... by - - • L amí C oüwtt , O ujegon W .H.W EATIIERSON Editor and Proprietor. o f which a m ajority arc cau sed or pro- States to assist it, it ought to l«i thank-1 1 m uted b y im pure blood . ful that it has so powerful a friend.” T lie rem edy is sim p le. CALIFORNIA T ak e H ood's Sarsaparilla. T h at th is m edicine radically and e ffe c tiv e ly pu rifies the b lood is k n ow n Nr». Carol Prouty W rites Interestingly to Florence Friends. to ev er y d r u g g ist, k n o w n to hundreds Florence, Oregon, April 12, 1901 J ü f thousanda P °°P le w h ° them selves o r b y their frien d s have exp erien ced it s cu rative p o w er s. Títere is a ch ance (or Bryan to show T h e w o r st oases o f scrofu la, the t h e sincerity of his (r ie n lly considera­ m o st a g o n iz in g su fferin gs from salt tion for A gi.iu ald o by m aking a place rheum and otlicr viru len t b lo o d dis­ e a ses, aro conqu ered b y it , w h ile for him on the sta ll of the Com m oner. those cured o f b o ils, p im p le s, d ys- It is not generally known that Briga­ p eptic and b ilio u s sy m p to m s and that tired fe elin g are num bered b y m illio n s, dier-G eneral F unston was once a candi­ Mias Chloe Pope and Miss Kila Lamb visited at Alpha Sunday. Mr. M cVey is selling olf Ids stock and land and intends going east in the near future to live. The IT. 8. weather signal station at A lpha records the rainfall for this month at 5 b4 im lies. It is the great medl- cal triumph of the njne- fiflK teenth centurv: century; dis- dis­ covered after years of _ _ uu,, scientific research by Dr. Kilmer, the eml- ' nent kidney and blad­ der specialist, and Is wonderfully successful in promptly curing lame back, kidney, bladder, uric acid trou­ bles and Bright's Disease, which is the worst form of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer’s S w am p -R oot is not rec­ ommended for everything but if you have kid­ ney, liver or bladder trouble it will be found Just tho remedy you need. 11 has been tested In so m any ways, in hospital work, in private practice, among the helpless too poor to pur­ chase relief and has proved so successful in every case that a special arrangement has been m ade by which all readers of this paper who have not already tried it, may have a sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book telling more about Swamp-Root and how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. W hen writing mention reading this generous offer In this paper and send your address to i Dr. Kilmer 8cCo..Bing­ hamton, N. Y. T h e ' regular fifty cent and Homo of Swamp-Root, dollar sizes are sold by all good druggists. S acramento , April 5, 1901. Mr. I,. Berkshire caught a very large Ti> the h d itu r o f the IPcsf—S t s : A few cougar a short tim e ago in a trap which days ago I was in (ia lt amt called at the h e set by th e side of a carcass. P. (J. (or mail of friends on a ranch W e hear that Fred Howe will purchase where I intended going. T om y surprise a pi,onograpll> caiIiera ,an ltrn the postm aster handed out a paper tor 8oon anJ «.¡u'da t i,e , owng this summer, me and said it had been com ing there j ., . i i ,, nr M iss E lin or H ale and Mr. Leonard for m onths. It proved to he the W est , _ , , ... Irom H ale some som e tim e i— : . . _................ ..... I a l or returne I troni a "e origin is unknown in this neck of the W., containing 28.40 acres, all in . Luna County. Oregon. cuesiou that he was well satisfied with recruited under that law, which provides woods— "N ow, not a word to G randm a.” February 26¿1901. A. O. FUNKE, Its m anagem ent, and a lw a y sje lt content for a regular army of 100,000. W hat tho T his im plies that m ischief is in the air, A dm inistrator of the estate ot Anna Mathilda Fuuke. deceased. lim it w ill tie, w ill, of course, depend and to have point m ust he used only w hen bie m ind reverted to it. where secrecy is desired. Spoken under upon future re| Fourteenth Infantry, tliis state, I w ish to propose a trade to Roseburg, Oregon, th ese orgAns in a h e a lth y c o n d itio n aih ] . ... Margh 1«, 1901. th e bowels regular