PERSO N ALS. W E S T BVKUY FEIDAY Is often n warnlnR that the l l t f t » torpid or inactive. More serious t.oublcs may follow. l o r a prompt, efficient cure of Headache a n d all liver troubles, t:-.ko MOKNING— U y - - - ' H h V E A T IIE R S O N Editor and -T er * : $1.50 » ). they do not gripe or pain, do not Irritate or infiametbe Internal organs, but have a positive tome eltect. -oc. at all druggists or by matt of Proprietor. advance.------ utered a t th e post-offici a t Florence, e c o i n t t , Oregon, as secoiid-class 1 m atte 1er. W E ST E R N HOUSE W M . B ItY N D , Prop. fct, L ane C ounty , O regon .— LOH COUNCIL PROCEED IN GS- Buy’s suits for E aster at A O F u n k e’s. Florence school re-opened Monday ! m orning after a vacation of two weeks. 1BT1HNG RATE« MADE KNOWN o s Ar­ PLICATION. 1 notices 8 cent« per line, each insertion A. R B u ttilp h reported quite ¡11 a day or I wo ago. Joseph E. Morris and wife are visiting relatives near W alton. H ale Sm ith, of Sam aria, was in F lo r­ ence yesterday. Marlon Mori Is has been appointed a notary public. W alter H aring is painting W in. Saficy’s new meat m arket. Cal. Brncy Is spending a week nt his homestead on Indian Creek. W i l l . G . M artin has been engaged to tench the Point Terrace school, to com ­ m ence next Monday. Mrs. J . A. Bean expects td leave on the R oberts for P o rtlan d soon, w here she will visit her children. C hester Bean expects to start in about two weeks for Alaska to take a position as m asier of a river steam er. Alfred Funke expects tom ove his fam- Ily to M apleton tom orrow , where they will reside in the Thoen house. ACME COfinERCIAL CO., A special meeting of the city conqpil was hehl Monday evening with M. Mor Everything in connection with the II oiiao is New and First-Class. lis, president pro tern, In the ehair. F R A N K B. W IL SO N , M anager, Roll call showed Trustees M orris, C hris­ SPECIAL ATTENTION TO tensen, W eatlierson and E vans in a t­ C9MMEHCIAL TKAVSLLEES. tendance. The following bids for building a side­ The notice of the public is called walk on M ain, Monroe and F irst streets, to our new were received; Harwood A; C raven, 28* j B A T H ROOM cents per fo o t; J . A. Y ates, 29Je cents; * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * T. J . H udson, 29?X cen ts; J. A. Jung- wliere n ot anti Cold Baths may be v.lrth, 32 cents per foot. On motion, it bad at'any time. was voted to accept the bid of Harwood j & C raven. The recorder was instructed , fe Carry a Fine and to draw up th e contract subject to the : approval of th e acting president. aried Stock of_ The following bills were allowed; J . | Y e a r ly . A. Y ates, repairs on city Jal1, $30; A. R . ' Men and women of good address to represent B uttolpb, surveying, <3; the W est , A Ç nvrpt, SIL1SÏ . - - OREGON. $900 ” Stops the Cougli an,I works off the Cold Laxative Bromo-Quinine T ablets core a ns, some to travel appointing agents, o ttw n for p iloting, $11.09; C. C. B ehnke, repairs local work looking after our Interests. »900 cold in one day. No Cure no Tuy. at jail, $1; W m. Snttey, fees as deputy Vries 25 eants. salary guaranteed yearly; ex tra eommlsslons rencc, Oregon, March 29, 1901. j m arshal, $2.50. The hill of J . I. B utter­ anil expenses, rapid advancem ent, old estab- Dr. Kennedy received a b ask et of presideilt pro I Ushed house. Grand chance for earnest man or field was referred to the young chickens yesterday m orning from I woman to secure pleasant, perm anent position, W E S T L IN G S . tern. liberal Income and future. New, b rillian t lines. th e yard of M. O. W ilkins of Eugene. In answ er to an Inquiry regarding pe­ Write a t once. Rev. H . H . B uckner will preach In ieer H ardw are Store of M arsh­ tition for a street lam p nt th e corner of STAFFORD P R E SS, a l for De Laval Cream Sep- Acme W ednesday evening, April 3, and Main and Howard streets, which was 33 Church S t ., New H aven, Conn. , In Florence T hursday evening, April -1. Joe Fellmsin and E . A. E vans left ni ng fo r referred to th e street com m ittee some John Benhon, hridgetender of the Al­ Tuesday afternoon for th e upper river tim e ago. the chairm an stated th a t the bilious, use those fa- ■ WANTED.