W E S T C onstipation, Headache, Biliousness, Heartburn, Indigestion, Dizziness, PERSONALS. 1 Woodman Grand Ball ACME COflflERCIAL CO., Mrs. J. A. Bean was in town yester­ day . Acme Commercial Hall Grant Erhardt started to Eugene yes­ FRANK B. WILSON, Manager, í terday. L ank C o u n t y , O regox .- Indicate that your liver F. C. Bean lias been appointed U. S. ■ - - BY - - - Is out ol order. The Commissioner at Mapleton. best medicine to rouse - - - O R E G O N . H . W E A T IIE R S O N Mrs Chas David lias been spending the liver und cure all PROGRAMME: a few days in Florence and Glenada. these Ills, Is found In editor and Proprietor. Dr. J. R. Baylev, an old and respected Musio by Acme Orchestra as follows: citizen of Newport, died at that plaee : >1.60 a year in advance.----- First Violin, . . . . George Thurman May 23. 25 cents. Sold by all medicine dealers. Second Violin, . . . . Dee Alexander Johnny Wlusman is quite ill at liis •red at the post-office at Florence, :ounty, tStegon, an second-class O r g a n i s t , .....................................Mrs. F. H. Alexander home on Sweet Creek with a severe case We Carry a Fine and Sugar cured corned beef for sale at the of lung fever. latter. F irst C o r n e t,.....................................George Chamberlin Pioneer Meat. Market. Mrs. Ruth G. Sweet, tlie evangelist Varied Stock of G u i t a r , .............................................. ’ J . C. Stingley Replace your stove pipe with .term who lias been in this vicinity during tiio (SINO BATES MADE KNOWS ON AP“ E m u c v r io s . cotta. A. O. Funke sells it. The Ball will be opened with a grand march by the winter, lias gone to Myrtle Point. »tices 8 cents per line, each Insertion The Cassidy Hotel is now presenting Woodmen and Royal Neighbors. Mrs Luella Peil is home from Baker a neat appearance, after having been I City, where she went as a delegate to May 31,1901. tee Floor Managers—George Peil and Nelson Hewitt, treated to a coat of paint. The kitchen tlie Rebekah Assembly, I. O. O. F. has also received some needed attention General Committee—W. R. Dilley, George Peil and E. A. Bean and wife have moved to B IN O S . and tilings are shining there now. Florence and are occupying tlie house of Nelson Hewitt. Sales of De Laval Separators to date thunder storm visited Flor- beat all previous records. The Pioneer B. Barnett in the eastern part of town. Supper Committee—Mrs. G. E. Gibbs, Mrs. L. V. Rev. Win. Plowman is slopping at tnrdsy evening. Hardware Store of Marshfield is kept Stingley, and Miss Rebecca Henderson. s for Warranty Deeds for sale busy supplying the great demand for Glenada and will engage in work here this summer, along with Rev. T. A Yost. V ert offii*. these wonderful machines. Marion Morris and Leonard Christen­ were placed at Half mast yester- Boat will leave Head of Tide 4 p . m ., and Florence I. B. Cushman wa9 in Florence Satur­ being Memorial day. day circulating a paper asking the county sen have returned from attendance at 7 p. m . sharp. tlie grand lodge, I. O. O. F., at Baker ext session of the grand lodge, 1. court to refuse to grant a license for a City. saloon nt Acme. We are informed thnt ., will fce held Ht Newport. Miss Connell, of Roseburg, whs a pas­ TICKETS. Including Boat Fare and Basket Supper, $1.50 'ioneer Hardware Store of Marsh- about 100 voters have signed the renion- senger to Florence on Saturday’s boat. igent for De Laval Cream Sep-1 strance. May be purchased from C. D. Chorpening, Mapleton; She commenced school on upper Maple i Tlie Secretary of State at Salem is busy Fred C. Peil, H urd’s Store, Florence, and Edgar Hand, Creek this week. rt» indicate tlie Hail storm last disbursing the >12,000 appropriated by Acme Store. All parties donating baskets will confer a Daniel Cassidy is very sick with what y was quite severe in some parts the legislature to repay the Second Ore- gon volunteers for losses sustained on | is supposed to be appendicitis A mes­ favor on the Woodmen by sending them by F rid ay ’s Viliamette valley. senger was despatched to Gard:ner for boat addressed to W. R. Dilley, expenses to be paid by ed—60 iersons desiring to dis- clothing. They were furnished second /^ /7Y /TA real estate in this vicinity to call hand clothing but were charged for new Dr. Patterson tliis morning. Woodmen. Mrs. Margaret