----- . a J TH E W EST . >re btoMW m A D V E R T IS E R S J SIUSLAW3 ONLY PAP®. YO UR HO HE PAPER •■d only • im ,, •rtUoa la , h u In « O P P O R T U N IT Y S U P P O R T IT xka ana Uu* U J nay u. Edw arth rding to dlreo- —W illiam Wordsworth. destroy w hatever It touches. Such an changed, by taking B. W.Fnioa. A rrives a t Florence the day fol­ j be dead.” ' ............E. U u . . Let accident once happened In an acid fac­ Clark...................................... x-ee _ OF — One day Tom sent for me, and it was lowing a t 10 a. m. tory. Every one ran away, leaving fih. riff ............ W . W . Withers ;o tell mo that he w as going to be ) is aew fee sale fTOC R eturning stage leaves Florence A. W . B EA D LE & CO. ..........A. S. Patterson H u e l e w s g b r s e S Married. This struck me ns something the acid to am use Itself by setting sunomioaL One f ’ f ¡¡¿»surer ti for Fugeue daily except Sunday at s to the R oam iS», fire tn things. Soou It was seen that oeeullar, for I had thought Tom Mor it for Are cecie. Jf icbPbi » Superintendent---- W . M. Miller 22 M arket St, a t 2 p. in. Arrives in Eugene a t 6 the building would be destroyed and ne tiquer stese« 5cl* ton w as one of the last men likely to . . .V *» l’A • Vallivi San Francisco, California. p. in. the day following. hundreds of people thrown out of Burveyor................ j fall In love. The wedding duly came G. W . G ri Hin work, und four men volunteered to put . .0 . H. Holden j jff, everybody w as pleased, and Tom A Story of Tibetan Magic. Ju stice of P eace. out tlie Ore In tbe acid room. They G. C. Cumpton [ »ml Ids bride went aw ay to tbe south « ^ a sta b le. ».......... Single faro - - - - 5.00. succeeded and came out all righL Five I jf France. A few more w eeks rolled hours later all were dead. Round trip _ - - - 9.00. H undreds of thousands The waiter brought us tlriuk aud the I t»y nnd Tom returned. There w as to Tickets for sale a t E. Bangs’ CITY O FFIC E R S. of schoolgirls have taken change out of Tom Martin’s half sov­ he a reception nt their Loudon house, M r . C n m i b - U ’s L e a a l A d v e n t a r « . livery barn, Eugene, and at O. W. ereign. I flushed the latter over to- »nd the Invitation which w as sent me it during the past 50 years. Kolicrt J. Campbell of New York had B-as one which I could not well refuse. Ifu rd ’s office in Florence. | ward him with my left baud, and with N M any of these girls now an odd and even awkward experience F. B. Wilson In the evening 1 had the opportunity id en t---- J ’ ] the right raised the water bottle to one dny which Illustrates forcibly a All through freight on the stage have homes of their own. qf a chat with Tom. We had gone out R peculiar phase In the practice of law M. Morris » . dilute u y wlilsky, either way between Eugene aud in the balcony, which overlooked the They rem ember what tn the u»etro|K>lls. Returning houtt Win Bernhardt “Your change, Tom,” sahl I. 1 L. Christensen gnrdea. nnd there I purposely made Mapleton, will be charged a t the Hoard of Trustees cured them, and now “Yes, o f course,” snid Tom, who was reference to the superstition which be late nt night, ho w as attacked and se­ rate of two cents per pound durin g D. W. Stibbens verely beaten by a drunken stranger. they give the same medi­ 4 absorbed in the story he w as telling 3ad for the llama's coin. the m onths of October, N ovem ber,! To allay the apprehension o f hl» fam­ me. He put out his hand ns If tq pick cine tf^iheirown children. ’T erliaps,” said 1. "now that you . .John I. Butterfield December, Jan u a ry , February, j R ecorder................ the money up, hut seemed to remember Save gone unscathed all these years, ily Mr. Campbell explained that he You can afford to trust a . o . W. Hurd March and April, and one cent per something, for be drew his hand back you are beginning to lose faith In the had been struck by a street car. He Treasurer Sarsaparilla that has been w as put to bed nnd a maid sent oat pound during the m onths of May, suddenly. C. Cumpton potency of that prophecy?” rihai ■.. for liniment and bandages. She re­ tested for half a century. “Good heaven!” said he, “and I had Ju n e, Ju ly , A ugust aud September. "Well, to tell you the truth.” said turned with a strange doctor, who $1.60 a bottle. Ail druggists. S le e p in g C a r s forgotten that.” Torn. "I *m getting a little shaky If your bowels are consti­ proceeded at onee to make a minute H e took out his handkerchief, wrap­ »bout it. nnd when one begins to res S E C R E T S O C IE T IE S . pated take Ayer’s Pills. You E le g a n t examination. NOTA RIES. ped It around the forefinger o f his »on superstition on any subject is like can’t have good health unless Tbe examination disclosed that ths D in in g C a rs right baud aud then, with the fore­ ly to get knocked out. It has struck ou hat have daily action of the you finger so covered, gently scraped the mo th a t sftor all. U may be but mere pattern wns suffering countless Injuries, vels. 2$ cts. a box. F. A A. M. Florence Lodge No. 107. bowels. A. R . B U T T O L P H , most of them Incurable, to his spine, One b o x o i A y er's r i l l s cu red m y money toward Min. piece by piece, and Regular communication on second T o u r i s t foolery.” d y sp e p s ia .” L .D . CanDW iLL, knees, thighs, shoulders and arms. Mr. C a rs S le e p in g earnestly looked at each coin. fourth Saturdays in each month. J a n . 1 2 ,1 8 9 9 ._____ B a th , N . T. We entered the room once more, but “Now, look here, Tom." said I. “this ( w as dying for a smoke, and. making Campbell, who knew how little ho was Wrff», t h a O o o t o r . E. W . C obb , W . M. ST. PAUL hurt, w as even alarmed by tbe result, I f you have auy com plaint w hatever Is n very pretty story that you have M i k s , Secretary. iome excuse, 1 slipped awny to the and dosire the best m edical advice you M IN N E A P O L IS been telling me, but don't try and give unoklug room. I bad been sitting there aud his family were thrown Into al­ can poisib ly receive, w rite the doctor freeiy. You w ill receive a prompt re­ O regon It an air o f reality by a performance »bout five minutes when Ton» Morton most senseless fear. The following day D U L U TH F io r no©, ply, w ithout cost. Address, E 3 S a O U . W . Perpetua Lodge, N o. 131, the doctor returned and aimounced that D k , J. C. AYEU, Lowell, Mass. llko that.” / ?sme In. FAROO_________ meets every 1st ami 3d Tuesdays he was not a physician at all. but aa “You can believe It or not. Just as L rkl «Sk rfb "What do you think?” he said. “My '■Occident” lawyei-—that Is, one who FRANK B. W ILSO N .“ •M b month. Members and vnjitmg O R A ND FORKS TO you like.” said Tom. "but 1 tell you, brethren in good standing are cordially R ife has got thia Mongolian story into CRO O K STO N Fred, that piece of money Is coming ber head so much that she Is perfectly sues corporations for damages result. Ing from physical Injuries. He also r Rted to attend. A. O. F unkz , M. along this w ay some day. 1 have seen K mottb , Recorder. W IN N IP E G ridiculous. She lias been telllug every­ brought with him several alleged wit­ tiful eo (her own «electloa)to every subscriber. Beautiful eol- It ouee and—I left It on the table. body about It, aud. of course, they are nesses to the street enr aeetdent, all M H E L E NA >lld Uriglnnl, lithographed platua and illustrations. O riginal, You don’t catch me touelilnt any celn — FLORENCE. - - - O R E G O N orvd latest, artlatto. exquisite and strictly up-to-dAte ideSigna. i »11 lauglilug, aud the worst of It all Is O. F. .H eeet* lo d g e No,111,meet« while 1 am certain that one Is In cir­ that she Is laughing with them at me. whom were w illing to Hwear to any­ BUTTE irv Wednesday evening in Lodge culation. But let me coueludo w hat I But conic, come, old fellow . 