r — '• THE W EST ■4 Y O U R H O H E PA PER doffdrar f r o » ; u l h lu f lu* ( ab d o & u u W ar«) u o n>y f«M< »u l « T a b u ie s adverHi m e a n d to o k th em « ib o u l th r e e w esksR i n o I c o n stip a te d t Ipaa* T abuisa. I a e n o o c c u p a tio n ,, n u r s io f m y tic k J 17 a n d 1 am trjtai fe e ls s o m e better b la s b e e n t ic k so l t e s tim o n ia ls in fa WMOgC................. ......... H. K. Kincaid. th em . R ip e n s Tabu. ‘ j .................... J. R. Hill regular mate ------ S T A G S S T E A M E R L IL L IA N daily tkips ------ From Mapleton to -A N D COUNTY OFFICERS- U N E . r . h . B a r r e t t , d a il y tr ips P r o p ’ r, Stage Leaves Steamboat Landing on Florence anil M of Tile, ---- makes A l it t l e w h ile , dear God. a few b r ief dsyat I pray th ee, le t m e keep thia lo v e of in io e J u st in m y in m ost h eart, safe from th e w orld! T oo dear, to o d eep , i t U*a for ear th ly gaaa. A few b rief days I M A R G U E R IT E . C ? r A Z P - T ? T ' N r T r , T :? ------ W i ll j Sundays. Extra Trips When Necessary Charges Reasonable. Florence E |J Q E fJE _ E I JOJ>Ei\ 0 E R B T U B N .- L e n v e s M a p le t o n a t 7 A . M. L e a v e s F lo r e n c e a t 2 P. M. O n S U N D A Y S l e a v e s M a p le t o n a t 8 A . M . I STAGE LINE. E. B a n g s , P roprieto r. ) Stage leaves I Eugene for rlor- L Z X K l Commissioners 1 ......... H. D. Edwards ______________________________ I ence daily except Sunday at 6 a. nt. e n e v e r o o m p la ln s E J T? . T I Arrives a t Florence the day fol- E U T . Lee ed. ch u b b y fneed bo r C la r k .................. t r i b u t e t o K lp a n . Ta Kh ifr lowing at 10 a. m. THE STEAM ER .. W. W. Withers t w i l l b en efit a n y f,n„ • » • r i l l .................... Returning stage leaves Florence j ...A . 8. Patterson ■ t a k .q a o o o r iiin a to ffraasurer......... ....... D. P. Burton A w .r^ S«e»H<>r............ for Fugene daily except Sunday a t ; School Superintendent.. .. W. M. Miller at 2 p. in. Arrives in Eugene a t 6 j V 1thout glass) Is now fa Surveyor.......... ................... C. M. Collier p. m. tho day following. C oroner.............................G. W . Gritlin »or and the economical ty-elght cents to the I C. H. Holden i "Will carry freight aud passengers tice oí Peace. H) w ill bo seat for . . . ,G. O. Cumpton •ta b le ............. te and a* *»“ 9 liquor from Florence to San Francisco. Single fare _ - _ - 5.00. L Round trip - - - - 9.00. Will also bring up freight Tickets for salo at E. Bangs’ CITY OFFICERS. livery barn, Eugene, and at O. W. For further information inquire H urd’s office in Florence. ¡d en t.......................... Marion Morris - OF — E. A. Evans, All through freight on the stage W. H. We?tiiprson, either way between Eugene aud A. W. BEADLE & CO. d of Trustees. Wm. Brynd, Mapleton, will be charged a t the L. Christensen. 22 Market St, rate of two cents per pound during Recorder ........... J. O. Phelps San Francisco, California. the months of October, November, Treasurer ........... O. W. Hurd December, January, February, Marsiisi G. C. Cumpton March and April, and one cent per pound during the months of May, June, July, August and September. 