Irland, an old resident garments. ace their property on our list. During the evening light refreshments will bo served Register: Ex-Commissioner Bailey of Eastern Oregon, died at Baker City, Weatlierson. May 24, 1901,’aged 77 years. She resided W e buy direct from the Largest Jobbing Houses and was in from Glentena yesterday. He in the hall. cr Haring took a plunge in »lie on day and fastened a line to t He I travels incog these days, having removed near Florence for a short time several Manufacturers in the country, for CASH, and w e are enabled Everybody cordially invited to attend. We assure proptillor, where tlie boat all hirsute adornments from his smiling years ago. 1 you a good time. to get the Low est Prices, besides alw ays being sure of ob­ face. His best friends in Eugene did i it a few days before. Humors Come to tlie Surface in the not recognize him. spring as in no other sonson. They he new remedy for costiveness, taining flrst-class goods. W e are not paying enormous In tlie field meet at Portland between don’t run themselves all off that way, ■erlain’s ijtoinach and Liver Tab- tlie track athletes of the University of expenses and w ill sell you goods at reasonable rates. however, but mostly remain in the sys­ very box guaranteed. Price, 26 Oregon and the Multnomah Athletic tem. Hood’s Sarsaparilla removes them, A C M E IT E M S . For sale by O. W. Hurd, WESTERN HOUSE ge Pei! circulated a subscription Club, tlie former won by a score of 61 to wards off danger, makes good health 43. The college hoys are making a great WM. BR YN P Trop. ^ f \ <7v •'7*- sure. BY BABA AVIS. among th l M. W. A. on tlie river .................. - - - - ——. ''TV ^ f \ <^V >JV ''J\. ^ f \ *^ v ^ v *TV ■^v *^V /*$\ '7 '- i assistance of Nelson Hewitt. The record in atliletic sports, and if they Everything ir. connection with the W ANTED. continue will be able to show the big era of tlie order responded with May 29, 1901. House is New and First-Class. California athletes a lew tricks next I contributions. A sober, industrious man to Help me The Danielson left Saturday. year. SPECIAL ATTENTION TO carry the mail between Gardiner and steamer Lillian in crossing tlie The Robarta brought up tiio Lizzie Glenada. For further particulars call COMMERCIAL TRAVELLERS. Fork bar Saturday on iter regular A COOS COUNTY MURDER. Prien yesterday. on or address W. H. S ervice , Mapleton, lost her propel lor and The notice of the public is called I. B. Cushman started ¡or Eugene Glenada, Ore. of her abaft. She was laid up M. D. Landii Suspected—A Reward of yesterday on a business trip. to our new il days for repairs. $300 Offered for His Capture. A CLO SE CALL. Dr. Patterson came up from Gardiner BATH ROOM i. Mulit, proprietor of a feed store, Last Wednesday between twelve and Sunday on professional business. itted suicidi’ at Lebanon Tuesday, where Hot and Cold Baths may be Wm. Wisdom, of Coquille City, came one o’clock fire was discovered in tlie We now have two stores in our town, id fixed up his residence and sent had at any time. a children' to visit him. He had up the beach yesterday, bringing Hie in­ dwelling house owned by O. W. Hurd which is truly enjoying its share of pros­ 'TV /TV 'TV <^V 'TV 'TV "TV ‘TV *TV ^V *TV uiption which was the cause of the formation tliat M. D. Landis, who for a and occupied by W. H. Weatlierson and perity. T h e B r e e d e r ’s G a z e tte , number of years was a resident of Flor­ family. The alarm was given and the Tlie Robarts came up Monday witli a One of the best all around farm papers 3 schooner Bella arrived Saturday ence, is wanted at Coquille City for tlie fire company with most of the citizens large quantity of merchandise for tlie of the country, 28 to 34 pages w eeily. merchandise for Florence mer- murder of E. E. Daly near that place of Florence were soon on hand with fire Saubert Co. Yonr patronage is always appreciated, and no matter how Regular Price, $a.oo Per Year. extinguishers, buckets, etc., and in a :e, and the Lizzie Prien followed last week. W. E. Kinney, a newcomer, has Landis was observed burying some few minutes had the fire under control. I The Breeder’s Gazette and small your purchase«, you may rest assured ft will be our constant ay. Tlie schooners Danielson and for Jim Buchanan’s place on mento were taken to sea Monday