W E S T EVERY FRIDAY J~ MORNING— C O U N TY , O R E G O N .— J Hood's Pills - - BY - - - Editor and Proprietor. —Taaxs: »1-50 a year in advance.- One Dose ¡T e lls the story. When your h e a l kftshes, and you feel bilious, consti- Jpated, and out of tune, with your ) stomach sour and no appetite Just I buy a package of AT- H.WEATHERSON PER SO N A LS. And take a dose, from 1 to 4 p ills. You w ill be surprised at how easily ' they will do their work, cure your 'headache and biliousness, rouse the .liv e r anil make you feel happy again. 2 j j cents, bold by all m edicine dealers. $ % % * % * « * '« * I at th e post-office at Florence, ,ne county, Oregon, as second-class .it matter. rCBTIStNO CATRS MADE KNOWN ON A P - PLICATION. .1 n o t ic e s • « e u t» per 14ue, e««ti In ser tio n irence, ®regou, May 24, 1901. - -.............. —= = W E S T L IN Q S . lanks for W arranty Deeds (or sale ha W kst office. L adles’ underwear at A. O. F unk e’s. C heapest and best meats on the Sina- law at W. F . Safley A C o.’s m eat m arket. The steam er Acm e will take a load of lum ber from Tillam ook before com ing here again. The new addition to th e W estern House is about com pleted and it is now ready for the painters. A new line of percales, dress patterns, outing flannels, lawns, m uslin s, etc., just received at M eyer & K y le ’s. Attorney lA*e M. Travis, of E u g en e, was in Florence W ednesday. F. G . M illim an, of Scotts, M ich., is registered at the W estern House. Len Butterfield returned Saturday from a two w eek’s visit at the S iletz. C ol. C. H . H olden has pleted a tine new barn at G lenada. P h ilip Berkshire cam e in th e first of the week for a hom estead. M . L. Tower and wife arrived h e r e ’ Saturday to spend a few days w ith Flor­ ence friends. Mrs. John M ason, who has been ill for about ten d ays, was im proving at last reports. Mrs. Cassidy returned Saturday from G ardiner, where sh e bad been visitin g for about two w eeks. Roseburg R e v iew : Fred C. Bean, of M apleton, Lane county, lias been in this city visitin g bis brother, L. E . Bean. G eo. B . Camp and F . C. Bean went to Continuinf. F. Safley A. Co. will sell you good An Arab peddler lias been m aking a Baker City as delegates from M aple at low est rates. t o c l o s e ®lia.h heel, pork, m u tto n and B ologn a nuisance of him self running from house Lodge, 1. O. C. F „ to the grand lodge to house sellin g shoddy wares this w eek. which convened there this week. ;en lot» o f on l,and at Safley &Oo- „ « H ardware Store of Marsli- De Laval Cream Sep- PRICES. is agent for t e U . o f> 0 . defeated th e U . of W. k athletes in th e field m eet at E n - i M onday, by a score of 665# 10 5ft ■ ie N ogget, of Cottage Grove, con- s notice of an application of John H. fd fot; license to conduct a saloon at «e. goodt dioonpr Sac ramen to arri ved Sat urd a y in loaded with lumber from th e Si- iw and San Francisco Lumber Corn­ y's m ills. iz ’ J^ C a c |fanted—60 persons desiring to dis- V * ^ * * 9 of real-estate in this vicinity to call The steam er Robarts returned Tues­ day from a trip to Y aquina and Alsea. She was bur bound several days at the latter place. Work on M eyer & K y le ’s new store building is being com pleted as rapidly as possible, and not m any w eeks will elapse before it will be ready for use. Sales o( De Laval Sepaiators to date beat all previous records. T he Pioneer H ardware Store of M arshfield is kept busy supplying th e great dem and for these wonderful m achines. W e acknowledge receipt of tick ets to the W illam ette V alley Cbatauqua Asso­ ciation, which m eets at Oregon C ity July 3-13, 1901. An unusually prom ising ar­ I place their property on our list. ray of talen t has been secured for the U W eatherson. com ing assem bly, he W . C. T. U . and city council of Curtis Sw eet