,1 .... ■■ W IVIbON ITEMä. visit bore » tew days aud go buck lb | their homes anil write volutely ol the B y I ch D ibn . T h e r e ’s no sea so n w h en g o o d American people. My impressions ol April 19, 1901. m ed icin e is so m u ch n eed ed a s in tlie country thue Ur have been very Several frosty mornings ibis w e e k . S p r in g , an d th e r e ’s n o m ed icin e favorable.” . I A seuii-otticial denial that negotiation» It hasn’t ruined since Easter Sunday. w h ich d o es s o m uch go o d in S p iia g had been o[«sned with Great Britain for a s H ood ’s S a rsa p a rilla . G. VV. Dickinson made a Hying trip to a new Isthmian Canal treaty, baa been I y Ugene , ,,¡s wvek. D o n o t d e la y ta k in g it. D o n ’t p u t i t off t ill y o u r h e a lth given out. Secretary Hay is still-trying School is progressing nicely with Miss to find out what sort of a treaty would Maude Howard as teacher. to n e g e ts to o lo w to be lifted . demand a two-thirds vote in the senate. The woods around here have been full and until be does there will lie no nego- , of timber cruisers the last few days W il l g iv e y o u a go o d a p p etite, nations starteli by this government Born, to the wife ot Geo. Nichols, p u rify and en rich y o u r blond, o v er- Great Britain cun, of course, submit ! A»r'‘ 18- “ ‘«V- U- ° r**u is a11 oom o th a t tir e d feelin g , g iv e j o u proiK,8jtiona of j,er own at any time, and i Henry Iliiikaon, of the upper Siuslaw m en ta l and d ig e s tiv e str e n g th a n d I tbuy wj(| al, j considered by River, pabtted through here this morn­ ing. ste a d y nerves. Mr. Henquiuet, late of Wisconsin, has B e su r e to a sk for H O O D ’S, th e this government. Members of the commission which the finidpej a house on his homestead on b ea t m ed icin e m o n ey ca n b u y . I t is 1 Cuban constitutional convention have bait ltiver. Arbor Dav was observed by the school decided to send to Washington will have Bad F e e lin g s In S p r in g - " I n the a good time personally, and that will here with recitations, songs, yard elean- . spring I was feelin g « very b a d ly . My b lood . ' ing and tree planting. I began tak in g H o o d ’» probably be the only result of their trip g ^ raap a r b iaA i t d id rúe m u ch good. W. 11. McGuire, C. 0 . Cornell, and th in k it is a w on d erfu l spr ring m ed icin e and They can accomplish nothing in Wasli- Granger Hiadbury, of Eugene, are build- recommend it to all sick and suffering." ingtou that they could not do in Havana ing houses on their homesteads up Ernán L. B xa . n , Eaton Center, N. H. just as well. Although the President , W j U G a t. The following named children have does not like the idea of having this WASHINGTON LETTER. been laid up with the grip this week: commission sent to Washington, because -------- Allie and Clarence Worden, Myrtle and CoRRr;si’ON dent .) j he considers it a reflection upon Gen. (F rom O ur R egular Ivy Cornelius and Ellie Day. Wood for the convention to have as­ ------- Vauabn & Makinson will leave .Mon- sumed that anything different from (lay for ® the McKenzie River, where they W ashington , April 15, 1901. Gen. Miles has seemed to be in high what Gen. Wood has said would be said have a contract lor logging They will favor wltb tbe administration ever since by him, lie will receive the commission take four yoke of oxen w it h them. W E S T . S p r in g M e d i c i n e — CUAUSMBD BVBBY rUlDAY F lobbmcb , MOBXIXO-— L a . nb C ounty , O ibgon W.H.WEATIIERSON E d ito r and P ro p rieto r. F lo r e n c e , O reg o n , A p ril 2ü, H>01. A Judgment of »7500 was recently given against a prominent Chicago at­ torney for carelessness in the conduct of a lawsuit. A few judgments like that in some other sities would be likely to elevate the standard of the profession and perhaps reduce tbs volume of lit ig a tion.