IMS PJtxM Tabula. with so mush satis. ; « ^ b ^ r fu U y r» e...» .n ,l Uem. (m s troubled fur aoeut «orte ye.«> with ; tcaU.-fl bilious ¿ X - , . c . » w ssk. Was told by d m .r.M p hy.letaaj Î m * U wm caused by bail . o í which « had s ^ r k “ h ïd lb s twitb estra clsd , but tb . at- u o k . continued. I hod tupaa* T a b u li. 'to >11 ih . Papur. but taul u » ««Iti. amali 5 c u t b o i« s o f the TataU" no raoarwu.-. of th. attacks. Hw . iwilm ooKü tor a n y th in . bafois. b/ ‘ 'h* "« m . ’ amount o f good w hich I h sU s». has bmu <• b , Rtpans T abuli. Induces m e to add m in . to t h . amny tsstlm oulals you < to u h tl« s jiB ..U « your T h e K in d T o il H a v e A lw a y s B o u g h t , a n d w h ic h h a s b e e n in us® f o r o v e r 8 0 y ea rs, h a s b o r n e t h e s ig n a tu r e o r a n d h a s b e e n m a d e u n d e r h is p e r - I W ÊKfl .,,75 jt)Si ¡ PLEASANT PRISONS. f o r n i i W jjg a t is s M THE SPECIAL ONES IN THE ENGLISH PARLIAMENT. STIC K T O SIM PLE FOOD. T h e A m e r i c a n D u a ln e a a M a n 's P a c e D e m a n d . F o u l l y D lj f e a t c d D l . h e . . 8° n a ^ • a Pe r v ^s *o n ?*n c e *tS A llo w u o o n e t o d e c e iv e y o u in tills. A ll C o u n te r fe its, I m ita tio n s a n d “ J u s t- a s - g o o d ’’ a r e b u t E x p e r im e n t» t h a t tr ifle w it h a n d e n d a n g e r t h e h e a ltn o r I n fa n ts a n d C h ild ren —E x p e r ie n c e a g a in s t E x p e r im e n t. 1 want x> Inform you, tn words o f high®«! ■wj ralw, o f tbo benett» hove derived from Rip a ns Tabules. I 6m a profv«»lonol nurse and In this profession a clear head is alw ays utixied. Hl pons Tabules does It. After one of my cnees I found myself completely run down. Acting on the advice of Mr- Geo. Bow* ®r. Ph. O., 5K8 Newark Ave., Jersey City, I took Klpaus Tabules w ith grand result*. Miss Uk-iJia W iki mail r I has. been a tve.t .nit«.«' from eonstlpattsa t o r o i .r B - s years. n othin « «» » • me rsiut MV fe e t and tog» Mia abdomen w«ru bloated M I could n - t w ear-hoes on my feat .ad only »loose j rw . I »aw K h u n Tabules a d v a n issd to oW dally paper, bought « m o ami took th o rn a . d l r . » ail H » r . taken thorn about tbrue w eoks an J thee* la such a vb aage! 1 am not cou.tlpalud any loot« and I ow e It ell to W pam Tabulea. la m thirty, w e e n ) f W Old, bare no occupation, on ly say household duties ai.d uuretu« m y sick husband. n< h a . had the dropsy and I am tr y lu jtU m a » Tahul-1 for him. B e feels eomu beftor but lt w ill taka som e tim e, ha h a . baea .Ick «0 lou». T o* FaeMT uik ) m y leit®r and r.cfn® 7<»U Ilka. Brs. MraY Goaura Ctouiaa. I have been suffering from headache® «tree I v u a lit He glvl- I could never r i d e l s « car or go Into a crowded pluco w ith out getting » 12 R I - P ’A ’N S T h e m o d ern sta n d ­ Btomaoh. stoinaoh. I heard about Hl pans Tabules from aa auut of m l:.e who waa taking them for catarrh of the atoiuach. She had found iiueh relief front their use she advised me to talco them P»o, and I havu been doing so sine* last October, and will soy they have oompleto- ly curod m y heudachee. I am tw enty nine years old. You are w elcom e to use th is te s tim o n ia l VOL. GENJ ST “There w as In the old days far less a rd F a m ily M edi­ wear aud tear upou the uerves. and, under such conditions, digestion was T h e y A r e I n t e n d e d P a r t i c u l a r l y F o r more completely performed,’’ writes cine : C ures th e «tarÿ «I Gaia 4® lös. M e m b e r s n n d O t h e r P c r a o a a W lio Mrs. S. T. itorer of "Why I Am Op­ i s ■surer,.. com m on every-day V i o l a t e P a r l i a m e n t ’s O w n U l a n l t y , posed to P ie s/’ in The Ladles’ Home Mrs. J. DnookMIML PitUii R a l e s n n d C u sto m s. Thete are people who nay that the C astoria is a h a r m le ss su b s titu te fo r C a sto r O il, P