efc O D D S .A.3STID For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought •ä ff1 A C & a r m r tl L if e . « S i Does not jttiVe tiv man. " / ’/»f blood is the life," the vitaf force of the body. So it not infreipwitlly happens that the man who looks '.o tie a picture of physical strength falls a sudden victim to disease. A proper care /o r the oVsxl would jprerutit tipuiy a perious skucr.es«. The cleansin;/ of .the bkitsL is per. fectly «aCconiphali- ed by the use o f Dr. Pierce’s Oold- jen Medical Discov­ ery. It d rices out tfe*. fihpip Itifs ind p o is o u ou s sub- ptaiieert v. hi- leeted blur td a tirade o t abuse that would have efjused a salt water cap­ tain to .die from pure envy, aucb was tils talent In vituperation. "WWt lawyer answered him nothing, to the surprise of fw o or three men who were mfrioat, hut, getting out of 51s chair, began to hobble backward. His enefiiy. thinking he was retreating, followed 1dm up, wltji more abuse and threntênlnj; gestures. “The luwy.er's foot finally »truck agalust the wall, when lie suddenly ftralghtened up ninl saying, ’Gcntlo- fitep, le a l ! uu yqu tp witness that, on icCBuOt or pit* wall. I have retreated as far aa iipHsIbp*' (the general law of boatieMa). drew out a derringer uittl »hot his ppjioiient. "At flic trial he was acquitted, his witnesses being tlio m,eb present at tho time of the killing, wbp testified to lawyer's having retreated na far a» possible.”— New York Tribune. tha A C o ld S i g h t I n C a n a d a . The iky nt night Is a deep dark blue, id the star» $re like tlropbhig halls of so cjosc they seem to be uliuost Ithlij reach. The northern lights look i If a titanic paint brusji had been plied In phosphorescent flume and •awn in great, bold strokes across ic heavens. As yoji pass the electric lamps you « very fine particles of snow eaught ¡1 by the wind ami glittering high In ic nlr like diamonds, lint it Is a cold ght. and you are not sorry to get Into mr room. First of all. you tuke a anket or so from the bed. for there ■e people In Canada who sleep all the >ar round with only a sheet over tent, to such a plteji of perfectlol} ivc they brought the heating of their mma. ' After you have tucked yourself In ic stillness of tlic night Is broken oe- islonally by a report like a cannon, ave you ever been lpshle a bathing aehlne when a mischievous boy irew a stone nt It? And. Jf so, do you 'ineuilHtf how you Jumped? When the alls of a wooden house crack In the ttpr cold. the vffe.ct Is similar, only agnlficd. But you know what It cans here, so you only draw the othen closer round you, thankful that mi are sung nnd warm. And »o good ght.—BJnekwood’a. UIvUi Bought.—Many la- s nnd gentlemen have »'i' them old dl«u»e money. MeSara. M. and J. I). O f ------------- (establish jnce 1833). buy old false teeth. If »end your t.s’tli to them, they will It you by return post fhe utmost e: or If preftu-red they will make the best öfter aqd ii«(il tlie teeth for yiotr r»i>ly. It referw xe I» -»sary. appjy fo Mesarp. ---- , bauk- limwlch.” Im|»reaalAta Correct. "Dlnm as. «lidi»’» Ì i » -H» >-«M) » w • yixiiitli or two aso?" "Mia-ltmlt )<«,u UM. If row hn0*1 wroilfl I"’ able to rv^ioiujsi' » loan llkr timi wit* iihooJwr rertuti-b «>»á wouldn’t haya »»k |njl*ody »bout It." F ro g a s aw l fta«»«Y «Ï:- F «O |a »«u- $ » »« $ke A»r- c y c lo » “ ' « t o p b If y o u c j i o , f o r b y 'The scenery along the Kentucky riv­ er tiltoFo anil below Harrodsburg has been Justly compared to the hlghlantla o f the Hudson. Towering cliffs hun­ dreds of feet In height impress the be­ holder. In "Historical .Sketches of Kentucky" an Incident is told of one of "the highest o f these. _ Jotham Strout w as boelng corn In the bottom Just opposite the ferry, when hls attention w as attracted by a rat- tllug