WASHINGTON LETTER. K Thousands H a v e K id n ey Trouble and D on’t K now it. usu In every community there arc those J'ttOM O ub R kc . iu . ar üokkkkpoxjjemt .) I now To Find Out. —PUftMlftHKp VVKJIY FBIO A V MOftNIXO.—» Fill a bottle or common glass with youi who see, or think they see, a moral issue water and let it stand twenty-four hours; a involved in whatever becomes a m atter j —AT— sediment or set­ You are made aw are of the necea- of public concernment. It may be b u t1 tling indicates an , W ashington , May 20, 1901. unhealthy condì- Ì P u > s b n c s , L amb C o u x t t , Camma •ity for cleansing your blood la the t|ie « ,^ ,¡ 0 ,, oi „ lnMter or de Th i ihnen», in Sun Francisco, of Mrs. tlon of the kid- | spring by humors eruptions and other ciding w|ie(hpr Qr „ot certail) public I McKinley, and the death. in Warhing- neys; if it stains - - - by • ■ your linen it is <,U^7'?i »* V n improvements shall be undertaken; 1 ir.g ton, of Mrs. Gage, wife of the Secro- ■idi evidence of kid­ O r th at dull headache, bilious, nau» * • ney trouble; too aeous, nervous condition and that tired ".esc good people come forward with tary of the Treasury, have been more frequent desire to feeling are duo to the same causo— their »grave questions of morality and discussed both in official nnd private pass it or pain in Editor and Proprietor, the back Is also weak, thin. Im pure, tired blood, endeavor to inject them, as it were, into .circles for several days past than matters •re< Am erica's G reatest Spring Medi- what is really only a plain business of state. Illness and death are two 1 :ou W hat to Do. .at proposition, having no moral aspect things which never fail to absorb the in- j Florence, Oregon, May 31, 1001. cine is Hood’s Sarsaparilla, There is comfort In the knowledge so | I t makes the blood rich and pure, whatever. Oftentimes the establish - terest of those concerned, and in cases often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp- I cures scrofula and salt rheum, gives a ment of public utilities are frustrated 1 of persons of such prominence, all ate Root, the great kidney remedy fulfills every FISH TRAPS PROHIBITED. , clear, healthy complexion, good appe- j * I wish in curing rheumatism, pain In the ,tl. i tite, sw eet sleep, sound health. ; and men are chosen to office for which 1 concerned. Had the death of Mrs. M - back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part Kinley been announced, there would of the urinary passage. It corrects Inability F or cleansing the blood the best they are totally unqualified, because oi Tiie tallowing letter from Senator to hold water and sca'dlng pain in passing the blind, unreasoning activity of a few have been no public surprise, but, as It or bad effects following use of liquor, Kuykendall was received this week, We medicine money cun buy is 1 impractical ” reformers.” That these though to emphasise the adage ‘‘It is wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant have been unable to obtain n copy of the necessity of being compelled to go often 1 ; people are really sincere and honest we always the unexpected that happens,” during the day, and to get up many times i statute to wliich lie refers, but will pub­ may easily believe, but the fact is that Mrs. McKinley, who has been an invalid during the night. The mild and the extra­ lish it for the benefit ol our readers as ordinary effect of Sw am p-R oot Is soon Some by education or lack of it, and for years, rallied and it is now hoped, realized. It stands the highest for its won-j Boon as we can get it, others by cl.osen avocation, are unqual- will recover, and Mrs. Gage, who had derful cures of the most distressing cases. 