—Ex. ••If the Oregon legislature bail done nothing eicep t to pass that nickle-m- the-slot hill, It would have been worth all it cost to the yogng and rising gener- ation. No mode ol gambling was ever devised and run openly that was as en­ ticing as these machines, and nothing ever taught bo vs to become spendthrifts Hood’s Sarsaparilla T h o u sa n d s H a v e K id n e y T rou b le an d D o n ’t K n o w it. How To Find Ont. Fill a bottle or common glass with youi water and let It stand twenty-four hours; * sediment or set-1 (ling Indicates an . unhealthy condl- , tion of the kid­ neys ; If it stains1 your linen It Is evidence of kid­ ney trouble: too frequent desire to ; pass It or pain In ! the back Is also , convincing proof that the kidneys and blad- . der are out of order. T H E EBEÂT WHITE ST W i n t e r C le a n -U j W h a t to D o . There it comfort In the knowledge, so ’ often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp- Root, the great kidney remedy fulfills every wish in curing rheumatism, pain in the j back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary passage. It corrects Inability ! to hold water and scalding pain in passing it, or bad effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity ot being compelled to go often during the day, and to jet up many times during the night. The mild and the extra­ ordinary effect of S w am p-R oot Is soon realized. It stands the highest for its won- | derful cures of the most distressing cases. •' — ,J have the I If you — need ‘ a ------ medicine you should best. Sold by druggists in 50c. and$l. sizes, I You may have a sample bottle of this | wonderful discovery and a book that tells» more about it, b->th sent j absolutely free by mail, address Dr. Kilmer & Hom. ot 6wampRoo«. Co., Einghamton, N. Y. When writing men- *l<«~ tion ►•«Jin« reading ikie this rvAnsrn generous offer In this paper. STRICTLY Ü P e c u l i a r to I t s e l f ON T H E S E G O O D S . Beginning A pril 1st and C o n tin ifl the month, we propose to close Surplus stock and all broken lots , o h AT GREATLY REDUCED PRIC h H SCHOOL HOUSE BURNED. The sheriff arrested Byron Simmons at Greenleaf last Friday for burning the abandoned school bouse at that place. The building was of but little value, but i contftineJ about $150 worth o{ goods be- O U R P O L IC Y Tbe old time custom of e g g eating was quickly as these machines. The state ,ijg nomination to be Lieut. General, but and listen to w hst its members have to ■I M tl should vote Senator Proebstel a medal ollicial occurrences of the past week in- ’ say, and will give instructions to have well observed here Easter morning, as far as we have learned. Geo. Dickiu- dicate that the old feud lietween G en .! them properly treated while in Wash* for framing the bill.—Transcript. son was in the lead with I. 8. Day sec- Does not permit carrying g o o d H Miles and Adjutant General Corbin is ington. His own talk to them will be ond best. longing to John Carlyle. It seems that Tbe city council of Eugene have evi year to year, so still on, and that tlie Adjutant General confined to telling them that the condi­ the toy has a weak mind and a mania dently stirred up a hornet’s nest among is still tire reigning favorite of tlie ad- tions offered by the Platt Amendment is GREENLEAF ITEMS. for burning some building. After tiring the citizen’s of that usually quiet place it he left for borne, meeting the Junction , o j , ministration. It all came about through an act of congress, and as such is not April 22, 1901. by proposing to change tlie names mail carrier, whom be told that be set AH "kinds of tl.eo- lbe »PPon'tnieiit of a chief ~f artillery, subject to any change or modification Ernest Rowe is expected to start for the building afire and that it was burn­ some of its streets under the army reorganisation act. whatever, by any power other than California this week. -ON RESIDUE OF- ing. We have been informed that it ties of street naming are being promul- ( Gen. Miles recommended either. Ool. J. congress. was his intention to burn the Dendwood Seth Simmons paj’a the Carlyles for gated by the dissatisfied ones, and theie I. Rodgers, of the Eiltli Artillery, or wliat they los; in the schoolhouse tire. church, but could find no opportunity. is much back talk from those favoring “Character is the greatest tiling in the Col. Guenther, of the Fourth Artillery, Spring lias come. Chipmunks and H O W S THIS? the scheme, which is to change tl.e name world. The measure of greatness of the timber cruisers are seen in the woods for the place, but Adjutant General ----------- AND ESPECIALLY