noise above ids bead. Looking ep, he was staggered at seeing a man tumbling down the fearful precipice, now touching and grasping at a twig, now at a root, without being able to check himself. Finally, with a crash- lug of limb#, he landed lit the top of a buckeye tree about 50 feet above the general level of the bottom. Mr. Strout ran to tjje place with all baste, dreading to find a dead man and a o t doubting he would be terribly In­ jured If alive, for the distance the man had fallen was 170 feet, and from the ■last point where he hail tout lied the rock to the top of the tree where he lodged w as 45 feet. Funcy Mr. Strout’a surprise, then, to find the man standing erect at the foot of the tree, feeling of his arms and body. "Are you hurt?” cried Mr. Strout. “That's what I'tn trying to find out. my friend," was the answer. '‘It’s my Impression that I am alive, hut rather sore.” Not a bone w as broken, and despite a few bruises the ntnn seemed to be as sound as before the terrible fall. “That fellow bore n charmed life,” was Mr, Strout’» reuiark whenever he told th,e story. N a p o l e o n a n d t4«e E to n ia n L a w , Napoleon I lutd au extraordinary ralnd. He appeared never to forget anything he eared to remember and assimilated Information as the stomach assim ilates food, retaining only the valuable. An Incident will illustrate this remarkable quality of his mind. When formlug the “Code Napoleon,” I he frequently astonished the council I o f state by the skill with which he H- ! lustrated any point In jjlseuasiqp by 1 quoting whole puxanges from memory d’*" *'le Homan clvjl law. The council whose life had j .wondered J,iow been passed In cuyup came to know so j wucb about the >> it* Jp, c o m m o n e v e r y - d a y i* headacheaud f.ti'inacii. I he< R'pun-4 T a b u le s l^ ^ ^ ^ r-n.it of m ine w taking them of tho Rtomuch. f ' l.il Sit. .1 Mil ti. lr C • - houdv to take them V h^ve iaicu doll lust October, say they have . ly cured my h« I am t'v«nty-nl old. Voti are to use this testl^ p u bi lir a J. Ilaooi * _ . 0 Prio >rney ill o f h u m a n ity . Jàxtfie o f M d llrSAKUEL&fTC/iER fla r iífd ■'tugar hudtfgtwti flavor. I ts » « OM» RIPOO« T«hulM With »o m erit •»«»- (oeUuu liiat I van u»««ríuUjF raaoum» ad Utwn. H „ e bMU Uoübled tor about U n a »ear« « u r i I caked billoae s u m »» tfomlns on r e sile r lz enea » wee». W u tuld b» dUTerebl pil»»k'l»BJ liuu It WM eui»»vd by b*d te«tb. o f which I hip. » X r a t I bad «he torti, extracted, but the at- lack* eunUuued. I b»d oeen adr.-rtlaeiaruta of U h « a . Tabule, lu all U . p apa« but had no fulth tn ihAfu but about »1* wvaká uinee n friend ln- ïuî“ “Àa 2, lî n “.»- H.’« UMO. but .¡VO o í «be J a . l l S ceut b o x e, o f «b» Tab.de. und b are bud aoracurraueaof «ueattaoM». n a »..»> • ' adv... a «e.«lat'>a.ul tor anytidua bafure, but ibe prert ¿nouK t of r-od which ! h elt.ve h a . been done . . . . br Blpan. Tabule. Induce« me Io add mine to the many teeUinoutall you doubUera^b»»e Jn tout . T. Daifm. poarawton n o « . Öse Over Thirty Years 35; ö Mother w as troubled w ith h e a r t b u r n aud •leoplessueus, caused by indigestion, for a good m a u j »aarA One duy •he easy a testim onial In tho paper Indorsing R ip a n s Tabuloa. She determined to g b e thorn w -- a trial, waa g r e a t l y relieved by their use a n d n ow t a k e s th e Tabules regularly. She keep« a few cartons F.lpnns Tubules lu the house aud says ehe w ill uot be w ith ­ out them. The heartburn und sleeples-incES huve dlsappeft. -vim the tndlgeatlou which w».s formerlv so great a burden for her. Our whole fam ily take the Tabules regularly, especially After a hearty m eat My mother Is fifty years o f ftge and Is enjoying tho best o f health and spirits ; uho eats hearty meals, an Im possibility before she