cam e near being struck .rahfleld are having quite a coutro- on the head with a stick of wood yester­ •sy over the m atter of regulating the day m orning. The steam er M arguerite tone of th at place. liad just tied up at the wharf and the 'ry the new rem edy for costiveness, engineer was taking the wood out of the M n * t m h e r ia in ’s Stom ach and Liver Tab- furnace and throw ing it overboard. B I I . Every box guaranteed. Price, 25 Curtis was passing in a sm all boat and the engineer did not see him . One stick its. F tfrsale by O. W . Hurd. U h lan d lias begun proceedings struck his hand, w hich be raised just in lin a t a num ber of liquor dealers for tim e to protect his bead. ISE, M | Iffi ,SE lling liqulor contrary to we in force in that city. O riln i^ be 4uit 1 prohibitory J< 1Iadea11 vs- A-.Pe V / r i i v A bow I wi , which was to have been tried fore Justice H olden W ednesday, was itnissed on account of error in the You are m uch more liab le to disease ben your liver and bow els do not act D e W itt’s L ittle Early Kisers i the cause of disease. Meyer & C3 If people only knew w hat we know about Kodol D yspepsia Cure, it would be used in nearly every household, as there are few people who do not suffer from a feeling of fullness after eatiug, belching, flatulence, sour stom ach or w alerbrash, caused by indigestion or dyspepsia. A preparation such as Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, w hich, w ith no aid [rom the stom ach, will digest your food, certainly c a n ’t help but do you good. M eyei & K yle. Woodman Grand Ball Joseph Slem m ons, Jas S. Douglas, D. H . Stu evens and Ira Harrington were dow n from upoer Sm ith River Saturday to file on ttieir hom estead claim s. M essrs. W illiam s and Crippin, who have been engaged in logging on the upper Siuslaw R iver, were in Florence Satu id ay looking after their lum bering bu siness. C apt. J o h n so n is desirous of exten d­ ing tlianga to th e ladies of the town who were so kind as to take care of his wife and fam ily during their late sickness and his absence on the steamer. Roseburg R eview : Mrs. H . Bultmun arrived here Tuesday evening from Fior- ! en ce, for a visit w ith her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C alvin W ylie, in Edenbower. She w ill rem ain for several weeks. ACME COflflERCIAL CO Acme Commercial Hall FRANK B. WILSON, Manager, Friday Evening, June 7,1901 about com ­ hia place in from G oshen look at his : JkOlSZTE, PROGRAMME: First V iolin, . . . - George Thurman Second V iolin, . . . . Dee Alexander O r g a n i s t , .........................................Mrs. F. H . Alexander F irst C o r n e t ,.........................................George Chamberlin G u i t a r , ................................................... J . C. Stingley You Have Always Bought Cheater, Mich. Varied Stock o f. The Ball w ill b« opened w ith a grand march by the Woodmen and Koyal Neighbors. General Merchandise^ Patent Medicines, Floor Managers—George Peil and N elson H ew itt, General Committee—W . R. D illey, George Peil and N elson H ew itt. Supper Committee—Mrs. G. E. Gibbs, Mrs. L. V . Stingley, and Miss Rebecca Henderson. Boat will leave Head o f T ide 7 p. m . sharp. 4 r. M ., Dress Goods, and Florence Prints, rtuslins, Yarns, Crash, Notions, s Groceries. TICKETS, Including Boat Far» and Basket Supper, $1.50 May be purchased from C. D . Chorpening, Mapleton; Fred C. P eil, Hurd’s Store, F lorence, and Edgar Hand, Acme Store. A ll parties donating baskets w ill confer a favor on the Woodmen by sending them by F r id a y ’s boat addressed to W . R. Di 11 ay, expenses to be paid by W oodmen. -Tv During the evening lig h t refreshm ents w ill be served in the ball. Everybody cordially int ited to attend, you a good tim e. Dr. Atwood, of E ugene, was in Acmb CRIPPLED