F o r I n f a n ts a n d C h ild re n . “ Crying for ihe Moan 5> H a * b e c o m e a pro- y e rb ia j 'p h r a s e to e x ­ p r e s s th e fu tility o f I m e re d e s ir e . T h e re I are a g re a t m a n y oeo- frte >4to£tliink it » ks useless to hope lo r h e a l th .* to c ry fo r th e m o o n . T h e y I ia w trie d m ;h ty la e d id n e s b u d m an y j j p t to p s J?gt a ll in v ain . A g r e a t m a n y h o p e le s s in c h a n d w o n ie p h a v e becu c u red bv the use fit Or. Pieray’s G o ld e n M e d ic a l Ijrffccovsry; people w ith obstinUtc cough», b le e d in g lu n g s , n ig h t- sweats a ud o th e r sym ptom s o f disease w h ic h if n e g le c te d o r u risk ill fu lly tre a te d fin d a fatal ¿«»nni n a tio n in c o n s u m p tio n . • •G o ld e n M e d i a l D is c o v e r/? has a w on­ d e r fu l h e a lin g ^ o w e r. i t increases the p u tr itio n o f the body, «and so g iv js strength to th ro w oia- «oveyy " w ill f th< cough and h em orrhage of .. . hut after u siug yo u r m edicine a w hile 1 com m enced to g a in in stre n g th an d flesh, and stopped cough- lu g rig h t away. Took about six txittlcs of the G otdeu Medical D iscovery’ th en , an d last sp riu g I had G rippe, an d it settled,©« m y lung», leaving me w ith a severe cough. I had the doctor, but he d id n 't seem to h e lp me a n y ; so I cotnnicwvffdvonr m ed­ icine- again a n d took thtVe o r four b attles of th e ‘ Discovery ’ and tw o vials o f Dr. H erce’s Pel­ lets, and th a t s tra ig h t­ en ed me up. I feet like • different p e r s o n . I « ’•diy, recom m end your inedlciiie to all suffer- • rs , for I k in > w u cured r * ‘ Dr. Piero.-.’» Pleas­ ant Pellctr cure con­ stipation by curing JLs tcauac. D^IRY f a r m FOR SALE. A flue dairy farm on Maple creek six ... , , U es , Irou. F l o r a e , is now offered Nr It contains 160 seres, 35*01 it bottom land and 30 acres have been plowed. Can cut 36 tons ¿¿f hay. £ good two story house 2li by 38 feet; a barn 44 by JO leet, with heavy frame; a goat house 16 by 40 feet; an orchard of about 500 trees ol different kind's of fruit l.as been i . , , ■ ' i |xariu g to r g yeaf 'V 1*0. A wktir wheel of nbout 8 horse power fam ishes luotivH power at tho born tor rutting teoil, ssn iiig wood, eie. The turiii is J / .n'le from eeliool n u t, mile Uoui n Couiity nsul. Price »lOtlO, A baigsin tor snybotly wanting a K |s r m . For further iutorinetion inquire Ht (lie Florence Resl E«i»le Agency1. A STOCK FARM- A $o;,J i.tQidt /inn. «I i o O seres lying on South slough is now offered tor sale. About h sl, of it is bottom xml title land, ^lie tide I hui ) being nlreudy dikgd. A new house, an orcluird of over 2'X) trees on the piece, sn.l sbo.it tlQO.OOQ teet of good timber vouveniently situated for logging. Extensive out range. About Î 5 head of cattle, most of them cows, with the land. Price $3,tX)t), including stock. Inquire nt the Flqrence Real E state Agency. T H E ACT O F A H ER O . l i e S o a l e h e t l aa I . l i e O nt o f * M o liv i, M v lu l. Pont of Turee men came up carrying a long Iron shaft, wiileh had been cut in twq, to that an Iroti ring could lie Inserteil between tint two halves. Au empty crucible a foot wide and deep hung In Ihe ring. The forward end of the (Mile held a cross bar, making It. ns It were, & huge T. Two men held the T |>art of the pole; the tiilrd grasped the rear end. The eruellde hung lietween. The Remainder of the molten metiil from ♦ lie caldron was