iff‘Per f r o « ,- •‘it’JC K-.ve nj/J bdoui. u w»riJ¿ ’ ì niy feel aadZuB at u l. i a irerç/j® t* MD'l t ' .r t h Z j Hit three iol eon«41p m w S les Tabules. i j no occuputtoaj Urn'ng oiy elu |3 and I am tr;|J9 •la ion ie t.ett«|3 i been sick s o |3 »n e aa you llk a l .W ary U ohmai J ADVERTISERS THE W E S T YOUR HOHE PA PER SU PPO R T IT S IU S L A W ’S ONLY P A P E L. OPPORTUNITY J FLORENCE, OREGON, FRIDAY. JULY », l'JOl VOL. XII ? from headftt 1. 1 could n e t, cur or go into| place without, b ead ache u n d d | stom ach, i b < 3 Ripon» Tabnieir- auut o f inlnu n” taking them foi® of the Btoiaach.1 found inch re||L ÎA L D IR E C T O R Y STEAM ER o ........................... T. T. Geer. S’jte.......... F. I- Dunbar. — REGULAR a ..................F. 8. Moore. :Instruction J. H. Ackerman .......................... W. H . Leeds. enerat D. R. N. Blackburn ..................R. S. Bean ................F. A. Moore ___C. E. Wolverton id d istrict. .J . W. Hamilton A ttorn ey.. .Geo. M. Brown Ur M»en rear •uilered w ith pi ; hid Lead. cunnUjHI and complained Itom tch . He oohmmi eat like ohllr.^L«*ii. • ■•G. W. Gridin W ill ca rry freight a u d passengers ofPesce .......... C. H. Holden ,b le.......... .............. G .C . Compton S T A G E L IN E . E. B a n g s , P roprietor. Stage le a v e s 'E u g e n e for F lo r­ ence d a ily except S unday a t 6 a, ui. A rriv e s a t F lo ren ce th e day fol­ low ing a t 10 a. in. R e tu rn in g stage leaves Florence for F u g e n e d a ily except Sunday a t a t 2 p. m. A rriv es in E ugene a t 0 p. in. th e day following. from F lorence to San F rancisco. S ingle fare - - - - R o u n d tr ip - - - - W ill also bring up freight T ic k e ts for sale a t E . liv ery b a rn , E ugene, nnd a t F o r fu rth e r inform ation in q u ire H u rd ’s office iu Florence. ........Marion Morris E. A. Evans, W. H. Werthersen, W in. Brynd, L. Christensen. 22 M arket St ............ J . O. Phelps San Francisco ............0 . W. Hurd , .G . C. Cumpton f ^ \G T I ( f . I f Duk. F. <*k A. M. Florence Lodge No. 107. Regular Joininmucation on BeconJ fourth Saturdays in each month. * E. W. C o b b , W. M. B, Miixa, Secretary.______________ • i ” ' NótaryFdb ic,Surveyor M A R IO N P u llm a n S lee p in g "TIAKfni ¡O. o. F- Hoceta Lodge No. 111 meets & UU41 .v ery Wednesday evening in Lodpe »11, Florence, Oregon. Brothers in - SfiiifShislT1',:t “'*to a*^en,h ______ .S' '7' W E. A. E vans , N. G. N O TA R IES, A. R. BUTTOLPH, w. 5 i f I T Z o . O. Perpetua Lodge, No. 131, ’ ! I s L l i s r a e . t . every 1st and 3d r.ieedayH bu month. Members and visiting - 2LIA JLOthren to good standing are cordially . I tod to attond. A. O. F u n k z , M. W. '3 111 I) i II ¿ G- Know». B ecorder.______________ 5.00. 0.00. B angs’ 0 . W. All th ro u g h freight on the stage eith er w ay betw een E ugene aud M apleton, w ill he ch arged a t tlie ra te of tw o cents p er pound d u rin g California, th e m o u th s of O ctober, N ovem ber, D ecem ber, J a n u a ry , F ebruary, M arch a n d A pril, an d one cent per pound d u rin g the m onths of May, J u n e , J u ly , A ugust an d September. ORTHERN Pacific, Ry C a rs D in in g C ars T o u r is t Maple Lodge No., 139, meets hutrsday evening in Meyer & S a p le t o n . Oregon. Broth- standing invited to attend. T. J. N ik l y , N. G. S lee p in g M ORRIS. NOTARY PUBLIC. F L O R E N C E .