The West. (Florence, Lane County, Or.) 1890-1921, April 19, 1901, Image 4

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£ ^ -
i n « ,« n ie l Rlpwu T .b u U . w«l> •« S>»«“ « • *
¿ ¡ T l « « chwrfuUy r.oou.oe.nd lh«m .
i » v . b<»n t r o u b le for »>««« » » « • » « • « » ' “ >
• u*i I exiled bUlou« «tt*oX« oo m lo f o s ro.ulxrly
*“ . « « I. W m u >14 W <Uff«r«n< p h U m
m u n » M coined by b*d tbrtb, of which I hxd
I b«d lb« l«eib extr«ct«J, but lb . at-
tack* continued. 1 bad ac«n «d vertí» m«OU o f
lupana Jabele» lb all Ih» P“ P»r» but laid no fall*
lu them, but »bout «lx w.-cka aloe« » friend to-
ducei me to try them. B a ’ » taken butI two tot tb«
«mall 9 ecut boxee o f the Tabulai and b a ie hud
no w curronw o f the attackl. B a’ « ua’ rr gl’ ah a
testim onial for anything before, but the gre»t
.m o n n i of good w ble* I IwUev. baai b«en done m*
by Ripant Tabulée loduoea m e to add mine to the
many teetlmonlala you doubUeae have In yo«r
posso u lon now.
*• D iw m .
¡I B I O t î 1 O l f t ì ì r
0 2 3 2 3 2 3
E 33S T 23S .
F o r In fe s ts sad C h ild re n .
■Two T r u e S t o r lc o .
A S p e e c S , T h a t M a d e n H it .
^ArmfabJePreparalionlbr As­
Ths Kind Von Have
Always Boughî
I wa»S t c inform yon.
In words o i
pr&lse, o f the U-oeQ»
I heve derived from
Rlpans Tabule». 1 am a
professional nurse and
In till» profe»»ion a clear
bead is alw ays needed.
Rll an» T afu les does It.
After one o f iny cases I
found myoolf completely
ruu down. Acting on tbo
•d vlce o f Mr. Geo. Bow­
er, Ph. G., W8 Newark
Ave., Jersey City, I took
RlpniiB Tabulee with
(rand results.
I hava be«» » t r * * »afT»ro» from ooQUlp*U«t
ru v w flv « yuoi».
jsa rs. RoUilag
a n / r.u s <
- gave
- ---
_ U'SiU’»
» e . l and
Lx u
leg» . and m
wara bloA
I eoald pot w«*r shoos on a j foet and only a Uoq J
dr«M. I »aw Klpans Tabule» advortteod la owf?
dally paper. bowuht »ome anti look thorn «• 4(r»ot •
ed. B u te taken them about threo waoka and (her) ■
1 j » uc U a change 1 I am not constipated any idoii
and I ow e It a ll Io R lp oss Tabulea. fa m thirty
»even years old. have do occupation, oaly my '
household duties aud auralng m y slgk ha»baa4
Ha luu had the dropsy and I am trying Ripest
Tabule» for him . n o feels som e batter but It w >M
take lorn« tim e, he ha» baca tick a o lo u f. Tu<
may use my letter and name a» you Ilka.
Mrs. M
art Go-t ixs Ci«aan.
I have been suffering from bead>ohes eveg
since I w as a little girl. I could never ride In 4
cor or g<» Into a crowded
place w ith out getting 4
headache and sick at my
stomach. 1 heard about
RI pans Taoples from an
R - I ’P A N S
of m ine who was
a aunt
taking them for catarrh
of the stom ach. She had
found such relief from
their uso sheadvieed me
T h e m odern stand­
to take their) too, and I
havo boeu doing »0 since
lust October, and w ll|
ard F a m ily M e d i­
say they have com plete,
ly cured my headaches,
cine t C u re s the
1 am tw enty-ulne y e a n
old. You are w elcom e
to use th is testim onial,
c o m m o n e v e ry -d a y
Mrs. J. B ipoX kT k*
' ■'i'tLo P iscatorial P rev aricato rs' asso­
E d w ard lla n la n , ex-eliguiplon oars­
similating ike Fee’ andRegula-
c ia tio n w as in session.
man of the world, related a good story
itiig Ute ótem ete and Beweis of
"I was Hailing for cod off th e B anks of how he delivered a speech after
one day some years ago,” said one, w inning his secoml race in England.
