** ** f bars OXDXDS -ASISTID E IS T D S . * * * * For Infants and Children. * THE HOME GOLD CURE A n Ingenious T re a tm e n t by W h ic h Drunkards are being Cured Daily In Spite of Them selves. Ho jh M ti: $ it ì Noxious D o le s . — No W eakening of the Nerves. — A Pleaxant aatl Positive C ure fo r th e L iquo r h a b it. M R S . G A L L U P 'S W OES. W a n te d to B r o a d e n H im . Charles B. Hanford while playing Io a Texas town was approached hy a WHILE WASHING DISHES SHE GETS young man in typical cowboy fashion, ANOTHER SUMMONS. who said: "Are you the mnnager of thia play O n T l i l a O c f n a lo n S h e lina Only nu that comes tonight?’’ Mr. Hanford said he was. H o u r I . o n u o r t u l . f v e m id P u t a I n “Do you want to hire a man to help t h e T i n e OI v I b s M r . f i n l l u p P o i n t ­ act ?” e r» . "No. My company Is complete." (Copyright, 1801, by C. B. Lew ie] “Want to hire a man to help count Mr. Gallup had lain down on the money ?” lounge after supper to smoke a pipe, I “No.” nnd as Mrs. Gallup cleared off the table “Want to hire a man to get Wit In the | and washed the dishes she sail" “Wea­ back of the theater and holler and ap­ ry Souls” at the top o f her voice and In plaud?’’ high spirits. It might possibly have “Not this tour. The audiences are at- j been her singing which Anally lulled tending to that very satisfactorily.” Mr. Gallup to sleep and dropped the “Wnnt anybody for anything on pipe from his mouth to the Hcor, al­ earth?” though It had never done It before. He j “Not that I think of at present” was gently snoozing when Mrs. Gallup I "Well, that’s Just ottr luck. We’ve appeared with hands pressed to her got a man here who recites pieces In heart and a wabble to her gait, and, J consideration of lielng treated. If be | sinking Into a chair, she gasped: ___ , „ „ , , ,, , , , i doesn’t get treated, he’ll hang around . u n it a up, s u tens tea t as nn,| majje tjle barroom unpleasant for c m w l i n r I n lo u u 'n a n lnutt< a tiz l w n n 'A 1 a crowbar In less’n an hour, and you’d 1 hours. We don t want to hurt hint, for better git up and give me a last em­ lie’s a good sort In the main. But he brace.” only knows three pieces—Mark Anto­ Mr. Gallup gurgled In bis throat ns' ny’s oration, Ham let’s soliloquy and he slept, and without seeming to notice I Rienzi’s address to the Romans. We his condition she continued: thought that If you could flatter his “Yes, Samuel, I’ve got my summons. I mind luto the belief that he’s n great I was puttln aw ay the last dish when 1 genius and haul him around the coun­ try two or three trips, so that he can learn a few new pieces from you, we’d be willing to make up a purse that would come mighty near making It worth while.”—New York Telegram. A\i*gclabte Prcpatationlor As- sinülaling ihcFoodaiitiRegiila- ting Ute Stomachs raid Bowels of The Kind You Have Always Bought 1 Prom otes Dige3lion.Cheerfut- n ess and ResLContains neither Opiuin.Mojpiiine nor Mineral. q * i «4 R ipaat Tabules w ith to much satis­ faction that I cua cfcterfully recommend them. Have b««n troubled for about th ree 7» at « with vu&t (called btlloueattackseoeilng o a regutArijr »nee * week. Was told by different pli/aklaBS that it was caused by bad teeth, of which I 1» I •everal. I bad the teeth extracted, I ut the a t­ tacks continued. I had seen tulvi ril» •. ir-iu <»f Rlpans Tabu it* a In all Die papers but bed o o ta llh In them, but about elx week» since a friend in duced mo to try thorn. Have token bu* tw o of the ■mull Scoot boxes of the Tabules an 1 bar* had do recurrence « f the attacks. Have never given a teatlidontai for anything before, but (he g n a t amount of Rood which 11 elleve has been done ir.a by Rlpans Tabules Induces mu t >odd mine to the many temlraonlalx you doubticas have in y»ur . T. Da W itt . puavedsion now. I want to Inform yon, In word* of bigheat praise, of the benefit 1 bare derived from Rlpans Tabules. I am a profcauluutU nurse und In this profeaslou a clear head la always needed. HI pans Tubules does it. ▲iter one of my cases I found my «elf completely run down. Acting on t ha advice of Mr. Geo. Bow* er, Ph. G., 5S8 Newark Ave., Jersey City, 1 took Itlpnnff Tabules with g ra n d result«. Miss UlUSIB W IB DM AM. I h a re linea a preat sufferer fron r r o -- - five y«’.ir i. Nothing g -ve q ily f.