T H E W E ST . — euahisuaD svg a v » h id a y L a s * C oux-rr, O biígok . • - sr - • • W. H. WEATIIERSON thorising the construction of additional Z N / C f i C — i m o r n ix o . -Ä T - Fuouawcg, Spring n ♦ > / am l/i I l l g Holland boat* for the navy. river thin week. , opposition is to he continued is made , AllOUl 74 people attended the dance at plain by the announcement that, by d i- Geo. B. C am p ’s Saturday evening. o u tw a rd signs of im p u rity . m ilted to Congress w ith O r th a t d u ll headache, b ilio us, nau- itB cogt_ seous, nervous condition and that tired an estimate of Kuggia ¡g baving a„ ¡nninB jn W m 1|. have done th a t the know of a certainty th a t Russia w ill Proprietor. Florence, Oregon, April 19, 1901. We often hear people rem ark th a t the world owes them a living, but how many of these have ever asked lliem - •e lv e i w hat they for th a t which is necessary to their sup­ port during a lifetim e? In neurly e .e ry case the person making such assertion has never done anything very beneficial to the world or to hum anity, and is usu­ Hood's Sarsaparilla It is Peculiar to Itself. other way. B ut why slmuld any man m ake such an assertion as that? Does he deal in tlia t way toward other men ? N o t a t all. No man considers another indebted to him u ntil he lias jierfurmed some service or done something by w hich he lias placed th a t other under obligation to h im , Bo why should he consider tlia t the world owes h im a liv­ ing or anything else unless lie Urst earns it . A lesson on this subject for many people ia to be found in the following paragrapli which wo clip from an ex ­ change: “ A n iropreseive illustration of Andrew Carnegie’s caution in d is trib u t­ ing his wealth is found in his provision th a t old-age pensioni are to b«paid only •to such employes as, after long and creditable service, through exceptional circumstances, need such help in th eir old age, and make good use of i t .’ M r. CarnCgie evidently purposes th a t not a d o lla r of his wealth shall go toward never take under her flag M anchuria or Mongolia. I can now give w ith propri­ ety a stale secret, showing how foolish j lias been the cry against \tussia. regard- ! ing M anchuria. In 1893 a body of lead- ing M anchurians, aecoinpaniel by the a lly one who is too indolent to earn ids d aily bread if lie can obtain it in some K id n e y T r o u b le . Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, dis­ courages and lessens ambition; beauty, vigor and cheerfulness soon disappear when the kid­ neys are out of order Miss Olive Knowles, who lias been or diseased. staying in Florence for several weeks, Kidney trouble has become so prevalent spent Sunday w ith her parents on that It is not uncommon Knowles creek. for a child to be born afflicted with weak kid- — • neys. If the child urin- BY BII.I.EI.M . _____ . . * * ates too often, If the Beautiful weather. urine scalds the flesh or If, when the child Charles Count lias been quite sitk reaches an age when it should be able to j control the passage, It Is yet afflicted with lately. Gardening is the order of the day | bed-wetting, depend upon it. the cause of the difficulty is kidney trouble, and the first step should be towards the treatment 0/ hereabouts. these Important organs. This unpleasant M r. Tem ple passed today on his way trouble is due to a diseased condition of the to tidew ater. kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as T h a t venison was fine. Fred, don't most people suppose. Women as well as men are made mis­ try to tell us there is nothing in luck, erable with kidney and bladder trouble, A large yearling bear was caught in a and both need the same great remedy. num ber four trap by W m . Wells at bis The mild and the Immediate effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It is sold ranch near Meadow. by druggists, In flfty- Misses Oliloe Pope and E lla Lam b