: e w e KD KVKRY FRIDAY s If your liver is out of order, causing Biliousness, Sick Headache, Heart­ burn, or Constipation, take a dose of MORNING— L ank C ounty , O kkoon .— . . . . by - - IV H. W E A T IIE R S O N Editor and Tonight t //OOfiTS P ills Proprietor. $1.60 a year in advance.----- F.ntaroil nt the post-office Ht Florence, ane conuty, Oregon, ns secoud-clnss mil matte I- On retiring, and tomorrow your di­ gestive organs will be regulated and ou will be bright, active and ready or any kind of work. This has been the experience of others; it will be yours. HOOD’S PILLS are sold by all medicine dealers. 25 cts. ? PERSONALS. THE ACME ARRIVED. WESTERN HOI SE. W M . 3 R Y N D , Prop. CO., ACME COMMERCIAL A. W. Beadle was in Florence tlie first New Steamer Entered the Everything in connection with the of tbe week.| House is New and First-Class. Chas. Htonefield lias purchased Win. River Yesterday. F R A N K B. W IL SO N , M anager, SPECIAL ATTENTION TO Field's raucii near Htceta light house. COMMERCIAL TRAVELLERS. T. N. fiegar lias leased tlie Hotel Eu­ WILL RUN HERE STEADILY. gene and took posssession a few days - - - O Z R .E 0 0 1 T . The notice of the puhlie is called J L O L Z E E , ago. to our new L. P. Tallman, of Meadow, was in Another Advance In the Shipping Facil­ B A TH ROOM town Friday to attend tlie Odd Fellows’ ities ot the Siuslaw Country. where Hot and Cold Baths may be celebration. had at any time. Miss Nellie Furnish commenced teach­ ing in tlie upper Fiddle Creek district The steam schooner Acme arrived at last Munday. Florence yesterday about 11 a. m.on her ! We Carry ¡1 Fine and Frank Knowles has put bis gasoline first trip to tbe Siuslaw. Alter a few) engine in tbe new boat and made a trip minutes work at discharging freight tlie Varied Stock of . — tlie vessel proceeded up the stream Yearly. to Florence with it last Monday. John Steear is said to be heir Io sev­ to Acme to discharge tlie rest of her Men anil wom en of c - M »ildress to represent us, som e to travel app ointin g agents, others lor eral thousand dollars, left him by an cargo and take on a load of lumber. She left San Francisco Tuesday morn­ local work looking after our Interests. io » o uncle who died recently in tbe east. ing and, though encountering strong salary guaranteed yearly; extra com m issions Hon. J hb . Hemenway has purchased and expenses, rapid advancem ent, old estab­ head winds a part of tlie way, made tlie lished house. Grand chance tor earnest man or Mr. Newland’s interest in the firm of run up in about 48 hours. The steamer woman to secure pleasant, permanent position, Garman it Newland, of Cottage Grove. Robarts met her near the buoy and pi­ liberal Incom e and future. N ew , brilliant lines. Ex-Oounty Clerk Jennings lias en­ loted tbe Acme in over tlie bar. W rite at once. gaged in tbe real estate business in Eu­ S T A F F O R D PRESS, Tlie Acme is a fine staunch vessel of gene. His partner is O. R. Van Duyn, liglit draught built at San Francisco last 33 Church S t ., New Haven, Conn. late of Lincoln, Nebraska. year and designed especially for trade D. W. Stibbens and wile have moved witii tiiia river. She carries passengers WANTED—TRUSTWORTHY' MEN AND W o ­ to one of Amos Haring’s bouses on tbe as well as freight, and will take over men to travel and advertise for old eutablirhed North Fork for the summer. Mr. Stib­ 400,000 feet t.of lumber at one load. house of solid financial stundlnp. Salary |780 a bens is carrying tlie milk from that About 18 hours are required in loading, j-enr and expenses, all payable In cash. No can vhhh I ng required. Give reference« and enclose locality to the creamery. and tlie Acme is expected to make tlie self-addressed stamped envelope. Address Man­ A. V. Snyder, editor of tlie McMinn­ round trip between here and San Fran­ ager, 3.56 C axton Bldg, Chcago. ville Transcript, lias been offered and cisco in about eight days. R E E D R E A D IN G S . This will be a great improvement in accepted tbe position of deputy collector of customs at Wrangle, Alaska. Tlie the shipping facilities