TH E W EST T«r from 14 guv« me oravu w e n ay foe I uud uioe advert) nt) tooktbei l tUree week« cetin tt paved i Tabulée. '< YOUR HOHE PAPER S U P P O R T IT J V ) occupation, »'.ng m y sick id I utn Vryli nom e bette r teen dick ro ie a» y o u like. U hi G o an a « fr o m headai 1 c o u ld neve fur o r <f th e Ktomaeh. ’o u m l each rell .h. l r use « to a d in ta k e th e m V i^ y e boeudoll ,ast Ootober. FLORENCE, OREGON, FRIDAY. MAY 10, 1901. T R A V E L E R S ’ GUIDE. .. T. T. Geer F. S. Moor©. k> use th ia toat^ p ttblic Instruction J. H . Ackerman lir a . J. Daoo«c ....................... W . H . Leede. l a m tw e n ty . REGULAR My » e v e n - y e a r . i ................. R. S. Bean s .................K. A. Moore 3. E. Wolverton is t r ic t . J. W . Hamilton lv. da and w locating A ttorney . .Geo. M . Brown did out did 1 a uifured w it h BMmgC ourt bln head. e«»u»f a m i ci»m plained m a c h . Ho ¿D t a t lik e ehild re i S T A Q K D A IL Y T R IP S T R I P S ---------- From Mapleton to Florence w ith h im . Ho and o f a aaffri n ia is ln rna. H ip a n » T a 7 c u re d u iy y. P pea red, boari ie» o r c o m p ia li chub b y -fa ee d u te t<> lllp a n s 11) b e n efit a n y o k e n acc o rd in g I > — Kincaid. I .....................J . R. H ill 1 ..........H . D. Edwards the Umpqua for Florence Saturdays. Returning, Stage Leaves Florence Sundays. S T E A M E R L IL L IA N D A IL Y AND RETURN.-------- Leave« M ap leton a t 7 A. M. Leaven F lo ren ce a t 2 M. On SU N D A Y S leaven M a p leton a t 8 A . M. a n d F lo ren ce a t 3 P. V . P. E . ü . Lee THE STEAM ER W . W . Withers ,A. 8. Patterson . .D . P. Burton Superintendent... .W . M . M iller o r .............................. C. M . Collier ,.G . W. Gridin eace................. C. H . Holden AVill carry freight and passengers .G. C. Cumpton A C M E E xtra Trips When Necessary Charges Reasonable. EUGENE-FLORENCE STAGE LINE. E. B a n g s , P r o p r ie to r . Stage lea v es! E u g en e for F lo r­ en ce d a ily ex cep t S unday a t 6 a. m. A rriv es a t F lo ren ce th e day fol­ lo w in g a t 10 a. m. R etu rn in g sta g e lea v es F lorence for F u g en e d a ily ex cep t Sunday at a t 2 p. m. A rriv es in E u gen e a t 6 p. n i. the d ay follow ing. from F loren ce to San Francisco. S in g le fare - - _ - 5.00. R ou n d trip _ - - - 9.00. W ill also bring up freigh t T ick ets for sa le a t E . B an gs’ liv e ry liaru, E u g en e, and a t O. W. F or further inform ation inquire H u rd ’s office in F loren ce. Marion Morris - OF — E . A. Evans, A ll through freight on the stage W. H . Wer thereon, A . W . B E A D L E & CO. eith er w ay betw een E u g en e aud of Trustees. W in. Brynd, M apleton, w ill be charged a t the . L . Christensen. 22 M arket St. rate o f tw o cen ts per pound during ............. J. O. Phelps San F ran cisco, California, the m on th s o f October, N ovem ber, ............. O. W . Hurd D ecem ber, J a n u ary, February, ........G . C. Cumpton M arch and A pril, and on e cen t pel- pound d uriug tlie m onths o f May, J u n e , J u ly , A u g u st and September. >VLAR*‘J^TY 0FFI0ERS- F>I H"........... IRBJS tS P * E T S O C IE T IE S . A. M. F lorence Lodge N o. 107 uliW som m u nication on second Satu rd ays in each m outh. E. W . C obb , W . M Secretary. A w —< P erpetua Lodge, N o. 131, -jests every 1st and 3d Tuesdays . f - im k ill Members and visiting y a m n i l l yen in good standing are cordially BBEsassr nJ a . O. F unks , M . W. Recorder, eceta Lodge No. I l l , meets estlav evening in Lodge , Oregon. Brothers in iuVited to attend. E . A. E vans , N. G. Lodge No., 139, meets lay evening in Meyer A pletor. Oregon. Broth- ding invited to attend. T. J. N esly , N . G. Sec. e Encampment, No. 42, O. F. hail in Florence fourth Friday of each s of this degree are to attend. 