tjjiped Into one cruci­ ble, and the men trotted off with It, tho tw o In frout with strained faces, tho man Iwhlnd driving them complacent­ ly, tho oddest tealn In the world. lie kt,«««red them thfotfgh a doorway, nud ♦hey emptied thi'lr crucible Into a small ld. A h they went they kept Step lu unusual manner. Instead of xtep- ng out fight foot with right foot tho ft man's right leg nud the right mail's ft leg weut forward together, knee Itb knee, foet with foot. Wo asked W H E N D O GS A R E S IC K . T h e W a r t o G iv e, S l e t l l e l n e t o T h e . a ■ I lK h lr B e lie f,tv « - P a t i e n t s . W h u t T ip s D u . In all treatment of a sick dog re­ member you are dcuH/ig with a highly sensitive anil nervous patient. He very gentle, avoid roughness o r ' anything likely to alarm him. In giving him any liquid mcdiclin» do not open his mouth, but. plating him.’ between your knees, with his ftice looking lu the same, dlrcc- I lion as your op u , gently raise hla Jaw p u t, (Hilling his lips aw ay front his t etli oil one Hid« of his mouth, to form I. cup or funnel, very slowly (Hiiir from I ottle or spoon the quantity he Is to have Into it. K eep his head raised for a minute or two a id If he does not swallow the i iloso li^ert a spoon between his front teeth; ' This will have the effect of drawing off his attention from tile medicine mid he will usually swallow ut ouce._ IF the dose Is a pill, bolus or anything solid, hold Ids lu-ad the same way as before mentioned, but with the left hand under lower Jaw, pn-ss flrinly pn each side with thumb and Auger at , the Junction of upper aud lower Jaws. This will usually cause him to open bis mouth, when the dose should b- put Into the mouth as far back as possible over the tongue (or he will spit ft out) and d o se the Jaws somewhat sharply, and In most cases the deed Is done. If any trouble arises with the action of his front paws this may be got over by wrapping him round with u shawl or coarse apron. When ouce you have got Into the way of It, you will be surprised how simple It Is. I am quite sure a praetlceil own­ N e w O ld J o k e s . er or kennelsman would dose n doaen “Is there nuy new Joke under the dogs while a novice was making a bungle over one.—“All About Dogs,” sun?” asks George Augustus Saia, an English Journalist and special corre­ fiy Charles Henry Lane. spondent. “I doubt there being one very grave­ T H E COLLAR B U TTO N , ly,” be answers mid tells two anec­ I t s B le a a t n a a R e a l i s e d O n ly b y T ta o a e dotes to support this skepticism. W h o l l s v , L iv e d W ith o u t I t. An Intelligent Greek who acted as “In lookiug over a trunk full of old Mr. Enin's guide while visiting Athens truck the other day," said the elderly related to 1dm as a modern Greek Joe man, "I came across a lot of old shirts Mlllerisin the story of a lawsuit. A the but,()ni( #u , (leaf plalutlff sued a deafer defendant looked at them 1 real lied anew what before tlie deafest Judge In all Greece. collar button means to humanity, The plaintiff ehtlmed so ninny hundred There have been greater Inventions, draclimus for rent that was due. The purely, but not ninny that have con- defendant pleaded that he never forred a more unmixed blessing on ground his corn nt night. Tint judge in giving Judgment observed: “Weil, she’s mankind. “The younger person o f today, ac- your mother, after all. You must keep cu.tome.1 to the collar button always, her between you.” “When I got borne