1 K l ' oenk , Ore., May 26, 1901, It Is Peculiar to Itself, If you need a medicine you should have the iffed to exercise sound judgment upon enjoyed robust health until she took the best. Sold by druggists in 50c. and$1. sizes. Mr. W. H. Weatherson, Florence, You may have a sample bottle of this questions which are purely business grip, as a result of exposure during the Oregon—S irt I note this morning in THE NEW SCHOOL LAW, wonderful discovery inauguration ceremonies at the east propositions. It is a pitiable spectacle the W «rr your complaint that fish trap» and a book that tells , when such men are heard talking them­ front of the capital, died. Brief funeral more about tt, both sent SfSS-Vjrdlii are being located in HieSiutlaw River to Supcrlntendent Ackerman has sent to absolutely free by mail, selves hoarse in endeavors to give a services were held this morning at the address Dr. Kilmer & nome or sw»mp noo«. such au extent as to be a menace to ■ all county superintendents the following moral or immoral character to things residence of Secretary Gage, after which Co., Binghamton, N. Y. When writing men­ navigation and destructive to the «»I-1 circular letter, whiich is of genuine in­ tion reading this generous offer in this paper. which plain, everyday, sensible practical the secretary and liis daughter left for roon. I would call your attention to tiie 1 terest ; citizens regard as purely business m at­ Chicago, with the remains. Mrs. Gage general fish law passed at the last s e s -’ H aj . f . u Or., May 13. was unquestionably another added to pent would come back to the United ters. aion, Sec, 12 of which positively forbids ToOounty School Superintendents:— The moral reformer is continually in the long lint of prominent victims to the States. .Evidently Senor Corea and the maintenance or construction of traps The nuw school law will go into effect error as to methods, because lie cannot ■ 4tl» of March inauguration day, and her J »“ 8 government know of the activity of on the Siuslaw. You will find this on May £■», >901. You will notice th at sec­ or will not see that the moral sentiment 1 death will doubtless Berve to increase those interested in creating sentiment in pegs 332 oi the session laws of 1901, tion 11 reads in part as follows: “ and of no community can be impelled in ; the agitation in favor of the sensible re- this country in favor of tl.e 1 anaina • ’ 'Yours in haste, •1 ■ 1 the fiscal school year shall begin on the any direction. It is this sentiment form "of making inauguration day late Oanal, and are trying to counteract it W. KurkBxpAU,, third^Mondny oi June and end on the When the enormous transactions of ' which is tiie impelling and, if necessary enough in the season to be safe for the last day of Ju n e,” \ mistake occurred 1 the United States government are con­ We have lately beard several com­ the compelling force. Since tiie moral outdoor exercises, which have killed so in the enrolling committee and tlie law sidered, the amount lost by defalcation plaints from different parties about not seutiment ot a community on any sub­ many persons and will continue to kill should have read us follows; “ and the does not Seem large. According to offi­ when the weather is inclement as it receiving any reply to letters written to ject is the consensus of opinion Held by fiscal school year will begin on the third cial figures, recently compiled in the n eirly always is, until changed. our county superintendent of schools, A a majority of the people comprising the u M onday in June and end on the dav In sentencing Rev. L. D. Bass to pay treasury department, the total defalca- num ber of teachers aud district otHcers the community, it should be plain that preceding.” I think it will work no in- inform us that they have written to him it cannot be created by the enactment a tine of $1000 and to serve three years tions of federal officials, from toe found­ . . . . , , . , . jury to administer the law on the snp- Bbout business pertaining to his office— , ' of laws. I t is a growtli from within, in prison, for fraudulent use of the ing ot the government to the present , „ position that the school year begins on aonie of them sending four or five letters r never from without. It is the slow mails, ih connection witli the “ Bureau ,inie amounted to $16,000,000. The post , the third Monday in June and ends on —without receiving any answer from growtli of educational processes directed of Oivil Service Instruction,” and a office department has been the worst the day preceding. The current school him. This is not as it should be. When upon the individual, not upon the “ Union Teacher’s Agency,” Ju.