and you will have no H *“ let *Hr«e t0 tl,e ",ll,tl‘ry »‘»''•"W your housew ives. Any lady who will do Notice Is hereby given that in compliance tv n • . / i UP R u n s for m e in imjr form, I will give with the provisions of the act of Congress of ■ • , , , , need of a H ood purifier. For thia pur­ at (Vest P oint, for conspicuous bravery ’ . to her in exchange a like quantity of J u n e s. 1S78, entitled. “ An act for the sale of pose there is nothing equal to Cliam her- 1 in China. The follow ing petition , signed ! orange marmalade apricots, or any tim ber lands in the states of California, Oregon, Iain's Htoinaeh ami Liver T nblols, one by every officer serving with th e Four- fruit not grow mg in Oregon, ns mav be I Rl,d " a',' ,il,Kton Territory,” as extend i iA i i • i i . «*‘1 to *11 the Public 1 him ! Stntcs bv act of Auifust dose ol them will r. Ilobb«' Sparagli* Pilla rare nil kid ne? Ule. H ato » B ’ ticians, who “ told yon so ,” and were so sought is more valuable for its tim ber J ..W . C A R M A N S teriluw h enun! y e in . »wo or H. Y- or stone th an for agricultural purposes, and to United States Land Office, Roseburg, Or., 1900, at l ’ekin, China, he was the first tll„ elated at the exaggerated and unwar­ establish his claim to said laud before the Februnry 1«, 1001. American to scale the wall of the O h i-' A sufficient contest affidavit having been filed ranted reports concerning Com m issioner Register and Receiver of this oflice a t Roseburg, WASHINGTON LETTER. nesc city and enter P ek in . On the fol- J H erm ann’s being " relieved ,” will now Oregon, on Wednesday, the 29th day of Mav, in tliii« office by Milton A. Nicnlle, contestant, .901. again.«! homestead entry Xo. 9945. made May 8th, low ing day, w hile engaged in th e fight He nam es as witnesses: 1900, for s’ a n e ‘4, n ’i se’4 Section 8, tow nship is have som ething to reflect on. The (F a u x O ra R koi 'I. ak C obukspoxokxt .) in the Imperial city, he received a sligh t Burt Warren, J. It. Urban, W. M. Vault and 8., Range S W., by Matt Mattson, Contestee. in ,, ,, • I chances are that Mr. Herm ann w ill John W. Sherm an, all ot 1‘ortlnnd, Oregon. which it is alleged that said Matt Mattson has I wound. H is m eritorious conduct de­ Any and all persons claim ing adversely the "h o tly abandoned said tract and chanced his remain in the present position which lie above-described lands arc rvqneated to file their residence therefrom for more th an six m ouths | W amhingtosi , April 1, 1901. serves recognition, and it is believed fills so acceptably, nr if a change is made claim s in th is office on or before id 29thday of | siuce m aking said entry, and th at said trnct is Fred F unston is now u brigadier gen­ thnt if given an appointm ent to W est ¡, „ m , , not settled upon and cultivated by said entry- ' it will be a transfer to a held where his May. 1901. J. T. B ridors , Register. man as by law required; th at said alleged a h - ! era l in th e regular arm y, thanks to the Point and a com niiasion upon gradua­ tireless energy and broad raoahilities sence from the said land was not due to his action of the P resident. It is not cred- tion, Musician Titus w ill m ake an excel- employment In th e Army. Navy, or Morine j will be exerted still further in the inter- j ( orpa of the United States as a private ‘ lia b le to arm y officers to I mi trying to lw- len t officer.” l eat ol the people. T he governm ent does ARE YOU AN soldier, officer, seaman, or m arine during the : llt t ls such acts as G en. F unston's cap- Senator l ’latt, of C onn., author of the war with Spain, or any other war in which not drop such men as Binger Herm ann 1 the United States may be engaged, said parties tu re of Agtlinaldo, because of their oppo- term s tor w ithdraw ing from Cuba, said J for slight cause, or to gratifv a few poll- , are hereby notified to appear, respond ( ^itioa to a volunteer officer being m ade of those te m is: "Som e people, boll, ticia|„ , , |eir M pirai lnn, . _ R ow burg 1 Id. ■ • w A m a brigadier general in the regular nrmy, here and in Cuba, assert th at we seek to R e, i ew w h ieli