The West. (Florence, Lane County, Or.) 1890-1921, May 24, 1901, Image 2

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    T H E
W E S T .
A re 2400
L ank C ounty ,
• - -
O bkoon
• • -
E ditor
F lo r e n c e ,
an d
O re g o n , W a y
aucom panied by Mrs.
| lit e r . They «re registered at tlie Occi­
■ Fwin O m
dental from Salem . Governor G e e r «aid
e ffe c tiv e ly purifius tlie blood is k n o w n
to ev er y d r u g g ist, k n o w n to hundreds
o f thou san ds o f peop le w h o th em selves
or b y th eir frien d s have exp erien ced
its cu rative p o w er s.
T lie w o r st cases of scrofu la, tho
m o st a g o n izin g su fferin gs from salt
rheum und oth er v iru le n t b lo o d d is­
ea se s, tiro con q u ered b y it , w h ile
those cured of b o ils, p im p le s, d ys­
pep tic and b ilio u s avm ptom s and that
tired fe elin g arc n u m bered b y m illion s,
2 4 , 1001.
An attack af c liso a ic vertigo M eins to
h ave «truck tlie O regonian, w hich, in
siieu kiug of P resident M cK inley’« prom­
ised v isit to th e North weal, am ong other
caustic rem arks hu« this to say t
H o o d ’s S arsaparilla
“ T lie public line the right to exneet
under the eireiim stances that t lie P resi­
Will do you good, begin to take it today.
d e n t’« prom ised visit will not be called
R ki . i i . au G okkbmpoxdkkt .)
j ley w ill perm it the President to carry made j » « «'tar landing at San Fran-
’ out his plan of visitin g tlie Pacific North- cisco, as to C h in a’s ability to pay indem -
west before returning east, lie will prob- nitiee.
After forty-seven years a fortune baa
o u gh t not to have been invited by tiie 1 com e to an Ohio veteran for saving a
presence of a chronic invalid woman w om an’« life.
Bread will occasionally
w h o would have been a great deal more get a little water-soaked before return-
l>eeo iug to tiie easier,
T iiis m ay be m erely a coinci-
abiy accom pany tlie presidential party deuce, but tlie im pression is Ilia. Mr,
on its trip from here to Portlai d .
Gov- Conger lias been officially inform ed that
ernor Geer is not a stranger to San
he had been doing too m uch talking for
Francisco. H e spent som e tim e iiere on a diplom at.
0 . M. Schw ab, President of the "b il­
tlie occasion of tiie return and m ustering
out of tlie Oregon vo Iuuteers,------.S’. F.
lion dollar tr u s t,” otherw ise known as
tlie U n ited States Sieel C om pany, re­
cen tly organized by J . I’iorpont Morgan,
drew one of tlie largest audiences that
have y e t attended a hearing before tlie
The populist party of Douglas county industrial com m ission, just as lie is said
no longer officially e x ists.
o ff because of un em barrassm ent th at ¡
couiforubW .at home and have
M onday,
last even in g that lie bud com e litre to lie i
W ashington , May 13, 1901.
present at tlie launching of tlie battle­
D isord ers incidont to the hum an fram e,
sh ip Ohio in a purely personal c a p a c ity ,, M inister Conger talked at every stop-
o f w h ich a m ajority are cau sed o r pro»
and as such is not accom panied by liis P‘"K P>»ve betw een Pekin and W asblng-
united by im pure blood .
I staff. H e will m eet President M cKinley 1 t°'n. but »¡nee lie reported at tlie depart-
T ho rem edy is sim ple.
and tlie m em bers of ids party while nient of State, lie lias been us inuui as a
T a k e H ood's Sarsaparilla.
