««L aa a ■' -r » T ’» ■ w w w » ■» A D V E R T IS E R S ¡ THE W EST I «»’ • a * . a a , M K m .» « a i « > lM U r m a a « aa>7 a I, laa atfaartlaad I il t o o k tk a a a a « uiraa «raaka aa4 a ita 4 . A. tftat ¿¡» ioa.llpat»4 aa/ ■ Tabulaa. l a a lk m ,. uavupaUoa, o a i / a, b ( o / S e k karkaa«. 1 I aai t r , la« »M aa » a a baMar b a t 1» » M j aa alck aa la a *. T a aa /o n lik a u o a a ra C u u x serncr ................................. T. T. Geer. of S 'a te ............ -V- I- Dunbar. ¡ • s u r e r ........................... F. S. Moore. it. Public lustruction J. H . Ackerman te P rinter....................... W . H . Leede. aru e y General D. R. N. Blackburn . . . . . . . . R. S. Bean ............ F. A. Moore {.Court ... C. E . Wolverton jond D istrict. .J . W. Hamilton iug Attorney . .Geo. M. Brown M A R G U E R IT E , regular BE? tara« W iik palaa ta haa«. cun.U pa.loa 1 aom plalaad nwtim e cards, maps and tic k e ts e tc ., c e ll <»n or w iite 0 . 6 . F. Irene Encampment, No. 42, c urphey meets in I. 0 . 0 . F. hall in Florence esecond and fourth Friday of each General A gent. Kiwra, 2 and 4, Shelton Block, rnth. Members of this degree are EUGENE, OREGON. R. M M rdially invited to attend. 5» S. J. S bvmovr , 0 . P. Pxnr, Scribe. A. D C. CAS3IDY & SON - - Proprietors. F lo re n c e , O re g o n . Tables furnished with all the delicacies of the season. Give us a call. U nited States and foreign countries, i Interest allo w ed on Demand C ertificates of City >vnd County Warrants thought. W . E. BROWN, President. P .W . OSBURN, • C ash ier. D . A . PAINE, Vice President. W . W . BROWN, A ss’t C ashier WANTED kCTIVI M AN OF GOOD CHAKAC ter to d eliver » if . t «-«»licet in n e g o u , for old established n a n u fa etu rin t w h oh -'ile house. $000 a year,sure pay. II< . ' -’v nntre tiia n e x p e r i ence r»* ,uir.-d. m , . - l i c e , huv Lank in any «•¡tv. Ki • M anufacture»', th ird Floor, 3-x D e a r b o r n M t., Chicago. E lk P r a ir ie H otel. T w e n tv th re e M ile s W e s t Eugene. ON E U C E N E AND FLORENCE STACE ROUTE. ATTORNEYS C. WOODCOCK, M o n e y Saved By P a t r o n iz in g it. A ttorney «at Law, - Terms C ollections receive our prompt atten tion. CHURCH DIRECTORY A. on Favorable Drafts issued on th e principal c itie s of the Deposit when left stated period. MORRIS •*. HOTEL, ' th e an d i . .„U IBBBYTERIANICH URCH ,Florence. ,u 18 “O!a Oregon. On every Sabbath in each | *i,a«t*?’««bat and wanted me to tell the men that were chasing him thut be had gone the other way to catch the mall wagon." "Why didn’t you do as he told you, then, when 1 asked you where he had gone?" thundered the officer fiercely. “I could not tell a lie, air,” waa the tearful answer. “H etty.” again began the smooth tongued Tory, "you are a nice child. Everybody knows you are a girl of truth. W hat did your cousin say when you told him you could not tell a falsehood?" “He sold he shouldn’t think I’d be­ tray him to his death." “Aud you promise«! him that you wouldn’t tell which way he w ent If you were kilted for It?” . "Yes, Mr.” "That w as brave; and I suppose he thanked you for It and ran down the road as qutekly as possible?” "I promised not to tell whore he went, sir.’’ “Oh. yes, I forgot Well, tell us his last word«, and we won’t trouble you any morif.” "Ills last words were, ’It's my only chance, child, and I'll get down as you When the British anil Tories attack­ ed New Uaveu, Conn., and set a price on the head of Governor Griswold the latter fled to the town of Lyme, where his cousin, Mrs. Mnrvln, hid him for some days lu a farmhouse. But at $1.90 a bottle. All drugzkts. length the foe discovered hla retreat, and one sunny afternoon in May be Ayer’s Pills aid the ac­ w as routed from his hiding place by tion of Ayer’s Sarsapa­ the tidings that a band of horsemen rilla. They cure bilious­ w as nppronchlng to capture him. ness. 2i cU.