H ? V.» -' ?¿?; *>> zâ Î • V t f ¿ ' -5 -*• ‘-ift
“ w hen I dropped uiy w atch overboard. Ills first victory had found him unpre­
T he n ex t y ear I w ent fishing a t the pared. li e w as ready for his second
Promotes DigestioneheerfuL-
;;ame place. I caught a w hopping big w ith a spsecli compi-scd for him by a
i fellow mid found my w atgh inside of new spaper friend neatly copied out on
ness anti RestX'ontains nei liier
him. It wits running steadily, the ac­ paper and stored aw ay for use in his
W udmam .
Opium .Morphine nor Mineral.
tion of the fish’s liver having kept it goat pocket.
N o t N a r c o t ic .
ill o f hum anity.
wound up. B ut it w as five hours fast,
Mother w as troubled
W hen th e crow d outside the club­
w ith h e a r t b u r n and
My seven-year-eld ber
■'¡'lie only way th a t I can account for it house Insisted upon seeing and hearing
slecpletsuess. caused by
H h
L - - v R I
suifered w ith pains la
fífnpe o f fHd. OrStiítUELffiCtí&tt
' is th a t the fish crossed th e A tlantic, tlie w inner, he w as helped out upen a
Indigestion, for a good
his bead, constipation
many voars. One day
aud com plained or his
! u t iiiii on th e oth er slile long enough j w |njlaw ledge by his friends aud held
she sa\r a testim onial
stom ach. He could not
jttx.Smf'i ’
theye by tlx; coattails and the legs.
In tho paper Indorsing
eat like children of his
ÍMmÜ! St/U -
R ip «in a Tabules. She
The crow d cheered him wlluly. He
ago do and g w n h a t ho
tltùee Seed *■
determined to give them
fiouerinìnl -
w as too confused to speak. They
S vW v*W *5V 4rv¥***»#»> V ** wiLc“‘m.1JH“O
Ai CertetuUeS.ata t
. . . . . ___ ____ w
ras thia
relieved by their use
•n,l nt
AfTron ©olor.
cheered him again. li e th rew out his
of a B
a n d n o w t a k e s th e
CtniSed ,tì fette
üy in p t« I
>r «*
hand In u gesture of helplessness and
Tabulas regularly. She keeps a few cartons Ripons
R ipea, Tabulo». I tried them. Ripea» T abule, OM
liver " tri
Tabules In the house and says she w ill not be w ith­
moved l)!s lips In some Inaudible mum­
Condition of tli 2 stoni tch an
out them. Tho heartburn and sleeplessness bare
the headache« have dixappmred, bowela are In
r.u In v eterate clgureite smoker. We ble of apology for his inability to deliv­
Aperfecl Remedy for Constipa­
disappeared w ith the Indlgettlou which was
g a its o f dig- -io;' slid n u tritio n .
good condition and ho never oom plalne of h l.
formerly »0 great % burden for her. Our whole
tion, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea
•tom ach. He ten ,,w a rod. chubby-faced hoy. Thl,
Dr. Pierce’s GoW»h .i,I«lical Disc«*- lim ited d ten pouuddr and allowed him e r a speech. They could not h ear on
fam ily tek e the Tabules regularly, especially after
wonderful change I attribute to Hipan» Tafcatlea.
Worms .Convulsions .Feverish­
" ‘ c.tid «lift to Im rtider arutmii In the Bottom o f the account of tiie noise th a t they w ere
erv cures di- cst I ’"«Lv aw
a hearty meal. My mother Is d fty years of age
I am »all»Ood that they w ill benellt any on e Ifran,
and Is enjoying the b esto f health and spirits ; also
allied org»t; ; ol .1: ; ■ . ‘.ion mid nutrition. b oat w hile we east again, because they, them selves m aking, but they encourag­
ness and
the cradle Io old age) U taken aeoordlng to dlraw
eats hearty meals, an Im possibility before sk#
It cures t t n m i h Hid 4-euywh i I i w k s w ere lilting freely. My nephew had ed him w ith a generous applause. H e
»• w -
took kl>a»s Tabules.
