W E S T BVBKY rB ID A T — PE H SO N A L 8. fo O D 'S MORNING— —AT--------- - W m. K yle is in San Francisco on • business trip. pld liver, and cure I W m . H olcom b, of Acm e, leaves in a Rouse f the tor h e a d a c h e . Jaundice, few days for Eastern W ashington. biliousness, sick tlon, etc. They are In -: W . L. Phelps and J . L. T aylor, of nausea, Indlges, valuable to prevent a cold or break up a H erm ann, were in town Tuesday even ­ fever. Mild, gentle, certain, they are wortny ing. your confidence. Purely vegetable, they H . J . Minor, who has been ill for sev­ can be taken by children or delicate women. Price, 25c. at all meaicuio dealers or by mall eral m onths, is reported to be growing of C. I. H ood A Co., Lowell. Mass. worse. Marion Morris and wife visited the Sugar cured corned beef for sale at the past few days with relatives at Mercer Pioneer Meat M arket. Lake. The salary of the postm aster s t E u­ Lucien Johnson and w ife, of E arl, gene has been increased from $2100 to were visitin g relatives in G lenada th e $2200 a year. first of the week. And now it is Chas. Anderson who A. Fraaieur and wife, of Indian creek, lias just built a new house on h is ranch gpe n ( several days th is week with their on Sw eet creek. ¡daughter. Mrs. W . A . H aring, of Flor- ILLS’ L amb C oumtt , O regon .— - • - BT - - • WEATHERSON and Proprietor. H E W AY ; |1 .6 0 a year in advance.------ c o o t a t th e post-office at Florence, ,y, O regon, as second-class D e sc r ip u — A DV BBTtSlX U KATES MADE KNOWN ON AP- PLICATION. 8 cents per line, each Insertion I Silver fl Oregon, June 7, 1901. E S T L IN G S . Stipervieor Sutton has had a crew of ence. men working on the road below town Mr. Sm ith, who has been working at several days th is week. th e M apleton H otel for som e m onth s, h e d w ellin g house of J , A , L evage in was kicked in th e side bv a horse s Addition is being adorned by a | W ednesday even in g and severely in- paint. R ev. T. A. Y ost is doing I jnred. th e work. Deputy Sheriff G allier, of Bandon, Life In s u r a n c e TSÜ T H E I Frank M cFarland, Special R epresentative of the Stops th e Cough and w o rks o ff th e Cold > Life A s su r a n c e S o c ie t y J- Of th e United States w ill be in Florence lor a few days, for the purpose of (b ow in g I* N eck w SES’ GL01 - D E ß U CONTRACTS different plans of FITIENT IN SU R A N C E se v e r before shown in this eeaam unity. All persons toteres ted should see the representative, Frank Mc­ Farland, at once, a s he will ou ly be on th e river for a 4 few d ays. was in F lorence Tuesday in qu est of L axative Brom o-Q uinine T ablets cure a Landis, who was reported to have been cold in orte day. N o Cure no P ay. seen travelling in th is direction. Print 25 cauta. George P eil lectured on Lake Creek Last Sunday’s Oregonian contained a last Friday even in g in the interests of picture of A . D. H ylan d , of Lowell. th e Modern W oodm en of Am erica. The paper sty led him the “ Tim ber K ing George is a very enthu siastic worker for of Lane C ou n ty.” fh a t order. Eczem a, salt rhfeum. chafing, ivy pois­ R. N . W eatherson, a brother of th e oning, and all skin tortures are quickly editor of th e W est , arrived in Florence cured by D eW itt’s W itch H azel Salve. last Friday anil w ill probably m ake his The certain pile cure. M eyer & K yle. hom e here. Mrs. W eatherson is e x ­ N . P. H am m itt, who has resided in pected in a few days. Lane county since 1850, died at his hom e Mr. and Mrs. C. C. B ehnke and ch il­ ! on the M ohawk last Sunday n igh