was the only m ilitary reward the establish a protectorate, but th is is en- P resid en t could give F unston, the new tire,y a m isconception. The acceptance arm y law specifically stating (list no vol- of the term s proposed will not establish ODD _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ You ci tbecka a iluggiab Y P R O P R IF T n ? ". Lewiaw kt Portit "’ istnod t fellow ; and offer evidence touching said allegation ■ at 10 o'clock a. m. on April 17th, 1901, [ before ('. If. Hotden, U. S. Unnnnissfonei Florence, la n e County, Oregon, and that final If so you should take and read hearing will he held nt 10 o'clock a. in. on April 29th. r"A. la-fop., the Register and Receiver at the U nited States Land Office in Roseburg, Oregon. The said contestant having. In a proper affi davit, filed February 18th. 1901. set forth facts A m onthly magaxine published in which show th at after due diligence personal ' service of this notice cannot he made, it i, here- «n.l exclusively devoted to | i-r uHewd and directed that h notice be H O W 'S T H IS ? IVe offer out» hundreil dollars reward unteor officer should bt) given a com uils- a protect. rate in any senae that tho ai’X vaa« of catarrh that can not 1.« •io n lu the regular arm y betw een that w ool lias ever lieen used in international cured by H a ll’s Catarrh Cure. F. J. C itxxiY A Co., Props., Toledo, 0 . o f lieutenant and brigadier general. law . The situation is unique, and the j W e the undersigned, have known F. J. T lw P resident prom ptly apiadnle.l relation» lietw een us and Cuba will tas ¡ Chenev for the Inst 15 years, and believe ' F unston a brigadier regardless of the unique and inay be pruperly expreesedi bit» pertcvlly hotiorable in all business the interista of Odd Fellow ship, both **” “ ^ *“ “*“* prop,r p”WI,'",i"n It is the onlv Oild I ' j li u U n U opp osition o f arm y officers aud tlieir by sayiiìg th a i the Unitoti S t a i « dosites ' « ’"‘«‘ »•’‘n» «nd «nancially abietti carry locai and general. PACIFIC ODD FELLOW m ade by him . • friendo. F unston's adm irers rejoice that to becom e th e guarantor of — Cuban hide- 1 ont any ohiìgalluna _ . .. . Fellow publication in Oregon and is at a a .» at a at a a . A Truax, W holesale 1 )f Uent on leas circum «tam es arise which require year and tiie price of “ Pacific O ld 1 op th e confiruia'ton o l Ida uom inaitoii, is th at we should act to preserve tlieir F ellow ” it $1.00 per year, but we will M erely a revival of th e old light of the |n lepewdul e ', or insure tranquility, and »end both to subscribers who pay a year N D I G E S T I O N , r esu ltin g frota strictly in advance for $2.00. w eak ness o f the stoinaeh. Is relieved V liicli h ’» been going on for m any year», result of delib erate action by Congress. by H ood's S.'ir»a|«krilln. (he Call at our office »nd see a sam ple t ston i- T h e headquarter» ol th e W est Pointer» T he Cuban republic will 1« .omparw- ’ wch tonic and cure for D Y S P E P S I A . » • • r of "Pacifii Odd F o lio * .” I M eet P oin ters against the outsiders, * n il a step coal.I onlv be taken as (he I T THE WHITE IS KINQI >■ a. a, ì RAT I ä T Beauty of finish, qu ality of m aterial, ' N O TICE FOR PUBLICATION* Laud Office, at Roseburg Oregon. March 82,19(11. N Mice is hereby srtvea that the foUowtng. iiaaud settler has filed notice of his intention tot pnHH $ u supp, thnt «U I f »roof will N» »nu War», V. S. Fomml-k«Inner. «'R Mny l*. IÍU, vit: Hownj K X(K ««XV He n*rnw the fol lowtn» renk löBce U] fo v h f i I hie cla BEA R IN G S, like a bicycle, m ake the “ W H IT E “ the Easiest Running Machine Made b e s t, .„ a c u m e n .s . e my w -m ent. , old m gc, |io P M u„ 1 u"erXCltTng? °" e ",ÍIIÍOn ti’ e bund' ed th o n m n d " a ti* .fl3 h «sers, thtrty y e a r , of succès», courteous treatm ent— » ! more can vou ask an you ask? ? B icycles run lig h te r and »re m ost durable and handsom e wkffil Call or write and let as prove it. WE SETOC1IMHE C J. I . As B D. P auck . i -A — W h ite on the m arket. C. F ar ■ M . oOO-.iOb Tost streut. San Francisco. Cal. Dualer iu hito Saaru^ Machiaa t u , B o ju m u X-M wa