SU C C E SSO R . in love anil war, I know. Let's have a A W ORTHY cigar.*’ They hudthuse cigars and otli- “ S o m e th in g N ew U nder th e Su n ” mid smoked and cbaltied remjnis- F bom Oi'it B ruciar CoBRioii'osnBiiy.) ;-e r* l,n'1 6 1 Is a constitutional disease. ccntly for u ure than ntj hour. It may w-.^BLISIIKD AV* IL.' F riday MUSSINO.— i I t originates |n a scrofulous condition of All doctors have triad to cute O atabrii the blood and depends on that condition. not be generally know a that Gov. Pin­ bv the use of powders, aeid gases, inhab- W ashington , June 84, 1901. It often tatúes headache and dizziness, -A ^ r ers and drugs in paste form. Their pow­ ” taste, ' s m nell Impairs the e l l ar and hearing, af­ "If the cabinet may pro|ierlyi be con­ gree started tiie foundation of the for­ ders dry up the mucous membranes fects the vocal organs, disturbs the stomach. O skuun I It is always radically and permanently sidered as the adm inistration, and that tune lie afterwards made in the manu- causing them to erack open and bleed. P - o b isc j , L as « C ourt », The powerful aciils used in the inhalers cored by the blood-purifying, tgluazly® is my idea, the adm inistration lias no | facture of shoes in the little shop of . . a i have en“ f,ely eaten away tllg«gW? meui- ana twxdc action of — ay - • • shoemaker. It was ins , j,rallea iheir makers have aimed Io candidate to succeed the President.” Washington cure, while pastes and ointments cannot Those remai ks were made by a gentle- duty to come into Washington daily for IS CONSTANTLY RECEIVING NEW GOODS IN TH E WAÌ w . H . W E A T IIE R S O N t his great medicine has wrought the most reach the disease. An old and experi-l üí h‘8 regiment, which for en ro l practitioner who lias for many j wonderful cares id »11 diseases depending ■nan whose relations w ill, the ad.uinis- ! tiie jun scrofula or the scrofulons habit. E d ito r and P r o p r ie t o r . tration are close. Continuing he said: P»« of the ¡civil war was stationed on vears made a close study and specialty N O V E L T I E S AND FANCY C 0 (— of tiie treatment of C atarrh , has at last Uooo'a P ills u d the beat cathartic. “ At a recent cabinet meeting, it was “ >« Virginia side of the Potomac, and perfected n treatm ent which when faith­ 'Sa - l .-_ T Z 7 ~ T CONSISTING OF ---- .. ~ proposed as a bit of fun, that each m en - , waiting for the mail, he learned fully used, nut only relieves at once, hut J - i o r c n w , O r e g o n , J u l y b , 190 1 . GOVERNMENT RAILROADS. perinanenily cures UATAItliff, by re- tail her of the cabinet should write his prof- “> <»‘>ble shoes and used to make pocket moving the cause, Stopping Ute >118-1 D e s c r“ charges, and curing all inflammation, Fancy Hair O rnam ents, Hair Com bs o f all erence for President on a slip of paper (.«ft»««« by cobbling for his comrades, Tiicoma Ledger. ft is the only remedy known to science . »VB The government estimate of the tim­ For years there bus been some specula.- and drop it in a h at with no mark t,o ihnt actually reaches the alilicted p a rts ., ber in Lane county, jQrcgon, is placed a t , isal wonderful remedy is known a s ! tion ns to the ultimate ownership of a)l distinguish the w rilero f one slip from Notice of Assessment for Street Im- This “ SNUFFLES, the GUARANTEED OA- provement. 16257663 railroads by the government. Perha|>s another. Eight, slips were prepared— TA RltH C U R E ," and is sold at the ex ­ .entire county of 13,000 feet per acre. tremely low price of One Dollar, eacli thia will be the solution of the traffic pic President, of course, was not asked Notice is hereby given th a t at a regu- package contain!"