-.-t a- I bu» and ahdoin» n uld n*>t w ear »hoe« on my feet _ •nA J* dre.-».!. I »aw 1.Ipana Tabules adven?* dally paper, boucht some and took the? cd. K iva t » en them about three Is sue i n ch-.nge I I am not co n-.tipatko and I owe it ail tu Rlpan« Tabules. ¡k care old, h a re no occupation hottac Id dutlea end nurs'ng my elcg Ho I ». im i the drouey and I err, a», tryk, Tabui forldrn. lie feels aorue ie h n tterj take f me tima, he has been s ic k «o iS or ay use iny lutter and name a t you l lk < l Jbra. W ary uohuufj I hrve been suffering from h'-adsc^ «luco 1 wsa a little girl. 1 could J car or go » into «2 H bout j J J i* « * S * * S * S 4 * lA * * A A 1 ’^ 4 * S X place without headacheand* teand stomach, i Rlpans Tabula», au u t of mlnu a taking thoin ten of the atomock.1 * found such rek tin lr use she ad T h e m o d e rn s ta n d ­ * to t.tko them L have boeudoiaj a r d F a m ily M e d i­ last October, i say they have o cured my he c in e : t h e l ì ly I mu twenty u old. You are c o m m o n e v e ry -d a y to use this test Mrs. J. Baoo j R -IT ’A ’N S $ ♦ * ♦> C ures It is now generally known that drunk­ N ot N a r c o t ic . enness is a disease ami not weakness. A ill o f h u m a n i t y . liody tilled witli poison, and nerves com­ Mother was troubled with h e a r t b u r n aud pletely aha.tered |>y periodical or ron- tfO U J rS A M U E L HTCJISR •lucpleaanoss, caused by Hr M».n j.«i etant use of intoxicating liquors, requires indigestion, for n good •u(lured with fa m p k in S eed-' an antidote t apaille of neutralizing and many rears. One day his bead, com ¿tx.StHHM ♦ •he na\r a testim onial eradicating this poison, and destroying aud complain» Rock -Ab Scüt - In the paper indorsing stomach. Ho o A n û r.b vtJ - Hie craving (or intoxicants. Sufferers R lp a n « Tabules. blio eat like ohlldrt may now cure themselves at heme with­ determine 1 to gi ve them t i l Ctirtx/nafp Soda * ago do and w a trial, was g r e a t l y out publicity or lose o f time from busi­ Mftrç» .£*«aFff Tabules. A nton ii. B l a u k m . tions. B. W. drunkards into sober, industrious, and Upright men. A new style p a c k et contaluin.r ten k ^ ans tabules packed in a p ap er c a rto n (w ith o u t gloss) is now N EW YORK. WIVES, CURE YOUR HUSBANDS I a t som e d ru g sto res fob n r « cents . This low-priced s o rt is intended fu r th e po o r a n d tho economli CHILDREN, CURE YOUR FATH­ dozen o f tfco five-ccut c a rto n s (120 tabules) can be had by m ail by sending fo rty -e ig h t o e n ts to Un E R S I I This remedy is in no sense a CilEMiCAD CourANY, N’o. 10 S pruce S treet. N e< Y o rk —o r a sin Me c a rto n ( ten tabules ) w ill be s e n t fo r fl nostrum hut it is a specific for tins dis­ K ip aks T abotjei mAy also bo had of som e g ro cers, g eneral ei «.opt r n ■' vm ag* nts a n d a t som e liqu, r shops. They baulbh pain, induce sleep a nd p rolong h ie . Oue gives m h s i. ease only, and is so skillfully devised and prepared that it is thoroughly solu­ i l l e und pleasant to the taste, so that it can be given in n cup of tea or cofree without the knowledge of the person T H I C E N T A U R C O M P A N Y . N E W Y O R K C IT V . taking it. Thousands of drunkards have B i cured themselves with