of this place, and BY ‘‘APRIL FOOL." office was tendered him through Sena­ will enable tlie people to ship their pro­ April 30, 1901. tor Mitchell. Mr. Snyder will leave for duce to market to much better advan­ tage than heretofore, when they de- bis field of labor about May 1 2 th . Mr. W. A. Mead lias a fine pair of zJ^. z^\ z^V z^< Poland China pigs. You will waste time if vou trv to pended principally on sailing vessels. Born, April 25, to tbe wife of Mr. B. cure indigestion or dyspepsia by starving I. O. O F. a n n iv e r s a r y . B. Jeans, an eleven pound boy. yourself. That only makes it worse W e b u y direct from th e L a rg est Job bing H o u se« a » < when you do eat heartily. You always Mr. P. L. Tucker and family will M anufacturers in th e country, for CA SH , and w s are snab need plenty of good food properly di- Friday was tbe 82,1 anniversary of tlie move on their place in a short time. gested Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is tbe re- ! founding of Odd Fellowship in America, Mr. and Mrs. Harkieroad and son to g e t th e L o w e st P rices, b esid es a lw a y s b ein g su re o f suit of years of scientific research for »nd arrangements were made for bold­ Leon were visiting at W. A. Mead's 8C$nething that would digest not only ing a celebration in Florence in honor of Friday. ta in in g first-class goods. W s are n ot p a y in g that event. tome elements of food but every kind. Mr. Oecil Kirby was seen in our neigh­ e x p en ses and w ill s e ll y o u go o d s a t reasonable lu te s. Quite a number of members of tlie And it is tlie only remedy that will do it. order came down from Mapleton to borhood yesterday. He reports bis Meyer & Kyle. lather no better. attend tbe celebration here. POISON OAK. Mm. Dora Lyons, of Eugene, is visit- $kJkJkik^k^k^k-ik-ik-ik-^-ikJkik^kJk4k4kjK4«iW4«fWWtlMK At one o’clock a party of about 75, z^z^z^ . Z^V z ^ C z^ z^ C z^ t^ ^ z^ V nenrly «11 of them being Odd Fellows or | ing her daughter, Mrs. J. 1. Beers, who The Oregonian lias tlie following; Rebekabs, with their children boarded is slowly recovering from a severe 111- this season, when many persons, , the steamer Lillian for a trip to tlie ness. and young, go rambling in tlie fields and beach. After a walk on the sands and a $ 1 0 0 REWARD, $ 1 0 0 woods in search of wild flowers, and look at tbe breakers, all returned to tbe The readers of this paper will he when the gay and pretty but venomous boat and set out (or Florence. pleased to learn that there is at least poison oak is growing fresh and green, Upon arriving at tbe wharf they one dreaded disease that science bat many come in contact with it and are marched to tbe hall, where a short pro­ been able to cure in all its stages, and poisoned. Many do not know the poison gram consisting of music, readings, that is catarrh. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is oak when they Bee it, and others who recitations and songs was given Tbe tbe only positive cure known to tbe do know it are careless and forgetful, exercises were under tl.e direction of E. ; frat(jrnit c.tarrh being a * 1?..^ .-.« AT n n . l M r o V A H m O II and suffer for being so. Tbe common A. Evans, N. G., and Mrs. E. A. Beau constitutional disease, requires a consti­ remedy for tbe poisoning by poison oak presided at the organ. tutional treatment. H all’it Catarrh Cure is to wash in a solution of common salt. A dance given in tlie evening at Odd is taken internally, acting directly upon An ounce of prevention is worth a pound Fellow’s hall was well attended and the blood and mucous surfaces ot tlie of cure, ami Thomas Howell, the leading everyune enjoyed it. A basket supper evstein, thereby destroying tlie founda­ Y o u r patronage is a lw a y s appreciated, and no ■ botanist of the Northwest, says that if was served at midnight at the Western tion of tlie disease, and giving tbe pa­ persons going among poison oak wash House, , and bread, biscuit, butter, tient strength by building up tlie consti­ sm all y o u r purchases, yo u m ay rest assured it w ill bo M their