T h a t tliis m ed icin e radically a..d here, and if tlie health of Mrs. M cKiu- ' clam , e x ie p t to reverse the utsertion lie
— AT—
T, T. i ieer, governor of Oregon, arrived
1 here
On last Sat­ to draw tiie largest salary ever paid any
urday Chairm an R . C. Brown, Secretary m an. From Mr. Schw ab’s point of view
F. A McCall and a mini her of com m it­ his trust is one of tlie greatest tilings
teem en lield a m eeting in tliia c ity and
that ever happened.
in view of tiie disbanding of tlie state
wages, and it w ill not increase prices,
organization several w eeks ago, decided
•pared tlie Tttk of an exh au stin g journey
.... ■
i A statistician puts it th at Alaska has to dissolve tlie county organization here.
under excitin g circum stance«.”
It is too m uch to exp ect that the ° “ 'y ulevun ‘‘undredtl.« of an inh abitant Chairm an Brown tendered liis resigna­
lionie-loviiig fiio^fe of Oregon w ill view to the square m ile. Of tho m any pic- tion, which was accepted, and tlie m eet­
he did acknow ledge that it
would greatly
em ployes.
It will not reduce
reduce th e num ber of
H e took occasion to whack
the labor organizations, but, of course,
tu .es of Arctic desolation, this one of a ing adjourned, th eaetion being approved that was expected from the m an who
unw orthy sentim ents of the « t a le ’s lead- i lonc' y v a i n
l y
across tlie by all present. Inform ally those in a t­ drove those organizations out of the Car­
. .« „ .I ,
1 bleak enow drifts for its other eighty- tendance expressed approval of tlie negie works.
jug newspajier. No one with a aparg of
* J
In officially deny ing that lie had either
com m on sense would for one m om ent nin e one bundredths is perhaps the social m ovem ent.— R oseburg R eview .
been m aking inquiries as to w hether a
entertain such thoughts, and it is too lll0gtl tdletding.
w itb
but condem nation the
m uch for our people to have to listen to
Qne q( t, ~ ; ^ p e r 7 l 7 x i n g positions
tlie tirade'of’ftiiow which tins otl.erw iso jn wh(eh ft vrim ina, jury e w
M rs . M c K inley
better .
country or actually negotiating a loan,
findg u .
Mrs. M cK inley is reported to be im ­
great paper can at tim es throw out,
Hejf ¡8 w)ien tbe j uryinen really believe
proving as rapidly as could be exoeeted .
The people of Oregon, unlike the Ore- thftt |( |e prigoner jg g i|. , ty> but ar(j not
T iie physicians think she will be able to
gonian, regret tl.e »ad occurrence w hich g|lru of jt In R r#(.e n t cft8e
travel n ext week. Mrs. M cK inley will
h a . caused the break in th e P resid en t’« tba jllry 8o|ved lb e diir,cuity by bringing
go direct from San Francisco to Canton,
plane, and aw ait tlie restoration of Mrs. -n U(.# verdk.t . “ W e, tlie jury, find the
O hio, w here it is thought site will recup-
M cK inley to health and strengtli, witli j pr, goner alm ogt guilty „
era.e more rapidly than it she w ent to
k in d ly regrets th at sh e cuuld n ot visit i
W ash in gton.
our BtatQ, gad uom wend tlie action of a ; T ennessee is now proposing to join tlie
Joving husband
in m inistering
a t tlie oth er Southern states in disfranchising
bedaide of a devoted wife.
Jo h n H .
In gham , chairm an of tlie
E u gen e M em orial C om m ittee, has this
tlie negro citizen.
the Chinese m inister
States took occasion
th at he
hoped som e tim e in the future to see
Am erican
largely invested in
C hinese securities, but recognized obsta­
cles which m ade such in vestm en ts well-
nigh im possible now and not very prob­
able in tlie near future.
im prove m aterially on
M aryland, which have
a com plete failure, and
solicitation of any iielp
— S . F . C h r o n ic le .