A xtom B. B laum ««.
seeuiiagiv lTinotr fn ' i flint organ, but Just throw n a lighted cigarette in the saw his escape aud proceeded to shake
Facsimile Signature of
which hive th eir origin in a diseased boat, anil in som a w ay th is tro u t got bis head and w ork his lips in a fine
n ” w
p - k e , » « U lo ln g W.
condition of the stomach and digestive it, p u t it In his gills and sm oked It.
and nutritive system. Hence, cures of T he cig arette seemed to have n sooth­ frenzy of oratory, gesticulating elo­
Ol some druff BU>re»- ro» rrv« ckmt ». Thl» I o p
«.«ding fortT-ehcht cent» to tk© ROAM
quently and sm iling his th an k s. The
doaen of tho flv«^ent carton» (120 tabule») ^ n .
-iLiTcartoniTKii tabuuw ) will bo « n t for flvo eenta.
Jicart, lungs, .!» ¥ % 'ki4»1'-Xb- a M other
CHBnxcx. Ooxxxirx. So. 10 Spruce Street, S e* York-»>r « ne
eome Uaeee ■
organs 'nri«\-rw. .tRutlv eltreted. b y th e ing effect ou hlm. I brought the tro u t noisy an d good natured crow d cheered I
h i m grocer», genorM *b” , ‘ p* '
use of Dr. Pierce's Goldcrt Medics» Duf- Iiome, ta u g h t him to sm oke a pipe, and him to th e echo, nnd his friends drew ,
«„« terbu- »hop« They boiu.h polo, ioduoe »loop xtd proloug 111« Ou» gl’ co relict
when we killed him C hristm as I served him In from his precarious position on
There is no alcohol in th e ■" D isc o v e r” up to i;jy guests Komething th a t I lie- the w indow ledge.
^nd it Jslrd b feofti bpiaflt, cocaint, and llevt/ has n ever been served up before
“You curried th a t crow d along In
>dl other narcotics.
, s i e . « , I - » self
" “ «*»«»“
smoked, .........
trout. I t w as g reu t too." style,” th ey congratulated him. “W hat
Soinedbalcrs itJayoffor n suhi-tltdje as I
y ’j.^ J ournnI.
did you say? We couldn’t hear you.”
<t ju^t as ftood w as Dt. 1 iercc s i »okl«,n
’•Yes. Give us an idea of your speech,”
klcdieal D itow ery. T here's more prodt
W e n t n lilf t lc T o o F a r .
the reporters p u t in, draw ing out th eir
ill substitutes for the dealer.
In e re ’s
A coininerciul trnvollug man landed notebooks.
piore h ealth to t U ''Discovery ” for you.
a t E dinburgh. Scotland, one S aturday
H an lan took th e m anuscript from his
D on’t be imposed on;
»It 1« with tiie gr«av»t plqs’er« t w o « you night, too lnte to get o u to f tow n for Bun­
the britellt nw m o t k r ftrfs rerMvefl m « , /our day. T h e next day he found th a t th ere pocket. ‘T le re ’s the w hole thing.” he
• Golden Medical Discovery,’ “ say» Ml»« t .arrie
said. “Do you w an t It all?”
Tohaenn, of I/jw.-svillc, \n lh erat Co., t irginia. w as actually no form of am usem ent in
“Well, ra th e r.” they answ ered. “T h a t
She Mitrerkd untold iniaery with uterine diseiisc fhe tvholjj eijy to assist 1dm in w hiling
speech m ade a hit.”—A rgonaut.
aw i nenoiuuw»<
EPPdfii’iiliilS iS i
leal Di*
i» .
prietor of the hotel to see if he could
A V liy H e C n r r le a a C a n e .
covery »!•< wan en tirely cu rca.”
When a laxative is require^ une Dr, suggest a w ay of passing the rem ain­
•‘You w onder wliy I alw ays enrry a
d e r of th e day.
Pierce's Pleasant Pellets.
enue except w hen 1 am carrying an
T he landlord took pity on th e stran- um brella,” rem arked u well known
g s r au<J took him' to one of tbo'.room s 'rh lln d elp h lau the o th er afternoon.
