òpring t i um ors o f the Blood C u tie s u M ie t JP . iia u g L fV ‘*’ t « Unti 11. DO YOU GEf UP T H E co u n try ’s prosperity, which they cannot WITH A LAME BACK? How a man is treated by his debtors safely encourage. Ti e a ttitu d e of the —PUtUSKXP KVKKY FMÎDAÏ MoytN/XÖ.— people w ill probably decide the result of depends uh iefly upou the way in which Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserarle. the light. On general principles, regaid- he deals with them . If his m ethods are P om e to a large m ajority of people. —À/— Almost everybody who reads the news- ProbafSy 75 p er cent, of these are less of party, the people are overwhelm- convincing th a t he m eans to be paid ex- papers irjers is sure to know of the wonderful _____ ^UORKNCB, ^.aXX.CoXtXTY, ÄBEUON cu red ev ery year, b y H o o d ’s S arsapa­ in g ly in favor of legislation th a t w ill I *ctly » hen the obligation is due, and will cures made by Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root, rilla, an d w o hope by this advertisc- curb the pow er of the tru sts. This Mr. «“ f«»ce Paym ent by any m e n s neees- the great kidney, liver --- (BY • • • ynent to g e t the o th er 25 p e r cen t, to Babcock claim s his bill will do. The <*»7. “»ll w ithout delay, he is sure to be and bladder remedy. It is the great medi- ' take th is g re a t S pring M edicine. argum ents presented by tl;e supporters understood. H is debtors know th a t he a cal triumph of the nine- I - ’f>B I t w ill sharpen y o u r ap p etite, cure and opponents ef the bill wjll be the de- ’ “ m eans business,” as the phrase is, and I teenth century; dis- j p ll stom ach tro u b les, relieve th a t . covered after years of . Editor and Proprietor. term iniug factor of the altitu d e of the j *" m aking th eir arrangem ents for settling Inter ' scientific research by j tired feeling. ie oc accounts, do n o t.m is s him . So, as a Dr. Kilmer, the emi- j Its stren g th as a blood p u rifier is people. il ms nent kidney and blad- | Speaking of the privilege of franking ' ru l*. he gets w hat is due to him , while ^Florence, Oregon, Way 17, 1X>O1- d em o n strated by its lrfirrvelous cures of der specialist, and is mail m utter, an official called attention creditors of the easy sort, who accept wonderfully successful in promptly curing S a lt R h e u m S cro fu la KUTI B oils, P im p lo s to the not generally known fact th at two excuses, delays and notes, are sure to lame back, kidney, bladder, uric acid trou­ S ca ld H ead bles and Bright's Disease, which is Ihe worst il not T he larvest m ortgage ever placed on a i All K inds o f H um or P s o r ia s is women have the privilege of sending come off less desirably. I t is a truism form of kidney trouble. R h e u m a tis m Blood P o iso n in g Dr. Kilmer's S w am p -R o o t Is net rec- | new spiqier was signed the other day by C atarrh M a la r ia , E tc . th a t delay in the paym ent of a bill in­ any m ailable m atter through the United ommendedforeverythingbutifyou havekid- rent H . II. K oldpat, m ortgaging the property A ll of w hich arc p rev alen t now . (S tates m ails free; also th a t any mail creases the chance th a t it never will be ncy, llvcr or bladder trouble it will be found i 1 1 Ira; been tested Just the remedy you need, of th e Qhjcago H ergld company for l m atter addressed to either of them will p a id ; distances in tim e in this respect in so many ways, in hospital work, in private .13,000,000 Tlic mortgage ¡a made in , ' be carried free. These two women are are like those of sight, the farther away practice, among the helpless too poor to pur­ chase relief and has proved so successful in ja v o r of the Illinois T rust and Savings isti Mrs. D. G ran t an d M rs. Lucretia G ar­ the object seen the sm aller it looks, and every case that a special arrangement has b an k , >n tru st for th e holders of Ifl.fiJO,- t.M the longer the tim e elapsed, the propor- been made by which all readers cf this paper field. tional dim inution of the chance to col-1 ^ X E t t e Beginning April 1st and Continuingank .................................. - ~ - r — M r. Montagu W hite, the Boer diplo- ia V .the Chicago H erald company. All prop- l malic agent, who has been in W ashing- lent. Like his m ajesty, the Sultan—if telling more about Swamp-Root and how to the month, we propose to olose ou find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. P. erty of the H erald company is conveyed I ton a week, lias announced iliat Ooiu his nam e is not injured by n ewspaper When writing mention reading this generous 'to tl;e bank in tru st, with th e provision WASHINGTON LETTER. Surplus stock and all broken lots o f gcfr< M report—the unfortunate or dishonest offer in this paper and f* I Paul K ruger will visit this country in i send your address to '-SiptS (t h a t tl^e H erald company be allowed to AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. 