ADVERTISERS THE W EST YOUk HOHE PAPER SUPPORT IT 1 t and only a luoq adv«rUa«4 la u«, BkthaaiaadJ »w«eka and il paled anj ile*. | am thirty, ipatlop. only m ny »Lck haabaai jji trying Klpao< > battgr but It » >M tick *olou>. Tug ■ou Ilka, ft « <▲>< SIUSLAW’S only papee . OPPORTUNITY I «*. w*. S« haad»uhM e*«f Id uavar ride In a go Into a crowded wltbout getting a cheandalckatmy eh. 1 beard abou« > Tabplaa from an if mine who waa ; them for catarrh G E N E R A L D IR E C T O R Y stomach. She had etich relief front iwj Khoadrlaed me a them too. and I S T A T E O F F IC E R S »0011 doing aoslnea M otober, and wll| ey ha*a complete» H JB w -— —— — ——— NO. 52. FLORENCE, OREGON, FRIDAY. APRIL 26, 11)01. per- were to be signed, and a week lat- ( 1 T N Q H W E N T F T S l f T N G 1 er the floor would be In our possession. V'XJ.v vjxx vv xjav x X XOJXXIVVi That ntgbt the two of us attended the theater and afterward had supper, HE USED HIS HOOK ANO LINE IM and I haven’t the slightest doubt that BIG CLOVER FIELD. S T E A M E R M A R G U E R IT E , G - J ^ T ^ Z D H S T E K my wine was drugged. While I was not made helpless, my hend seemed as I t P n a s le d I l i a C o m ra d e , to D is c o v e r O ---- W ill m a c e ------- J S T A G E L IN E . 1 big as a barrel. I could hardly keep W h a t It o W a s A n u lin tc F o r , b u t H o Governor................................. T - T - G*er R E G U L A R d a i l y t r ip s h my eyes open, and If Duchene had not in e n v.e can t F in a lly Landed th e F r la e For ^ , . * £ . 7 « Beeretery oifc'ate..............._ put me In a cab and Instructed the W h i c h H e W m S tr lv iu g . B e tw e e n ----- Stage Leaves Steamboat Landing on Y°u «nY- driver I should never have found my iJ.nipou ii», rrea& rer.............................. **• ® ’ J i u o I ” i thing coout < Some young men who enlisted dur- guptlPnbUeinstructton J. H. Ackerman Ah. the robins are wider far way to the hotel. I had to be helped ' the Umpqua for Florence Saturdays. t h e m . Y ou 4 I Than some men are! 1 fng the war with Spain, but rtever suw to my room, and I fell upou the bed. ___L , _ M Eta to Printer........................W. H. Leede. Stage Leaves Florence They take no chances nor foot around. Returning, e'vu /rBi'viu wr dressed as 1 was, and was Instantly : eny active service, were talking over rwoM know how dark Thinking, because today ia fair, »d with pama bW la attorney General I). It N. Blackburn i Sundays. asleep. I had been asleep two hours j their days In uniform one night and That tomorrow good cheer will still abound. oiui. oonatlpatloa "T~"' lo o k s .. .It. S. Bean everythin TH E S T E A M E R omplalped ot hla £ « M V i With never a woe nor care— when I awoke as keen ns a fox. T h e; old, Interesting stories of camp life. ◄ .. F. A. Moore Extra Trips When Necessary ch. Ho could not RnnMnie Court X and how you are about Thinking because things come their way effects of the drug had vanished, and The young man who had been a hospl- so children of hla r ( . ...c . É. Wolverton In clusters today Charges Reasonable. ready to give up. Some­ ns I got out of bed to undress I found l tai steward told this stor^: Good luck has settled with them to stay! °< “ 2 /U d r t Second D istrict. .J . W. Hamilton how, you can’t throw off my legs all right again. I was fully "A month In our camp In Georgia The robin proceed« to get out of the wet » r o + o tlu g A ttorney.. .Geo. M. Brown While the sun is faithfully shining yeti undressed and ready to get between the was enough to driv^ a man to despair, the terrible depression. —Chicago Times-Herald. >ntals in favor ot fSTOrp --------------------------------- W ill ca rry fr e ig h t a n d p a ssen g ers ' sheets when my ear caught n sound , for not only was it hot, but every day Jpoai Tabules no« —Z------------ -------- Are things really so from under the bed. 1 at once stooped Increased our belief that the goveru- cd. towels a% la' (O K f Q O U N T Y O