PERSONALS. W E S T tfa a ti’s P ills BVKKY FUIDAY MORNING— |>---------- AT------------ A re p rep ared from N a -' \y. Gilbert win in Florence thia tu re ’s m ild laxatives, a n d [ week w hile g en tle a re reliable Ed. Harisall, of Coquille, is visiting a n d efficient. T h e y relatives on the Siuslaw. acme it e m s . BY BABA AVIS. May 15, 1901. Mr. L. S. Chapman left Saturday lor Jesse Phelps, of Hermann, gave us a Sumpter, Eastern Oregon. - . - by --- $3© call the first of the week. Mrs. G. E. Gibbs is convalescing after tt. (V E A T IIE R S O N C u re S ic k H ead ach e, Bil­ W. G. Goodwin, a travelling salesman, a severe experienc with ia grippe. and Proprietor. Mr. Mellen, a business man of Eu­ iousness, S o u r S tom ach, was in Florence this week. Win. Casterline and family are mov­ gene, is stopping i 1 our burg for a few a n d C o n stip atio n . Sold —X kbm « I $1.50 a year in advance.----- everyw here, 25c. p e r box. ing to the valley, where they will in days. ______________________ future reside. Prepared by C.LIiood & Co.,Lowell,Mass. An Arabian peddler has been display­ Olive Knowles commenced a term of ing his wares about town during the Cntered a t the post-office at Florence, _ ie county, Oiwgou, as second-class school at Ord, on upper Smith River, week. il matter. All kinds of laces at A. 0. Funke’s. last Mopday. E. B. Miller and son Carl are busily B. F. Wilkes was in from Fiddle creek Leonard Christensen and Marion Mor­ engaged in tearing down the old Saubert BBTIglN G BATES MADE KNOWN ON AP­ Thusday. ris leave today for Baker <3ity to attend mill. PLICATION. Cheapest and best meats on the Slns- the Graud Lodge I. O. 0 . F. il notloea 8 cente per Hue, each Insertion W. S. Gilbert and son, from Eugene.' law at W. F. Safley A Co.’s meat market. E. A. Bean and wife will move to were in town a couple of days looking Call at the Pioneer Meat'Market for Florence next week. Mr. Bean has ac­ after their logging interests. rence, Oregon, May 17, 1901. fresh meats. Geo. O. Knowles, Prop’r. cepted a position with O. W. Hurd as Mr. Burrell and wife Were passengers < A new line of percales, dress patterns, bookkeeper. on tho Acme for San Francisco. They S T L IN G S . Mrs. Ruth G. Sweet, the evangelist, expect to return in about a week. outing flannels, lawns, muslins, etc., will close an interesting series of meet­ isb paid for hides at the Pioneer just received at Meyer A Kyle’s. Tickets for the Woodman ball, June Sales of De Laval Separators to date ings Suuday at the Mercer Lake school 7th, may lie purchased from Edgat t.Uaifeet. house. Services wilt be held Sunday at Continuinganks for Warranty Deeds for sale beat all previous records. The Pioneer 2 p. m. Hand at the A. C. C. Co.’s store. Hardware Store of Marshfield is kept . le Witter office. Mr. Robert Dennis left the first of the The steamer Robarts came up from 0 o s e ou p g|^|0yA C O. will sell you good busy supplying the great demand for week for Smithfield, where he expects the Umpqua Sunday, having taken the these wonderful machines. to work in the interests of the Modern i lots o f gcfroni flve cents up- sehooners Lucy and Louise out over the Guard: M. D. La Montanya, of San Woodmen of America. eceta sehool opened this week with Francisco, inspector of rural mail deliv­ bar with cargoes of lumber from the PR IC ES. ] HattiC Davis in charge. The Acme arrived Sunday evening. ery routes, is In Eugene today (Tuesday) Gardiner mills. She brought up considerable freight for le Florence creamery shipped a for the purpose of establishing free rural Hale Smith, of Heceta, was transact­ the store and mill company, and left itity of butter on the Acme, ing business in Florence Saturday. He : mail delivery in the country adjacent to esb beef, pork, mutton and Bologna this city. seemed to be expecting somebody and Tuesday to finish loading with lumber at Kyle’s mill. age always on hand at Safley & Co. Judge Hamilton passed sentence to- 1 h® ,ome of Rtte“ding Quite a large delegation of Woodmen school this summer ie steamer Marguerite was delayed day upon T. F. Duffy, Wni. Brainard rsday by a break in her machinery, and Dominic Silvel, giving them, res­ Mort Douglas was greeting old friends from up the river and Florence gathered around the “campfire,” Saturday even­ le Pioneer Hardware Store of Marsh- pectively, five, two nnd two years, to in Florence last Saturday. He enlisted ing, to assist in administering the ini­ , is agent for De Laval Cream Sep- serve in the stats penitentiary.