« internal and external Lane county contains more standing problem. Proponents of tbo Uieory to join in the game, although he was an » *. . . ?» i t 'V .... . medicine sufficient for a full m onth’s lar meeting of the l-onrd of 1 matees of , trf,atment anj everything necessary to Limber than any county in the United WELL SELECTED ST.OOK OF have bailed the consolidation of lines as amused spectator -y and distributed. the Town of Fiorouue, held on July 1st, ils perfect use. States, Ohehalis county, in Washington, an involuntary movement in th at direc­ Ujion each, a mcmlier pi the cabinet fOOI, tiie following assessments were “ SN U FFL E S” is Hie only perfect A. ranking n e jt to Lane with over 18 bil- ; tion. They argued that when the rail- wrote a name and dropped it into a liat. made ior the purpose of building side­ CATARRH CURE ever made and is RIBBONS IN ALL SHADES AND QUALdil now recognized as the only safe and pos- 1 Hop feet." The timber is composed It walks; roods had got into Biieh shape that they After shaking tliffin up, tficy were ohlajKAL ¡live cure for th at annoying and disgust­ largely of red and yellow lir (Oregon ing disease. It cures all inflammation ] i could be easily banjbgl, the government turned out upon the table and ilie laugh- I town quickly and permanently and is also pine), hemlock and cedar, while along •'oi would take them over. As to any sys­ abje fact discovered that tiie cabinet had lot . ul ’ k owner . amount wonderfully quick to relieve H A Y ! the coast spruce is plentiful. Lane W H Weatlierson » 4.22 FEVER or COED in the HEAD. tem of compensation, they did not go eight candidates, instead of one, every 1 a iu CATARRH when neglected often leads ¿.Utility is drained by tiie Willamette A R Pea ree....... into details. Indeed, tlii.s phase of the member having chosen a different man. 2 ! to CONSUMPTION — “ SNUFFLES ” 8 M H a r tle y ....... river and its large tributaries, the Mc­ ! will save you if you use it at once. It is | subject seems not to have occurred to There was much enjoyment over the 9.04 no ordinary remedy, but a complete 4 Cora B Andrews Kenzie and the Mohawk, while the Sius- T H E M S E E T H 1 them. The men who built thp lines episode and it was jocularly agreed that 5 y.04 i treatment wInch is positively guaranteed S E E Geo M M ü le r... jaw if i'e r , running westerly to the have certain rights. In some instances n Q 4 to cure CATARRH in tiny form or stage cabinet would have to get together, if it (1 ' if used according to the directions which Pacific ocean, druins a watershed of sev- tlie lines were constructed by fraud, and I W Van te r........ 9.04 ai-eoinpaiiy eacli package. Don’t de'ny, hopes to name the winner. I would like 7 pral hundred miles in extent covered I tho KOV„ pn,ent Btt.jI)llIej ¡n{0 pnying 9.04 hut send (or it at once, and write lull 8 L »I Miller . . . . . to tell the eiglit^names written, but that 9 I« <1 i ......... 9.04 particulars as to your condition, and you F an cy Line of L a d ie s’ a n d - C e n ts ’ NeclçJ y ith excellen t bodies of Umber. unearned subsidies, but, nevertheless, , , , , r, will receive special advice from the dis- would never do; I have only told this 10 .....................| coverer of this wonderful remedy regard- the ostensible owners have more than a mush tp show th a t the administration, 11. |5 i ing your case without cost to yon beyond 1 Geo Soverns ... A curions discrepancy concerning the ebaj ow o/ lilIc. Tbey tHI1 bartUy 4« 4« 9 04 the regular price of “ SNUFFLES,” the at this tjme, has no candidate.” 2 9 0 , “ GUARANTEED CATARRH CU RE.” amount of the Chinese indemnities lias a9Ked ag u business proposition to relijj- Win Churchill. 