tsr-- W E S T , id fiat are Humors? T H E They »re vitiated or mofblil fluids cours- ^FOBIJSUSP BVKBY FBtpAV MOR^-SQ.- ! J * » • V‘ ' “S ftnd tiSWS. j They tiro commonly due to defective utges- _____ tlon but are somstlmes Inherited. How do they manifest themselves 7 In runny forms of cutaneous eruption, F u > bxmci , Last« CotixTT, (lasco » salt rheum or eczema, pimples and bolls, I and In weakness, languor, general debility. »V r » • I How are they expelled 7 By W. II. WKATIIEKSON H ood’s Sarsaparilla E d ito r »nd P ro p rie to r, F to ro u u o , O reg o n , J u n e 2 8 ,1 9 0 1 . which »Iso builds up the system that has suffered from them. I t la the best medicine tor aU humors. OUR BIG CELEBRATION, A school has been set up in London Of course everybody will he in I'lo r for th e express purpose Jof teaching the once n ex t Thursday for the splendid In- O hinese language in order to prom ote dependente Day celebration w hich our B ritish trad e witli C hina, ¡citizens have .arranged to take place yw...... ................. ¡h ere. E verything will he on a larger According to Senator Burrows ............ of — M ichigan thirty-five stales in th e Union have declared in favor of th e popular electio n of U nited States senators. , scale than ever before, and w ith less cost to the public. T h ere will be ora- lions, m usic, readings, recitations, and j other appropriate exercise» in the fore- Io C leveland th e . n terp r.se . . .ell-sup- m__ w, ». of if V. W, Hurd. FANCY C0( ' P e c u l i a r i t i e s o f C r im e , One of the stran g est peculiarities of to CONSUMPTION — “ S N U F F L E S " hum an n a tu re is Its Inclination to will save you if you use it at once. I t is no ordinary remedy, hut a com plete. Im itate th e m isdeeds of others. Crime treatm ent which is positively guaranteed ■ B ^ S K 9 S g R R n 3 g |s |?<''SB!KM HSnH B : of Is epidem ical. A particularly dreadful to cure CATARRH in any form or stage i r bu m urder, th e details of w hich are set if used according to the directions which , _ . , forth In all the new spapers, often has accompany each package. D on’t delay, F a i l C y L i n e OT L 3 C I i e S 3 7 1 (1 , C d l t S Neckror ■ d th e efTect of Inducing sim ilar crimes. hut send for it at once, and write lull [ One of the reasons, and probably the particulars as to your condi lion, and you chief reason, w hy public executions w ere abolished In England, w as th at coverer of this wonderful remedy regard „ I n f « e tin » nn » r te i e r r e n t t h e ¡'tg your case w ithout cost .0 you beyond to ll Instead of acting as a d eterren t the tbe ,.e({II|a r .,rice 0( “ SN U FFLES,” the is 0 execution had th e contrary effect of “ GUARANTEED CATARRH C U R E .” C A R E FU L SELEC TIO N OF inciting to m urder. • j Sent prepaid to any address in tlie Wit In 1885 a w om an of Geneva, nam ed U nited States or Canada on receipt of Lom bardi, killed her four children. ' One Dollar. Address Dept. 1, EDW IN She adm itted th a t she had been read- 11. G IL ES & COMPANY, 2330 and 2332 lng of a w om an who killed her lius- , Market S tieet, Philadelphia band, and the very circum stantial ac sxst count had m ade her w ish to Im itate the Tor Sale to Gun and Fish Club, crime, but ns her husband w as dead lid : she killed the chllA cn. T his is only Organdies in Assorted Shades and W h ite G o jd s In Qu" one Instance out of hundreds w hich P R IV A T E P A R T IE S , have come to our notice. to S e le c t From T he Infectious nature of self m urder ------- The B eautiful-------- nd receives a striking testim ony In the in th e ) i n n f i L i v y n v T Q 1 4 NT TV Q a leek following Incident: Dr. Oppeuhelm of d ’ ‘ IL U .L, is l i j h . l . i 1 /0 , H am burg had to exam ine the body of n ____ ¡„ •> Tsiitcoos,” o r _____ Scb man who had cut his th ro at anil had Ian i T E N -M IL E LA K