'Tn debtor knows the im portance of tim e in October. Dr. Kilmer & Co.,Bing-pij-':' , : m ain tain possession of tlie property as (Faoir Ona R egular C orrespondent .) the calculation of chances to escape pay-\ hamton, N. Y. The ie 1 jong as it fulfills« th e provisions agreed m ent altogether. By punctual c o lle . THE END OF THE TRUSTS. ititj m-SSQFÜS. ïS C ÎK ÎE M B B E S W asiiikgton , May 6, 1801. to ip the mortgage. Revenue stam ps to lions, houses we m ight nam e have built esh E ver since Adm iral Dewey predicted th e am ount of $l,0»0 aro attached to the the fabric of th eir prosperity on a small The Breeder's Gazette, age 8. F. Chronicle. th a t the n ex t war the U nited States liail O ne of th e best »11 aro u n d fnrtn paper» ¡instrum ent. An esteem ed contem porary whose col­ foundation, unim paired today. Would ie at of th e c o u n try , 28 to pages w eekly. would be with G erm any, th ere have umns bear daily witness to its agony in it be too much to say th a t perhaps rada Jacksonville is under m artial law be- been periodical stories alleging an inten- beholding (lie unspeakable trusts tranip- m any, once contem porary w ith them , R eg u lar P rice, $ 2 .0 0 P e r Year. ie P cause, so th e dispatches say, the w hites tion on the p art of G erm any to provoke j qu(/ (jf a pro8trale ail‘d but of whom even tiie names are not now is a T h o B r e e d e r ’s G a z e tte a n d Does not permit carrying goods f( ote* T h e W est * * * ;9rc afraid of the negroes. A sad reflet- a war witll UB. Ju s t now, th e latest is wretehed peop,e at la8t h appi,y findR fam iliar, have come to grief because ant« ¿¡on qn th e benefits of liberty 1 Before being discussed. It started in ^ ' i n . ' CQmfort ¡„ a vision doom lttipending they were easy and careless in collec­ y e ir to year, so of t em ancipation tiie men of the South its foundation being a pubiisi,ed in te r-| g|]re to dea(;end on the of [he tions? I t is not enough merely to ascer­ pia were not afraid to go to the field of b a t­ view purporting to have been given out iiisolent and ruthless bogy I t now con- tain the responsibility of a firm before CARDINER NEWS. tle and leave th eir wives and th eir prop­ by high G erm an officials, which, in sending goods; there ought to be tiie ry tb soles itself in this wise: May 12, 1901. erty in charge of th eir faithful slaves. speaking of the rapid grow th of G erm an .tnbq -----------ON R E S ID U E OF—.------- The people of th e U nited States will intention, settled and inviolable, to have M r. H arry B rant of tl.e light house ¡8 Today tiie p enitentiaries of the South interests in South and C entral America, soon see th e tru st spiders begin eating the money involved in the transaction . Bi very ill; there is little if any hope of his ts. J are full of negro convicts, a large propor­ m arkedly ignores th e Monroe doctrine, each o th er when the flies get scarce. for use by a certain date. U ncertainty recovery. he n< tion of them desperate characters. It T h at interview has aroused considerable ; Flies are getting scarcer every day. Tiie as to income fr-tn unpaid bill is not Mrs. M ary Swafford was visiting her ! new steel tru st will perhaps compel the :e to is an unfortunate state of affairs, and interest in W ashington, particularly in ----------- AND ESPEC IA L LY ON----------- old one to buy it—in other words, it will com patible with solid and assured pro­ m other, Mrs. Spencer, in G ardiner last I com doubly so because th e years do not bring official circles. As all the world knows, week. trau t compel th e bigger spider to give up a gress in business. Miss Lena W’essela, of Dean’s creek, any m arked im provem ent. I t is diffi the em peror of G ermany is desirous of i few drops of blood to satisfy it tem pora- I. Itightly considered, from the point of cu