object, and alter bis departure curiosity The fire had a good start when noticed South Slough. T hk W est * * * aim to sell you the best goods obtainable at reasonable prices. cargoes of lumber from the Acme led those who saw him to investigate the and in a few minutes more it would David Monroe, of Glenada, lias been matter, with the result of exhuming the have been impossible to save tlie build­ $ 2 .5 0 P er Y ea r. to San Francisco, body of Daly, who had been shot through ing. As it was a large bole was burned doing some carpenter word for C. C. had the pleasure of spending a few WANTED—TRUSTWORTHY’ MEN ANp WO the Head once and through the breast in the roof and some clothing was de­ Cushman this week. tee at the creamery Wednesday Rebecca Ifendeason spent Sunday at men to travel and advertise for old established twice, and clubbed over tlie head. stroyed, but tlie loss was comparatively of solid financial standiug. Salary $780 a loon. Everything is in fine order her home on Maple Creek. She reports house News of the murder was immediately light. year and expenses, ail payable in cash. No can r the manaifcement of Mr. Morris, the roads rather rough yet for cycling. : vaulting required. Give references and enclose taken to the sheriff, who happened to be The fire probably started from soot lformed us* tliat but little cheese George Peil was sent last week by tlie self-addressed stamped eiivelojnJ. Address Man* talking to Landis at the time, and lie from the stovepipe falling on the roof. teen made tfcere yet this season, as nger, 355 Caxton bldg, Chicago. M. W. A. to attend Johnny Whieman, of the patrons are sending tlie laughingly said: “ That’s L andis!” who was reported quite sick witli pneu­ $100 REW ARD, $100. The latter excused himself, went A L P H A C L IP P IN G S . n and keeping the milk at home, througu the Hotel, and escaped, no one The readers of this paper will be monia. e Acme People are petitioning for a suspecting him at the time. B y E ven C iiangz . pleased to learn that there is at least Voltaire Gurney, with Georgo Beers ge In the (county road through According to Mr. Wisdom's statement, one dreaded disease that science has fiom Indian Creek, were in our burg * * * e. i A» surveyed, the road runs on Landis is between this place and tlie been able to euro in all its stages, and May 27, 1901. last Friday. Mr. Gurney's hand is im­ illside back of tlie Gates Hotel and Umpqua, with four six shooters and a that is caturrh. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is Mr. Chas. Acheson lias purchased C. O. Cuehman’s residence. Tlie Winchester rifle. He is smooth shaven, the only positive cure known to tlie proving quite rapidly. new three inch Bain wagon, paying >90 Mr. Keeney lias purchased of Oapt. gecofttewtfk.ed leaves the present about 5 feet 10 inches high, and 42 years medical fraternity. Catarrh being a Cox the property recently occupied by l°r *». , . j ____ point near tlie Acme Com of age. Tlie following is a telegraphic constitutional disease, requires a consti­ Mr. Martin and family, who contemplate H ave 0 1 Miss Chloe Pope catnc up with Miss ) t lO n S iia l Co.’e store and crosses tlie bot- account of the affair which appeared *•«1« ways on Hand tutional treatment. Hall'e Catarrh Cure moving soon to the valley. Ellinor Hale Saturday and visited Miss a lew rode ’back from tlie mills, some days since: is taken internally, acting directly upon Lucy Ramsey, returning to Deadwood W. H. Weatlierson, editor of the _______ _ig the Saubert store and strikes the Tlie body of E. E. Daly was found the blood ai.d mucous surfaces of the ey »ear the old Lone Star cannery, near Coquille City last Saturday. He system, thereby destroying the founds West and deputy assessor, was here the Sunday. Mr. Clayton Pope and Len Talwr, two seller Cleaves, in reply to numer- had been shot in the back of tlie head tion of the disease, and giving the pa- _l first of the week inquiring into the busi­ of our crack building contractors, are at ■Mmhl announce the ar- by some unknown party. He bad been tient strength by building op tlie consti­ ness affairs of our citizens. Mr. J. L. Temple and wife have gone work on 0. A. Potterf’s new barn wrest­ of the late improved, up-to-date paid oil the day before with >170. The tution and assisting nature in doing its