■ ^ I , nave hare been fr — o e e n - a I ( r 1 e — a - l Buffare« — — ii fo r O 'er ID e years. Nothing gave m e aay r a l x My feet aud lege aad abdomen w a n bloated m I oould not w ear ahoaa oa m y feet aad only a leeaa w. a _ m .k .ila . a l —A-SI.-.t a^ ---- dreea. I aaw R ip a a , Tab u lta advertlaad la daily paper. boaaht « m a and look thaaa aa t m * I e«l Hava takan tbam aboul three waeka aad tbara U »uch a change I I am a o l eoaatlpated aay taon I and I owe 11 a li to Ripana Tabulee. Jata ihuty. aeven ) ia r e Old. k a re a o occupatlon. only my houaebold dutlee and aurslng m y elck hubaad. H e hae dropey and am try la g Rlpaae IIS ll»S hed the u io y v , — — - I ----- ------, mu I _ . - v . , - . 1 * msnnam K a t l a e Keed le » a n I Tab ula, fo r a.»__ him . r Be feela » m e better but II w ill : tom e tim e. e, — he ---------------------- hea been t ic k — to - long. Tea : take some may use m y letter and name ae you like. H ie. M akv Ooaaak C n a u a . * * * * * * * * * * * I taavs oM d Rip«»« Tatmtaa w Uh •» moeh satla- (taetton th at I « T c h e a r t a n y raoommeml them. Have boao troubled lo r »bout three J e e r, w ith wuet I celled b illo u , attache onmlng on regularly HWC . week. W ee told by lUflcrent pliyalcleue that It wee cauaed by bed teeth, o f which I bad aew raL I bed tho leeib extracted, but the at- W l l continued. I bad even adverllw uieota of Klpana Tabulea in a ll ibe p a le r , but had no (talth In them, but about aUt w e e k , »Into a f r lo b I lie duced me to try them . Have taken but tw o of the em ail Scant boxes of the Tabulea , n '1 * * no recurrence of the attack». Have never given a testimonial for anythin« before. but Iba «real ¡ ¡ ¡ E S r t o f «ood w hich I believe b a . been done ma by Klpana Tabules lnduoct me to add mine to the many teatlmonlela you doubtleaa have In your puasesaion now. ” • U a w ir r. I IM WC IN W E C S T T C E D R M N consumption Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. V In a little over thirty years, Dr. Pierce, assisted bv his medical staff of nearly a score of physicians, has treated and cured thousands of men ami women w ho had been given up as incurable by local physicians. - Y o ur m edicin e Is the best I have ever ta k e n '.* w rites M r s ’ Jennie D in g m a n , o f R apid C ity, K a lka n ka Co., . M W ich . "La»»t Npring I had n bad cough . got no tmd I had 1 to — U - - in - bed a ll th e tim e. M y huatiaiid th o u g h t I bud v - HUinptinn. H e w anted me to get a doctor, tout th o u g h t we would try D r. Pierce « G o ld e n M e d ­ ical I)i«covery. and before I had ta k e n one bottle th e cough »topped m id I have hi nee had no algo o f it» re tu rn in g .” Doctor l’isrcs's Pleasant Pellet* cure constipation. ir or c THE^ m , m d a il y mM, Only $ 6 ? 7 0 i to. The Weekly Chronicle greatest Weekly Is the Cstalrj, $ 1 .5 0 llnotasdt li« IB T i l l W k U U U -V C K B O H IC X M the and moat oomptata W eehly Nawapapav i - — ■ » Id . p r t a u iw w ta H y 1 « O eta to M . er alxtoah p . « » e< New«. U l e n l a r e and O e»er«l Iniew- n altow . »too a n.««»ia«»• Y e a t j » •(o f* y re p a U e a a a > a a 4 ] kWIBtlU »I. laoe w ith o u t getting a ueadache aud stc» bi my stomach. JheardaBoul Klpana Tabules from aa aun t of m ine who was taking them for eatarrfc of the stomach. Bbe had found such relief from th eir use sheadrlaed a s to take them too, and I have been doing so s in e « last October, and w ill ■ay they have complete­ ly cured m y headaches. I am tw an ty &Jna year« old. You aro welcoma to use this testim onial Mrs. J. BkOGkMTIK R I-P A N S T he modern stand­ ard Family Medi­ cine : C u re s the common every-day ill of humanity. W ibdma O. M other was troubled w ith h e a r t b u r n aud M y aavsn yea ro ld b a r •leeplesane»», cauaed by suffered w ith pains la Indigestion, fo r a good his head, constipation m any weara. One day and complained of his ■he sa\r a testim onial stomach. He oould not tn the paper ludoraing eat like children of his K l p a n a Tabules. She age