lt to believe otherwiBO th an th a t the j great)y strengthening ltis navy—he ( rily. B ut wlten this new tru st is bought view of the debtor also, the strict en- ! spent a few days visiting friends in G ar­ on ai d in er last week. treatm en t which the negro lias had at j wishes G erm any to become a great sea out another one will come up and the en yq forcement of obligations by the creditor Mrs. Terry is now installed as chief i i i o partially sue- light will only j bo p r ut off for a little AND REMNANTS OF D RY GOODS TO OLOSE. perly th e hands of his w hite neighbors m ust power—and i while he t lias “ is to his advantage. W hen a m an is conk in tiie G ardiner hotel. while. 1OV« 1 )iuve had much to do with these condi­ ceeded and is now constructing a fleet of Died, in G ardiner, Oregon, Sunday. Now, th a t is real common sense, and selling goods th a t lie lias paid for, or Ie. tion s. The South has sown th e wind w arships th a t will m ake his navy about true, every word of it. I t is a doctrine knows that he m ust pay for w ithin a May 12, 1901, the infant daughter oi rrom ’ and is reaping the w hirlw ind,—A storian. as strong as ours, lie w ants more money with which readers of the “ Chronicle ” certain lim it of tim e and is preparing to Mr. and Mrs. A ndrus. for naval purposes, and is desirous of j A ‘dnesi T here are four schooners now loading i aro perfectly lam iliar, and they will m eet the obligation accordingly, lie is The release of the Youngers from the tents f influencing public opinion in G erm any lum ber from the G ardiner m ill, which unite with us in joy th at it has at last selling his own goods. They are his M innesota p enitentiary furnishes a n ­ 000« in th a t direction. For th a t reason, w a r-, become a sot 'ling halm to the soul of j actually in one case and virtually in the is ru nning full tim e, and th e creamery oth er exam ple of how much more likely doing its share of work under the like talk in the German press is not i our unhappy contem porary and wonder , ' o th , er, lin s cannot , be said of the debtor 1 , is nianagen,e n t o£ A lbert Genall and Will to secure im m unity from punishm ent or | very serio«...y considered in W ashing- The steam ers Umpqua and th a t it never thought of it betore. Tiie who is suffered to dwadle along, feeling 1 Jjester. obtain pardon after serving a portion of ; ton. B ut one tiling may be set down ns j no pressure or re stra in t as to tiie use of j Hazel are m aking daily trips up the fact is tliat competition was never in the |iis sentence, a m an is who commits certain. If Germany or any other power money he is receiving on th e sale of U m pqua and Sm ith Rivers carrying world m ote vigorous than it is today in some great crim e or series of crimes thinks the U nited States will not tigtit goods which he is careless of paying for m ilk, freight and passengers. America. Tiie constant efforts to stifle th a n is t)»e piun who comm its b u t a sin­ M rs. Jo h n Daley was in town on bus­ to m aintain the Monroe doctrine, they it have from tim e to tim e some appear­ prom ptly. Many a well-meaning and iness S aturday. gle offense, These men were formerly will make a costly m istake. ance of success, which prom ptly, as our honest-intentioned m an has found him ­ fiiem bers of th e noted Jam es gang, with The in terstate commerce commission The least in quantity and the most in conteniDorary well says, is followed by self floundering in hopeless d ebt on this headquarters in M issouri, and took p art rendered a decision th a t is highly im ­ very account, who, brought up to time, quality describes D eW itt's L ittle Early newer and severer com petition. T hat fn a large num ber of m urders and rob­ Risers, the famous pills for constipation ' po rtan t both to railroads and shippers, ! tiie trusts would devour us if they could m ight have been saved in conscience and and liver com plaints. Meyer & K yle. beries. About twenty-five years ago the when it construed the law, which a New | there is no doubt whatever, and ai- rep u tatio n .