r u ie il e very year by H o o d ’s Sarsapa- , villa, and w o hope by this advertise W. H. WEATIIERSON E d ito r and P ro p rie to r. F lo r e n c e , O r e g o n , A p r i l NEARING T H E 5, 1901. END. C hronicle. Ail tim e rolls by it becomes more nnd more apparent th a t the Chinese "B o x e r" luovsineut lias settled the fate of C hina. F o r a w hile it was an lielieved I t w ill sharpen y o u r appetite, cure a ll stomach tire d feeling. V. >. country th a t m en t to g et the other 25 per cent, to take thia g re a t S p rin g M edicine. in this agreement would be reached by the powers which would re­ troubles, relieve th a t Its strength as a blood p u rifie r is dem onstrated by its marvelous cures of H O O D 'S Sarsaparilla conditions W A S H IN G TO N So far as it was genuine it was the out­ ( F rom O ur As is w ' ib I i is fath er to ttie thought, no serious effort was W than actual warfare, but it is for thia L ETTER . keep up the struggle and at least greatly a s hing to n , March 25, 1901. Ohinese crookedness matters lias been in by reason of the diplom atic accentuated hv the forces. pletely utilized in carrying stores and as p lain ly ns it is today th a t no plan w itli Riissii This duplicity appears to Boer men are eith er prisoners of war or could be devised to secure the result de­ liave surprised our government, which are under arms, congregated in small aired by the American advocates of w hat n atu rally refused the assistance asked, hands in tlie lulls and mountains. hut the diplom atic representatives of tlie T here are probably 20.000 Boer prison­ because tlie Europeuu powers aim ing at other powers th e diaineinherinent of Uhilui could Ire smiled and in W ashington, shrugged th eir relied upon to shape the course of eveni s when naked th eir opinion pendent nation. W e assume th a t even those anxious to deceive themselves are now convinced merely HAY years past. A num ber of new buildings Laxative Brom o-Q uinine Tablets core a cold in one day. No Cure no Pay. Driea 05 cents. FURS W A N TED . T lie highest cash price paid for all kinds of furs and hides, G . C . C u m p to x . A t Sa (ley’s M ea t M a rk e t, Florence, Or. ers in tlie hands of the B ritis h ." NEW SPAPER I shall endeavor to conduct the busi­ now threatened, is as yet an open ques­ ness of tlie office in such a m anner that tion, but it w ill not be surprising if it they w ill have no reason to regret th eir Fur the tim e lieing the C za r’s does. choice, and shall, to the best of m y a b il­ and so firm ly th a t the relation of the ^ M E R I C A ’ S G reatest M edicine Is Hood'sSarsnpurillu,because it pos- sesses unequalled c u ra tiv e (towers anil its record o f cures is G R E A T E S T . maps are made M anchuria w ill lie laid G ENERAL NEW S. This is tlie last week of Attorney Gen­ ity, recognise the equality of all tiefure eral Griggs in tlie Cabinet, as his resig­ the law and act upon the principle that A M an illa dispatch of the 2nd inst says nation lias been accepted to take effect I have no friends to reward and no ene­ A g u in a ld o haa ta k e n th e oaUi o í a I leg- ¡ ¡•n e e . n ext Sunday. No other im m ediate mies to punish. J . C. P iiK i.p s . down on them as a Russian possession. changes are contemplated in the C abi­ issue, but in tlie near future all uncer­ tain ties w ill be swept away, mid when The Discoverer of Swamp-Root St Work la His Laboratory. There is a disease prevailing In this country most dangerous because so decep­ tive. Many sudden deaths are caused by it— heart disease, pneumonia, heart failure or apoplexy are often the result of kidney disease. If kidney trouble is allowed 1 to ad- vance the kidney-poisoned blood will attack the vital organs, or the kidneys themselves break down and waste away cell by cell. Then the richness of the blood— the albumen — leaks out and the sufferer has Bright's i Disease, the worst form of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer's S w a m p -R o o t the new dis­ covery is the true specific for kidney, bladder and urinary troubles. It has cured thousands of apparently hopeless cases, after all other efforts have failed. At druggists In llfty-cent and dollar sizes. A sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book