8. J. S eymouk , 0 . P. nset Rebekah Lodge No. n Odd Fellows’ hall, ond and fourth Thurs- each month. T 1 IK M 1 N E B K U N D , N . G. ignon Lodge No. 105, gree, meets in Meyer A apleton, the 1st and 3rd in each month, is C. H udson , N . G. Sec. ORNEYS WOODCOCK, a * at Law, O re g o n I 5 nd 8 M c.Laren’i B u ild in g , i g iv e n to c o lle c t io n « a n d pro A L M ac! H O L D E N ,. - A T - L .J V W , th e pub CL'» AMD C O M lflS S lO M g B . lid and e x c h a n g e d . Sgpccialtjr. r a ir ie H o t e l. BO Y! EXPERÍ T raoc I Drs Coeva r ic h and de o p in io n frei »aten table» al. Hsndbor y for »c««rl Kk Munn , »h a rg e. I n « i ree lile s W e s t Eugene. IC EN E AND IRENCE A OUTEe Jey S a ved ■V»cb t for / I o rp h " ?«• O'1- . . .t .f «nt fr o . 3W ¡« tin g it. in the stomach, the 'formation of gas, thg nausea, sick headache, id general weakness of the whole body. You can’t have it a week without y o u r b lo o d being impure and* your nerves all ex h a u s te d . There’s just one remedy for you------ x y e r s s a ra p a n u a There’s nothing new about it. Your grand­ parents took it. ’Twas an old Sarsaparilla before other sarsaparillas were known. It made the word “ Sarsaparilla ” famous over the whole world. There’s no other sarsa­ parilla like it. In age and power to cure it’s “ The leader of them all.” N ORTKERN Pacific, Ry» Notary Pdblic, Surveyor S NOTARY P U B L IC . EUGENE Loan Savings Bank 5,000 THROUGH TICKETS BEST FOR THE BOWELS KEEP YOUR BLOOD CLEAN Florence Real Estate Agency. D O N ’T Do You Want a Ranch? Do You W ant Unimproved Land? Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Do You W ant Town Lots? Digests w hat you eat. r Prop HO TEL?“ SON - - Proprietors, o«, O r e g o n . Irnished with all the I U»« season. Giye us Hand clasp« hand In friendship's bond O’er vows once broken, ndw restored. ▲nd laughter low, w ith rnuaic'a flow, Vibrate w ith one accord. e a 4 F Oh, tender f a i t ; weird, m ystic past I Fain would I dream thy pleasures o'er, ▲nd tunea, old tunes that memory croons. Thrill through my soul forevermore. —Richard Pelham in W ashington Post. j W e were bound for Alljoa island, off ■ the coast of Lower California, In the hark Dolphin, to look for an old wreck of 40 years before. One day, i when yet 200 miles to the north of the ; Island, a wliale suddenly breached within 300 feet of our craft, which was making only about three knots an hour under a light breeze. The monster of the deep shot to the surface and abovo It as If propelled by an engine of 1,000 horsepower. A t least 40 feet of his great body was In the a» when he came down with a crash, and the fall kicked up such a sea that the bark was boarded by three waves In succession. Instend of sinking out of sight or mak­ ing off the wliale kept company with the vessel and gradually edged down toward us until a man could have toss­ ed his cap over the rail on the broad back covered w ith patches of barna­ cles. Almost as the whale shot up from the depths of the sea our mate, whose name was Davids, cried out: “ Before heaven, but that's old Sam Fateh, and he’s after me!” W e had come out of a California port w ith a picked crew, excepting the mate. I mean by that that Captain Chambers knew his men personally, most of whom bad sailed with him be­ fore. A t the last moment the old mate of the bark had met with an accident, and Davids had been given the berth at was up to all our tricks. For seven long hours be hung to us, and then of a sudden be sank out of sight without so much as a splash. We argued that ho had gone for good, and It was a weight off our minds, but Davids shook his head In a mournful way and replied: “ Sam Patch came here after me, and he won't leave for good till ho gets