In the house in which n num ber of "Well, I don’t mind telling you. I t’s all
LipklJc, ri'lliu4c person in’ every
waste P
; --< u|
en ,, w v ere
a game called
county ty represent l.rv e ..... .puny of «oll.l » Scotchm
v u » . . “.™
. „ playing ~
on account of um brellas.”
flimnelsl reputndon; ««r, „Mary Per ys..« puyu , W
which Is a so rt of modification
“C an’t see th e connection.” rejoined
bis weekly; 1» per dny eb«iilutWy
end «11 Qf “seven up.
Iliey w eie playing for the friend to whom he w as talking.
.expen« »; «irnlght, bnna-ihle.MelliiJle
sitlArr, iio s shilling a point, so th at the gnme w as
“D idn't suppose you could. B ut you
jooinnilkklon; xslnry puid encli Siiuirday mid ex a p retty stiff one. The stran g er got in
will when I have explained. You lose
penre money advanced each week. KTAXDAltD tin» gnme and played very eaullously,
(UOUHK. nW naxuuouN S t ., Cnicxo.o.
4H4 for | 10 wa8 quite sure th a t the players, an um brella every once In aw hile, don’t
you? P u t It down som ewhere and
; OC, a t le a s ’ some of them , were ch eat­
w alk pff and leave It?”
ing. Ouo solemn faced Scot, he w as
“Yes; I have had th a t hnppen to me
i especially sure, he euuglit cheating a
num ber of times. lie began w hisling
"W ell, 1 used to, but not since I took
g. p a rt of some vagruut tune. The Scot
Au acquaintance
,,I „ la d W » * » ..» « ~
„ , to
Sold W ith
tgble an d threw down the card».
G et a cane of some kind.’ he said to
Genuine .Umprd C. C. C. Never .old In bulk.
“ W h at 1. tbo m » t t e r r th e other play- me one day. ‘aud carry It every day
^ 4 1 4
--- _
*. ..
. . . »
0 eys
1*11 fluViul
Beware of the dealer who trigs to sc(l
anil every n ig h t th a t it doesn’t rain.
" I’m gangln aw a’.” th e Scot an sw er­
Ç fc ÿ a n iljill 5 b
- fr
‘■jpjnethinj Just as good.
By th a t m ean s'y o u become so aceus- j
ed. glaring nt the stranger. “I’ll play
toraed to unvlng som ething In your i
cards w l’ no mon th a t w hustles on the
P O K O ftH R l»
hand you nre lost w ithout It. Then
when n rainy day or evening comes
and you nre compelled to carry an um ­
M a k in g C n r lc n t n r e o .
The w ay In which some a rtists can brella about w ith you «lie benefit comes .
d isto rt fuaturea w ithout m aking them In. Say you have gone Into a restau ­
unrecugnljsablo Is cuftalnly very rv- ra n t und when you come out the rain ! ? JO H N 0 . BECK,
ihnrknblo. Thom as N nst possessed has stopped. You w alk out into the
Florence, Oregon.
F t. Terrace, Oregon.
this facu lty to an extraordinary degree street w ith o u t your um brella. Presto!
None who aro engaged in an y of tho m echanical
mid he had a very peculiar way of A fter you have taken perhaps a dozeu ;
adding new faces to his m eutal pho- steps you m iss som ething. Your cane
p u rsu its can succeed w ith o u t read in g a n d
togrupb gallery. W hen a fresh sub­ carrying hand Is m inus th e burden it
ject would urine In polities, for In­ usually bears. Back go your thoughts !
studying this sta n d a rd M agazine o f Sciences
stance, he would Invent some p retex t to your um brella and back go your !
to cull upon him a t Ills otllce or house steps to g et It. Simple? Of course It '
and m echanical A rts. I t is illu strato d ^w itk
aud hold him In conversation us long Is, b u t th e sim ple things oftentim es
prove th e m ost valuable.” —Philadel­
I ns possible, studying his features.
all m odern cuts ¡of la te st inven tio n s in all
I W hen he took his d ep artu re he would phia Inquirer.
1 purposely leave his cane. Once outside
th e branches of m echanism , an d its fund o f
v pencil
F o u r LeiKKed W e a t h e r P r o p h e t « .
