W E S FOURTH T FeiDAY MOKNINO— I C ounty , O kkoon .— _ _ THE WAT J SATHERSON E d itori and Proprietor. —T o m *: $1.60 a year in advance.- COUpâô"*” ( Entered at the post-office at Florence, ane county, pvegon, as second-class tail One Dose >Tells the story. When your heal Caches, and you feel bilious, consti- *pated, and out of tur.c, with your • stomach sour and no appetito just I buy a package of H ood's P ills I And take a dose, from 1 to 4 p ills. ' You will be surprised at how easily 'they will do their work, cure your and biliousness, rouse the i ) 1 headache liver and make you feel happy again. «* - i cents. Sold by all medicine dealers, M PERSONALS. IN FLORENCE. --------- A BIG BLAZE. _ --------- ! WESTERN nOUSE W M . B R Y N D , Prop. A Large Crowd Attends the Florence Cannery Burned En.rvthing ¡n connection with the House is New and Firat-Clasa. This .Morning. Celebration. C R k ^0 I PRANK SPECIAL ATTENTION TO A SPLENDID DAY AND GRAND TIME. ORIGIN OF THE FIRE UNKNOWN. COMMERCIAL TRAVELLERS. Excellent Oration—Fine Music—Amuse­ Neighboring Building* Saved—The First Building Burned in Florence. ments Galore. The notice of the public is called to our new BATH B . W LLBOW , Maaafar, ACM E, ROOM Shortly altar one o'clock thia morning where Hot and Cold Baths may he I Florence people awoke yesterday had at any lime. i fire waa discovered in the Florence Can- I ! morning to thu beginning of as lovely ning Co.'s coal house at the cannery. : ia day as heart could wish. Young I Tha alarm «as at onee given and a large 07148725 i America was ont early as evinced by the $900 I report of firearms, from the boy’s toy i crowd was quickly on tlie scene, but it was impossible to Bave the building all Descf S A L A I? »VMTidiMO bates mad * known on Ar- , j.. j} Carter made a trip to Eugene a I pistol to his father’s rifle, and the sound j Ttie tiro spread rapidly, and in a few I Y early. ____ PLICATION. I ,ln v_ i of fire crackers from all parts of our lit- KMl notices 8 cents per line, eacli insertion , e " dn) B aK°- I minutes the eutire cannery wns in j Men and women of good addresn to repreaent Miss Grace Payne of Albany is spend- l' ° t O n , : flauiaa. < m , mo me to travel appci’itijiR uKcntM, other? for . . . The steamer Lillian arrived from w ork look in g a fte r o u r iutervstM. >900 i . about i . nine o , clock , , with ... a , load ■ The residence of Marion Morris and local aalftry guaranteed yearly; extra comuiitaiona >rence, Offegon, July 5, 1901. ing the summer in Florence i « Mapleton and expens»e8. rapid advancement, old eatab- Dr. I atom, a dentist of 1 illantook, is oj passengers for the celebration, and i llui old Variety Store building, which llshed house. Grand chance for earnest man or stood nearest to the cannery, were in woman to secure pleasant, permanent position, practicing nt the Western House. soon after the Marguerite tame down liberal income and future. New, brilliant lines. W E S T L IN G S . great danger and fire started on them Write at once. Rev. I. G. Knotts, of Grant's Paas, witli a toad. The Lillian then went np both, but by hard work uud plenty of STAFFORD PRESS. A cfluip of M. W. A. is soon to be ca ia spending a few days witli his friends ; to Acme after some whom the boats water they were saved. A light east 33 Church S t., New Haven, Conn. here. | could not bring on the first trip. ) Q U A L diahed at Blackley. wind prevailed at the time, and this car­ Dr. Atwood, of Fugene, has been j There were the usual delays incident Steamer Hobarts arrived from Ya- ried ttie sparks away from the other WANTED.