faces, ears, neck, iiauds and wrists, chicken, ham, pies, cukes, cookies and tution and assisting nature in doing its in short every exposed part, witii Bpirits other things too numerous to mention work. The proprietors have so much aim to se ll y o u th e best goods ob tain able a t reasonable prioaa. of nitre, it will prevent them from being were furnished in abundance. As is faith in its curative powers, that they poisoned. Some persons cun handle the usual at Odd Fellows’ entertainments offer $100 reward for any case that it poison oak with impunity, while others there was food enough left fur as many fails to cure. Send for list of testimon­ get poisoned as tlie saying is “ by looking I ,„ore. 1 ials. Address, at it.” There are two kinds of poison The steamer Lillian left for head of F. J. C hknky & Co., Toledo, O. oak, one being a low shruband the other j ti),e abo(ll 4 a. ,n taking home those Sold by Druggists, 76c. a woody climber, which runs up the who wished to go. Hall’s Family Pills are tlie best. stems of trees. It is best to let them A L M O S T A DRO W NING . A GREAT HOBIERY OFFER DlREOT both severely alone. $900 Paints and oils at A. O. Funke’s. Tbe steamer Girtie was brought down from Mapleton a few days ago. IVWTM1KO R A T E S M ADE KNOW N P L IC A T IO N . Tbe creamery commenced receiving M l netto x cen ts per lin e earl) Insertion milk last Monday for tbe season. A new stock of children’s Bnd misses' noe, Oregon, May 3, 1901. straw goods and caps at O. W. Hurd’s. Tbe schooner Nettie Sundborg left for W E S T L IN G S . San Francisco Wednesday witii a cargo A fine line of matting at O W Hurd’s. of lumber. Mr. Hogan and Captain Turner, of The addition to the Western House is San Francisco, were passengers to Acme « M r enclosed. inulng on tlie Acme. yhs> Acme tnnught in a new hawser Tlie Morris Hotel is being improved >S6 Ollt I, ,he Robaits. by a coat of fresh paint. Walter Haring s o f a o o BUnke for Warranty Deeds (or sale wields tbe brush. ** the W ts r o ffic e . Another new lot of goods received this CES. The schooners Bella and Lizzie Prien week at Mrs. Kanoff’s. Call and see tlie lied for San FranciscoKriday Morning. latest styles in hate. Tlie Pioneer Hardware Store of Mnrsh- The Wing and Wing was brought iW Is agent for Do Laval Cream Sep- down from Acme yesterday and will ato n . probably sail todav. Another house is being built near O. The Const Mail says tbe tug Colum­ . Hurd’s mill. It will be occupied by bia will do tlie towing on Umpqua river Aaohoin and family. while tlie Hunter is absent at San Fran­ The M i nnesota Hotel property, of Eu- cisco. tods ft*Aoo, bae been sold by Gov. W hiteaker Tbe bouse of Thomas Seavv, on the Geo. G. Gross for $3,500. McKenzie about eight miles from Eu­ Tbe Florence Lumber Co.'s mill gene, was burnel last Saturday. The artedfup again Monday after being loss is estimated at $6,500. for two or three weeks. Tlie shortage of Geo. W. Davis, ex­ 8. N.Jfechmidt, a Dane, committed clerk ol tbe state land board, is found to tieide near Eugene April 24. It is be $30,928.33. Tbe committee found lOughthe was insane at the time. Napoleon Davis’ accounts substantially A petition to tlie county court to grant correct. , .tense for a saloon at Acme was circu­ Sales of De Laval Separators to date ited injtliie vicinity a few days ago. beat all previous records. Tlie Pioneer Tbe foundation for Meyer & Kvle’s Hardware Store of Marshfield is kept was laid lids week. Several busy supplying the gieai. demand for •s are at work on tbe frame. these wonderful machines. !