this priceless remedy, and as many more have been cured and made temperate men hy hav­ PRALTH ing the “ CURE ’’ administered by lov­ E m e r s o n '« L a s t L e e t n r e . NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. ing friends and relatives without their In his “Eccentricities of Genius” knowledge in coffee or ten, and believe Major Pond tells the pathetic story of The Florence Real Estate Agency : U nited States Land Office, today that they discontinued drinking Kalph Waldo Emerson’s last lecture, bargaill8 tu oficr in »i « f h ' Roseburg, Oregon, M»iv U , l'.iül. of their own free will, DO NOT WAI T, t h e f o llo w in g i v . . .. ® J N otice is hereby given th a t in com pliance delivered In the Old South church In , J)o not be deluded hy apparent and mis­ I w ith th e p ro v isio n s of the net of Congress of Boston for the fuud to save that build- j } ‘ . . . leading “ improvement.*’ Drive out the Ing from demolition: 80 acres of timber m < l a b o u t f o u r J u n e S, 1S7H, e n title d ‘•An net fur th e side of disease at once ami far all time. The “As he began reading his lecture the '"'!es ff'»» Acme and 1 m ile fr o m S iu e - tim ber lauds in th e S tates of C alifornia, Oregon, “ HOME GOLD C U R E ’’ is sold at the extremely low price of One Dollar, thus audlenct was very attentive. After a j ' a w river. Has a large quantity of tlraiid j Nevada a n d W ashington T e rrito ry ,” as extended I to all the P u b lic l and States by a c t of A ugust 4. placing within the reach of everybody a few moments he lost his place, and his cedar timber wliieli can lie e«sily hauled j 1K92, E dw in Staples, of M apleton, c o unty of treatment more effectual than others granddaughter, sitting In the front row j to the river. Price $500. ! Lane, s ta te of O regon, has th is day file«! in th is costing $25 to $50, Full directions ac- ’ of seats, gently stepped toward him J 120 aCres of tide and bottom land j office h is sw orn sta te m e n t No. 1627, for th e pur- company each package. Special advice and reminded him that be w as lectur- , frontil)g 0I1 tlle siualaw river ahoiI, njne , chase of th e s’ 2 se«^, s‘2 sw’4 of Section No. 22, by skilled physicians when requested j : in Tp.No. 17 S., R ange No. 9 W., an d w ill offer lug. Tie saw at ouce that he was wan- .... , without extra charge. Sent prepaid In dering, and, with the most charming, f . orence. / aige, new . proof to show th a t th e land so ught Is m ore val- any part of the world on receipt of One MB. OALLUP STILL SLEPT, characteristic, apologetic bow, ha re- ' ruine ,0"se' H K<’"d bilrn- H,,d a hearing j liable for its tim b e r or stone th a n for a g ric u ltu ­ Dollar. Address Dent. ]. EDWIN B. GILES A COMPANY, 2330 and 2332 my heart give a sudden bob, my bend sumed his place, an Incident that seem- nri:»lrtri» °» 11 acres on the place. About ral purposes, a n d to e sta b lish his claim to snid begun to go round, nnd right before Market Street, Philadelphia, ed to affect the audience more than . acres have been plowed. Steamer to land before th e R egister an d R eceiver of this AH Correspondence strictly confiden­ me I saw my coffin nnff nn open grave. anything else that could possibly have Florence passes the place every day. office a t R oseburg, Oregon, on W ednesday, the 7 tial. For a nffnlt I thought I was a goner, occurred. A few moments later he | Price $5000, including stock and ma day of A ugust, 1901. H e nam es as w itnesses: but then a small voice whispered to A 8TOCK FARM* W illiam W ells, Fred Wells, C ora M. Staples, me that I’d live nn hour longer and | took a piece of manuscript In his hand cbinerv. and, turning around with It. laid It on A good frame house and two lots in and E B enahm , nil of M apleton, Oregon. A good stock farm of 