ar®' Journal. “Tlie mothers of today must ill of hum anity. from the use of put-up benefit 'lertv ert from Mother w as troubled g o r ic , D r o p s a n d S o o th in g S y ru p s. I t is P le a s a n t. I t look more carefully to the building of Ferv persons are aware that Eng­ w ith h e a r t b u r n aud piedicilies is imaginary. It is not the My seven year old boy ril© J G their bodies anil brains than their c o n ta in s n e it h e r O p iu m , M o rp h in e n o r o th e r N a rc o tic Sleeplessness, caused by suffered w ith paius la case with Dr. Pierce'» favorite Prescrip­ land's pnrllanient has Its own special giothers aud grandmothers did. In­ Indigestion, for a good his head, constlpatlou s u b s ta n c e . I t s a g e is it s g u a r a n te e . I t d e str o y s W o rm s tion, which makes weak women strong prisons within Its own precincts which many »oara. Ooo day and complained or his n n d a lla y s F e v e r is h n e s s . I t e n r e s D ia rrh o ea a u d W in d she saw a testim onial land sick women well. A woman may are intended particularly for Its own deed at the pace at which we Ameri­ stomach, lie could not in the paper Indorsing eat like ohlldren o f h is Imagine she’s weak, or may fancy she's tueniliers and persons who violate Its cans are going we use our brains nt C o lic . I t r e lie v e s T e e t h in g T r o u b le s, c u r e s C o n stip a tio n H l p a n s Tabules. She age do and w h a t he • Baeoi sick, but tier im agination can't aatk/orty owft- dignity, rules aud customs. Of full speed nearly all the time. What daternilned to give them "f* -u> did eat did not agree a n d F la tu le n c y . I t a ssim ila te s t h e F o o d , r e g u la te s t h e fou n ds to her weight. Tile • positive course these prisons seldom are used man can build brain and brawn on • trial, was g r e a t l y w ith him. H e w a a th lu íc»á«g S to m a c h a n d B o w e ls , g iv in g h e a lth y a n d n a tu r a l sle e p . relieved by their proof <2 the curative power o f " Favorite I now,' hut they have been In the past, pies, layer cakes or preserves or any end o f a saffron color, id n o w t a k e s th e testim onials tn favor o f Prescription ” is found in the restoration Reading som e of the T h e C h ild r e n ’s P a n a c ea ^ -T h e M o th er’s F r ie n d , Tabules regularly. She keeps a few cartons Hl pans other mass of material which from Its and not so very long ago, nnd may be Hlpans Tabules, I tried them . Rlpons Tabules not o f health wtfvfe is recorded in face and Tabules In the house and says she w ill not be w ith­ very complexity requires labor and only relieved but aotunlly cured iny youngster, o u t them. The heartburn and sleeplessness have form, of strength wM4t tested, i again. The house of commons ha« time for digestion, drawing the blood tho headaches have disappeared, bowels are la dlaanptare*! w ith the Indigestion which w as good condition nnd he never oomplnlne of hie and weight which can be registered ill line set aud the house of lords another. G E N U IN E A LW A Y S formerly *o g r e a ts burden for her. Our w hole from the brain to the stomach during stomach. He Is now a rod, chubby-fooed boy. This The commons prison Is n little way pounds and ounces. fam ily take the Tabules regularly, especially after w onderful change I attribute to Hlpans Tabulea. a hearty meal. My mother is fifty years of age The general health of women is so up In the Clock Tower. Here are two his working hours? Observe those who I am satisfied that they w ill benefit any one (from Bears the Signature of and Is enjoying the best o f health and spirits ; also ' ntimatelv connected wmi with me the local i «eta o f prisons. Intended only for the eat their complex foods curelessly and th e cradle to old age) If taken according to dire®, intimately eats hearty meal*, on Im possibility before she tlons. W' 1 BICA