—50 persons desiring to dis- Crawford Gaddis, who resided in Of feal estate in this vicinity to call Southern Oregon since 1852, died at nd plso their property on our list. Roseburg last Friday aged 77 years. He served Douglas county as judge and Seek A W eat ii er son. Quite a number of cases of measles in treasurer from 1866 to 1870. owp. School has been closed for a few C. M. Hill, formerly postmaster at r /1 AV* A$4$«Bccount of so m any of tlie pupils Belknap Springs, in this county, has been arrested on an indictment charging M W M eb le to attend. Henry Meldrum, of Oregon City, lias him with raising tbe cancellation of reed appoi nteil Burvevor-general of Ore- stamps while be was postmaster. ;on. Mr. Meldrum is a brother-in-law At tlie meeting of tlie city council of Eugene Monday evening a petition was >( D. P .H i nmpson, of Portland. „ Try t i e new remedy for costiveness, presented asking tbe mayor to close all Dbainberlain’s Stoinitcb and Liver Tab- gambling bousea in tbe city. The peti­ “Svery box guaranteed. Price, 25 tion was signed by many of tbe leading citizens. fo r sale by O. W. Hurd. Spring cough« are specially dangerous In conversation witii 0. G. Wilson, of tbe other day, be informed us and unless cured at once, serious results # * e are strong indications of oil often follow. One Minute Cough Cure acts like magic. It is not a common ch. Coal also exists there. R ou b les, cuts, burns, scalds and mixture but is a high grade remedy. afing quickly heal by tbe use of De- Meyer A Kyle. Coos Bay News: Capt. Robt. Jones, ilt’l Witch Hazel Salve. It is imi- Be sure you get DeW’itt’s. Mey- master of tbe tug Hunter, on the Ump­ qua, was in town la«t week and informed Ky!e. FROM TH E MILLE. baa raised over $150 for the us that be would soon take tbe tug to It is now clearly proved that any Tlie old maxim, "Tlie proof of the Early last Saturday morning A. L. nee of a man in Portland to j San Francisco, where tlie machinery and farmer engaged in dairying, either on directing immigration to Lane I bull will be thoroughly overhauled and large or small scale, cannot be successful Jefferson, two sailors from tlie Nettie pudding is in the eating," applies as well Geo. M. Miller has been given new boilers put in. It is staled on good without tlie new process of separating Sundborg and one from tlie Wing and to the wearing qualities of our hosieryi authority that Capt. Bob. will bring back cream from milk. Tlie De Laval is the Wing started from Florence to Acme in Once worn and you will wear them al­ Ion. tank of Gilbert Bros, nt Salem a mate with him, to take charge of bis recognized superior of all machines. a row boat. When about opposite Rose ways. An exceptional trial offer that every reader of this paper should take <*• doors last week on account of household affairs at Gardiner. The Pioneer Hardware Store, of Marsh­ Hill cannery, in some manner their advantage of and test tlie remarkable craft was upset, the men fell into the migatinn. Tbe deposits are esti- ' Tlie Coast Mail of April 27 says: C. field, is agent. water, and the boat drifted away from wearing qualities and superior finish ot $120.000, of which about $1500 H. Merchant received a telegram Thurs­ G ENERAL NEWS. them in tlie darkness. Their cries of our high grade hosiery. We will, on day, directing an immediate commence­ savings bank funds. distress were heard in Florence and tlie j receipt of 25c. in silver and the name of ment of work on the steam schooner ^winter I was confined to mv bed At Omaha Jas. Callahan was acquitted , steamer Lillian, which was nlxiut start­ 1 your local dealer, send direct to you Very tad cold on the lungs. Notli- which is to be built here by the Pacific from the mills, postage paid, 4 pair of me relief. Finally my wife Shipbuilding Co., for C. A. Hooper & of complicity in tlie kidnapping of Ed- ing for Mapleton, hastened to their as­ our finest high grade latest style Empire sistance. Two of tlie men were fount) Co., of San Francisco. Tbe new vessel’s waid Cudahy, Jr. bottle of One Minute Cough ’ brand ladies’ or children's hose, or The editor of tlie Omaha Bee is quoted below the island where they had suc­ I men’s half hose, in black, tan, white or effected a speedy cure. I can- i dimensions will be: Keel 132 feet, beam ceeded in reaching a shallow place in 33 feet, depth of bold 10J^ feet. as expressing tlie opinion that Uryan too highly of that excellent, jje. | the water but could not get Io dry land. ! the fashionable fa..cy solid colors, or tiie '—Mr. T. K. Houseman, Mana- Albert Lutjens, postmaster at tbe will be a candidate