h pinion, eta IT, jewel-setting and money was not on the body when it was work. The proprietors have so much to Portland, where Mrs. Temple expects ling witli square timbers and foundation ng inetrun ts, by which he is e n -1 (ounc)_ All circumstances show tliat lie faith in its curative powers, tliat they to undergo medical treatment. Their mfcterial. Our road supervisor, Mr. Berkshire, I to construct duplicate work for was murdered for the money. offer >100 reward tor any case that it return iu the near future is doubtful. B ry Of oodsj ★ ★ Bress Gfood« grade Waltham, Elgin, Rockford, Nelson Hewitt is progressing very lias a force of men doing three day’s fails to cure. Send for list of testimon­ O O- F- E L E C T IO N . I iden,and other first-class watches nicely, witli Janies Bay as chief nurse. time on tlie John Pope grade, which will ials. Address, ire’.gti miMUucture, so difficult to F. J. C heney & Co., Toledo, O. | His arm is healing rapidly. Today be cut off two bad fords across Deadwocd. urefrom the watch material dealer; 1 -At the regular semi annual election of went to Gardiner to have tlie stitches Tliis iinprovemeuv has been needed for Sold by Druggists, 75c. including neatly execuied mono- I Heeeta Lodge, I. O. O. I1’., held Wednes- removed from it, and expects to return aiiont 16 years. Besides mucii dirt Hall’s Family Bills are the best. work, it will require considerable blast­ II eagravings at very low prices. in a few days. ! day evening, tlie following were chosen ing. It is now clearly proved that any i mohair is pot quite as high as it for tlie term commencing July 1,1901: Toot Stingley accidentally cut bis kties If tlie Deadwood people ever trade ex­ R 1 F T O I last year, some of the beginners are R. L. Evans, N. G .; Fred Hewitt, V. G .; farmer engaged in dairying, either on with an ax while working in Nicolle isy about the business, says Geo. Edgar Furnish, Sec.; Wm. Kyle, Treas. large or sninll scale, cannot be successful Brothers’ logging camp, at Mapleton. tensively with ihe Hegd of Tide store it without tlie new process of separating While the cut was not serious, it neces­ will tie neeessary to establish a treaty ______ck in the Homestead. I feel assur- BORN- cream from milk. The De Laval is the sarily laid Mr. Stingley off from work (reciprocity or something of the kind), hat the goat is here to stav. As I recognized superior of all machines. for a few days. as it is claimed that prices are 30 per in receipt of a constant stream of cent less on goods in Eugene, with larger On Bernhardt's Creek, on Wednesday, The Pioneer Hardware Store, of Marsh­ _ ,rs from states as far east as Maine G EN ER A L NEW S. stocks to select from. Mapleton, 12 airing for goats in car lots, it strikes May 22, 1901, to Mr. and Mrs. John field, is agent. pounds sugar, >1; Eugene, 17. that the business is just beginning. Morris, a daughter. LOST- On Thursday, May 23, 1901, to Mr. President McKinley and wife left San y are surely the only animal that Alpha may celebrate on the 30th, but From my cabin iu Florence, Oregon, Francisco for the east Saturday and there ace two ifs. All committees were reclaim the brushy wastes of our and Mrs. Robert I’. Bernhardt, a son. about tlie 15tb of Novemtier, a note of were expected to reacli home yesterday. duly appointed »t a meeting last I land, and may well lie called the CARD OF THANKS. >300, bearing 7 per cent interest, issued Mrs. McKinley was standing tlie trip Wednesday. Everything was just in ieCre of the creamery business, as by Meyer & Kyle Io Frederick Holste well. ir they have swept the brosh and line and running without any friction, Permit us to employ this manner of and bearing dale of Feb. 20, 1899, with a da from the pasture grasses will grow As an outcome of a spirited debate be­ when the dancing faction wished to extending our .thanks ami stating our re abundant, and more grass means apprveiation of the ninny acts of kind­ payment oi >100 endorsed on tlie back tween Senators Tillman and McLaurin dance or not celebrate. Then the anti­ thereof. A suitable rewartf will be paid of Soutli Caroline, botli have tendered dancing faction says if we celebrate re cream, indie wealth, more families, ness by neighbors and friends who so H olste , i iiiionstiess is a condition clisracter- generously assisted, during