a remark tu llm u «liu «ire waUbing which caused them to think that he would be book in a few moments. By There’« no season when good tli$ limo they realized that they had (Kro,‘ Oi'B HEGcutu OoRiticsroxbBST ) ¡ ünh£âlthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood. » p o a u e u s o »♦■» ay raipxv «u»xuiu.— medicine is eo atuch- needed as in been fouled he had walked rapidly out A ll the blood in your body passes through Spring, end there’s no medicine of town nniiiuleated, ootiiiug toward vour kidneys onCe every three minutes. W vsijisotox , May 27,1901. —AT— ” not witll Ulig. opened the D o c t o r s * “ C a t lVnps.** vice Commissioner Rodenburg, and »Ireet to the south-east corner The “cat naps” Indulged In by the O B IT U A R Y jugular vein witll a knife, and tiie Chief Examiner Serven, will sail from late Dr. William Pepper constituted a fi, iq Miller's Addition to Florence; ground was saturated witli blood, San Francisco on June 6 for Honolulu, standing Joke among his intimate theooe to tiie west side of Madison "After rifling tiie |iocket8 of Iris viw- Died, at tiie home of her eon, L. C i frleuds. He had the faculty of going street, and thence to .he north si « rance would never have Leen j m.riie,! to A. R. Buttolph, of F lo ,-, , tUotion. flnrove M. Unowledge ! H ity, improve ids digestion and make liim 1 »nee, who survives her. ' of the English language. Present indi- ' Allowed to hang loosely over the arm of feel like a new man. Price, 25 cents. solved. “ But two sons of Josse McQuigg were j She was stricken with ,___ paralysis . ____ No­ , Hamplea free at O W Hurd 'a drug store the chair. Then he dozes off, but It is picking salmon berries in tiie vicinity ' vember ti, 1900, and never regained her cations are tiiat no objection will be never more than a doze, for the mo­ ' and saw the murderer digging, foitu- ' health, la tiie latter pait of April she made to tiie visit by tliis government, ment hlS fingers relax the keys drop to W ANTKO. ' nately for tlioin, without his knowledge, was removed to the home of tie r son on but permission will not be given until the bare floor, acting as an alarm clock. A sober, Indnstrione man to help me They went home, but later in tlie day up|*r Nortli Fork and remained there tlie fall. Tb« federal party in tiie Phil- ' It la scarcely a nap—just a brief re- carry tba mail between Gardiner and taxation of the mental and bodily were near tiie spot in search of cattle until called away from earth. i, , , . . . . . Glenada, For further particulars call , . . » , • ippines lias already selected two native faculties. The doctor calls It his siesta, and went to see what the man had been i The , funeral I was held Sunday, services 1 • i or address W. H. Sxavii’h, doing Digging down iu tiie fresli dirt being conducted by Rev. T. A. Yost, and delegates to come to tiie United Mxtei and If he misses it he soys he doesn't Glentda, Ure, they soon uncover«»! part of a man's giie wng |a¡j tQ rest In t)ie Masonic Cent» to study American institutions— Don feel quite himself for the rest of tho day.—Philadelphia Record. body, aud then they went licnie and etery in a spot the bad chosen for tliis Tomas del Rosario and Don Joee Abre- FURS w a n t iq . told their fattier. parpwe. an, both lawyers, the latter, wbo speaks ■ d e r a t e T o n r R o w e l» W it h C a ir a r e tt. “ Mr. MeQ’iigg reported tiie matter at Mrs. Huttoipli became a member of I w r ’y î i ' j «1’*™ «0" ' “ patlon torvrer. Til« hlgbret cash prie« paid lor all Qoquille at once and tiie body waa un- tiie Methodist obiireli when quite young English well, is now in the Uoitod ■asse, l i c e o . teil.dracs iit» roteadinooer. kinds of (lira aud bides. e a rl lied and removed to Coquille that and for many years was a very earnest State« taking a course of international BALL Beauty of finish, quality of material, eieg»Bt,lJj G. C . C l'M P T O N . NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION night. Next