cent t and one dollar j were visitors at M r. W ells’ Saturday sizes. You may have a Y o u are made aw are of the neces- ruction of Secretary Long, the Naval 1 A m or« the passengers on the Eugene s iiy fo r cleansing y o u r blood in the Board of Construction w ill prepare de-1 stage last Saturday were (our teachers spring by hum ors, eruptions and other signs for a submarine boat, to he sub- j wbo bave engaged schools on w orld should thus be indebted to them and A r e M a d e M is e r a b le b y Mina Dell» Camp is visiting on Sm ith T h a t this feeling are due to the same cuumo — . , r . , T r j (autos w e a k, J liin , im p u re , tn-ed blood. . » i •» . . , r, A A o • i t Jt Governm ent has otheially slated its sat- A in e ric a s G reatest S p ring M o d i- , ¡»faction a t Russia’s policy towards cine is H o od ’s Sarsaparilla. I t makes the blood rich and pure, M anchuria, and now comes Capt. T . M . cures scrofula and salt rheum , gives a Rees, a Pittsburg shipbuilder and maker clear, healthy com plexion, good appe­ of boilers and machinery, w ith large and tite , sweet sleep, sound health. increasing interests in Russia and China, F o r cleansing the blood the best who said in a published interview : “ I m edicine m oney can buy is Editor W o m e n a s W e ll a s M e n M A P L E T O N N EW S tiiui »t the lust evssiou oi Congress, au­ high priests and princes ol Mongolia and “ “ d Sunday of last week. Ooinmiaaioner H id was inspecting the Thibet, aecrutly went to St. Petersburg roads in this vicinity lately. As a result . . . , 1 .1 » l _ r, 1, ( F rom O v b R eoular O orbempoxdknt .) and called upon the Csar and olfered a a new bridge is ordered at Beecher Rock. petition signed by thousands of the lead­ L . Boring lias the job. ing citizens, praying for Russia to take S a y ! kind reader, won’t th a t rural W a s hing to n , A p ril 8, 1901. the three countries, they promising to free delivery of our m ail by all stage Loci Bam lias no idea oí turning furnish the soldiers necessary to become lines after July 1st be great? T h a t 50 show man, and as long as Aguinaldo is a cents a q uarter we have always had to free of corrupt Ciiineee officials and the prisoner lie w ill not be allowed to come dig up can now go to pay w liat we owe Chinese flag. The emperor told them on the W e s t . to the U n l.ed States. I f he lives up to lie could not accept the countries. Twice M r . Geo. B a rtre and fam ily have re- the outli of allegiance he has tHken, and since, the same thing lias been done | moved to M r. T em p le ’s farm joining M r. carries out the promises he has made to w ith the same result. I f Russia had j W e lls ’ ranch, where they w ill reside for Generai M ac A rth u r, lie w ill eventually become free. Then, if lie lias the p ric e ,! wanted M an chu ria, Mongolia and T lii- the present, M r. Jensen having taken posaession of the property tlia t he pur- and wishes to visit tl.e United States, he bet, she could have had them w ithout chased from M r. Barbre a t M apleton. the asking^ each year for the past eight w ill be as free to do so as any other resi­ Those famous little pills, D e W itt’s L it ­ dent ¡of the Philippines. But all tliat years. W ASHING TO N L ETTER . w ill take tim e, and there is no probabil­ ity of his exhibiting him self in G E N E R A L N EW S. tills country in tlie near future. Borne of the M rs. Carrie Nation was arrested at thousundB who are w ritin g to tlie war Kansas C ity last Buudav for crowding departm ent us to w hat ought to be done tlie streets w ith people. She was fined 1500 and ordered to leave tlie city in w ith Aguinaldo, are inclined to be wag­ fifteen minutes. She said she would gish. One of them , signing himself leave when she got ready. " T lie Foot of W inuesook,” heads his I t is said by tlie Philadelphia North tle E a rly Risers will remove all im p u ri­ ties from your system, cleanse your bow­ els, make them regular. M eyer A K yle. ACME IT E M S . B Y B A B A A V IS . A pril 17, 1931. T he Danielson left on M onday in tow encouraging dependence, pauperism or communication w ith this verse, express­ American th a t General M iles w ill lie a ■biftlessuess. H e lias not a penny for ing Ilia idea ot tlie embarrassment of the candidate for the democratic nomination of tlie Roberts. School reo |*ned for a three m o n th ’s those who th in k th a t 'th e world owes President and the aoeretary of w ar: for President in 190-1. Tom L . Jutin- is being urged by single Í ’ erui 1*81 Monday. son’s name them a liv in g.’ ” “ W hst shall ws do with A gile? Scliponer Sacramento is in port, and taxers. I'ray, w liat shall wo do? A F o rt Townsend, W ash., dispatch Ellhu loqked at W illiam , In the U nited States Superior Court w ill soon be loaded w ith lum ber (or 8un And WUUaiu looked at Ellhu.'* lays: “ Deepaea log ra ilin g (ruin I’uget at New Orleans Judge Pariange handed Francisco. T he President easily persuaded Gov­ down a decision dismissing thu suit A Woodman of Am erica lodge w ill found Is at an end. T he tug Tatooeh » ill sail from here tomorrow for the Oo- ernor A llen, of Porto Rico, to withhold brought by the Boer representative to ; soon be organized a t this place. I t w ill prevent the shipment of nuiles and meet in tlie Oates H a ll and has about uiuhia R iv e r, having in tow a big der- his resignation, although he came to horses from New Orleans to tlie Britisli forty menibersw ’ ■iek scow used in the construction of W ashington for tlie purpose of present­ arm y in South Africa. M r. E . P y a tt, who is rapidly recover­ uouster log ra fts. T iie cause of tlie ing if . H e w ill return to Porto lt.co A dispatch of the 15th says: A sen­ ing from a protracted siege of lung fever, :hangs base of the Robertson Log R aft about the first of M ay, but i t is not ex­ sational political crisis exists i l l Seoul, left here Monday in com par y w itii his Jompany is due to the destructiveness pected th a t he w ill rem ain more than a capital of Corea. T he news is brought 1 father for his home near Scio. Our hustling postmaster has improved ,( the toredo on Fuget Bound. In future few months longer. H e says the island by tlie steamship Duke of F ife tlia t tlie government beheaded K im Yank Chun his departm ent by tlie addition of an ill such rafts w ill be constructed on the is getting along all rig h t, and th a t after M arch, when tl.e ta riff j iur planning “ » »>»•“ » ol E '"P er- up-to-da'e office front, louk-boxes, etc., Jolumbia R iv e r. W hen the big ra ft the 1st of next or's favorite mistress, Lady O ui, iieir to for tlie accommodation of patrons. ftuilt on i ’uget Bound in 1900 w as dis­ law under which the revenues for the tlie throne, displacing tlie Prince Im ­ T he road is new nearly open from mantled at Ban Francisco, fully one- support of the island government are perial, sou of tlie murdered Queeq. Mapleton to this place. A few d ay’s llth of the contents was ruined by the now raised w ill expire, there w ill proba­ K ing Oscar of Norway and Sweden work w ill clear the way for horseback free, also pamphlet tell- Home ot swamp-Root. ing all about it, including many of the thousands of testimonial letters received from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer Co Binghamton. N. Y ., be’ sure and & Co.. Binghamton, mention this paper. .lie present council who served as Se. during the whole of last year, i .of the proeent trustees are now ing th e ir first term , while the other have had some ex|>urienc« In tliat lion in previous years. « last woek wtl a long interview w ith G . O oivaliis C. Mil- • U a w lta p ro m inent farm er ol Junction who is president of the Corvallis Atliern K a llw a v . I t is pro;iosed io I a railroad fr-n t Corvallis to Eu- , via M onroe and Junction, and tually through to Coos Hay. An- r enlsrprise