—Capable, reliable person in every practicing dentistry in Florence thia ' to starting to the grounds but the pro­ gm na Tuesday afternoon. buildings. county to represent larve company of solid week. cession got under way being headed by salary per year» paya- ?or blue print plats of any fownabip been no fire in the cannery financial reputation; Win. Smitli’aiid wife, of the Umpqua 1 a liberty car containing about fiity little . There had , I ble weekly; >3 per day absolutely sure and all (Lane or Douglas counties call nt C for several months, and it is not known elpullWJ. strttight, llona_fld(,„ ^ „ t ,. « i„ y , bo life-saving station, spent the Fourth in | «irls representing some state of the La, J Holden’s office. Florence | Union and accompanied by the Goddess whether the blsze originated from spon­ J commission; salary paid each Saturday and ex- ome correspondence from Mapleton taneous combustion or from some out­ I pense money advanced each week, STANDARD U-M L. Boring, of Ontario, Wis., are visit- ,,,, , UOUSE. .HS4 D kabsorn S t ., C hicago . |i . [-■ —- —i ltd “ Bllleltn” was received last week , . , , . ’ ,, ’ ... .. the program was opened with music side cause. Possibly it started from ing tbeir daughter, Mrs. E. B. Waite, , . .. . , u , some boy’s Fourth of July firecracker. J - J .-h r we bad gone to press. . .i ’ followed with invocation by Rev. T. A. WANTED—TRUSTWORTHY MSN AND WO A portion of the cannery wharf and a jnen ; Yost. 0 . H. Holden read the declara- _ 'he Spruce Point mill has been idle an .mu y. to travel and adve.t'vo for old estubli.had warehouse on it were burned. Every­ Frank Kenniston lias gone to Seattle tj011 0( independence, prefacing the house of solid financial standing. Salary *780 a • number of days on account of a j tbe rea n r restive csliveBr WANTED—ACTIVE MAN OF GOOD CI1ARAC C¡) [ „ J H ,, one day. No Cure no Pay. B. F. Alley, formerly publisher of the dress full of interesting thought which twenty-five years ago, being constructed ter Io deliver and collect in Oregon, for old manufacturing wholesale house. «nt«. W est , is now k eep in g a restaurant nt held the attention of the audience to the of white cedar, and had been owned by established *1100 a year, sure pay. Iionnsty more than experi­ end. Mr. Travis is an able speaker and tlia Florence Canning Co. some 15 years. ence required. Our reference, any bank In any Vented—60 persona desiring to dis- Prescott, Arizona. Enclose self addressed stamped U|MS envelor T ; E. A. Evans went to Eugene on Mon- 01,0 wl,om “ >" “ pleasure to listen to It is the first building that has been vity. ■e of real estate jn this vicinity to call Manufacturers, Third Floor, 331 Deiarbori! burned in Florence. Chicago. 1 place their property on our list. day’s stage to obtain repairs for the whether you agree entirely with him or Before tlie fire was extinguished Mr. T , r . p H tteatberson Spruce Point mill. n°l' Kyle stated that he will have a cannery NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. | M T I,I i i I ? » L new sit of wagon scales lias been iT x’ i i • zNi • . I. G. . . Knotts made a . few remarks Y T V. t n tt . Neely and i t Ludvig Christensen, . . Rev. . ... ready for business when the fishing sea- . . . their . . . families, . . . 4 took a short , in his usual happy vein, and was follow* S I I J 1 1 t jn gt jjlk Prairie by George Hale. with Laud Office at IloaeburK, Oregon, outing . , , . , June 14. ltMl. tl a . . ed bv a solo by Mr. Burril which was ’ son opei.s. The cannery and contenta riles driving »took to the valley can ut t the cap* this week. . • . Notice la hereby given that the foUowing- , were insured for $10,OX). The buildings, heartily encored. nnnied settler has tiled notice of ids Intention , them weighed at Hale if they wish, George Barber and family left a few j n t|,e afternooon the Florence and cannery supplies, etc., uetu valued at to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made Ix'fore C. If. ads in Q if he piles that annoy you so will be days ago for Missouri, where they expect Mapleton 5oya crojgej bat3 iu „ gai„„ o( about $20,000. Holden, U. 8. Commissioner, at Florence, ickly and permanently healed if you to reside in the future. Oregon, on August 3, loot, viz: Louis C, Emmet, b#11> eacll party geleeti„g tbeir p|Myer8 HEA R TB U R N . on Ills II. E. 106611, for the sty ae!