—Capable, reliable person in every i out all m utter had not vet been decided. s little pills known as D eW itt’s L lt- bany bridge, slipped on a lever Tuesday country to Interview the loggers. county to represent lanre com pany of solid night and fell Into th e cribbing, dlslo- Nellie Furnish Is to teach a six m onth On motion the council adjourned. iarly R isers to cleanse th e liver and , financial reputation; 1936 salary per year, paya­ of g o o d » ble weekly, <3 per day absolutely sure and all term of school in th e upper biddle Creek els. Tiiey never gripo. M eyer & Kyle J catlrig bis neck. A LPH A CLIPPINGS- expenses; straight, bona-fide, definite salary, no •egon sold 20,000,000 pounds of wool | Sales of De Laval Separators to date district, com m enting the last of April. E S. commission; salary paid each Saturday and ex ­ beat all previous records. The Pioneer C. II. Holden made a trip to A xtell, Bv E ven C hange . ng the year 1900 for $2,500,000, and pense money advanced each week. STANDARD H ardw are Store of M arshfield is kept Lincoln county, th e first of the week to HOUSE. 331 D kahboun Sr., om H U 500,000 worth of livestock, busy supplying th e great dem and for i take testim ony on a num ber of home­ M arch 26, 1901. le th a t you get th e original D eW itt’s CITY ELECTION N O TIC E. these wonderful m achines. stead proots. Mr. C has. Achesen returned from E u ­ ch Hazel Salve when you ask for It. H on. H . B. Miller, of Eugene, has ! Jo h n I. B utterfield returned Friday gene last week. genuine Is a certain cure for piles, Notice is hereby given th a t the a n n ii'l been appointed U . S. consul a t Niu after spending several m onths at Silelz. ts and skin diseases. M eyer & Kyle, . T here will not be any logging done on election of the Town of Florence wil'. he * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Chwang, C hin a. This Is" a prom otion Evidently the Siletz breezes do not agree DeftJwowi U|ig 8Ulllllwr. ainoel B. Jackson, of Eugene, has for Mr. M iller. He has been consul at held in the Odd Fellow s’ building on , with him as well ns th e Florence article. 9 granted an increase of pension to A parly will be given by Mr. and Mrs. Tuesday, the second day of April, A. I Chung K iang for a year or two. a m o n th . M r. Jackson, who is a J . F . Schwab, who recently a n iv ed O |goll Bt th e ir home next Friday night, D. 1901. The polls will be opened nt 9 ds from H eadache often results from a disor­ dean W ar v eteran, formerly resided here from Iuwa, has located on upper W e b u y direct from th e L a r g e st Job bing H o u s e s and R ain, hail, sleet, and mud, peach, plum o ’clock a. in. and closed nt 5 o'clock p. dered condition of th e stom ach and con­ r Creswell. Sm ith river. He left for Eugene Mon­ and cherry blossoms, are the order ot th e ; m . T his election will be hehl for the M anufacturers in th e country, for C A SH , and w e are en ab led 1 « id M rs. George B radley, former- stipation of th e bowels. A dose or two day, b u t will return at once with his Ja y . j purpose of electing a P resident, lour of C h am berlain's Stomach and Liver esidents of th e Biuslaw but now of ' Tablets will correct these dlsorders.and fam ily and supplies. Mr. Schwab Is a to