t, aged dren leave Sunday for a trip to their old ■ 73 years. H e built the old court house hom e in Canada. They expect to be at E ugene in 1855. absen t several m onths and will visit T he su it of M . J. H adsall vs. A . P . K now les, whieh was tried before Justice H olden last w eek, resulted in a judg­ m ent for plaintiff. The case was ap­ ds in been considerable showery pealed to th e C ircuit cou it. te . Guard, Ju n e 1: Today S h eriff W ith­ the new stock of shoes at ers received from San Francisco $5,552.38 in gold as part paym ent of the O. & C. A K y le ’s. Blanks for W arranty D eeds for sale R . R . C o.’s ta x es for 1900. T he com ­ pany yet owes about $12,000. k J U l l . st «to W m t office. A W arning—to feel tired before ex er ­ Bov. T . A. Y ost will hold services at UtoFortPCSon N orth Fork n e x t Sunday tion is not laziness— it ’s a sign th a t the system lacks v itality, and needs the Z S o lf o’clock P in. tonic effect o f H ood’s Sarsaparilla. Suf­ persons desiring to dis­ ferers should not d elay. G et rid of that tate in th is vicinity to call tired feeling by beginning to take H ood’s e ir property on our list, Sarsaparilla today. )-D A T E IN hereon. Tne Astoria m erchants have engaged dan nam es the follow ing as a steam er to m ake trips daily between H I N C governor n ext year: Gov- th a t city and all points on th e W ashing­ K U K |k ex -S ta te Treasurer M ets- ton side as far up the river as C athlam et. L 4 Y Judge Cake of Portland, T he m erchants guarantee the boat re­ Owen Sum m ers. ceipts of at least $700 per m onth. Tiie . _ told m e my coagh was object is to draw trade to A storia which Ft« me M inute Cough Cure now goes to P ortland. S R T he biliou s, tired, nervous m an cannot successfully com pete with his healthy itt’s Silver, L ittle E arly Risers, Jss ell rival. m a n .” D eW Norris famous p ills y for constipation, will iM -d, tlie N, H .—Because o u ’ve e( from a stubborn cough, remove the cause of your troubles. O ne M inute Cough Cure M eyer A K yle. Guard: Prof. E . E . O rton, of the Geary echool, has accepted th e princi- ■ m ft J . J . Benner, th e crack palsliip of the P rineville public school. H e er dislikes to leave E hase- ugene, but he gets l l w I p itch and all-around r, w h o is now residing in Flor 50 per cen t more salary across the m oun­ wi stoned w ith th e E ugene R am - tains. Mr. Orton is one of our best teachers and tlie people w ill be very w ill arrive here the latter to learn his active intended rem oval. TYJ7VI w sorry eek and go of in to |£ I Be w A ill letter be an from invaluab Mrs. le C. ac- C. P io u ty , of San Francisco, states th at th e y recently team . lost their house and c on ten ts by fire, . H urd’s drug store and m ple of C ham berlain’s and she herself was severely burned in L iver T ablets. T hey are trying to save their property. A few y sic. They alee im prove days later tlie levee broke near the P rou ty’s ranch and flooded it with water stren gthen th e digestion three feet d eep , totally destroying the t h e liver and bow els. They crop on 200 acres. Mrs. P rooty owns ;e and pleasant in effect, considerable propertv in Florence. laves, in reply to nnraer- would announce th e nr- Mr. Jam es Brown, of P utsm ou th, V a., late im proved, np-to-date over 90 years of age, suffered for years with a bad sore on his face. P hysician s staff, jew el-aetting and could not help him . D eW itt’s W itch e n t s , by w hich he ia en- rnct d u plicate work for H azel Salve cured him perm anently. altham , E lgin , Rockford, M eyer & K