« Hee. 33 aud e DeWitt’* Witch Hazel Salve. Be- Sec. 34, T. 15 8., K. 11 W. L. P. Tallman, of Meadow, is hnilding on thu ground. Marion Morris umpired When tlie quantity of food taken is too lie awfv names the following witnesses to prove tro of worthless counterfeits. Meyer a new ferry boat for his private use in the game, the score at the close of six large or the quality too rich» heartburn his continuous residence upon and cultivation said land, viz: , . K>le- crossing the river at that place. , j innings standing 31 to 3 in favor of is likely to follow, and especially so if of Rii bard Evan, Walter Hoziord, Ira Bray and t i l S l I l M ree^ ent °* t',e Yaquiun country Bery Smith, all of Miunio, Oregon. Walter Haring and wife will move to Florence. tlie digestion lias been wenkened by con­ 1. T. B ridges , Register I ’ i 1‘ ‘ Ives the following recipe for the destrnc- the Umpqua in a few days, whore Wal­ The foot race was won by Omar Wis­ stipation. Eat elowly and not too freely m otgerrel, which lie says is abso- ter will work in a logging camp. dom, witli Mr. Morris second. of easily digested foot!. Masticate tlie NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. tely sure! “Dig it up, wash the roots, In tlie race for boys under 14, Rudolph foed thoroughly. Let six hours elapse Jesse Bounds and family have moved United State« Land Office, I f Slk'verise tlieui’ by chewing, then spit to Eugene, where he will again engage Brynd took first prize and Fred Cassidy between meals and when you leel a full­ Pose burg, Oregon, June 6, 1S01. Notice Is hereby given that in compliance iem into the tire.” second. ness and weight in tlie region of tlie with tlie provisions of the act of Congress of in tlie setting machine business. 1S7S, entitled “An act for the sal« of tim ­ ■■ DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve should For boys under 8 years, Arthur Wil- stomach after eating, indicating tiiat Junes, ber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Henry Stonefield, of Samaria, was • promptly applied to cuts, burns and . . . . . . ,P , son won first money and George Wilson yon have eaten too much, take one of ■ Nevada, and Washington Territory," as extend- transacting business in town Tuesday, i , J 6 : ed to ull tlie Public Land Stales by act of August O-DATE IX Aj(jg It soothes and quickly heals the I T“ "... “ • i i , it second. « Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tab­ 4, 1892, Matthew H. Wallis, of Eugene, county of 7 T Vr H , The W est received a pleasant call. OHIO lie avoidoil of Oregon, has this day filed In this In the girl’s race Emma Brynd reacb- ‘ H I N fjnred part. There are worthless conn-, . , . , , lets and tlie heartburn may lie avoiueu. Lane, of j ce State n 1H , wor„ atateinrut No. losi, for the pur­ Minor was brought back from cd the goul first and Pesise Brynd next. " * W trfeiU, be sure to get DeWitt’s. Meyer ' I H .J. M'no[ chase of the northwest quarter of section Nix For sale by O. W. Hurd 20,.in township No. IS 8., range No. 9 W., and I Gardiner last week. He He :s is growing In tlie boat race Wm. Salley took tlie “ ~ ; ■ will offer proof to show that the land sought is : worse, with no prospect of recovery. M illin g Journal < more vsluulilo for Ils timber or stone than for first prize and Ludvig Christensen sec- | Tlie Engineering and Z L .