me. H e’s only off to feed.” W e reached the Island without hav­ ing seen mope of him, however. As we rapie w ithin a mile of the north shore the bark was thrown Into the wind, the boat lowered, and Davids was to be rowed In to sound the depth and find a safe anchorage. Three sailors took their places at the oars, and the boat shoved off. I t was a sunny s](y and a calm sea, with never a thought Df danger, but the yaw l had not pulled above a cable’s length from us and ev­ ery man In the bark bad his eye on her when she suddenly rose In the air with a crashing, rending noise. Below her appeared the great head of Sam Patch, and It was thrust upward un­ til the stove boat was lifted 30 feet high and then slid off. When ten feet more of the body was exposed to view, the whale fell over w ith a mighty swash, rolled bis great body over and over three or four times and then dis­ appeared beneath the surface. W e had a second boat down in no time to pick up the men, but while four had gone In the boat there were only three to rescue. The trio were more or less knocked about and almost fright­ ened to death, but they bad come off better than the mate. Whether the whale seized him In Its mouth or drowned him as It rolled we could not say, but our search for the body was In vain, and Sam Patch disappeared to trouble us no more. T k a P a te a t th e P ly . H E S L E P T IN S EC U R ITY . T h e T o a l e a S m a ll B o y C so d P a r ■ ) W e a k F e e l In a , There Is a 5-y.ear-old boy in Mas« chusetts avenue who is of the blood ( patriots. H is grandfather waa the Mexican and civil wars, and hla fa­ ther was also a soldier, consequently the little fellow has heaM much “flag" talk In his short life and has - - - ‘ »-d Ideas of Its protective qualities. lie was the baby of the fam ily till very re­ cently and occupied a crib bed In ble mother’s room. When the new baby came, Harold was put to sleep in a room adjoining his mother’s, and as be had never slept alone before hla small soul was filled with nameless fears which he was too proud to tell In full. “I t ’s mighty lonesome In here, mam­ ma.” be called the first night after be had been tucked In his little white I “Just remember the angeta are you and cartng for you.” replied ma from the outer room. “But, mamma,” he objected. "I ain’t acquainted with any angels, and I ’d be scared of them If they came rustling round, same as I would of any other stranger.” “Now, Harold, you must go to sleep quietly. Nothing w ill hurt you.” “Can’t I have the gaa lighted In here?” “No; mamma doesn't think it neces­ sary, and It Is not healthy." There was silence tor some time, and then the small voice piped up again. “Oh, mamma!” “Yes, dear.” “Slay I have grandpa’s flag?" “ Why, w hat for? I w ant you to go right to sleep.” “ Please, mamma!” and n small nlgM- gotvned figure appeared a t the doon “Just let me stick the flag up a t the head of my bed, aud then I ’ll go right to sleep, Indeed I will! You know the other night grandpa said at tho moot­ ing that ‘under the protecting folds of the flag the weakest would bo safe.* and I feel mighty weak, mamma." H e got the flag, aud when his mother looked In ou him an hour later be waa fast asleep, with a fat little fist under his red cheek, holding fast the end of the “protecting” flag.—Washington Star. A t one o f the English-German schools In tho city a teacher recently announc­ ll.M a bottle. AU dnin lita. ed to a class of very young girls that Ayer’ s Pills cure constipation. they could have 20 minutes to w rite a “ A f t e r su ffe rin g terrib ly I w as composition on any subject of tbelr Ind u ced to try you r S a rsa p a rilla . I own selection. A bright girl, whose to o k th ree b o ttles a n d now fe c i lik e N O T A R IE S . a n ow m an . I w o u ld a d v ise nil m y head Is adorned with a liberal supply fe llo w crea tu res to try t h is m ed ic in e, of beautiful auburn hair, handed In the fo r i t has sto o d th e t e s t o f tim e a n a it s c u r a tiv e p o w er c a n n o t bo e x ­ following: A. R. BUTTOLPH, c e lle d .” I. D . G oon, R “Files from Flyland.