Over-W ork W eakens CHINESE TONG WARS this: That a health officer cannot gain Your Kidneys. i any poliliual prominence unless he dis­ 8. F. Chronicle It is difficult to see what moral justi- > Unheal|hy KUneys Make Impure Blood, cover* a plague or nil ephleinie of some (¡cation Eastern aentm lentalisis can find « All the blood In your body passes through kind, to stir up a disturbance wiih. — PUBLIMIIKD BVBBY FBIOAV MOMMI MO.— in forcing, by their preponderance in kidneys once every three minutes, kldneys are your your kidneys one When ho has made a lot of people un­ The cause of nil spring humors, comfortable mid has g .lten Lb name congress, the people of Ibis coast to en- blood purifiers, they fit- , — AT— ter out the waste or pimples and eruptions, as well as in t e papers nil over the country dure the presene e of the immoral, the great kidney remedy Is for it gives them prompt dis- JOv, reaiued. It stands ‘he highest for Its la America’s Greatest Spring Med.- gort o( duplicate of the war on Garfield, cerned, wonderful cures of the most distressing cases patch to a place which has proper lacil- and Is sold on Its merits waged by Senators C nkling and Platt Be sure to get Hood’s. cute. by a ll druggists In fifty - which resulted, it will he remembered, ities for their permanent regulation J 1 __ _ J - l l n Z 0 1 7 - ivilisalioi. are Ina«’- cent The resources ol the retirement of both senators had WASHINGTON LETTER. ! in „ heard of. The belligerent ' equate to the suppression of highbinder mpl bottle by ; never bee have frequent exam- I free, also pamphlet telling you ou, if you have kidney o? b.adder_ trouble. di ducing section in the state. Few people now in Press. be inferred by this, Jtoaeve , ; Ba!iil »8 ;, with rheumatism in tlie shoulder from mined, and for such ns are already in lustrated Spring and Sum­ timber will have been cut away by the eh apprehensions and very grave ones, , w|dc|, |,e suffered the most excruciating the country, they should be sent back at mer Catalogue, describ ng __>_____ •.... .lav. which was relieved .al large lumbering companies. In fact that the Chinese muddle will, betöre it I pain for ten days _______ AND ESPECIALLY ON----------- the new fash,ions, and i t h t w o applications of Fain Balm, the expense of the United States, which there is unusual activity among lumber­ 1 ended, lead to a scrap between some - l , - w.u. « rea,iging giving lowest Department permitted them to come. There should ing men at the present time to secure of the powers. Those apprehensions are ,,eneHt ftnd entire relief in a very Store prices for every­ timber rights. They will help in a large believed to have instigated the order to gll0rt thne. Second, in rlioumatisni in he one uniform punishment for all thing to eat, drink, weai measure to clear up the land, which Gen. Chaffee _____ to proceed with all the i thig |, joint, almost prostrating him w'ith crimes anti misilemeanors committed by kr or use. ___ will then he taken in hand by the agri- in Pekin, e ^ e p tl.e ^ r e 'p a in w l ^ w a ^ l i e v e d by 1 ^ Cnitiese in this country and it should be AND REMNANTS OF DRY GOODS TO CLOSE. sr i ■ le ft as a legation guard, to applications, rubbing w ith the liniment rtutjon l0 China. Even in the case culturists, horticulturist», and dairy­ 3. ( 150 men to Ookf«n1ta>e tU in a r. ■* men. It will he an even break between Manilla. If there is to he trouble among from pain. ids returning him would be far less than the horticulturists and dairymen who the powers this government doesn’t wish * tl A C M E IT E M S . the cost of executing him, which is «lone will take this section in hand. The man to be mixed therein. Some regard thia it « Nine acras floor »pace— 1.00 ' clerlts. much cheaper in China than here. BY KARA AVIS. who secures a homestead in these ( oast policy as a mistake, believing that it , n March 27, 1901. ranges will never have cause to regret would have been well to keep Gen. Hui NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. FO R The measles still manifests its pres- A C O O D C O U G H M E D IC IN E rinj Chaffee and the 1500 men he had under such a move. _________ C H IL D R E N . ence. _ Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon, him in Pekin, until he was certain that j