—Marsh­ in the 35th regiment nearly two years tiation ceremony to some very desirous goods *0i g. ‘ ago and has been in Manilla most of the field Sun, May 10. candidates. anted—50 persons desiring to dis- It is now clearly proved that any time since he entered the service. Mort Several new bicycles arrived on the apoears to be in good health, but lacks i of real estate in this vicinity to call farmer engaged in dairying, either on Acme. This tends to swell the rapidly a good many pounds of weighing as r place ‘their property on our list. , large or small scale, cannot he successful growing cycling population ot our town. without the new process of separating much as when he left. K O c I f * W a'herson. We think it is in order to suggest a bi­ crenm from milk. The De Laval is the ry the new remedy for costiveness, i DeWitt’s Little Early Risers search cycle path from here to Florence. It could mbei Iain’s Stomach and Liver Tah- recognized superior of all machines. the remotest parts of tlie bowels and re­ bo quite easily constructed; so why not . Every box guaranteed. Price, 25 The Pioneer Hardware Store, of Marsh­ move the impurities speedily with no make a pull for one. Every wheelman field, is agent. ts. For Bale by O. W. Hurd, discomfort. They are famous for their should make a pull in that direction. he new sidewalk from the printing Register: Monday petitions contain­ efficacy. Easy to take, never gripe. •e to Jackson street in west Florence I ing 167 signatures, including a number Meyer A Kyle. $ 1 0 0 R E W A R D , $1O O . i completed a few days ago by the ‘ of representative citizens and business The readers of this paper will be M A P L E T O N NEW S- tractors^ Messrs. Harwood and Cra- j men and prominent women of the citv, pleased to learn that there is at least was presented to Mayor Chrisman re­ one dreaded disease that science lias May 12, 1901. been able to cure in all its stages, and S arc much more liable to disease questing that he enforce the law prohib­ Mr. Willie Bay is working in Mr. that is catarrh. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is en your liver and bowels do not act j iting gambling. No united and system­ the only positive cure known to the 3. perly. DeWitt’s Little Early Risers I atic canvass was made, the petitions Bound’s logging camp at Mapleton. Mr. A. P. Knowles returned home medical fraternity. Catarrh being a love the iause of disease. Meyer & being signed largely in a voluntary manner at the churches and otherwise. Friday after spending several days in constitutional disease, requires a consti­ le. tutional treatment. Hall’s Catarrh Cure Married, in the court house in this Eugene. Yorn the Guard we learn that A. D. Miss Olive Knowles commenced a is taken internally, acting directly upon O rder Fall Creek, placed on record city, May 6, 1901, S. R. Lushbangh, of sdneeday of last week 41 deeds and i Coos county, and Mies Jessie Lnndaker, three month’s term of school on Smith the blood and mucous surfaces of the svstem, thereby destroying the founda­ lent» from the government conveying of Chicago, Judge M. D. ThomaBofficiat­ river last Monday. ing. Mr. Lushbaugh came to this city Mrs. J. A. Bean, of Mapleton, who has tion of the disease, and giving, the pa­ 000 acres of timber. Hie Modern Woodmen of America at on the previous day, secured a license to been visiting relatives for several weeks, tient strength by building up the consti­ tution and assisting nature in doing Its iir second meeting, Saturday evening, wed, and then met his fiance for the first returned home on the stage Saturday. A very pleasant evening was passed at work. The proprietors have so much .tiated several new members. There time at the depot on her arrival from faith in its curative powers, that they y 11 he considerable work at its meetings the east, the courtship having been con­ a dance at Mr. Camp’s Saturday, there ducted through correspondence.