lealth o'f Womanly* o organs that yiealtli of the womanly* ip M Jm « i accommodation of one prisoner each, hastily and you w ill see at a glance took Ntnaes Tabules. A ktow H. B ead a as. avhen thesjr are diseased the whole body one sift being a little higher up in the the conditions that necessitate a com­ t ... suffers loaf!: Dr. Pietce'* Favorite I>re- plete rest every now nnd then, or an » ft« «ri. p^e. «.ftlalnwr» » 1 » v - o . scriptfon odrfw womaifly diseases. It tow er, than the other. Each set con­ early nervous breakdown. iff.. sists of a sitting room and tw o bed­ at Mm. drug «tone rò» n v r c r x l. . h , b„ . , u,UnB furtr-elftbt oenu t o t » . lU r u . establishes regularity, stops weakening «orai of th . flvooent carton« (ISO tabota.) can be jL .T S m o a ir ftx riurtBI) will b . w nt tor flv. M o t. “ In my close observation In the last rooms, the former being a nice, com­ drums, heals inflammation and ulcera­ C hvmic . i . Oo»r *»v So. 10 Spruce street, ho«« York-or » • B{,-nto u t *t tome Ugnar IMM» isor. . fortable room about three by five 20 years I find very few people In our tion and cures female weakness. R o j l T m u l m T «1.0 be hftd of eonie «roceri, venerei itorekepcre, ne t « ol Supe They boni.» pain. Induce eloep and proton« U£o On. «Wet rebof. common struggle for existence who can yards, with a neat carpet nnd chairs eyoc.i. snflerert «J ft n t very glnd to Igt otlier P°°v mil for any length of time eat carelessly of done oer fcnow whnt Dr. t lerce'» irtedlíiiies huye goed enough for anybody. The extra to r m e.” w r ite . Mr«. U dw in H. Gardner o f complex foods. At 40 or BO a tnnn may ce-»( P «eenwoou. B eechw ood. N orfolk ...... Co.. Mass IDoi » ) "You .bedroom Is not Intended for the prls- taM«.. k n o w I w rotg to von last nutunivr. I rend '»»nt ; o n e r o r (or any friends whom he might perhaps have accumulated wealth, but to put up for the night, but to not health, nnd of what earthly use Is ▼HI CC.*rV*UR eeMFSNV. T® MURRA® RTRMT s wkw VORR CIT®. Many b le s s in g lo mr »m l m y fam ily. I lx g a n in Ju n e j jug gleonlng npnrtment of the official the first without the second? J I who looks after him during bis Incar- persons In the generation gone before ¡rials uT'Fellefa ' I took your m ed icin e a year w h e n I linn a ten-pound girl. 1 had th e easiest ceratlon. This man is usually the su­ have eaten pies at least once a day, lime IM H IwdiwiRi any o f n |y th ree ch ild ien . pervisor o f badge messengers, and, lie- but they have not had meat three times j lia.-». Seen eertf w ell since I took your inedi- DAIriY FARM FUK SALE. sides looking after his man, he Is also a day, nor have they rushed at our REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. bis servant for the time being, and pace. They gnve more time to the di­ (three gestion of the pie. People who recom­ rould not rut much without It distresaing me waits upon him Just like any other. rdsKTr A fine dairy farm on Maple creek six -before before I took vour vow ' Favorite Favorite i-rescn Prescription.’ p u ou . »« and I He never need worry himself much mend these rich foods rarely know any­ .only w eig h eif ijj pounds. N ow I w eigh 175." m ile s fro m Florence is now offered for thing o f their complex conditions nnd Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical upou the question of the possibilities of still less of the complexity of diges­ The Florence Real Estate Agency sale. Adviser is sent /r e e 011 receipt of 11 one- the prisoner's esenpe. for the sergeant- It contains 160 acres, 35 of it bottom hns bargains to ofler in the following (Cent stamps to pay expense of mailing at-arms Is responsible, and Inasmuch tion.” ■laud and 30 acres have been plowed. JW’Ó V '- . Address Dr. U. V. Pierce, Buf- as the only way of getting to and from HAM SMELLING A BUSINESS. p r o p e r ty . the