100 acres lying tlint I'd better come In and talk to 1 a side table. Just then one of the audi­ ¿ .y a m fr iH l A ny and a ll persons c la im in g adversely the you. I’m here to any some last d.vln West Florence, near the river. A new Above*described on South slough is now offered for sale. lands are requested to file th e ir ence said to me (I think It was Mrs. words to you, Samuel, nnd, though 1 1 claim s in th is office on or before said 7 day of About half of it is boltom and tide land, Livermore or Mr. IIowo), ’Please have sidewalk to the property. Price $300. don’t expect to draw tear« to your 40 acres of land on North Fork about A ugust, 1901. P O R T tó íiH í the tive described lands are requested to file th e ir nnm ed se ttle r has filed notie»- of his inteiitio7i ain’t askln you to wait that long for Ions upon the public. tim b e r o r sto n e th a n for a g ric u ltu ra l purposes, but this I will A tract of a little over two acres of claim s in th is office on or before said l? th day of to m ake final proof in support of h is c laim , mid a n d to e sta b lish b is claim to Raid la u d lx-fore me. I’ve bin a I in ill work In wife, and say. that I bnve given to tiffs question bottom lnud between Florence and J u ly , tuoi. th a t said proof w ill b<* m ade before c n I’ve nllus saved every lilt of the soap long anil studious attention, incidental- A,.111(1| ,y i„K on tilIewater H olden, U S. C om m issioner, nt Florence fh e R eg ister und R eceiver of th is office at R oec J. T. B r i d g e s . Register. on tidewater near Rose Oregon, on A ugust .1, l ‘ . «d, viz; L o u is e Em m ,* grease anil made the ten last In a way b n rg , Uoiixlns c o u n ty O regon, on S atu rd ay , the ly examining Into »lie curricula of insti­ on Id . | | . E. It»!«», for the , e '. Sec' 83 and' n e v en tee n th (17) day of A ugust, $901, to surprise you, but I ain't askln for tutions of learning both at home and Ilill cannery. A fair house on the land. e e . 31, T. l. ,s .. R. n ’ w ‘ N O T IC E F O R P U B L IC A T IO N . "‘a H e S nam H e n am es a s w itnesses: es th e fo ' llo w in g w itnesses to any praise. I'm old anil humbly and A . ‘ ine place for gardening or raising prove abroad, and, although I And In the ex­ hi: co n tin u o u s resid en ce upon and W illiam Ife u rv Drake, of M eadow. I su e c u ltiv a tio n of said land, viz: U n i i Z T ^ c , L and Office, f o u n ty , O regon: F rederick W ella a m i W illiam uiglislghted, and 1 can’t bln me you If isting course of study uot a few mat­ sn.all fruit. Price $125. you kick up your lieels arter I'm gone. ters for coudemuution. still, upon the R ich ard Evan, W alter H osford. Ira B ray an d W ells. <>f M a p h tm , la n e c o u n ty . On*g; uw^ ’ outbuildings on premises; 6 acres ly Lini well a s e a n be done unii* May 27th 1W1. illic it question there was no call for Worm«, Lit«, s w ', of se, tlo n No. 27, in T ow nshi, " Rocpe, S m a l l t h . n g e . N otice Is h ereb y given th a t in c o m p lia n ca P No. 17 orchard, 16 acres in cultivation, 10 him to wake up, nnd ns Mrs. Gnllup and Cukentl w ith th e provision« of Die s e t of ('o u g n ss of “You know, I feel Just like a counter­ acres more cleared hind, and 80 acres S., R ange , No. 9 W. * ,ld wiH offt;r Proof to show I f«, snii „II felt like weeping she had a fairly good D A V IS th a t the land so u g h t is m ore v aluable lo rits tlin - Szrt Mouth. J une 3 , 1H7«, e n title d “ An a « for th e sale of feit bill," observed n young man to a slashed ; balance, latid her or stone th a n for a g ric u ltu ra l purpo-. . „„.i brush and timber lim b e r la n d s in Die States of C alifo rn ia , Oregon, time at It before saying further: friend with whom he was walking, to e sta b lish his claim to said land before the land. Price $20 per acre, $1000 down, ”1 did think nt one time that If you B A N N E R M A N 'S P H E N T T F r N e v ad a , a n d W aahiugton T e rrito ry ,” as v E ii T I C A I. F E E D stopping In front of a barroom. d , t e m p e r , pink eye, ll.s tu U g .