I found,” writes cannot reullzc what It was to be wlth- out It. He can never know what it Mr. Sain, “tills apparently up to date wng , o ],nve nhtrts with the buttons triad of ludicrous non sequlturs In a pewM on—or uot, as tlic cune might collection of ancient Greek epigrams.” There used to be told a story of Sher­ be. Not so very inniij- yei nrs »go, when the collar button wna yet comparative­ idan Knowles, the ilrurnntlsL who was ly uew, before persons had come to a first rate hand at Irish bulls, meeting keep, as everybody commonly tloee oue of twin brothers and asking him, now, a lot of buttons ou band, the man I “Which o f ye Is the other?" Mr. Saia compares this with the sto-, tvbo bail lost tils collar button thought Jilinself entitled to thu symi>athy of Ids ry of that very ancient Jester, Hler- fellows, but wrung us lie might he by oeles: “Of twins, one died. Skolnstlkos, tluit loss he could uot even guess at the anguish that In the sewed on but­ meeting the survivor, asked him, 'Was ton days filled the heart o f the man It you who died or your brother?' wllo, when he came to put ou his last Youth's Companion. clean shirt, found that key huttou, the A P r a c tic a l J o k e . one ou the collar hand, most Important H e was a wng anil wns passing a one of all, goiio entirely or only Just large draper'»- shop In Manchester. banging by a threat« I knew a nuin once who bad this There, drawn up. wore three or four to llni, swear. That vehicles, and among them was a closed wits tire? only grent tiling he ever did, brougham with the driver fast asleep hut I have alw ays thought that that on the box. Evidently the mistress alone was enough to stamp him as a was Inside the shop. Without a word most extraordinary man.“—New York the wag stole quickly up and. opening the curriuge door, carefully slammed it Suu. to. In an lust ant the coachman strnlghtened himself up nml gazed iqi D itc h e d t h e n ia h o p . “I remember once driving across tho tin« street as If he had never seen any­ eouutry with Bishop ---- ,” writes ltov. thing more Interesting to look nt In his t ’yrus Tow nsend Itrady of “A llsslou- life. Then he stole a look over his nry lu the Grent West” lu tho I hu II os ' shoulder nnd saw the wug standing, Homo Journal, "while discussing the lint In hnud. apparently conversing nature of the soul. That Is. tho bishop with some one Inside the carriage. “Thank you. yes. Good morning,” was dlseusslng. I was only prompting by a quest Ion now anil then. Wo were said the practical Joker and bowed or. the rear sent of n wagon, with the biniselCgrneefttlly away from the door, driver ou the front seat. It was a turning ns he did so to look nt the very durk night. In the middle of the couehmun and say. “Home!” "Yes. sir! Teh! (Jet up!" nml away bishop's exposition the wagon took a wild plunge, there was a crash, and went the brougham “home.” Where that “home" was, who the over we weut luto the muddy ditch. “ 'I beg your purdon. gents!' said the mistress of the carriage was or what driver, who had retained control of tho she did or said when she enme out of horses ns we seramliled to our feet. ‘I the shop or what the eonehuinn did or wns so Interested lu lienrln the man sahl when he otopped at the door of (llacttaalo inv Immortal soul, which 1 “home” nnd found the carriage empty hardly ever knoweil that I had oue he- —all that only the coachman and the fore, that I eleau forgot where we was laily kuow.