- - - O REG O N C a rs ST. PAUL and NOTARY PUBLIC, MAPLETON. O REG O N FARG O ORANO FORKS CROOKSTON Irene Encampment, No. 42, Ï. O. O. F. hall in Florence and fourth Friday of earli [embers of tilia degree are vitod to attend. S. J. S kymouk , O. I . EUGENE t a s Savings Bank BUTT! Of Eugene, Oregon T H R O U G H T IC K E T S unset Rebekah Lodge No, a in Odd Fellows’ ball, CHICACO ■com) and fourth Thura- W A 8 H I N C T O N E each month. ^THEKIXK B r IIND, N . G. P H IL A D E L P H IA NEW ^—Mignon Lodge No. 105, ,h Degree, meets in Meyer & ^M apleton, the 1st and 3rd MNlngs iu each month. JH attik 0 . H udson , N. G. General Banking Business Transacted on Favorable Terms YORK BO RTON A N D ALL D ra ft! I muci I on th o p r in c ip a l c it ie s o f th e For I n fo r m a tio n , tim e c a r d » , m a p s a u d tic k e t» e t c ., c a ll o n or w rite Ocean Wave Camp No. ga each alternate Saturday «M* H all, Acme. Visiting ■viled to alterni. Geo. G. I’ e il , V. C. H.IN, Clark. C ertifica te« C o lle ctio n » r e c e iv e o u r p ro m p t a tte n tio n . C ity a n d C o u n ty W arrant» b o u g h t. W. B. CHARLTON, A ss is ta n t G eneral P a ssen g er A g en t, 255 M orrison 8L , C o r., 3d. P o r t l a n d , O x-. BROW N, P r e s id e n t. F . W . O SB U R N . C a s h ie r . D . A . PA INE, V ice P r e ild e n t . W . W . BR O W N . A »»'t C a sh ie r. ATTORNEYS A. C. WOODCOCK, Attorney at Law, 1 JOHN 0 . BECK, Ft. Terrace, Oregon W. H. WEATHEKSON, Florence, Oregon O x -to ffio n » I o m i f and I lal MMntiM K ivan t o M e la r a n '. B u ild in g , e o ile c llo u » » u d pro- o . M. H O L D E N , k T T O ffiW Florence Real Estate Agency i r r - J L T - iu > a a d V . I . I.as D f i i » « i « i i ' » M , . . . * » a w L k -a o ld and « c h a n g e d . T im b a r l u t o » » p e e la lty . EAR" K B M. TRAVIS, Attorney - a t • Law. on giran te c o lle c tio n » »nd lugen» Ixmn A Savi ig» Bank • ; Oregon. rRADE M»** Drs«s» nil n frpp able. ndbof k nnn »* . in the Come to F lorence anti ace th e fine farm s an d beautiful forests iu th e Siuslaw valley. W a n t a Ranch? W a n t Unimproved Land? >rairie Hotel W a n t Tow n Lots? r-th ree M ile s W e s t Eugene. W a n t Tim ber Lands? DE ROUTE. loney Saved By we«*" ve re-nr«; You W a n t a H om e in W e s te rn O regon , E u g en e and L o r e n c e ot P e p o a lt w h e n le t t »tated p eriod . G eneral A g en t. R oom « 2 a n d 4, S h e lto n B lo c k , E U G E N E , OR EGO N. A- D U n ited Elate» a n d fo r e ltn co u n trie » . Interent a llo w e d o n D em a n d R . MCMURPHKY, M a d e th e M ear and m in d See. th e D e a f th e Lanae W a lk . From the many anecdotes of Barap- fylde Moore Carew's rogueries In Ar­ Is one of the curious expressions used for worked out. Many a woman drops thur Monteflore Brlce’a essay on that into a chair, in utter weariness "all H a a ln s a and O th e r rn n la h m e n ta “Amazing Vagabond” we quote one in played out,” nnd wonders _. W h i c h K o n a e tle .e s E n d I n t h e V i c ­ which Carew and ills gypsy crew who why she feels so weak. She t im 's D e a th T h a t A r e W i n k e d n t. I t had rigged themselves up as cripples has not yet realized that K o t O r d e r e d , h r th e o a tc e ra . and gathered at Bridgewater fair to the general health is so / T y f l l Soldiers In the French army are not plunder : the Junketers came off second intimately related to the A s m a lle r . local health of the A subjected by law to corporal punish­ best. When the mayor of Bridgewater w o m s n l v o r g a n i s m , It keeps ment any more than It has been a part th a t w e a k n e s s m u s t JEBSajaBB of the regulations governing the Mill | heard that this motley group of crip­ fo llo w w orn m ly d is- r„Pg ,r» n . U tary academy at W est 1‘olut thut ca- ples | had arrived,, he announced to some e a s e s . dets should “brace” or "qualify" on of , his