—Mrs. F ly had a J a n . 30,1899. B ro w n to w n , Va. very great deal of trouble with her u MWto f/so D o c t o r . children. They worried the old lady I f y ou h a v e a n y c o m p alalnt la in t whi w h a te v e r * — desire the . best - me neolc * • you and Ileal * advice so much she did not know w hat to do. N can possibly receive, w rite the doctor JES’ C O M MON O LE M I8E R Y .” fresly . You w ill receive a prompt l One little fly—Worst One by name— O re g o n F T .O I- n o e , ply, w ithout cost. Address, never did obey his mother. Now, of W h y R n f o a S n d d e n l y D e c i d e d T fc a t D a. J . C. AYER. Lowell, Mass. H e D i d n ’t H a v e P a r a l y s i s . course, there never yet was a case of 4P M A R O N M O R R IS b d M ij disobedience which was not punished The boy’s name Is Rufus, and ho wad P u llm a n In some manner. I f you do wrong and busily engnged In polishing the doctor's nobody is around to punish you, you shoes while he was being shaved. Ad S le e p in g C a r s T O N S O R IA L - P A R L O R . usually knock against something or fall was his custom, the doctor i E le g a n t down and hurt yourself. are you feeling, Rufus 7 ’ FLO R EN C E. - - - O REG O N “ We w ill see now what little Worst “ I ain’t much. Kindly poohly, i D in in g C a r s & One did and how he was punished. you, doctah,” answered the boy. T o u r is t One day he and his brothers had a “ W hat’s the matter?” chat and In It they spoke of the Jam M AR IO N M O R R IS, P pophiktom . ‘‘Paralysis.” S le e p in g C a r s that the cook left standing on the kitch­ "M :«‘a t r • T . RAUL en table, and they all determined to get “P aratyi!?" * M IN N K A P O L I* Just the tlulest b it of IL and they w en t Had the doctor not been so 1 a Now, the mother knew of this, and she qualnted with the negro race, he might D U L U TH Shaving and Haircutting neatly went w ith them, and of course she did have allowed himself to show astonish­ O: Eugene, Oregon PARDO not scold. Oh, nol ’Why, every fly m ent As It was, he determined to see and promptly done. TO O RANO FO R KS eats Jam, but you must not go Inside what t«hild result from further in­ u u u n w the Jam Jar, aa no one knows what will quiries. w Razor Honing and Scissors Grind­ C RO O KSTO N happen to you I f you do. Just rest on “Where’s your poralyslsr he ashed W IN N IP K O ing a specialty. the top,’ the mother said. kindly. H K L K N A and “The others were all afraid and did Rufus was drawing a ra g s w iftly not go In. but little Worst One. he did across the le ft shoe. * # * B UTTS' General Banking Business not care; be waa going In, and In he “In tho right hip, doctah," ha a n ­ swered. “THAT'S OLD BAM PATCM, AVD BM*S APTBB went In spite of w hat his mother said. Transacted on Favorable Terms W ashington Street, Florence, Oregon. And w hat do you think happened to “I t ’s probably rheumatism," t M il” TO OHIOAOO an hour's notice. He bad been found him? Never before In the history of ed the physician. D ra fts is s u e d o n t h e p r in c ip a l c it ie s o f the “ No, Indeed, it's paralysis 1 1 W A S H IN G T O N to be a man who thoroughly knegv his files did ouch a strange thing happen. U n ited S ta tes a u d fo reig n c o u u tr ie s. business, and It was understood that You think he died and remained there, I knows rheumatism and I knows P H IL A D K L P H IA I n te r e s t a llo w e d o n D em a n d C ertifica tes o f he was an old whaleman. H e had spun