ON------------ We offer one hundred dollars reward of Oharnelton street » « J » * ™ | Oorbin bai.kwi Col> w . F. Ban4o,p|, , greatest man is but a suggestion of the | oeeasiolia||y . for any case of catarrh that can not be This street was named in honor of Char­ possibilities of the race. One man may The surprise birthday party at James (.ure,j |,v Hall’s Catarrh Cure. be was appointed. It was nothing new nel Mulligan, a pioneer of Lane county ¡ F. J. C hbney A Co., Props., Toledo, O. Gen Miles to ' born in * king’s palace, another in a 1 Johnstone’, last Monday evening was a for recommendations, of We the undersigned, have known F. J. and Eugene, and it is well for the ty hovel; one in the dark ages, another in , ' s access. The Jolmsiones suspected Clienev for the last 16 years, and believe mitil the guests arrived. to . keep ----------„.„nears this and other pioneers *ne“” - 1 memo no Q( tbis cftae> w | tne full light of the highest civilisation; nothing >' AND REMNANTS OF DRY GOODS TO CLOSE. r y S Byron Simmons was taken to Eugene Idin perfectly honorable in all business vies in remembrance by the method em ­ when Secretary Root, without tho i one may have a perfect physique, with ransactions and financially able to carry Friday by Sheriff Withers to be exam­ ployed. Don’t permit the names ol the knowledge of Gen. Miles, promulgated | • » Heredity and environment can ined as to his sanity. He is 19 or 20 out any obligations made by him. West A Truax, Wholesale Druggists, streets to be changed. I the order defining the dfi.ies of Chief of * * « : *nOtl,Br «“ •* ““ * ill>, years of age ...id weak minded. Neigh- a body barely and painfully held together i hors bad toid him that if be wou'd burn Toledo, O. A J Johnson, forestry expert and Artillery, Gen. Miles got bis dander up Walding, Kinnan A Marvin, Whole­ by tb s soul in it; but in every case, in the school house lie would get a free commissioner to tlte Buffalo Exposition and called the attention of tl.e secretary ride to Sslein, and finally lie tired it and sale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. the long run it is the soul alone which Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken inter­ from Oregon, has dispatched Oregon’s i of war to the fact of ids having been it was destroyed, as already reported in counts for character—for that which life tlie W est . When tlie boy realized tlie nally, acting directly upon the blood and ignored in the issuing of the order, and forestry exhibit to tl.e big fair. Tl.e result of his act lie was very penitent mucous surfaces of the system. Price further that the order failed to carry carves upon the (see of eternity.” exhibit is one of the best that lias ever and so frightened that it was d ifficult! 75c per bottle. Sold by all druggists. been made of the lumber resources of out tlie intent of tlie law creatine the CAROINSR NEWS. for nny stranger to get sight of him. It Testimonials free. Oregon, and will command a great deal office, which makes the Chief of Artillery was believed that lie would not Het an- ' Hall's Family Pills are the beat. u member of the staff of the Lieutenant Mrs. Sarah Glover was in Gardiner ottier tire, and as bis father was very of attention. Among the exhibits is a . «„ WANTED—TRUSTWORTHY MEN AND WO | feeble it was tioped that nothing would tuen to travel and advertí«« for old establis bed ■ i of the trunk of an Ore- General com in and mg. General M on business last week. . four-foot section < be done about it at present, but some- ))( ii(|(j of >uUd flnanel(U .„„d i,,,. s.|»ry »780« 1 claims that the order, as issued, makes Born, in Gardiner, April 20tli, 1901, eon sugar pine, from Southern Oregon body made complaint and he was ar- year and expenses, all payable In cash. No can1 226 feet high, 323 years tlie the Chief of Artillery a subordinate ol to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Perkins, a daugh­ rested. How his father will stand it j yhhh I iik required. Give retersnne« and enclose The tree was seif »«Mr»',«eil »lamped envelope. Aildrci« Man­ On tlie tlie Adjutant General,and has requested ter. remains to lie seen. old. and seven leet in diameter ager, .105 Caxton Bldg., Chicago. Tlie dances given by the Y. M. 