took g leapt Tubule a X ntom II. B ladueh . My sevsnyear- suticred With . his head, coua ami coniplalaac stom ach. He o* eat like ehlldre age do and ----- - ", ~ "r did o*’t did no > ' Ar v ¿’■’¿►W w ith him. He and o f a saffr„ Rending som e o f the testim onials In fL Kq in. fah u le,.,, trlod tho-tu. Ripaas TalMj only relieve«, but aotoally cured u»y yo tho heudaches have disappeared, bowel, good eondltlon und bo never oomplalnal ho-in.T- 11. B e ,•» now a red, chuhby-faoed wonderful change I attribute to Hlpans I am B,.t i dled «hat they w ill benefit any o the cradle to old age) If taken according tlons. Rn-Ajni T abvlbd may also be hud of some groecm. general Kt >i. ~p«rs, nexvs ,< nto r sh^ps They bunlah puin, Induce sleep and prolan# life. One gives ru^tu. d a oocai EXACT COPT OF WRAPPER. THE C«NT*wn eOUMH». we place. Price $700. Land Ofttce at Roseburg, Oregon. lite, and all ¡ and Cankered on b!s Way rejoicing. department stores she repaired there A go.sl dwelling house, snd black- March 23, 1901. Insert Cuts. It Is certain that If other help than without delay. There were ninny tine J amitl, shop doing a good husiuess in s Son H oolb. N otice 1» hereby given th at the follow ing advice were needed It w as given. But works of science. travcL history, re- : thriving town. The owner desires to named settler lias filed notice of his intention BANNERM AN'S P H IN 7 L E rare« horses of It was the extraordinary zest and vital­ llglon and flctlrfn to be had for a song c|lftnge h |i 1()Cati„n A ,ine opportunity to make final proof in support of his claim nnd distemper, pink eve, flatula, great;« heel, cut», nores, also mange on dogit. ity which Leighton put Into I lls help each, but her eyes rested on a hand­ that said proof w ill be made before C. H. H ol­ B A N N K R M A N 'S P H E N Y L E cures shpop of which made ’t unlike any other. He somely bound copy of "The Life of for the right man. Price $85U. den, I’. 8. Commissioner, at Florenee, Oregon, foot rot, and lx blu e death to sheep tick. It itt oiuily applied and never fail«. 130 acres of unimproved land on North 1 on May lxth, 1901, viz: Oeo. F. Allen, on hi» II fought every one’s cause ns others General Grant." and she bought It for Y O U R F R U IT T R E 3 8 vhould be sprayed with Phenyl«, which absolutely destroy« all worms, lice light their own.—Ixindon Telegraph. her brother. Of course. It would not Fork about ten miles from Florence ig | E. No. ld or Ills contin uous residence upon and cu ltivation year« aud • w — Two stories are attributed In The to thank her. “It’s fine." he snhl. “I eMtablirthincnt. It 1« endoiwed by emmlnent phyM- of. said land, viz: $450. ciami. sanitary authoiltlos anil board« of health all Railway Magazine to the witty bishop hnven’t got very far In It yet. but I United States. Used by the City of Chicago David A. Bradley, R. XI. A llen, II. J. Minor orer the «even years, alaoby many laige etoek raiser» of Oxford. He wns once talking to know It’s going to be good. When lit­ 150 acres mostly tinibe. land lying in and Charles Anderson, a ll of P oint Terrace, over throughout the United States. Bannernian’» Plieny le 1» o*(ually guaranteed to prevent the above named some boys In a school nnd said to them: tle June gets along a little further In section 13, township, 18 south, range 10 Oregon. diseasra and de»troy all nhnoxlona odors if freely J. T. B ridgks . "Now, my boys. 1 dare say you think her German I’m going to have her west. About three acres cleared, used about the premise«. W rite for circu la rs ar.d A testim o n ia ls. Agent« wanted. Addre.'« Register. It’s a very tine thing to be a bishop. read me a bit of It every evening. I creek large enough to float logs runs B A N N E R /Y I A N CO. But I assure you I’m n very busy man. - make rather slow progress of It niy- CHICAGO, ILL. A D M IN IST R A T O R ’S SA L E OF 6 7 -7 3 Clark S treet through the land. Price $550. 