W E S T H o o d 's P ills A re prepared from Na- ture’s mild laxatives, and while entle are reliable and e: cient. They PERSONALS. LIST OF PRIZES. WESTERN HOUSE ACME COMMERCIAL CO., W M . B R Y N D , P to p . The following is a list of the prizes to be awarded to ttie contestants in ttie fol- j E verything in connection with the House is New and First-Class. lowing events at Florence on the Fourth F R A N K B. W IL S O N , M an ager, of July: SPECIAL ATTENTION TO Ball g am e.........................................$20.00 COMMERCIAL TRAVELLERS. Tug of war......................................... ..... 3.00 T he n o tice o f th e p ub lic is called Foot race, first prize.. . .. . . . . 2.00 4 “ second “ .......... to our new . . . 2.00 Fat man’s race................... bath room . . . 2.00 Boy’s FHce, 14 years, first. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * second......... 1 50 w here H o t and C old B ath s m ay be 1.26 had a t au y tim e. first.... .75 second Girls' race, 14 years, first............... 1 50 12149570 We Carry a Fine and 1.00 14 44 14 44 second... 2.00 Ladies candle race, first......... Varied Stock of_. — 1.00 •• “ 44 secon d... Y e a r ly . 5.00 Log rolling contest, first......... and w oh.cn ot «oral addresa to repreaent 3.00 us, Men • 44 44 second.... some to travel appointing agent», others tor 2.00 local work looking after our Interests, to o o third. salary guaranteed yearly; extra com m ission» Boat race, first......... .*...................... 6-00 uud expense», rapid advancem ent, old estate llshed house. Grand ch an ce for earneat mail or “ “ second............................ 4 00 woman to secure pleasant, permanent P4»}»««'. Boy’s sack race, first...................... 2.00 liberal Incom e anil future. N ew, brilliant line«. •• “ “ second.................. 1.50 Write at once. STAFFORD PRESS, 33 Church S t., New Haven, Conn. IN RECORDER’S COURT. I.. P. Tallman, of Meadow, was in Florence Wednesday. H. A. Renniuger, of Eugene, was in Florence Saturday and Sunday. ane C ounty , O kkoon .— Mrs. Amos Hndsall is in Florence for — jg /' - - - B Y - - - a stay with her son, M. J. Hadaall. W. H. Weatherson left for Eugene I I . W E A T IIE R S O N Cure Sick Headache, Bil- Sunday, to he absent during the week. E d it o r i and Proprietor. iousness, Sour. Stomach, Robt. Hughes made a firing trip to t h e WA ì J and Constipation. Sold Marshfield last week, returning Tues­ T i m : $1.50 a year in advance.----- everywhere, 25c. per box. day. VreparedbyC.I.Hood 4Co.,Low«U.M*»s. Mr. Doster, of Wolf Creek, came down at the post-office at Florence, the river Mondav in sear-li of employ­ county, Oregon, as second-class Haying has been commenced in the ment. — tail Willamette vallev. all M. F. Phillips and Fred C. Peil are Prospects do not seem good for a large “ ranching ” on Knowles Creek this UW«ar«»I»O BATES MADE known on ap - K'.PLICATION. crop of fruit in the valley this year. week. notice« 8 cent« per lin e, each Insertion M. A. and George Nlcolle delivered a Geo. Peil returned to Florence Sun­ large raft of logs at the Spruce Point day, accompanied by his little son and loren ee, Oregon, J u n e 2«, 1901. mill Monday. daughter. The smallpox scare at Gardiner has G. W. Griffin, Lane county’s enter­ W E S T L IN G S . turned out to he a well developed case prising coroner, was in Florence Satur­ of chicken pox. day and Sunday. Deeds (or sale Warranty Meyer & Kyle are agents for McCor­ A. F. Hurd and wife and Miss Ione QUALIBUnt ,ior tbaWasTC office. mick mowers and hay forks. McCor­ Splawn are at their “ ranch” on WANTED.