-'S T About two weeks ago F. C. Eddy purposes, and to establish his claim I publishes complete estimates of the gold agricultural George Brainard and family, who left unj, to said land before the register and receiver o( inted the Mapleton Hotel and took There were three entries in the lo g ! output In the United States and in tlie this office ut Itoseburx, Oregon, on Thursday, I Acme for San Francisco some three years the 22d day o( August, 1901. itaeesalon, but after trying it for a few ’ ago, have recently moved to Eureka, rolling eontest. Claud Yates succeeded world ut large last year, lho figures, He names as witnesses: hys gave it up and returned to Eugene ! California. " Fred Fisk, I ah » M. Travis, Barney D. Pain« and in getting hi* competitors into tlie water $118,435,562 for the United States, and Chas. Thomas, all of Eugene, Oregon. ist SaturdaTf' Evidently be is new in ! Joe Lloyd, who lias been working on Any and all joirsons claiming adversely the and was declared the victor, while sec- $255,954,054 for tlie world at large (coni- above-described lie hotel business. Isnds are requested to file tbeir In this office on or be foia said 22d day of Smith River for several months, was a ond prize was awarded to H. G. Stingley. pared with $69,518,718 and $311,505,948 claims August, 1901. J. T. B ridges , Register. E. A. Evans and Ludvig Christensen in 1899), do notMiffer materially from Recuperation—There is not so much . passenger on Saturday’s stage from Eu­ tlie estimates of several months ago. gene to spend a few days with his were captains in the tug oi war and se­ i the ordiuary vacation as there is in a NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. parents. lected tbeir men. Ciiristunsen’a side Regarding tlie world’s output tlie Engi­ . ..-----, ingle bottle of Hood’s Sarsaparilla, neering and Mining Journal observes: S. B. Colvin came in from Clear Lake quickly pulled tlie others over liie mark IsMiid Office at Roseburg, Orerò hich refreshes the tired blood, sharp- “ Tlie unfavorable result wns due to tlie J * line 191 ne 2^. îW, 1901. na ttie dulled appetite, restores lost Monday, but did not tell us much about and were declared winners. Notice I n hereby glyen that the followlnr* 8. A. Burrel, J. J. Nicolie and Leon- small contributions made by tlie Trans­ named Mettler hnn filed notice of bi« intention to ■ ■ Jbnrage. Take Hood’s Sarsaparilla this what lias taken place in that vicinity inuke commutation final proof in support of hie recently. He appeared to be in some- ard Christensen were judges in all con- vaal mines, a few only of which were claim, and that «md proof will be made before |ummer. operated during tlie early months of tlie C. II. Holden* U. 8. Commleeioner, at Florenee, tests except tlie men’s foot race, in on August I.*), l?01, viz: Millard F, Phil­ A At Eugene last week Judge Hamilton tiling of a hurry and almost iuclined to year. Deducting tlie Transvaal output Oregon, lip«, on hi« II. E. No. 997.5, lor the n e^ eeo. 32, which Messrs. Burrill, Nicolie and I. B. growl. ™ \n ten ced three men to terms in the Tp. 18 8., R. 9 W. from the grand totals for 1899 and 1900, He nnmen the tallowing witneiwe« to prove hia Jurgen Olsen and wife, who recently Cushman acted in that capacity. enitentiary. Thomas Grady, two years continuous reaidunce upon and cultivation of tlie statistics show an increase in the Mucli of tlie credit for tlie success of I I ! jr money under false pre- came in from Eugene, have rented John land, viz: F. C. Poll, A. F. Ilurd and C. D. other gold-producing countries of $10,* «aid Morgan, of Florence, Oregon; H. II. Flek, of tlie day’s events is due to O W Hurd, ’ l A 1 J , ensea; J. H. Gates, three years for for- ranch on Lawson Creek and in­ Mapleton, Oregon. ery; John Polil, for rape upon tlie per- Mason’s president of the day. John I. Furnish 717,000. Tlie largest gains were made J. T. B ridger , Register. tend to make tbeir home here. Mr. on of his ]3jn*r-old stepdaughter, re- also proved himself tlie right man for by the United States, Canada, India, Olsen spent several inonths»on the Sius- eived a sentence of twenty years. Rhodesia and Brazil, while in Australia marshal. COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS- law last summer. “ I am indebted to One Minute Cough The dance at night was given on tlie and China there wero important de­ ^ore for my present good health and my | Dr. C. H. T. Atwood, of Eugene, was second floor of Meyer & Kyle’s new creases. Tlie regular monthly meeting of the “ In one respect tlie gold situation in ife. I wa* treated in vain by doctors in Florence Monday aud Tuesday exain- building. An excellent supper was or long trouble following la grippe. 11 ining applicants for membership in the served in each of tlie hotels at midnight 1900 was unprecedented. It lias never town council was held Monday evening, with President M. Morris in the chair. ook One Mlnnte Cough Cure and recov- Modern Woodmen of America. He and all were having a merry time till before happened that the output of a Roll call allowed Trustees Brynd, great gold producing country lias been my liealtli.” Mr. E. II. Wise, came in by way oi Blacbley, where he tlie dance was broken up by tlie file at Cliriatenscn and Wealherson in at­ su ddenly cut off entirely or almost en­ 'fadison, Qai Meyer A Kyle. ! examined a large number. ttie cannery. tendance. Absent, Trustee Evans. tirely. Tlie Transvaal, which produced Considerable Interest was taken in tlie ------------------------ Minutes of last meeting were read and You can never cure dyspepsia bv diet­ $78,070,701 in gold in 1898, was expected •ota lor Ooddeea of Liberty this yenr, it I When you want a modern, up-to-date approved. to yield over $95,000,000 in 1899 and ing. What your body needs is plenty of «ing the flrat time she lias been chosen ' physic, try Chamberlain's Stomach and Tlie following hill* were presented n that way hl this part of tlie country, Liver Tablets. They are easy to take good food properly digested. Then if $110,000,000 in 1900. The war broke out and allowed: Florence Lumber Co., i’he leading candidates were Lillie Brynd and pleasant in effect. Price, 25 cents. your stomach wiill not digest it, Kodol ' in October, 1899, and tlie total for that lumber, $2.88; O. H. Peterson, aervioes ind Alice Alexander. The former re- Samples free atO. W. Hurd’s drug store. Dyspepsia Cure will. It contains all of year was only $72,961,501, while in 190o as special night watch, $14; Meyer A In order to give a report of the c e l-; 11,8 nat,lral tligestiints hence must digest. tho only production wns from a few Kyle, goods, $4.26; J. C. Phelps, record­ A**»ad 718 votes to 238 for tlie latter. W l*?cattering votes were also cast for about ebrntion in Florence thia ¡»sue goes to every c I hsh of food hhi I so prepare it that mines which were operated by the gov­ ers fees, $6.10. t dosen others for that place. Tlie net press some hours later in tlie week than nature can use it in nourishing tlie body ernment in tlie opening months of tlie Tlie recorder was directed to assess and replacing tlie wasted tissues, thus year, and ttiia work was stopped when tlie property adjacent to sidewalk on — proceeds of tlie vote amounted to $49 05. usual. 