I N ast would make —___
it hasty
Mr h l a l l . P e , t h | e P u t » ,
; ou a card anil would usually fiud th a t j Though th e tortoise is an excellent
know ledge is inseparably connected w ith in .
Do You W a n t a Home in W estern O regon?
; his memory w as deficient a s to some ' w eather prophet, the fact is known to
ventors and m echanics.
Sold w ith T ub
a t a .
detail. He would then retu rn , ostensl com paratively few people. Tortoise
I lily for th e cane, aud an o th er look a t farm ers on th e African coast notice
Come to F lorence an d sec the fine farms
W est a t clubbing rates.
! the victim would enable I d in to per- . th a t even 24 hours before rnin falls
and beautiful forests in the Siuslaw valley.
feet Ills sketch. A fter th a t be bad tile these curious anim als prepare for It by
pian forever.
seeking th e convenient shelter of over-
W e e k ly
I W hen Joe K epplcr w as alive he used , hanging rocks. It may be a bright,
to pinko frequent trip s to W ashington elenr, sunshiny morning, b u t th e farm-
fireaiest Weekly in the Country,
fur tho purpose of seeing statesm en ¡-rs Ix'lleve im plicitly In th e tactics of
he w anted to draw . H e w as the tortoise, who Is seldom m istaken,
YEAR | ! whom
very elever n t patching likenesses nnd for th e dow npour is certain to come
tflnrlodlntr poatA«*) h» any p art of the U nited i scarcely ever referred to a photograph. w ithin th e tim e stated.
RiMt**, v'wnada and MnL’C.
A pet tortoise would bo a practical
T il l! WMKKt.T i m i O N I l X . n the t-rlghtcM
T his m onthly m agazine is one ol th e
A F n u io u n D u e l.
present to bestow on cu e’s friends.
inuet eum plete WeeMg N ew »l«p er In (be
A duel w as fought In T exas by Alex- ¡T ills curious prem onition of the ap­
grorld. print« r.<uhu-ly I t * . ’nlinnne, nr elxte«n
best p rin ted in th is country, a n d if
M gr«, utf New«, k lie n ttiin i nn,l tlenernl In/ur-
under S hott anil John 8. Nott. N ott proach of rain Is shared by m any other
ita lln n : nt«) « ningriliheni tgrli-u ilu rel «nJ I w as shot and Shott w as not.
In this anim als aud birds mid may be explain­
H örtlm iltural D epartm ent
Thl« I« «nie ,«f th«
to all subscribers a t ra te s v.ithi
euse It is b etter to be Shott than Nott. ed p artially by the fact th a t while rnin
«reuleet d ap iftroim .« In » ’ > paper , n Ihle
(puL Ever) lb ln « » rillen le l n»v«l on eg- T here w as a rutnor th a t Nott w as not i Is form ing the atm osphere Is Increns-
ab ility ot all to pay. I t is finely
«n.-e |n Ibe i ■ ,«.-< S tale«. r-«)t ■ « UknUrn , shot, b ’tt S hott avow s th a t lie w as not, i Ing In w eight, hut there may also be
i-e knn w led ge
Uietr ,•«» b- Ullien.
I w hich proves either th a t the shot Shott some need of m oisture w hich m akes
tra te d and presents tho n am es o f fa
COPY SENT F R E E shot nt N ott w as not shot or th a t Nott j them aw a re of Its approach or some
i w as shot notw ithstanding.
¡h ab its o f life which make them thus
a u th o rs as contrib u to rs.
T iie 1
i 1 m ay tie m ade to ap p ear on trial sensitive.—Chicago Record.
th at th e shot Shott shot shot Nott or, as
and the Cosm opolitan a re sold I
accidents w ith firearm s are freq u en t, it
C o o l n ttil A1 c ( h o i l I r a l .
duced rates at th is office.
tuny be possible th a t the shot Shott
A law y er w ho w orthily bears
shot shot Bliptt him self, when the , tlngulshed nam e occupies an old t'ash-
wlioU' affair would resolve Itself Into Uouvd mansion on the edge of New’
Its original element, aud Sholt would Yorlt. Ills sister, who lives w ith him,
J O H N C. B E C K .
la* shut and Nott would be net.
tells a laughable story, which Is re-
t t e tliluk. however, th at th e stmt
|„ H arp er’s Round Table, lllus-
W . II. W E A T H E R S O N ,
Rhott shot shot, not Shott. but Nott.
his coolness and love of method.