« hoi. Ills only chance of escape w as to ‘ I have used A yer’s m edlclnos for more than 40 years and have said reach the mouth of a little creek which from the very start that you made emptied Itself Into tlie Connecticut the best m edicines in the world. I am sure your Sarsaparilla saved my river JuRt above the entrance of tbe life when I first took it 40 years ago. latter Into Long Island sound. Then* say.’ ” I am now p ast 70 and am never And. overcome with fright and the w ithout your m edicin es.” be had a boat stationed, with tw o faith­ F vaxk T homas , P. M., ful utteudauts. hidden beneath tbe sense of her kinsman’s danger should Jan. 24,1890.______ Enon, Kansas. they rightly Interpret tbe language high banks of the creek. it— O o o tw , The distance from tbe farmhouse to which she had reported, th e sobbed If you have aoy complaint whatever and desire the beat medical advice you the boat was tw o m iles of the usually aloud and bid her face (ram sig h t can poaalbly receive, write the doctor Her tormentors did not stay longer freely. You will receive a prompt re­ traveled road. But a little path across ply, without cost. Address. the farmer’s orchanl would brtug him to soothe or question her. They all D r . J. C. AYEB. LoweU. Mess to the rqad only a tulle from the boat Immediately pushed rapidly on down (and save a quarter's length of bis fear­ to the river. Now, tbe governor bad arranged a ful run for life. Just where tbe Darrow path from the signal with his boatmen that a white T O N S O R IA L - P A R L O R . orchard aliened Into the road Hetty cloth by «lay or a light by night dis­ Marvin sat bleaching her household played front tbe attic window of hla linen. The long web of 40 yards or biding place, which waa Just visible at * more, which was dlllgcutly spun and the mouth o f the river, should Inform - woven during the long winter months, them If be werp In trouble and put , MARION MORRIS, P po pbik to b . w as whitened In May and thus made them on tbe alert to help him. As soon, therefore, as he started ready for use. Tlie business of bleaching waa well from his cousin's. It floated from the * economize«), being usually done by tbe window to warn them. Anil when younger daughters of the family, who they saw the pursuing party dash mad­ Shaving and H atrcutting neatly were not old euough to spin or strong ly down the road to the river and rec­ enough for the heavier work o f the ognized the British uniform of the and p ro m p tly done. leaders they pulled sw iftly out to sea. kitchen or the dairy. Razor Honing and Scissors G rind­ The roll of linen w as taken by the The horsemeu reached the shore only farmer or bis stout "help” to a,grassy In season to see the boat with two men ing a specialty. plot beside n spring or meadow brook. In It nenrly out o f sig h t and. supposing There it was thoroughly wetted and their destined prey had oenped, relin­ ! spread upon the green turf, to take the quished the puraulL Meanwhile the victim lay safe and hMt heat of the sun by day nnd tbe dew by night. The little maiden who quiet where the shrewdness of the lit­ Washington Street, Florence, Oregon. tended it woulti sit near It. tle cousin had hidden him until the Thus sat Iletty Marvin, the younc time came for her return for supper. daughter of Governor Griswold’s Then he hndc her go ns usual to her cousin, when her hunted friend sprang home, telling her to ask her mother to past her into tlie road to escupe his place the signal lamp as soon as It pursuers. Iletty was a timid child of grew dark lu the window for the boat­ about 12 years, yet thoughtful and men nnd Bend him some supper, **f wuiP>rod tlio to rtu r e « o r t h o d a m n e d w ise beyond any of ber ciders. 81ie with his vnlise, which, in the hurry of w ith protruding p iles brought on by constipa­ tion v.ivh w hich 1 w as ufllieted for tw enty was frightened by the headlong hnste his departure, he hail left behind. The signal recalled the boat, which years, f ran a cross your CASCAIH.TS in th e with which the governor rushed across tow n of N ewell, la., and never found anything after tw ilight had ventured lu sight of to equal them T o-day I am < r.tircly free from the meadow. But she quickly compre­ plies and feel lik e a new m an." hended the sccue nuols, where men und will turn off the other way.” women can leom , at sm all cost, use­ “Ob. cousin.” said the little girl In WANTED.