do and w h a t ha determined to giro them did eat did not agree a tria l, waa g r e a t l y w ith him. He was thin » ■ k * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * relieved by th e ir use and of a saffron color. an d n o w t a k e s th e Reading »ome of the testim onial* In f»YOT oC Tabulea m ru la rly. She kaapa a few carton. Rlpana Kipan» Tabule», I tried them. Ripon» T o ta l w o o « Tabulea In it n hou»e and »uy» she w ill not be w ith ­ only relieved but actually cured nay youngster, out them. The heartburn aud slee^lessueh» ha*« the headache» h ere disappeared, bowel» are in disappeared w ith the indlgestlou which was good oondltlon and he never oom pi el a * o f hie form erly »o great a burden for her. O ur whole Btomech. He 1» now a red. chubby faoed boy. Thie fam ily take the Tabule» regularly, especially after wonderful change I a ttrib u te to Ripen» Tetmlee. a hearty meal. My mother 1» fifty yean» of age I am satisfied that they w ill benefit any one (from and 1» enjoying the be»tof health and »plrlt» ; also the cradle to old age) I f taken according to direo* eats hearty meals, on Impossibility before she tlone. *• took klpaee Tabulea. A xto » H. laukm B . R In U s e F o r O v e r 3 0 Y e a r s . T H E C E N T A U R C O M R A N V , T T M U R R A T » T R C C T . N E W Y O R R C IT Y . P ! ^ P V R I A A G R f T I ( A E ‘ C iR m s iV fc ° — E * Sup lu i Jud Cor P h »be k7aw.ty.a P«k., aontolnw™ sjra,. vaavz» The Kind You Have Always Bought ¡Gov Sec i Trm Sup SUI Atti at eome drug store» »oa fitecbxt ». This low-priced sort „„Kinar rnrtv-elffht oenta to the oam doien o f tho flre-ccnt cartons (130 tabule») ^*n 7 ,“ J n(TM txbul » > will be seut fo r fire eeota. C noncxC oaraK T. No. 10 Spruce Street. N a * Y o r k e r a . t o i l , eurum l™ . t u r . n Taartxa m ar alao bo had of .onto g rocer., geoaral ..a .h on a They baulidi pom, lrnluoa .loop and proloug Ufo. O u .« l.e a r a u Three ★ Desirable Stars in r.«r is Bur Cor Jus « ★ 30« ★ Ret Trt I A nd T h e -A J F L T S a r ic i S O ÏE 3 S T O E S S o ld W ith P O R W m O R W . H. WEATHERS0N. Scientific American. Flore nee,Or. Witchcraft. There is quite a large tract of nice “The sixteenth and seventeenth cen­ None who aro engaged in any of the mechanical land on upper Smith Kiver on whicli turies." said John Flske, “were the several families have settled witiiin the Odurlahlng ages of the witchcraft de­ pursuits can succeed without reading and past lew years. One of tne difficulties lusion Witchcraft, In tbe early ares, studying this standard Magazine of Sciences waa considered one of tbe greatest of which these people have had to contend Crimea, aa much ao aa murder, robbery and mechanical Arts. I t is illustratedJwith witli lias been the need ol a good road, anjr other serious offense against F â p m 5 ¡m k > ep arad ( s o v /r a 2 o t$ the low, and the belief In It was shored hut as soon as this is constructed upper tb< all modern cuts ¡of latest inventions in all ay the whole human race until the lat­ Smith Kiver is hound to improve rap­ ter part of the seventeenth century. a r a d ^ o l d o ra c o m m i s i o n . the branches of mechanism, and its fund ¡of idly. There are a number of good “In England. In 10ft4, two women were tried lie fore Sir Matthew nale, knowledge is inseparably connected with in­ claims here yet awaiting the home­ charged with liewltehlng several girls steader. ventors and mechanics. Sold with T hb and a lathy, and they were put to In the vicinity of HecetaLight House, death, for at thnt time the evidence Parties having Pteal Estate to sell will do well W est a t clubbing rates. wldeh stands on the coast about 17 miles teemed perfectly rational. In 1013, In Genoa, 500 people were burned to to place it on our list. northwest of Florence, is eome of tlie death on the charge of witchcraft It most beautiful scenery of western Ore­ waa tbe proud lionst of a noted execu­ tioner In northern Italy, nt thia time, gon. Here tlie mountains rise abruptly ttiat In 15 years lie had assisted In from t he ocean to the height of several turntug 000 persons charged with sor- hundred feet, and present many grand , eery, In Scotland, between 1500 and 1000, 8.U00 people were put to death, Near tlie light ■ sn average of 200 n year. The last a n d majestic views. - there if aaa.w. fine fishing ---------- anti hunting j B execution witchcraft In England l house ll/u a u » a a w a v aw J A W U d X 'k « I for U I . . 