FOR LIFE. Saturday and Sunday exam in in g appli­ cants for m em bership in the Modern W oodm en of Am erica and the Royal Nelson Hewitt Lose* H i* Hand by Accident With an Edgar. N eighbors. The doctor located in Eu­ gene but a few m onth s ago, and lias a l­ ready built up a fine practice. H e e x ­ Our Acm e correspondent sends u s tb s pects to visit th is part of Lane county follow ing account of the accident at the again in a week or tw o. Siuslaw and San Francisco Lum ber Go’s, I t is now clearly proved th at any m ill Tuesday afternoon, w hich cost N el­ fann er engaged in dairying, either on son H ew itt his left band: large or sm all scale, cannot be successful “ Tuesday afternoon, w hile working at w ithou t the new process of separating tlie edger in the saw m ill, N elson H ew itt cream from m ilk . The De Laval is the accidentally placed bis left hand in con­ recognized superior of all m achines. tact w ith the saw s, which cu t off th e The P ioneer Hardware Store, of M arsh­ first finger and thum b and badly lacer­ field, is agent. ated both bones of his arm about half way to the elbow. $1O O R E W A R D , $ 1 0 0 . “ George Gibbs and George Chamber­ T he readers of this paper w ill be lain im uiediiftely started to Gardiner, pleased to learn th at there is at least via beach r en te, for Dr. P atterson, who one dreaded disease that scien ce has arrived early th is m orning. U pon ex- been able to cure in all its stages and , weru iound BO badly th at t . catarrh H all . vatarrh Cure s U)at ,on aU out„ix inc,lW the only positive cure known to th e U e » neco88ary. m e.l.c.1 fraternity. Catarrh being a euy con st.tu t.on al disease, require, a const.- ¿ uuinBtant(J8> tut.onal treatm ent. H all z Catarr.. Cure „ colnm unity Bjm pat h iz .. is taken n te r n .lly , acting ! werfca a * «Le C eto on each box. 26c. T h . le a .t in q o .n l i t y n T t h e moM in W e buy direct from the Largest Jobbing Manufacturers in the country, for CASH, and wo are i to get the Lowest Prices, besides alw ays being sure of eb> W e assure tainlng flrst-olasa goods. W e are not paying expenses and w ill sell you goods at reasonable rates. WESTERN HOUSE. WM. BRYND, Prop. Frisa 26 osato. «•«««•*» * M s ’AA' u *' u ?1 vfc' xt' u Mc' v k Everything in connection with the House is N ew and First-C ’ass. SPECIAL ATTENTION TO COMMERCIAL TRAVELLERS. The notice o f the public is called to our new BATH ROOM where H o t and Cold Baths m ay be had at any tim e. The Breeder’s Gazette, We Have a Complete Stock of Boots and Shoes. iV IV U s.V t/W M s’W.WAVAA'.Vfe'.Vt'-W-U'UsWAfc«. i O n. u> the beat all .round f.rm papers reMly. of th . country, 2S to S* pages we«kly. Y our patronage is alw ays appreciated, and bo Regular Price, $a.oo Per Year, ,W q u ality dreen bre D aW itt’a L ittle E arly k in d , of fur. and , Locativa Bromo-Muinine Tobleto eure a cold in one day. No Cure no l ’sy. Riser«, the famous pill» for constipation - We Carry a Fine and T he Breeder’s Gazette and small your purchases, you may rest assured it w ill be oar T h b W est # # aim to sell you the best goods obtainable at reasonable prices. S9.6O Per Year. S TO R IA Infant* and Children. - Music by Acme Orchestra ns follow s: The follow ing is from th e Coos Bay flue heads of cabbage and from the garden' of R . H . N ew s: A rumor is being circulated by «{(¿.were sant to the W est office a disinterested gentlem H nf?) that Col. WANTED—TRUSTWORTHY MEN AND WO 'Pitis is early in th e season C. J. H olt was seen drinking in a P ort­ men to travel and Advertise for old ettebllehed land saloon. A reward of »10 w ill be l x __ io this section, b u t Mr. house of solid fluancisl standing. Salary <7M a tfswfhflyffcasill have plenty of them in a paid by the ladies of the W . C. T. U . for year and expenses, all payable In canh. No can