—Rose­ being quite a number of people present. offer $100 reward for any case that it ■ a number of sessions. fails to cure. Send for list of testimon­ burg Plaimlealer. Miss Nellie Rice, who has been visit­ ■ M L .jlH B ' will be presented Jto the At the M. E. church last Saturday ing relatives at Mapleton the past week, ials. Address, H^ne County court at its June term for E. J. C h en ey A Co., Toledo, O. evening J. C. Phelps gave a lecture on was a passenger or. the Lillian to Flor­ UqnjW liCOpBe to John S. Lloyd for a Sold by Druggists, 75c. ihe Spanish-American war, illustrating ence Monday. K. M ooli at Acme. The petition is signed il with magic lantern views of various Hull’s Family Pills are the best. about 80 Sfitizens.—Guard. Miss Florence Newman, who has been scenes and objects of interest, together C O U N C IL P R O C E E D IN G S - ■"J rrTW sto>me r Marguerite, having re­ with some of the prominent leaders on a great sufferer from muscular rheuma­ ived a new coat of paint and made both sides of the conflict. The descrip­ tism, says Chamberlain’s Pain Balm is, for passengers in other tion was very entertaining, and given in the only remedy that affords her relief. A special meeting of the city council M f r i1 n placed on the regular connection with the views made it Miss Newman is a much respected resi­ was held Wednesday evening, with m Mapleton and Florence. dent of tlie village of Gray, N. Y., and President Morris, Trustees Evans, doubly entertaining. Ihamrock challenger for the If people only knew wtiat we know makes this statement for tlie benefit of Brynd ami Christensen in attendance. The bill of C. E. Harwood for $437.13 yacht cup race was beaten about Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, it would others similarly afflicted. This liniment for building sidewalk was presented. in a twenty mile course, be used in nearly every household, as is for sale by O. W. Hurd. The bill being accepted, it was, on mo­ trip the first of the present there are few people who do not suffer A L P H A C L IP P IN G S - tion, ordered paid. [year’s yacht, Shamrock I. from a feeling of fullness after eating, It was regularly moved and seconded iicioua beginning, by any belching, flatulence, sour stomach or B y E ven C h a n g s . that the recorder be instructed to issue waterbrash, caused by indigestion or warrants in such amounts as Harwood ie illness of Mrs. McKinley dyspepsia. A preparation such as Kodol May 14, 1901. A Craven Blionld demand. The motion the President may forego Dyspepsia Cure, which, with no aid We have splendid prospects for a good prevailed. M tiis tour scheduled for the from the btomach, will digest your food, Adjourned. • At last reports, however, it certainly can’t help but do you good. fruit crop. 1 Mr. Sam Pardee and family spent ■ Mrs. McKinley would im- Meyet A Kyle. “ I have been suffering from dyspepsia Sunday at Mr. G. Steinhauer’s. [ to be able to resume the Monday Mayor Chrisman appointed for the past twenty years and have been Mr. Lawrence Lamb, wife and daugh­ the following committee on the part of unable after trying all preparations and MoniM Cain was drowned in the Wii- Eugene to join in receiving President ter, Ella, left for Eugene Monday. physicians to get any relief. After tak­ nette tbo«t six miles above Lowell McKinley, who will pass thiough that The administrator of the Jas. Pope es­ ing one bottle of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure ^ k o o n , while fishing, caused place on the morning of the 22d: Hon. tate will make final proof this week. I found relief and am now in better Jpikpsizing. He was a young R. A. Booth, Hon. L. T. Harris, Hon. There are nearly fifty head of cattle, health than I have been for twenty IkjB years of age, and leaves a J. H. McClung, A. Yerrlngton, Geo. T. also a number of good sheep, for sale years. I can not praise Kodol Dyspep­ babe about two weeks old Hall. Sr., Col. Geo. O. Yoran, A. C. here. sia Cure too highly.” Thus writes Mrs. ^children. Woodcock, S. H. Friendly, L. N. Roney, 0 . A. Potterf will soon commence the C. W. Roberts, {North Creek, Ark. er Acme arrived Sunday Charles Griffin, Mayor Chrisman is erection of his barn, as he has the fram­ Meyer A Kyle. id after discharging a goodly amount chairman of the committee. ing timbers about all out. fltopa th e C ough and w o r k io f f th e C old freight load' d with 400.000 feet of A new