friends that he w as possessed of at last your friends m olasses and prunes. Nevertheless i a power they perhaps little suspected»- o f t h e g e n e r a l the French soldier Is put through a that. In fact, he could make lue blind say, “ How bald he is j 1 hazing process which Is most severe i see, the deaf hear and the lame walk. a b l y fo llo w s getting.” and several tim es has caused death. Bets were freely made that he could do Not easy to cure The French soldier is known as Plcton nothing of the kind, and thereupon the or Dumnnet, Just as the English soldier mayor had the gypsies arrested and 3L.11U1.IUU. a «. an old baldness, but . - Is k iwn as Tommy Atkins. Dumanet Immediately brought before him and, regulates the periods, dries weakening easy to stop the first finds when he Joins the colors that life ( after bearing their harrowing tales, or­ druius, heals inflammation and ulcera­ thinning, easy to is not all skittles for a soldier. !, dered them to be confined for the night tion, and cures female weakness. It tranquilizes the nerves, encourages the The thing which distinguishes the In the lockup. check the first falling hazing In the French army from the i About 10 o’clock at night, however, appnite anil induces refreshing sleep. There is no substitute for " Favorite out. Used in time, hazing In American colleges and uni- < the municipal surgeon entered with a Prescription,” for there is nothing "just versltles Is that It Is suggested nnd nl- ' : lantern and announced that he would as good ” for womanly ills, most ordered by the commissioned offi­ examine them nil In the morning In or­ " I wi.ili to silv lse th e sufferin g w om en o f this cers. An officer will say to a corporal der to report to the mayor whether or great laail. o f the gaort 1 have received ftu m D r . fie r c e '» Favorite P rescrip tion am i 'G o ld en Men- or a sergeant, “You have n man here not they really suffered from deformity ical D iscovery,’ ” w rites Mr«. Mary S hap p cll, of who has done so and so,” naming some o f one kind or another, and he went on C olum bus G rove, Putuam Co.. O hio. ’’For four V ah - n s y j years I had l»een a sufferer from fem a le trouble«, trivial offense, more than likely to he to say that those who were found to bo and at tim e s w as u n ab le to do even th e h ouse­ some neglect of the deference due to impostors would lie treated by the w ork for th ree in th e fam ily. I had such p a in s th at I suffered alm ost d eath d o zen s o ftim « » . the officer. “It would do him good If mayor with severity so extreme that, after k in g five b o ttles o f p;--- your ----------- m ed icin es auer ta mo-nix - I can moved to pity, he would allow any such tru th f.illy »ay thnt m y h ealth w as g re a tly in- he were tossed,Jn a blanket." provc-.t. I have ■ gooff ap petite anil am r n in in g The officer turns on his heel and misguided wretch to escape there and in fleah rig lit.a lijn g . T h is sp r in g ia th e first walks away, while the unfortunate sol­ then from the lockup on condition that •.line in five years that I lisv e h on e m y hinise It stops f a l l i n g , clen u itiz a ll b y m y s - lf anti w ith o u t th e least dier Is placed In a blanket, with saber, he immediately left the town. fatigue w hatever. I h ope all su fferin g women promotes growth, and find r e lie f as I h ave done. spurs, Jack boots, bayonets and such I At this Intelligence a great commo- taav « My g a in in w eigh t has b een Ju st ten pounds, pleasant bedfellows, nnd the comblna- . , tlon arose, and In less time than It a u d I am »till g a lu iu g .” takes out all dandruff. Dr. Pierce’s