telling about Swamp- Root and Its wonderful cures. Address ' Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y. and mention this paper. VALUABLE BOOK SEND NANSE and ADDRESS SHOES is undoubtedly SAN^iwìSCa long ago resolved upon. Perhaps E n g- , was appropriated land hoped for a different outcome, hut •v a n th a t is doubtful. T here has been by congress a t tlie ten pounds in ten days. Over petition to taka in the m atter, and w ill Congressmen who iiavc been to Cuba th a t would accrue to her from m ak- Illg the Yang-tBe basin her sphere of in- fluenra to p erm it uny one to seriously believe th a t she would l>e greatly dis- By allowing a few unreason- plo and give them good cause to regard region. such institutions w itli disfavor. As lor G erm any, i t is propos- erty holders and business men of Cuba. Rcpresentntive B a lx o ik , of Wiscon­ tim e since the uasansinalion of lier inin- sin, .w ho is now in W ashington, istsr entertained tlie idea of assisting in helping Chinn to avert tho fate site brought upon herself. T errito ria l acqui- aition tins been tlie bottom desire of G erm an statesmen who have dealt with th e Chinese problem ; nothing lias hap­ pened since G erm any's forcible occupa­ tion of the Shantung peninsula to change th is line of policy. There are some who ■M in disposed to credit Japan with a sort of intornationnl disinterestedness DYSPEPSIA H O W 'S T H IS ? has W e offer one hundred dollars reward received so many endorsements of his for any ease of catarrh th a t can not be , b ill, introduced just before tlie late cured by lla li's Catarrh Cure. F . J. O iik x k v A Co., Props., Toledo, O. I Congress adjourned, providing for a re- W e the undersigned, have known F . J , |osal of the tn riff on manufactured steel Cliencv for tlie last 15 years, and believe mid iron, ns n curb on the steel trust, him perfectly honorable in all business lliH l he lias decided to broaden tlie scope transactions and financially able to carry of the bill and make it also provide for out any obligations made by h im . West A T ru a x , Wholesale Druggists, the re|H*Al of tlie ta riff on tin plnlo and Toledo, O. plate glass, bpeaking of the b ill, M r. , W a ld in g , K iunan A M arv in , W hole- BalKtK’k m id : “ I am not striking at the | aM,„ DriurKintM. Toledo, Ohio. trusts alone. • F o r s ix . y e a rs I w a s a v i r i i n , . — o . f d (I y y.- s- -------------------- p .p o io In In. worst form. 1 could eut noihlng out m ilk i l t toast, ----------------------- nnd a t times my stomach would not retain and digest e -o n that. Last March I o X i L ï t ' a i ï ï . £ - ^ * L wers, «111 be made tlie pretext for a course of ac- i bound in blue w ith the national coat of the means by which Oarnegie gained Ilia tion which some of Ihem at least had arms eml-ossed thereon. This money wealth. This is u very usrrow minded The, » ,0 00 UgSM A N D R E M N A N T S O F D R Y GOODS TO C L O S E . m ay w ith to sot up. which raton Hors geously gotten up, tlia t of Spain being and young people enjoyed the benefits bound in red w ith tlie royal arms in to lie derived from the lib ra ry they gold, and th a t of tlie U nited States would in tim e come to consider as rig ht Thia refusal, t « k » l T b .] Bld I» A T G R E A T L Y R E D U C E D P R IC E S . ------------- A N D E S P E C IA L L Y O N ------------- they exchanged copies ot the treaty gor­ th a t the tariff regulations now in force close out a W INTER MERCHANDISE, powers to extend to her any system they guaranteed! to S urplus stock and all broken lota o f g o o d ' l l -O N O u r large, p ro fu s e ’ y i l ­ lu s tr a te d S p rin g a nd S u m ­ m e r C a ta lo g u e , d e s c rib ng th e n e w fa s h io n s , and g iv in g lo w e s t D e p a rtm e n t S to re p ric e s fo r e v e r y ­ t h in g to eat, d r in k , w e a r o r use. accumulated hie fortune by oppressing StHtes propose B eep P r ic e -C u ttin g a n d Q u ic k S a fe s t for the New E-s Edition of T h e E m p o riu m Hcoaonalat MW ia Press. the laboring man, and that if children less she w ill lie eager to titake a treaty vrltfc the U n ited the m onth, we 1st and Continuing fo A,rrl' M apl the hltta ish m inister tlio w arrant for the cash, Ruesir may consent, doubt­ Beginning