—I.oudoti Tit-Bits. anil drove you plump luto the ditch.' ” A C l e v e r B lin d M an , The New Orleans Tlmes-Democrat The other morning Joues turn««d up tells of a blind man lu n southern city at the ottlee even later than usual. who goes to till« (HistoiHee every day Ills employer, tired of wultlug for him, carrying a small, light riding whip, had himself set about registering the which he holds slightly luellned to the day's trunsaetlous, usually . I ones' Uvst front, with the tip Just touching the duty. The enraged uierrhnut lu 111 hla pavement. Ills sense of touch has be­ why “That,” sahl our »t)ldo, "Is to iMfovont |wn aside very dclltieralely nnd said to come so delicate that the whip Is al­ ♦hem from tripping, i f they should Junes, very sternly ludet.««!, “Jones, thia most an artificial eye. When the |>elut |a ll. you know, thut metal would i>out will not do!” en««ounters anything, he makes a few "No. sir,” replied Jones gently, draw­ sw ift passes ever the surface and gen­ bvdr ♦Mm." ’ “Of course such a tiling never hap- ing o ff Ills eont as lie glaueed over hit erally deterpilnes the exact character employer's ahouliler,'"lt will not. You of the ohstaele. It Is done so quickly rev. It dhl once. Gt»' «>f the men have entered .McKurken’s order In the and deftly as to attract no attention, w ent down. The other Jumped clear, wroug tKxik. Far better to have wait­ and few passers have the least suspi­ cion of the old tnan'a Infirmity. When put the fellow on tin« floor swaiu in It.” ed till I ca u ter— I'earson’a Weekly. he reachea the post ottlee, he turns un­ "Horrible! Gf course lie died instant­ hesitatingly. nionnts the middle stairs, A T M le v » « ’ T r i c k . ly, poor litan?” • «-K ’« the foreman of the carrying A . mastiff w as trained to assist walks over to the lock boxes and with­ "No; pang, taking lit Ilio gltua t loti, made (hleres In Parts. I t was In the habit out any frellng aroueil thrusts a key Btreral terrific leaps for him. Juinpei) i t Imundlug against old gentlemen aud Into the right aperture. ht Into tho uihldlo of It. picked him kntx-klng them over In the street. A A a i t n n a O n ly A k o n t O n e T b l n * . and threw Idin out o f It Inxlfly. "lady” nnd "gentlemnu”—owners of The ghastly rider ou llic white horse Then he' Jumped clear himself, wlfh the dog—would then step forward to the « tu ff' dropping' from his shoes. assist «bo Uufortuuale |H«d«-strlan to stopped at the gate. “I am Death." he e.-tld to the sick T hey both went to the hospital, hut rise', and while doing m would «*»• him man who was watching from the win­ they era all right uow. Heroic, Wasn't of hla watch au«l purm. dow. ■ 1 By the 'way. that's him, tho fore- l^Vhwr. C 'laaa. "Tou are weteome,” replied the latter L n Jim 11.. hver theiS uow. lie t^inl «ayrraa-Ita Llvrua — Ah, but and addi-d tn a whisper: “If you value ttlll looktn£ aftt-r those fellow».* *■ W e looked o ter b> where a big mus­ yriur leisure claw « In thia country Jour life, don’t l««t my w ife ae«> you Late no titles. tying your horse to that tree. She’d cular fellow wka directing k gang o f Ml«« »harp«—Notirenrel What'« the never let nnybody do that."— Philadel­ manipulating molten metal. He not disfigured, and bo did not look matter with “boho.” "Wc«ry Willi«," phia Press. “Dusty lloads.” and so out— Philadel­ Ike a hero, but thereafter the grime Our learning la so long la getting and bat covered him eeemed uoble tndO»«d, phia I'reaa. ao very Imperfect that the greateat od he would not say a word of hla Wear«« as H aa«. clerk knows not the thousandth part of »M t When w e «Aught to talk with » in | “DM you «v»r reflect on th« I idid «-»- what be la Ignorant.