—Capable, reliable person in every ful trades, music, painting, and the art countv to represent large roin|Miny flf solili an agony of distress, "I cannot tell n financial, reputation; fftg. «alary per year, paya­ lie—Indeed I cannot. Why did you tell of thinking. There are clubs for cy­ cling, fixitball. and all tbe games; there ble w eekly; |3 per day absolutely sure un«I all which way you were goliigT’ expense«; straight, bona fide, definite salary, no "Hetty, child, surely you would not are cheap excursions to all parts of Europe, so that people can learn by com m ission; «alary paid each Fatuidny and e x ­ betray me Ko run as quickly os |ioa- l»olytechnle Is apt to get better wages that m akes weak m en strong Many gain kill me. than a graduate of Oxford. Cambridge ten pounds in ten dava. Over 5 0 0 , 0 0 0 alble.” cured. All druggists. Cure guaranteed. Book­ has 7,000 students. Oxford 3.000, but let aud advice FKKF Address STERLING ’ “It’s of no use. Unless I can deceive the polytechnics of Ixjndon have al­ REMEDY CO., C hicago or New York. 437 , them I am a dead man.” ‘•Cousin, cousin, bide under my well ready 45.000 students, and both In tbe of cloth. They'd never tblnk of look­ metropolis and In the provinces tbe ing here for yon. Come, get down as system Is growing rapidly.—London quickly ns you can. and I’ll cover yea Answers. and stand sprinkling my linen.** Wot o S a v a g . I b S I r r . Angry that their expect«*d prey bad A s an Illustration o f that sort of Ascnped from the house where they salutary reproof which Is sometimes hoped to aecur» him. the s l i mounted administered by an 'inferior.” Our Tori«*s. headed by a British officer, Ltnmb Animals prints an Incident com­ dashed along the road lu sw ift pursuit. municated by a fiouth Dakota minister. At sight of the girl In the meadow Tbe clergyman had been asked to the leader of the party paused. receive an Indian boy Into bis family I t artificia lly d lg erU the food and aids “Child.” he said sternly, "have you for a few weeks, and had consented to Naturo io airengtbeoiog aud recoo- seen a man running hereabouts?” keep tbe lad If be did not prove to lie .itr u c tiu g th e exhausted digestive or­ “Tea, sir.” replied Hetty, trembling "too much of a savage.” H e turned gan«. I t lit h e latestdlK o reredd igest* and flushing. out to lie a pretty goo«1 boy. i t much so a u t eod tonic. N o o ther preparation "Wblcb way did be goY’ thnt one day. as a great treat, tbe approach t t in efficiency, i t In- " I promised not to tell, air.” minister gave bltn a gun and told him , « U n tly relietreeand perm anently cure« “But you must u, take tbe conse­ to take a holiday and go bunting. q u en ces" Tbe Indian shook bis bead. "No." sir’ ll H ^ t t h e Ö a e t n t i g t B Cramp«and “ I satj I w ou id n l telL if yo.u killed he said quietly. “Me belong to Ben«l all other re«aite of un perfect digestion. me.” eobbed tbe frightened girl. of Mercy. Me not sboot birds u t “I’ll hare It out of her!" exclaimed animals, only rattlesnakes." P rim lM ,"5âS'»lîîb55*dysR.psi» Ï2W SS the furious officer, with an oath. I The minister had been very fond of »B fc 3 Oewrrr * co, ehmee» “ Let ror speak to her.” said his Tory i using that gun, bnt be says lie does xst D O N ’T O re g o n 7 «nd S M cLaren’« B uilding. Itiön g iv e n to c o lle c tio n s and pro- , the \ o: r^ , t h e e x h a u s tio n . You go about w it h a g re a t weight resting upon r you. You can’t throw off this feeling. Y ou are a slave to your work. Sleep fails, and you are on the verge of nervous IG| exhaustion. ^ 4 What is to be done? Take BJ All through freight on -the stage! either way between Eugene aud i Mapleton, will ho charged at the rate of two cents per pound during the months of October, November, ■ Decemlmr, January, February, I March and April, and one cent per pound during the months of