postoffice ruling has gone into Miss Lucy Ramsey, who fell and hurt Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets cure a mber fromithe mills at Florence and effect imposing a fine of $200 or one year herself last summer while crossing a foot cold in one day. No Cure no Pay. iPRlP'-mèi Shot left Wednesday morning. imprisonment on anyone who carelessly P rice 25 c e n t« . log, will go to Eugene for treatment. Us now a hilly assured fact that she or otherwise takes mail not belonging to Chas. Pope and Ernest Tabor, two of [ __. _ t | make regular trips to the Siuslaw. ! them from the office and fails to return Jeweller Cleaves, in reply to nnmer- it Immediately. This applies to news­ our most gallant girl liunters, were seen I footing it towards upper Bear Creek is inquiries, would announce the ar- papers as well as letters and other valu­ Sunday. vai of the late improved, up-to-date able mall. People when taking mall Mr. A. Gibson and family of Junction | This signature ts on every box of »he genuin« atch pinion, staff, jewel-setting and from the office should examine it before have been spending several days here j Laxative Bromo-Quinine t » m . u ► atting instruments, by which he Is en- leaving the building. It will only take visiting Mrs. Gibson’s parents and other j bled to construct duplicate work for a moment nnd save a great deal of trou­ friends, leaving for their home Friday. | igb grade Waltham, Elgin, Rockford, ble. TO OUR PA TR O N 8' n, and other first-class watches ; This is the way Eugene proposes to The new pony saw that Frank Potterf f foreign manufacture, so difficult to regulate the common drunks of that lias just put into his mill to saw cants is roenrefrom the watch material dealer; city, if thd following from the council a success. He is engineer, sawyer and We have made arrangements by Ito including neatly executed mono- proceeding becomes law: Mayor referr- offbearer, and cleaned up 2,014 feet in which we will furnish the Weekly ram engravings at very low prices. ed to ordinance to reaulate drunkenness 1 eight and one-half hours last Saturday. ' Oregonian with the W est for one year Biliousness is a condition character- and submitted an ordinance amending • It would surprise most people to hear j to any address lor the sum of tvio dob zed by • disturbance of the digestive _ ordinance No. 96. It provides that sec­ ; in just what condition last year's logging | lari javahle cash In advance. Tltp stomach is debilitated, tlie tion 1 shall be amended to read that operations left most loggers on the Sius- 1 A W H I T E S E W IN G M A C H IN E . J , the bowels constipated, when six residents and householders law and tributaries. Over 2,000,090 feet 'loathing of food, pains in the shall serve notice that any person is an went to sea, then the price of logs | We have received and are offering for :zlness, coated tongue and I habitual drunkard and is shown to have dropped, with, about 15,000,000 feet in I sale a new White sewing machine. It first of the undigested or kept op the habit for five days, the re­ the booms. We are informed that one is a drop head, ball bearing, and is war­ jted food and then of bile, corder shall declare him a common steam logging outfit is $5,000 behind. i ranted for five years. Call at this office tin's Stomach and Liver Tab- i drunkard and shall cause notice thereof “ Our little girl was unconscious from and examine the machine. he disturbances of the stom- to,be posted in three public places In the jate a healthy appetite. They city for ten days. For 12 months there­ strangulation during a sudden and terri­ g lo w A r e T e e r K ld a e y « » ip the liver to a healthy appe- after it shall be unlawfal for nnv person ble attack of croup. I quickly secured a Hr n obb »’ Sparsam Pill« core e ll kidney 111«. Sam­ also tone up ti e liver to a to sell, give, or assist in giving such bottle of One Minute Cough Cure, giving el« t m . Add suirllne lieioedr to .. Chicago a s M. I . her three doses. The croup was mas- itinn and regulate the bowels, drunkard irtiy liquors. tered and our little darling’ speedily re­ and you are certain to be 1 FO R S A LE . The Kidneys and the Skin. If the covered. So writes A. L. Spafford, teed with the result. For sale kidneys sre weak or torpid, the skin will j Chester, Mich. Meyer A Kyle. Hurd. Thirty head of good goats; good meat; be pimply or blotchy. Hood's Sarsapa- I ---------------------- rilla strengthens nnd stimulates the kid- j FURS WANTED, one dollar and fifty cents each. E. H. D avid , neys ami clears the complexion. By I Pt. Terrace. thoroughly purifying the blood it makes Tlie highest cash price paid for all iter »nJ •*| good health. ; kinds of furs and hides. L ake C o unty , O kggon .