1 hnve to go about nil over my diocese, ; gelf." I’. 8.—BAnnerman’s Phenyle wns granted the two Highest Medals and Diploma of Award at *he World’s R E A L PRO FERTA ', A tract of about 60 acres fronting on nnd 1 haven’t tim e to study like you "In German?" gasped the giver. Columbian Exposition. ---- Coll -------- have. In fact, nearly all my study has Clear lake three miles south of Florence. “Yes.” said the brother. "It’« written NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. THAT BY WANTED—TRUSTWORTHY MEN AND WO- to be confined to only one book. It be­ In German. 11 mighty handy thing to A fair house and about five acres cleared, virtue of an order of the County Court of L&no men to travel nnd advertise for old established gins with a ’ll.’ I>o you know wlmt it have around the house.' Since then A good wagon road front the place to County, Oregon, duly made mid entered of j house of solid financial atanding. Salary $780 a Is?” “The Bible, sir: the Bible.” shout­ Mrs. Brown has never bought n fire or ( jbe siuslaw river at Uletiada. A fine record oil the 19th day of February, 1901, in the ' year and expenses, all payable in cash. N o can­ matter of th e estat»* of Anna M athilde Funke, j vassing required. Give references and enclose ed t i e boys all together. “No." replied water book without looking carefully i place for a summer residence. Price deceased, the uudersigned. the adm inistrator self-addressed stamped envelope. Address Man­ the bishop, with a merry tw inkle In his on the Inside of It.—Worcester (Mass.) of said estate w ill o ’, and after Saturday, the 4th ! ager, 355 Caxton Bldg., Chicago. Gazette. \ eye. “It's called ‘Brodshnwl* ” ------------------—----- 1 A tract of a little over two acres of day of May, 1901, at the hour of 1 o’clock p. an., The other story Is still better. On P n ld n a l i e W e n * . Itottoia land between Florence and otter for sale and sell at private sale, N O T IC E FO R PU B L IC A T IO N one occasion when h alighted from the highest bidder for cash Patient—Then you think It'» all up Acme, lying on tidewater near Rose to the train nt Whcatlgy. the station for United States Land Office, the follow ing described real property be­ with me. doctor? Roseburg, Oregon, Cuddesden pnlnce, an officious porter Hill cannery. A fair bouse on the land.. longing to said estate, tow it: Lot No. 2, in Doctor—I’tn nfrntd «0. March 16,19ul. rushed up to him mid naked, “Any arti­ Block No. 2, in Cox's addition to Florenee, nnd A fine place for gardening or raising “Well, we must all die once, and 1 N otice is hereby given that in complian cles In the van, my lord?" "Articles,” I»ot* Noa. 2 and 3 of Section 23, in Tp. 17 8., H. 10 small fruit. Price $125. W., containing 28.40 acres, all in ¡Lane County. with the provisions of the act of Congress said the bishop grimly. “Yes. 39 arti­ may ns well go now as afterward. 160 acres of land near Clear lake lying Oregon. June 3,1878, entitled “ An net for ti c side cles.” Off hurried the porter mid wor­ You're sure I'm going?” in section 11, township 19 south, range “Yes.” tim ber lands in the States of Calif*.mi«», < February 26,^901. A. O. FUNKE, ried the guard almost out of his senses Washing! ,'< s ! - n bef re the pu T h l« want to pay." N otice is hereby given that the follow ing- * W ., and w ill'.fler proof Lu »linn thnt the lt u 138 acres of land at Elmira, Oregon. | think.” i, liin a n years. 