H e added that
one of those obstacles was the high rale
Skin affections will readily disappear
by using D eW itt’s W iteli Haze! Salve. yf interest A m ericans expected on their
m oney.
tlie m ethods of Look out for counterfeits. If vou get
D eW itt’s you will get good results. It : Tlie M ount V ernon Ladies Associa­
turned out to be
is tlie quick ami positive cure for piles. tion, to which tlie country ow es a debt
that w ithout the M eyer & K yle.
of patriotic gratitude that should never
from tlie courts.
be forgotten— had it not been for tlie
efforts of the m em bers of tliia associa­
May 20, 1901.
o u t at tlie park Munday tlie Oregon
tion, M t. Vernon m ight have passed into
M rs. G arrett Steinliauer lias gone to
private hands, instead of being pre­
Eugene to tlie bedside of lier sister, for­
As tlie tijpa.tjraws near lor tha Mo- den t Strong of the U . O, appeared on
as it is, as near like it was when
m erly M iss Neva Pope, who is seriously
m oriul services of the Grand Army is tlie scene. It was a signal for three i l l .
occupied by W asliington as possible, and
near at hand, we would rem ind you es- cheers for tlie president by tlie students
Byron Sim m ons, who was recently being a M ecca not only for Am erican pa­
peciall/5tSHhe M emorial Hay exercises. 1 which was heartily joined in by tlie sunt to the insane asylum nt Salem , lias triots, hut for patriots of every land—is
It is true tliia beautiful m emorial ter- spectators, It was a graceful mark of written to his sister Iola, at Eugene, holding its annual session at M ount
ein ouy originated with tlie Grand Army res|H ict to one of tlie forem ost educators that he likes Ids new hom e and is well Vernon. Tlie reverence witli which for­
more than thirty-five years ago, Hnd we in tlie w est who is held in high esteem treated there.
eigners usually approacli tlie tom b of
Two married daughters of tlie W ill-
have been carrying it on, but th is work by all who know him personally or by
W asliington, just below tlie m ansion, is
cuts, from the Sn ake R iver country,
cannot be out* a lw ays. One by one, wo reputation.—Register.
touching, perhaps more so, because
with as m any children as m ade a wagon
«re answering^tlie Inst roll call, and be­
load, cam e in last week for a good, old- Am ericans are largely lacking in tiie
H on. H. W. Oorbett, who was a c a n ­
fore very long th e last m em ber of thr
laBhioned visit.
spirit of reverence, or least do not make
did ate for tlie United States Senate, de­
vast arm y will be musierud ou t. We
Charley I’opo had a tooth th at lie a display of tlie reverence they feel.
clares l lint on the first day of n e x t J a n ­ thought a great deal of. In fact, lie [ -pbe pa9t year bag been 0Ile of t,,e ulogt
would not that tlie M emorial Day cere­
uary lie will start in and make a fight d id n 't tliink of anyth in g else for several
, ,
, ,
m onies eliould p a a sou tof existen ce witli
i- ■ i
successful in the history of the associa-
for the election at tlie n ext session of davs. H e w ent to E ugene Friday to
us, and become only a beautiful m em ­
show tlie treasure to a d en tist, aud tlie I*o n - T lie total num ber of visitors to
tlie legislature. H e w ill see tiiat clubs
ory. Bather, wo would leave tlie day us
fellow robbed him of it.
j Mount Vernon readied 85,829. Through
are organized in every county in the
an inheritance to our beloved country.
Mr. Tierney, of California, a friend of tlie V ite R egent for Louisiana, a writing
state, and lie proposes to niuke a hard
W e are glad to knoiv th at tlie Odd
tlie H aigh ts of Alpha, se n t word that lie desk, once tlie property of Mrs. W ash­
fight, anil with a few dark horses in th e was com ing to see them and visit the
F ellow s have appointed May 30th for
ington, lias been added to tlie furniture
. , ' ' .
. i i i . i field tiie next session of tlie legislature country. They liad agreed to m eet him
their m emorial service, and it would lie
of G en. W ash in gton’s bed room . It lias
. .
. .¡I
I prom isos to lie more tropical than the at H ale, and Ed H aight started thither
a great pleasure to us i f a ll lik e o r g a n i- ,
as soon as lie got tlie letter, but tlie Ore­ been decided to purchase tiie couch e x ­
hist.— P laindealef.