3 E 0 R E T SO CIETIES. a n d F lo r e n c e Ot 3 p . m . NO. 1. R E S P IT E . TRAVELERS' GUIDE TRAVELERS' GUIDE. o Printer, school* is said to be lazy and s h iftle s s w hen she j - doesn’t deserve E k the least bit of it. She can’t study.easily fails asleep, is nervous and tired ail the time. And what can you ex­ pect? H e r brain is being fed w ith impure blood and her whole system is suffering from poisoning. Such girls are wonder­ fu lly helped and greatly changed, by taking Avers A l it t l e w h ile , oh , gran t th e boon 1 oak. F or n o n e can e v er know save heart d iv in e H ow life*« en viron m en t« have bound m y soul. Dear G odt Ob. «ay I need not w ear m y m ask A few b rief dayal A l i t t l e w h ile , oh . Just a l it t l e w h ile . T o have and h old th e lo v e l*ve p ra y ed so lo n g ! T h ou gh dark th e w ay and drear m y h eart m ay •m ile . F o r everm ore m y Ufe w ill hold lo v e 's shrine, T h ough lo v e b u t lin g e r here A few b rief days! — B ose V anB. Speet-e in Scranton T ribune. H m h A G l f f . ” By Waiter Littlefield. ats M iW W a of her death the chain never left her Beck, nor the key.” H e paused again and once more seemed disinclined to go on. "W ell,” said M. Blouet, “ we have the mystery; now for the solving of it.” “Gentlemen,” continued M. Lebon, amlilng sagely as he tipped off tho ashes of his cigarette. “I have told you all that anybody but myself knows. Is tbat not enough? You now kuow w hat all Paris knew. Are you not satis- fled?” and he laughed quietly to him­ self. W e smoked for a few moments in alienee, both M. Blouet and myself sur­ mising that the best way to hear the rest of the story wag to leave the nar­ rator completely to himself. Iu a mo- 1 incut the latter began again, speaking rapidly and In short sentences. “ In 1848 her husband owned a country bouse near Passy. She was | then young nod gay. No chain or key I adorned her neck then. One duy she was surprised by her lord, shutting somebody In the wardrobe. A servant I had betrayed her. The Muscovite Othello turned the key twice iu the wardrobe, took it out, then told bis w ife to follow him. A traveling b rlu k a stood a few paces from the villa. More dead than alive, the un­ happy woman obeyed. When the hus­ band bad placed her In the carriage lie gave an order In a low voice to the coachman. ‘Keep this key.’ tie Hald to his wife. ‘I have forgotten something and w ill return,’ then went back to tbe house. "H e returned, according to his prom­ ise, but as the carriage descended the hill the poor woman saw flames issu­ ing from the windows of tbe villa. She fainted. Three days she remained un­ conscious. On regaining her senses she perceived that a gold chain wag rh eted around her neck, to which was attach­ ed a golden key. the exact counterpart of the original, bearing an inscription. She wished to kill herself, but her bus- band pointed to the Inscription und added tbat If she would save her fain­ tly from dishonor she must ever ob­ serve i t She was therefore condemned to live. H e r strange necklace excited much curiosity In Paris. A t last her tyrant allowed her to retire to a quiet retreat on the express stipulation that she would not attempt to destroy her­ self during his lifetime. H is death re­ leased her from thia condition.” e • • • • • • Some three weeks later I was calling on my friend Lebon, who wished to show me some old manuscripts that he had been collecting. H e produced a large box o f rosewood, which be casu­ ally remarked contained Ills fam ily pa­ pers. T a my astonishment, be drew from hto pocket the mysterious key and Inserted It In the lock, which yielded readily to bis pressure, and the lid flew back. "W hy.” I exclaimed In wonder, "that to the key I” "The keyT’ he Interrogated. Then he laughed long and loud. "And you swal­ lowed all th a t" be said when be could control bla m errim ent "Certainly," I replied grimly. "B y tbe way, though. It wouldn’t make a bad story, would It? I think I w ill work It up—elaborate It a little, you know." I toft the bouse feeling deeply morti­ fied to think I had bean so effectually "sold." A desire for revenge took pos­ session o f me. and I determined to steal a march on him. I have done so.