í, f l •xtcnd««d to nil th e P u b lic I.am i States married a ehit of a girl I’d come back For further inforntalion inquire ol R egister and R eceiver of th is office a t Roseburg, A bo m an g e (>n dogs. * 0 Iu “ Why?” querlad Ills partner. John C Beck, Point Terrace, Oregon, or S ' ’"' °" Ww,WMb'5'’ ,lle 7’d«»' |»y act of A ugust 4, 1W92, W illiam H enry Drake, and sit on ttie footboard of the bed and N N E R M A N ’3 "t? A ugust. ' fo o R t A beep of ro t. an. for th e p u rch ase of th e s \ of the I\ Idle It 'penrs to me that you’d better I 'ii bn« boon bef -r • (b e p u b liflf and insect 4. RANCH. , E dw in Staplea. a ll of M apleton, (iregon “Oh,” remarked his friend, “don’t A LARGE STOCK t«:c j usi fifteen year.«. n « ^ of th e se 1«, of Section tw e n ty th re e marry a widder woman about 40 years | A n y a n d a ll p e rso n , c la im in g adver-ely the let thnt feeling worry you. You know, f 23), a n d th e lie*« of Dio n e '4 of Seetum No. T H A S N O T B E E N CLAI^ old. If you decide on a girl of 20 It ain't The " Cox Ranch,” including about I ahove-deacrlbed la n d , arc re-.uv.ted to «1, , h(.ir a ^ Ï ki M 1,1 l , c ” er?!l in e \ e i ’ hon-eH . l,i tw e n ty six (26), in T o w n sh ip No. sev en teen (17) I’m somewhat accustomed to shoving «tabilshmeut it u «>r-¡ »■•«.' " 1 for me to raise no row. While a wid­ , c la im , lit tilt, office on o r hef, p ro v in g th e DAVIS clan«, « a t e ? , a ,1 .. ’. ! , , ’' . . " ' " h “? ’ . V i ’ i: 1200 acres, 12 miles front Florence on i »tic* and ’ goUU). Rauigv No. N ina (9) west, W. M., re «aid 7, day of over th e V lited the queer.” And he took the matt t»enIth e ll *. Vved I.) der woman would lie nt work scwln Dver seven . and w ill offer proof to show th a t thx' land the ocean beach, near the Cape. A A ugust, 1901. «1- " b r niAiiv fo rg e v to e V nbi with a thirst by the arm and carried E S S T O N E A R lt th ro u g h o u t th e V J. T. B ain cx a , Register. « o u g h t Is ut»»rv v a lu a b le for its tiiut>er or stone patches on your trousers and mnkln hltn on down tho street—Memphis house and burn on the place aud a few ßAnnern»a.u'Mpi! I* e q u a lly giinv-antee» '•(are««. t o p r e v e n t th e a b o v e n o n , ---------- _ a n d de>trov .ill ( b a n fo r a g ric u ltu ra l purposes, a n d to e stablish apple butter, a gal wife would wnnt to Scimitar. i f'noTitqm odor« if tr« . i u - e l a b o u t th e i .e u i acres plowed. The government road lo S’*. W rite for t c irc u la is a n d fils c la im to said la n d beforo th e R egister and be swlnglu lu a hammock or pinyin the NOTICE FOR P U B L IC A T IO N u,tim'mi*” ------ 1. Heceta light house crosses the land. R eceiver o f th is office a t R oacbunr. D ouglas melodism, but It's your own lookout She K aew , ---- O O tN N E R rtlA p g CTO. C o u n ty , O regon, o n S atu rd ay , th e «aiveiiUmnlh The |inpers are full of gal wive« run- The place will support several hun­ e 7 -7 3 rc i.rk S et A clergyman while catechising his U nited state* U n d ) « c CHICAGO. IL L . f ) 7) d ay of A ugust, 19»4 „ F S.-Bannerm.n-K r- hern le w am granted the two niu »way with ttu pcddlera, and you Sunday school had occasion to ask tho dred head of cattle or a large herd of h ‘* fh iir» , Oregon, May 27th l'»u Bighc-t Med.i. au I p.l. N otice 1« h c n l.y given th a t In' r.'m . i H e names as witucsse* Culoinblau LxpubiUoa GUiA of Award ut tlio World's must hev reuil o f 'em as well as me. children tho moaning of the word sheep or goals. About 600 head of sheep w ith the pruvlatona of th e net of K 11sworth B anharn a n d Mary RHsw«*rth stoke Was you th ln k ln 'of a gal w ife or a ' epistle.” A little girl In the youngest and goats now on Hie ranch will be sold ly , of P o rtla n d . M u ltn o m ah « o u n ty , O regon, F O R P U B L IC A T IO N . Widder, Samuel?” N evada and W a«hin«l.m Tc‘r , i . . ? - ‘i.R.’