—E x. Youngers were captured in Minnesota York concern sought to show was in ­ T h e O ld R o m e P a p e r , * | though no understand perfectly th at as gnd escaped the gallows by pleading Skin affections will readily disappear N oting tho fact th a t many country tended to p u t ail receivers of freight in a m atter of fact they will be fully occu- by using D eW itt’s Witch Haze! Salve. bred men In the large cities tak e the guilty of m urder. They wepe sentenced carloads on th e same footing, th at a ra il­ j pied in devouring each other, it is also Look out for counterfeits. If you get local paper in th e ir old home, the Phil­ ¿o the p enitentiary for life and one of road company is not in every case under adelphia Record says: "T he hend of a true tliat it is necessary for society to D eW itt’s you will get good results. It hrotners diod there some years ago. In legal compulsion to furnish th e same is th e quick and positive cure for piles. large M arket street w holesale business iri( devise new m achinery for their m an­ house, a man now advanced In years, a few years after th eir im prisonm ent ef­ Meyer & Kvle. term inal facilities, for all descriptions of has been a regular subscriber to oue agement, whose stiength shall be ade­ forts were begun to secure th eir release, of the Bucks county papers for 50' traffic. If th a t construction stands, it GREENLEAF ITEMS. quate to the control of the great masses and among those working for th is pur­ years. ‘H e w ouldn’t give it up f o r ' will place a powerful weapon in the anything,’ said th is m an's son. ‘H e j with w hich it m ust deal. B ut the public pose wer« some of tiie leading citizens, May 6, 1901. hands of such railroads as may desire to gets more real enjoym ent from it than is in no danger, ami we tru st tliat our one of whom had previously been gov­ St. P ierre W illcut and Mike Alamasi is i from anything he reads. A dally edi­ discrim inate against any of its patrons. contem porary now sees it so plainly th a t have gone to work in the lum ber woods tion has been started w ithin the last erno r of ¿he state. B ut suppA e th at aC A domestic problem , which war de­ ortihv on the Mohawk. it will not get rattled any more. ten years, but he doesn't w ant that. these m any tim es m urderers had been partm en t officials will try to solve before H e only gets the weekly edition, which ! Miss A nnie Alamasi has returned from The facts about the tru sts are th a t obscure m en, wlm, in some trivial dis­ Congress meets, is how to make tiie there lias tints far been no concentra- th e convent school she was attending a t th e various tow ns throughout the couu- p u te , had slain another, would these x .x j * . E ugene on account of ill health. National G uard of th e several states a | ty. H e will pore over this by the hour, j tion of ow nership, hut rattier distiersion. people have taken any interest in the H erm ann S teinhauer, having rented working auxiliary of tho regular arm y T here is probably no im portant tru st his farm and sold iiis moveables, has and his com m ents on the various Items crim inals th en ? I t is needless to an- of new s are often am using. Scarcely a • I . . in the tim e of war, in such a way tliat whoso stockholders are not far more gone to California to prospect for gold. »wer. Does it not appear ss though nam e Is mentioned th a t he doesn't say. the cum licisom e red tape m ethod, fol-j ' * I num erous th an th e stockholders of tiie sym pathy for the p erpetrator of a great A good m any young cu rran ts have “ W hy, I used to go to school w ith his lowed when the m em bers of the N a -' fa th e r,” o r “I once licked his U ncle! concerns of which it was composed. te e n blighted by frost. Straw berries crim e is misplaced if tiie lesser crim inal Jim fo r ty in g my clothes up when wo ife tional G uard became U nited States v o l-' Most trust-controlled goods are sold d itto . The salm on bushes prom ise to used to go sw im m ing in the Neshami- |a not also entitled to a share? unteers for th e war with Spain, may lie be loaded with fruit. ny.’ cheaper th an they were sold by inde­ avoided w ithout offending the principles W hen Austin and Kilgore cam e be­ pendent Anns in com petition. The RURAL MAIL DELIVERY. N ot I lls D a y F o p S e llin g . fore Justice B urnett with th eir law suit or prejudices ol those who are sticklers "Does you w ant to see de president num ber of employes has been increased he gave them some good advice and per­ for the rig h ts of the states in all dealings of de road?” queried the colored m a :r m bsr I ra th e r th an reduced, and the average suaded them to settle w ithout m aking w ho s a