3 Confidence is expressed in official clr; ' Sent prepaid to any address in the begn developed, by which it appears q„i8|, this. Va 9 04 I United States or Canada on receipt of elee that the explanation made by Secro- 4 CAREFUL SJ3LEOTION OF ie i 9.04 ' One Dollar. Address Dept. 1, EDWIN L M Miller . . . . that China has agreed to pay about 36,-[ Accordinlt to nn a ||eg<1(l pI„n just [ tary H ay to the Russian Ambassador, 6 9.04 15. GILES & COMPANY, 2330 and 2332 Ì A O Cleveland 000,000 taels more than the u n itej , II)a,le pllb| iCf Ko).kefe|,er, H arrim an, i J(? r,uf a stop to the tariff war with Rus- 0 9.04 Market Street, Puilndelphia. laird & Thomas 7 fleinands of all tjie powers. 1 nPPeBr? , 'S andopbilt, Gotjld and Morgan contain- gia) hefore it goes any further, hut tiie 9.04 8 to have been an error of ualcnhiiion nt plate, 8fjpr having caught and branded ’ same confidence is not felt by the gen- 9 L M M ille r. . . . ! ! 9M4 i ’51' Sale to Gun and Fish Club, 4'ekin, in the first place, by those mak- every railway in the United States, to I eraj public, 11.13 ni. 10 — or ing up the indem nities and later by the paM , be ,of ,Q |be governmenti wilb ; e ( , th The fight to oust Commissioner Evana I cox 8 A!,D- PR IV A TE PA R TIES, Organdies in A ssorted Shadss and W hite G oods in Qtfii« 11.15 O W H u rd . 6 Chinese themselves in tl.e.r hasty ac- thpir Qwn f#p(.y a ,r, rlnej . T h is ; fo m the head of the pension bureau is 1 ------- The Beautiful------ - 9.04 0 2 ceptapce of the total._______ | they will not d o | the government luis |,eing pushed »¡tli renewed energy, but to S e le c t From æu U L II P o tte r ......... 3 8-01 JOE GEN S E N I S L A N D S , faults, but it wns not born so recently l (lie commissioner still holds the fort 9.04 iro ti Lena Bergman. .. ------- In “ Tsiltcoos," o r -------- George M. Miller has gained consider as yesterday, and it is not nn nggrega- 1 and appears to be backed by the Presir 5 9 04 Ky! <1 able notoriety by pulling down a Brit- o( suckers. The gentlemen mgn- dent, and says lie will not resign. 9.04 T E N - M I L E IVin K y le... 0 (I LAKE, 9.04 M F P ark er. 0 isli flag wliicli was waving] above tiie tioned nre, finunuiully, a husky lot. In Secretary Hitchcock says preparations 7 Douglas County, Oregon, 9.04 e >n 0 stars and stripes at Skagway, Alaska the republic, however, are some 78,000,- for tiie opening to settlem ent of the I n ­ 8 Contamini; lu both 42.1H acres— the large island 0.04 o W A Cox ......... 9 Jaite reports say that the flag had been ' qo O otbcr people wlio do nqf like them 88.94 acres, and the small 4 acres—lying in dian reservations in Oklahoma nre about 10 “ “ “ .......... 42.78 o L a t e s t in C e n t s ’ C o lla r s a n d C I f s f f sections 2 and 85. yaised over the custom lipuse to show pa, tieularly, and who, while admiring completed, nnd it is understood Hint h « » ............. 9,04 ■et» 5 1 P E R F E C T T IT L E . travellers who intended entering pnna- , beir skjll, iisve not tiie slightest confi- work on tiie President’s proclamation, 2 6 M F P arker......... 9.04 ■■ De5 dian territory wliero they rouk}- pav , j el)ce ¡„ tb ejr ,,robity> Any ono q{ t ,1Q “ ” “ .......... 9.04 For Sale a t $12 Per Acre. 6 ■ pr< announcing the date for the opening, 3 W E A R E U P -T O -D A T E INa l(h O W H u rd ....... 9.04 6 4 ffjeir duties, and wgs not designed to [ several mentioned wguld skin your lips been started. Address: 9.04 5 6 show the British claimed tiie land. I U nde Sain as willingly and by methods V E R Y T H I N { J rf«il ,ir‘ Mistakes in sizing up what is coming 0 W . H. W EATH ERSO N, 9.04 5 I as risque as employed by tiie shell and to one in the way of privileges are coins 7 9.04 J CORRECTION. W A Cox . . 