BBlionB would do tlie sam e, and m ake it
gon m ist of last week cam e on und half hibited at tlie C entennial E xh ib ition as
boys had just won an even t when P resi­
neglected ^«olidwy:
Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, dis­
courages and lessens ambition; beauty, vigor
and cheerfulness soon
disappear when the kid­
neys are out of order
or diseased.
Kidney trouble has
become so prevalent
that It is not unoommon
for a child to be bom
afflicted with weak kid­
neys. If the child urln»
_____ .
ates too often. If the
urine scalds the flesh or if, when the child
reaches an age when it should be able to
control the passage, it is yet afflloted with
bed-wetting, depend upon it. the cause of
the difficulty is kidney trouble, and the first
step should be towards the treatment of
these important organs. This unpleasant
trouble is due to a diseased condition of the
kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as
most people suppose.
Women as well as men are made mis­
erable with kidney and bladder trouble,
and both need the same great remedy,
The mild and the immediate effect of
S w a m p -R o o t is soon realized. It is sold
by druggists, In fifty-
cent and one dollar
sizea. You may have a
sample bottle by mail
free, also pamphlet tell- Home o f . Swamp R oot
tng all about It. Including many of the
thousands of testimonial letters received
from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer
it Co.. Binghamton, N. Y., be sure and
mention this paper.
great railroad war like tiiat which lias
figured in W all Street operations w ithin
a few days would
be im probable in
Winter deaa-UW
a d ay of th a t scared tl.e Californian out
It is tlie history of ail navy building of tlie woods. H e left on Ids return to
Now is tlie tim e to begin preparation.
,,,odern li,1,es " ,“ t » ' h ,P htt8 bec" tlie land of su nshine and drouth two
lor the celebration of the Fourth of I l'“rd1'
before it begins iiours before Ed reached H ale.
T lie Deadwood school house is a sin ­
, ,
, .
,, ,
. f to be old style. The style in ta ttle
J u ly , so as to insure «11 of our people nt i
ships changes alm ost as rapidly as in gle boarded frame building anJ the wind
least one good holiday during tlie year
how ls through wide cracks between tlie
th e cut of dress sleeve». Tlie thicker
boards. On dam p, ch illy days tlie cliil-
and tougher armor is m ade tlie greater
dren com plain of tlie cold. Martin Ol-
It is with a sense of deep regrot tiiat
, ,
becom es the piercing power of projec­ sen,« little hoy lias been kept at hom e
tile people of the northwest learn ot tiie
1 ‘
, ,,
tiles, Tlie two tilings constan tly lap on account of a cold supposed to have
Buvere illness of Mrs. M cK inley. To
r been contracted at school, and little Be-1 were intim ate, it is probable tiiat it lias
. , .
, ,
, , «n<l overlap one another—offense grow-
Jiavu »sen tlie President und h is d e v o te d
atrice W illcut lias a totally paralyzed I often been ridden in by W ashington,
ing ns fast as defense is perfected.
w ife was th e wish uf all uur citizens, yet
leg. She w ent home com plaining tiiat
jjo n . C . D . R an dall, of Coldwater,
H ence tlie enorm ous expense, not so
.1,« was cold at school, after getting Mlcb<i a retlrv(1 banUer wbo ig gw re,
th ey will forego tiiat pleasure w illingly
much of building a modern navy, but of very warm w hile playing actively at |
Io know that tlie lifo of Mrs. >1« Kin ley
recess. N ext m orning sh e broke in to a “ nd
of “ •«> board of control for
¡ keeping it up to date.
|s saved to lier I inn orc-1 liuahund,.
profuse sw eat. Then she com plained G’o M ichigan state public school, is vis-
ire n c
Beginning April
ha W
1st and Contlnulnf. f .
at Ii
the month, we propose to close <»Leall
Surplus stock and all broken lots of a**®1
m Pi
>e U,
k « tl
i Moi
ie N
s not
fd to
Does not permit carrying
held by trustees and estates, and by
perm anent
m arket excep t for prices tiiat no one
year to year, so
m ents, and could not be secured in open
Beep Price-Cutting and Quick
B y I ch D ikn .
May 20, 1901.