1 want to thing for a consideration.—Saturday T IC K E T S „ Florence, Oregon. Brothers in T H R O U G H Evening P o st was telling you. I standing invited to attend. »bow you som ething.” “Urga Is one of the most peculiar TO I rose, threw my cigarette end away • E. A. E vans . N. G. B lu e J a r T r e e P la a t e r s . CHICAG O places you could think of, and one of ind followed him. We went nlong the An old time Arizona woodchopper our firgt duties w as to present our­ lorrldor to the drawing room, which W A S H IN G T O N Dresaunakln« «oonomlM, fancy w ork, household hint«, selves to the grand llama. tVe had to R'gs crowded, and even as we entered says the blue Jays have planted thou­ Lhort «turle*. current tonics, etc. ButoFcrlbe to d a y . sands of the trees now growing all over P H IL A D E L P H IA Only 80c. y e a r ly . Lady agunt« w an ted, bund tor term «. get a palanquin, for It w as only meet ____ I O . O. F. Maple Lodge _____ No, 139, meets ( heard Sirs. Morton's voice. Arizona. He says these bird* have a that Europeaus of our Importance O f E u g e n e , O regon .»vary Thursday evening in Meyer & N E W YO RK “I really do believe It will be such habit of burying small seed In tlio should go lu state, and It was while en l a ’s H all, Mapleton. Oregon. Brotli- BORTON A N D A L L _ fun.” she was saying. “Here comes ground with their beaks and that they y 1 route that we suddenly came to the , In good standing Invited to attend. Tom, and now w e w ill try. A coin. POINT S E A B T a n d 8O U T H praying mill. This was n sort of If you please, from each of you. I.et frequent plnyon trees and bury large T. J. N e ttv , N . G. •roundabout.’ wttb huge wooden pests me see—how many are there here?— numbers of the small pine nuts In the For in f o r m a t io n , t lm o c a r d a , m ap» a n d tic k e t» 5 > 0 ground, many of which sprout and «W O S. P hblps Sec. sticking out at the side, which every M e tc ., c o ll o n o r w r ite Goodl Then 1 want 2d coins. Buddhist passing was supposed to take Now. Tom,” she said, “take ofT that grow. H e wns walking throngh the M P R, M c M u r f h e y , •*i I O . O .F . Irene Encampment, No. 42. hold of and push the mill round at wretched glove and let us demonstrate plues with nuwasteru geutlemau a short time ago ivhen one of these birds flew • i meets in I. O. O. F. hall in F lorom e G en eral A g e n t. H o o m i 2 a n d 4, S h e lto n B lo c k , A G e n e ra l B a n k in g B u s in e ss least once. that you enn touch money with your from a tree to the ground, stuck hla For lad les, ml mm , flrirls and little children That ee^ E U G E N E , OREG O N. tha second and fourth Friday of each “What caused Phil to do what lie stylish ” clue •' effect n ot attained by the eno of aov bill In the earth and'quickly flew away. Transacted on Favorable Terms tain 1 Month. Members of thia degree are other patterns. H »v»no eqtxnl for sty le and perfect «ft. | did then 1 don't know, but something ungloved band.” A- D C H A R L T O N , Tom was pale, and 1 saw bis brow When told wliat had happened, the cordially invited to attend. i seemed to impel him to get out of the A aeleta n t G en era l I’anseuger A g en t, D raft» iasu od o n th e p r in c ip a l c it ie s o f th e ihlnlng with perspiration. He mutter- eastern man w as skeptical, but the tw o ” S. J. S eymour , 0. I . I palanquin, make a run over to the mill. 2A3 M orrison S t.. C or., 3d. U u ited S ta tes a n d f o r e i ,n c o u n tr ie s. id something, but wliat It w as w as lost went to the spot nnd with a knife blade Pan., Serilie. ' catch hold of one of the wooden post1 ’ P o r tla n d , O r. M BAZAR» L In te r e st a llo w e d o n D em a n d C ertifica tes o f n the laughter and banter wldeh went dug out a aound pine uut from a depth and commence to push It around nt Its O. O. F.