80 he paid nntl went. A ls>x house, good barn, and plenty of named settler has filed notice of his intention sought is inure valuable for Us timber orston I-a e k ln s In R o m n n e e , to make final proof in support of his claim , and than for agricultural purpoM•«, mid to o tn h li' ¡T H A S N O T bt_E N C l outbuildings on prentices; ft acres- that said proof w ill he made before Marie L. Doth H ttrrm rs, "Swlgsby hasn't a particle o f ro- his claim to said land lief-»re the Register a ii ' roving the DAVIS Editor In Chief—1 understand young orchard, 1ft acres in cultivation, 10 War»'. V, S. Coram Iasi oner, st Eugene. Oregon, : Receiver of this oftb-c at Rusebiinr, Oreg-.m, o tniince about him." on May ifi, 1901, v is: Howard Pope, on bis 11 ' Wednesday, the 29th tlay of Ma>, 1901. “ 1 never thought he had. Any new Bluegore, the millionaire’» «on, ba« acres more cleared land, and 80 acres BOOB, f o r t l i - ’ m ', I •. T. 16 A., U. 0 w. gone In for Joumnllsm. slashed; ba in nee. brush and timber j He names the follow ing wltuesaes to prove , lie name» ns witnesses: pnstf of It I” his continuous residence upon and cultivation City Editor—Ye«. He’» on my «t»ff. land. Price $20 per acre, $1000 down. Janies E. Gibbons. J. II. Urban. W. M. "Yes. He w as calling on Daisy BO Y! of. said land, via: and John W -berm an. nil of I’onl.in Editor In Chief—And what do you Lewis 8w anson. J. C. Farmer. Charles A c h e -! A ny and nl p« rxo!ib claim i Bwlnncrton. You know Daisy. Little EXPERT For fprther information inquire of son and Morton Olson, all of Alpha. IjitieC o. ! above-deacri i c the n w ', of Section No. 11, 36IBnMdmy. f’W b tt make» yon ao aerlaus. Boh- « a a h e a s » W e e h ta e * « . »lock. Inquire at the Florence Real n e < o f Section No. 17. in Townahip No. a 8., in Township No. 13 8., Range No. 9 W ' |>y?" nskisi his aunt. Ranee No. 11 W., and w ill offer proof to »how Títere are plenty of anakea tn Samoa. Fatate Agency. and w ill offer proof tn rhow that th e land "Why. ma told me thnt I must re- that the land »ought la more valuable for It, »night la more valuable for Ita tim ber but they are all harmleaa. In certain member not to ask for anything to eat. timber nr «tone than for agricultural aurpoae«. district« It la a etiatom of the native I or «tone than for agricultural purposes, and to and 1 ani tyylng to remember It“— and toeaisbltah h i, claim tn raid land hefora eatabliah hia claim to raid land before the girls to wind live reptile« «round their L’ ii Ion Signal. the Krgl8t« ploàtml nt) by the «yi-l<»»»i' «'«I brella at the Inst ptnee I called. I up H m - btitfth of her almut I Tom—llo w do you know but that you t. wl»«-re «In- n.ninlnod aulii tha left It at the tlrat place? bail imsaôd. » l“’»> "b" quietly I Jack Beeottae there’« where I got It. «I ilnwq - L'U m m o itolng, tb«’ pi*’ reaum wl Rubens received for hta palotlng of the grand celling la the banqueting houae. Whitehall, the aunt of 00.000. The apace covered by thia pointing la (ttauán* stamped C.C. C. N ew toM la bulk. B«w»r« o* Ih, dealer who trie« to ull about «00 yard«, ao that he was pabl "rotiathtas put »> good.“ auortr $5*> • yard. July, let*. H enam eaaa wttnemes: He nam e, aa w ltnrasn: Bridget Joyce, John Caaaidv, W F. Peck »ad Burt Wnrrcn. J. H. Urban. W. 1|. V ault and Donnt, O'Brien, all of Gardiner. Oregon. John W. Sherman, all o f Portland. Oregon. , Any and all peraona clairainc adrereoty the Any and all persons claim ing adversely the ’ above learn bed land , are reqiinged to i l t their atiove-deecrlbed lands are requested to ffle their 1 claim« in 'h i, office on or before m id 1.3th day of claim s in th is office on or before said 29th dav c t ! I July, i m . May. iwn. 9 L J T B a tp o o . Baglai«; J. T. B rick . is . Register. I Careafs and Trade Msrtioh ont budac ”4 cvn*lncted for Me Bend m odel, dr.vw lngorphof^ pst: n tatie fr e o o f chargOk rite n tissec u r e d . A Parnr'il« Patents.” with c o « to r •Ml’ sad fùrti^p countries sent freo. J C. A. SNOW * W» Oee P atim - t Omet.