pro;x»»ed by the m a ­ la b u ild in g a canal from tlie W ill» , i riv e r v ia Junction C ity to the Torn river. U n ited States. exchange says: “ H e w ho H ad M r. Knox not l>«eii b sl;« expelled from tlie West V irg in ia U n iv e r­ « n helps him self— he is « partner sity, lie m ig ht never met M r. M cK in ley. i basiness. and that is (lie usarne« I t it an open s ^ r e l in Washington Uditi« np tli« btMineas. New York. U . E. A. FURS WANTED. Tb< |,|g|,«at cash price paid U you th a t tbe navy departm ent is not favors- hinds of furs aud hides, hly inclined toward tlie Holland Bubnia- O. C. C rn rtO N . Ip by giving y ° ur bam mer riue Boat LMuipany. although a num ltar , a n n i. •Ä’ M eat M ark s !. Florence. Or. Stop kuovking and of navel olMvsv« th in k end Itave spoke« ' C athartic, s e r e to a etlp a tlo n foee-sr. if C.O.U. tab «resi 1st, rsluhd wraMy. w r y highly of the H o lla m l type of boat. ^ERVOUS »m n h ta. are ru r r tl b y Iloosi s S tnta|KiriIln. wltl- li en- i A d m iral Itaw ey among liigan, it was rtahos aa780 a year and expense«, all payable in cash. No can- vaaaiuf required. Give references and enclose self addressed stam ped envelope. Address Man­ ager, 355 Caxton Bldg., Chicago. NOTICE FOR he . d, O U R P O L IC Y rs. Docs not permit carrying goods fron“ tie I is tor year to year, so Deep P rice-C u ttin g an d Q uick Sale«®0, -O N R E S ID U E O F- nly ant WINTER MERCHANDISE, lia > ai le t ------------- A N D E S P E C IA L L Y O N ------------- SHOES AND HATS- n ta. A N D R E M N A N T S O F D R Y GOODS' TO C L O S E . Ian a of I pi A Special Counter Will Be in Order fo¡, M ,ugt • F tat p Ui This Sale. ài Y O U R S •k l nia, ;nrd T Z R .T J I _ .-y O. W .HURCÊ 4K Cliur PUBLICATION- Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon. March 23, 1901. N otice is hereby given th at the follow ing named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim and that »aid proof w ill be made before C. H. H ol­ den, U. 8. Commissioner, at Florence, Oregon, on May 18th, 1901, vix: Geo. F. Allen, on his H. E. No. 7375, for the n « H ne«i 8ec. 21, T. 18 8., R. 10 west. He nam es the follow ing w itnesses to prove his contin uous residence upon and cultivation of, said laud, viz: David A. Bradley, R. M. Allen, H. J. Minor and Charles Anderson, all of Point Terrace, Oregon. J. T. B ridofr , Real m ter. ADM INISTRATOR’S SALE OF R EA L PROPERTY. C A R M A N ’S .•s a CHEAP CASH SIOEEI Dry Goods, ★ Groceries * and * Gil r4 me. «Y T. is A. R. 9 w. TO cuffia A COLD IIS ffiffiffi MV a n - Goods as Reoresented^ T he Greenleaf school house was b urn ­ John C arlyle, who NO TICE FOR PUBLICATION lived in i t w itn his wife last w inter Land office, at Roseburg Oregon. w hile logging near bv, had about gISO March 2*. 1901 w orth of household goods, tools, cloth­ Notire I, hereby given that the follow ing. ing, etc., in it which was a total lots. M |s c ’ settler has flled notice of his intention T he b u ild in g itati been unoccupied lor d"»1 P «»» In support of h is claim and lor all ««verni weeks. I t stno.1 on F. M. Pvp- w î r è ^ r T L - ' i .** contribute a good act or word, you N irw lf a m et. ON T H E S E GOODS. U nited State, I ah H Office, Roseburg. Oregon, March Hi, 1301. M r. Haynes, who carried on Igot N otice 1, hereby given that In com pliance like little dots," ( tion upon the lower court. The court Inloe's place on Chickahouiin y the pas with the provision, ol the act of Congrew o f An incident is related of tl.e college >««“ el>«r«rd w i,b le ,,,ll,“{ vear, has left. June A 1S7A entitled "An se t for the sale o f life ol H o n. C. C. K n ox, the new a lto r- it« )li ,o tbe demands of G oeb el-' M r. Evans, who was stricken w ith timber lands in th e Slates o f C alifornia, O regon.' Nevada and Washington Territory," as extend ney general, wl.ich shows w lia t sm all i ‘" u ' T hat charge has rem ained unan- paralysis at M rs. Downing's, it there ed to all the Public Land States by a e to f August ' aweretl and liM been confirmed by tbe and i i im proving very little if any. 4, lsVJ, James E. Gibbons, ot l'oriland, county things sometimes affect a m an's future. 