A p r il year to year, so In the p art of China she claims shall he taxation which the powers may devise fa r C h ina. Anot iWB tl The course of th a t Pennsylvania city net, T o rei ON THESE COODS. Does continued, but she w ill not p erm it tlie to embrace M ancliuria in nny scheme of STRICTLY CASH O üß POLICY I t is said an officer of the Czar of Rus- ! - sia’s household attem pted to stioot the Blanks for W arran ty Deeds for sale Uncle Sam is now sole owner o f the in refusing tlie offer of Carnegie to do­ Czar, but i.ussed and then allot himself. a t tbs W xst office. whole Philippine Archipelago, the Span­ nate to the city a large sum to found a T lie Nebraska senatorial deadlock was ish m inister having received a treasury free public lib rary, w ill hardly commend broken M arch 28, by the election of G o v - ' ernor Clins. H . D ietrich and J. H . M il w urrant for $ 100,000 to pay for "a n y and itaelf to fair minded people. T lie refusal lard to represent th a t state in tlie U . 8. all islands of that archipelago outside of was brought about through the mffuence S eñ a le. Each received the iimtiumons ¡ Yoo „ „ ■ ' Your LHeaw ayt o, any the lim its named in the Paris treaty. of the labor union, who opposed its ac­ support of the republican members ' “ 'D . be mad. welt, rtrasg , ssajnMtic? fu ll ol : t t l f f it m w lr r tffi varremV h asumaa r ‘ »king W-rO-ftAO, ,M S « rt Many g*¡Q Before Secretary H a y handed tlie Span­ ceptance on the ground th a t Oarnegie present. that m&kca weak men a strong M any gsi_ T his w ill happen if an attem p t is made dvbw i Latoi id eh¡ T O T H E VOTERS. They were On tlie contrary, they province to her will never be misunder­ diplom ats may temporize and cloud tlie W in te r Clean- Up. SOLD. Col. B. F . A lley, who established tlie Baker City Republican in 1890, has sold E d ito r W xst — S ir: Please allow me that paper tu Edw ard E . Young of the regard it as tlie usual thing in Chinese through your coluins to thank the voters Sumpter A m erican. Col Alley puli- diplomacy. W h eth er cocky little Japan, of the city for th e ir endorsement, at tlie lished the W kmt fur several years and which is the country most d irectly af- polls, of my adm inistration of the office left here for Baker C itv. fected by the big Russian grab, w ill go of city recorder. not surprised. —T k shoulders th a t Russia means to hold M an c h u ria , i to war if C hina ratifies the treaty, at stood. ONK Stopft th e C o u g h an d w o rk « oil' th e C o ld to determ ine w hether the apiienl of C h ina to the other powers to provisions for the arm y, and the large favored its gratification. assist it it refusing to put into effect the force ot Boer prisoners to whom they H a d there been it would have been seen M anchurian treaty it lias negotiated are issuing rations. Practically, all tlie country to preserve its status ns ail inde­ IN ence this spring than for seven or eight presence of m ilita ry T lie railroads are almost com­ made so th a t it would be impossible for that COLD M ore building is being dune in F lo r­ probabilities is called the ‘'open-door" policy, sim ply A liaiass the B ritish, probably for some R egular C orkcsfoxdcxt .) years. In Pretoria, business is a t a are already nnder way and work w ill be commenced on others before long. standstill, save th a t which is conducted gro w th of tlie desire to extend American the “ The war in reason th a t the Boerg w ill he able to solid foundation for such a lieiief. which there: C UItJC | Take L ax a tive Bromo Q uinine Tablets. A ll druggists refund the money if they it is liable to continue for a long tim e fail to cure. E . W . G rove’s signature is yet. Of course it is g uerrilla, ra th e r on eacli box. 25c. W i l l do you a w on derfu l am ount of good. Be sure to get H ood's. the em pire, but there never was any Usual in cases in over TO Soutli Africa is by no means ended, and sult ill the preservation and integrity of trade relations w itli the Chinese. tlie government archive*. The hooks the body, and these with the size and were accidentally discovered by the late «eneial appearance were the only elews to iden tity. A Portland tailor said a (ien . John M eredith Head in a junk i piece of the trousers