prison Is by way of this sergeant’s /alo, N. Y. A stock ranch of 1200 acres on the Can cut 35 tons of hay. A good two house aud through It, the risk of such P c e n l l n r O c c n p f t llo n F o r W h i c h O n ly ocean liencli, about 12 miles from Flor- story house 26 by 38 feet; a barn 44 by a thing ever happening Is practically F e w A rc q u a lifie d . enre. A house and barn and a few 70 feet, with heavy frame; a goat bouse IRISH T U R N S A ND T W iS T S . prohibitive. The ham smeller’s only tools are a sires in cultivation. The government 16 by 40 feet; an orchard of about 500 While he Is there the prisoner really long steel trier and his nose. He stands trees of different kinds of fruit has been I g h e C a e o n a c lo u a H n i n o r T h a t C r o p » uns a good time. No restrictions ns to In u barrel to keep his clothes from be­ road from the mouth of river crosses tbe hours are placed upon him. and he may ing soiled by the dripping brine, and land. A tine place for keeping cattle, bearing for a year or two. O ut In th e G r .iO I s le . A WHter wheel of about 8 horse power rouse him self from his slumbers Just the hams are brought to him, nnd ho sheep or goats. Time will be given on a The author of “Irish Life and Char- ___ aoter” says truly that one has only when he feels most Inclined anil return plunges his sharp pointed trier Into part of the price if desired. Will be sold furnishes motive power at the barn for ilx with an Irish crowd to hear I to them In the same way. Practically cutting feed, sawing wood, etc. *0 ml a Uuffiinblo expreBalon, quit« in- ! the only thing ho cannot do Is to. walk them, w ithdraws It nnd passes It sw ift- | with or without sloe The farm is % mile from Bcliool and ly beneath his noss. The trior alw ays I piany 120 acres of tide nd bottom land ¡ U . h .\. «»“ i f S i* ; goes down to the knuckle Joint. mile from a county road. pocently ntfered. fronting on the Sinaia» river about nine 1» permitted to take an hour anil a In testing meat In that manner the Price $1600, Duchesa of York wi re leaving Dublin half's exercise ench morning and an miles above Florence. A large, new A bargain for anybody wanting a | in 1807, amid enthusiastic cheering, an bQur )q |h e afk,rnoon on tlle terrace man with the trier Judges by the slight- l frame house, a good barn, and a bearing est shade bf difference between the ' pld woman remarked: P O K lI A flftO R S Ä I of the house, and the terrace, broad A boot farm. “Ah! Isn’t It the fluo reception i aud long and with Its splendid outlook smell of one piece of meat and nnoth- ; orchard of 11 acres on the place For further information inquire at the Steamer to er. The smell of the meat Is almost 20 acres have been plowed, they’re gain a awny?’ ’re gettlu, goln w ay/ 1 ,,pon the river. Is by uo menu» a bad Florence Real'Estate Agency. place to take exercise. If lie were left universally sweet, aud that Is what he Florence passes the place every day. In 180‘i L >ublIU u" i'P" iL L el „b. smells. The slightest taint or devia­ WANTED.—Capable, reliable person In every Price $5000. i t s teroentenary, nnd crowds of vis­ entirely unguarded, the prisoner might itors were attracted to the city. Two dive Into the river and »wim awny. or, tion from the sweet smell Is therefore 40 acres of land on North Fork about county to represent laree company oi solid BANNERMAN’S PHENYLE laborers, rejoiced at the general pros­ what would be simpler, hall a passing appreciable. It Is not the degree of 3!