A nyway. It Is hard to tell who w as Recently his sister tiptoed Into his
I room some tim e n fter m idnight and
M e x le n n T h e n a r R « lq > e « to .
I"’’1 »>'n> »«»' «bought burglars were In
"We do not take possession of our ideas but are possessed by tl
In R Mexican th eater women alw ays the house. The law yer put on his d ress-
They m aster us aud force us into the arena,
go bareheaded nnd the men w ear th eir , b 'i gown and w ent dow n states,
vnilvtl Stales I a i i ,1 Office.
I»and Office, Roseburg, Oregon.
here like gladiators, we must fight for them .”
h ats all the tim e the cu rtain Is closed.
Rosclatrs, Oregon,
« ... 2 v .
March 15, 1M1.
r h r e n l . ' i . M u ll» » « »
looking uinn trying to open a door th a t
Notice is hereby given th at the follow mg-
WHH OtUONieasK ry»« «It*
Suoh ia th e e.,altctl m otto of tho A rena, an d th e
led Into th e back yard. The burglar
tinmed settler has filed notice of his intention
| m w « i
«r« tn in« i ’nitw sm t.e.
them .
Notice 1» hereby given th at in compliance
T H k , 11KONK CB hx« i,. . q««nl <m the r»«-taa
V req am tly man rise la tltrlr seats had unlock,al the tioor and w as pulling with (he proviMtins of the act of Cougres» of to make final proof in support of his claim , and
en tire content« of thia m o n th ly m agazine
p « ,, n lo a « a u m »l«ue. «et.rprtne • * ’ and sw eep th e tiers of boges w ith nt It w ith all his might. The lawyer,
that said proof will be made before C. If. Hol­
Ju n e ». IS??*, entitled “ An act for the sale of den, I’. S. Commissioner, at Mapleton, on April
| ;
large glasses. I t Is considered som e­
TflB Cl|H<iNli5.K‘S T*»*irraphl© RapOTt» ara
timbt-r tends in tiie Stale« t»f Cahfornta. Oregon, 2ith, 1301, vis: William E. Wells, on H. K. MJ3,
are upon a plane an d in k o cping,w ith it«
pw latrst att«] nn>©t rrltebU», Ha I «««cal New» th« th in g of an honor to have the glasses Y> him:
Neva«1n. anti
Washington Territory," as
atu) Ha RSdi(ortete
Uw »f a sw ell below leveled a t your box.
" It does not open th a t way. you hllot! extended to all the Public l«and Rtetea for the »>, sw%. s’, se«4, See. 29, Tp. 17 8.. R
m otto.
T he A ren a’s g a lle ry of,¿em in en t
nXcrt prna Ir» th« counteT«
by act of August 4 ,1?*88, Burt Warren, of Port­ his He names the f owing whnesaea to prove
Sm oking Is perm itted In all th eaters. It slides b ark!"
T llX C H R O N IC U S ha« alw ay« b«**n. and al-
rontinnous r
th in k e rs is a group oi in terestin g men an d
land, county of Multnomah, State of OhQAOn,
id land, vii
—GUy of XU-JUgtf Correspondence.
w ill Iw. th« fr»©ml and cha*»vk^n «< thf
l e S
t e
f e ' ä S
Bears tiie
For Over
Thirty Years
Three ★
Desirable ★
Stars in
T ,
And The
J L P tT S a n d . S O I E I S T O E S ,
'H S c ie n tif ic A m e r ic a n .
Florence Real E state Agency.
t h e
d a il y
Only $ 6 * . - 7 0
Do Y cu W a n t a R a n ch ?
5 0
D o Y o u W a n t U n im p ro v e d iL a n d ?
D o Y o u W a n t T o w n L o ts ?
D o Y o u W a n t T im b e r L a n d s ?
a <
11 s -
I»« <»te, aa a<aln»t ownbtnatU’ni.
jpMwii>onA. ©r opprwrat« »w
*ny Ulnd. l l w ill W
„„legt lu «»«rrtb lng. «.olru J I«
T h e I tln r r e s e l l .