—Jeremy Taylor. ,lx>u< I t ‘ But Jim ft. will prolmhly alty of th« «otar system?” iero# Want for a Job aa long aa Bald- I "No. I*v« gut D )f m tn j foil reflecting Anatrella. It Is estimated. Is capable Hart to w ix ilu g . -fr u m an Article on on tb« ffi«« ol t»« not« I hav« to pay supporting a t toast 1O0.0DO.00O tn- ha Baldwin Leeomotlve Work« to next weak.“—Cleveland M ain Dealer. bltanta. ' ‘ ' ” • • * frank Leslie's Popular Mouthly. i&uh I**. «»»♦«* --»•*« • •• t t t t B e tte r to l l » v r W o lt v d . r.#. e U te { C The Kind You Have Always Bought AVcgvtable Preparationfcr A s- siinilaiing (te Fecdnnd Regufa- li ng ih? Stowachs and Bowels of A man who lives on an up town street where the houses cost from $25,- (»00 up w as surprised not long ago by seeing a man known to nil New York­ ers who patronize n well known res- tuurunt coming from a bouse several doors below him with an nir of proprie­ torship. This restaurant employee stood on the sidewalk for a few mo­ ments and gazed admiringly at his lioilse and then at Its respectable neighbors. For many yeurg he has been connected w ith a certain New York restaurant as an attendant, and Ills fees have been generous, li e knew all its patrons by name, anil his polite­ ness anil eagerness to render service have inade him well ltkcd. Wondering If this restauranjt attendant, whom he knew only by his first name, could by any possibility have rented a house on that street, the old resident euuie out to satisfy his curiosity. “Hello,” he said. “What are you do­ ing up here?” “Good morale*, Mr. Blank,” said the restaurant attendant. “How do you like my new house? I have Just bought It because I think thut my fam­ ily will like this neighborhood. You are perhaps aware that my tips have I icon generous for many years, nml I can now afford to live In this house very easily.” His questioner had no objection to him as u neighbor, and he congratulat­ ed the restaurnnt attendant on his prosperity. The house had actually been bought by tips, for Its owner’s salary probably averaged about $15 a week.—New York Sun. Prom otes Digeslion.CheerfuF- n e ss and Rest.Contains neither Opium.Morphine nor Mineral. N ot N a r c o t ic I want to Inform yea, In words of highest praise, of the benefit X hove derived from Rips ns Tubules. I am a professional nurse and In this profesjlon ¿- elckr bead Is a’wny» needed. Ill pans Tcbules doe» it. After one of my cos e s l ely foandn run down. Acting n the advice of il* Ueo. B er, Ph. 6fJ3 Nfw rk Ave., Jersey City, I t’»*k Rlpnns lahul. 3 With gruud results. MU j UkidlR WIX DM AM . Bears tho Signature «Essæ sm nsnas of . Mother was troubled with h e a r t b u r n uod »1 u-pleso’iOB». cauecd by Indigestion, for a good many weara. Oue dny »ho saw a testim onial la the paper lcdoraing K lp u n s Tabulea. bho determined to give them o f t>ht UrM Kl'a.nTGHUt fS ir .y J iiu S e t t i ' A ix . S e fin s i * f a n k t ll s S tillt - /tp b e tn Ù H b - In Use For Over Thirty Years _ Ui CariMuUeSeda + WrfpSetiL- Aperfétl Remedy forConslipn- llo n , S o u r Stomach,Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish­ n e ss and L o s s O F SLEEP. Fac Stmile Signature of NEW YORK. . A t.b l i m n Ih " » « > U t J j 1) O S É S - T J L L N I i V I have beon suffering from headache» * «Ince I wua a little ^IrL X could never rbUp ear or go luto plnco w ithout gett|*> hm lr.ci.cand »lck «totnaeli. 