Fruit prospects are still gdod around
Mr. D ickinson
new residence.
'ry th
H ’VT Lì
Unet a
llin g I
w s in
A Special Counter Will Be in
» by O. W. H un t.
fore Ji
This Sale.
You ai
hen yo
Y O T J rtS
T T IT J X j Y
o. w
G. W . Dickinson and fam ily w ent to
the v a lley yesterday.
Mr. L. D avis, of E ugene, visited at G.
W. D ickiusou’s last week.
Most every one in tiiis neighborhood
is through p lan tin g garden.
Maurice Moore bought tiie J . F. Chas­
tain place, consisting of 158 acres. Con­
sideration, $600.
J. W . Gross, of E lm ira, and John
Oherry, of Callao, M o., were looking
after cattle in tiiis part last w eek.
, ir.
Drv Goods,
★ Groceries ★ and ★ Nothjjj^
Just Queried......... ¿¡"j
Goods as ReoresenteS
J. W . C A R M A N
like a bicycle,
make the
“ W H IT E ”
tlie Easiest
M achine
Beauty of rinisli, quality of m aterial, elegar
the finest workm anship, tl.e sim p lest, m oet ci
best of attach m en ts, easy paym ents, old macl
in exchange, one m illion five hnndred tbousa
users, thirty years of success, oourteout treat
more can you ask?
on tlie m arket.
B icycles rnn lig i,,sr
m ost durable and haiwi
Call or write and let ns provi
Health lor 10 Cents.
i of tur
Is tila o
lias m oved in to bis
Died, May 18, 1901, little E thel Mak-
inson, aged 1 year, 3 montlia, and 6
day«, youngest child of Mr. and Mrs. F.
E . M akinson. Sh e had been sick five
weeks witli som ething like la grippe.
Funeral Beivices were held at tlie house
Sunday at 11 a. tn., and the interrm ent
took place at 1 p. nt. Ht tlie Reeves cem ­
Surveys are being m ade at various oi great pain in tlie leg and in a few m n g W asliington. In tiie course of a
T he sneculative fever seem s to lie
etery. Tlie parents have tlie sym pathy
points in tlie river for tlie location of fish hours the pain went aw ay, hut tlie lim b | convenmtion lie said: “ Ex-G overnor of tlie entire com m unity in their sad
d y in g out in New York. Tho losses
became rigid. She lias uo power in it
traps. It is surprising to see the greedy
P ingree has gone to Mouth Africa. It is affliction.
incurred by tiie incautious m oths who
w hatever. Site walks on crutches, rest­
attem pt« made by tlie vaniierym cn «nil ing one paralyzed foot on tlie oth er.
supixjsed liis m ission tiiere is to estab­
There lias been qu ite a grab for tim ­
fluttered in to Hie ¡lame when it was
others to destroy tho salm on of tliia
lish a suic for tlie shoes manufactured in ber lands in this tow nship (18 S., R. 7
burning mMt fiercely have had a repell­
coast in tlie fall stream s by tlie use of
Mr. W J. B axter, of North Brook, N , liis siiops. M ichigan does not m iss iiim , W .) In the last three m onths tlie fol­
in g effect, For a w liilc there was a pretty
say« lie suffered witli piles for fifteen [ür nle„ arB
forgotten after they go low ing-nam ed settlers have built bouses
traps, and it is too had tiiat legislation
general couvicliou in certain quarters
on their hom esteads near tiiis place:
years. He tried m any rem edies witli no
, ,
,, ,
cannot had which will regulate tlie t a k - 1 .....................
n ._____ J.
¡ ° u “ >l office. H e undoubtedly had som e Jos. H enquinet,
Isidore Degrandga-
th a t fortune favored tlie m an w illing to
results until lie used D eW itt’s W ild
Illg of those llsli. Should all the traps H asel Salve, and that quickly cm eii good ideHS and likew ise som e bad ones, gange, John D ekeyson, Jos. Marsliek,
ta k e risks, but tlie even t lias proved tiiat
he placed ill tlie river tiiat are contem ­ him . Meyer A K yle.
i In the last two or three years there lias Jos. Gigot. Joe. Onmlier, and Nicholas
w hen outsiders met d ie witli W all street
plated, nnd the length of them not be i
j been developed in Southern M ichigan a Muore, all of W isconsin. Ttiey were ac­
affairs they do so at their peril.