Common Sense Medical tlon Is tossed until the hazels arc too takes to write It the whole crowd surg­ It always restores tired to continue. This Is great sport ed out of the lockup, flinging away Adviser, 1008 large pages, paper covers, color to faded or gray for the man’s comrades, especially If their crutches and wooden legs, patch­ is sent / r w on receipt o f 21 oiie-cent expense of mailing they are half drunk, which they are es and bandages, and made off down stamps to s th pay hair, all the dark, rich w m t* u i l> o o k . s e n d H sta tiiD S . likely to be. This diversion bus rather the town at topmost speed, the blind color of early life. You gone out of favor Just now, because lending the way with unerring steps, may depend upon it several soldiers who have been tossed the dumb frying aloud their fears, the THOROUGHBREDS. had the bad taste to die after the disci­ ] deaf replying to them, and the lame every time. It brings sprinting along at a rattling pace. pline. W hs. Best, you youn< vlxeul health to the hair. Now, N ellie, jou r look In some of the French bnrracks n Now, Just opposite the lockup, on the 1 1 .0 0 a b o ttle . A ll D ru g g ists. 80, hoop-la I You’ve got her! favorite method of punishment Is to fnrther side of the street, stood the wlt- The beautiful bruts I “ I h a v e u sed you r Hair V ig o r and bang the offending soldier up by his i ty mayor and his friends, convulsed Hold her in for s moment} a m g re a tly pleaded w ith it. I h ave heels and then to spank him with a with laughter nt the success of his o n ly u sed o n e b o ttle o f it , a n d y et One bitch to my girth. m v h a ir h a s «topped fa llin g o u t and And I'm with you, my lasA sword bayonet. In Algiers, where the scheme.—Argonaut. has a tar ted to g ro w again n ic e ly .” For the ends of the earth. men are far removed in the outlying J u l iu s W it t , M arch 2 8 ,189C. C anova, 8 . IMk. garrisons from the central authority Wow, Duroe, my hero, CATCHING CICADAS, Ue careful, dear heart! nnd at the mercy of their tormentors, Yfriin tht» D o o lcr. She is fresh as the fountain * they .are subjected to many forms of n » O T C . r t a l a M a l a r . O f c t a la a C a r t - I f you do r o t obtain all th e b«neflta And rank for a sta r t row expected from the use o f tlio hazing at the suggestion of the officers. o s . D c lln a e r . ••You fear n o tf” Oh, no. flnor, writ« tho Doctor about it. At one time the "vllo” w as much hi But you like your sweet w illn Address, D r . J. U. AYER, Certnln natives of tho Malay peninsu­ Lowell, Mass. And we’ll give you a breathing! favor among the hazel's In the Algerian la catch cicadas and eat them and that Away I To the h ills! army o f occupation. It consisted lu as a considerable luxury. To eat n ci­ putting a man In a deep hole made In cada seem s distinctly curious, says tho Oil. bathe me, ye winds Of the withering downs! the shape of a reversed funnel dug by London Dally Mall, when wa reflect Brush the scent ol the * function^* TO N S O R IA L - PARLOR. the Arabs In the ground as a place for that this Insect Is In reality a glorified The taint of the townst tlie storage of corn. The unfortunate member of that Insect group which What is art to thia nature man w as left there sometimes for days, Or wine to thia alrf M A R IO N M O R R IS, I’ po pb ie t o k . contulus as Its moat prominent repre­ W hat’s a picture to Nell with hardly anything to eat or drink sentative the diminutive and swarthy And her blooded bay inaref S having and ¡iuircuttlng neatly nnd exposed all the time to the heat of ! creature which shall be nameless here and prom ptly done. I the sun, while nt night the place was , for evermore. 