g e t th e L o w e st P rices, b esid es a lw a y s b ein g su re o f ob- T he A lpha school begins next M onday Trustees, a R ecorder and M arshal, pee, A rizona, are m ourning the death cure th e headache. Sold by O. W . H u rd . former school m ate of H . H . bisk. Dated tills 15lh day of M arch, 1901. with Mr. Jordan at the helm , also the flrst-cla ss good s. W e are n ot p a y in g enorm ous . dau g h ter, who passed away Feb. 22, CANDIDATES ARE SE L E C T E D . By order of th e Board of Trustees. Deadwood school to be taught by Miss Louis H . Johnson, who has been clerk d three months. J . C., Recorder. In th e Eugene Loan & Savihgs Bank, e x p e n se s and^will s e ll y o u goods at reasonable rates. A mass m eeting of the citizens of Flor­ E llinor H ale. lie total am ount of the appropriations has resigned th a t position to en ter upon T here is a sugar fam ine on Deadwood. ence was held in Odd Fellows building REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. sed a t th e last session of th e legisla- his duties as purchasing agent for th e • M any are out and could not get any at e ¡8 $1,792,941.88. The state educa .¡U n iv e rsity of Oregon. R. M cM urptiy Tuesday evening to nom inate candidates M apleton, and the roads are too soft to * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * for th e different city officers to be elected isl in stitu tio n s profited by the The W est Real E state office lias b a r­ succeeds him ns clerk in th e bank. go to Eugene after it. next Tuesday. aged appropriations. gains to offer In th e following property. I t Is now clearly proved th a t any We hear th a t Mr. E rnest Stevens, who The m eeting was called to order by ’heir prom ptness and th eir pleasant farm er engaged in dairying, eith er on 41 acres on N orth Fork about five Marlon M orris, who was electeil ch air­ has m ade his home on Deadwood this m ake D eW itt’s L ittle E arly Risers large or sm all scale, cannot be successful m iles from Florence. Several acres tide w inter, has gone to M apleton to assist m an. J . C. P helps was chosen sec­ • ■ At. st n popular little .nils w herever they w ithout the new process of separating L am b & H artley at logging, but we pre- land, the rest bottom and bench land. retary . know n. They are sim ply perfect for cream from m ilk. The De Laval Is the A com fortable bouse and a sm all barn The chairm an stated th e business of j | e t th a t E rn est will return soon, •n d bowel troubles. M eyer & K yle, j super',or of m acilines. th e m eeting, after which some discu s-' c A p o tterf w| | | Have the largest on the place. P rice $700. ’. C. Cole brought his team down The Pioneer H ardw are Store, of Marsli- sion took place as to w hether the nam es |jarn OI1 Deadwood. I t will he 44 by 00 A good dw elling house, and black­ in Alm a to log on the beach. H e in ’ j field, is agent. of all the candidates should be placed on (egt a n j b()i| t on t)ie lu08t ,ll0t|ern plans sm ith shop doing a good business in a ids to haul to th e river tom e of th e | A few days ago while Jam es and Will ono ticket, or w hether th ere should be with a hay fork to mow the hay. I t will thriving town. The ow ner desires to ;s that were carried out over the bar Bay were bringing a raft of logs down separate tickets each bearing the nam es be constructed entirely of lum ber sawed change Ids locution. A line opportunity it w inter and cam e ashore again n ear N orth F ork one of th e chains holding the of th e sam e num ber of candidates for for the right m an. Price $850. at the A lpha null. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * , m outh. boom sticks together came unfastened each office as there are vacancies to be 160 acres of unim proved land on N orth Some of our neighbors took a legal Humors Come to th e Surface in the and let the logs scatter along the river. filled a t the coming election. I t was de­ tw ist last week to collect wages. I t Fork about ten miles from Florence is ring as In no other season. They d o n ’t I t took two or th ree days to collect them cided th a t all th e nam es should be seem s th a t Mr. Ben Kilgore owed Fred offered for saled. N ear to county road. n them selves all off th a t w y, bow­ : again. placed on one ticket. A ustin $18 for labor. Though lie has Will make a good stock ran ch . Price Your patronage is always appreciated, and no matter hew er, hot mostly rem ain in th e system , N om inations for president of th e coun­ money in the bank, It seenn Mr. K il­ $460. Mrs. C. E . VnnDeueen, of K ilbonrn, ood'al Sarsapnrillareinoves them , wards W ls., was afflicted with stom ach trouble cil were declared in order, and W m. small your purchases, you may rest assured it will be our constant gore refused to pay, so M r. A ustin w ent 150 acres mostly tlm be. land lying in .'danger, m akes good h ealth sure. and constipation for a long tim e. She Kvle was nom inated for th a t office. Mr. before Squire B urnett and placed an a t­ section 13, tow nship, 18 south, range 10 aim to sell you the best goods obtainable at reasonable prices- T hnC oos Bay cream ery is turn in g out says, “ I have tried many preparalions K yle declined the honor, saying he had tachm ent on some of M r. K ilgore’s west. A bout three acre« cleared. A 10 pounds of b u tter every other day but none have done me tiie good I h at not tim e to spare to attend to its d uties, j creek large enough to float logs runs ... ... . ... .. , n t__ T \V m I uer . id ae »be supply of milk is Increasing C ham berlain’s Stomach and Liver Tab- O. W. H u n l, Marion M orris and J . W through th e la n d . Price $550. M A PLETO N ITEMS- pidly it is expected to com m ence ru n - J lets have.” These Tablets are for sale C arm an were nom inated In th e order A tract of about 50 acres fronting on ng the p la n t every day before the ' a t O. W. H u rd ’s d ru g store. P rice, 25c. m entioned. N om inations wert) then de­ M arch 26, 1901. Clear lake three miles south of Florence. clared closed. [ Samples free. «son is over.—Sun. Carl Rice, of M apleton, w ent to Purt- A fair house and about five acres cleared. Some discussion was indulged in at Junction Is to have electric lights for A correspondent of th e O regonian, A good wagon road from the place 4 o thls tim e as to th e propriety of lim iting land last week. sr street ts, a special election held there w riting from Salem M arch 22, says It is Mr. Campbell was visiting a t A lbert tlie Sins,aw river a t G lenada. A fine th e num ber of names to .be placed on the s t week k having decided In favor of estim ated by sheep n.en th a t one-third place lor a sum m er reiideuce. Price Knowles the (list of the week. lights by a vote cf 56 to 28. The th e sheep in th e W illam ette valley have ticket as candidates. I t was decided to $500. lim it th e ticket to double the num ber of Mr. T. H udson and wife were visiting inncil is authorized to con tract for elec- died from leech. Rome place th e loss as j A tract of a little over two acres of ic lights for street purposes a t a high as 50 per cent. Only Bheep on the names th a t th ere are officers to be at M apleton the last of the week. bottom land between Florence nnd elected, and of those piopoBed as candi­ Mrs. D ahlln, from 'W ashington, is lOnthly ra te of $50. bottom lands are affected. dates the two who receive th e highest home visiting her parents, Mr. nnd Mrs- Acme, lying on tidew ater near Rose The stom ach controls th e situation. C ounterfeits of D eW itt’s W itch Hazel HUI cannery. A fair bouse on tlie land. ! num ber of votes a t th is m eeting to be ! W ells. •e liable to cause blood poisoning Those w ho are hearty and strong are alve are A fine place for gardening or raising hem alone. The original lias th e : those who can eat and digest plenty of ■ declared the n o m in u s. Mr. and Mrs. Bounds w ent up the sm all fruit. Price $200. s e w tin For trustees, th e nam es of C. O. food. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests liver to spend a few days on their ranch am« De W itt’s upon the box and wrap B ehnke, E . A. E vans, R. L . E vans, 160 acres of land near C lear lake lying H ave 0 1 F la n d a P i n e ífSt ocl^ of L l/vtizan e 9r- I l ¡8 a harm less and healing salve w hat yon eat and allows you to eat all Hugh Cassidy. Ludvig C hristensen, •last week. in section 11, tow nship 19 south, range on w ays “ O i lO I T Sa jjxeases. U nequalled fur piles, the good food you w ant. If you suffer Geo. M orris ai.d sister, Mrs. Young of Leonard C hristensen, W. II. W eather- 12 west. Price $250. from Indigestion, h eartb u rn , belching or (ey«r& Kyle. son, Jas. Cosgrove, Jo h n Y ates, J . J- Fiddle Creek, were visiting friends at 112 acres unim proved land lying on any other stom ach tr o u t e, this p repar­ request of th e Board of Fish E m m ons, Drew Severy, Jo h n Tanner, Mapleton last week. the north side of Clear lake 2,'< miles isioners, composed of th e gover- ation can ’t help b u t do you good. The W m . B rvnd and II. B ultm an were pro­ M r. and Mrs. Blackm an returned to south of Florence. A good wagon road G ^ O eE F ^ IE g, retary o, state and state treas- most sensitive stom ach can take it. posed. M essrs. Ludvig C hristensen, Mapleton S aturday, afier spending a few from it to th e Siuslaw river. Price $600. rer, ttorney-G eneral B lackburn has Meyer ft Kyl5. ' U o n a rd C hristen sen , Cosgrove, Yates, days with (rlends at Florence. 160 acres on upper N orth Fork, a id an opinion In which he holds T H E S T E A M E R LUELLA. Emmons and Severy declined. I t was The Rebekah Lodge m et last T hors large part of It bottom land. Will uiuke new fish law repeals th e old then voted to place the nam es of the day, hut on account of the rainy w eather a good home. Price $850. The San F rancisco Chronicle of March [ im plication and th a t it legislates B ry G f o o d s, ★ ★ O r e s e G uoock ; oth er eight upon th e ticket. a num ber of the m em bers were absent. 80 acres tim ber land with creek large m m issioner Reed out of office, 25 savs: For recorder, J . C. Phelps, Jo h n I. M r. Sm ith and son, A lbert C am p and The steam schooner Luella was saved Butterfield, Fred C. Peil and J . A. Pond iiougli to float logs rWniing through the brahain, a pioneer m erchant of Archie Knowles, of M apleton, were Satnr- i from destruction early yesterday m orn- j rg, died in P ortland last were proposed. Mr. Pond declined a down to the mud flats digging clam s the ! land and into tide w ater. Price $525. 138 acres ol land at E lm ira, Oregon. ay m th e effect of nn am putation. ing. The vessel, laden with a cargo of nom ination. Ballot being taken John A box house, good barn, nnd plenty of ,e to Oregon in 1852 and engaged railroad ties for th e C aspar L um ber I I. B utteifield ami Fred. C. Peil were first of the week. I outbuildings on prem ises; 6 acres CATARRH CANNOT BE CURED ling wares, which he carried on t Com pany in th is city, ran on the rocks declared the nominees. H e opened a store in Rose- a t L ittle R iver, two miles south of Men- | For m arshal, G. C. C um pton, George with local applications, as they cannot orchard, 16 acres In cultivation, 10 e next year. M r. A braham was docino, nt