1 i* ¿promo cou>t. In its decision tbe court Norm an Esgglesbsin has not sold all of M ultnomah, State of Oreson, has th i, day flled in th is » S e e his sworn statem ent No, HW. M r. K nox was a student at tlie West I , . . . , . _ of his stock yet, and w ill not let b is ' ( furnishes tbe most eloquent com mentary . . . . . . for the purchase of the nw1, o l Sertion No. 11, V irg in ia U niversity, which had a rule , farm u n til lie does. H e may stay and In T ow nship No. IS 8., Range No. i W.. that no student should attend a tiie a tii-l ; upon Gc-tielisni that has yet been made. cgrry jt on and w ill offer proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable for Its timber T re f W illc u t saw a cougar lying on its cal porfurmance. One night, M r. Knox , or stone than tor agricultural purpose,, and to hack ami ro lling and playing in the sun establish his claim to said land before t h u 1 Sl.w A r e T » a r K l d a . y . • and 19 o ilier students violated the rule, Dr tlobb. S p .rM n i.ru :.p o r ..II kldsev Ula. gsm- a few days ago. T re f went over in a Register and Receiver of this nfflee at Roseburg. and tlie next day tliey were all e x p e lle d .; gis Des. Add. sisrîlod B.mtdr Co.. Ckicas ( and tlie neighbors for miles around have Burt Warren, J. H. Urban, W. M. Vault and I rule And were reinstated. M r. Knox A rich Isdv cure-l of her Deafness and agreed Io gather at th e Johnatone resi- John W. Sherman, a ll of Portland, Oregon. titan went la M t. Union (O hio) College, i Noises in the Head by D r. Nleliolson'» denee to-night w ith Imskets of provis- Any so d all persons claim ing adversely the shove-described lands are requested to Sir their where he first m et M r. M c K in le y , upon Artificial Ear D ru m f. gave »10,0t» to his t o * , and give him and Ids wife a big I ",” L, m thH office oa or before m id 2»lh day o f . , , . __ Iiittito te , so that deaf people «nable to surprise May. 1901. whose advice he a i- rwar- ■ ame a , , te j,-gr p ru ,,,« may have them J. T. B hinoxs. Register. law yer, and apon wh, invitation li« ; Add r e ,. No. 10673-e. The N ltli- lias now become attorney general of the ! ol«->n In s titu te, 780, E in lith Avenue, ire S T R IC T L Y C A S H W e are informed th a t there is a t M rs, A ustin’s ranch on Maple Oreek, a young goat tlia t ia something of a curiosity. I t is said by the bly be free trade w ith the U n ite d States. has agreed to act as arb itrato r on tlie travellers between Acme and tlie head M r. M . F. Rittenhouse, a prom inent Samoan claims of tlie U nited States, of tide. .-ompany th a t when rafts are constructed G reat B rita in and G erm any. Tlie case Recently some lath-m aking machinery n fresh water such losses w ill not occur, Chicago lum ber dealer, now visiting of each country is aiiout made np. K ing arrived at the Siuslaw & San Francisco ks but a few days are occupied in towing W ashington, said in tlie course of an in ­ Oscar w ill have general charge not only | Lnlnber Oo, 'g Uli||. W orkm en are bus- » Ban Francisco, the toredo w ill have teresting conversation on tlie extensive of tlie determ ination of tlie amount of j|v engaged in erecting a building in 10 opportunity to take hold of the logs. ram ification of his business: “ Chicago tlie claims, but w ill have to determ ine which to set it up. w hat c la im , arose as a result of the m il- J Th(} Sunday Aggocialion hag According to leading sawm ill men, ocean (or many years lias been draw ing tier luui ““ UprlB‘ “ g (elected tl.e following officers for tl.e en­ her supply largely front Lake M ichigan og rafting has become a permanent in Samoa. suing ye a r: Supt., Alice A lexander; «ature