—Cri­ terion. There were three of ns one evening In the reading room of the Press club —M. Paul Blduet, better known as “M ax O'Rell” through bis sketches of French and English life and character; M. Charles P. I^bon, Instructor of French, who, by the way. Is a littera­ teur of some little note, and myself. The conversation, after various fluctu­ ations, bad assumed a story telUng d r if t M. Blouet had just related an Hundreds of thousands amusing anecdote of bla Boston so­ of schoolgirls have taken journ. and we were silently puffing In it during the past SOyears. that agreeable languor that arises from Many of these girls now a good weed and a good story. have homes of their own. On drawing his cardcaae from his pocket M. Lebon brought forth a small They remember what bright object that glistened a second In cured them, and now the lamplight as It fell to the floor. He they give the same medi­ stooped for I t with rather undue haste; cine to theirown children. with so much haste. In fact, that be called our attention to a movement that You can afford to trust a otherwise would have passed un­ -Sarsaparilla that has been noticed. tested for half a century. "W h at to ItT" Inquired l i . Blonet »1.00 a bottle. All 4nUl*U. W ithout a word Lebon banded him If your bowels are consti­ the object he had dropped, but eyed pated take Ayer’s Pills. You NOTARIES. him carefully aa I t was examined. A A. M . Florence Lodge No. 107. can’t have good health unless R s Regular communication oil second “ A key.** remarked M. Blouet; **a key you have daily action of the bowels. 25 cn. ■ bn. and evidently o f gold.** And he passed •■<1 fourth Saturdays in each month. A. R. BUTTOLPH, R O n e b o x o f A y e r 'a F i l l s c u r e d m y It to me. E. W. C obb , W. M. d y s p e p s ia ." JL.D. C abdwill , J a n . 12,1899. ______ B a t h , N . T. I held In m y hand a key o f perhaps By M ill «, Secretary. U f • th e D o o t o r . an Inch ta length and h alf aa wide. ► I f y o u h a v e an y c o m p la in t w h a te v e r * There was nothing particularly re­ a n d d e s ir e th e bent m e a lc a l a d v ic e y ou U W. Perpetua Lodge, No. 131, enn p o s s ib ly r e c e iv e , w r it« th e d octor markable about It unless It were the fr o e fy . Y ou w ill r e c e iv e a p rom p t r e ­ meets every 1st and 3d Tuesdays O re g o n F l o r txoe, p ly , w ith o u t coat. A d dress. material of which It was composed, «sen mouth. Members aud visiting D n . J . C. A YEH , L o w e ll, M ass. S th at appeared to be gold. Moddealy brethren in good standing are cordially V V V T T V V ’ my eye caught sight of a date and aa MARON MORRIS . invited to attend. A. O. F uxkk , M. W. P u llm a n Inscription upon the ring of the key— I . or,33* D e u r b o r u Kt., became known as *La Dame a la Clef.’ I ceiving tremendous tirades over wbat F o r t l e t n c l , O r . C h ic a g o . TRAOI MANH m aw nitso Now. a nickname In Paris means a { we had no hand In, because we hap­ great deal more than It does here. pened to be present when the scolding A. C. WOODCOCK, When one la nicknamed there, one ear- ! habit woe yielded to by one of its vic­ J one ot thej P le a s a n t. P a la ta b le . P o t e n t. T a s te G ood. D o ries that name to the grave. tims. G ood, N e v e r S ic k e u . W e a k o n . or G ripe. 10c. t ic . fiOc. suntry, and if W . H . W E A TH ER SO N , "Tlie notice In lx* Journal ties Debate j Scolding Is easy. It takes neither JO HN O. BECK, ... C U R E C O N S T IP A T IO N . ... Florence, Oregon. 8 te r ll» ff Cklcft«o, Msalrval, Tart. SIS mentioned ’La Dame a la Clef est power of brain nor heart to i»c?M. It F t. Terrace, Oregon. s rates with! , - O re g o n morte.’ I t did not give her own name. I does not even make any great d r»~ MA TA D i p Bold an d a u a r a n te e d by a lld r a g - B o o m « 7 a n d 8 M cL aran** B u ild in g . J T hat wonld have signified nothing. The upon tho physical being. Any fishwife R U " I U *B A V g is t * to C 'L 'ItK T o b acco H a u t I t is finely J. A t t e n t i o n g i v e n t o c o l l e c t i o n « a n d p ro- paper concluded by saying that she alive can be a grand success nt scold­ *ne«» died, aged 45. in complete solitude. I t I ing. W by coiu|>ete with her? ie names of fa W A N T E D .— C a p a b le , r e lia b le p e r a o n i n e v e r y seems that her husband, who was much 1 Scolding should lie compelled to per­ c o u n t v t o r e p r ew e n t la r g e c o m p a n y o f » o lid :ors. T he older than she. had visited her regular­ ish from the earth. The tongue, the C. H. H O LD E N , tiiiH n c in l, r e p u t a t i o n ; « a la r y p e r y e a r , paya* ly every alx months during the post ten voice, tbe eye, the face—all should tic O R N E Y - A T - K .A W -, j b le w e e k l y ; p e r d a y a b a e l t t t e l y « u r e a n d a ll m arc sold years and then had disappeared, uo one , trained not to scold—yes. and tbe pen. i cx fieiiH c« ; s t r a ig h t , l>oua fid e , d e f in i t e s a la r y , n o a n d U . 8. L and C^HviaxioXE*. knew where. A ll was mysterious about for of all tilings a scolding pen Is tbe c o m m h M io u ; s a la r y p a id e a c h S a t u r d a y a n d e x - lice. b o u g h t , «o ld a n d e x c h a n g e d . ! p e n v e m o n e y a d v a n c e d e a c h w e e k . K T A N D A K D 1 this ’Lady of the Key.* One day came i w orst And the habit once formed !T l a n d s a s p e c ia l t y . IIO U H E , .S34 D kakkorx S t ., C hicago . 41-14 1 to her the news of her husband's death. w ith the pen Is apt never to be entirely She survived him but a short time, and shaken off.—Ada C. Sweet In Woman's Do Y ou W a n t a H om e in W e s te rn O reg o n ? TOBACCO SPIT It was whispered that she bad allowed Home Companion. and S M O K E herself to die from hunger. T h a t was Your L ife aw ay l oil the notice of her death bail to say { M lt lla a a S r e a t l a A a » a e m , n ( , . Y ou c a n b e c u r e d o f a n y fo r m o f t o b a c c o u a in g about the matter. The mystery still ' "The Aaiericsn people are great thea­ Come to Florence and see the fine farms ' e a s i l y , b e m a d e w e ll, s tr o n g , m a g n e t ic f u l l , T w e n tv -th re e remained unexplained, and the Interest ter goers and spend slmut $ 112.000.000 n e w lif e a n d v ig o r b y t a k in g and beautiful forests in the Siuslaw valley. , th a t m a k e s w ea k m en s tr o n g M a n y g a in M ile s W e s t concerning her grew toss and Isas and annually for such amusements.“ said a t e n p o u n d » in t e a d a y s . O v e r 5 0 0 , 0 0 0 c u r e d . A ll d r u g g is t« . C u re g u a r a n t e e d . B oob» grsdnally died away altogether." prominent theatrical manager to tlie ______ E u g e n e . le t a n d a d v i c s I R E K . Aciilrew i S T E R L I N G M. Lebon paused to relight his ciga­ w riter recently. “This vast sum of R E M E D Y C O ., C h ic a g o o r N e w Y o r k . 