E , died a fte r some days of suffering. The ier fr medico told his a ssistan t th a t death or Sc Douglas County, Oregon, would luive been im m ediate if the man had made the cut in a w ay w hich he Containing in both 4X94 acres— the large island prize Illustrated, and he w as startled two 38.94 acres, and the small 4 acres—lying in sections 2 and 85. days later to learn th a t ills assistan t gradt hnd atteffipted to comm it suicide by Unlv P E R F E C T T IT L iE I. lacerating him self In th a t very manner. WE ARE UP-TO-DATE IN Eci T he man adm itted th a t he had never F o f S i l i c a t $ 1 2 P e r A c r e th o u g h t of suicide until the day of the F A C T , V E R Y T H I Address: exam ination and the doctor’s rem ark.— London Globe. W . H. W EA TH ERSO N , T H EM S E E S E E M T SHIES BP LADIES’ AND X » LACES AND EM BROIDER! Wa Children’s Waists In Sizes to Suit. S! B e' Latest in C ents’ C oliars-and Coif IN “One of th e most desirable posts a t W indsor castle,” says a correspondent of the Chicago Record, “Is th a t of ’tlie king's lim ner,’ who In ancient times decorated books and m anuscripts w ith Initial letters and who now prepares the parchm ent comm issions when his m ajesty Is pleased to ..confer knight­ hood or some other honor upon one of his subjects. The mail w ho now tills th e post has extraordinary skill w ith th e pen nnd brush, and his diplom as and certificates were greatly adm ired for th eir exquisite ta ste and skillful execntlon. H e receives n salary of $2,500 a year. The clockuiaker at W indsor castle receives the sam e com­ pensation, and It Is his business to keep all the tim epieces in repair. The his­ toriographer, w ho Is supposed to keep a record of events, holds a hereditary ollice, w ith a salary of $2,500 a year. T he m aster of music receives $1,500 and arrangea concerts for ids m ajesty's diversion. The surveyor of pictures is paid $1,500, the librarian receives $2,- 500, th e exam iner of plays $1.000, the keeper of th e sw ans Is paid $300, and th e bargem aster, w ho looks n fter the boats used by the royal fam ily nt W indsor, has a sim ilar com pensation.” ■ S r O T J P L S Florence, Lane County, Oregon. S o m e N ic e R o y a l J o b » . W hen he sa t down, there w as a mo­ m entary hush, nnd then the late Dean E v erett slowly roseu He begnn In his usual soft and hesitating tone, "There a re doubtless a g reat m any things w hich Mr. Jones knows and we do not know, hut th e n 1 are also a few things w hich we know nnd he docs not.” Then followed n pause, during which each man held his breath, for the dean w as known to carry on his lips a dag­ ger w hich som etim es fotiud Its unerr­ ing w ay to th e hearts of men and tilings, b u t a fte r due pause he contin­ ued gently: “And chief am ong them Is how glad w e alw ays a re to see lilm.”—Youth's Companion. f a n d . C athartic, cure con siip en on forever IkSsJkS. If «Ò Ç. Ç. fait. iXfutgistsrvfuud atwucr. TRULY O. W .H U R T he B ree d er’s G azette, One all around farm pnpei . . of country, . the . . . best . . —. of . the 28 to — 8G pages wee iy. R egular P rice, $ 3 .0 0 P e r Y ear. T h e B reeder’-1 s G a zette and T u e W EST * * * S2.5O Per Year. C A R M A N ’i NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land office tit Roseburg, Oregon, June 25, 1901. Notice is hereby given that the following* nam ed settler has filed notice of his Intention to make dual com m utation proof in support of his claim, and tliat said proof will be made l>efi re H. Holden, U. 8. Commissioner, nt Florence, Oregon, on August 10, 1901, viz: Charles B. Morgan, on his II. E. No. 9978, for the w' j sw ' „ sc11 sw>4, 8ec. 28, and nw1; nwl < Sec. 83, T. 18 8., R. 9 west. He mimes the following witnesse« to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: H. H. Fisk, of Ord, Oregon; Fred c . Beil, of Florence, Oregon; Charles An­ derson, of Point Terrace, Oregon; F. Woodcock, of Florence, Oregon. J. T. B ridges , Register. CHEAP CASH STORE! :s* M«y Drv Goods, * ★ Groceries ★ and ★ Noti Gen Bor Da» SClK FLORENCE MEAT MARKET.. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office, at Roseburg, Oregon, June 21,1901. Notice Is hereby given that the following- S o m c t l i l n c W h ic h H e L e a r n e d . i named settler lias (Iled notice of his intention A soft an sw er has not only the effect to make tinal proof in support of his claim, and o f tu rn in g aw ny w rath. It may serve to tliat said proof will he made before F. C. Dean, avenge an Injury. Years ago the Rev. ; V. S. Commissioner, nt Mapleton, Oregon, on J. II. Jones w as m aking a visit in Bos­ August 5,1901, viz: Joseph Fellmnn, on his H. ton and attended a biw eekly confer­ E. No. Ptd.'i, for the n ', nc1, secl7,se% se>4 socS, ence nt D ivinity hall. J u s t a t th a t and sw 'i sw !, sec 9, T. IS S., R. 9 W. muncs the following witnesses to prove tim e he w as out of sorts w ith the cast, his lie continuous residence upon and cultivation nnd his address reflected nn acrid of saitl land, viz: mood. Especially did he insist th a t i P. E. Jackson, J. W. Jackson, George R. Camp "They didn't know everything down In Judce and 11. H. frisk, all of Mapleton, Oregon. o r even In Cam bridge.” J. T. Il hi does , Register. K ‘ AND LADIES’ BELTS P 'b® P atent office is already in arrears, ^be inventors have every rig h t to kick al Ibis injustice and tliey will doubtless n ,a't® tbemselvee heard through their ««neters and rep resentatives. Senator Burrows, of Michigan, who 1 will be chairm an of the com m ittee on A m illionaire m erchant says, “My privileges and elections, lin t long been success Is probably due to the fact th a t an ailvix-ate uf tbs election of senatois a t night I store m,v mind und during for breakfast wouM not rem ain on my by th e people. He has a new 'idea along tb e day 1 mind my store.”—Chicago News. stomaeli (or half an boor I need one th at line, wliicli he will propose as a bottle of your Kndol Dyspepsia Core and co n iiitutional am endm ent at tbe coining A C O O D C O U C H M E D IC IN E , It speaks well for Uliaml»>rlnin’s ahh R a|u , my u (h<°n (o n g rese. It prov.de. th a t Uongh Remedy that driigiiists use it in „„„uly digested. Noil ting equate Kialol when a legislature fails to elect a sena- th eir own famflies in preference to any Pv»|ie|wia Cure for stom ach tro u b les.”— *or‘ 'b e governor »hall order an election other. “ I have sold C ham berlain's II. 8. Pitt», Arlington, Tex. Ko.loi Dya I»y the people .of lite elate to fill tlie Cough Remedy for the past five years pepala C ura digesti w hat you eat vacancy, He eave his idea will merely witli complete eetisfartion to m yse'f and M e)er A Kyle. , remedy an oversight on tlie p art of the custom ers,” sav» Druggist J . Goldsm ith. m akers of tliero iialilatio ii, who providdd \ an E tten , N. Y. “ I have alwavs used FU HS W ANTED. it in my own family both for ordinary carefully for m eeting failure to elect a coughs and colds ami for th e eotigli fol­ The highest rash piituj paid lor all l,|r*«>dent and vice.presi.lent, and for lowing la grippe, and find it efficacious.” kinds ol furs and hides, tilling vacancies in the bouse, hut forgot For sale hv O. W. H urd. G C. CvMprnw. a to u t senators. He th in k s if the At ».tlloy's Meat M arket, Florence, Or am endm ent were adopted it would sel­ :— :------------------- j E E P you r blood purs ami your t The fcillons, tire-si, narrows man cannot dom lie put into opetetion, os its exist- . ... stomach . and . . d iirc --------- organs in a etwtaaaiialle compete witli Ids healthy m ce would be an incentive to legisla- healthy condil.ott hv taking Komi's Koreaoarilla and you'w ill bo W E L L . riv»I. I eW itt's Little Early Risers, turee to ele»:t s.