^ miles from Florence. One acre financial reputation; <936 salary per year, paya­ The Most Pow erful D isin fectan t, ble weekly; <3 per day absolutely sure and all taint that he expects to find, but the Deodorizre and Germicide K nown perity, expressed their feelings. boat. So, Just for precaution'» sake, a cleared. Price $200. expenses; straight, bona-fide, definite salary, no to Modern Science « » • « • • r “Well. said one, "tlilrn tar- couple o f officer» accompany him slightest odor that Is not sw e e t e ll.T Thu." S it,” snhl one. “tlilrn commission; salary paid each Saturday and ex ­ When he detects an odor, he throws 41 acres on North Fork about five rintlnnrlee docs a dale for the thrado while he take» the»« breath« o f fresh CUKES pense money advanced each week. STANDARD CURES the meat aside, and If It Is not un­ miles from Florence. Several acres tide p f Dublin, and no mistake.” 41-14 HOUSE. .’34 D eabborn S t ., C hicago . air. Chide, Ho; Cholen, wholesome It 1« sold as "rejected” "Oh, falx they do!” »nld the other. land, the rest bottom and bench land. He goes on Sunday to the church In Cholen, bo™e ' Swii« fliyat, r*And jvhln. with th« hl«»»ln of Uod. Vincent square, and on these occasions meat, but If it is tainted It goes to .h e a small barn NOTICE FO R P U B L IC A T IO . Ro«P, Worm, Lie«, we got home f ile , aure we can have as »iso he has a couple of Innocent looking rendering tank. The ham tester sm ells | on tbe place. Price $700. Land Office at Roaeburr, Oregon. meat from 7 o’clock In the morning un- ' Lite, ud all toil Ctolnnd pnuiuy o f O il» »» * c pl»«c ”, attendants. March 23, 1901. til 6 o'clock nt night, nnd his sense ; A good dwelling house, and black- An old wdtrian, seeing a nion pulling kieri Peite. Son Month. Moreover, there Is no question of so Notice is hereby given that the following f , young calf roughly along the road, many ounces of bread and meat, but If must never become Jaded or Inexact or smith shop doing a good business in a B A N N E R M A N 'S P H K N Y L E cure, horse« of Ills usefulness would be at n il end. thriving town. The owner desires to named settler has filed notice of his intention dlktemper, •xclalm ed: pink eye, fistula, grease heel, cuts, sores, he has the money to pay for It he may Ham testing Is not a pursuit danger­ change his location. A fine opportunity to make final proof in support of his claim and also mange un dog* “Oh, yon bla’guanl! That’» no way feed him self upon the choicest viands that said proof will be made before C. H. Hol­ B A N N E R M A N B P H E N Y L E cure» .heep of ous to the health, ns lea testing Is sup­ go tbrate a fellow ernther.” foot rot, and 1» «ure death to sheep tick. It io easily for the right man. Price $850. , that tl)» most cultured palate could den, U. S. Commissioner, at Florence, Oregon, applied and never fails. •■Sure/’ said a /U P o rce t0 “ Toung r suggest. The house of commons has it posed to be, but the ham smeller with on May lHth, 1901, viz: Geo. F. Allen, on his H. 160 acres of unimproved land on North Y O U R F R U IT T R E B 8 Rhould be sprayed with Phenyle, which absolutely destroys all worms, lice l a d y who w as urglfii hlin to send his first class restaurant, where the hungry a cold In his head Is like n piano player Fork about ten milea from Florence is E. No. 7975, for the nwJi ne‘4 Sec- 21, T. W S., aud Inject* children to school. “I’d do anything for M. P. may dine as well as he could any­ who loses his arm In a railroad wreck. R. 10 west. B A N N E R M A N ’S P H E N Y L E a« a general dis­ offered for Baled. Near to county road. He names the following witnesses to prove infectant Is unequalled, having been used over 11 0uch a sweet, gtntleniniily lady a« where In London. Each day the dishes —K ansas City Star. ®eai*s and will be found useful in every household or Will make a good stock ranch. Price his continuous residence upon and cultivation establishment. It is endorsed by emminent phy»l- yourself.” which the kitchen has prepared are dans, sanitary authorities aud boards of health all A T est o f A ccu racy. of. said land, vis: $450. Again, the laborers on a large estate Indicated on a menu which Is brought over the United State*. Used by the