don’t yon? You are mistaken. They paralysis This Is sottenly paralysis." D ep o sit w h en le ft s ta ted period. N S W YO RK The doctor drew a good siaed p in no yarns of bis adventures, however, did get him ouL but he had a terrible C o lle c tio n s r e c e iv e o u r p rom p t a tte n tio n . and now for the first time, as the whale punlshmenL and be bad to carry It from the lapel of hla coat. BOSTON A NO A L L “Well, Rufna.” be said seriously, C ity a n d C o u n ty W arrants b o u g h t. kept pace with ua and the frightened w ith him ever afterward. H is hair had PO IN TS » A S T »nd SO U T H turned red w ith frlghL I believe after “there Is only one way to telL Coma I f yon h s v e n ’t a r e g u la r , h e a lth y m o v e m e n t o f the crew tiptoed about the decks, the mate W . E. BROWN, D . A . PAINE, bowels e v e ry d a y . y o u 're 111 o r w ill be. K e ep y o u r that be obeyed hla mother.” here. I ’m going to Jab this pin In yonr fo r inforraatlun, t i n . card ., r n .p i .u d tic k e ts bowels opun, a n d b e w ell. F o rc e. In th e s h s p o o f v io ­ gave ua a brief outline. H e bad been President. Vice President. le n t physio o r p ill poison, 1» dunuerou». Thu sm ooth­ The teacher gave this composition hip. I f It hurts, then you have rheu­ etc., c a ll on or w rite est, nasieMt, m ost |io r fo e t w a y o r k e e p in g ih e bowels whaling In every sea, both In sail and P . W . OSBURN, W . W . BROWN. c le a r and c le a n Is to ta k e matism. I f you don’t feel IL then y ea steam vessels, and had been ashore a ft­ •100.“-B a ltim o re Bun. A w ’t Cashier. R. M c M u r p h e y , CANDY are rig h t and you bare paralysis." er bis last cruise only a month when General Agent. Room« 2 e n d 4, S h e lto n B lo c k , g n o o r Meets e f Plebee. C A T H A R T IO The boy did not rise, bat drew the joining us. Three years before In a W A N TED —A CTIV E MAN OF GOOD C HARAC EUGENE. OREGON ter to d e liv e r « n d c o lle c t in O regon, for old During a summer vacation the rare rag thoughtfully across the whaler out of London they bad lower­ •M tab lish ed in u n ufu rinv w h o le su le h o u se. ed for a monster whale off the Madei­ opportunity waa given me of studying Finally he said: |90G a year, sure pay. I! oucm ty m ore th a n e x p e r i­ A. D- C H AR LTO N, e n c e req u ired . O nr re fe ren ce , a n y b ank in an y "Doctah, 1 reckon you muF ra« and fought him for four hours. The the nest building habits of a small flat A ss is ta n t G en era l P ansenger A g en t, nped cnveloia*. c ity . E n clo se «elf addres»cd »»amped en v elo ) 255 M orrison S t., C o r., 3d. leviathan had smashed two boats and fish that frequents the shallow places more about them things than 1 do. I M an u fa ctu rers, T h ird F lo o r, 134 D earborn n t., know It ain’t nothin but jes* common P o r t l a n d , O r . C h ica g o . killed five men. Davids In bis boat bad in Lake Bunapee, N. H. My flab had selected a quiet cove ole misery.”—Kansas City Star. got him fast, but the whale sounded so deep they had to cut the line and w ithin a few feet of the shore and -■y P-V-V-V- W h a t F o r t y P o l e s Make, Pre­ let him go. Three months later 700 quite near a row of cottages. EAT ’ EM LIKE CANDY A good story Is told about a certain P le a s a n t, P a la ta b le , P o te n t. T a e te Good, Do Good, miles to the north the whaler encoun­ sumably they were lees In fear of man R o v e r S icken, W e a ke n , o r G r ip e . 