morning a coroner's jury worker in tiie cause of religion. law. Neitlier of these men lias at any BEARINGS, tiie finest workmanship, tl.e simplest, most AlfUfley'a Meat Market, Florence, Or was empaneled, but in the ntsantime like a bicycle, Her sorrowing relatives bare tiie lime been connected with the revolt. best of attactiinents, easy payments, old in* land once at Roseburg. Oregon. make tiie A «nrgt al operation is not neos-ary facts had tiecomc known which pointed 1 sympathy of a large number of friends. June a, m il. Ex-Senator Mitcliell, of Wiaoontin, in exchange, one million five hnndred thons Nutter is hrrrhj- given that the toltowlng-namcd "WHITE” to care piles- P- W i l l ' s Witch Haael to strongly toward 1 audit that it is said , users, thirty years of success, courteous trssU who has been in Europe for two years • rttlrr has filed notice of his Intention to mskr that 8l|«i iff Ualliar tried to get author!- , A GOOD OOUOH M KDICINC. tiie Easiest B«|re ta«w all M*at «vp«n«e and never more can you ask? It apeeks well for Ctiamherudn's with hie family, is in Washington to final proof in support ot his claim, nnd thet Running (Ails. Beware of eounterfeiia. Meyer ty from Deputy Prosecuting Attorney said proof will be rns.lr before M erit L. Ware Hluclair 10 arreet tla man. Sinclair. Congh Remedy that druggists use it in visit hi» ton, who was recently promoted f . 8. Couimlssinnrr st Kugene, Oregon on July Machine Id -p ? » Bievclre mu lighter A Kyto. ______________ however, eevins Io have been unable to ' dreir own familiee in preference to any from the rank«, in wliioh he served in 1&. ISOl, vis: (Ha N. Plrrcr on his H. E. No. ' * " most durablv and hsad Made TO THE DfcAF believe that Landis was tire right uran, Í other. 7717 for the w ', nr*;, a » ' , »r>;, n»*» sw 'i se ct “ 1 have «old Chamherlain’s on tiie market. Call or write and let os pro»* I Cuba and the Philippine*, to be a first H. L 19 r. ft w. Omgh Remedy for Ilia past five veers A rteii latir oured of her Deafnene and and decline,! to take any «tepe* lieutenant, and who le now stationed at He aemrs the following wllnrstrs to p o r , “Then it is seid the sheriff set a man witli complete sati-faetlon to myaeif and Noieee ln tbe H e*l hy Pr. Nh*holamt*a| hl» conUnuon, trsidence upon aud ositi ration ¡ customers," says Druggist J. Goldsmith, ) Fort Meyer, jnet aeroee the Potomac. ’ I ! of. Artlflelal liar Drama, gara $10,000 to l.is to shadow I aih H s . said land, »Is: ' Tiw latter teems Io have bean fully , Van Ktlen, N. Y. “ I hare alway« "««I Mr, Mitcliell, who speaks German and rrrdrteh U R,„, W11|tanl „ R Instituí«, so lite» people enable 10 aware that tuepiviou was directed toward it ia say own family both for ordinary French fluently, «aid daring an interest­ end Ernia W. JnAtcw sfi ot Alms. Ia n « t o., priM'iirr llm Kar Drums may hav» them , 300-306 Pont Street, San Francisco, Cal. free. Address No. 10573-e. The Meli Iura. Gern« to hie I«Rei. he west up to correità nod eolde and for tiro cough fol­ ing coaverealion about hie European J T B mdobw , atom Inetitutn, T«), Eighth Avenue, li ia room, loot hit pietols and coming inwlug la grippe, and find it efficacious observation«; " During the two years 1 ! out tiie hack way, making For aale by 0 . W. Hurd. dow n ] Kcciaur Maat Yart W. N- A. x ' a lx l Üoixler in hibo Sewing M.uihinod, A w m T H E W E S T / Spring -Medicine W.H.WEATHERSON| Hood's S arsaparilla NOVELTIES AND FANCY C O O lJ * Braids and Gimp Trimming, Gold and Silver Ci Peculiar to Itself LADIES9 B E L T S!! SE E T H E M SEE] T H E United States Commissioner LATEST Si M OF LADIES’ AND MISSES' GLO LACES AN D E M B R O ID E R ! Children’s Waists in Sizes to Suit. Latest in Cents’ Collars and Coif Shi IN FACT Y O T J Z F tS T R U L Y O .W .H U R CARMAN’ CHEAP CASH STOKE! Drv Goods, * Croceries ir and A- Not!« FLORENCE MEAT MARKET. ........ Just Ooened.. Goods as Reoresente; THE W HITE IS KINÖ WHITE SEWING MACHINE COMPAfl! B D.