-tice sufferer of any branch of the govern­ ! year will begin on the first Monday of Barnard, of the Suureme Court, ot the ment, probably because it necessarily masses. an official receives a uommunicution March, 1901. and end on tl.e third Mon­ District of Columbia, addressed a few offers more opportunity for theft. asking for information connected with It is the experience everywhere that day in June, 1902. You will notice, liis office, it is liis duty to answer it laws enacted abend of public sentiment words to tlie prisoner, wliich are equally therefore, that the current school year You are much more liable to disease promptly. Officers are elected to trans­ are inoperative, because there is no applicable to all educated crooks. He will be mure than twelve months long. act the business lor the people, and it is public sentiment hack ot them compelí- j laid : “ You have had all the a d v a n c ­ when your liver and bowels do not act properly. DeW itt’s Little, Early Risers All reiiorts, records, etc., should ho kept jh eir duty to attend promptly to the ing their enforcement. In vain may we ges of family, education, religious train ­ remove the cause of disease. Meyer & upon the basis ot the school year ex­ w ants of all, so far as those wants relate enact tiie most righteous laws and select ing, and the position of a minister of tiie Kyle. tending from the first Monday in March, to m atters connected with the business the best men to administer them; they 1 gospel; you have had experience among 1901, to the the third Monday in June, R E E D R E A D IN G S . will not be enforced unless clearly de- i many different classes of society in dif- of their respective offices. Especially is ; 1902. The next annual school meeting ferent sta te s; and there was no excuse this true of the superintendent of inanded by public sentiment. will be held on the third Monday in BY X . Y . Z. schools. He is looked upon as setting Our impractical reformers, too, must for you to undertake tiie fraudulent , June, 1902. All school officers whose an example for tl.e teachers, and the recognize that there are scores ot intelli- methods and schemes shown by the evi­ ' terms expire under tiie old law, the first • , May 27, 1901. teacher again is copied to a greater or ................................. gent, uptight aud moral citizens who, dence in tliis case, to rob the credulous, , , . .. ,, , . 1 Monday in March, 1902, will hold over , W. L. Phelps is logging on J . L. Tay­ lea« extant by the pupils. l o r tins j for instance, are total abstainers, and unwary, and inexperienced. You could ,,, . . . . . ! until the third Monday in June, 1902. I , , , „ , , lor’s place. reason, if for no otlier, it is important 1 who would firmly, yea gladly enforce have made an honest living, and given .. . .. - . i . i i i We have special blanks to bo filled by . . . . 8. L. Taylor was over from North Fork that the superintendent should s e t a . . . . . . . , . ! ,awB for the suppression of vice and value for every dollar received, had you Friday. , , applicants for state life diplomas, under good example and attend to the business * r » crime and the elimination of “ the sa­ not conceived the idea of getting some- P. L. Tucker went to Mapleton one j sections 179 and 180, Oregon School of bi* office promptly and faithfully- loon iutluence,” yet who ure not prohi­ tiling for nothing, under tiie pretense of day last week. Laws; bonce, when applicants wish to bitionists. Other men there are who performing a service for others. You O. S. Phelps was in this vicinity a few ! A poor man in New York Gity who make application for a life diploma, I are especially well qualified to decide went to work shrewdly and systemati- days last week. bad a wife and children, and strength to : under said sections, they