10, n , and A O cents W. H. WEATHER8ON, JOHN O. BECK, than of the finny tribe. Their nests professor whose business It was to lec­ p e r box. W r ite fo r fr e e s am ple , and b o o k le t on tered the same fish and had another h e a lth . Address MB Florence, Oregon. PL Terrace, Oregon. boat destroyed and two men killed. were circular In form and about the ture to a number of students os sur­ B T K B U M R K R ID T eORPAlY, CRICAOO ev IB W YOBX. They were veying. During one of the lectures, the Again Davida got fast, but after being sice of a bushel basket towed 16 miles to windward had to cut hollowed out In the center like a saucer professor said that In I lls opinion the loose. 81x months later, down off and were kept In perfect shape and pole was of little or no value. To the the coast of Brazil, he bad bis third beautifully clean by a s w ift fanllke astonishment of those present a Polish W A N TED .—C apab le, r e lia b le p erson In ev e ry fight with the same whale and got In a motion of tho tall fin of the fish, held gentleman arose and. after accusing c o u n t r to re p r ese n t large c o m p a n y o f so lid In a perpendicular position. The bot­ the professor of Insulting his country­ fin a n c ia l, re p u ta tio n ; |936 sa la ry per year, paya* third harpoon. tom of tho lake being of a dark color men, demanded an apology. During the next two years Davids ble w eek ly ; f8 per d ay a b so lu te ly sure a n d a ll .. The professor thereupon explained e x p e n s e s ; stra ig h t, b o n a fid e, d e fin ite sa la ry , n o sighted that whale, which had come to and these nests made of w hite sand, that the pole to which be referred waa c o m m is s io n ; sa la ry p aid e a c h Knturday a n d e x ­ be known as Ham Patch, off the Cape you could easily see what a neat house­ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- a p en se m o n ey a d v a n c ed ea c h w eek . STA N D A R D of Oood Hope, off the coast of Peru keeper thie little fish was. Each cest merely a term of measuremenL The H O USE, 334 D kabborn S t ., CHICAOO. 41-14 and off the coast of Mexico, and on bad Its owner, who fougl t for her Polish gentleman, seeing bis mistake^ each and every occasion at least one hearth and home” with great valor, asked the professor to forgive hla ap­ D o Y o u W a n t a H o m e in W e s t e r n O r e g o n ? TOBACCO SPIT boat was smashed and some one killed, chasing off every Intruder aud seldom parent rudeness. To thia the professor smartly replied: and S M O K E and the mate aleo made fast and had to being vanquished In the fray. Your Llfeawayt let go again. The whale had scars by “You could not be rude, sir, even If Thia ^pugnacious creature was es­ Com e to F lo ren ce and see the fine farms i You ca n be cured o f a n y form o f to b a cco u sin g you tried, for It takes 4« poles to make e a s ily , be m ade w ell, stro n g , m a g n etic , fu ll o f which be could easily be Identified. He sentially a home body, seldom leaving one roodl” and beautiful forests in th e S iu sla w v a lle y . i n ew life and v ig o r b y t a k in g AT • T O ^ O A O , bad always been known as a wild fisli. a nest except to dart off a few In quest | th a t m a k es w ea k m en stro n g . M a n y g a ia aud that be should rise so near our of food or In hot pursuit of an Invader. ten p o u n d s in ten n d a y s, s. o O v ver e r B i O O “ , O O _ O _ Q alte F IL cu red. AU d ru g g ists. Cure g u a r a n t e e d / ftook- bark and keep company w ith ns for This little fish Is a bold robber os well “M r. Upper," said the prosecuting at­ ' let and advice” ,___ I IR E K A ___ dd _ ress _ S T _ E R L IN G hours waa more thaD a mystery to the aa a valiant fighter. I noticed one of R E M E D Y CO., C h ica g o o r N ew York. ' 437 torney, “this is an action In which thw mate. the largest specimens drive a smaller plaintiff seeks to recover damages fo r “I’ll tell you w hat It Is.” he said a ftrt one from her nest again and again allegei) Injuries received a t the leaning bis elbows on the rail nnd tak­ and then take possession of IL spend­ of White Capa Have you hoard i ing a long look at the vast bnlk almost ing her time between her own nest and thing about the case?’ rubbing our starboard side: “that tho ooo she bad robbed. 