City of Chicago David A. Bradley, R. M. Allen, H. J. Minor Drawing from memory Is one of the over seven years, also by many large stock misers decided that it would he more con­ up to the prisoner, and he ticks off any­ throughout the United States. Bannerman’s Phenyle 150 acres mostly timbe« land lying in and Charles Anderson, all of Point Terrace, Is equally guaranteed to prevent the above named venient for th«m If they could lie paid thing for which he feels a fancy, and most difficult things In the world to do. diseases anil destroy all obnoxious odors If freely Oregon. >very week ln»tea.l o f every fortulght. It Is brought to him. The only draw- Even professional artists find that they section 13, township, 18 south, range 10 used about the premises. W rite for circu lars a n a J. T. Bai dois . testim o n ia ls. Agents wanted. Address A Realster. One of Mielr number wan sent to plnce back from his point of view Is that the must rely largely upon hasty Jottings west. About three acre« cleared. B r t N N E R M A N cure and poverty ridden locality, th« refused to withdraw when the speaker to the theater. “Will you please go In nnd get my u<*xx», Administrator of the estate of Anna Mathilda ; Nevada, and Washington Tcr'ite>ry,” »> fnnn who "went bpoke" at the race» requested him to do so, and conse­ 12 west. Price $250. ' extended to all tbe Public Land States Funke. deceased. w as raallzlng on a supertlnons article quently the sergeant-at-arma took goats off the dressing table?” said Mrs. 112 acres nnimproved land lying on V E R T IC A L F E E D I by act of August 4.1892, Burt Warren, of Port- gif Jewelry. A woman so poor aud charge of him, and to tbo Clock Tower “Your goats?” queried tbe puxxled the north side of Clear lake 2'» miles N O T IC E FO R P U B L IC A T IO N ’ land, county of Multnnninh, State of Oreaon. rilncbcd In feature, so ninrked with prison he went. i has this day filed in this office his sworn state- Barenstlcus. “What fangle have you south of Florence. A good wagon road ¿are nnd desperntlon that It made him When the erection of the Tower Land Office, at Roseburg Oregon. I ment No. 1497, fur the purchase of the nc'4 of ! from it to the Siuslaw river. Price $600. feel sick to look at her, w as bolding bridge was being considered, a state­ women got now?” March 22,1901. I Section No. 10, in Township No. 1.x S.. Range No. •TH show you!” snapped tbe wife, Thh hrs been hcf.-rc the public fot Notice is hereby given that the following- /something under her shawl nnd w ait­ ment was made that the Tower bridge 138 acres of land at Elmira, Oregon. , 9 W., and will offer proof to sh o w that the land tbe past liiiveii ¿ears. 1 sought is more valuable for its timber or stone in g nervously, until he should have fin­ bill committee was subject to briliery and she sailed awny and soon returned A box bouse, good barn, and plenty of name«! settler has filed notice of his intention ■ to make final proof in support of his claim, and t ; than for agricultural purpose«, and to c*tnh1i«>h IT H A S N O T B E E N CLAlMi ished bin trgnsaotlon. <« and corruption—a serious charge. Two putting on her glovPs. 'outbuildings on premises; 6 acres "Are those what you menn? Why. I that said proof will be made before Marie L. ! his claim to said land bef «re the Register and Fho seema to bo lu » men responsible for It were pronounced proving the DAVI8 “Walt gKi.MT. j i orchard, 16 acres in cultivation, 10 Ware. U, 8. Commissioner, at Eugene, Oregon, ' Receiver of ibis office at Roseburg, Oregon, on call those kids.” flurry,' he snhl to the man WPhInd the to have committed a breach of privi­ on Mav is, 1901, via Howard Pope, on his H | i Wednesday, tbe29th ane C o .' above-ilescri d I » lauds are ictiue-tcd ti» file'their f|»o ynujovad pawnbroker monotonous- up without delay, and he got seven John C Reck, Point Terrace, Oregon, or