—Sunset Rebekah Lodge No. »round the room. With a quick, impul­ of about m Inches. Thus It will be see» D e p o sit w h en le ft s ta ted p eriod . topmost pace. The square where the 114, meets .n Odd Fellows’ hall, sive movement, he drew off his right that nature has plans of her own for C o lle c tio n s r e c e iv e o u r p rom p t a tte n tio n . ! mill w as erected was pretty well tilled irence, the second and fourth Thurs- forest perpetuation. C ity a n d C o u n ty W arrant« b o u g h t. ’ with people, and when some of those {love. evenings in each month. E ailiv put to fe th e r Only 10 and 16 “Well.” he said, and I saw his lips higher. Hold in trnarly e»ery city tow n or h f l " “ »- saw w bat had been done they came K athkhinb B hund , N. G. CASSIDY & S ON - - Proprietors. Ask for them . Aheolutely very latest up to-date style«. W . E . BR O W N , D . A j P A IN E . T h e R e g i s t e r o f t h e V o ic e . red 0 . P kil , Sec. _______ rushing toward us, shotfting aud ges- wreathe Into a hard, unmlrthful smile, T H E WcC’A L b C O M P A N Y . P r e s id e n t. V ice P r e s id e n t. The register of the voice Is some­ F lo r e n o e , O re g o n . «S* tori Ulf» •• B» ! tleulating. Phil had uildouhteilly com­ j ‘I will take the coins Just to show you lA t-lM West 14th Btrcrt. F . W . OSBURN, W . W . BR O W N . times confounded with tho range. ! :hat I am not afraid.” O, O. f ,—Mignon Lodge No. 105, mitted a sacrilege, and 1 was fearful A a s't C a sh ie r. C a s h ie r . Rebekah Degree, meets in Meyer & Then, one by one. his w ife counted There are tw o registers »o the voiee» j for his safety. These fanatical Mon- Tables furnished w ith all the le’s Hall, Mapleton, the 1st and 3rd jut the coins Into his hand. Twenty whatever Its qunllty. These are term­ . , TRY THE . . ursday evenings in each month. T O N S O R 1 A L - P A R L O R . i golians. once their religion ts assailed were nlready there, when, unable to ed the register of the chest and the delicacies of the season. Give us | iu any shape or form, would certainly M attif . 0 . H udson , N . G. jontrol the Impulse which came over register of the head. “ NEW HOME ” SEWING MACHINE. i have no mercy upon the assallu u t F. C. B ean , Sec. The chest notes nre given In full» a call. i "Phil came hurriedly back to me. me, I started up nnd cried: "Drop It, even tones and with the natural voice. I Torn! Why challenge such a thing aa ot the Jumped Into the palanquin and order- lA fr js i The tones may he either open or closeil. I :hat?” CHURCH DIRECTO R' ' ed the bearers to get on. Bnt they They nre given from the chest and tl»S M O R R IS , P e i t r i t t u T o it . MARI ’ He looked nt me. and I saw liow pale y, and is ! were struck dumb with terror. The back of tbe nose. md how stern w as his face. He said j mob came for us. sm ashed lu the doors Head tones come from the bridge of ss within ESBYTERIANJCHURCH,Florence. »othing to me, but merely turned to bis * I of the palanquin, dragged ns oat. and & the nose, and If untrnlned are apt to I On every bftboatli in each ] T w e n t v - t h r e e wife with the whisper, "Go on!" 1 for two minutes there w as the liveliest 3 finely ill develop nn unpleasant shrillness. jnontli, Sunday-School at 10 a. in. and j •'Twenty-one, 22. 23, 24. 23. 