May, | C a r s June, July, August and September. I E le g a n t F. A A. M. OUP« You knew a ll \ 'V > \ about it. The ru s h , P ro p ’r, Sundays. Extra Trips When Nerceeary Charges Reasonable. STEAM ER N It is not work, but the worry. That wrinkles the smooth, (air face. That blends gray hairs with the dusky And rubs the foixn of its grace. That dims the luster and sparkle Of «yes that were once so bright. But now are heavy and troubled With a weary, despondent light. t fare _ _ _ — 5.00. ORTHERN Single Round trip - - - - 9.00. Tickets for sale at E. Bangs’ barn, Eugene, and at O. W. Pacific, Ry- livery H urd’s office in Florence. ★ bytha i l D osaa» - « - *-.*•................ G. w - ¡order,.......................... . . . J . 0 . Phelps «surer ............................. 0 . W. Hurd . . . . . . . . . 6 . C. Cunipton sold a t E S T A C I E X j IN E J . A C M E irid en t...........................Marion Morris f E . A. Evans, , . I W. H . Wertherson, trd Ot Trustees, -j Wm r,ryn(1) [ L. Christensen. tre Z EUGENE-FLORENCE S itus ¡ * L Stage Leaves Steamboat Landing on the Umpqua for Florence Saturdays. Returning, Stage Leaves Florence ITY OFFICERS. r - J AVill carry freight and passengers UNTY OFFICERS- from Florence to San Francisco. STAGE L IN E . W ill also bring up freight . E . B angs, P r o p r ie to r . ..........H . R. Kincaid. . . . *** «». *** Stage leavea| Eugene for Flor­ ( ................... .J . K. i . Hill « Edwards For further information inquire ence daily except Sunday at G a. m. Ì ..........H . D. Edw ’ T , TT Arrives a t Florence the day fol­ .. .E . U . Lee - OF — lowing at 10 a. m. ........ W . W . Withers A. W. BEADLE & CO. , Returning stage leaves Florence ........,A . 8 . Patterson _____ .1). P. Burton for Fugene daily except Sunday t^t j 22 Market St. [S u p erin ten d en t.. . W. M. Miller at 2 p. m. Arrives in Eugene at 6 uQj ....................C. M. Collier San Francisco, California. p. m. the day following. • r aoaiplalaa al hid . b b / faaad b a /. Thia .1 aaau Mika STEAM ER Q o ----- W ill m ake ------- o è - NO. Ä1. NOT WORK, BUT WORRY. TRAVELERS’ GUIDE TRAVELERS’ GUIDE. STATE OFFICERS- U iiimob UI ~ Ar F L O R E N C E , O R EG O N , F R ID A Y . A P R IL 19, 1901. H neftal directory to . jMk - Â L -A ..ÎV ' x i . m m MrtJ. L7 *X L X "X SIÜSLAW’S ONLY PAPEB. O P P O R T U N IT Y l ■ bt could rid« lu B r or orted In one of the Italian papers In the following terms; “Since our last Issue (24 hours beforel there have been 23 sudden deaths in Artena," and no further notice of the murders was taken or expected. R u a k tn D l« la I L i k e ‘ H rro . DI<1 you ever reud "The Hunchback o f Notre Dame?” I believe It to lie simply the most disgusting Imok ever written by mnn. und on the ««hole to have caused more brutality aud evil than any other French «vrltlug with which I am acquainted. Balzac Is sen­ sual, but he Is an artist of the highest touch mid a philosopher even In Ills sensuality. Eugene Sue (Mints virtue as well as vice. Dumas Is nbsunl and useless, hut Interesting: Beruuger blas­ phemous. but «vllty; George Sand Im­ moral, but elegant. But for pure. dull, virtueless, stupid, deadly poison road Victor Hugo.—Ruskin. K a e w « V h » l S he W . i A b o a t. Moth«*r—Miss Catehem has a lovely voice, nnd you knotv IL Why did you ask her to slug for Mr. Rlchfello? Daughter (after Mr. Rlchfello)— fiat that mirror lu front of tbo piano? “Yes.” “Well. Mr. Rlchfello sits right la range where he can s«?e her face. She looks like a whitewashed chlinpnossa when she sings.”—Pearson's W rekly. «Ls 1 A •S «saa» H . nag Her. It Is related that when tbe y»»as man who afterward Iwcatne General Fremont ran n«vay with and married Jessie. Tom Renton, «be great m'listor. mode terrible thrents of what h e would do to the young man. He would give him roasts nnd bnllets and linden, to sit of which Mrs. Renton qulatly remark- ed. “Yon had better give him Jessie, my dear.” ~ j'amfc'' to walk an the elty Wall but It la an exerclne In Amerteaca and w ithout «Kijert'en • ••*«• •> «lav« they are « • 4