F F IC E R S - front F lo r e n c e to S an F r a n c is c o .! blue? Isn’t it your nerves, dowu for a look, and my eyes rested incut had no Intention of glviug us a oomplalas ot his _____ _____ ___________ nfter ail? T hat's where upon a man lying on the broad of his ' chance to get Into uctlon or to let us go W ill a ls o b r in g u p fr e ig h t 3y faced boy. Tblg d h f e ' " L i__________~ > Klpaas Tabalos, E. Bangs, Proprietor. back. 1 had him out In a second. I t , back to our homes. It was a mighty t h e trouble is. Y o u r isflt any one (from / „ j - p .......... H . K . KlIlCttHl. . , I S ta g e le a v e a l E u g e n e for F lo r - «cording to dlroo* 9. UUgc Bcemed to mo as If 1 had five times tough predicament for a lot of young nerves are beingpoisoned I ........... J . R. Hill B. W. Faaca, F o r fu rth er in fo r m a tio n tn q u ire e n c e j a jiy e x c e p t S u n d a y a t 0 a, ni. my ordinary strength, and, though the men who hnd left business and every­ lissioners j ' ' ' ‘ ' j j , j), Edwards BY from the impurities in ■reCownj fellow struggled furiously aud cut my thing else I11 a hurst of patriotic enthu­ A r r iv e s a t F lo r e n c e th e d a y fo l- M. QUAD. - OF — your blood. ........... E . U. Lee arm with a knife, I grasped his throat siasm and expected to get Into a scrap PQ lo w in g a t 10 a . nt. ie «uoomloa. O m ¿¡lark C opyright, 1ML by C. B. L ew is. W. W . W ithers and choked him till he lay like one In short order. The men worked every A. W . BEADLE & Km. «o to, siru, Sheriff............ R e tu r n in g sta g e le a v e s F lo r e n c e .A. 8. Patterson dead. It was only when I bad struck wire they could to get their discharges, m t tor a», w em . fr e e s u r a r . . . . for F u g e u e d a ily e x c e p t S u n d a y a t .D. P. Burton 2 2 /M a rk et S t. a light that I found the Intruder to but It was nt n time when the man I had been In Faris for a couple of lie Duchene. Fie had come In through with a pull couldn’t get nny- more than S a n F r a n c isc o , C a lifo rn ia , a t 2 p. m . A r r iv e s in E u g e n e a t 0 1 p. . __J i» e l of letter writing, like to the long grass nnd let It stay there ST. PAUL ills , Secretary. I f vou have any complaint whatever that of chivalry. Is gone, although no for a time. Then he would make a and aealre the bent medical advice yon M IN N E A P O L IS can possibly receive, write the doctor Burke has been found yet to utter Its east nnd when the hook fell would alt freely. You will receive a prompt re­ a O U W. Perpetua Lodge, No. 131 ÍE S . DULUTH splendid funeral oration. Correspond­ and watch the end of his line intently. ply, without coat. Atldreaa. O r e g o n . F l o r 009, ■ . B e t . eiory 1st and 3d Tuesdays Du. J. C. YEK. bowell, Maae. ence on business, hurried notes contain­ Every once In awhile he would Jerk tho F A R G O ______________ sten Unonth. Members and visiting ing Invitations to dinner or acceptances line out of the grass as though be had I F V TO Q R A N D FO RKS brethren in good -tanding are cordial^ M A R O N M O R R IS . h A A A A.. thereof—these are the missives which felt a nibble. Once one of the boys Invitöd to attend. A. O. u . huMti., J». CRO O KSTO N fill the bag of the letter carrier. The stepped up and said: > (. K sottb , Recorder. I. a love letter, we presume, still holds Its W IN N IP E G ” ‘What are you fishing fori* TONSORIAL - PARLOR. “He got no answer. All Cinch did sway, and. If we are to Judge from the H E L E N A »'«J O to. F. Heceta Lodge No. I l l , meets revelations of breach of promise cases, was to turn a pair of hollow eyes on F L O R E N C E . - - - O R E G O N , Wednesday evening in Loilge BUTTE It Is full of sugary sentimentalism as him nnd then resume bis fishing. After * * * Iorence, Oregon. Brothers in In the days of Lydia Languish. But that a gang used to go out and watch .uding invited to attend. the letter os It has passed into litera­ Clucb every afternoon. They would E . A. E vaxs , N. G. TO EUG ENE M A R IO N M O R R IS , P popbiktob . ture, the letter whose highest claim to hide In the grass nnd almost burst C H IC A G O FP iil , Sec. be treated aa art Is that It conceals art, with laughter at the aeriousuess with W A S H IN G T O N the letter as written bv William Cow­ which the poor fellow would cast his * * * per, cr Oliver Goldsmith, or Horace line of wrapping cord and his pin '¡'¡^Sft). F. Maple Lodge No.. 139. meet- P H IL A D E L P H IA Walpole, or Misa Burney—that charm­ hook and then alt ami wait far a bite. la eeerv Thursday evening in Meyer & N E W Y O R K Sh avin g and H aircutting n eatly ing epistle Intended only for the affec­ Every once In awhile one o$ |b e boys a Hall, Mapleton. Oregon. Brotli- Of E u gen e, Oregon tionate perusal of friends and yet of would saunter out and aa;; igood standing invited to attend. BOS T O N A N D A L L and prom ptly done. ST»UOOI.BD FVBIObSLY AVD such value to the historian of life and “ ’What are yon fishing for, ClnehT P O IN T S E A S T «'id S O U T H T .'j. N bbly , N. G. CUT MY ARM. Razor H oning and S c isso r s Grind­ manners—ehall we say that It hns dis­ “It got to be the regimental saying, yet met. Wo found a rough crowd appeared from the busy modern world and I suppose that the question, ’What »«., Sec. For liifiirm atloii, tim e cards, map« and ticket« ing a sp e c ia lty . indeed, and the evening was Dot half etc., c a ll mi or write killed by the “railway and the steam­ are you fishing for. Cinch?’ waa thrown over when a burly big fellow deliber­ ship and the thoughts that shake man­ at the man from Company C a hundred J F Irene Encampment, No. 42, M c M urphey , ately picked a quarrel with me. I was kind r * * * • M i n i . 0 . 0 . F. hall in Florence Aa least. It Is now bat a rare times a day. By and fly the «ew s got R oom , 2 and 4, Shelton Block, giving him tba worst of It when he product, a fragile flower scarcely able to the officers that Cinch,.«as ffolng and and fourth Friday of each lieueral A scut. G eneral B an k in g B u sin e ss EUGENE, OREGON. drew a knife and rushed upon me. to maintain Itself In our altered social fasL They beard about his fishing In Members of this degree are ’TyanBiLcted on Favorable Terms W ash in gton S treet, Florence, Oregon. Duchene, who was standing quietly by, solL Sly invited to attend. A- D CHARLTON, the fields, nnd one day the- surgeon S. J. S kymour , O. P. knocked the scoundrel senseless, and, A asiitant General Passenger A gent, Correspondence from being a cherish­ major went out and witnessed the per­ Drafts issued on the priuclpal c itie s of the to my surprise, we were not molested ed art and solace bos in our day tend­ formance. He went bach aud reported ml , Scribe. 255 Morrison St., Co»., 3d. P o r t l a n d , O r . United States and furei«n countries. by the half dozen friends of the vic­ ed to become what Is called in slang a to the colonel that unless Cinch was O'* O. F.—Sunset Rebekah Lodge No. tim who had b-»n urging him to fin­ “grind.” Interest allow ed on Dem and Certificates of It Is “snippety." like the discharged at once he would he hope­ ™ meets n Odd Fellows’ hall, ish me. I came to know later on that cheap newspapers, a sort of “bits” or lessly Insane. The result was tliaa bis Deposit when le ft stated period. CENTRALLY LOCATED. ,je, the second and fourth Thura- the whole thing was a put up Job, but "cuts,” giving hints which require to lie condition was telegraphed on to Wash­ C ollections receive our prompt attention. FREE SAMPLE ROOMS. enings in each month. I looked upon It then as a brave action Ailed o u t only that the receiver has ington and discharge papers were re­ City and County Warrants bought. K athsrine B runo , N. G. If you baren’t a r eg u la r, tio a ltb y m ovem en t of the on the port of my acquaintance nnd ! • • » • * ... . . . , . u. i hardly time menial process, nt once. bow .’la • v e r y d n y. y o u ’re III or V.I I b