. '. ,r'.'«' '.h N O T IC E class was so certalu that she knew willi llte land if desired. F red e ric k W alls a u d W illiam W ells, of M aple Mr. Gallup combined a sigh and a that she did not hesitate a minute, but. ton, L#ue (o u n ty , O n g ia. I .and Office, R oseburg, Ore. Time will lie given on part of l l t e price W 2. Mary E ll.w o rth stokelv’ . 7 P 2 , ‘ snore nnd stood mutual, nnd after with the greatest o f contl,lence'. an­ Any an d a ll p erso n s c la im in g ad v ersely th e »unty of M uttim m nh. State sta« , ,,f 2. IPfil. .. ¿ r c¿,n,í N otice is h e re b y g iv e n th n t th e I¿11 a b o v e d escrib ed la u d s a re reqlimited to rile th e ir hanging on to her chin to stop Its shak­ swered, “An epistle is the wife of an if wauletl. For farther particulars in­ day file»I lu thi, her sw orn s tn u ♦•nr N< nam ed le ttle r h a . tiled fd a im s in Dlls office o u o r before said J'/lh f th e iw t. » Agency. ....... nphtkm _ __ laim , a n d . luvc’Ui « — J. T. Baton«*, Rca'sMw “ I w as goln to ask you to think o f me h ¡a ,n bnt.jy putcntahle. < No. tw e n ty th re e (X: in T iiw ii.ln p No . H. H o b tw n (17) S outh. Rang t 'rii* strict I ? ’hijuontial. TTandbo^k00j _ - t h e » fa r. once In aw hile when 1 was gone, but I No. n in e (9, West. W sent iron. tiL’ost n je n e r fo r sp carin g fR Q B C A T H A R T IC . M , Mild w ill Offer proof ,lî \ ï,hl' î w Jn * t tne and it. e n „. sitM, “Now.” we asked him, “who ahouhl I .»tents taken through M ann A x on hls want to give you trouble. You’ll m a jrh t is m ore vni ’or its tin natie«, without charge, in the NOTIOE FOR PUBLICATIO N don’t 1, ne1. ¡ ’***‘4 he*4. S t . 20, Tp th a n h»r a g ric u ltu ra l p u rp o se * s u .J hev m if f to think of with your new be considered the star of your com­ . - - vitÄbÜsh ------ ------- ...V loin h e r l isiin to th e » « !il tl.e R c i , , - - h ts c o n tin u o n s rcsid, wife, and aa I shall be flyln round In pany?" sm l R eceiver o f th i. nffii nt before L«u4 nato >i ttoMbur». Orux.m. R ,..n|,np< P o n il a , lan d , viz- "The bloodhound, me boy. the blood­ braycu I'll lie all right. Once in awhile, B7),ÀV;0fM?"ó«,L .m ,“"Uy’ ,h •even t e n u ti of ~ said J m » « A 1*». , F A llen.’ M. however—once In a while, when your hound." «ahi the gentleman that played b .r .h y ( G . » t h . l l i i . to lin » In * ii.n ifH a n d J o h n B ryud, aU < «w witnesses b i t t e r li» , llle.1 im tle . nf h l . int«ntlmf « I I I hv made h v *m . M . r k I.. W u r. teapot and kicks In the head o f the vin­ lud la na polls Press. « h B enham . ,.f H nrlland, ‘£n' ’ "something just as good.” tjr. Oregon IV k. I'n m m l- .ln n .r a i K ili n ., >»r.',nn on 4i»ljr egar barrel, I wish you’d Jest lemein- Any and a ll m TO THE J5, MOI, rl< : O la X. StHCO o i h l . il.' E, N», »•■«• One W k« Weal« l ike 1«. ber how patient and savin I was. Shall 7717 fnr I h . mv 1;. " I don’t like Muggins’ face." mid you hev a new pump put Into the well A rich Isdv cored of her Deafness and H. t. I*,.. r. k «. for your second wife. Samuel? The old Twyun to T rip le tt “Ha hasn't a pleas­ Noises ir. the Head by Dr. Nicholson's ing countenance.” one has bln out o f order fur nine years, "But an auctioneer would like It,” Artificial Ear Drums, gave $10,000 to hi« you know, and you're got to pvmpety Institute, so 'hat «leaf |etrolt Free Press. N bw York. U . S. A. in Ose For Over Thirty Years ffÛRBJSl K •VoiiEt ■ w $ 1,0 00.00 E E fflh