8. C. , . J „ t h rep-toot that it be amended to conform to law. rear • i end of the second car is a tnrce-iooi continue to he tlie joyous events of the NOTICE FOR P U B L IC A T IO N - Those famous little pills, DeW itt’s Lit­ ssetion of an Oregon fir, nine feet six Secretary Root lias paid no attention to season. inches in diameter. Resting on tw o ' that request. Friends of Gen. Miles Land Office at Koaeburg, Oregon, Mrs. Pete Cowan and Miss Kate Cas­ tle Early Risers will remove ell impuri­ March 23,1901. fear that the re-opening o f this old feud sidy passed through Gardiner on their ties from your system, cleanse your bow­ blocks, on which it will pivot in going N otice 1» hereby given th at th e follow ing els, make them regular. Meyer A Kyle. handsome slick of «'>»* rL'8ult ll‘!‘ compulsory retire-| way Florence last week, nnmud settler haa tiled notice of hla intention around curves, is a m ent, although be bus been assurod, 1 Warren Reed's new milk boat, the to make final proof In aupport of hla claim and clear yellow ttr timber, 34x84 inches, ALPHA CLIPPINGS- that «aid proof w ill be made before C. II. H ol­ within the past few weeks, that he steamer Umpqua, was launched Wednes- i den, U. 8. Commiaaloner, at Florence, Oregon, and 76 lest long. It weighs 25 tons. On day and will soon be making regular would bo allowed to remain nt tlie head on May 18th, 1901, via: Geo. F. A llen, on hi« H. B y E ven C iiangz . trips. ; J the top of tills big limber rests two E. No. 797.1, for the nw1, neJi See 21, T. 18 8,, They «•• the army until retired by age. R. 10 west. a, cut from tlte same tree Rev Buckner and family left Gardi­ April 23, 1901. Senator Cockrell, who lias just re- He name» the follow ing witneesee to prove incl.es thick. 20 inches wide. , three ner Wednesday for their new home in a rel Mr. J. C. Farmer left for Junction on hia coAtlnnoua reaidence upon and cu ltivation der tlie turned Troiu a trip through Cuba, talks California. Mr. Buckner has been of . • . , of. aald land, via: •n d 74 f«»t long. On the cars un , uf r the M. m v i .....i I | a business trip today. very interestingly of what lie saw. Gardiner and pastor Dnvid A. Bradley, R. M. Allen, H. J. Minor E. church big stick are showed sections of tree Mr. and Mrs. Oarlstrom intend to go ; „lld Charles Anderson, all of Point Terrace, Among other things, lie said: ‘‘ I was for the last four years. He leaves many trunks as follows: Maple, three feet in Oregon. to Mapleton tbis week. J. T. B ri dorr . very agreeably surprised in finding so | friends in Gardiner and vicinity. diameter; cottonwood, three leet; hem­ Chas. Po;>e lias gone to Roseburg to Resin ter. much unfilled land. Comparatively but! Extra help was called from Gardiner ’ visit bis unde, Win. Dysinger, and lock, four feet; white oak, three feet, ,, , i , . i Saturday night to the relief of the A D M IN IS T R A T O R ’S S A L E O F a small portion of the land is in actual uoliAnnur h schooner • „ Zampa, bottom ! family. /.iim n il which w h ir l) struck strtll'K IM T madrone, two aud one-half feet. Thera R EA L PRO PERTY. cultivation. Many products which in crossing the Umpqua har and sprung Miss Bertha Haight left last week to is also a freak section of yellow fir three NOTICE IS HEREBY .GIVEN, THAT BY would undoubtedly flourish there are a leak. By pnmping night and day, her visit her sister, Mrs Gibson, east of feel in diameter, the heart of which is virtue of an order of the County Court of I«ane not even seen or cultivated. It is capa­ captain anil crew hope to safely reach Junction. County, Oregan, duly made and entered of only six inches from one side. The most William Austin returned from Browns- ' record on th el9 th day of February. 