—Capable, reliable person In «very Aaron Foster, a youthful Indian who county For dentistry work see Dr. Was. mick machines are the best. to represent large com pany ot »olid Knowles Creek this week. has made Florence hie headquarters for financial reputation; » 9 » »alary per year, paya­ »torn, at the Wtstern House. July 3d At Alturas, California, the grand jury C. H. Brown, representing the Gntta the past few weeks, was taken before ble w eekly; »3 per day absolutely »ure «lid alt Schooner Danielson was towed to sea has returned an iudictment against three Percha and Rubber Manufacturing Co., Recorder Phelps Monday morning on a expenses; straight, bona-fide, d efinite salary, no lesday with lumber for San Francisco. members of the mob that hung Calvin visited Florence Saturday. m ission; salary paid each Saturday and e x ­ charge of having disturbed the “ show " com pense m oney advanced each week. STANDARD The Lillian is giving an excursion to Hall and hiB three sons on accusation of Estelle Bean, who has been attending at this place Saturday evening and of UUUSK. S34 D kabbokn S t ., C hicago . 41*14 business college in Portland, returned resisting the officer who made the arrest. ¿ t í beach Bach Sunday when the stealing horses recently. T H Remember the entertainment at the home the first of the week. her permits. It seems that Foster became disgusted WANTED—TRUSTWORTHY MEN AND WO photograplier has rented the vacant Methodist chnreh Saturday evening, A p with the performance and exclaimed a m en to travel and advertise tor old established Wm. Martin and wife are spending t of the Odd Fellows and will be ready given by Rev. Harry Benton and Vile, few days at their homestead on the Mc­ little too loudly to suit the important house of solid financial standing. Salary F80 a fur ttie benefit of the church. They are Kenzie. They will return to Pt. Ter- indivldu il who took in the dimes and year and expenses, all payable in cash. No eon r business eoon. vasalug required. Give references and enclose 8 ’ N e c k r o r bine print plats of any township graduates of the oratory department of rare after the Fourth. and turned the crank for the moving self-addressed stamped envelope. Address Man­ Lane or Douglas counties call at C. the Eugene Divinity School. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Dr. Atwood, of Eugene, expects to ar­ pictures. He was fined $10 and costs, ager, 355 C axton bldg, Chicago. Frasier & Griffin have closed their log­ rive here about next Tussday, and will amounting in all to $16.50, in default of W tkNTKD—ACTIVE M AN OK GOODCHARAC , . Holden’s office. ! Rie>enn»nt of the battleship Oregon ging camp near Glenlena on account of remain two or three days. He will come which he was given 8 days to work on ter to d eliver slid collect in Oregon, for old established m anufacturing w holesale house. the streets. Refusing to do this, he is »900 a vear, sure pay. Honesty more than exp eri­ UUto be presented to the state of Oregon, lack of water at the dam for flooding out prepared to do vaccinating. ence required. Our reference, auy bank In any W e b u y d ir e c t f r o m t h e L a r g e s t J o b b i n g H o u s e s a n d their logs. They have four or five hun­ now on a diet of bread and water. is over 420 feet in length. city. Enclose aclf addressed stam ped envelope- Irma Saubert, Ruby Wilson and Manufncturers, Third Floor, 331 Dearborn 8t., dred logs cut in the woods which they M a n u fa c tu r e r s in t h e c o u n tr y , fo r C A S H , a n d w e a r e e n a b le d ------ With hie usual enterprise, Wm. Brynd Mabel Wilson, who have been attending Chicago. MARRIED. .s added »commodious range to the will probably put in next fall. school in Eugene, were passengers to t o g e t t h e L o w e s t P r ic e s , b e s id e s a lw a y s b e in g s u r e The hot weather test (bakes people Mapleton on Monday’s stage. J te t recent improvements to the West- At tbs Gates residence, Acme, Sun­ ALPHA CLIPPINGS- better acquainted with their resources of I ) ! ’’ I ? M House. A. P. Knowlea of Mapleton, Andrew day, June 23, 1901, Mr. Oscar Gates and t a in in g f ir s t - c la s s g o o d s. W e a r e n o t p a y i n g en< strength and endurance. Many find J AI t h e C o u g h a n d w o r k s o ff t h e C o ld B y E ven C hange . Mias Jennie C. Howe, Chas. H. Holden, Gibson of Hermann, George Kirk of izstivo Bromo-Quinine Tablets cure er from the Spruce Point mill, and left the river. prosperous life.. mento. daughter, she visited the beach Sunday. or San Francisco Wednesday. A popular contest is being had for the Miss Pearl Lamb lias