6 Florence, Lane County, Oregon. I>ea artist. While they content tliein- won enougli everywhere, b u t they are a 9.04! O W Hurd 5 T R U L Y Ah< 9.04 6 E ditor W est ; — K indly a aliow me to 8n!v<'8 with Play»Fil£ » b'g gmno with not all as costly as those made by John 9 mte< The B reeder’s G azette, 11.15 10 6 i «sei porrect a statem ent which I fend in vour »um ¡ injliviJ“»! victii}|p, and eapjipre jthat McQuade. Jo h n ’s father is Secretary The several amounts ns ub ive atate-l ] One o.f the best all around f«r|p pn ysi (aat issue to tl.e effect tl.e case of lu,p Ul" b8> they * “ * tolerated, RooUs coachman, and through that fact ................ ... ................ ................ of the enuutry, 28 to 86 pages wee are now due an I payable to the Rec -ri’- yarioloid at Gardiner had turned out to bl!l tbcy n,,,8t P°* Qy these games op John got his name on tiie pay roll of the er of m e Town of Florcnw, ami will be­ R egular P rice, $ a .o o P er Y ear. hi lie a well develqpcd c . o f chicken |>ox. i ,be people as n whole. j war departm ent. Then John made tiie come delinquent after ten days from tiie T iie B r e e d e r ’d G a z e t t e a n d *** As to your informant you are silent, hut - - tbe K°''erninenf orpr lakes posses- mistake of supposing th at he was privi- ,le ,b ’8 T he W est * * * l the Dated this 2nd day of July, A. D. 1901. please permit me to say iy® havq had u 8'011 t,ic r®ilr?i>.ds it will not be in leged to ignore all the rules and regula­ jngl® J. C. R hki . ps , Recorder. $ 2 .5 0 P e r Y e a r. typical case of varioloid at this place. response to any sentiment, liqwever tions made to govern tiie employes of li ich C A R D IN E R N E W S . ns t ft is ninusing to hear and reaij the d(f- 8,ro,’g senliment may have become, that departm ent. He was called up and WANTED.—Capable, reliable person in every countv ty represent large company o f solid ferent opinions oi pfficimis and corres- h 't l!>' T®“80" °f 80m® »»‘l.len exigency, disciplined, and to emphasize the m atter financial, reputation; |93f. salary per year, paya­ July 1, 1901. ponditigly ignorant persons on (be var- T t,en Hiere will bp a process similar to on his mind, lie was furloughed for a ble weekly; |3 per (lay absolutely sure and all Mr. Gibson, of D ean’s creek, is very joloid so prevalent in tl.e Northwest at I ®®'” l®'»n«‘ipn ns this prevails wl.en a few days. T hat might iuive reduced expenses; straight, bona fide, definite salary, no i . 1 - ! ill as a lesult of a fall sustained ai Coos commission: salary paid each Saturday and ex - ! th e present time, and the mpet cpsual Pubi|P Otil.ty is about to he extended, j Jo h n ’s head to its normal size, had lie Bay some time ago. pense money advnnced each week. STANDARD ! 41-14 ' observer will not fui) to nolo tlist the H,ld Hie roads will ho taken in at the ! not filled himself witii tiie juice AJrs.! Our school is again in session after HOUSE, 834 D farborn S t ., C hicago . noise and stir created by tiie wire(T) valuation set by appraisers who will not Kation | iu,.g to a|lin. That gave him > two week's vacation on account of tiie pues in the ventilation o( their opinions he nndpr the influence of the benign some new ideas about tiie privil'geB vBiioloid. - are always in inverse proportion to their potentates mentioned. In fact, tiie co n .in g to h i..., which lie proceeded to'i ^ ,,ite a nun,ber of oar citizenB nnd T. N . S E G A R , P ro p rieto r , . ’ , , . . . , their children have been vaceinnated. poteniptes will not be considered; they try to enjov. N ew M anagement . knowledge of the facts. One of thpse was the right 1 D rv G o o d s , G ro c e rie s and . , , . . Mr. Minor, who came from Point Ter- S trictly F irst -C lass . It is an interesting paradox that in may like jt pr tl(ey ip»y do the other lo lick tiie appointment clerk. John . undergo , - . operation, has ‘ r I race to a surgical every sninll community there aie those ,b ing. lliey will, if thf) crisis arrive, being big ap-.! burly, and tiie np[«oint- relum ed io his home, being too weak to F ree S ample R ooms . y |.o know tl.eir neighbor's business bet- ' H H.emselvee sm«]l potatoes nnd will nient clerk a little fellow, be was having make such an operation saf >. E lectric L ights and B e . ter than they know their own. The-p 8" ? ',t ftsllle 88 ‘E"” v“lll0 “ . .n so everything his own way, until o th e r, Grandma Elliot is quite feeble C e n tr a lly L ocated. individuals do not scruple to trespass trackwalkers. employes stepped the fight. John now : The people of Gardiner will celebrate. Headqaartsrs for Mining, Mill and ppon a domain held sacred by belief has the privilege of finding another job, | Mr. Haiseii, tiie, lias left G a r-, Commercial Men. THE WAY HE KILLS IT. jirol and more enlightened minds, i. e. as Lis name lias been crossed off of dinqr to ©®*1 #t 1,e ’ »binits the following ' ,ention> por ¡„stance, lie said : “ Every nuuilwr of guests were present. | ---- --------------------------- puce they have done incalculable harm 1,1 I” *"r Rstroying fern, and it up- bu8jneM ,„an realiat-a that tiie iudua- Schooner Lily, from 5Jan Francisco, . "I’ T a b le s f u r n is h e d w i t h a l l t h e J . W . C A R M A N P R O P R ’h e rs iq opposing scfentitlc m ethod, for the »0 be all pight: trips of tlie sonili cannot Up built up, arrived on Monday afternoon. d e l ic a c ie s o f t h e s e a s o n . G iv e n s Kodol pxtirpatiou or limitation of «o.qs^ious I’’8™ c#n 1,8 ksU’ fl on ,8*>» »»> cannot successfully cope will, tl.e long- Willie Jew ett has a new pony, i —*lon t a c a ll. (liaeaaea. ' ground a roller ean 1« run over. Firat „ u b |Ubea ¡mlu,tries of the north w it h - ' 'G s. Brant and family have moved to :h*t I It would be well for those « ho are in ‘1« i8 l° ‘•'lt ">8 “"‘‘ burn 0„t „ protectiv„ tariiT. j,, flve i town from the lighthouse. > 5»*n<1 1 BANNERMAN'S PHENÏLE ........ ■ c.% w va;v*.yd«N .)t » i a i , . n . i 1 it (1*11 preferred), then r piuw* and let it New a. ,, , , in . my opinion, will ... send . .. Several new^bouses will >f be built ¡¡ana. T h . M in t P ow erful D i.ln f.c ta n t, th e habit of expressing their ao-uilled 1 « an England, , , , in B in d e r T w in e . D .D dorlzre aad Oermlclde Known remain until what little frost we get i / z («aiding .th is summer. Mr. bebnlte Pa. : to M odern S c ie n c e .................... knowledge in tlmru cases to thoroughly , , •, . , ,, , . , men to Congress instructed for free i will build on the Ipt be recently pur- pepab tQUches it, but really this part is imma- . . , ... . , , , . , . ... „ J * Investigate beloro saying or doing any­ 1 ’ tra oie¡ • T A R R M that contain mercury . j a,„, , be pU nt, #rc lehde; Wld ,,ritl|o >n Congress have voted year OM m ange on doga. ' B A N N E R M A N ' S P H E N Y L E rnree »beep of As mercury will surely destroy the sense alier veer and decade after decade for a The highest cash price paid for all Ä ^ n Ä i f r * ' ’,o ” ~>‘r of .,„..11 and completely derange the «et " »ound log about three feet or * us detrimental to that sec kinds of furs and hides. Y O U R F R U I T T R E K S .h ou l.i b . n-rayed with whole system wlieu eulcfiiig it through j " ,|,r® '•> diameter and roll the young t jo n _.. ï ¡ r ¿ £ :u’'h“:', »líV ísi,’ “i G . 