2d. 27”— M ile s W e s t Junior Endeavor Society at 2 :3 0 p. m .j In n trained voice It I h impossible tq S h avin g and H aircutting n eatly i light on record going on. We got the ’'Twenty-seven.” 1 cried, "what Is [ worst of It and. bruised, bleeding and nee of fan» 3 per enetrates Into the soil and tw- u T T O R N E Y - A T — LkA-"W, Good deniers wanieti in every town. fez of the Russian Cossack who stood Cre engine house tbe other day might roines available for the supply of 1 Write for price« and terms to San Iran and U. 8. Lami f M M IiSIOSSB. kave wondered why one horse of the j there on »entry. TIB.ST-CLASS. iprlngs, while In tbe summer only one- ' cisco, Cal. Land bought, aold and e x c h a n g e d . ' “Our guards spread them selves out, rnglne team w as kept standing at the quarter o f the rainfall Is ah pole of the engine, hitched up. the Timber lands »specially. [ then there came forward n Rmldblst W A N TED — A CTIV E MAN OF fDHID C H A RA C the solL The maximum quantity tor to d e liv e r und c . i l c c t in Oreirnu. ¡¡’t priest, who begnu to talk to us In a n on e belonging to tbe other being la water In tbe soil Is at a depth of ah c t n i i l i . l i ' d iiia iiu fa c tu r iiiv w h o lree to lion«.'. hla stall. The reason was extremely I Jargon which, of course, we could not WOO s v eer, «ore par. Ilnncstjr m orr th n n e x p e r t 40 Inches. BO YEARS* , understand. He finished at length nnd simple. Some men on electrical wires ern e requ ired . O u t re irie iii-e. sn> »>eti« in sn> »1* H O L LEN BE C K BRUT A BR ISTO W , P s o r « . c ity . Jtuel'iee s e ll s d d r e s w d .'HniiMx! e n v e lo p e were occupied In front o f the horse*» e x p e r ie n c e Ancestor». produced from Ida robe n wire on M m tu fsclu rer», T h ird F lo o r, 3 3 1 liea rletru S t., It would be much better which were thn'tded som e huadreds stall, where In ease of an alarm they RATES $1.00 to $2.00 PEE DAY C hieagn . ' of brass 'cash.’ whirl» the Chinese al­ t^iuld have offered more or less Im­ world If many vain people D ig e s ts w h a t y o u c a t ........ carry. .. . He took tw o of the 'cash' pediment to his free movement from running back Into am-leiit hh ways It artificially dige«t» the food and aids )ff tbe w)re ailt) |alj tbvra lu front of the stall to the engine. Of conrro the find great ancestors to »U|1 firemen took no chances on anything would turn In and support i Nature In strengthening and recon­ us on the ground. structing the exhausted digestive or­ "Then the priest began w aving bis pf thia sort, so while the work waa tors who are now on e gans. I tls th e lateatdiseovereddlgest- arms about, and tlie Mongolians took going on they hitched the borae up In country.—G a in ston News. D e s ig n s Mn VnoroAch lt^m efflcb ucy^Y t lm i out ttielr band prayer mills nnd tiegan Ilia plaee on the engine. This waa not Coe * n ig h t s * c . (tofrUy n r e n .. o a s r x s ops was« ra re n fu n tly Prelieve»and permanently cure« turning them for all «¿V 5 ^ » ’ ,,rth- ■o comfortable for him aa stoiidlug per­ ortAixiD. ►». —>4.i, smun or «•eripuoli forrro.seert*«t» ptt.st.hi.ltT «»-rAOX W ife-L ook . A rt Drsoewls. Indigestion, H eartburn,, The voice of the priest then rose on fectly free and d ear of harness to bis •» » •-IM S r a si C oaw — n«exoM> u 4 M l OsreaM saritrtd. W s^ .» b y a r t ^ 4 a llF « 1 ; Flatulence. Hour Htnmach, Nausea,: the air. !!♦ «aid threa or foar word» roomy stall would have Iwen, but the forgotten us on Iwr w, IMaaMtoa. WXITX TUB C art OT » » » STSOIAL __ PU*<4 ent bu«ln**< condnrteA for M oderne **««•• -h Mnnn A < o. r horse apparently appreciated the alt»- Pbe has sent this po arm n u » , —s » nwr«i pror—T- ‘ patents '™ ! EUSENE. V OREGON. .mtrican. ENTS H.B.WIILSONÄCO. II - HÉM Ì MBYEB A k YU. ÇW fJ-tTthe and hMU>-3'u pe-