yle. ousands and it will cure sure. M eyer A K yle. K B other firet-clasa w atches nnfacture, so difficult to th e watch m aterial d e a le r ; A LO G G IN G A C C ID sN N . Joseph W hism an was seriously injured in a logging accident on S w eet Creek n eatly executed inono- yesterday. H e was badly bruised and iga at very low prices, ______________ it is thou ght his thigh bone is broken. tin ago, fowl which I ate b ottle o l f f your odol D yspepsia | W ill ay w ent to Gardiner after Dr, P ROP f far K brfakfsst would Cure not end rem ain on B my c m now s a t m y breakfast and other Patterson to attend the injury, stoaaaeh far half an hour. I used one m eals w ith a relish and my food is thor­ M ARRIED. ough ly digesied N othing equals Kodol A t th e hom e of the bride, on North D yspepsia Cure for stom ach trou b les.”— H . « . P itta, A rlington, T ex. Kodol Dys F ork , Tuesday even in g, at 8 o ’clock, Mr. Mpsfa Cere digests what you e a t . ! A. If. N ottage and Mrs. Prudence Saf- ley, R ev. T. A. Y ost officiating. A petition is to be present-I Danger, disease and death follow neg­ KING (1, elegsnri'jj t, most old IDS pd thons •out IrraU lighter; end hsa it os prow * B. Barnett left M onday for a v isit at Salem . ( A cm e C o m m e rc ia l H a ll Friday Evening, June 7,1901 JLOKflBp ia&aaiariSKisaS.- iSaasiSsSSeSSSSSS PROGRAM M E: Music by Acme Orchestra as follows: Ef W W W WW ^«X W W WEf ^Y^ First Violin, - George Thurman Second Violin, . . . . Dee Alexander O r g a n is t ,..................................... Mrs. F, H. Alexander First Cornet, . . . . - George Chamberlin Guitar, - - - - - - J. C. Stingley W e Carry a tom . * Floor Managers—George Peil and Nelson Hewitt, General Committee—W. R. Dilley, George Peil and Nelson Hewitt. Boat will leave Head of Tide 4 r. 7 r. m . sharp. m ., Dry Goods, Dress Goods, and Florence TICKETS, Including Boat Fare and Basket Supper, $1.50 Prints, Muslins, Yarns, Crash, Notions, g Groceries. May be purchased from C. D, Chorpening, Mapleton; Fred C. Peil, Hurd’s Store, lorence, and Edgar Hand, Acme Store. All parties donating baskets will confer a favor on the Woodmen by sending them by Friday’s boat addressed to W. R. Dilley, expenses to be paid by Woodmen. •— fA During the evening light refreshments will be Berved in the hall. Everybody cordially invited to attend, We assure you a good time. BY RAJI A A V IS, Ju n e 5, 1901. The Lizzie Prien was towed down tlie A regular m eeting of the city council river yesterday. was held M onday even in g with Presi­ N iels C hristensen and wife w ere in den t Morris in the chair, and Trustees B rynd, E vans and W eatherson in a t­ tow n Saturday. E . B. M iller, from T en-M ile, was raft­ tendance. M inutes of last m eeting were read and ing lum ber to Glenada during th e w eek. approved. U n cle Syd ney W aite w as dow n o n a The follow ing bills were presented and business trip Saturday. allow ed: G. C. C um pton, m arsh al’s Jam es F lin t cam e over Saturday from salary for April and M ay, $16; P eter the lakes and sp en t a few hours in our Hchreuder, tending street lam ps, $9; O. burg. H . Peterson, for services as special The 8th grade pupils have been un d er­ niglitw atchm an, $6. going a “ torturous” exam in ation a t th e Trustee Brynd called attention to the school house th is w eek. fact th at th e sidewalk on Second street N elson H ew itt and Jam es Bay re­ is in bad condition. The president stated that tlie walk had been construct­ turned from Gardiner, yesterday, after ed by property owners voluntarily, w ith ­ a sojourn of