1 counted “ No, sir,” replied the talesman. whale la after ms. H e knows I ’m three dosen of those neats, not more “ We’ll take him, your hcnoL” Bboard here. 8lx of my harpoons are than a foot apart. Borne of these fish “Mr. Upuer,” asked the attomtw for rusting In his carcass, and though I ’m were beantlfully colored. tho defense, “do you know what a not after him on this voyage be wants I went down to the lake very early •whit-cap’ Is 7' revenge.” ene morning to take a look at my pets. “ Yea, sir. It’s a wave thafa got We laughed at the Idea, bnt the mats Tho water waa very calm anil clear. clung to IL He waa an IntelllgenL Nearly all of tho fish were lying per­ foam on top of IL” “ W e'll take him, yoor honor.”~ < *h i«n It.artificially digest« the food and aida fairly educated man. and It was evi­ fectly still In the eenter of th»lr nesL go Tribune. dent that be folly believed In bis own W E BUY AND SELL ALL KINDS OF REAL ESTATE apparently fast asleep. — luterstute Nature lu strengthening and recon­ structing the exhausted digestive or­ words. Perhaps It was his earnestness Journal. H a rd L ee k . gans. I t lathe latestdlsrc7ereddlgest- that made us also come to believe that Dasha way—Miss Plnkeriy told to» ON COM MISSION. ■ e » la k e r lta a e e . ant and tonic. No other preparation there might be something In IL al­ the other day that her doctor had pah can approach It to efficiency. I t In­ though It looked absurd at first slgliL “Your daughter's voice,” said the her on a m-ager diet, and I thought la stantly relieves and permanently cures When the whale bad been keening profeeeor, afte r the first lesson, “really would be Just the time to ask her out Dyspepsia, Iodlgestloo, Heartburn, Company with ua for three hours, we baa a fine timbro," to luncheon. Flatulence, Sour stom ach, Nausea, "T h e re r said Mm Roekslry. “ I al­ Cb-verton—And did she accept? J Sick Headache, Gastralgie Cramps and let the bark go four points off her course, thinking to quietly steal away ways knew h. I ’ve told my husband “ Did shcl Well. I should say gto all otbsr results of Imperfect digestion. 1 PrtmlOe. sndll. Largs sHs eo su lu U sim from him. but he changed bis course ever since the day Adeline was born She Informed me that theie was one ■ m sllU M . B ook a ll s b u u t d r s it tp U s m a lis d f r n aud kept with her. Then we shortened that abe took after him. He was in the day In the week tlssit be allowed her tm Praters« Sv g. C. DstMTT a CO . CklcSQS stlL hut he slowed ap. For an boor lumber business when we got mar- eat anythlDg shu pkased.” - I Detrolg W« worked to part company, hut he dcd.’’-C hicago Ttawo-Beraid. j M IY U A K Y U . Free Press. Do You W ant Timber Lands? Hm« ed w eekly, tic loei S eid t know ’a b o u t Stage Leaves 8teamboat Landing on Florence anil Head of Tide. -------- M A K E S £ A form once lured, by fancy moved, Enthral!« me as In days agone. ▲nd bright eyes beam w ith lova’9 first Lipe warm unto m in« own. L IN E . H. H. Barrett, Prop’r, • Between - . . — >roey G en eral D. R . N. Blackburn lout glaaa) la i and tho econoi ■Ight c enti to iho I r i l l m sent fo r fie Old tuM«, old taoe«t How m en r Their rhythm through iny soul tooighvl k Of joy replete or pathos sweet. ’ In scenes that charm my raptured sight! o ------W ill m a k e -------- ,Arnnr «.W. old - T unes . T R A V E L E R S ’ GUIDE S T E A M E R M A R G U E R IT E , iay t i n y ha ve ........................................ _ _ __ . y c u r e d n»y h ~ rfltw y of S la t c .................J*. I. Dunoiir, NO. 2. f JOHN C. BECK. W. H. WEATHERSON. J I