noon on Saturday, and ap­ Peil an«l Wm. Safley were proposed. reach the seat of th e disease. C atarfh is I acres more cleared land, and 80 acres O PR lPT O l ytttrs old and leaves an estate esti- peared to be doomed. In spite of the Satiey d-clined th e nom ination and a blood or constitutional disease, and In ¡slash ed ; balance, brush and tim ber efforts ot th e steam schooner Samoa, j C(uil|)t0I1 n n J ,.eil wer„ dec,arej order to cure It you m ust take internal | i land. Price $20 per acre, $1000 down. ■ated to be worth $150,000. which happened to be near by, the Lu- j __ rem edies. H all’s C atarrh Cure Is taken r r For further inform ation inquire nt th e nominees. L ik J O liver Twist, children ask for J ! ella seemed to be bard nnd fast on the Internally and acts directly on the blood The W est office, Florence, Oregon or The meeting then adjourned. L Boots & Shoes, H ats & Caps, lore When given One M inute Cough jagged rocks alm ut fifty- yards from shore and mucous surfaces. H all’s C atarrh Jo h n C Beck, Point Terrace, Oregon. L M others endorse It highly for CHARGED WITH R A PE . lore. and took on a Hat. The chance of g et­ C ure Is not a quack medicine. It was _____ roup. I t quickly cures all coughs and ting th e vessel off the dangerous ledge DAIRY FARM FO R SALE. prescribed by one ol the best physicians W ednesday’s Register. olds and every thro at and lung trouble, appeared to be very slight, but a t ex- In this country for years, and is a regular Jo h n P ohl, aged about 55 years, Is and >— asthm a and . trem e high tide yesterday m orning a t 1 t t o s specific “ ' for grippe '' prescription. I t Is composed of one of A fine dairy farm on Maple creek six long been a well known remedy for o’clock the Samoa, owned by th e same charged w ith rape upon the person of . the best tonics know n, combined with miles from F lorence Is now offered for his 14-year-old step daughter. The com ling cough. Meyer & Kyle. i firm, again made fast io th e Luella and 1 p laint is made by bis neighbors, and the beat blood purifier», acting directly sale. Tb« schooner Bella, w hich left the 81- succeeded in hauling her off into deep I t contains 160 acres, 35 of It bottom Sheriff W ilbers, arm ed with a w arrant on the mucous surfaces. T he perfect llavv Tuesday, th e 19th in st., with luin- w ater. The L uella’s keel and en tire com bination of '.lie two Ingredients Is land and 30 acres have been plowed. for his arrest, w ent to his home yester­ BrloySan Francisco, reached her des- bottom nre known to have been badly w hat produces such wonderful results In Can c u t 35 tons ol bay. A good two day. Pohl was brought to Eugene yes­ n th e evening of th e 22nd. Of the dam aged, but word wss received by A. cuting C atarrh. Send for testim onials, story house 20 by 38 feet; a barn 44 by terday and will be given his prelim inary essels w ilcli sailed a t the same W. Beadle & Co., th e owners, th a t th e F . J . C iiexby ft Co., Props., 70 feet, with heavy fram e; a goat house trial Thnrsdaev Pohl is a m arried m an. free. 9 th e Bella, th e Sacram ento ar- vessel would be able to come to San Sold by druggist», price 75c. Toledo,O. 16 by 40 feet; an orchard of about 500 t San Francisco th e 23d nnd the Francisco under her own steam , and TO THE V OTERS O F F L O R E N C E H all’s Farnilv Pills are the b est. trees of different kinds of fruit has been son and W ing and W leg on the would arrive probably today. bearing for a year or two. SUNDAY 8E R V IC E 3. The Luella is one of th e best of the I wish to any th a t I can not accept the ing day. The Bella won the prize A w ater wheel of about 8 horse power coasting steam ers, and was b u ilt iu 1898 office of recorder if I should he elected. [ race