L lqnld n in e .
To produce liquid gluo w hich will
Keep fo r year» break pieces of glue na,l
some a h ls k y .
fo rk tigh tly nnd set aside for a few
(lays. Tills should lie ready for use
w ithout the application of heat, except
tn very cold w enthcr, when the Ivittle
should be placed In hot w ater for a few
m in u tes before using the glue.
po YOU « M t ,IH5 CHROma-E > M
T W iß
Reversible M ap?..........
M<ip of the CWorld
fliow lng tb« U nl'e« Slates. Dostlalee
e l C anada aad N ortiiors M txlW
. .. .. .
« a s > s a t I tlA
H F . Q T • H
-«t< • ! ! a«n<l <«•< IK«
Ir <»r <>n«
«•rM v fragtet«* «n ma*« •4
li. du m t- w r » .
|*fttir»«'ter MFC
IH 1 aM*ctdP(» CM»
"This.” said the man who w as show­
ing the visitors about tho office of the
m etropolitan daily, “ is th e copy read­
ers’ room. It Is the place w here the
m atter sent In for publication la boiled
down to th e right dim ensions.”
"D oesn’t th a t make tt w artnY ’ gig­
g le d one of th e young women.
"No." lie replied. "R ut th e men who
w rite the stuff get pretty hot over It
sometime*."—Chicago T ribune.
a lv » » - a f H e r « .
tnuRt not thin k , young m an.”
H l» A J v le e .
said th e corn feti philosopher, “th a t a
“Is It h ard to propose to a girl?" a sk ­
1 young w om an doesn’t know anything ed th e novice In affairs of the heart.
Just because th e has a habit of asking
“Som etim es It’s a gool «leal harder
fiMdleh questions th a t give you a pot to propose." returned the man of
chance to lm|>art Inform ation w ith a worldly experience thoughtfully. "Ifh
Superior air.”—ludlsnapolls I’rrs»«.
* a lv rajs well to he on your guard."
ha* this day tiled in this office hi« sworn state­
m ent N a IW . for the purehaw of the ne*< of
Section No. 1«. io Township No. 1AA, Range No.
9 W., and wUIoffer proof to «how th a t the tend
sought is more valnatde for its tim ber <»t stone
th an for agrlcnltunU pnrpoaeg> and m « iblish
hh claim to said land before the Kt-gl r and
Receiver of this *»lfi» e a t Roseburg. Ow ou, on
Wgilnesday, the JAth »lay of March, IWl.
He names as witness«*'
James R. tllbbtms, J. H. Vrban. W. M Va
and John W. Sherman, all of Port tend. Oregi
! A ly and a ll persous claim ing adversely 1
i above deacribed tends are veqnrwted to file tb
I ctelms in th is olBce ou or Itefore said ?Jth d
; of May. 19U1.
• I J. Well,. 1-nirick McEnroeBii.l I.. Borin»,
enoow, Oregon, and Winsor Wells of Ma-
*n, Oregon.
J. T. B k id o b s , Register.
»aas far
consideration ot a d people.
T h e A rena is
sold w ith T h » W nst .
fan.) Offlee «I knarhiir». Oregon,
v- ..
February Wik, i«oi.
Notice 1« hereby given th«i the folio
tow ine­
nsnaed settler has fi rt notice of his intention
to make final woof 1 »Hpport of hi» claim , and
that »aid proof will be made before c. H
Holden, V. 8. Commissioner, at Florence,
Or.g»n. on April 27ih. 1«1. v ii: Frr.1 e . p M n,
9C2I. for the »>,
Svv. s. ,„•!
l a Tp. w S., a > w
Ilk No.
I?.’" lh,‘ i«b»»l»« wlli e».-. to prove
»( ¿1.1 l i n i ' V
“ ,d culu>»“ ""
I' IL J«rkwin. J .in c w. J«rk«on and Gmqn
Oregon an<i Joe
T he San FranciM» Exam iner and tiie man. of I lorenve, Oregon.
J. T pRItfaigs,
VW « «»•
rt»«f j
J. T. HaitkOBa, R<
w om en, and th e ir th o u g h ts a re w o rth y th e