t in a chair a t the head of the J. W . C A R M A N I t is estim ated th a t w ithin a few years with th e Federal G overnm ent. It is not FRO PRlF-m e. rate of compensation is higher. Prices any expense except th a t of Constable stairs. pone of the |iostm asters will lie com- 1 an easy task, hut those who are charged “ Yes; he’s the man I w an t to see,” Pepiot, who had served the sum mons. pelted lo g o to th e postoffices for their rise mid fail according to the stress of | with the duty of considering it are liopc- If B urnett keeps on doing business th a t replied the caller. dem and, as they have been accustomed nail a t nil. By menus of rural free de- “ ’Bout a [iass or sunthln?” way he will “ lose money on all his I ful of success, AU those interested will to do. None of these statem ents would goods.” jivery system , which is being extended “About buying out ttis toad for $50,- have am ple opportunity to be heard 000.000. Can you attend to the busi­ rapidly, it is expected th a t the mail will he tru e if th e trusts could prevent it. ness for me'/” before any plan is settled upon by tho pe carried to the homes of practically all T h at they can n o t prevent it is conclus­ May 12, 1901, “ I ’speets I could, sah: hut. dis belli war departm ent, as it is th e desiro of the G ardens look nice. my second day ycrc an I ti 1 a in 't f. cl- p ie residents of the rural comm unities, ive evidence of their lack of power to he departm ent th a t a plan be reported to ln pow erful well, perhaps youid better F ine farm ing w eather, th u s giving them the same privileges in a danger to society. So, tor the present, see de president h - -elf—r ' t down de Congress th a t will arouse no serious A little work could be expended ad- ball an second doah to de li lt, sah.’’— jlie way of mail facilities ss those en­ wu may rest o u r souls in peace, and opposition. joyed by th e cities. It is estim ated th at from the stan d p o in t of serene confidence vantageoualy on the road through Nel- Chicago News, It is already certain th a t a tariff w ar son bottom. a t th e end of th e present fiscal year, in our own fu tu re look down upon the A a n o c ln t ln t i o f Id rn « i. will be fought in ^Congress next w inter, A rm strong says th a t three or four p icre will be 4,ikM) ru ral routes estab­ T he 3-year-old sou of a flat dweller, contest in the arena. W hich of the I years from now lie will bring his steam unless som ething or curs to distract pith- , lished, and th a t th e nm nher will lie contestants will come o ut ahead we do logging outfit into Nelson Creek valley, who had heard bis fattier complain oc­ lie attention from th e question. The casionally because the jan ito r was ,|oublod by th e end of th ° n ex t fiscal not know, but we are sure of the safety lay a track down Nelson Creek to Lake drunk and “In no condition to attend agitation started by R epresentative l!ah- ^car, Ju ly 1, iOOfi. W hile the service is _ , , Creek and go to getting timla-r off the to his w ork.” w ent to the flat above , i lie • introduced . i i of the spectators cock, of \\ isconstn, when land lie has acquired there. T hat valley his own last week and rang the bell. ^ot In th e ex perim ental stage, th e ex- the bill to remove tho duty from all pro- ------- contains probably ih e largest compact W hen Mrs. Blank answ ered It, the |>erinieut has been of such a satisfactory , body of Douglas spruce tim ber in the young man said: duets of the big steel tru st, has grown B E W A R E OF A COUCH- character th a t tiiere is really no doubt “ Please. Mrs. Blank, can’t your little world, and A rm strong has practically steadily, and Mr. Babcock says th a t th e A cough is not a disease but a sytnp- girl come down and play with me?” put w hat the system will be m ads per­ secured the greater part of it. I idea has been so widely endorsed th at tom. G onsmuptlon and bronchitis. “Not today.” said Mrs. Blank; “she m an en t.— Farm M achinery, H erm ann Drugg has liceti exam ining Is In no condition to play.” he intends to broaden it by introducing which arc th e m ost dangeroua and fatal "W h at’s the m atter?" a s’. 1 the b y disi-nsea, have for their first indication a his hom estead on section ten, between “ J t Is with a good deal of pleasure nnd * »» *‘*>n as Congress meets provid- persistest cough, and il properly treated Clarence B u rn ett's place and Nelson anxiously. “ Is abv dru u k ?"