returned home Mr. iThomson, who, it will be re­ At the residence of the bride’s parents, from Florence. Bernard C. Jakaway won the Failing selection of a Goddess ol Liberty, by the membered, was in Florence last summer iu Acme, Oregon, Sunday, June 23, 1901, prise in the; oratorical contest in the residents of the Siuslaw. The voting Bear Creek, a tributary of Deadwood, and fall, will again have charge of the Andrew J. Wilkinson to Miss Hattie A. ■ graduating exercises of the class of '01, commenced yesterday, with Miss Alice was bo named by C. A. and E. 0 . Pot­ Presbyterian church work on the Sius­ Sweet, Chas. H. Holden, J. P., officiat- Alexander, of Acme, about 100 votes in University otOregnn, last week. terf some seventeen years ago, on ac­ law, ami is now registered at the West­ _. The bride is the daughter of Mr. count of tiie large number of bear there, J-DATE IN Ecaema, salt rheum, chafing, Ivy pole. the lead. Votes may be caBt at any of ern House. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Frank Sweet, one of ttie early settlers of which have become very scarce now, U I N pning, an® second judicial district, rural hamlet. The barter system is g iv ­ G. W. Griffin, a member of the Griffin Hazel Salve cured him permanently. 8UNDAY 8ERVICE8. the 'bondsmen of George W. Hardware Co., Eugene, was in town ing way to a cash buBinesr. Instead of Meyer & Kyle. _ _ _ _ _ defaulting clerk of the state Davie, default , looking around the store to see what la Saturday. Rev. Win. Plowman will preach at acbool land boat rd. there that lie can use to take in exchange G ^ o e E r ^ iE g , NORTH FORK NEWS. Mrs. J. I. Butterfield came up from the Methodist church, Florence, at 8 p Grove Nugget: The dread for Ida butter and eggs, the farmer can Florence to attend the Gates-Howe nup­ in. Sunday. disease, black-leg, has made its appear- sell tliem for cash and buy what he tials, and is now visiting at the Gates June 25, 1901. Rev. T. A. Yost will preach at Glen anca to iaome extent among cattle in wants wherever he can find it. residence. Rev. Yost delivered a very interesting ada at 11 a. m. and at Acme at 8 p. m. of the county. One man Chittim bark brings 2 \' cents in cash sermon nt tiie Linneus school house last Sunday, June 30. G fo o d s Q ’o o d e CutsStg has |lost nine fine blooded Mieses Irma Saubert and Ruby Wil­ in town. Mr. Thomson will conduct services in son returned Tuesday from Eugene, /ress Sunday. the last few days, Alpha is prepared for the biggest where they have been attending school. Mrs. R. Mills visited on North Fork tiie Presbyterian church, Florence, next told me my cough was Fourth of July celebration ever seen in Sabbath at 11 o’clock. He will also Mesdames Saubert, Hart and Stingley Monday and Tuesday. ¡One Minute Cough Cure these parts preacli at Pt. Terrace at 3 p. m. Sab­ Clyde Bay, of Minerva, spent Sunday well man.” Norris Silver, make up our sick list this week. bath school at Goth places at tiie usual 8lowly the stumps disappear. The On Monday last Dr. Saubert was witli liis uncle, Robert Bay. Xortb Stratford, N. IL—Because you’ve tune. A cordial invitation is extended first mowing machine came in only notfoupd relief from a stubborn cough, called to Point Terrace to attend Mrs few years ago. Now the number in L. O. Ackerly, of Minerva, attended to all these services. don’t deapair. One Minute Cough Cure Wtiisman, who was reported as very ill Sunday services at Linneus. creases every year. baa cured |9ious»nds and it will cure R. B. Mills, while assisting to load the Linneus school is progressing nicely S tate ok Onto, C ity ok T oledo ,) Everybody is sowing dwarf Essex P R O P »' you. Safe and sure. Meyer A Kyle. Danielson, was caught between a truck L ucas C ounty , ) rape. It furnishes the beat and cheap­ under the management of Miss Millican Arrangements for the coming encamp­ and a pile of falling lumber, which quite Frank J. Cheney makes oath that lie E est succulent feed for cattle, sheep, hogs of Eugene. ment of the Fourth Regiment are about severely bruised him about the head and poultry, can’t be beat as a