11 v . I V . r- — This monthly magazine is one ol the . . . . • _ a____ t grounds, and the place will prohahly he I 1 . took place In 1712. In Scotland In 1722. I In ln w n t a n v | q l | * 1 0 110(1 111 S p f l l l l ID best printed in this country, and is In f Germany a (favorite summer resort for pleasure 1781.” to all subscribers at rates within t _ seekers. W h a l lie W n lte d F o e . The climate ol tliis part of Oregon is An Inspector of Irish schools tells a ability ot all to pay. I t is finely V good story, soys tho Newcastle (Eng­ n,ild and agreeable, being tree from land) Chronicle. At n school w here he- trated and presents.'the names of fam' sudden changes, ss well as from ex­ madc a aurprtso visit n little boy hap­ 1 JOHN C. BECK authors as contributors. T he W tremes of I,eat and cold. At Florence pened to come In for the first time and W. H. WEATHERSON, in aummer tlie mercury rarely rises steppt-d up to the Inspector nt once. and the Cosmopolitan are sold at “Sit there for the present.” sold tbe above fW degrees, and hut little of tlie Inspector. Indicating the desired spot. duced rates a t tliis office. time in winter is it below freesing. The boy obeyed readily, nnd when tho inspector had finished his multitu­ Some snow lulls here nearly every win- dinous Inquiries Into the knowledge of NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. ter, hut it seldom remains for more than geography, grammar nnd arithmetic Tjind Office, ltoscbnrg, Oregon. vnitetl 8tates l and Office, M arch IS, 1901, a tiny or two, Tlie pure ocean hreexe possessed by the children he found thnt KuactiurK, Orevon, the hoy still sat In tlie same stmt. N otice is hereby given th at th e (ollow ln g- March 16,1901 iiinkvs it one of tlie uioal healthful cli­ “What arc you waiting for. niv boy7” . . . . . . . . . settler . . . . . . a has ...« . tiled l . v ' l I notice I V . 1 V V VFk l i a I intention II.V IIIJ | . named o f I his N otice ta hereby given thnt in com pliance r<* , to make Anal proof in support o U lis claim , and mates in tlie world. "I'lense, sir, 1 am waiting for the with the provisions of the act ol Congress ™ I th at said proof w ill be made heh,re C II I lo l­ Tlie price of land here ranges from present.” anne act for thè the sale of | <)en , S. Com niissioner. «t Mnpleton, on Aprii Jnne S, tWS, PCS, entitled “ " An A li «et d e li, li. We do not take pos3aasion of our ideas but are possessed by them tlsib er lands In ttie States o f i «»forni», Oregon. _^,h 190, v | l . w l | | jam g . W ells, on li. E. M.-.!. perhaps |3 up Io »:» or DO per acre, j n ia U tn R ic k e r . Nevsdn, «nd W ashington T erritori, s s f,,r t | , e d , mv1. , s’, se1,, Bec. 29, Tp. 178.. R. They master us and force us into the arena, The Irishman who had never tasted according to tlie location, kind o f ! d isi to all thè Public lx»nd States 8 « west. west. . a gtn rlekey ordered one so as to Im­ esten , Where like gladiators, we must fight for them.” land, and tlie amount and value ol tlie press hts friends. The bartender never by se t o( August 4 , 1*92, Hurt Warren, ol Port He names the follow ing in g w itnesses to prove G , . land, county of M ultnom ah, State of Oregon, his j as stae taSv «4 a. saevsaa. toto a. 4 A * * •" upon * and * ._ » * - .