Oregon. claims in tl.h > »Ilice on or be tore said 29tn day E eon em r. J. T. B ridgrs , of May, 1901. •lays In the Clock Tower prison. The W. H . Wcatberson, Florence, Oregon. terieter. “What’a this?" exclaimed the young J. T. BntPGRs, Re«*»i*er. » ------------- Fifty cents." & implied the woman. other offender, after a little delay, was husband, referring to the memorandum pr)tb a gulping tn her threat anil sn captured aud was for a brief period N O TIC E FO R P U B L IC A T IO N . NOTICE FOP. P U B L IC A T IO N . the bad given him. “One doxen eggs, /nager look In her eyes. She clutched housed at Newgate. one pound of raisins, a bottle of lemon A STOCK FARM. T»d» «nd WMhington Territory,” »• extend- Nevada and Washington Territory," as extend The man who hail been offorlpg » niltte« dellb«r»t«d. This ttine. how­ - * < ed to all the Public Land fltatea by act of ed to all the Publie land flutes by aetof August Henry."—London Fun. Scientific flinerW » good timber conveniently situated for Atamond felt uncomfortable. “Ther«. ever. he was not sent to the Clock Alioiit *•1W2, ■,ohn »°yc«, of Gardiner, county { 4, IS». James E. Gibbons, of Portland, county A handsom ely Wnatroted w eekly. !***?■ logging. Extensive nnt range. <1ve me RW). Th-* stone's worth *»ur Tower prison, which waa not finished, AW U 1 of Douglaa. flute of Oregon, haa this day died ln I of Multnomah. SUte of Oregon, has this dav P reea W e ll. m iatinn or any scientific loum al. — _ a«»«« .. I ' ' gluic« as m«ch.” And. seising the mon- but did hit duranc« In the cellar of the 16 head of cattle, most of them cows Sb.1. thia office Li. his _ sworn statement a, No. l.W. a for the SKVi:««2?FP cT tha’ 8®id by all filed in this office his sworn sUtoment No. 149ft, It Is not enough that people shall wotnttP who 361Brofidway. Jlgffl with (he land. Price $3.000, inolnding ; purchase of the sei, n w '„ lot7. a«f< nw!i. nwt< ^y, he hurrlej after the tor the pumhase of the nw>4 of Section No. 11, clad: they must b» dressed. “Costly He ivy« not Pad Just left f » e »hop in Township N a IS 8., Range No. 9 Br­ i „ , i o .... n o — k » , thy hnblt ns tliy purse can buy.” was » e « te h C a e ta m . and will ofler proof to show that the land eg your pardon." he lieggn. "bat Thus a «ugsr cane would dvcoral» tb * la J u s t as good today as It w as 300 th® Register and Receiver of this office at Roee Register and Reeoiver of this office at Roseburg, hap» Pere's $o 1 have no use for. Per “ “* ■ • burg. Oi CAMOV grave of a »rwer: an ax and saw. with years ago. Saturday, the ISth day of , Oregon, on Wednesday, the 29th day of May July. 1M r o tf'— ould be found on 1 Wl. siw crtoripMfv'»I««ruftfcrt- , , uall». »' In I .n e k . a| B «ori c, rp,^,t»r, , an | aw l and a hana- He aarnea as wltn«mea I H . naraes as wltnesses- I Carettg an 4 7 ^ 4 0 Mark® obtained ■ “No. no. »no cnr»il« » » ’~ w - , cut business conducted for Moderk^fj "It's no fun belüg marrtod. Sfy wtfe Brtdget Joyre. Jehu Cassidy. W. r. Peek and , Fort Bsrtvu. J. H. Vrban. W. M V .ult and /n iu i him. -nd tnod*d, ¿rawing or pho to. ,m- . s • v M isr-¿ .n » , mer on a shoemaker’s grav«. and so on. ta comlng to me all the tline and ask- y,Htr riilhl. he ««ITirenfir« “ ________ __ pstcntibl® fr e a p f churza. O nrfo**® ' , »“nv 07 " n J<,hn * sh'™«> *“ o» rortland. Orvgcu. “For yoi patent 1 sneru ffi'l. A Pamphlet Any and ali person, elatmtng adverml, ,h, Aay.,,,1 d l renons eläimiä» advenelv th . Ing for m oney/' “My child Is ilead!” cried the woman, The »orrow of yesterday la »a noth­ tain Patents,** with coat af sam» 1* , above-deseribed lande are requested to «le »helr ; ahove descrtbed Ismi. are ,.x,ue»tcd to T e their "You'ce lucky! I have to ask my Genuine stamped C C C Never ta N grlth a qoeyr oolt, and fled Into th« ing: that o f today la bearable: but that aud forti^n couatries sent frc®. A