0 . CVMPTON. th e . mucous surfaces. Siicli articles Brain before it is jointed. Thia will BANNER MAN S PB ENYLE • r.n .r.1 ,n. , stories of the laid Gov. Pingree, At Salley’s Meat Market, Florence, Or In fectan t is unequal g t **•» uned over 12 unequal ltd , h . a tin »fionld never Le iise.l except on ptfijci ip- crush the ¡.-pi and bly«{ ii. The follow- -aix and ill ---------nd t^sfoni useful .. in - every . . .. ... . ' ----------------------- . w — household or ----- E itabli ah nient. It in endorsed hy etnmlnetit nhvaf e . , „ . r r» om it n ld e o liv n ic la liH as as nit I l i e ,1)g . (a|j . . yo„ vpl, m(w , inns, (lons I Ironi puinme puysiciaiis, l(J tqOTer w t jn,. of Michigan, are lieing told I I I \ \ a s lilllg - B E , S U R E that your blood is rich •U n « , sanitary au th orities and bi.atds of health all over (h e Uaited « ta le s VMd by the City o f ? h ic a i damage they will do Is ten told fold to the . . . . , ton, where lie was well known, since his ■ml pur.-. The best blood purifier, ?7,r 5 • ,BO *>7 m any larjfe titoeli rabeta • . otliy, and the fern won t bother much , , th ro u g h o u t the United S ta te , kannerm an^ I’b in r good you can |mtsibly yjerne from them dealt,, le n or twelve years ago, a friend [ pnrielicr aniually guaranteed to prevent the above named d*"trn7 *H o h n o sto n . odo-w if freely H all’s Catarrh Cure,' pisim lactiircl by »’»«*• introduced Gov. Pingree to Got. John T. „.-vrilla. Bo sure to Q E T H O O D ’S . A rent« * u t ted Addr**« F . J . Cheney & Co., Toledo, O., contains 1 tie roller tbonk* 1«. use, I as long as . . . Ü A N N P R / V A A N db c o . V 7 , . ,, " " Mosby, in the corridor ot a Washington no mercury, and is taken internally, the young fern cornea up, and two or «7-73 Clark Street CHICAGO tt . t . hotel, and tho following conversation r Bannennan a F henyle granted th e tw o acting directly mam the I loo I and mu, j , brce „ m dcl- H ip h e -t Mediti* ami P H ip p ío lo m a e f Award at the W orld’s Colum bian Exposition. took place: l’ingreee—“ Well, hello, ro u t «urfattsij of the In but ing I ila ll's C i a r d i Curo be sura you gel the ' , Cplonrll I haven't seen you for twenty- A Q O O D C O U Q H M E D IÇ IN K . NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. genuine. It is taken iuteriially, and is | M a, lv llnmgjiida hava Isa-u reslnied to fivg yoaia, tmt 1 remember very weil ti.« inadc in Toledo, Ohio, by f . j , Cheney ■ | 1,,-nlit, and happiness land once at Kosebn re. Oregon. ,• Hie use of last time we m et.” Mosbv—“ Ah, what Jut e — 1901 * „ . . -im i Eugene, Oregon. k ’h.m ls-r.ain’, Conili Remóle H af. u |q A Co. Tostimoniais Iree. Notice Is hereby »iven that th« teU o w lu your uiind t ¡ _______ Bold by dpwgisiH, 75c pyr Imttl«. i llictvl will, snv thront nr lung trouble, nanrol MUtler ha. filed notlcv of h l. Intenllo,, ! give it a trial for I, i, suçe to prove pen- re,lly '*'* r8"“ '" b8r -’ ° ”- much toiny p „ ¡d u p o ,,,,, ( ’u p ¡ta i t H all's Family Pilla are the last. « 5 0 ,0 0 0 final proof in anpport of h i, claim and jefleixb Coughs that l,»ye n»*n,iwd a l l . l ’ingree — “Oh, weil, I 0» S u rp lu s , - M} IWS, PrU"‘ wi" •* h- '” * <■ H OO,INW »»«Men. r .s .r ,,,„ m l» i„ ,m r. at Flotene. o « ’•C. C. C.” on Every Tablet otlrer treatm ent for years, hare yielded wouldn’t be sp t to remember the date, --------- i *[o" ' on A n a m t 1&. 1901. vis; A m i « r „ n o , We cIR-r every. aeenn nodal Ion «onelMent l' 1« H E. No. 9976, for the o r ’ .ev » t . m Every tablet of Cascareis Candy to this remedy and |s»rfect liealtl, been j wa( raplureii hy your men, and lisp- with prudent hanktns. ,'orrv.nondenre «olle- 11« w “ • w ' ‘ f ** * • 1 _ . . . . . r> r»js|i>rrfon. • B H ard w are tu u tN E , C o m p el OREGON. 1