tlie recent for its return to F rederick Florence, Oregon. their resignations to take effect Novem­ there must not be any dancing on the ber 16. Ttiey have agreed to go before grounds during tlie day, so we are in­ disturbance of tlie digestive uiisfoitune of our son and brother. ans. Tbe.Stoiuach is debilitated, the “ It is witli a good deal of pleasure and the people in a joint canvass for tlie long formed tliat a new meeting has been J ohn H ewitt and F amily . called for Monday, to be devoted to high >r torofd,j tic bowels constipated.' satisfaction tliat I recommend Chamber-, term as senator. SUNDAY SERVICES. toned oratory in which both factions »re ie • loathing of food, pains in tlie Iain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea “ I have been suffering from dyspepsia hope to reach an amicable adjustment coated tongue and I Remedy,” says Druggist A. W. Sawtelle, Rev. T. A. Yost will preach at tlie of Hartford, Conn. “ A lady customer, for the past twentv years end have been of tlie great event to be. of tlie undigested or food and then of bile, s Presbyterian cliurcli, Sunday, June 2d, seeing tlie remedy exposed for sale on unable after trying all preparations and TO OUR PATRONS Stomach and Liver Tab-1 at 8 p. in. Other services at the usual iny show case, said to me: ‘I really be- physicians to get any relief. After tak­ hours. ing one bottle of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure listiirtmnces of the stom- ' lieve that medicine saved my life the We have made arrangements by Services will also lie lield at Acme, 11 past summer while at the shore,’ and I found relief and am now in better a healthy appetite. They which we will furnish the Weekly health than 1 have bein for twenty liver to a Healthy appe- ‘ a. m., and Glenada, 2: 30 p. m, i she became bo enthusiastic over its Oregonian with the W« bt for one year tone up tt.e liver to a , merits that I at once made up my mind I years. I can not praise Kodol Dyspep- A CARD OF TH A N K S. to any addreae for the sum of tv,0 dol­ B of riesig« nd regulate the bowels, j to recommend it in tlie future. Recently sia Cure too highly.” Thus writes Mrs. nplete my store so ' C. W. Roberts, {North Creek, Ark. lar« javahle cash In advance. you are certain to he I wish to thank tlie members f tlie i a gentleman came into FLORENCE MARKET REPORT. me« UM* Meyer A Kyle. fwith tlie result. For sale fire company and tlie citizens of Flor-! overcome witli colic pains that lie sank il saluS^ . | at once to tlie floor. I gave him a dose ence for their prompt »«»¡stance in put­ FUR8 W ANTED. ent—wb«* ta r p » of tliis remedy which helped him. I Potatoes, 90c per bn. _____________n Pl Us rara «n SIS sisn ne ey J unr a « » . ting out tlie fire Wednesday. Their help repeated the dose and in fifteen minutes Eggs, 15c per dos. flu« lu n e d i Co Cbn-sao was a great benefit and was very much Tlie highest casti price paid for ail lie left my store smilingly informing me Butter, 90c to 40c per roll. needed. W. H. W xathebsow . tliat lie felt as well as ever.” Sold by kinds of furs and bides. Flour, >3.60 per bbl. O. C. C umptok . Sugar, >7.00 per sack. »■T’ Z ' V D I A I r^ O O D NEWS comes from those O. W. Hurd. ! At Saftey’s Meat Market, Florence, Or | I r * I AA VJI win» take Hood’» Sarsaparilla for scrofula, dyspepsia and rheumatism. its and Children. NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS. i t o cvBP. a c o i.o nr o x s n s i Bsuortsacrcc that HOOD’S C URES Take Laxative Bromo Qoinine Tablets, Have Always Bought atnps the Cangh ■•>«! work« oft th e C o ld The 1900 aseeesment rolls will be All druggists refund the money if they T h is i!< s«tu ra I» on «very box o l th e g o n t a o ire Bromo-Quinine Tablets cure a | fail to care. E. W. Grove's signature is .Laxative Bromo-Quinine W. W. W ithbbs , one day. No Cure no I’ay. closed June 16. btierifi and fax Collector on eacn bos. 26e. Prie« 26 raMia. J0K |B Y FRID A Y h o m in g — Friday Evening, June 7,1901 ************************** H o o d ’s P ills General Merchandise, Patent Medieines, 1 D ry Goods, Dress Goods, Prints, Fluslins, Yarns, Crash, Notions, s Groceries. We Have a Complete Stock of Boots and Shoes. D s MEYER & KYLE G^OeE^IEg, tede Gent’s Furnishing Goods, H ardw arE , Paints, etc. Prices as Low as the Lowest ^^4 PlopcDce, Oi*e{°n