several d ays. Mr. J . O. Shourds, w ho has been at out it being ordered by th e council. After som e discussion th e recorder was Acm e for qu ite a w h ile, left Sunday, directed to give notice by publication bound for C latskanie, C olum bia county. that it is propoeed to have a walk bu ilt Mrs. Capt. Cox, who has been un d er­ on Second street from W ashington street going a siege of sickness, is rapidly re­ near the P resbyterian church w est to covering and is able once m ore to greet M adison street, thence north on the old friends. w est side of M adison street to F ourth R ev. T. A . Yost preached a verv in ter­ street. esting serm on at th is place on Sunday A tem porary crossing on Front street last. H e promised to be w ith us again betw een the W estern H ouse corner and in th e near future. the Odd F ellow ’s property was ordered. Geo. P eil, D . H . O ., M . W . AM lec­ In regard to a special nigh tw atch in an, tured at A lpha schoolhouse on Dead­ it was voted to retain him for a tim e, wood last Friday n igh t. Considerable the president being authorised to d is­ interest was m anifested in the M. W . A . m iss him when it is thought h is services The M. W . A. com m ittee are very bus­ are n ot needed. ily engaged in an effort to m ake their Adjourned. grand ball, June 7, a very enjoyable affair. E verything is being done to FLORENCE WILL C E L E B R A T E - m ake it a success. A S P R A IN E D A N K L E Q U IC K L Y C U R E D -V— -TA -TV Mt toe ^ A T * ^ A ^A ^ A ^A ^^A^^A^^A W e Iray direct from th e L a r g e st Job bing H ouse« M anufacturers in th e oountry, for CASH , s a d w e i to g e t th e L o w e st P rloes, b esid es a lw a y s b ein g su re i ta b lin g first-class goods. ACM E ITEM S. ' w General Merchandise, Patent Medicines, Supper Committee—Mrs. G. E. Gibbs, Mrs. L. V. Stingley, and Miss Rebecca Henderson. COUNCIL PRO CEEDING S- A m eeting of the citizen s of Florence was held iu M. M orris’ b arb ersh op Fri­ day even in g to arrange for a Fourth of July celebration in Florence. George O. K now les was elected chairm an and P h il W. N icolle secretary. On inotiaii it w as voted that we cele­ brate the Fourth of Ju ly in Florence. On m otion it was voted that a com ­ m ittee of three be appointed by the chair to solicit funds for the releb ration. The chair appointed W in. Brynd, Lud- vig C hristensen and H ugh Cassidy as sucli com m ittee. The m eeting then adjourned subject to the call of th e chairm an. Fine and Varied Stock of Chicago and Buffalo en route. M iss L uella Brew ster and parents, of E ugene, were passengers toG lepad a last Sunday on their way to visit relatives on Tsiltcoos lake. M iss Brewster is to teach in th a t vicinity th is sum m er. 'Y* ^Y* ^YW *85 <*Y’ ^Y* ^Y* ^Y^ WW ^^X W ^^X W The Ball will be opened with a grand march by the Woodmen and Royal Neighbors. W e are n o t p a y in g e x p e n se s and w ill s e ll y o u go o d s s t reasonable rates. WESTERN HOUSE W M . B H Y N D , Prop. Everything in connection with the House is New and First-Class. SPECIAL ATTENTION TO We Have a Complete Stock of Boots and Shoes. COMMEBCIAL TBAVELLSBS. The notice of the public is called to our new B A T H R O O M where Hot and Cold Baths may ba had at any time. The Breeder’« Gazette, One ol the beet ell eround term papers of the country, 28 to M paces weekly. Tour pntronago Is always appreciated, and so as Regular Price, $a.oo Per Year. T h e B reeder’s G azette and small your purchases, you may rant assured Ik will be our i T hb W aim to soil you the best Roods obtainaUe at reasonable