of the lum ber trade, and fur the ports. But in recent years th a t has be­ George Q . Cannon, senior apostle in Assist. Supt., U la Cushm an; Sec. and come well nigh exhausted, and tlie sup­ lelivery of heavy timbers, piles and the Mormon church and for many years T re a t,, E va Cushm an; L ib ra ria n , E lla »pars. Shipping men say steam and sail ply lias been coming from Lake Superior prominent in the cvm iiiem ial, financial W ilson. Eleven o’clock a. in. ia tlie iraft cannot compete w ith rafts, which ports, but even th a t is showing signs of and political affairs of U ta h , died at designatsd tim e of m eeting. A ll are M onterey, C al., last F rid a y . H a was cordially invited to attend. s assigned as the reason that ship- exhaustion, and we have to purchase U ta h ’s delegate to Congress from 1872 to iwners have made such determ ined more and more from central Wisconsin I 1882, and since the death of Brigham TH E B E 8 T BLO O D P U R IF IE R - ifforta to secure an act of Congress pre­ aud tlie south. T lie southern states in Young lias lieeii v irtu a lly the head of T h e blood is being constantly purified renting rafts froai being towed on the tlie imm ediate future w ill send iocreas- I tlie Mormon ehutch. by the longs, liver and kidneyg. Keep ----------------------------- wean. T he successful delivery of two lug quantities to tlie northern states. 1 ' saw, tlie other day, a large consignm ent1 The supreme court of Kentucky has these organs in a healthy condition and iig rafts at Ban Francisco last year dem- of Arkansas lum ber for M aine, once reversed tl.e decision of the lower court the lion els regular and you w ill have no ,n itrate d th a t thia mode o f transporta- need of n blood purifier. F o r this pur­ famous for her lum ber industry. I t was bX wbicb ‘¡eutenant governor of pose there is nothing equal to Cham ber­ ion is possible, and tliis season promises to be used in tlie construction of towers Kentucky, was given a life sentence on la in ’s Stomach find L iv e r Tablets, one onsiderable a ctivity In that line, with for w indm ills. How ever, the m ig hty “ •« «barge “ >•» be b "d been " n * cco" '- dose of them w ill do you moregood than Vestport, on the Colum bia River, as o( the Pacific coast must ’ PlicB in k ill,n « of Goebel- “ y lhe a dollar l-ottle of tlie best blood purifier. forest arena lie base of o peration.” Globe Democrat. Every intelligent law - Samples free at O. W . H urd's drug store. eventually he draw n on to supply tlie I '•dnosday .v e ilin g the officer, chosen eastern cities. 1 was approached not ■ -v er * d io liad taken the tim e to follow tlie G R E E N L E A F IT E M S . isodle tlie city affairs for the coming long ago by a gentleman who wanted to C ,M knew tlia t the courts ol Kentucky i, as 1’r .iid e n t Morris is tlie only o n . W i n t s r C lean-U p. A FREAK. -avages of the toredo. trl>1 ”loro tl,i,n Powe™ WM r were sworn in and assumed their sell me 4,600,000 feet of lum ber on Van-1 w" 8 :ial duties. T here is more change in couver island. T h a t is a pretty big Tina decisio n redeems the reputation of personnel of the board of trustees q u a n tity, hut Ids tim ber preserves were Powers and sustains tlia t of the supreme t in i. than lias usually lieen tlie r e p r e s s e d on tlie map by w hat looked , « » « 1 . and puts the stamp of conde.i.na- EREÄT WHITE STOR 1 Hr names the fallow ing w itnesses to prova h is r o o l i n , i o , . , r e s t d e a c e up.a, and r n ltivalion of. «aid land. v(x: Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. . . . , ____. . . . . .... i C. Farmer, r b a -ies Aehe- A ll d ru aiiste refund tita money if they , » n and Merton Olsen, all of Alpha. Lane Co. fail to c u r * . K. W . Grove'« «igualure it ob tech box. ttva i * WHITE SEWING MACHINE COMPANY. ■'f J J0O-.TO6 Post street, San Francisco, Cal. B D. I’ aimm . Dottier in Litas Scwm¿ M tcLinm, : QFtfBB