evidence to that effect. T his is a case vaaslng required. Give references and enclose days. self-addressed stamped envelope. Address Man* of put up or sh u t up, and th a t speedily. b u of Appetite is also loss of v itality, ager, SM Canton bldf, Chicago. The gentlem an in evidence w ill save ' '^ to i» p s To recover appetite and the liim self a good deal of trouble by placing T O OUR PATRONS' ¡¿H ood’s Sarsaparilla,—that I th e stom ach, perfects diges- ttie evidence at once. The K idneys and the Sk in. If the I eatin g a pleasure. It also We have nude « m a p m i n t i by blood rich and pure, and kidneys are weak or torpid, the skin will ____ wo w ill furnish tho Weekly which be pim ply or blotchy. H ood’s Sarsapa­ offer »100 reward for any case that it ACM E ITEM S. b nerves. Oregonian w ith the W bbt for one year rilla strengthens and stim ulates th e kid­ fails to cure. Send for list of testim on ­ to any address for the tom of two del- Oottage - Grove Leader: T he city BY RARA A V .a , »■¡¡M mm I called a special election to neys and clears th e com plexion. By ials. Address, tan oavable cash In advance. F . J . C iikney A Co., Toledo, O. thoroughly purifying th e blood it makes taU ffilTliareday, May 23, for the pur- Sold by Druggist*, 75c. M /tflM O M a fv o tin g »15, (MO in bomb, »5000 of good health. May 22, 1901. H a ll’s F am ily P ills are the beat. rbteb a re to he used in refunding the Several Florence people were seen on A A R E A T H O SIE R Y O F F E R D IR EC T O R EG O N S H O W 8 O FF. ’ ded indebtedness at a lower GENERAL NEWS. our streets Sunday afternoon. FROM T H E M ILLS. et and the rem aining »10,- The old maxim, “ The proof of the 0 . D . Chorpening, the M apleton m er- From various sources it is m ade plain •p touch thereof ns needed, to NBB regular gravity system of to all th a t our state is being w ell repre­ Jolin D. R ockefeller, the Standard Oil cbaut) 8pBnt a short tim e in our burg pudding is in the eating,” applies aa stall to the wearing qualities of our hosiery. sen ted , and in all probability the future m agnate, projects a new railway system gunday from ocean to ocean across th e A m e n -j 'D #nieUon cam e Mond. y> d i e Once worn and you w ill wear them al­ C leaves, in reply to num er- will prove th at the part Oregon ha* of (reil{lltjand u uow ways. An exceptional trial offer that would announce the ar- taken in th e l ’an-Am erican E xposition can con tin en t, to be known as t h . A llan- asary reader of this paper should taka tic-Pacific. loading at the m ill. .{yal of the late im proved, up-to-date at B úllalo lias been a w ise m ove. A s a Andrew Carnegie has given »10,MO,000 SacI.alnento arrived SatuAay and advantage of and test tlie remarkable watch pin ion , stsff, jew el-setting and result, not only hom eseekers, but money u>e g wearing qualities and superior finish of ¡yttin * Instrum ents, by which he is en- and capital will lie enticed to our shores. to establish free e d u c .t.o n ,n four Scotch our high grade hosiery. W e w ill, on lum ber.on board. construct d u plicate work for The Buffalo N ew s, speaking of Oregon, u n lv e r .ltie .-E d h .b n r g , G lasgow, Aber- receipt ol 25c. in silver and tlie name of deen and St. A ndrew s. H e stipu lates * , , »¡W altham , E lgin , Rockford, says: t h a t t l.e b en eficia ries be Ids » Scottish H r. P atlerson, of Gardiner, was in your local dealer, send direct to yon $nd other first-class w a tc h e s! “ Great progress is being m ade on sev fellow countrym en ” only. t o » « t*>‘8 m orning on professional buat- from the mills, postage paid, 4 pair ol M torehm^ m anufacture, so difficult to eral of the ex h ib its of states in the Agri, „„„ , ness. H e was called away tin s after- our finest high grade latest style Empire procure from the watch m aterial dealer; cultural