« a s . . _a s. - continuous residence cultivation ®uc*t is tlie exalted motto of the Arena and the bad heard of a rlekey. hut he was has th is day filed in th is oltiee his sworn state­ of said land, v is: improvements. , ’ In conclusion, we will say that tlie ashamed to admit his Ignorance, so he m ent No. 1497, for the purchase of the t i e ' , of Fnxl j Wells, Patrick McEnroe mid k Boring. entire contents of this monthly magazino put a mixing glass under the bar and Section No, 19, in Tow nsh ip No. ls S ., Range No. of Mead .O regon, and Wiusor Wells, of Ma- Siusluw valley ofiers opportunities ol made u guess nt It. 9 W , and w ill offer proof to show that the land pleton, Oregon. are upon a plane and in keepingjwith its Then he leaned back to await results. sought ts more valuable tor its tim ber or stone various kinds that are rarely equaled. J. T. B ridges . Register. The Irishman sipped at the beverag* tlian for agrieultnrat purposes, and to establish motto. lhe Arena's gallery of,’ eminent The business man with capital to invest bis claim to said land before the Register and I ml shook tits head approvlugly. Receiver of this office at Roseburg, Oregon, on can here find opportunities for engaging thinkers “By gorry, ‘tta a fine rlekey.” be said. Wednesday, the 29th day of March, 1991. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE OF is a group oi interesting"men and ’It ought to be," said tlie bartender. in trade or manufacture in a way that He nam es as w itnesses: REAL PROPERTY. women, and their thoughts are worthy the put In everything except the II- I Jam es K. Gibbons, J. II. Vrhan. W. M V ault will yield him large profile. The labor- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT BY Chicago Record. and John W . Sherman, all of Portland. Oregon, consideration ot ail people, The Arena is lag man wlio desires a home for himself j Any and all persona claim in g adversely the virtue of an order of the Comity Court of l-ane Comity, Oregon, duly made and entered of R ra h a a . above described lands are requested to file their and hie family ran here find opportuni­ sold with T hf W est . on the l»th Fehru ------------------------- ... day of ax-n ia iu y , 1901, ÍH the naml brake«, to assist tn the stop­ claim s in th is office on or before said 29th day record | matter of the estate of Anna M aüiikle Funke. ties where, lor a small outlay, hs can ping of trains, were Introduced aa ear­ o l May, 1901. I deceased, the undersigned, the adm inistrator 1 J. T. B aitaik s, Rrctotar obtain a gooil horns in a healthful cli­ ly aa 1349. Twenty year» later tbe air. of said estate w ilt o'. Saturday, the fla t! brake waa patented, which enabled mate and near to good svlioola at which day of March. 1901, at th e s . W. door o f 1 power from the locomotive to he trans­ the Court House of said Connty, at Eugene, to educate his children. To the invalid mitted through hose slronltaneonaly to Oregon, offer for sale and sell at pnblio or Llioss wba have poor health, we say tlie brakes of all tlie ears In h train— auelion to tlie highest bidder for cash ' '4 It r, GENTLE-WOMAN Vvr,.v l l . r , - w v 'v i.-..v is la u a n month- su n v u - to.on, g d--, r i l - l real pfoperty be- THE come to Florence and breathe pure air • wonderful Invention. In 1MG3 tbe , . i, , . • . longing to said estate, turrit: lad N„ £ in a mild climate, and drink tlie purs coaches were votinected by patent ly magasme devote«» to aub}«„ o( inter- k v, , niuidera, another measure of strength addition to Florence, and MAKE S E L E C T IO N . . . .a I l , __ ____ 1^.-, __ I .raV .^ . I ______________ a .. _ spring water which la found in so many ’lion 23, in Tp. 17 8., R. m I , eat to the ladies. The regolar su barrì p- D*» N < - and safety. w --- placet in the fliuslaw valley. In atwrt, rpps’ *11 in . I-auc County. tion price is one dollar bat v e hare made a s invite all wlio desire a new location arrangement by whicL we offer it for a _ engage in business or to make a 0Í abort lime for fitte cents a year. Call and AduunUtrator of the estate of A n n a \ i « t h ii4 t lionie. to coma aud sea lor themselves FLORENCE REAL ESTATE AGENCY. or Anybody desiring to pur* T H E E D S M IIP IIL IT ftK / chase Real Estate is in- vited to exam ine our list and see w hat we have to offer. THE ARENA « LOOK OVER THIS CROUf YOUR THE WEST. F ttuk«. dwcoMMi. FLORENCE.