gJu qp« g JMP‘ r , THE W E5T Y O U R H O H E PA PER S U P P O R T IT j " -4- - •»- •»*- -A- á • È ' i FLORENCE, OREGON, FRIDAY. JUNE 21, 1901. 1 name ns j">u^ Ira. M ary do Iftg from girl. I could i car <>r go 2 place WIlfaJH «. head:*« ’ «i4N -, stoma ■RAL D IR E C T O R Y Ripant Tatfl »•¡nt of niM t iking Ihu^ o •— Will make ----- S T A O K rernor.................................. T. T. Geer. R E G U L A B D A IL Y totukn . t|ta r y of 8 ‘a te ............. J*. J. Dnnbnr. ---- Between —— iMt oci..bjwtu»r. . . . J . . . . . . . . . . . F. S. Moore. ’j-ii'id T R IP S 1 Hiu t« «nt^ Printer. „ (..................W . I I . Leeds. old. You ft i , . .ruey General D. R. N . Blackburn Ura J. B| 8. Bean Í ................. ,R R. . 8. J ............... . ............. F. A. Moore J ) Court ¿ ( ...C , E. Wolv erton “ r '"’Te^ b Second D istrict. .J. W, Ham ilton auifoied bi> band. Aeuting Attorney . ^Geo. M . Brown S T E A M E R L IL L IA N ------MAKES DAILY TRIPS------- Frogn Mapleton and coiupIniF5 ~ b. i.— atom&ch. cat litro o h l f l uro do Ui.dŒ - CO UNTY OFFICERS- did out w ith him. m > and o f a ho H e testim onial« tr n Kincaid. 1 tin in. HI pans I .................*>. K ually cured ......... J. It. Hill disappeared, ba ho never cenipli H . D . Edwards red, chubby.fm ttribu to to ........E . U . Lee y w illb a u e lU n n ,« . ,,r w w i.l.o r o to Florence Leaves Mapleton at 7 A. M. Leaves Florence at 2 P. M. On SUNDAYS leave» Mapleton at 8 A. M. and Florence at 3 P. M. THE STEAM ER z .,s u r e r ........................A. 8. Patterson is ................... D. P. Burton 1 Superintendent... .W . M . M iller ................ c . M . Collier .witnout . ioor and the eoo. yor . ,G. W. Griflin . C. H. Holden W ill carry freight and passengers tí. C. Cumplun • X I Ä " * P ........Marion Morris Trustees. ? 6 R £ ’ C, í . . . .G . C. Cumpton ORTHERN P a c ific , Ry. SECRET SOCIETIES. - A. Florence Lodge No. 107. Regular soininunication on second " Saturdays in each month. E. W . C obb , W . M . B, M il l s , Secretary. M. A l. ° ’ EU G EN E-FLO REN CE STAGE LINE. E. B a n g s , the m o n th s o f O ctober, N ovem ber, ! D ecem ber, J a n u a ry , February, j March and A pril, and one cen t per j pound d uriug th e m ouths o f May, J u n e, J u ly , A u g u st and Septem ber, j N0TAFUES MARION Heceta Lodge No. I l l , meets E . A. E vans , N. G. ftp - D in in g C ars F L O R E N C E .- - - S lee p in g D litB J T o u ris t ile Iyidge No., 1311. meets lay evening in Meyer & ipleton. Oregon. Brotli- Indiug invited to attend. T . J. N bbly , N . G. Sec. TO N SO R IA L - PARLOR. OREGON FRED. C. BEAN, C a rs “ ‘ 16416204 ‘ M A R IO N M O RR IS, rromiETOK. ' ÍT . PAUL M IN N E A P O L IS DULUTH ________ Encampment, No. 42, and NOTARY PUBLIC, MAPLETON. FARG O GRAND FOR k S TO O. F. hall in Florence fourth Friday of each leathers of this degree are to attend. S. J. S eymour , P U B L IC . C a rs E le g a n t W IN NIPEG C. r. EUGENE B U T TE Front S n m liis l YORK F o r t la n d , O r. JO H N 0 . B EC K, F t. Terrace, Oregon. O re g o n W. H . WEATHERSON, Florence, Oregon. Florence Real Estate Agency. LAM» COMMIISIONEB. Do You W a n t a H o m e in W e s te rn O re g o n ? P r a i r i e H o te l. Com e to F loren ce and sec tb e fine farm« and b eau tifu l forest« in th e S iu sla w v a lley . E»Twent»-th, -tnw iee 60 M Miles W est Eugene. 1 11JC EN E A N D .O R E N C E E RO UTE. Co etch a ppinW patö rh*r<*»* i Do You W a n t a Ranch? Do You W a n t Unimproved Land? Do iney Saved By itro n iz ln g it. tie M I l THE L O L 17 - - - CANDY C A T H A R T IC work while Pleaaant, I’alatablo, Potent. Ta«to OoollI poiKon, is dauirerous. Tito smooth' 1 eet, oasiebt. m ost porfect way of keeping the bowels Interest allowed on Demand Certificates o f clear and clean is to tako Assistant General Passenger Agent, 255 Morrison Bt., Cor., 3d. ey a t L aw , . 