down. furnishes motive power nt th e barn for pbesbytxbian . open season for trout-fishing in at Siuslaw , Oregon. She has a length 1 wns not present a t the m eeting when cutting feed, saw ing wood, etc. Service in Florence for March 31 as begins M onday, April 1, and of 145 feet, a breadth of 32 feet, and a nom inated or I should have declined at The farm is % m ile from school and follow s: Sunday School, 10 a. m .j Faxo. 0 . PtiL. ^ntll Septem ber 30. I t is unlawful depth of 10 feet. C aptain Madison is in th a t tim e. *4 mile from a county road. preaching, 11 a. in .; Ju n io r E ndeavor, te, catch or kill any tro u t or salmon comm and of her. Upon th e Luella s Price $1600. N O TICE T O TAXPAYERS. 2 :30 p. i n .; Senior E ndeavor,6 ;30 p. in .; ban five inches in len g th , and such arrival and dlschatge she will be placed A bargain ior anybody w anting a preaching in Acme, 7 ;30 p. in. be carefully disentangled from the in dry dock for repairs. farm. T h e 1900 assessm ent rolls are now A. W . W ig h t . knd transm itted to th e w ater with- For further Information Inqulro at the open for th e paym ent of taxes. FU RN ITURE WANTED- AN H O N EST M ED IC IN E FOR L A C M IF F K . lolence. It is unlawful to sell or W est office. W. W . WlTHKBH. legance of di «'I Geo. W. W altt, ol Sooth G ardiner, |oi sale any species of tro u t at any W anted, to purchase a gooJ second Sheriff Lane C onnty, Oregon. 38t complet» i Me., says: “ I have hnd th e w orst congh, I t is unlawful to catch more th an hand cook stove and some household A ST O C K FARM- machines tak> TO OUR PATRONS- cold, chills and grip and have taken lots | one day. I t is unlawful to take furniture. E d . T. M a n n , housand satis of trash of no account b u t profit to the A da, Oregon, betw een one one hour after sunset A good stock farm of 100 acres lying treatm en t—*^ vendor. C ham berlain’s Cough Remedy We have made arrangem ents by me hour before sunrise. or leave word at th e W zst office. on South slough Is now offered lor sale. Is th e only thing th a t has done any good j which will fnrnlsh th e W eek), About hall of it is bottom and tide land, Oregonian with th e W m t for one vi»r w hatever. I have used one bottle of it I tlie tide land being already diked. A »liter s r d W HITE S E WING MACHINE. and tlie chills, cold and grip have all left j to any address (or th e sum of t».o Jol­ handsome »I new liouee, an orchard of over 200 trees We have received and are offering for le n jav ab le cash in advance. me. I congratulate th e m anufacturers ' i prove It. on the place, and about 600,000 feet of »ale a new W hite sewing m achine. It of an honest m edicine.” For sale by O. good tim ber conveniently situated for is a drop head, ball bearing, and is war- I W. H urd. I n Infanta and Children. logging. E xtensive out range. About ranted for five year». Call a t th is office j 16 head ol cattle, m oat of them cows, n and exam ine tt»e m achine. ood news comes from those with the land. Price $3,000, including w ho Like H ood’s Sarsaparilla for stock. Inquire a t th e Florence Real T b l» Signatare la on every I » « n l Urn genuine ban the __ scrofula, d yspepsia and rheumatism. The San Francisco Examiner and the Laxative Bromo-Quinine t » üi « u mtaraoi •'^¿aa ja «■• < * 1 ttebwrlaiKree that H O O D ’ S C U R E S E state Agency. W a it aaa vaar ior »XM . General Merchandise, Patent Medicines, D r y G-oocLs, Dress Goods, Prints, Muslins, Yarns, Crash, Notions, s Groceries. Sales ITS - We Have a Complete Stock of Boots and Shoes. tier for ¡D MEYEK S & KYLE * * * * k- I M I LVvll|, I 1 G ent’s Furnishing Goods, H a r i « i a r E, Paints, Oils, etc. ING Prices as Low as the Lowest A ÎASTORIA KM Y Have Always Bought ^ ^ 4 Käfig, G