-natore, the famous pills for constipation, will Senator AUricit, chairman c l t i e ,em o„ Ml,w your , rouWw. blic, n , w j w uin4u le, EREH WHITE Sil S Braids and Gimp Trimming, Gold and Silvis— I porting, although tbe charges are very io w. . i. -» M r, W hedon, C o sh itr of the F irs t N ational Bank <•( W interset, Iowa, In a recent letter give» tom e ex|>eriencc with a carpenter in Ids employ, that will lie value toother mechanice. lle a sy st **| had a carpenter working (or mo «h o was obliged Io slop work lor lovers! days on account of being troubled w ith «liar- rhoea. I m entioned to him th a t 1 had been similarly troubled and that Cham. harlain*. Colio, Cholera and Diarrln».» Kemedy had cured i»e. He bought a bottle ol it from ti e druggist here and informed me that one dose enred hl e , •n d he i. again at h l. work." For sale THE SUCCESSOR. N O V E L T IE S schools—the vertical aq.l the d eferential ,ct begin work on th e ditcli, “ provid- j 8“ll,rle8 of i ',’°00 “ y ear- » ' the ca8e8 of - i s still raging in m any American cities, ed its n eu trality and an open door be ' P°8traa8ler3 of Indianapolis and Ixiuisville, because the post office iuspei- tow ns and villages, O liam pions of the iUHrnnteej . We shall doubtless m ake . , , , 1018 reported th a t im proper m ethods, p erp en d icu lar lines throw o u t sly hints a n eutral canal, for th a t is the kind of a> to th e effect th a t nn u p rig h t h and indi­ canal ive w ant, hut we see no use o f principally persuading business men to cates uprightness of character, and th a t m aking any prom ises to G reat B ritain buy large q u an tities of stam ps, long in a slan t in p enm anship may be tlie o u t­ on tlie subject. As to th e “ open do o r,” advance of th eir use, iiad been used to w ard and visible sign of a s tru t in con­ tlie door to the canal will doubtless be tem porarily increase tlie receipts at science. B ut th is Bee ms to he going a “ open ” to any ship whose captain those offices. The postm asters hinted little too far in tlie h eat of controversy. brings with him the uioney to pay tlie th a t they m ight appeal to the courts to test th e right of the Fostniaster G eneral tolls, and th e door out of the canal will T h e m anagem ent of th e (fonta Fe R ail­ to set aside a law, and th a t official coun­ be equally open to eith er sea. If Unit is w ay has begun to carry out a vast eolo- tered by inform ing them th a t no appeal I w hat th e Mail m eans by th e “ open ■ isation plan w hich will result in b rin g ­ | d o o r” th ere is no occasion for any si ¡pit- to the courts was necessary to establish ing m any th o u san d s of Italian s to thia l(jon | his rig h t to rem ove postm aslers. And co u n try and in locating them on lands so th e m atter stands. B ut th e Mail shows its good sense in Southern C alifornia, New Mexico, ' Senator Allison, who is now in W ash­ when it recognizes th a t it would ire ab­ O klahom a und T exas. Agents of the ington, does not think Representative surd to stip u late th a t we should hold road have been sen t to Italy w ith litera­ Babcock’s idea of rem oving the duties tlie canal open to our enem ies in tim e of ture for distrib u tio n in various parts of on steel products in order to h it a t tlie war, and tlia t it is of no consequence th e peninsula, These hooks are in the steel tru st, is a wise one, nlthoiigli lie Whether we fortify tlie entrances or n o t. Ita lia n language and are plentifully il adm its th a t it lias elem ents calculated I We »hull g u arantee the n eu trality of the Instrated with views taken from pictu­ to m ake it popular a t first glance. canal, except ns to our enem y, by our resq u e spots along tits line of th e Santa Speaking of th e probable action of tlie own power, w ithout asking th e