should make upon m atters of community interest who cally to deceive people and to get them P. L. Tucker and family have been J do, but no employment, hit upon the application to thia office for the proper even deny the divinity of Christ. Why to confide in your honesty, wisdom aud sick of la grippe. plan of tying a placard upon his breast blank. I will consider it a favor if you Miss Stella Milledge has gone to Dll- j may not the people select such men for power, by so mixing up truth with lalse- with the inscription upon it; “ I want will so inform all applicants. their servants without the factious oppo­ hood, as to pass it all off for genuine. lard, Oregon, to visit her brother, E. E. Milledge. Yours Truly, work.” 'fit stood at the crossing of You well knew, asj I must believe from sition of moral theorists. J . H. A ckkkmax , Mr. Ferris was in tiie neighborhood O< thronged streets until the attention of All worthy citizens are worthy and the ’evidence, that you you were not Monday. He reports liis health much | Supt. Public Instruction. the |>aners-by was attracted, and as a upright, aud are teachers and exemplars able to make good such representations, improved. result got himself a situation. He had of morality. Some are exclusively de­ and thaf'lhey were all made only to in-1 Mrs. W. L. Phelps left last week for C A R D IN E R N E W S . been begging for work for months, but voted to teaching morality and religion. duce your victims to send you their j Natron, Oregon, having received word until lie made thia mute appeal to the Let all these unite in developing and inone7- You were not sincere in these ; »‘®r lather is very ill May 27, 1901. •yes of the maas he bad met witii fail­ The citizens of this place have agreed Mi Iæna Wessela was in (own Mon- strengthening public sentim ent on lines widely circulated statements, and you to meet at the Hermann cemetery to, f L O R F 1 \ C £ M E A T M A R K E T . ure. At last he fathomed the secret ol ’ day. of honest, virtuous citizenship. Whole­ have succeeded in depriving many strug­ clear off the grounds. success — advertising. He artfully i Charlie Mori is was seen in Gardiner some laws will then become easy of gling and honest persons of the money Revs. T. A. Yost and Wm. Plowman, brought bis want and ids ware into the Sunday. Be quick, Charlie, you'll catch enactment and enforcement, and public that was needed by them for the neces­ of the United Evangelical church» held , on. market. morality will become a sturdy, health­ saries of life.” services nt Hermann and Reed, Bunday. 1 Capt. Bergman is little under the The isthmian canal question was again They have accomplished much good, I ful, growing force for good rattier than a I to I t baa been several years siitoe tiie weather, and also Geo. l’utcrson of tho periodic and spasmodic manifestation of brought to the front by the return to and we hope their earnest efforts will be gra Florence fire company lies been called U. It. L. 8. 8. crowned with greater success. i dec The Gardiner mill is running full I theoretical moralities and pestiferous Washington of Senor Corea, th« Nicara­ out before by an alarm of fire, but the jrç j g u a minister, who called at the depart­ membera responded promptly to the call time. Tiie wharf is so covered with isms.—Corvallis Gazette. ure BY PROXY. lumber that bicyclists fait to find room ' ment of state and announced that he and did effiulent work in w bduing th e for "ri7hng in. We had a real old-fashioned thunder AGAINST SECRET SOCIETIES. was authorized by his government Io flames, Wednesday afternoon was also Bor'n> jn (iHrdi|ieri Monday morning, □ es storm last Saturdav. --------- Î sign a treaty for the construction of the . i me the first occasion which tiie fire eztin- May 27, 1901, to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. C. 1 î I v . 