adhering to the shop, and during liis lifetim e he would body were of tiie same kind of goods as , never part w ith them . a suit he had sold to Senator Heed a b o u t' D r . George D I.eetch, form erly a med- three weeks before the latter was ical exam iner in the pension bureau, drow ned. whojhas just returned from South A f- J An inquest was held anil tlie ju ry re­ turned a verdict stating that they be- rica, where lie served )e a r as surgeon |ieve,| i0 , | ie (,oj y 0( y jr. J{eeil. in the B ritish arm y, said of existing S c r o fu la S a lt R h e u m S c a ld H o a d B o lls , P im p le s A ll K in d s o f H u m o r P s o ria s is B lo od P o is o n in g R h e u m a tis m C a ta rrh M a la r ia , E tc . A l l o f w hich arc prevalen t n o w . EBEII W E STORF records ¡of the United States treasury ago. The bend «m l lower limbs were g o 'e departm ent for the first three years of „ u ...« ' 1 l ami the arms were oft at the ellaiws. its existence, which are not included in Some fragments of clothing remained on J. W . C A R M A N iN T F R F Itn , P R O P R I» T O » United State» Land Office, Roseburg, Or., February 18, 1901. ■ j A sufficient contest affidavit having been filed j j in thia office by M ilton A. N icolle, contestant,} , against homestead entry No. 994A. made M aySlh. | 1900. for Si, lie ',. n S seQ Section 8, township 18 8., Range 8 W., by M att Mattson, Contestev. in i which It Is alleged that said M att Mattson has ' w holly abandoned said tract and chanced his , residence therefrom for more than six months since m aking said entry, and that said tract is ! not settled upon and cultivated by said entry- by law reqnlred; th a t said alleged ab-1 Rcnce from the said land was not due to hi« ' employm ent in the Arm y, N avy, or M arine i Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon. Corps of the United States as a private I Í * *,w Pro *'*l, iting the tale ol cigarette. Mnreh 23, 1901. soldier, officer, seaman, or m arine during the , or cigarette paper In th a t state. Gener­ Notice Is hereby given th a t the follow ing war w ith Spain, or any other war la which a lly euiDlovers are d o in g m ost t lin u e li j flI«*1 n o tim of his In ten tion the United «tales may be engaged, said parties y B J 8 > E ■ to make final p n » f in support of his claim and * re Hereby nntifled to appear, respond appear, respond evidence teaching said allegation tofiliscourage use of the lung and nerve that said pn»>f w ill lw> made b-fure U. H . H oi * ' 11' don. V. «. Commissioner, at Florence, Oregon. Mt 10 o'eloek a. m. on A p ril 17tb, 1S01, enem y. Business men as a ru le object on May 18th, lit ,I. vis: lie». F. A lign, on his If betnre C. II. Holden, U. 8. Commissioner, at to th e ir employes smoking cigarettes, F. N o . 7S7\ tor tlie nw>4 ne!« 8ee 21, T. IS 8.. i Florence, la n e County, Oregon, and that final R. 10 ww t. hearing w ill be held at 10 o'clock a. m. on A pril w hile many railroada and large corpora­ H e names the follow ing witnesses tn prove 19dl. before the Register and Receiver at tions abeoluiely iw oliiblt it w hile tlie kis Continuous residence u|wni and c u ltiva tio n I the V lilted States Iwiid Offlee in Roseburg, j Oretron. ol, said laud, vis: employe ie on d u ty . The said contestant having, in a p ro p ers « David A. Bradley, R. M. A llen, H . J. M inor and Charles Anderson, a ll uf Point Terrace. ' d a v it, filed February 18th, m il. m - i orth laris | wrhlch show that after due diligence personal Oregon. Dr Hohba Sparagi)« n ils ear« all kidaey Ilta Sam­ J. T. Baioesa. service of this notice cannot he made, it I. here­ eta free Add ataellag U artiróC w .C higróaas M IT ■Mista by ordered and directed that such notice he given by due and proper publication. T O T H E DEAF A D M I N I S T R A T O R ’S S A L K O F J. T. Rniotigs. Register. : J. H. B ooth . Receiver. R EA L PROPERTY. A rieli lady enrol <4 Iter Deafness and fe . M been Induced, had G erm any, England w ill result. Conditions have changed and the U n ils d States booked her, to very m aterially since tlia t hill waa en­ ta k a a stand against Russia, but aa acted ." ing M r. Ratwock ia very earnest, n eith e r of the powers mentioned is w ill­ ami when he said, aa he does, th a t lie to engage