prloee. est * * * S2.5O Per Year. gt » w $9 oo SALARY vXXw MEYER &ZYLE Men and women of good address to rapraal us, some to travel appointing ageuts, othen for local work looking after our Interests. Seoe anlary reerly; lesions . guaranteed ________ re . . extra comm „ ___ . and exprnam. rapid advancement, old estub- Ibhed bouM. Grand chance for eameet man el woman to eecure pleannt, , Pei permanent - k - - „ r poaltlon - a - .x - liberal Income and fu----- -------- brilliant -------- uture. New, Un Write et once. * * * « STAFFCK’' PRESS. » 3 C h urch A t ., N aw H a v a s, C o a W ANTED.—Capable, reliable pereoa Is every county to represent larva company of sol financial reputation: IMS salary per year, paya­ ble weekly; *8 per day absolutely sure end all expeueee: etrei(ht, oons-fide, deflnlte salary, no commleeion; «alary paid each Heturday and ex­ pense money advanced each weak. STANDARD UOUMR. S8t bBAAAOSM S r ., L'MICAOO. Or H o v e Q lw a y s N elson 's arm is healing and prom ises to give no further trouble, than is ordi­ WANTED—TBU8TW OBTHY MEN AMD WO narily expected under the circum ­ men to travel and edvertiae for old eetablithed stances. They report th e lum ber busi­ bouae of «olid fiuanclal atandinf. Salary 8789 A ness qu ite active at G ardiner. year and expenses, all payable In cash. No can I. B. C ushm an returned from E ugene voaalnf required. Ulve references end eneloee self-eddreaaed stamped envelope. Address Man­ late Saturday even in g. H e, in com pany ager, 888 Caxton bldg, Chicago. w ith Mr. Burrell and w ife, cam e down from M apleton on th e L illia n . T he lat­ C O U N T Y SC H O O L F U N D . ter report a very pleasant visit in San Francisco. County School S u p erin ten d en t W . M . Im provem ents ars still being added at ' tbe o u i|, mnn m ill. A saw -filing d ep srt- M iller hag m ade the follo w in g appor­ tionm ent of th e l a n e cou n ty school 1 m ent and store-house are in the course fu n d : 0 , construction. J . I. Butterfield and 161 icliool d iitrlcta $60 c a s h ., . .$7660 00 F. H . A lexander are the carpenters in 10 joint school d istr ic ita ............... 275 24 T otal am ount apportioned. $7826 24 School d istr icts N o. 126, 164 and 166 lepeed. D istrict N o. 106 baa forfeited ita ap­ portionm ent. T O O UR P A T R O N «. W e h ave m ade arrangem ents by which we w ill furnish th e W eekly Oregonian with th e W est for on e yaiar Io any address for the sum of tv.c d<>l- Ian javah le cash in advan ce. on Hand a P in « ^ to o ll o f G r ç p e E r ç jE g , © ry c b , r 6H o t t he ssm s.__________ ‘At one tim e I suffeied from a severe • A re T e • KMaere » Dr. Robba' S p a r.a u . Pillaci! re a ll kid nay Ilia. 8*W- sprain of the a n k le ,” says Geo. E . Cary, rne free. Add SWrflM Bem odj Co . C kleeee e t IL f. editor of th e G uide, W ashington, Va- “ After using several well recom m ended GENERAL NEW S. m edicines without success, I tried C h am ­ berlain’s Pain Balin, and am pleased to nre of citizens in every lect of tlie bow els. U se D eW itt’s L ittle gay th at relief cam e ns soon as I began A I-ondon dispatch of Ju n e 4 reports state shortly, asking the Early K isers to regulate them and yon . ¡tg age ftn,j n com plete cure speedily fol- th at a British com m and was surprised of fish com m issioners to will add years to your life and life to lowed . ” Sold by O W . H urd. by th e Boers and lost 200 m an. (per C olum bia to fishing your years Easy to take, never gripe G overnor M cSw seney, of Sooth C aro­ AD VERTISED LET TERS- I m ade that it will be for the Meyer