1 cold. Many died from hunger, thirst Tho w ay In which the Siamese pro­ Razor H oning and S cisso rs Grind­ ABSENT TR EA TM EN T, j or cold, while many others became In- ceeds w as related to tho Zoological so­ ing a sp e c ia lty . 1 sane. ciety the other day by a naturalist who T h . W o m a n H a d F a i t h I n I t s s t F ront Street, Florence, Oregon. ■ Tlie military nutliorllles when they has spent some tim e In tho Mnlay pen­ W a s C n r .d . beeatne aware of these tortures Issued insula observing men as well as In­ “My w ife aolemuly affirms that abe nil order prohibiting such a punish­ sects. At night, when these Insects fly, will get a divorce If I say anything ment, but It Is still practiced In Isolated the native sallies forth armed with a about It," said Jones with a smile. parts of Algiers where no eye can see torch and but little raim ent The torch “But It Is too good to keep, sc here o f which the officers are afraid. Is deposited lu a convenient place, and goes. Mrs. Jones had been ailing for Several years ago Prince Plguntelll the swarm of natives proceed to clap some time, nnd, falling Into the hands j d’Aragon, a young Spanish noble, ran their hands In a perfectly regular fash­ of one of the neighbors xvbo Is a faith away from bis home and went to Al­ ion so M to produce a considerable curlst, she became Imbued with that If yon haven’t a rosulnr, healthy movem ent ot tbs bowels every dny, you’re ill or will bo. Keep your giers to join the foreign legion, the sound. peculiar liellef. 1 laugbisl at her, bat bowel«open, aud bo well, lu rc o .ln tlie «liapoof vio­ Ills le n t pl*T»io or pill poison, U danuerouR. fb e »inootb- refuge for men “w ith a past.” It Is the combination o f light and she remained firm nnd said she w as •■t. oatilOHt. m ost porfoet way of keeping th e bowel« friends announced to the French m ili­ sound that allures the cicada from Its convinced that abe could be cured only clear end d e e u 1« to take tary authorities thnt the prince had haunts to Its destruction. The bisects through faith. As her Illness wan CANDY _ gone io Join the legion, but the authori­ come also In swarm s and- settle upon nothing serious I said nothing more, O A T H A R T IO - . ties were able to get no word of his the bodies of the applauding natives, congratulating m yself that I woo arrival. A t'la s t a soldier suggested whence they are easily detached, pre­ ahead what a doctor would have charg­ that perhaps n stranger who wandered served, cooked nnd eaten. ed her. Into camp and hnd considerable diffi­ The Greek sago remurked thnt happy “It ran nlong for some time w hile my. culty In speaking French might l>e the arc the cicadas In that they have voice­ w ife continued to gain, nnd nt last she prince. The sergeant to whom the less wives. It Is apparently the la.Ty announced thnt she was fully cured. prince had spoken was drunk at the cicadas who are attracted by what “ ‘Now, then. John Henry,’ said she, tim e and became annoyed at the Span­ they fondly believe to be the love cry T never again wish to hear you say E A T ’ E M L IK E O A N D Y iard's broken French, so ho ordered of the male and are thus lured to their nnythlng nbotit mind cure being all Pteanant, Palatable, Totent. T u to Cotai. Pot «o v er Hick..... Weaken, or Or.pe. » .Z i. a iu ti» j that the stranger be placed In the fate hy thnt most dungerous of pas­ Imaginable. 