1901, in the ble of being a most productive country San Pedro. wonderful tiling about the tree is that Mr. Joe Butler, former postmaster of ville by way of Eugene, bringing bis matter of the estate of A nna M atbllde Funke, for all kinds of fruits and vegetables as deceased, the undersigned, the adm inistrator 30 feel up the heart was in the center. Gardiner, died at his home Wednesday mother home with him of said estale w ill o’ and after Saturday, the 4th . , .. i „ „ well as for sugar cane and tobacco. The Along side of the sections of tree trunks morning the 17tli. Mr. Butler has heen Elmer Lamb, who lias oeen logging ,|HV May, 19M, at the hour of l o’clock p. m. ’N is a fir plank four inches thick, 34 inches island lias a large number of harbors. an ¡„„„ ij ,; for n(.ar|y four years and has at Mapleton for some time, finished up off« lor sale and aell at private aale, tn th e high est bidder for cash From w lint I could learn of our officers been faithfully cared for by a devoted and returned home Saturday. wkie and 24 leet long. On the thiid car the follow ing described real property be- who have been iu tlie various waters wife. E . C. l ’otterf ------ and family came up • „ , —. — - ------------ . longing to said estate, tow it: Lot No. 2, in , waa a fine epecinion of tide land spruce, around the island, there are as many | The remains of Mr. Butler were taken jrQln Aclue [a8t week and will spend a Block No. 2, in Cox'» addition to Florence, and J . W . C A R M A N PROP 8 1, feet iu diameter and It! feet long. to the Scottsburg cemetery, Saturday, week or two visiting Mr. Potterl’s IxOts Not. 2 nnd .1 o f Section 23, In Tp. 17 8., R. 10 good harbors as there are in all the coast W., contain ing 28.40 acres, nil in |L an e County. where they were interred with the Mr. Johnson had a similar log cm ten Oregon. lines of the United Slates. As to the bo|)org o , A 0 y w and n> o( j j . brothers. feet in diameter to take to Buffalo, hut February 26,p901. A. O. FUNKE, If Ernest does not desist from dear i . i . i i „ i . u|, social conditions in Cuba, one is agrtea- a large crowd followed Mr. Butler to bis fiisA \sM-unicum uni not nae nigii enougn " bunting around Deadwood P. O. so Administrator o f the estate of Anna Mathilde Funk«. deceujMML ‘ b ly surprised by a visit. I did not see last resting place, for lie was a man bon- much be might receive a summons from Vt float it out. The collection embraces a drunken man duiing all the time I ored and loved by all who knew hin> N O T IC E F O R P U B L IC A T IO N . the game warden. a section of larch six leet in diameter, Mr. Butler's only son was nl>aent, hav­ was on the island, I saw no beggars, If the mills down at Arme and Flor- ing sailed for San Pedro the day before and some big larch planks, 1 orl Orford U nited States I-and Office, with the exception of two very old col- bj# deatb> Mrs. Butler intends going ence would favor the loggers w tii as Roseburg, Oregon, cedar, yellow pine, alder and several March If». 1901. oted men and a Chinaman, who were on ' home with her daughter, Mrs. Smiley, good prices for logs as their stores charge N otice is hereby given that in com pliance other spocinisnsof Oregon s timber will for goods the loggers would flourish. the platforms at the stations ready to to remain for some time. with tlie provisions o f the act of Congress of comprise tlie exhibit. All tlie larger How is this: One can baking powder, June3. 1878, en titled “An set for the sale of receive contributions. So far as 1 could m ills have creditable exhibits of their A T E S T IM O N IA L F R O M O L D E N G L A N D o0c ; at Kugenc, 3 5 c ; N o m e , A la s k a , o ó c . timber lands in the States of California, Oregon. judge, the people were well dressed for •‘1 eont»darChamberlain’«Cough Kern A very livelv scrimmage between two Nevada and W ashington Territory,’’ as extend manufactured lumber.—Columbia River that climate and all bad plenty to eat. «jy best in the world for bronchitis” of on: leading citizens took place a short cd to all the Public I And States by act of August 4. 1*92, James E. Gibbons, of Portland, county and Oregon Tirabvrman. Gov. General Wood seems to have been , av, Mr. William Savory, of Warring- tim« ago. Alter an amateur spell of >t M ultnomah. State of Oregon, has this «lav •ILVKR MONOMETALISM PROPOSED. remarkably successful in bringing order ton, England. "It has savcl my wife's slugging, punting, and many cusswords, tied in thtaoffice his sworn swueiuent No. MSS, and cleanliness to the island." Senator life, she having l*en a martyr to bron- the referee became frightened and took °' »"w' . . . v a n v t h i , , . tor H>ltis for over six years, being ;nmet of . refuge behind a log until the (ray was