437 rette. which be bad allowed to go o u t money to paid Into tho treasuries of A fte r doing th ia ha settled back la bis some 1.000 companies, which were esti­ chair, puffed once or twice, but did not mated to be pluyiag In all parts of the a t all Inclined to continue tbs United States la»t year. This Includes I everything that can bo considered “ tvell." I ejaculated, “go on. That to strictly professional companies, to say no story. Why, you haven't even said nothing of tbe countless amateur or­ w hat the mystery was. nr why she was ganisations. M o ney Saved called 'La Dame a to C l e f " “O f the strictly theatrical organiza­ By "Ah. yes," be replied pensively, tions It to safe to say that the uverago “quite rig h t I bad forgotten. Uentto- receipts per night for tho 1,000 compa­ P a tro n iz in g it. men. I have Bat said that aba was nies to *400 each. A t seven perform­ It. artificia lly digests th e food and aids beaattfal. yet a * * was tbs eaaa. H er ances per week for each company the Prop H ale Mature in s ire n g tb en ln f and recon­ face was one g f tbs lovelieet that I weekly average would be *2,800. The WE BUY AND SELL ALL KINDS OF REAL ESTATE structing th e exhausted digestive or­ bare ever seen, bar flgar* was perfect, average theatrical season I» 40 weeks. gans. i t lath e lateeidlseovereddlgeat» aa«"— Tbe entire 1.000 companies, w ith aver- i - W e t i r M o rragtad M. Bhrnet aaaaw Ode nightly receipts of $400, would a n t and tonic. No o ther preparation can approach I t In effleteacy. I t In ­ what Impatiently. produce weekly receipts at seven per­ - Proprietor«. SOM stantly relleveeand permanently c u m 'Tlentlemea. I w ill aot bote yea," formances pur week amounting to *2.- Dyspepsia, indigestion, H eartb u rn , continued M. 1-ehoo smiling, "dimply 800,000. This multiplie«) by 40. tho >TO P»noo. O ra g o n . Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea. Sick Headache, G astralglaCram psand tmagtao her baaaHfal la face aad form; atanber o f weeks In the theatrical ara- j an o th e r results of im perfect digesUoa. then, gentlemen, around her nark, •aa. w ill yield grow receipts amount- bins furnishi'd with all the j which was nf the purest meld, was tag to *112.000.000. which Is probably ¡ s s & ^ . j ^ . ’K s s s s a s s : riveted a goMcn chain ta which wad fa r below wbat the people of this coun­ cíes of the sciL-on, Give us preaersa a» «. c. £« witt a CO- C M sew attached this key. Aad. gaattotaoa, try really do pay every year for the­ {rvoi the lat of Jaar. 184* ta the da,t atrical amowinent”— Washington Star. II. 1 M tY k B A KYLE. ★ sarsaparilla N ORTHERN Pacific, Ry» a r. Notary Public, Surveyor N WW NOTARY PUBLIC. EUGENE Loan a Savings Bank THROUGH TICKETS 1 General Banking Business T A P E ill WORMS M M , ttorney at Law, Florence Real Estate Agency. E l k P r a i r i e H o te l. EUGENE AND FLORENCE rA O E ^ R O U T E . D O N 'T Do You Do You Do You Do You Want a Ranch? Want Unimproved Land? Want Town Lota? Want Timber Landa? Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests w hat yon oat. I0RR1S ÎT « ' FLORENCE, OREGON, FRIDAY. MAY 3,1901. GENERAL DIRECTORY ruey General _ _ A D V E R T ISE R S HOTEL, ON COMMISSION. JOHN C. BEC K. W. H. WEATHERSON. THE EXPERT’S THEORY. f t W a s T o o In c In a lT O ■ * < W oiktoM M H im aa a W lta e o a . One of tlie older members of the Be timore bar tells tills anecdote o f 11 ' late Severn Teaekla Wallis as Utaatn lug the cleverness and sarcasm o< M W allis: Mr. W allta was defending the « S i a wealthy testator, and, as the I say. when the estate la large a 1 "w ill wrestle with a will with a A prominent physician waa called ta ' testify for those contesting tbe wl!L The doctor became restless under the lengthy and exhaustive cross examina­ tion of M r. W allis, and Anally be petu­ lantly exclaimed: "Oh, M r. W allis, I believe tbe tor was Insane!” Mr. W nllla kept his temper and i quietly: "Doctor, you are tbe first son wAo has ever Intimated In or of court that the testator wm W hy do you say he was InaaneF "1 believe,” the doctor replied, "that every man Is more or lees some oue subject.” "Is it your deliberate profe opinion,” Mr. W allis then Mked, "ex­ pressed here In court under oath, that every man Is more or less insane oa some subJectT’ "Yes,” the doctor replied; “I .'