in an enlorprise of that w ill not allow hia bill to be smothered in k in d , in all probability abe w ill make com m ittee. H e evidently means btisi- th a baat of the situation ami take part ncaa. I t w ill not le* bis fault if the bill th e «rab. faila to become a law. T h e Indications are th a t thia country Senator Burrows, of Michigan, who « i l l be the only one th a t w ill retrain w ill probably be chairm an of tlie Seuate from participation in the " c n l-iip ." It com m ittee on pririleges and elections, le the prudent course to pursue, and in when the committee« s«w reorganised at th e long run w ill prove tne niosf prollta- tlie next seseiou of Cutigrree, predicts • Art Ta tlia t the new M aryland ballot law w ill cans« the whole question of representa- ¡ Notsee in the Head by D r. Nieholaon's sro ahould not look tlie situation square­ a ia I a- w. W , a. Artificial Ear Drums, gave 510,000 lo Ins l y in the fat« and make the Iwet of it. tion in Oongrees on the basis of man lu s litu la . So that (taaf people unable to W e ahould not continue to fool our. -'re s who are not legal voter« under state procura tlie Kar w the Ear Drums may bava them a jj — w .. taa««_- i . l b y adhering to the belief th a t O h in a ’e laws, to corns Indore Congress. H a saya i n r , Addraaa No. 1067S-«. <«n._ T lio v Nlcb- L le. T here ia no reaeon. however, why in te g rity w ill be preeerved. probable contingency T he other should th« Gongreasional apportionm ent made be by the last Outigraae, on th« < ensus ol I f disntem- 1000, w ill not necsMoarily stand for tan b e rm ro t is to ha tha outcome, we should y e a n ; th a t »very Congrasa has a u ilm r- ■egotiate tree lies w ith the grabbers and ity to make a new apportionm ent, if it and d ea lt w ith . g et tl>e beat ts ns« we can from tlie m , so th a t wa slia ll not loee tlie commercial ... „ In s titu t» , 7U0, Nats Y o rk. I L A . A. oleosi ... , .. E ig h th . T ita eon g n ae oaal lib ra ry has rreantla which contain historical data to ba fottad 1 X O T ,c ,t w H B E B B Y G IV E N , T H A T BY I virtue of an order of the Cvmsty c o u rt of Lane N O TIC E FOR P U B L IC A T IO N i Uouuty, Oisgnw, duly made sud eutared of "» " n *« ; tbaistu day of February, wot, in the Land Office, at Roeebnrg Oregnn. March 22, im . Iter o( the estate ot Anna Mathilde Fuuks. Notice is hereby given that the following — « l i e r ha, S ta. I notte, of h l. Intention day of Moy. I sal. et the hour of t o eta. k p m , ¡ ' h . T t í V ' ' * 1 "* hto »"d o«rr h« rale and tall al privo,, reta w î L . T T ** m“ U b* ' ° " M* rl* L , decere.!, the undersigned, tho adm inistrai.« A ro n its , , <>f M>d retate w ill o> and after Saturday, the 4th ■ 'j . it» «ss >• higheet for wr«f*- U. 8 Uoasmiasiouer, or a . _ following deecrtbed real he­ E. N o SOW. tai ths «et» «s». » , T M A, a. 9 w. I longing to mid esta te. 1t: Lot ho. li In Block So. J. in Cog's addition to Florenre.Ynd **» »«Itawing « i t ta prove ¡ L»W b Neo. t and I of Asctiou 21, ia Tp. tJ » . JL lo aP"° »nd ielilTBtien W . . containing r o n t a i m n ? ÄSOacrm, M 4 0 »»»riaa m I . . . . Uoaaty .. U l } all il In .Lane U w i.8 w .,ta « „ . j. c. F u w f Charta. Ac-he »>•.■ »»Morton QU«,, g» Alpha. Iw n , f * . Fsbruarv » H o l A. O. F U N K E , Administra,.« ot the n ie ta of Aana Mathilde Ç ■ n t. ban rtte wjiiri« tro may d e riv e from tha acquired s im e n old m anuscript books, of the em pira. ,___ , I ** C.C.C. Nsaer seM lab isf 4m deafer wfce Mm to ss4 t. T. D sim s s . THE WHITE IS KING I Ä 80S. b e a r in g s like a bicycle, make the “ W H IT E ’’ tlie Easiest Rnnning Machine Made 1 Beauty of finish, q uality of m aterial, elegance of degiga Lh ¿ . í " f e„rt. W” rkn’ ‘ ,,9h' p ‘ l , ” e «'"'Ficot, «i »’ P'™ ‘ . inOQl “ .oat completo m 4 v In e x c lre n » ,bl* nt8’l í e r P " * " '9" « . machinas taka« in exchange, one m illio n five hundred thouaaad satlefled »•ers, th irty years of success, courteous tra atm a at-w b a more can you ask? >™ »»asi “ W h it e ” Diowt Bkyclw rn" l’«h‘»r «4 •» “ ■ «lurabie and b andanna wbaal on tha marko». iw. W H IT E S E W I1 ÍC C all or w rite and let us prove fc. M A C H IN E C O M P ilff. 300-306 T o it street, S»n Francisco, QU. a D. T ai **. D u a lc r i n KiGk 1