T re a s e re s o f th e W h ite H o n se.
I reduced, i t w ill be ahuut na dangerous > There are doubtless In every large Ilew '“dustry, tlie m aking ot Portland com panied iiy Frank Pierre and Ben
W hiteside, all of tiie sam e state.
F,w a num ber of y e a r, th ete has be n for ‘XM‘” M “ ig ,ur fi' h ,o
"P Mnd city In the country larger and more val- cem ent. Gnu of tlie chief ingredients is
tbegWBlu laildg
no proper o lw e r v a u c of D ecoration dow n tl.e etream . M an , of tl.e people (table co llectio n , o f brlc-n-bm e and art j Ulgrl> w |d tll ig found
rurnlturv than that to be found In the ,
A cougli is not a disease hut a symp­
D ay in Florence. An organiaation of oi U,u rlvBr w l‘° ,"‘ve l ^ u X o r e de- private apartm ents o f the ex ecu tiv e *n tb<J vicinity of C oldw ater. Marl is
Consumption snd bronchitis
th e G, A. B . exieted here for a num ber P»"ded on the ealm on catch to supply m ansion, but it is a questtou w hether pu ie w h ile in color, m ade by decayed tom .
which are the m ost dangerous and fatal
o f year«, and during ita life tho ritas in- ,h eir
<,urin* ,h #
w i»
. . . .
i shells, and borings have sh o w n th at it diseases, have for their first indication a
the land any other half so lotereatlng.
cid en t to the observance of tl.e day were
0 ,‘”' r ••" P lo jm en t and I o « the R arity la. o f course, a universal cliartie- ettista in sufficient q u an tities to su pp ly persistent cough, and if properly treated
fu lly c o m p i w w ith, and we all felt u" o< ,’",ch ''“ lui‘ ble
k - r «n terlstlc o f the artistic gem s scattered all demand« for hundreds of years. Tlie as soon as tiiis cough appears are easily
through the hom e o f the presidents,
. _
, .
• ■
' cured. Cham berlain's Cough Remedy |
better aud happier for having h on orcl “ ’w u "1 uI “ »**« '" I " - *"d “ ••
but bettor than th at Is tho fact that ai-
" u'*do by m ,x ,n « ‘ be '“ ' rl w '"'
lias proven wonderfully suwurtsful, anil
right for tlie men witli whom their earn­ moat every piece Is fraught w ith mem- il* v »nd baking it hard, after which it is
lite memorine of eur departed loved ones.
gained its wide reputation and exten­
ings are »pent to take Iron» them this orlea aud aasoclatiim a th at m ake It a grouud to powder by powerful pressure.” i
Now tiiat ÍJbrre ia no G . A. H. at tiiis
sive sale by its tuccees in curing the
prlztil [xissession. O f the w hole nunt-
, ,
1 w e a n s of procuring a livelihood.
her probably h alf are the g ifts of k in g .
Une oI ,h e differences betw een t n g - diseases which cause coughing. If it
place no one vo lu n te e rs a n y m ove n . - .
omt rulers, tokens o f appreciation from land and the U nited Stale» a s s strongly i not beneficial it will not coet you a cent.
w a n ts m aking tills m<*t useful of our
M iss Florence Newm an, who lias been
friendly nation«, and the remainder, »ccenluatad b , Mr R . M. Deoley, a me- For sale by O. W. Hurd,
Im lidsys • lim e for patriots »nil friends „ g ,cat anlfe*er Iroin m uscular rlienins- havltig been fashioned especially for
. ,
connected w ith the
to gather at the last re stin g p la.u aof tin- li s i n , a«}'» C ham berlain’« Pain Helm is the W hite House, b a r e no duplicate« t l “ n,u* 1
a n yw h ere e lse In the w orld.—W om an's Midland R ailw ay, of E ngland, who is !
departed and ulfer triim te Io th e uiciit.