-111 sag here under oath tbat from my knowledge and experience 1 that every man la more or leal on some one subject.” Then M r. W allis said In that fine tone of sarcasm for which he waa Mat­ ed. "Doctor, has It ever occurred jwa that you are Insane on the subject •< Insanity T ’ Immediately tbe doctor fired up aad exclaimed, " B u t M r. Wallta. I insane I” M r. W allis arose and said: according to your own sworn you must be insane on some subject pronounce you Insane on the subjected Insanity." Court, ju ry and spectator* aloud, and nothing more waa M id I the testator being Insane.—B a ttte M u Sun. Matone MB ant I OLD DUTCH WERE CHOLERIC T h e y C a lle d B e e n O th e r le e ,” a n d E v e » W e W hat a contentious crowd the In­ habitants of the village, then known a» Breuckeleu, now p a rt of was! Tbe eariy records are reports of Inquiries late the «MPa eff rioting and disturbances o f tho j Tlie early court records of actions brought fo r i sault I t is recorded that a ma arrested for calling an official a “snap- pert Je,” another was put In Jail, ch art ed with having called his n e lg h h * a "dick beeste” and still another was clapped into Jail for having called a certain official a “bloodsucker." Soma of tlie old Dutch records maks IM an at- lug reading. And the court meted out justice In all these cases with a regard for common sense and a disregard for statute l a * that one cannot help but admire, pus instance of curious adjustment o t penalties may he cited: lu epvi M B M S I M WBF The village tavern keeper u < teutious woman both appeared tlie co u rt asking Justice, tice. T M y kad srvussd’tks quarreled. The woman a bad I Innkeeper of watering hto hrzaSg, an« he in turn had applied an opprohrleua epithet to the woman. The court after bearing tbe evidence adjudged both ta be guilty. W ith rare discrimination In making the punishment fit the grime the man was lined 0 gulden and the woman, who had Impugned the quality of tbe brandy, was fined 20 gulden. W ith hundreds of times the popula­ tion today, tbe courts of Brooklyn da not have one-tentb the slander o r aa> sault cases tbat they bad soma. years ago, and, as for a riot, there has not been one of any magnitude Sven threatened in more than a seers sd years—Brooklyn Eagle. MWe A C u e t l n r o l a W a e lU Ma* 1 A ll clients knew th a t with “Old Abe” ss tlielr lawyer, they would win their case—If It was fair; If n o t that It was a wuste of time to take It to hint. After llstcuing some time oue day to a would be client's statem ent with M l eyes ou tbe celling, he swtiug i round In his chair aud exclaimed: “ Well, yoe have a pretty in technical law, but a pretty had one in equity and Justice. You'll have to get some other fellow to win this case for you. 1 couldn’t do I t AH tho Umov while stnndlug talking to tbat Jury. I ‘d , be thinking, l.lncoln. you’re a liar.' aad 1 I believe 1 should forget myself aad say It out loud.”—Success. T o e Ces L ittle Jack—Oh, m oth«, 1 da b cake! I t ’s aw ful nice. Mother vcptuvlnglyj—You •book) I say you "love” coke—eay “like.” not say “aw ful”—w y "very." D a I say “nice"—say “good-" way. the word “ok” should bo < Now. my dear, repeat tbe l rcctly. ■ * J a c k -1 Uke cake. H's very I Mother—That's better. Jock (with so air of sounds as If 1 was only bread.—London Tlt-BIta. A canaSto, “Do you tblak world w ill follow tbe tlous they do here?" asked Ing lady. “ NOk” said the ekurcl body w ill attend to there.”—Syracuse I' T o have a | n woman mm sud sup tin t Instead of 1 not need of owe.—J