1 am sure that I would per box. Write for free .am ple, aa.1 J,ooltli j “vllo” without more ado. Here the sions. health. Address have been n dead woman If 1 hadn’t STSB UM I « IS K U T COZPAST, C IIII AOO o r MW t miserable young man remained for two taken the treatment that I did. And to V ic t o r ia a n d D le k r a a . days without eating or drinking, and think he never set eyes on meT Literary cch brltica. as a rule, were then s good natured sentry broke the ’“ He never whatT I gasped. rules and gave him food. As soon as not those who attained to any high “ ‘Set eyes on uiol I took the absent he w as rescued from the “vllo” the degree of personal favor at the hands treatment. I sent Professor Fake «9 D s . C. H .T . A twooo . P s . A. (1. A twiiiiu . of Queen Victoria, but she paid Charles young man stnrted for Spain, having to treat me by his famous absent treat­ most thoroughly reconsidered his de­ Dickens a delicate compliment. Dicks ment.’ P H Y S IC IA N & D E N T IS T . termination to enter the celebrated cns. who, by the wny. In Ills youthful M otto: K in d trea tm e n t, p ro m p t a tte n tio n , “ 'Do you mean to say.' said I. ‘that days wns devoured by a grand passion g o o d work. foreign legion. you sent a fakir $5 to treat you?’ for the youthful queen, wns Invited Another form of punishment which Diseases of Women a Specialty. *’ ’Thnt’a Just what I did! And to used to be popular In Algiers wns the when nt the cllntax of his fame to think the must woudurNH thing about W atch th e W ert lor Trip» to Ccxut. “carcan.” A piece of wood, usually dine ot Windsor castle. He wns after It wns that I uns aware the moment Eugene, : : Oregon. the trunk of a tree, w as used. The dinner presented by the queen with a thnt be received my letter nnd opened man w as laid on It, usually bound so copy of her book “Tour In the High­ IL although he wns a thousand mile« lands,” and on the fly leaf wns In­ from met Why, I commenced gaining TOBACCO SPIT ■ that the middle of his hack would be and S M O K E resting on the wood, with his head and scribed In her own baud this sentence: right from thnt momentl It Is simply ..... i— XF 1 i. ■— i Y o u r L lfeaw ayl feet hanging down to the ground, ills "From the humblest to the most dls- wonderful! You can't deny that I am Y ou cun be cured o f a n y form o f to b a cco unhiff ; feet were tied to an Iron bar and his a well womau, and nil through tho e a s ily , be ma1 hands to another, ami, left lying face wonderful absent treatment that I re­ n ew life and v ig o r b y ta k in g M O - T O - B A O , th a t m a k es w ea k tneti stro n g M any gain i upward, he w as exposed for hours to ceived.’ ten p o u n d s in ten d a y « . Qver H OO f OOO ’ the terrible heat of the sun. Some men “ 1 should have snlil something right cu red. A ll d ru g g ist» . Cure gu a ra n teed . Ilook- have survived 12 hours of this torture. k-t aud a d v ice F R E E . A>. L« « d ne SOME OF THE BRUTALITIES TO WHICH HE IS SUBJECTED. M A R G U E R IT E , W ill m a k e ------- A MAYOR’S MIRACLE TH E FRENCH SOLDIER T R A V E L E R S ' GUIDE T R A V E L E R S ’ GUIDE WE BUY AND 8ELL ALL KINDS OF REAL ESTATE ON COMMISSION. JO H N C. B EC K . W. H. W EATHEKSON m WK r*’\ O |\ 13 “F" I D R U G G I S T S W h e r e th e G u ilt Ir ftr . a n t and tonic. No other preparation "Yon say tbo ploy wns entirely with­ can approach it In efficiency. I t In­ stantly rellevesand permanently cures out a villain ?’ Dyspepsia, Indigestion, H eartburn, "Yes—that Is. If you choose to omit Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea. the author.”—Intllana polls Frews. Sick Headache, Gastralgla Crampsand all other results of Imperfect digestion. Curiously, the men w h o tir e easiest to Price« » .andtl. LarreBlttcontain« ■maiiaiM. Bo»k*ll aboutdr»pep«laini»lle