8. Florence, BCÇT L DË3 5 000 UjUUU U U lp lU U WOODCOCK, (Me^I aXtantioá * * TO etc., call on or write work, is can i neatly done. ing a sp ecialty. cean Wave Camp No. R. M c M u r p h e y , ' Deposit when left stated period, each alternate Saturday es’ H a ll, Acme. Visiting General Agent. Rooms 2 and 4, Shelton Block, i Collections receive our prompt attention, vited to attend. EUGENE, OREGON. j City and County Warrants Ixrught. G eo . G. P e il , V . C, L in , Oierk, A- D- C H A R L T O N , W. E. BROWN, D. A. PAINE, W H aircu ttin g Razor Honing and Scissors G rind­ gree, meets in Meyer & pleton, the 1st and 3rd BO ST O N ANO ALL Transacted on Favorable Terms .ngs in each month. P O IN TS E A S T »tid SO U T H Drafts Issued on the principal cities of the Î a t t ie O. H udson , N w G. F op information, time card», maps and tickets United States and foreign countries. n , Sec. ORNEYS and Of Eugene, Oregon THROUGH TICKETS N EW Shaving Loan s Savings Bank H E L E N A »lid i OREGON. and p ro m p tly CRO O K STO N unset Rebekah Lodge No. In Odd Fellows’ hall, nd and fourth Thurs- each month. W A S H IN G T O N ATHKRINK B r UND, N. G. h Sec. P H IL A D E L P H IA in ch in o ! « you deal re from the use of the Vigor, write the do®tor about It. A Wk-Aa t t f O a o t » r . r If yon do not rbtaln all the benefit® O re g o n no« A f te r u s in g it f o r tw o or three weeks notice how much younger you ap­ pear, ten years younger at least. A y e r’s H a ir Vigor also cures dandruff, prevents falling of the hair, makes hair grow, and is a splen­ did hair dressing. It cannot help but do these things, for it’s a hair-food. When the hair Is well fed, it cannot help but grow. It makes the s c a lp healthy and this cures the disease that causes dandrufF. SI .00 a b o ld .. All drugglsta. “ My hair was coming out badly, but Ayar'a ltalr Vigor stopped the falling and baa made m y hair very thick and much darker ,n a n before. I think there ts nothing tike It for the hair." C uba M. L ea S April 2A, 1«99. Yarrow, I. T. N otary P a b lic , S u rv ey o r 111? \ W D K A 1 L GETTING Y is o r * K*0TT‘,B ec0riler'_______ KB if P roprieto r. S tage le a v es' E u g en e for F lor­ ence d a ily ex cep t S un day at 6 a. in. j A rr iv es a t F lo ren ce th e day fol- J lo w in g a t 10 a. m. R etu rn in g stage le a v es F lorence for F u g e n e d a ily ex c ep t S un day at a t 2 p. m . A rrives in E u g en e at C p. in. th e day follow in g. F lo r W YEARS A. R. BUTTOLPH, W . Perpetua Lodge, No. 131, every 1st and 3d Tuesdays lO * | k . Members and visiting n in good standing are cordially to attend. A. O. F u n k «, M . W , O. 0. F. Florence Charges Reasonable. BE y Leaves E . A. Evans, W . H . Wertlterson, eith er w ay betw een E u gen e and A . W . B E A D L E & CO. W m . Brynd, M apleton, w ill be charged "t th e ■ L. Christensen. 22 M arket St. rate o f tw o cen ts per pound du. in g ............J. C. Phelps San F ran cisco, C alifornia. ............O. W . Hurd -3 Stage Sundays. Extra Trips When Necessary from F loren ce, to San F ran cisco, j s ; ng]e fare _ _ - 5.00. R oun d trip - - - - 9,00. W ill also bring up freigh t T ick ets for sa le a t E . B a n g s’ liv e ry barn, E u g en e, and a t O. W . F or further inform ation in qu ire j£urd’» office in F loren ce. - OF — A il through freight on the stage CITY O F F IC E R S . s J the Umpqua (or Florence Saturdays. ------ AND RETURN.------ If takenaccordu'“ ----- «SB............... »V . W . W lin e r s rty-dght eonts iw) will be «ent ite and at torn« H .H . B arrett, Prop’r, Returning, T 'V L o o k In your m irror today. Take a last look at y o u r g ra y hair. Itsure- ly may be the la s t if you w ant it so ; y o u needn’tkeep your g r a y hair a week longer than you wish. There’s no ’ t guesswork about this it’s sure every time. To re- r a s to re l A w c o lo r to gray hair use— H a i r LJCNB3. Stage Leaves Steamboat Landing on Florence and Heafl of Tifle. PublicInStrqction J. H. Ackerman V nUHIK M A R G U E R IT E , G E A / F t - D U S T E r t STEAM ER S T A T E O F F IC E R S- found au. their «KO V TRAVELERS’ GUIDE T R A V E L E R S ’ G U ID E. or tt >o sto P O P P O R TU N ITY e *• « no o I nuralng mjg •y and I aiat fe c it tom e h hna been ati'tw W 1 t A D V E R TIS E R S Í , SIVSLAW’S ONLY TAPER. You W a n t Tow n Lots? Do You W a n t Tim b er Lands? WANTED.