building. O regon’s big booth About 50.M0 m achinists throughout “ co ,'_ „. ncuv ® noon to attend M r. Lowe’s son at Glen- brand ladies’ or children’s hose, or on the nortli side of the eouth aisle, is th e country struck last M onday for a Ito , Ipclpding . neatly executed m ono­ men's half hose, in black, tan, white or running a race w itl. the M icl.igan booth, nin e hour day, scale of wages equal to !ada- m i engravings at very low prices. [OPI* Dr. Saubcrt m et witt. rather a painful tlie fashionable fancy solid colors, or the across the way, for th e honor of being th e present ten hour -lay, and other de- Junction C ity T im es: Mies Lulu m ands. About 6,500 men quit work in but not serious accident during Monday latest combination silk embroidered *M ooote, Of F ren k lin , had one finger am-1 A"“ « ate « ¿ “ bl t0 f,nlshed notated fro’m each hand by Dr. ! « -a t bnilding. N early everyth .n g used San Francisco alone. Only 50 m en in last. H e caught tw o fingers between a polka dots, electric stripes, or silk clock I «*"¡"8 ■•»>’ a"d a ro ll> w ,,ich lac«r“ 1« 1 ing on side, in fancy open work, plain, Wednesday. She will not m iss them , I c o n n e c t . « « w.th the Oregon exhibit^ Portland have quit. or drop stitch style, in Frencli liala . , , th e m auite badly, but broke no bones. however, w she still has five fingers < n t ° O>e wood «om pos.ng the booth, com e, H iram Cronk, th e only surviving pen - lneul aoeb ltand. She and her twin brother iron, th at state. The booth is m ade of sioner of tl.e war of 1812, celebrated Ids T l.e Robarta cam e up yesterday with thread, balhriggan, silk finish niaco, or bore! tw enty-one years ago and spruce and fir lum ber. H en ry K. Doscb, 101st birthday a few days ago at tl.e a load ol m erchandise for the Sanbert cashmere with full finish elastic top and had tw elve finger, and tw elve toes, of Portland, Oregon, com m...H »ner from hom e of his daughter, Mrs. S. A . Row-1 Co. I t consisted principally of flour, our patent reinforced silk and linen k n it unless, double sole, toe and high Tho extra d ig it, greatly inconvenienced »»»‘ « a t e to the expoe.t.on, has personal ley, near Utica» N . Y . Mr. Cronk is in feed, etc., and teveral cage« of shoe«, spliced double heel. They save darning charge of tl.e installation of the e x h ib it. good Health for a person who has lived a The balance of the stock is expected h„ lier work and were continu­ and are guaranteed to give three times One m inute yesterday he was saw ing a gnd wa9 ab)e to enjov the occa soon from San Francisco, a lly getting hnrt and injured. They the wear of any other hosiery. The piece of wood, and the n e x t he was n a il- ' who < itb , dni sion with those who gathered with l.ini j.\ h . A lexander and J . I . B utterfield ■ M l glageet natural S'ze and were io- same in children’s, with elastic top, tag sheaves of w heat to boards have about com pleted the erection of justtbuck of th e first joint and ex- to celebrate. double knee, sole, heel and toe, plain or “ ‘ No one would think lie was the Am id a moat brilliant naval dem on- the new lath m ill. Thia adds another ribbed, fine, medium or heavy quality, oot from the hand instead of boss,’ said llie workm en. stration, pictnresque array of sm all , departure to the C ushm an m ill, which th e others. She exp ec.s to “ On th e front wall of th e Dooth are crafts, boom of cannon and tl.e inspiring is steadily enlarging its facilitiea for cop- guaranteed fast color, and warranted extra toes am putated also. not to crsck. Tlie retail value of th bunches of yellow w h eat tacked to Diacae.ieu »uuu. v . .. m n ,ic of local and «“ •'•"‘T bands, the ing w itli the lum ber trade. _____ ees is a condition character- squares of blackened hotels 25c a peir. W e w ill not send wood. A t one «"d inspiring