1 hentdatS Rlpaas Tabulea iroM R -I-P -A -N S mint of mine who taking them for cab of tho stomach. Shoo g found such relief I llndr uao shcadvlseejl T h e m o d e rn s ta n d ­ t o ln k o th e m too, s»j have »’ecu doing*o s last October, aud t a r d F a m ily M e d i­ euy tin y have compfl ly cured my heudacf c in e : C u r e s th e I atn tw enty nine y«< old. You are w»la c o m m o n e v e r y - d a y -» to use thia testtnuc V Mr». J. BaookMXapMltC U tor ill o f h u m a n i t y . My seven year old |u p rQ «uffured w ith pubis IS r his head, conallpot|^^™ aud complained or | stomach. IIo could I t , eat like ohlldreu o f t Ijrose 4 ago do and ». did eat did not aggS9| w ith him. Ho wa» 11 * and o f a saffron « oU H Bending some of the testim onials In favor ■ Ripaus Tabules, 1 tried them. Rlpans TubuJe« ■ ■ - only relieved but actually cured my youhgst|M the headaches have «reappeared, b>wu)f are good condition and bo never compiuins of stomach. He Is now a red. chubby faced boy. T l w onderful change 1 a ttrib u te to Itlpana Tabttlf I am satisfied that they will benefit any one (fi tho cradle to old age) If taken according to dlr^ tlons. R. W. 1 a trial, was g r o a t ly relieve*! by their use a n d n o w t a k e s th e Tabulea regularly. She keep« n few carton» Ripon» Tabulea In the house and say» she will not be w ith ­ out them. The heartburn nud sleeplessness have disappeared with the lndlge«tl«‘» which wns formerly »o great a burdeu 'o r her. Our whole family take the Tabulea regularly, especially after a hearty meal. My mother is fifty years of age and Is enjoying the best of health and spirits ; also eats hearty meals, an impossibility before she took His*.’« Tabuloa. A ston H. B laokmm . A new .«Tie packet eontolnliu- n , « r u n I t n n M packed In a paper carton (w ithout (IM .) la now for Thta low-priced .ort I. Intended for the poor and the eoonomloah dow n of the flre-eeht cartons (ltd tohnleo) oan bo had by m ail by sending forty-eight c e n t, to tho Rn, C r o u c h ConrasT, No. to Spruce Street, tie^r V o r k -o r a »ingle carton (IEN l a t l.M) w ill be eont for H r. Bxp.na TanuLBS m ay alao bo had of aomo grocora, general atorekeepora, newa agent» and a t a om , liquor r »bnpa. They banish pain, Indues sleep and prolong life. Ous gives relief. at acme drue .to r e , -roa n v r caars CISTORU s I have been n great sufferer from com^ for over (h e year». N otblnf gave mo uny, yty in t aud leg* and abdom en r/ern bhi»3 I could nut weur shoe« on niy feet end only¿3 drew. I suw lllpano-TabuIe» a d v a rtl» » U dully paper, bou -h t »omv and took them m i * f I. Have token them «bout threo week» anCj i-. ueh a change! 1 am not constipated any, t id I on e it ail to ltlpans Tubules. I a .a t^ H «oven year» old. hove uo occupation, houtehold unties and nursing my alck lie in s h«d the dropsy and I «in trying Tabulc* for him. He feel» »<>ino better b u tfc S take lum e time, he has been alek »oloug/jQH izay u»«.u.y icttar and name a« you Hire. Ur». M aly G o . imam C la J | I bare u»o muoh »ada- fociloo that I can cbaertttUf roaoruBund them. Have boeu troubled iur uboat three year» w ith ove-deserilx‘d lands are requested to file th e ir c la im s in th is office on or before said 7 day of A ugust, 1901. J. T. B ridges , R egister. N O T IC E FOR P U B L IC A T IO N . U n ited States Land Office, R oseburg, Oregon, A