and t fighting. Greffon, on Wednesday, the 29th day of May, of gold that Ute world hae ever eeen or tion in Cuba, further than that he be-1 Beep Price=C utting a n d Q uick ¿ W IN T E R M E R C H A N D IS E , SHOES A AND HA Special Counter Will Be in Ord This Sale. Y O U R S T F L T J L - ir O. W .H U CARMAN’ CHEAP CASH STORE] Drv Goods, ★ Groceries * and * N< FLORENCE MEAT MARKET. ....... J u st O oened... G oods a s R eo resen l known will result within tl.e next thirty Iteved toe Cuban. wouU eventually T H E B E S T B LO O D P U R IF IE R - The highest cash price paid for all years because of geological condition» accept the uonditfons. The blood is being con-lantly purified kinds of furs sud hides. Mr. Felix Schuster, governor of the by the lung», liver »ml kidneys. Keep combiiwd with improved mining appar- 44. C. Ci urvoN. ..............» - Union B a n k of London, who has reached A . » . « . , » M „ , M -A O . Fh— c ,; Or. .............................. •tua and metboJs. e l... bovrvls k. A .a— « . I A reffnlwr M A M ,« « a, ■■ A ■ « A I von .1 will «V-, i . ,1 l - U » , o the and have no Washington in tlie cour.Aj of a leisurely H eese« : “ The uew system , ol min- ner«l of « blood purifier. For this pur- lug w i.fe b have recently l«-«n discover,d tour of Ute country, w hid, is to include yowr blood pure and your pose there is nothing eqnnl lo Clisinher- w ill b e e . protluced by the middle ol th . Mte Pacifie Co., a t, to evidently a very ¡ stomach oml digestive organa in a lam's Stomach and Liver Tablets, one vrsssnt centory an almost intolerable level hesded s,»rt of an Englishman. healthy eoadilion by taking Hood's Joe* of them will do yon more go,xi Ihan Mpply ol gold." And he add.: ‘Titte» When a»ked to give his in. pressions of barsaoarilla and yon will be W E L L . a dollar )x>ttle of the best blood purifier. Samples free at O. W. Hurd's drug store. NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS. grkw o l gold goes down, another metal U m » t’m«ad States h . rephe.1: "A grsat K“F m ust be looked lor as a token of inter- «.any of your people come over to Eng- The IB00 aeaeeement rolls are now TO THE DEAF-’ think thia will be land, and it aueiua to ma that there open for the pnymeot o< taxes. wationel vale« A rich ladv cured of her IVafnes« and not found in al- ought to be aome reciprocity in this sort W. W mixaa Sheri« Lane County, Oregon. J So"*« in the Head by Dr. M rholsou’e because, owing to the of flung. 1 have come to America to i .i g ■!» ................... i n Artificial Ear Drums, gave $10,000 to his ill not change olwcrva the iiuaucial and tr a it condi­ Institute, so thst deaf people on able to BAY TO CVRB A COtO Its tions, but 1 do not »i»ii to say anything 4ne Tabler». procure the Ear Drums may have them Take Las alive Bromo iu iletnii ol my t:fip. ter I liave been here if Utev i tree. Addr lie Xirh »901. He name« a* witnesses: Burt W 'amn, J. H. Urban. W’ M V ault and w ^tivrniaii. all of Portland, Iiregon. Ä S X S - X 'la ia s in th is offir« May. tMl. N O T IC E X X Ä Ä THE WHITE 15 KI - on or before ni«i 29th day of J. T. Bsinosa, Register. F O R P U B L IC A T IO N Lasai Office, at Roaeburv Oregon. March 22, 1901. N otice is hereby givan that the follow ing. named renter has Bled notice of hia Intention to make fluol prool in auppurt of h is claim , and that m id proof w ill be made before Marie k Ware. U, A Coasaaimwaev, at Kugene, Oregon. ° ° Ma> I»-1*1. eto: Howard Pope, on h i, H K. No s n t . for Uw re>. rev. » , T M 8., R. » w. lie names the follow ing wltneteea to pro.» his ronU nnoos reatese t s e p m sad colU vatlon of. m id Ion-?, cis: le w is Swanson. J. C. Foresee, r t o l , . a . a . I Merton« ■ a ll of Ah i Co, B.l EARINGS, BE? like a bicycle, make the "WHITE*' the Easiest Running Machine Mode 1 Beauty of rinisli, quality of material, ele the finest workmanship, the sim plest, most i best of attachments, easy payments, old in exchange, one million live hundred time users, thirty years of success, courteous tr more can you ask? **\V L ¡fp” Bicycles rnn lights« ' I n r * Islas and anti I m e t ( durable Call or write and let os ] ▼ ■ 1 ■ Ltur on the market. WHITE SEWING MACHINE COMI 300-306 Pont atreet, San F ran ciaco, Cal.