1 giving life, liealtli, strength, ambitiun, the British armies reached Johannes­ Main, Monroe and First streets and to “ I wish to trntlifuiiv state to you and Born—on Nortli Fork Thursday July burg. Instead of $110,000,000, the PR O Pfl he readers of tliese few lines that your 4tli, 1901 to Mr and Mrs R R Bay, a eon. i pure blood and heal thy appetite. Meyer publish notice of tlie same in the paper. Transvaal appears in our table for only A Kyle. Tlie street committee wera instructed Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is without qnes- No wonder Bob shouted for the Fourth $7,208,869. to present an ordinance at tlie neat reg- i gr*Ion tha best and only cure for dyspepsia of July. SUNDAY SERVICES. “Tlie United States, which in 1899 :hat I have ever come in contact with ’ I ular meeting providing for building a Burn—In Florence, Or., Fiiday June ranked third among tlie great gold pro sidewalk on Second and Madison streets X ba’ e w d n,nny ° ,her f'rpf’arft- 28? 1901. to Mr aud Mrs John Tanner, Bev. I. G. Knotts will preaclt at the ducers, in 1900 showed a substantial in ' " John Beam, West Middlesex, # aon in accordance with notice retxmtlv pub­ Presbyterian Cliurcli, Florence, at 11 crease which, witli the limitation of tlie Pa. No preparation equals Kodol Dys­ lished. Those famous little pills, DeWitt’s o’clock and at the school bouse in Acme Transvaal, put it in the first place in J. O. Phelps presented hi* resignation pepsia Cure as it contains all tlie natural at 8 o’clock in tlie evening. Mr. Thom­ 1909. Australia dropped from first place ligestanta. It will digest all kinds of Little Early Risers compel your liver as recorder, to take effect at soon as his son will conduct services at tlie Alpha to second place, while Canada took tlie successor it elected and qualified. Geo. food tad can’t help but do you good. and bowels to do their duty, thus giving schoool house at tlie usual time Sabbath third rank, though at a long interval, | you pure, rich blood to recuperate your O. Knowles was ilien elected recorder Meyer it Kvie. morning and at tlie Presbyterian and Russia took tlie fourth place, these E x t r S ^ At a nseeting of tlie Columbia River body. Are easy to take. Never gripe. for tlie remainder of tlie term. I Church, Deadwood, in tlie afternoon. four countries produced together 79.2 Meyer A Kyle. On motion tlie recorder waa author­ Logger’s Association, held in Portland I You are cordially invited to all these per cent of tlie total. ized to appoint two special deputies for last Thursday, an agreement was signed i services. NEW ADS. tlie Fourth of July. by which the memiiers agree to shut DENTISTRY. Rev. C. C. Poling, president Dallas Alter some talk in regard to grading Iowa their logging camps for three con College and presiding elder of tlie Tlie following new ads. appear in this remain in Flor-1 Front street, the president wa* directed Dr. Win. Tatom will between July 1 and 8ep- Evangelical Cliurch, will preach at Port­ practice to confer with property owners and jjftie slmt-down means a issue of tlie W est : age Saturday tlie 6th, at 7:33, r. m ., enee a few daya longer for tlie him at tlie ] ascertain their wishes in the matter. Griffin Hardware Company. of dentistry. You will find of StyWO.OOO feet in tlie year’s and on the 7tli at 11, a . m . On the First National Bank, of Eugene. Tlie couocil then adjourned. ( evening of tlie 7th at 8 P. M. he will TV estem House. Vincent A Co., druggists, Eugene. May an infant child of our preacii in tlie Methodist Cliurch in T he BEST NEMCOV FOR STOMACH ANO A DVERTI8ED LET TER8- Dre. Atwood A Atwood. sulTeiing from cholera in- Florence, and on Monday the 8th, at BOWEL TROUM.C*. Hotel Eugene. Tlie following letter* remain unclaimed t h e doctors had given np ail 8 p . J*, in Glenada. “ I have been in Ilia drug business for Lee M. Tra»it. ery. I took a bottle of Rev. T. A. Yost will hold services at twenty years and have aold most all of in tlie Florence post office fur the week i’b Colic, Cholera and