pril 23, 1901. N otice is hereby giv en th a t in com pliance w ith th e provisions of th e act of Congress of J u n e 3,187«, e n title d “ A n act for th e sale of tim b e r lands in th e States of C alifornia, O regon, N evada a n d W ashington T errito ry ,” os e x te n d ­ ed to all th e P u b lic Land States by a c t of A ugust 4, 1892, J o h n Joyce, of G ardiner, county of Douglas. S tate of O regon, has th is day filed in th is office h is sw orn s ta te m e n t No. 1-V»7, fo r th e p u rch ase of th e se’4 nw»4, lo t7 ,n e* ; nw>e m ade before Marie L. Ware, U, S. C om m issioner, at Eugene, Oreu’ -n, I on J u n e 27.1901, viz: s m ith L. Taylor. 011 II. E. 8155 for th e lots 1. 2, sw.‘ i n e ’ 4 See. 5. Tp'. 17 S., ] 10 150 acres mostly tlmhe. lain! lying in section 13, township, 18 south, range 10 west. About three acres cleared, A creek large enough to float logs runs through the land. Price $550. 1 H e nam es th e f«»llowlng w itnesses to prove A tract of about 50 acres fronting on c o 'itin u o u s residence upon am i c u ltiv a tio n u his ‘........... of, said la n d , viz: d e a r lake three miles south of Florence F rederick M. T u ck er nnd F rank E. T aylor, of A fair house and about five acres cleared. Reed, O regon; W. I,. P helps and J. W o rth in g ­ to n , of M apleton, Oregon. A good wagon road from the place to J. T , B rid g e s . R e d a t e r . the Siuslaw river at Glcnada. A fine place for a summer residence. Price B A N N E R M A N ’S PHENYLE $500. T h e M ost P o w erfu l D isin fe ctan t, A tract of a little over two acres of D eodorizre and G erm icide K now n to M odern Science bottom land between Florence and Acme, lying on tidewater near Rose CURBS Hill cannery. A lair house on the land. Hog Cliokrs, A fine place for gardening or raising Swine PUinif, offered for an y m a c h in e ITmt w lflM small fruit. Price $125. Worm, lite, as great ran g e of w ork, a n d do it Hj 160 acres of land near d e a r lake lying cm ily au«l well a s e a n be d o n e ou I* aud Ciak-r-d in section 11, township 19 south, range Sire Moath. 12 west. Price $250. . ) A V I S N O T IC E F O R P U B L IC A T IO N . B A N N E R M A N ’S P H E N Y L V , o, 112 acres unimproved land lying on aifltewper, pink eye, llntuki, - he; V n ite il States Land Office, also m ange on ilugs. the north side of Clear lake 2Ja miles V E R TI C A L F E E D R oscbiire, Oregon, E A N N F R M A N 'S 3 ci of foot rot, and i s s i n e d e a t h t o >$»« c u ti<- south of Florence. A good w agon road LASiJy M hjt H , 1901. applied and never fails. from it to the Siuslaw river. Price $600. N otice is herehy giv en th u t in com pliance M a c h i, YOUR F R U I T ’ i S ■3 3 \Y . i i. Phonyle, which absolutely destroy« » 138 acres of land at Elmira, Oregon. w ith th e provisions of th e a c t of Congress oi aud Insects. J u n e s , 1S7O, e n title d “ An s e t for th e sale of B A N N E R 1IA ] I S P H E N Y L E of n riia- f t • th e public fc* . A l«ox house, good barn, and plenty of tim b e r lands^in tlie S ta te s of C alifornia, Oregon in fectan t i- uneq pd, lt-i\ii»L ‘teen • 12 th e past fifteen ¿ and w i.i be f 1 ut-eful iu ex ery : outbuildings on premises; 6 acres N evada, a n d W ashington T errito ry ,’’ ns e year-* ^ b li.