Institute, 710, Eighth Arenile, fore C. H. llotden, U. ft. Cototolrtooner, at Flor o S S L 7 .Á .7 2 '" ‘ noü«« oi h l. intention named settler ha» filed J “YVhnt tic you And In that atupht old lo» tha *>* a»1«, Ut»'« «•'». uè*« •* '« «*• get ch u m m y r—Clxvelxnd Plain lto«l- to make commutation hl« i-lïîm " t/i< "P,n,utH,i':n Proo< In «upport of New Y’orh. II. 8. A. anee. Oregon, on Auauat IS, tool, rla: Ehenerer I paper to keep you so busy?” petulantly •r. )* «., r, * », ' H im"' “ Ád pr”° ’ w111 »* "««le his clnini, and that ««id l O. D. Uolden, .nt hi« II. K. Xu. 9977, for the re> - hektoP noríTee n .2 ,° W''"' ü' H ' ••mail»«!..«.,, «t P re C. H. Holdan, (J. asked Mrs. Youngeotiple. naia»« Ih» M t» » l» J Wltnease» t" 1^ '« W ANTXP-TRt’STWoRTHV MEN ANtl Wo- Sac. 29. Tp. IS g., R, 9 we»t ‘ , ChuleTn 2 ™'’"- “f Angu»t 10, 19017-vii' cnee, Oregon, on A u g u r t'e . .jc, Energy will do anything that cam bg outlitwoua red 'leu ceupon and cgtiltaU eu “ I w as just looking at the mouey men to trarel and ad.ertiae Ina old rHaldiihed •’ ÏP***.“’ on ht" 11 E 997S, f.w the i'c il. "V. 111. It. «. No. I»1®’’’ L Ha aaaan the iullowin« witneaaea to prove » ' <1uur lu this world, and no talenta, no nilifket." he ftiiaweml. is g„ R. 9 W'e»t. .„,«»»• T hou«e ol «.did guanriiU Mandi ng. Salary |7«0a hi« continuntw residence upon ao.l cultivation W.V ’ "d "K,'‘ *8C' i Tp. tie Ad lami, tdai name» the fo|lo«'"Ff(rfW clreutiu«tam-es. no opportunities, will “Oh. do they have a money market? year and ai,wagaa, all pa) Shi« | M raah Xn can- of « id laud, via: 4rick 1« K«e. '• rierve. E H ugh, hl«remh1 7o,ÍÍ8^’n1 ,Íow,n< ’ " * « » «» Prove , h i. continuou« re«id''nt'* ^sji Knit* w Ju»l»u«. all ut Alma, Urne Lo.. make a tw o legged auluial a man wltfo Are there ever auy b argain .?"- Iudlau- tantti« raqabad. Otve rrfarru.w, and enelo«a ; of, said land, via: „ „ n 1*58 IL H Ei«k. of UH P. O .Orowffi; Am«. Hunt, i Amasa Hurd and E- d «elf ad .ti.aed MU'ipe.1 envelope, addle«» Man Frede Poil m n / L M Fí ’*• oí Oregon; I Ut IL apolla I rv»«. < B. Maraag, Fred Pell, of Florence, Oragoo. ’ demon’ ¿ nTr,"'r- Charte« An- cm v. Oregon: X. F. agvr. So* LMt»*» hid« . Id lyaio J. T Bataqg«, Regular F. Woudcoek, t . il. Morgan, ol Floiwn«. j J. T. B rime «, RcaUM W h a t is C A S T O R G E N U IN E 6 C A S T O R IA SA ALWAYS - Xto " The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 3 0 Years. ing (Ü T H E W H IT E IS KINIf.“, r ¡-ip’’ * * I i-V WHITE SEWING MAGHINE C O M P IO A £ 0 4 Ta