Diar- on at 2 p. M. It is easier to keep well than get cu rd . , Acme M " - Sunday, "“" - f ." July " / 7tii, ■ - o ----------- tlie proprietary medicines of any note. ending July 1, 1901: to tlie house, telling them DeWitt’s IJttle Early Risers taken now Coles, G B A bad complexion generally reanlta Among the entire list I have never found Wa K yls . P. M id do gOixl if nsed ac­ and then, will always keep yonr bowels from inactive liver and liowela. In all anything to equ d Chamberlain a Colic, tions. In two days time for all in perfect order. They never gripe but *Uch casea, DeWitt’s Little Early Kisers Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy TO OUR RATRONK. fully recovered. Tlie child promote an easy gentle tuition. Meyer j produce lasting and permanent results, ’touiaeh stomach and bowel troubles, aaya O. and healthy. I have W. Wakefield, of Colnmhwe, Ga. “Thia I Meyer A Kyle. We have made arrangement* by this reraedv frequently A Kyle. remedy cured two severe ease* of cholera which we will furnish tlie Weekly IHver known it to fail.—Mrs. , LO 8T. morbus in my family and I have recom­ RECORDER’S COURT. Bookwalter, Oliio. Sold mended and aold hundreds of bottles of Oregonian with tha Wear lor ona year I. ________________ i to any addrea* for the sum of tv.o Ad­ Fred Cassidy was taken before Record­ From my cabin in Florence, Oregon, it to my customer* to their entire satis­ lan javahla cash in ad vanes. faction. It (affords a quick and sure er Plielpe Tuesday morning charged about November 15, 1900, a note of $300, witli expectorating tobacco juice on tlie liearing 7 per cent interest, iaaned by cure in a pleasant ferm.’* For (ale by T O C U B E A C O L ll IN O N K D A T windows of the Western Home. Meyer A Kyle to Frederick Ilolate, and O. W. Hurd. Take Laaative Bromo Quinine Tablet*. After hearing the evidence the re- bearing date oi February 20, 1899, witli I All druggists refund the money if they its and Children. J (ail to cure. E. W. Grove’s aignatare ia corder sentenced biin 4u a fi e of ttn a payment of $100 endorsed on the back feu Have Always Bought dollar* thereof. A suitable reward will be paW uo each boa. 26c. for Its return to Tkla Mansiura la on OT«ry tos nt U m ( m u I m K itarat« Yonr H o w ell W ith Caaearet*. ■aw Av. T mv K ia.s y« • Faccsaicg H o u t e , Laxative Brom oQui««* TkMate Caafiy r»ttt»rtle, ear« eoaattpetton forsrsr. Florence, Oregoo. I Mo. S c . It C .C C. ta il. d n zH isi* reload Moaa*‘ ■ YO I ACME COMMERCIAL CO. W e Carry a F lu e and V aried S tock o f * General Merchandise, Patent Medicines, Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Prints, Huslins, Yams, Crash, Notions, g Groceries. ife -Si: Ate 3A; Afc i k JA; jAt ifct Afc j A í a p uh w u h iv uz w m «» usiaswto W e b u y d ir e c t fr o m t h e L a r g e s t J o b b in g H o n sa s aB * M a n u fa c tu r e r s in t h e c o u n t r y , fo r C A S H , a n d w e a r e rnnblgd t o g e t t h e L o w e s t P r ic e s , b e s id e s a l w a y s b e in g s u r e t a in in g f ir s t - c la s s good s. We are n o t p a y in g of oh- pnennoue e x p e n s e s a n d w i l l se U y o u g o o d s a t r e a s o n a b le r a ie s . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * We Have a Complete Stock of Boots and Shoes. .r * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Y our patronage is alw ays appreciated, and no n a tte r haw email your purchase«, you may rent assured it w ill be oar < aim to sell you the best goods obtainable a t reasonable prices. M ETZ" & ZTLE * Have 0 1 ways * on * Hand * a Pine ^tocl^ o f G rç p e E rç jE $ , ß r y Q oodsy ★ * ß re s s ►« G ^oodsj IT I I t ie Gent’s Furnishing Goods, H a r d w a r E, Paints, Oils, etc. Prices as Low as the Lowest ¡TOR IA mi PloRcoce. Qptfw