-sh m eir it nt pin eanit «r<,- a u th o iit ÌT H A S N O T B E E N CLAI# of health orchard, 16 acres in cultivation, 10 e x te n d e d to a ll th e P u b lic fjin d States by net clan*, over the Uni: | s ta te - > ed by th e City of A u gust 4 , 1X92. Coni M. Staples, of M apleton, over »even vc«*rs. »1- « i many larce stock taiee'm pro v in g th e DAVIS acres more cleared land, and 80 acres j throughout the United s , , I e n u n ty of Lane, S ta te of Oregon, has th is day in equally guar »nteed t ites* Bannonnnn’» P henyle prevent the above named slashed ; balance, brush a n d timber ] p, ,h is office h e r sw u m s tatem e n t No. 1620, di«ea«e« and t t io v ul obr. \b.ij» odor» if freely about th e j en«'i-e- W rite for circular» a n d laud. Price $21) per acre, $1000 down. I for th e p u rc h a se of t h e n t , nw «,. s w '4 iiw ',, t a«ed e s t im o n ia ls . Agent - mted Addre«» For further information inquire ol 1 nw >i s w ', of sectio n N o .27, in T ow nship No. 17 BO YEA»* C O . CH ICA G O , I L I/, e x p e r i e *® John C Beck, Point Terrace, Oregon, or S., K auge No. 9 W„ a n d w ill offer proof to show 67-73 C lark . ...— Bann' ! th a t th e land sought is m ore v aluable for its tim - a granted th e tw o W. IL Weatherson, Florence, Oregon. ! tier o r stone th a n for agi ie u itu ra l purposes, and H ighest Medal a id at th e W orld’s ____________ $ 1,0 0 0 .0 0 R E O 1 9>ua l BEST ON EART C olum bian Ex A LARGE STO CK RANCH I *° e ’ u , , , , ’ h *'*’ H a lm to said land before the Oregon, on Wtdue»day. the 7 day A uaust. The 11 Cox Itancli,” including about » 0 1 . She names a» wimeMes: 1200 acres, 12 miles from Florence on E. Benuh in, W illiam W ells, Fred Well; ihe ocean beach, near the Cape. A E dw in Staple», a ll of M apleton. Oregon. house and barn on the place and a few A ny a n d a ll p a rto n s cla im in g adversely the acres plowed. The government road to i * ,M^ v v <,e* l*ribctt la n d s a re requested to Die their 1 claim » in this office on or before raid 7 d a y of Ileceta _ . light house crosses the Isnd. , August, 1101. The place will support eeveral hun­ J. T. RaifNiy^, Registry, dred head o( cattle or a large herd of sheep or goats. About 600 head of »beep N O T IC E FO R P U B L IC A T IO N and goats now on tbe ranch will be aold Lan.! Office s i Roseburg. Oregon. with the hind it desired. T i m e will be given on part of the price ,n« MW- N o u re la hereby given that the follow ing if wanted. For further particulars in ­ named aettler hsa Bled notice of his Intention quire at thu Florence Real L S ta te to m ake flnal pro,.I | n anpport of h t, elalm ,i„ l that m id proof w ill be made before Marie I Agency. “ ■ N O TIC E Land N otice is hereby given th a t nam ed »ettler h a s filed n o tice < t<» m ake final proof in support of th a t ra id proof w ill be m ade l*efi den. U. H. C om m issioner, a t Flo on J u ly 12. l**t.i, rix : C harles H. E. No. 81©4, for the ...... lie unme» the h i, e n n tinunn» 8. Ware, V. Comm ¡« lo n er, at «iigrne. Oregon u ¿“ « L J 7; r , ''ri'‘r irk M Tucker, on H . K. S t» for ihe i» > , nw>4, nwt^ awi^, ¡s«e j , • e ', ne«„ ne>, ac«,. Sec u , Tp, u S-i R. 10 w H « nam e. IBe fo tte w ln , witneaaea to prove kia eoatlnnoue rretdence upoa and e n lU v a t,« , of, mid land, vis: ffmlth L Taylor and Frank K Taylor, of Gerehoe .lamped t t C »«*» S«M to hak, Oregon, w adeyo M u d Orecnn o . ' , ¡ ï f n?dn^ r , h ----- ¡ i I Rred. • '-■re«-«*. " T i . . B Dailey, of f Meadow »«ware af the dealer «dre Mu to s d I sad Walton L. Mead, of R « d . Oregon ’ ¡ £ A. Lsnon "MfMttosS |» t « 3««d.” • • * J. T. BSIPOU. Rcaiater. *“ O!to»ustoh»MMhS. SMtsMa*» 7 ' ’ i , *'ni '