aid or >"• in tlie states and territories m en­ senate, he s a id : “ If this tariff m atter consent of any o th er nation, and it is tio n ed . Special effbrt is to he m ade to I for us to decide w hether we can do it comes before th e senate, we will have to colonise the San Joaquin Valley, which i most cheaply or effectively by land for­ g o o ie r tlie m atter very carefully and is one of the m ost fertile grazing region» tifications or ships. The Mail truly says see w hether M r. Babcock's plan will |n th e west. It is said to Ite th e in ten ­ th a t no enem y of th e Uniter) Slates correct the evil he seeks to rem edy. I tion of tlm com pany to extend its colo­ would risk his war ships in our canal do not th in k it is a question to be settled n isatio n plana to o th er countries in while under our control, and adds offhand, hut I also do not th in k th a t the E u ro p e alter th e Italian agency becomes “ W ho would im agine flint th e Suez “*nff has as much to do w ith the trusts flourishing, canal would rem ain open to B ritish 88 JIr> B“l*,0«-'k supposes." t u r n m i . .t... i rs luen-of-wgr if G reat B ritain were e n -j Fhe official big head is by no m eans a Dyspeptics cannot be long lived be­ cause to live requires nourishm ent. Food gaged in w arfare with a first-class n a v a l, " ew H*««a«e In W ashington, hut the at ta no t nourishing until it is digested. A powerT” As to th is we suspect th a t 'aek of the new Uuminissioiier of patents disordered stomanh cannot digest food, most people so im agine, as G reat Brit- 18 » n u iu ally hail. In no branch of the it m ust have assistance. Kndol Dyspep­ ain is the m ajority stockholder, and in V°vcrnnient is tlie expediting of liusi- sia Dure digests all kinds of fnud w ith­ o u t aid from th e stom ach, allowing it to possession of tlie work», h u t they do n o t Ilcsa ,nore im p o rtant to the welfare of rest and regain its n atural functions. believe it would also ho open to h er Um country th an in tlie patent ollice. Its elem ents are exactly the sam e as the enem y If th a t should not be th e case l e t th e Uuminissioiier of P aten ts lias, n a tu ra l digestive fluids and it simply it would he because G reat B ritain has ,or no oilier im aginable reason than for c a n 't help hut do you good, Meyer A on tenni into an agreem ent with E u r o - ; '“ 8 ° " n personal convenience und com- K yi«. pean powers which would forbid her '° r *» deliberately ordered a two • ' ■ J' MU" 1 ~ exclusive use of it, and because those m o n th 's Bus|«nstoii of an iu i|io rtan t Heattle, Washington, has secured own­ e rsh ip ol a tract o( 100 acres, witli n view powers were disposed and able to en- j branch of tlie work of tliat ollice, by en ­ T here is no nouncing tliat no hearings would be to conducting a m unicipal cem etery, in force th eir agreem ent. im itatio n oi a project successfully carried doubt th a t, treaty or no treaty, G reat g 'sn te d by him self or tlie assistant com- o u t in Cleveland, Ohio, T here a level, B ritain would endeavor to use th e canal niissioner d u rin g July and A ugust, and finely situated tract ut land has liven ami exclude her adversary, and she "'h at adds to th e aggravation of the acquired by tlie m unicipality, nnd burial would he perfectly right. If G reat B rit- or*I«r is th a t thia b ra n d i of the work of is Io Usleat speculation in laud lor b u rial placee, and w insuro place», ami to inetire perpetual care of th e graves, W ORTHY hand of the ad m in istratio n , seems to tion a t the F o u rth of Ju ly exercises In | a|ld liave # good timB> dispose of all tlie num erous stories giv­ Florence th is y ear. Mr. T ravis Is a ing reasons why th is governm ent did not speaker of ab ility, and will be listened A SENSIBLE BRITISH VIEW. wish Mr. Conger to retu rn to Pekin. to w ith pleasure and profit by those The P ostm aster G eneral litis refused Who atten d . S. F. Chronicle. to comply w ith the law providing th at The London Siali urges th e B ritish The b attle betw een advocates of t h e G .... overnm __........ ......_ __ in postm asters a t oflices with annual re- ent to ___ got __ o u ________ t ot o.ir way tw o style» of han d w ritin g in th e public : th e lnBtter o( t be N icaragua e a n a /a n d i * ,0° ’000 or n,ore »ball be paid p lo ts are sold w ithout regard to location sin is so involved ns to prev en t her use »t th e uniform price of 75 cents por of the canal under such circum stances, square foot. T his includes th e actual there is some excuse for it, for she was p iain ten an ce of th e plot at tlie expense not th e original builder of the canal, of tlie city in p erp etu ity , Tlie m ainte- and is not now the sole ow ner. B lith e r H«nce inelndes grass seed, sowing, mow- exiw iience should l>e a w arning fur us , ng »ud a general care-taking. Flowers not to be guilty of tom foolery. Slid shrubs, when required, ase, o f ; ___ ... — ■ ■ -/ course, charged additio n ally . T he p u r, | »‘A few m onths ago, fowl which I ate A senate, which has iiecn credited with the intention to ignore precedent and ‘Som ething New Under th e Sun” . F k 0M O l’H KtfGl'LAR CORKEsrOXDEST.) the claims of ranking senators in nam ­ ing men for the vacant chairm anships, All doctors have tried to cure C atarrh a t the n ex t Eession of Congress, who l,y the use of powders, acid gases, inlial- W ashimoyom , Ju n e 17, 1901. . W ashington on private bus- ers and drugs iti paste form. T h eir pot»* who was in rotis m em branes The Chinese M inister to tlie U nited said the story was ridiculous; ’ ,.augii,g'thein to crack open and bleed. 1 iness, 8>ates lias been fortunate in m aintaining powerful acids used in the inhalers liait no s u c h r ig h t, i The have entirely eaten away the same mem - , cordial personal relations with both I th a t the comm ittee hranes ihat their m akers have aimed to and th a t the ranking senator on the sev­ IS CONSTANTLY REC EIV IN G N EW GOODS IN T H E W All governm ent and people of this country cure, while pastes and ointm ents cannot eral com m ittees would get every vacant reach the disease. An old and expert- , through all th e trying times in C hina, -Tx chairm anship, unless lie waived his em ed practitioner who has for many in fact, there is little doubt of Ids having years made a close study and specialty rig h t thereto. T his seems to make it of the treatm ent of C atarrh , has nt last i made more personal Irteuds in tins coun­ CONSISTING OF reasonably certain th at Senator Ciillum perfected a treatm en t which when faith-j try th an a n y representative of any for­ fully used, not only relieves at once, but talla eign country ever did before. B ut lie is will go to the head of the com m ittee on perm anently cures CATARRH, by re ­ Fancy H a ir O rnam ents, H a ir Com bs o f all Desc____ moving the cause, stopping the dis-1 foreign relations. now in u fair way to make some enemies. cTiarges, and curing all inflam m ation.j He is strongly opposed to the re-enact- Yon may ns well expect to run a steam It is tlie only rem edy known to science tliab aetn slly reaches the uttiicted parts I n ient by Congress of the Chinese exelu- engine w ithout water as to find an a c t­ This wonderful remedy is know ive, energetic man with a torpid liver “ SN U FFLES, th e GUARANTEED sion law, which will expire by lim itation lore C U R E ," and is sold at the ex n ex t M ay, and is doing some very bold and you may know that his liver is tor­ TARRH pid when he does not relish Ids food or trem . . . . ely . . low , price of One Dollar, each ■ w ire-pulling to influence senators and , i i H . W ELL SE LE C T ED STOCK OF feels duU and i i languid i f after eating, ..fiu„ often package >nei, > ne containing 8utll,.ielf t internal for , and external Ill0nlh’a representatives against re-enactm ent. has headache and som etimes dizziness. treatm en t and everything necessary to He may And it a case of playing witli A few doses of C banib Iain's Stomach “ S N U F F L E S ” is th e only perfect R I B B O N S IN A L L S H A D E S A N D QUALI^1 tire, He is accredited to the executive ami Liver Tablets will restore his liver CATARRH C U R E ever made and is branch of the governm ent, ami is very to its norm al functions, renew his vital­ now recognized as the only safe ami pos­ For ity, improve his digestion and make him itive cure for th at annoying and disgust­ itoni , (early exceeding his rights when geek- feel like a new m an. I’riec, 25 cents. ing disease. It cures all inflam m ation 8eh< ¡ng to influence the legislative branch, Samples free at O W H u rd ’s drug stoie quickly and perm anently and is also wonderfully quick to relieve HAY i t is understood th a t th e President FE V E R or'COLD in the HEAD. The | IHa been notified th a t a fight will he CA TARRH when neglected often leads WASHINGTON LETTER. C( •MX ........J u s t O oened.... ur. G o o d s as iìe o re s e n te g J. w . C A R M A N P R O P »' NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office, Roseburg, Oregon, June 22, 1901. N otieels hereby given that the following-, named settler n.-.s filed notice of bis intention ' to make com m utation final proof in supimrt of his claim , and th a t said proof will be made lie- fore ti. Holden, U. S. Commissioner, nt Flor e ice, Oregon, on August 15,1901, viz: hbeuezer [ G. I>. Holden, on bis H. fr:. Xo. 9977, for the se1 See. 29, Tp. 1» S„ R. 9 w est * He names the following witnesses to prove his couth,u ms residence upon nn J cultivation of »mid land, viz: H. H. Fisk, of Ord p, o ., Oregon; Amasa Hurd C. D. Morgan, Fred Veil, of Florence, Oregon. J. T.B ridoks , Register. nei one ma wh Ira 1 «n da] N O T IC E FO R PU B L IC A T IO N . ttM Land Office, a t Roseburg Oregon. V . June 22. 190L Notice is hereby given th at the following. nnmed ......... '" ''f has filed notice of h li intention •mmutation final proof In support of hl. claim, Hint that said pr. •f will be runde he- I .■n, a' o - U- s t'ontmlastoner, *t F lo r-1 eni e I in'Ki.n ,,,, A iitu-t 15. taut, vtz; Fred r 1 rp i 9 W ^ L ° ' hW"' t,,r U>* ! THE W H ITE IS KINÖ lie n«n.e» the following witiiev.e, to prove i of. >ai„ ‘iïià l.’ TÎ,7M',Cne® upo" «“ '«'ration A « . « Hum and E tt p. Holden, of Flor- ' : M. JF-1 hilllp». of Acme, Oregon tí. Morgan* «'f Florence, Orest J T. B uidos », aeet.ter. NOTICE FOR ’> e, Î ” Pr? ,( 1,1 ’" ’’P”" h«« >•'•«"1 amt ,, , , ’ Tr'M’f " ill he made before C. H "b'*"“- ’ • Commissi..,,«, st Florence. Or»' M S ^ K . Xu. «g», to , th< tw, . lie nan b a ll publication , Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon. « ... , . Jane 22,1901. Xotiee 1. herct.y riven t h .t the following nstn. . settler h a. «le,! „ „ n , , of h |, ln^ nll„„ u BEARINGS, like a bicycle, make the 1 •W H IT E ” the Easiest R unning Machine ' Made j Beauty of finish, quality of materiel, elri»n<* , the finest w orkm anship, th e sim plest, »><»' , best of attach m en ts, easy pay m en ts, old wad''’* in exchange, one m illion fire linndred thoin**\B users, th irty years of success, courteous trestB**B more can you nsk? tt« W h ite on the market. ¿J »7 Bicycles run lig h ter m ost durablu and h as** Call or w rite and let os pre*»11- j the r. 'Bowing W it n e s s to prove » m ide I opou and cultivation ! Hytl and E. G D. Ht Flni>n<»e, . M. P. PhHlfp., of At >rt?on: <;, r , of t ium c -, Oregon J. I. fiatasse. Ri rieUi you A met con ord WHITE SEWING MACHINE COMPAQ 3 300-306 P o st stre e t, San F ra n c isc o , Cal. B D. T a is s . D ualer it* Uite â e w ia ’ M ach in ai. Aw*»*. <**^1