A rich l«»lr cured of her Deafness and
H om e Conipauton.
, m aking a tour of thia country in eearrb Noieee in Uie Henri by Dr. N icholson’s'
o r t o f tlmae tiiey loved and honored, It
lot linpruved railway idrae, in a oonw r- Artificial Car I>rums, gave $10,000 to bis
A liv e ly liv e r, p u re b lo o d , d e a n
is not yet too lata to m ake sum« effort
skin, b rig h t eyes, p e rfe c t h e a lth —
i astiou cuucvinm g l it . Wail Street erasli, In stitute, so that deaf people unable to'
toward« tlie d a y ’« observan»«.
C ascarets C a n idy
d y C a th a rtic w ill o b ­
( caused by Ute erasli of tw o m illionaire procure the Ear Prutnt may have them
ta in a n d secure th e m fo r you. G e n u ­ n t e « la a ata re t t O . «vsry h .« ot t h . r » u l M
[ syn d icates lor control of tlie Norilierti : free. Address No. 1O57A-C. The Nioh-
■ A s m » T m s N o w .I « W ith r » M a r .t a .
ine tablets stamped C. C C. Never Laxative Bromo-Quinine
oison Institute. 7S0, Eighth
C a a ilr i'a t h a r t lr , ears e n s i Ipai 10« fo r e ver.
PatiQc Railroad, lie said; " A . Naw Y o rk. U . B. A.
Ma.Se. U C .V -C .m U ,d rt> s « i*ta r> fu iM la M W « y . «old in b u lk . A ll d ru g g i’ ta, to e .
. pla<
M l
he W
•sy ov
iòne c
-O N R E S ID U E O F -
1« loi
iW an
y’ t m
would be w illing to pay.
“ It is with a good deal of pleasure and
satisfaction tiiat I recom m end Chamber­
lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
R em edy," says Druggist A. W. Saw telle,
of Hartford, C onn. “ A lady custom er,
seeing tlie rem edy exposed for sale on
my aliow ease, said to m e: ‘I really be­
lieve tiiat m edicine saved m y life the
past sum m er while at tiie sliore,’ and
she becam e so enthu siastic over its
m erits tiiat I at once made up my mind
to recommend it in the future. Recently
a gentlem an cam e into my store so
overcom e witli colic pains tiiat lie sank
at once to tlie floor. 1 gave him a dose
of th is rem edy which helped him . I
repeated tlie dose and in fifteen m inutes
lie left my store sm ilin gly inform ing me
tiiat lie felt as well as ever.’’ Sold by
O. W. H urd.
at n o ti
portion of the stock of our railroads is
other interests as
England for tlie reason that a very large
Mr. T. J . M cGlynn and fam ily, of
M innesota, have bought the Mrs. Ruth
G. W hite place and m oved in tiiis
Gen. W ashington's W hite Chariot, and spring.
There lias been qu ite a lot of sickness
place it in tlie coach house at M ount
tlie creek liere tiiis spring— three
V ernon. Tliia coach was not owned by
cases of lung fever and several cubcb of
G en. W asliington, but it is a duplicate
la grippe. >
of tiie W asliington coach, which was,
Mr. W orden, our mail carrier, lias
m any years ago, broken up and distrib- been laid up for a couple of w eeks witli
j uted in pieces as relics, built by the lung fever, but we are glad to say tiiat
gauie |uan a|ld for {rie|ld_ Mr< P ow e„ lie is ubout able to resum e buBiness
—and as tlie W asliington« and P ow ells again.
one grand M emorial Day,
to the U nited
to say
To succeed she m ust
to say ill tiie colu m ns of tiie Guard con­
cerning the observance of that som ew hat
Chinese loan could be floated in this
Women as Well as Men
Are Made Miserable by
Kidney Trouble.
300-306 Post street. San Francisco, Cal.
fi D. P a ia u Dualer in Lite Sowiuj iU oli