milk pro­ Mr. Buttolph returned to liis ranch is ttie senior partner of the firm of F. J Boots & Shoes, completed. According to the latest chest, and hands. ducer, and a ’crop can be grown alter last Monday. His health is improving Cheney A Co., doing business in the orders “ A” ami ,-C” companies, of Eu­ Johnny Fletcher was caught by a lall- any crop of early produce, cut and fed Mr. Funke is making some improve-1 City of Toledo, county and state afore­ gene, will aaeemble at the armory at 7:30 ing cant in the mill and suffered severe tiie — sum during .the winter, and the stubble ments on Ills Portage place. . - said, . and tliat said __ firm ~ » will , t » pay oo « i Deat Thursday morning, and will at strains in the knees and legs. . , »« « of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each plowed under in time to sow another Frank Fox and wife and Mr. Nottage n o n i/ » « ,o ............. once march to camp. The band will « ■ i u i — nnd everv CfttRrrh tli&t cunnot be Our burg is undergoing a burst of early crop in spring. Two good cuttings and wife spent Saturday every Cfifie case of and Sunday in and Hn,, every u march down with visiting companies prosperity. X. B. Ousbman lias let con­ cured by the use of H all ’ s O atabkii can be made between an early cut hay which will arrive on the afternoon tracts for the erection of six cottages, crop one year and a late planting of po­ Florence. C ube . F rank J. C heney . trains.—Bdgistcr. Sworn to before ine and subscribed in and has under contemplation the build­ tatoes and a corn crop the neat, The graduating exercises of the ing of two more. Mr. Keeney, of this my presence, tliis 6 day December, 1886. William Taylor came in last week with A S P R A IN E D A N K L IQ U IO K L Y C U R E D twenty-fifth commencement of the Uni- place, has two contracts; Johnson A A. W. GLEA8ON, "At one time 1 suffered from a severe two big white horses, and Mrs. Taylor eereity of Oregon were liel«l last Thurs- Son, of Glenada, hold two, while Mr. sprain of the ankle,” says Geo. E. Cary, I N o t a r y Public. and the chtlJien went with him JLJ RIIIKfn in Villard Hall, the pro- Craven and a party from Glenada hold editor of the Guide, Washington, Va Halls Catarrh Cure is taken internally Road Supervisor Berkshire ordered us nning promptly at 9:30 and the remaining ones. “ Alter using several well recommended and acts directly on the blood and mn- all out to mend our ways today. four hours. Between 1300 medicines without success, I tried Cham­ cous surfaces of tiie system. Send for Married, at the residence of the irides’ pie were present, and with We have about concluded that “ Even berlain's Pain Balm, and am pleased to. ' parents, Sunday, June 23, 1901, Mr. bast set of college orations ever pre- Change” has taken a contract to drive say that relief came as soon as I began testimonials, free. Jack Wilkinson and Mies Hattie Sweet, F. J. C heney A Co., Toledo, O. Leonard Tabor either into matrimony or its use and a complete core speedily fol­ Ì ^ i g ’d “ '.^e first ; Col. Holden, J. P., officiating. Sold by Druggists, 75c. out of the country. He has kept our lowed.” Sold by O. W. Hurd. Hall’s Family Pills are the beat. Btwry of work fcr Oregon’» Married, at the Gate» residence, Sun- mouths watering for wedding cake in I.—Register. ' day, June 23 1901, Mr. Oscar Gates and vain for a year or two. He’s a false How Are Tear Bldoeya 9 TO OUR PATRON».- Dr. Robb«* Rparoru» Flllt car« all kl»D«y «11«. prophet, or a mighty long-distance one. i aiafr««. The Eugene cannery will Misa*3ennie Howe. Col. Holden Add. »Krtliwi Ronaodr Co . Cblcww 11 bide, M cyb » A K ylb . VBBY KKIDAY MOBN1NO— H o u s e th e L iv e r JLONffE, - - - OTtEJOOISr. s co- StlUI d Siivet $900 * General Merchandise, Patent Medicines, Dry Goods, Dress Goods, -TS! Prints, Huslins, Yarns, Crash, Notions, S Groceries. of ob­ I 1 to Suit, We Have a Complete Stock of ZsOlf SI Boots and Shoes. R MEYER S, KYLE * * * * RE! paftt ★ ★ enti Gent’s Furnishing Goods, H a r d w a r E, Paints, : Oils, etc. ( Prices as Low as the Lowest S T O R IA You Have Alwap Bought