—Capable, reliable person In every county to represent large company of solid financial, reputation; $93fi salary per year, paya­ ble weekly; |3 per day absolutely sure and a ) 1 espensea; straight, bona fide, definite salary, no commission; salary paid each Saturday and ex­ pense money advanced each week. STANDARD say, HOUfilf "34 D earborn S t ., C hicago . 41-14 D O N ’T TOBACCO SPIT and S M O K E Your Life aw ay I You can be cured of any form of tobacco using easily, be made well, strong, magnetic, full of new life and vigor by taking M O -T O -B A O , that makes weak men strong Many gain ten pounds in ten days. Over B O O , O O O cured. All druggists. Cure guaranteed. Hook* let and advice FKER. Address fiTKHIJHG REMEDY CO., Chicago or New York. 437 Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. Prop WE BUY AND SELL ALL KINDS OF REAL E8TATE HOTEL ON COMMISSION. ON - - F rop iietort. cm , O r e g o n . furnished with all th e ! i of the season. Give n« 1’ JOHN C. BECK. W. H. WEATHERSON. ItartificW I; dige»ta the food and aldi Nature In airengtheulng and recon* d ru ciln g the exhauated digestive or­ gans. I t lathe latestdlucovereddlgest* ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach It In efficiencjr. I t in* «taotly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indlgentlon, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, Sick Headache, Gaatralgla Cramp«and all other results of imperfect digestion. Pries90e. and 8L Largs »WeoeUlas ’ H Uf»«« Mkalislaa Book a ll atxm ldy.p aiM laaiailed trr. P raoorse kx K. C. OaWITT A C O . C klc o o » MBYKK A KYLE. MR. B0W 8UR F E L T T H E B A R TH H E A V E U R V - 7,ow»er started to vroisne .u u got up anil walked Into the hall, bat as soon as out of Iter sight Jio kick­ ed himself and held Ills jaw . When he returned, lie casually remarked that Agulnnldo hadn't been eaptnred yet and that It was mlsbty singular Weath­ er for that lime of year, lie was do­ ing Ids best, even to smiling at the eat, to make himself lielleve that old tooth hadn't a hollow In It big enough to tuck away a th-ld liean when the jum p bit him again. Up went his hands, and up went Ills feet, and he groaned out n sort of death cry. The cat chuckled, and Mrs. Bowser exclaimed: “W hat on earth Is the matter with you tonight? Yon act as I f you bad the colic.” “ I t ’s -lt's Just a slight attack of toothache,” he replied, with a ghastly smile; “got my big toe damp the other rainy day, I gueaa. I t won't amount to a row of pins, however.” “ I f It does, you'll go to the dentlst’e In tbe morning of course?” “O f course. You don't suppose I ’m the sort of man to suffer around with tlio tpothache for six or seven yeare, do you?” Mr. Bowser’s voice bad no weight In It, and hie face was pale, hut be bad made up his mind to bluff tbe tooth­ ache and Mrs. flowser In addition. The Idea of going to the dentist work­ ed an Ire cold streak up and down bln tplno aud made his toes crack, and be mode a pass, grabbed on to something, and U r. Bowser felt the earth heave up and the heavens to take A drop. There were tears lu h it eyes as be handed out his dollar and took the tooth as a sou­ venir, but be bad reached tbe sidewalk before be was elated and ex ultant He was also ready to give Mrs. Bowser a setback, and when she asked how ho felt be turned on her w ith all dignity and replied: “ W batl Are you and the blamed old cat here? Wherv/ve you been? 1 had a tiny tootbache, and as I didn’t want It bothering around 1 bad It pulled. Easiest thing In tbe world. I rather like I t I f It bad been yon, now— Bnt that's the difference between a man and a w o m a n f Quan. M. VeaAakle Ideas. "Dear,” said tbe poet’s wife, policing hie abstracted look, “you are Worried about something.” “Veer* be ejaculated. "Tell me, what have you oa your lulud?” “Nothing. That’s what worries me.” —Fblladelphla Press. M akes W eak Wosnen S tro n g . "I suffered from fem ale weakness for five m onths,’’ writes M iss Celle Hedrick, of N ye, Putuam Co., W. Va. ” 1 was treated by a good physician but he did me no good. I wrote to D r. R . K P ierce, Buffalo, N. Y., for advice, w hich I received, telling me to take h is ‘ FAVORITE PRESCRIP- TION.’ W hen I had used the m edicine a month m y health was m uch improved. It has continued to im prove until now I can work at alm ost all kinds o f house-work. I had sca icely any appetite, but it is all right now. Have gained several pounds in w eight, i would advise all who suffer from chronic diseases to write to Dr. P ierce.” H M akes S ic k W o m en W eU W a s R r a d r « • C o « » ro s s lo a . A very small pile o l coal lay on tha sidewalk In front of a house on A street southeast. A correspondingly small son of Hnm was sauntering along and. seeing It, scented a Job. H e rang the doorbell. “Am dat yo’ all’» coal?" he asked the lady at the door. “ Yen.” "W an t It toted In?” “Yes.” “ Knln’t 1 git de Job?” " . ' • ~ “ Why, you're pretty small, and then you might charge too much. You might ask more than I could pay.” “How much Is yo* got?” asked tbe small man of business. “Kin yo* raise a dollahr* “Oh, ray goodliest, nol" “Seventy-five cents?” "No; run along and don’t bother me.” And she started to close the door., “Mebbe so yo’ll fflb 00 cents.” "No, no; run along.” “I reckons yo* all ain’t got er qua’* tab?” “No." “ Ner a dime?” “ No, not even a dime,” replied the woman, beginning to laugh. “ Well, how much Is yo’ got?” ques­ tioned lim n, showing his Ivories. “I snt'uly does wanter git de Job," “ I ’ve got just a nickel.” “ Well, I ’m Jus’ a-lookln fer nickel jobs.” And lie straightway began.— Washington Star. A n » Ys« H e C o u lA W r i t e . Among tbe public servants who ara worried by foolish questions tbe euper- Intendent of mails lu tbe postoffice gets hie full share. One of his visitors on a certain occasion was a man who said to the deputy who answered Ute call at tbe window: “ I am going ont of town today and w ant to get a letter to my brother, who Is on board tbe Mnjestlc, and she la not due until Wednesday. I don’t know where he w ill stay In New York or where he w ill go from here. Can you help me?" “Certainly we can," said the clerk. “ A mnllbont goes to meet the steamer, and If you address yonr letter properly and put domestic postage on It It will be delivered all right.” “But how shall I address It—where shall I send It?" “ Address It ’John 8mlth. passenger on hoard Incoming steamer MaJesUc, due In New York, Dec. 12.* T h a t will reach him." “No city? No nothing?” “That's all—Just as 1 told you.” The man thanked tlie clerk and went away, and came back a llttlo later with an nddressed letter In hie hand. "Say,” he said to the clerk, “about that letter. I ’ve nddressed It sad stamped It all right, but the man's name Isn't John Smith. Uow about that?"—New York Tribune. R n a a e ll a n d t h e S o lle lt o r . I t Is said that once when the late Lord Russoll, then 8 lr Charles, was on cir­ cuit, he became so Indignant with every one In general and his solicitor client In particular that I k * seised bla large and heavy brief and smote tbo solicitor on the head with IL The solicitor Indignantly collected hie pa» pers and hurried out of court, mur­ muring that he would never brief Sir Charles again. Some time afterw ard a shipping magnate came to the same solicitor w llh a big case. “ Brief Russell.” ho said. The solicitor sold he wee sorry, but It was Impossible, as Russell bad never apologised. “Then give me my papers,” said the shipowner, “and l ’H go to some one who wllL" Eventually the unhappy man of law. nol wishing to lose bis best client, had to apologise to Sir Chnrlre Rnseetl for leaving tbe court when aseaultodc- Pearson's Weekly. ■ a e e o r a n t a g H e r C e o a la . w ar WUI T k e r A et k a * Ftrat Theater Patron— What a robust and magnificent amason she ma keel | Second Theater Patron (who knows her)—Yea, hot she's breaking her heart because they won’t k t her play little hdt R rts^^W Sil'» Trlbunq, ------ ■ "Ah, yesl” alglied tlie lovelorn youtKi “ I'm passionately In love with MhM V»n Flrkel. I wonder If I w ill a succeed In winning her affections?” “ W hy not?" replied Ills Cousin I en. " I know at lenst half » dozen ot men who bavo."-Pblladelphia P r e * . •4 .