0 1 -.u .1 », . Miss Stella Milledge started last week J . W . C A R M A N The general assembly of the United Nicaragua Canal with the United Statee. » - n t, . , « « m v i - a iy P R O P R I F T W last guiahers were called into play in putting Perkins, a bouncing daughter. tor Dillard, Oregon, where she will spend tsy out fir. in a building. Florence has ; The Sadie arrived safely from San I Pr**by,eri" n cbureb hH, «’‘" ‘•¡“"T After his call at the department oi state, several weeks with her brother and fam- .ek i been very fortunate in thia respect ao Francisco Thursday, loaded with grain, adopted u revised church creed. Under Senor Corea eaid: “ I come back with ily. bat The Tlielps logging camp is now run-, far. aa there has never been a building b,,y “ nJ m urPby® for Gardiner it all persona who hold meraticrahip in full powers, even to the extent of signing ■tores. secret societies are barred from the a treaty with the United Stales. My “ iuK at full blast. destroyed by the fiames here yet. Miss Gussie Wilson has gone up West church. In effect the action of the as- | government is willing to give this coun- Rev. Plowman delivered a very inter- Branch to cook in her father's logging - setnhly sxpels members who refuse to try the most liberal terms possible to r Sl' n>! Berm° n at tbe et'bool house In such times of insanity as these ' camp. Johnny looks quite sad. Never , , . . . . . 1 last Sunday, sever their affiliations with secret soei- I assist in tho construction of a canal everybody who is tempted to risk his mind, she’ll come back. , • • 1 , , . , , .1 1 . . . Mrs. W. L. Phelps left on last Tlinrs- saving* In Wall street ought to inemor- Col. Holt has been giving a aeries of et.es. A very spirited debate preceded through our territory. Of course, it la day ’s stage to attend the sick bed of her iae the advice old Commodore Vander- lectures on temperance in the I. O. O. F. the decision oi the assembly, the m in o r-, impossible lor us to concede to tiie father, Mr. P L. Tucker nnd family have blit gave to hie sou, after neatly shear­ hall during the last week. Many signed ity making a strong fight against the United States sovereignty over the lands upon which to build a waterway, but we been very sick for the last week with ing bis supertloue wo>lt ” Never buy , the , pledge . „ and a good ulltn lance was anti-secret society part of the creed. ■ ’ 1 bad at all meetings, ■are willing to give the United States the la IfiPP*- vrliat you < «n’t pay for, aud never sell w o ^ n ‘ m ' G ^ d i ' m ^ S u " ’^ ^ Tl'« w om en-and of pen- •>><*» of that. President 1’be1’* viBileJ on "*• what you haven't got.” _>■ , # n o, ljlul n Ite |1M W|li conclusice illustration in j | Belaya of my my gOT- gov- was pulling pulling against against the the •ion«»’»—fiuds smners—nous conclusive illustration tn ----- z and the u other officers i s 1 T I »is hat off. Guess he’s goue the tact that four widows of Revolution- ‘ *rn,l' ont »re perfectly satisfied with the ,, ...............' ' ' r w' le w li spend Only five w.eks till tiui fth will be tide with hi , -„..I i ,n . . . . . . summer on Indian Creek, where her., Mid yet we lia r, heard nothing o f 1 up Soap Creek l I i Good bve, Albert— - ary soldiers are at ili on the rolls, their ">® protocol, signed by myself Smith is working in the Phelns’ k J n . e orking in the Phelps logging any arrangements lor a eelshratio. any- 60 uexl Sunday. | ageg r(,n | ing fr eiglity-flvs to eighty- • l,d lhe representatives of Costa Riva, camp. ll.e la te Harry Brant, of the light ¡ne Needles« to s«y, they were young with Secretary H ay,last year. We hold wliere on tho river. Il is about tints liotww, dietl May 24, and wan tn terred in • . ... . u Sunday school , at the Hermann school steps were taken to prepare for it, if we the Gardiner cemetery Sunday. May 26, * 'rl’ wbw* tbey “‘“rr*®'1 *b® Rkvolu- " ,at protocol is still binding. The bo««® every Sunday at 10 a. nt. and at, »bat it to based on the Hay-PannUS- ‘^ l ’ ‘j -’ 130 ,u‘ E n r -* cne >* invited .r e to observe tli. day in a fitting man- with all the honors of the Masonfo tionary veterans, one of the»« irteresl- lodge, of w Inch he was a worthy uiem- mg weddings having occurred as late f°te treaty, which has lapsed, does not, " liar tiffs year. lor. A large number of sorrowing M j m i , in our opinion, invalidate the binding A |wculiar l.vorabi. industrial avuip- friends followed his remains to their Inal nature of the document. Tliis being the, b e w a r e o f a C o u c h BALE a disease but a symp­ tlæTn' sr « k ’ qn.a ,,,y of ’"«♦•HaE elegance of des* ¡ | | o( tlw f l u - . 