«.•et and owy, » a lvsrilm :k (heiuiit ce wuekein i-alpRted buie*. li cupetlon, I m y «lek h J g ftiu ue fletter b ^ H i fiele no lo ^ S Ijroullbe. r G g RM an 1 G EN ERA L DIRECTORY ST A T E OFFICERS- o thvyha% oe.„.e nor ■irei tuy hea p r e .n e Court C. É. Wolve.ton j Second D istrict.. J . W. Hamilton cut *“iu cot prosecuting Attorney. Geo. M. Brown s t a q k W ill m a k e ------ .. . T. T. Geer. R E G U L A R D A I L Y . .F. I. Dunbar. ----Between----- F. S. Moore. n J. 11. Ackerman T R IP S Florence and Head of Tide. S T E A M E R L IL L IA N -------MAXES DAILY C 3 - ^ iR .I 3 I d S r B I ? . TR IPS-------- l in e . H .H . Barrett, Prop’r, Stage Leaves Steamboat Landing on the Umpqua lor Florence Saturdays. Returning, Stage Leaves Florence Sundays. Extra Trips When Necessary Charges Reasonable. like oiu iiren h him. Ho waj [ o f ft saiTron monlals in f a r - From Mapleton to _______ — -— ------------- - ____________ _____ ___ — ----------- ------- AND ~ Florence RETURN.------- - iupunsTabuii^gi Ofl&UNTY OFFICERS- uro>l m y you-n «arvtl,» bo woU •r complain« ibby-faced boy., i to Rlpaus »eueflt any one ( 1 according - *«■ *** L ea v e s M ap leto n a t 7 A. M. Leaves Florence at 2 P. M. On S U N D A Y S le a v e s M a p leton a t 8 A. M. H. K. Kincaid. ........... .1. R. Hill an d F lo ren ce at 8 F. M. .. H. D. Edwards ............. E. U. Lee ’TUrk THE STEAM ER W. W. Withers t ¿MM)know fon. I the ccoaomieaLMF* 1 ’ ‘ ..A . 8. Patterson it cents to the nfpB A Stirar. .. ,D. fw sent for flTfilgaessor ........• • • ----- -- P. \< Burton ATI Her at a»»« mwijehool Suuerint- udent---- W. » ¿ o„ it,r ë . W. ’ Griffin W ill carry freight anti passengers G. H. Holden .... P- from Florence to San Francisco. « ■ I ............ rc,_ _ Marion MorriB 3R 5Ô F E. A. Evans, W. H. Wertherson, Board ot Trustees. Wm. Brynd, I.. Christensen. ............. J. C. Phelps Recorder,. ............. O. W. Hurd Treasurer ........G. C. Cumpton M arshal... EL'IiENE-FLOKESGE S T A G E L IN E . E. Bangs, Proprietor. Stage leav es'E u g en e for F lo r­ ence daily except Sunday at 6 a. in- A rrives a t Florence the day fol­ lowing a t 10 a. m. R eturning stage leaves Florence for Fugene daily except Sunday at a t 2 p. m. A rrives in Eugene a t G p. m . the day following. Single fare - - - - 5.00. R ound trip - W ill also bring up freight Tickets for sale a t E. Bangs . . . •** . . . *“ livery barn, Eugene, and at O. W. F or further inform ation inquire H u rd ’s office in Florence. All through freight on the stage - OF — either way between Eugene and A. W . B EA D LE & CO. Mapleton, will he charged a t the 22 M arket St rate of two cents per pound during San Francisco, California. the m onths of October, November, December, Jan u a ry , February, March and April, and one cent per pound during the months of May, Ju n e, Ju ly , A ugust and September. So many p e rso n s have hair th a t is æ stu b b o rn and d u ll. w It w o n ’t g ro w . W h a t’s th e r e a s o n ? Hair n e e d s help just as anything else docs at times. The roots re­ quire feeding. When hair stops growing it lo s e s its lus­ ter. It lo o k s dead. TIME HE TAKES IN NESS PARTNER. T o P u t It M ore C o r r e c tly , H o w e v e r , I t S h o u l d H e Sati«l T h a t t h e P a r t n e r T a k e s H im l a , a « t h e C o b b l e r S o o n F i n d » O a t. [C opyright. 1901, by C. B. Lcwis.1 I vhns sitting by tier stofe one day cner nuXt moro a„h feefteen doctor said I was to have plenty of sweeping the room sets U cougmug. the Intense astonishment or peranaa ON COMMISSION. a can approach It In efficiency. I t IB- f(,jIenl ccjne in for repairs und don't eliaimeL—Pick-Me-Up. _______ _ I not familiar with its peenllarlttsfc 4 stantly relieves and permanefilly curea , lake ,n dwen(ly c,„t» «kit B« « a a . Dyspepsia, Mr. Walkover comes around und get. A Fsllaw Fwlt llD T ft SON - - Proprietors. getting fc ^ h ^ G M tX r C r a S ^ i “ He say. peesness vhas rushing Old Lawyc —How aft Hasben—Yea, I am always tatersated F io r a n o » , O r e g o n . all othM Ttoulti of imperfect digestion, und so I let It go, hut to two weeks I I lika • • • »1OIIN C. B E C K . ta& •'"rpetiuil ^ i a r motion do7 Idea». What fur? Xoung la w y e r -1 have oue sltsnL vhas like a dead man. On der second Old Lawyar—Is be weslthy? Baturday morning my partner comes u n t il s i s . B ook all at»u«(lyspstMt*i n asbso-T h ey never w o r t - hies ftirnishwl with all thcjl W . H . W EA TH ER SO N . Presara« he «. c. Dswrrr a co- canoa» nronnd nnd borrows a dollar of my Young Law yer-H e wsa.-Bpare Mo­ phis Presa. __ _ . eie« of the sea«on. Give us MftYKM A KYLM. wife to buy a cashbook, und at night menta. N ORTHERN A «jMhkwWt Pacific, Ry» Notary Public, Surveyor s a NOTARY la«S«A PUBLIC. * United Slates Cominisstener EUGENE Loan s Savings Bank 5,000 IF .- BAD B LO O D b m w s w Attorney a t Law, Florence Real Estate Agency. K EAÍ D O N ’T E lk P r a ir ie H otel. N E U G E N E AND FLO RENCE CE ROUTE. Do You W ant a Ranch? Do You W ant Unimproved Land? Do You W ant Town Lots? Do You W ant Timber Lands? NT ■ORRIS ••• HOTEL, r Kodol Dyspepsia Cure