for governor of ! The others reached tlie island in safety | latest combination silk embroidered Meyer & Kyle. town of Lutjens, on Alsea Bay, commit­ braska next yenr. and were found up near Nortli Fork. I l>olka dots, electric stripes, or silk clock­ President and Mrs. MoKinlev left. They were taken to Acme by tlie Lilian, ing on side, in fancy open work, plain, ,nnal conference of tlie United ted suicide April 20 by shooting himself ¡al Church, which closed its in the bead witii a revolver. He was Washington last Monday en their trip ! being but little worse for their cottrtath. I or drop stitch style, in French lisle b t Corvallis last week, appointed also a merchant at that place and carried to tlie Pacific coast. The party occupy 1 Their boat was recovered after daylight thread, balhriggan, silk finish rnaco, or h- Yost and Wm. Plowman to : a $5000 stock. He was aged 38, and was a train of seven cars. : cash mere with lull finish elastic top and by tbe owner. I our patent reinforced silk and linen knit w circuit. Rev. Yost has re- unmarried. The deed was committed Berlin dispatches say Count von Wal-i since last fall and bis labors wtiile under temporary aberration of dersee reports to the war office that fonr 1 Those famous little pills, DeWitt’s Lit­ ’ seamless, double sole, toe and high rest of tbe church have been tlie mind. Tbe affairs at tbe postoffice engagements took place at the Great ; tle Early Kisers will remove all impuri-. spliced double heel, They save darning in I and bis business are said to have been Wall between the Germans and Chinese ties from your system, cleanse your bow- and are guaranteed to give three times ) P R I F 'very! (■I. Strength comes from well digested and kept straight. April 23 snd 24. The Chines* were els, make them regular. Meyer ray, N. Y and A W H IT E 8 E W IN G M A C H IN E . Re up the liver to a healthy sppe- bending forward eagerly, “tell mo makes this statement for the benefit of on payment of the amount. liey also tone up ti e liver to a about lb” We have received and are offering for others similarly afflicted. This liniment > action and regulate the bowels, "Yes,” he went on, “It reminds me of sale a new White sewing machine. It is for sale by 0 . W. Hurd. pm and you are certain to be a secret of that kind, because It's so e sure that your blood i.i r lili is a drop head, twill bearing, end is war­ and purr. Tlie best blood purifier, | pleased with the result. For sale bard to keep." ranted lor five years. Call at thia office S tn p « t h e C o u g h »n d w o r k s oW t h e C o ld And then she refused to speak to him enrirher ami vitalixer is Hood's Sarsa- iW . Hard. end examine tlm machine. fAxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets cure a for three hours.—Chicago Tim e»-Her­ oerilla. Be sure to Q E T H O O D 'S . cold in one day. No Cure no Pay. ald. ________________ o-i»» ga runts. General Merchandise, Patent Medicines, D ry Goods, Dress Goods, \T Prints, fluslins, Yarns, Crash, Notions, g Groceries. «non» We Have a Complete Stock of Boots and Shoes. B A S T O R IA Tor Infants and Children. Y ob Ha« Always Booght I t ’s W ltk k e lE lw * T k o t C m «». T O OUR PATRO NS- Diner—Come, tell me straight Is ft any real advantage to 1 man who gives We have made arrangements by yon a tip? Tru thfu l W alter—Honestly. T can't which we will furnish the Weekly say that It Is. but It is apt to go bard Oregonian with the W bst lor one year with tbe gentleman that doesn't tip to any address (or tli» snm of tv.o dol -, U n i t i v e B r a m o -Q ü iö i« Un jsvable cash in advanc*. 1 i itaft flBBM A ABM AB ABB me.—Boston Transcript MEYEK a KYLE * * * * H a v e Q l H a n d ways on Q ne to c l^ G ^ o e E r ç jE g , GfoocJs 7 H ats L . & Caps,*~l J ★ ★ 'r e s s G fooda j Boots & Shoes, i_________________ | £ j ! Gent’s Furnishing Goods, H a r d w ir E , Paints, Oils, etc. Prices as Low as the Get Wnet You Ask Fori When you ask for Coscarets Candy Cathartic be rare you get them. G e n iin e tablets stamped C. C. C. N evei sold in bulk. A substitutor is of P lo i» c D « e