1. «»to »toyb’F » p . » d Skin affec,Ion. will readily disappear ®»s®. « bold that there is n o rh .n o e for I ’’ BEARINGS, , , it 'Shown for the widow and orphans left to . iw t X , 7 *n” ,lp' niost c o m p le te » £ tom. Consumption and brouetntta, rsjuvsnating of old and shandoned f»®’ mourn t!l„ liU „ ............................ . by using DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve, the Colombian government to come in like a bicycle, the loss ot an lionoml hnsban wliich are (lie most dangerous and fatal ^ a t t a c h m e n t s , easy p M V .,„entgi 0,d ma(.h¡n^ , . w ¡, barr„ , make the f°ry plants. This generally follows lather, Many kxqiutifill doral offerings Look out for connterteits. If ton get ..« j , hat the Pansn,H diseases, have tor their first indication a DeW itt’s you «ill get good results. It . . . . . --------- u»™ ». T ’ ° ne ,n‘" ion Ö' e ‘•'’»•‘«reti thousand nati.«*» ’’W H ITE” periods of unusual activity, an t ta the 1 were given. Mr. H arry Brant came to is tl.e quick and poaitive cure for ptiee. con«’d*r «‘ T»>® signing of tiie Pers.stenl cough, and ,1 properly treated niorc ci r y yea7o°f 8UCCeM’ uuurteou’ treatm ent—wM * the Easiest for Oregon when a boy sixteen years of age, result of tire tncreased demands more can roo ask? Merer A Kvle. protocol by tbe United States, in our '‘s ioun " “8 oougt. appears «re easily Running where he lutz remained for thirty years apses for manufacturing purposes. ' opiuion, commits tire United Flares gov- "smherlsin s Gough Remedy Machine I and has been second keeper of the Vmp- Bi,'-vc!e* rnn lighter and a rt •> _________ ____________ ____ .. *'«» proven wonderfully succevsfol, aud T O THE DEAF ernment to tiie Nicaragna route. Even Made Two Istleraand two books w ritisn b ; '»”• lik'd-house for a numbsr ol tears, gainer! ite wide reputation and exten­ . , most durable and handsome whsff Ireing Itouored hy all who knew hiui. A rich lady cured of tier Deafness and " »»'is were not so, we have every confi sive sale by its success in on tl.e market. CaH or write and let us prov. it. curing the Edgar A. Bos hava just leen sold at Noises in the Head hy Dr. Nicholson's dence that tl.e United Stntcs, of tiie ta o diseases which cause cougliing. If it is •uetion iu Boston for $3tklO, this amount Mr. W J . Baxter, of North Brook, N Artificial Kwr Dvwrns, gave $t0,000 to hia routes, would prefer to build tl.e Xicar- "** bwmflciel it a ill not cost yOU a cent being about |35V7 60 mors than Poe evrr (J., says lie suffered will’ piles for fifteen Institute w rth st deaf people unable ta UaM, For sale by O. W. Hurd, years. He trisssl many remedies wl'li no ,____ __________ procure tl.e Ear Drams may have them 1 .. • , 7 ______________ bad in bis life at on«* time. results until lie used DeWitt’s Witch free. Address No. 10671-e. Tbs N lch-1 <*we*w* y •* U‘U rottte h®1®"«« to »n Miss Florence Newman, who has been i ate V eer Bowels W ith «'eseeretau 300-30C Post street, San Francisco, Cal. Hasel Salve, and flint quickly cured olaon Institute, 760, Eighth Avenue, Aoa*’'><*n. it would be constructed with « 1 . . . . * . ’**» »ufferer from ntnscular rlienm a-' coed» .tatkartle, tare const Ipa. loo forortr. Idin. Meyer A Kyle. t New York. U. 8. A. , lUuertcAB niKbtuery, and Uto money tism, says tbamberlaio’» pai„ Bai» is ------- U (X a C. fail, OrtiM " tsrefuadssoe«. T K E W E S T . Spring Cleaning MORAL ISSUES. THIS SPACE ~ H. W.H.WEATIIERSON Hood’s Sarsaparilla itti™ ■ yO T JT L S T R U L Y O .W .H U R D C A R M A N ’S CHEAP CASH STOEE! Drv Goods, ★ Groceries ★ and ★ Notions!* Just Ooened.... Goods as Reoresented. the white IS KING ! I WHITE SEWING MACHINE COMPANY. B D. T amis . Dasler ¡4 kite 8e 8 ^ # . Or,