spectacle of 14,000 , . .j bave been suffering from d y .p e p .ia more than tour pair of each ladies ’ or by oi disturbance of the digestive X n e H s a gigantic bottle, about 3<$ feet «»•*1 • 1'd in « into tlie f'dl-breasted (or the paBt tw enty years and iiave bean children’s to ex» person. A trial pair of M . T h e stom ach is debilitated, the high and nearly a foot in diam eter. It I »<” >• ier p id , the b o w el, constipated. co; u , n8 tw0 bi„ M |m on caught in the tide of San Francisco bay was w itnessed J unabie after trying all preparations and these will convince yon of their merits, by th e P resident, hia cabinet, tlie gov- physicians to get any relief. After tak- For 60 asnto wo will send, post paid, one g loathing of food, peins tn toe KlT„r eroora of three states and congressm en ¡n(? one bottle of Kodol D yspepsia Cura trial pair of onr ladieo* fine silk hoea, in dizziness, coated vongue and , „ L jn yeBterdayi first of the «indiirested or [. placed in a conspicuous (rum O hio, besides thousands of other j found relief and am now in bettor shades of pink, gold, white, blaek, bine, led food and then of bile iuoni wa8 , buncll o( corn stalk . 17 people at San Francisco Saturday, w hen bea|tf, than I have been for tw enty cardinal or lavender. This is a special I can not praise Kodol Dyspep- trial offer. I f yon are not satiaOaa with ,in’s Stom ach and Liver Tab- 1 feet long. ‘ They thiuk we c a n ’t grow th e b attlesh ip Otiio was launched from jy yearB. ea rs. ----- th e disturbances of the stom - corn in Oregon,' said Mr. Doacli. ‘ Just tl.e sam e slip from which the famous nia Cure too highly?’ Ttiua writes Mrs them after trial wear wa w itl refund 1C. w . Roberts, {North Creek, Ark. your money. I f yon are pleased with iale a healthy appetite. They look at that 1 And here it clover 6>i Oregon was laun ch ed . op th e liver to a healthy appe- feet long. W hy, in Oregon we can grow Meyer A Kyle. them and wish mors, insist on yoor D eW itt’s L ittle E arly R isers search y also tone up U e liver to a anyth in g th at grows on tl.e face of thia local dealer procuring them for you, and F LO R EN C E M A R K E T R EPO R T. th e rem otest pzrts of tlie bow els and re­ A ction and regulate the bow els, green earth excep t citrus fruits? ” insist on him getting our Em pire brand m ove th e im purities speedily with n o . and you are certain to be hosiery. W rite oa today, mentioning They are famous for their ised with th e result. For sale 1 “ Our little girl was unconscious from discom fort. P otatoes, 90c per bo. thia paper, aa this offer is lim ited. A efficacy. Easy to take, never gripe. Eggs, 15c per d o t. H urd. beautiful little booklet, tolling how onr strangulation during a sudden and terri- M eyer A K yle. Butter, 30c to 40c per roll. hosiery is made, mailed free to yoa ble attack of croup. I quickly secured a Flour, »3.50 per bbl. TO C U B I A COI.D IK ON« DAY request. Address tills way. bottle of One .MinuteCough Cure, giving Hogar »7.00 per sack. Laxative Bromo Q uinine T ablets. K mmbb K hittiku M ilas , ber three doees. The croup was m ie Take ------------ 100 and lo fV u lto n St., Naw York City tered and our little darling speedily re- I All drugxists refund the money if they ■ FUR8 W ARTED. covered. Bo w rites A. L . Bpufford, fail to core. E. W . Grove’s signature is , SevertV F»«»«« - Flomnca Or ««I liver complaints. Meyer A Kyle. .1 At Safley . Meat Market, Florence, Or lA /H C N YOU * • W KYLE * H ave 0 1 ways * on * * H and a P in e ^ to o l^ o f GF^pCEfyE#, B ry L Hats G t ood«j & Caps, ★ ★ B res s Gfood»! r L Boots & Shoes, Gent’s Furnishing Goods, H a rd w a rE , Paints, Oils, etc. Prices as tow as the Lowest 0«^ I *}•*> •*» ow tof Morte yon w ill MKl Hoods Sarsaparilla w in 4a van wonderfnl ^ n d . B» to O C T H O O O ’ l . 1 PIOR0DC0. Ol V 2