— L iv e r 5E, I h jll’. 'l» BI»’’ ’ prove it. fcSTORIA |r Infants nnd Children. d Yoo Have Always Bought ________________ | G . C . CUMPTON. At Safley’« Meat Market, Florence, Or. Don't Accept a Substitute I Everything iu connection with the House is New and First-Class. F R A N K B. W llzSO ir, SPECIAL ATTENTION TO COMMERCIAL TRAVELLERS. The notice of the public is called to our new B A TH ROOM where Hot and Cold Baths may be had at auy time. A G R E A T H O S IE R Y O F F E R D IR E C T F R O M T H E M IL L S . The old maxim, “ Tlie proof of the pudding is in the eating," applies as well to the wearing qualitie« of our hosiery. Once worn and you will wear them al­ ways. An exceptional trial offer that every reader of tlilH paper should take advantage of and test the remarkable wearing qualities and superior finish of our high grade hosiery. We will, on receipt of 25c. In sliver and the name of your local dealer, send direct to you from the mills, postage paid, 4 pair of our finest high grade latest style Empire brand ladies’ or children’s hose, or men's half hose, in black, tan, white or the fashionable fancy solid colors, or the latest combination silk embroidered polka dots, electric stripes, or silk clock­ ing on side, in fancy open work, plain, or drop stitch style, in French lisle thread, balbrlggan, silk finish maco, or cashmere with full finish elastic top and our patent reinforced silk and linen knit seamless, double sole, toe and high spliced double heel. They save darning and are guaranteed to give three times tlie wear of any other hosiery. The same in children’s, with elastic top, double knee, sole, heel and toe, plain or ribbed, fine, medium or heavy quality, guaranteed fast color, and warranted not to crock. The retail value of these hose is 25c a pair. We will not send more than four pair of each ladies ’ or children’s to one person. A trial pair of these will convince you of their merits. For 50 cents we will seud, post paid, one trial pair of our ladies’ fine silk hose, in shades of pink, gold, white, black, blue, cardinal or lavender. This is a special trial offer. If you are not satisfied with them after trial wear we will refund your money. If you are pleased with them and wish more, insist on your local dealer procuring them for you, and insist on him getting our Empire brand hosiery. Write us today, mentioning this paper, as this offer is limited. A beautiful little booklet, telling how our hosiery is made, mailed free to you on request. Address this way. I We Carry a Fine and Varied Stock of General Merchandise, Patent Medicines, Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Prints, Muslins, Yarns, Crash, Notions, g Groceries. -Me' yfc w w w w w w w .Ue> aa > -W; W e b u y direct from the L a rg est Job bing ZTous*; M anufacturers in th e country, for CA SH , and w e are enabled to g e t th e L o w e st P rices, b esid es a lw a y s b ein g sure o f ob­ ta in in g first-class goods. W e are n ot p a y in g enorm ous e x p en ses and w ill se ll y o u good s at reasonable rates. * * * * * o * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * We Have a Complete Stock of Boots and Shoes. E m pire K n ittin g M il l s , 106 and 108 Fulton St., New York City. HE B E ST should be your aim Your patronage is always appreciated, and so matter how buying medicine. Gc< Sarsaparilla and have the small your purchases, you may rest assured it will be oar oonataat best medicine MONEY CAN BUY. when T Hood’s aim to sell you the best goods obtainable at reasonable pric NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office, at Roseburg Oregon. May 10,1901. Notice 1« hereby given that the following- named settler has filed notice of hl« intention to make tlnal proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before Marte L. Ware, U, 8. Commissioner, nt Eugene, Oregon, on June 27,1901. vis: Smith L. Taylor, on II. K. 8165 for the lots 1.2, »wti ueti Bee. S, Tp. 17 8., It. 10 W. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz: ___ , Frederick M. Tucker and Frank E. Taylor, of Reed, Oregon; W. L. Phelps and J. Worthing­ ton, of Mapleton. Oregon. J. T. Baiooxs, Eaetiter. NOTICE FOR NOTICE FOR MEYER a RYLE * * * ■ I * PUBLICATION. Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon. May 10,1901. Notice 1« hereby given that tbe following named »ettler ha« filed notice of bi« Intention to make final proof In »npport of his olalm and that «aid proof will be made b if ore Marie L. Ware. V. 8. Commis»loner, at Eugene, Oregon, on June 27, 1901, viz: Frederick M. Tucker, on H. K. 8195 for the «wQ nwQ, nwQ «wQ, B«c. IS, se.’s neQ, n et. «eQ, Bee. 14, Tp. IS 8., R. 10. W. He names the following witnesses to prove hl« continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, via: Smith L. Taylor and Frank E. Tayler, ot Reed, Oregon, W. T. Balley.of Meadow, Oregon, and Walton L. Mead, of Reed, Oregon. J. T. B riiigxs . Register. H ave â I ways on H and a P ine ^tocl^ of G ^ O C E ^ IE g , B ry ★ ★ B res s Q -oode, ( J oodsj PUBLICATION. United State« Land office, Ruaeburg, Oregon, May 14,1901. Notice 1» hereby given that In compliance with the provision« of the act of Congress of June 8, 187H, entitled “Au act for the «ale of timber lainl«|ln the State« of California, Oregon Nevada, and W“«hington Territory,” a» extended to all the Public Land State« by act of Augunt 4,1892, Cora M. Staple«, of Mapleton, county of Lane, Slate of Oregon, ban thia day filed in this office her «worn «tateinent No. lii'JS, for the pnrclia»e of the n)4 n«%, aw>4 nwJ4, nwti «w)4 of »cctlon No. 27, in Townihip No. 17 8., Range No. 9 W., and will offer proof to »how that tha land aoafht 1« more valuable for It« tim ­ ber or «tone than for agricultural purpose», ami to establish hln claim to mid land before tbe Register and Receiver of this office at Roseburg, Gtegon, on Wednesday, tbe 7 day of August, 1901. She name» »» witnesses: E. ltenahm, William Well«, Fred Wells, and Edwin Staple«, all of Mapleton, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to file their claims In this office on or before said 7 day of August, 1901. J. T. Bainoxs. Register. r L H a ts & Caps, J Boots & Shoes, 1 Gent’s Furnishing Goods, H a rd w a rE , NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Office, Roseburg, Oregon, May 14,1901. Notice 1« hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of the act of < »ngra«aof JuneB, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber land« In the State« of California,Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory,” a« extended to all tbe Public 1 and Mate« by act of A Uglist 4. 1892, Edwin Staple«, of Mapleton, connty ot Lane, State of Oregon, has ibis day filed his sworn statement Xo. 1627, for the purchase of the «!4 se‘4, s’i swQ of Section No. 22, In Tp. No. 17 g„ Range No. 9 W., and will offer proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable for Its timber or stone than for agricultural purpo, ca, and to establish his claim to mid land before the Register and Mecelver of thia office at Rose burg, Oregon, on Wednesday, Ihe 7 day of Au gust, 1901. He name* a« witnesses: William Wells, Fred Wall«, Cera M. Staples •nd K. Benahm.all of Maplatoa, Oregon. Any and all peteon« claiming adversely tha abore dmcrlbed lands are requested to Ilia their claims In this office on or before «aid 7 day of August, 1901. When you ask for Cascareis be sure you get the genuine Cascarets A lady’s purse, of a tan color, and TO C P R E A COLO IX OXK DAY Candy Catharticl Don’t accept containing about 70 cents, was toil on Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablet«. fraudulent substitutes, imitations or Main street Wednesday. Finder will All druggists refund the money if they counterfeits! Genuine tablets stamp­ Never told in bulk. confer a favo b / Cjviog the came at tail to cure. E. W. Grove’s signature is ed C. C. C. 1 1 ip each Lox. 15c, .1 All druggists, toe, I ibe W est Office. LOST- ACME COMMERCIAL CO., ... ... » "ESTE 1. T. Biipoti, RajUter. Paints, Oils, etc. Prices as Low as the Lowest. 4 f i t i PIOlHÎDrte. J - ' «'S ■*1 ' •T.WlWlM ■ - ?