—New York ■atiafitctioii th at I recom m end Chamber- pig for the repeal ot the d u ty on all as soon as th is cough appeals are easily ; tls o l view to building and Sun. with sin s Coflc, I tiiqcra and D iarrhoea tru s t controlled ¿products W bile Mr. cured. C ham berlain’* Cough Remedy opening a road, D rugg’a land slopes to- N e w In s o m n i a C o r e . tem«Mly." .«>•. Druggist A W. Saw telle, wouM u of finish, quality of m aterial, elegance«!* Brow n—Say, I’ve been trying the fin- 1 BEARINGS, us war be ' lias proven wonderfully successful, and w ard Nelson. of H artford, C onn. ” 4 ¡»'«J custom er, Dm H,,est w oikm ausbip. the sim plest, m ost c o m f» | Mr. Lee, of Junction, m ade a visit to <■“ >* for Insomnia tl t I ever heard couliiied to the republican |>arty in Con- gahicd its wide reputation nnd exten like a bioyele, seeing the rem edy exposed for sale on of. It la for one to count each breath “•t o! «ttachfiw nts, easy paym ents, old m nehin«11 by it* success in curing the bis hom estead on upper Nelson creek s ive su make the my show case, ssid to m e: 'I really hr- gross, it Is obvious th at it will not be. th a t be exhales while ly-ug in bed. in exchange, one million five hundred thousand disiuisc u hich cause roughing. If it is few days ago. “ W H IT E " fieve th a t m etilcins saved my Ilfs the Thq dem ocrats Lave already noted the S m ith -A ll! Then y, u go to ah p. user- thirty years of success, courteous treatm citt-fl not beneficial it will not cost yon a cent. belli Sim mons is no better. 7 ___ m er while nt s th e atsassM » • unii . . . the Easiest Brow n—No. but a fte r a little while a past sum sh o re,1 ami qdvantage they more can you ask? think they cup gain tor For sale by O. W. H urd. R unniog fellow gets rntber interested In tbe she became tiecame so •n tfin siastie over it* their party by nappiorting Mr. Kabeock’s work, and the night s aw ay s„ Machine Mr. W. J , B axter, oi N orth Brook, N. ?» Bicycles ru n lig h ter sn4 <*l merits that I at ones made up my blind Io recom mend it ju th e future. R c-ently “ V«» “ ley wtll probably sttem p t to most durahlv and handsou**^ T O THE DEAF Made C ., says he suffered with piles for fifteen quickly th a t he doesn’t mind lying still so long.-B rooklyn Life. on the m arket. Call I 1 or write and let us prove il> years. He tried many rem edivs with no a gentlem an cam e into my i^tore »0 i^»rry it even iu rth er. On the other A rich ladv cured of her Deafness and overcome with colic lutinii tlist lie sank hand, th e m ore conservative repntilici n-* Noises in th e Head by Dr. N icholson's results until lie used Ik W itt's W itch A widow who has made up her mind Hasel Salve, am i th a t quickly cured to marry again has a great d »I once to the floor. 1 gayo a doee are liksly to be toun ! opposi pusing the bill, A rtidcial E ar D rums, gave $10,^00 ,0 his ■ai m him . Meyer A Kyle. M this remeily whirl, bel,nei him Y no, » , nilKll they ary sense In laying tra p s than wide against its In stiti,*•, so th a t deaf i*ele unable to —Atchison Globe. re issim i th e toae a n d m ylleen m inuses procure th e E ar Diurna may have them is kA my store »mji n g le inform ing me provisions, as bevause tliry regard it ae free, Addre«» N o . 10$J3-r. T he Nich­ The milk of hnman kin B a n c a te T o n r X n w e la W it h « ■ •c a rets . GD0-306 Post street, San Francia«,, Cal. s would ha) lie felt as n e |l ** e v e r.’’ Sold by an nttaek upon the protection prittciple, olson In stit-ite, 71W, E ighth Avenne, CnnUr C a u i*n rc , enre ennslipaitna tnrctsr. be a good deal richer if It i t skim- Wc, B e. M C C - U ta ti, druggists refund money. I a hicli they eläin, to la* the kevstane ol Naw Turk. IL S. A. me«l so often.—. i ’AsAis. Dealer itt h ik Sewlnj M ^hiaos. Ì w a , . > W llur.1 * ■* ” ’ S ili H IE STB ’>¥, li. WEATIÏERSON Winter Clean-Up. STRICTLY CASH HOODS Sarsaparilla ON T H E S E COODS. OUR POLICY $ 2 .5 0 P er Year. Deep Price=Cutting and Quick SaM W IN T E R M E R C H A N D IS E , SHOES AND HAT A Special Counter Will Be in O rderlnnd This Sale. Y O U R S T P U C J L 'S r 0 .W .H U R Ë CARMAN’ CHEAP CASH STURE! Drv Goods, FLORENCE ★ Groceries ★ and * Noth MEAT MARKET Just Queried. Goods as Reoresente THE WHITE IS KINO!” ( rs! - t “W hite’ WHITE SEWING MACHINE COMPANÏ. ! V. ............... i