Samuel Seymour is quite sick with the "I have no hesitHiicy in recommending February 18th, 1901. THE FOREST RANGERS. American interests would be properly measles ; consequently, his smiling coun­ Cheinherlniii’s Cough Remedy,” s»ys F. Notice is hereby given th at th e following- ned tenance is not seen now-a-days at tlie p. Moran, a well known anil popular named settler has tiled notice ol ills intention A petition is in circulation here re- taken care of in tl.e final settlem ent. J •«1» to make float proof In support ot his claim , and baker, of Petersburg, Va. “ We have “ eduer." questing Land Commissioner Hermann But they do not pretend to have as Th« Mel Wright has also joined the speck­ given it our children when troubled with tliat said proof will be made before C. H llolden, U. S. Commissioner, at Florence, to allow the forest rangers in the Cas­ much know ledge on the subject as the led brotherhood, and is inclined to think bad coughs, also whooping cough, and it Oregon, on April 27th, 1901, viz: Fred C. Bean, 10 p. id-e cade reserve to devote a portion of their government lias. that the mysteries of that "order are a has always given perfect satisfaction. It «,n II.E. S o .9621, for th e nt* se1/«, s e 'i ne‘„ of i pid' was recommended to me by a «Iruggist Sec. 9, and nwJ4»w‘4 8ec- 10’ T P- 18 R’ 9 " ' The news from Cuba isn’t a ltogether ' huge joke, tim e the coming summer Io improving names the following witnesses to prove ng Win. Holcomb iB reported as detained as’the best cough medicine for children his He ci’otiim ous residence upon and cu ltivation the public highways. It is represented pleasing for those who wish to see our as it contained no opium or other harm­ ,,fI>hlE'1Jackson, Jam es tv. Jaekson and Ge'?rj'e at home by a visit from the measles. that on the McKeuxie wagon road above pledge to turn the islands over to the Evidently this affliction intends to ful drug.” For sale by O. W . Hurd. B. Gamp, o ' Manleton. Oregon, and Joe Fell- Jut Florence, Oregon. m an, of F Lost creek. • great many trees have Cubans 8|>eedil.v carried out. It is evi­ slight no one, as several report that they J. T. BftWOBt, sr s Register fallen across the road, and it is almost dent that powerful influences are at have had tlie second experience with T H E S O L D IE R S ’ H O M E . Impossible for covered wagons to got by work trying to prevent the withdrawal tbe ««enemy” as a result ol its present NOTICE FOK PUBLICATION. to Acme. Besides tlie regnlar appropriation of some places. There is practically no of American authority by persuading i pilgrimage A V t ilson’s l o r v r t ’ u I household t Frank W goods ar­ |24,009 for maintenance of tlie Oregon k United States Land Office, (o Ji|y fr! go|n#01ie r,.marked that in all pi ' aggregate $17,500, outside the regular establish his claim to said lan d before the , Register and Receiver of this office nt Roseburg, CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS. carrying out tlio improved plans for ’ bility no barnacles would now stay on maintenance fund. Oregon, on W ednesday, th e 29th day of May, tlie piling along tlie river. beating and ventilating. H the repre- «not. Tlie! lie name* ft?* witnesses: I Under tlie action of tlio recent legisla- j aentalive. do not get plenty of fresh and , School close.I Friday, Marcii ul( 22. Apri, , 6 T O C U B E A C O I.P I N O N K P A Y So Burt Warren, J. II. Urban, W. M. V ault and , Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. John W. Sherman, all of Portland, Oregon. lure the people ol Oregon at the next Iiealtliy air after tlie new plans are .0 « ! when the spring term opens. All druggists refund the money if they Any and all persona claim ing adversely the j ■tate election will vote for or against ried ou t, it will greatly disappoint the The lingering c o u g h lollowing grippe (nil to cure. E. W. Grove’s signature is above-described lands are requested to file their constitutional amendments for tlie fol­ sc ientific experts who prepared them, calls for One Minute Cough Cure. F jr claim s in th is office on or before sai«’. 29thday of on each box. 25c. ____ May, 1901. and who are in Washington to superin- j »II throat and lung troubles this is the lowing purposes! J. T. B wdobs , Register. tend carrying them out. Tlio new floor only |,#rnliess renieily that gives imme- j For initiative and referendum. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. p r o p r ip t o ^ CONTEST NOTICE. J. W. CARMAN Abrogating negro clause ill state con­ ,B to he air tight, in order to keep out diate results. I’.o ,e n ts consumption , A house and lot in Glenada. The dirt and tilth, while underneath will he M»vei «k K i l e . D fpaktmentof the I jjtirfor , stitution. United States Lund Office, Roseburg, ür., house is 10 by 24 feet and one story and G EN E R AL NEW S For tlie abolition of tlie olfieo of state ehamheis for fresh air, which is to be February 18, l'.'Ol. a tialf In h e ig lit. Also a good woodshed , A sufficient contest affiilnvit having been «led admitted through aperture* in the floor printer. Attorney-General Griggs has hamle.1 |te, particulars in tl,i , o« ve by Milton A. Ntcnlle, contestant, For further Changing tlio time of In Iding tlie gen­ at the rate of 100 cubic feet a minute, to tl.e Presi.lent his resignation, to take against homestead entry No. 9945. ma.’.c May 8th, w. 11800, for s>, n c’*, n t, s»Q Section 8, tow nship 18 eral election from June to November. for each member of the house. effect March 21 He intends to resume i m ou n aa 8., Range 8 W.. by Malt Mattson, ContBStoc. in i Providing f«>r tlie location of educa­ Mr. O. U. Stevens, state commissioner practice oi hi# profession. which it is alleged th a t said Matt Mattson lias FOR S A LE wholly abandoned said tract and changed his It is under that the president has tional and other institutions elsewhere of agriculture, of Georgia! who is in resilience thcrvtrom for more th an six m onths Knox, of Pitta- Washington, to testify before the Vnifetl decided to appoint 1*. C. k A taVnrgain: Mv seven-room d w ell-_______ than in tl.e illy of Salem. since making saht entry, and th at said tract is « a sm iig t , i„,rg. burg, to fill the vacancy 1 in the cabinet four lots fronting 200 feet on ; no( 9vttled llpou and cultivated by ii«l entry- It might he well to cut these out and States industrial commission, on tlie ea.ise.lhy the retirement ol Attorney-1 the river in Glenada. House has large, man as by law required-, th o t saiil .lleged nb- make a study of them «luring Hie coming con.lilion of agriculture in hie state, General Griggs. from -the said land was not due to his well lighted rooms with plastered ami sen«; emplovmcn» in the Army, Navy, or Marine year so as io be able io vote intelligently said: "Georgia is pr««s|>eriiig immensely The United Slates Inspectors of Hull« ’ ! pape-ed walls; fine view of ocean and Coq» Of the U nited States as a private m, them at the June ch -lio n in 1W2. under the inoderu piogramute of diver and Boilers, who have been Inveeligat country ; good spring w ater. Vince cost soldier, officer, seaman, or, m arine «luring the 1 doubt if the empire slate ¡,.g the wreck of tin- steamer Kio tie Ja- I $B 00-w ill sell for $350 cash. Call on or war with Spain, or any other war in which lied crops the United «totes may be engaged, said |>arttes J The new law in reference to taking up »„mi, w»a ever more prosperous neiro nt the entrance ol the Golden aildress. Chas. R. David. Point Terrace, are hereby notiflot to appear, resgawd , I Gate, have handed down their decision •strays need* to 1* studied, ns there is a o llh e s t u I and offer evidence touching said allegation i _____ _ itrauau. placing the hlai»« on the late Captain .revision for a fine nl $>0 agriculturally than at prese at to o'clock a. m. on April 17lh, 1901, ! census bureau before C. It. Holden, V. 8. Commissioner, nt ’ Ward ami Pilot Jordan. The inspectors taking np an eetray without compì.»»"* O «'"« r<” ‘ FUR3 W ANTED. I, Florence, la n e County. Oregon, and that final i has abandoned its original plan oi isett- blame the chief engineer for inntlm lion 1 hearing will be held nt 10 o'clock a. m. on April j with the provisions “» *»•* •*•- separate bulletin showing the t0 ,(uty and revoke his license ns chief The I ighest cash price paid for «11 j9th, 1901. before the Register and Receiver at i 1» taken im three notices have ing . . . . eetray le take P . (I1, nuUeturi„g industries of each city of engineer 1 the U nited States Land Office in Roseburg, kinds of fursaud hides. — .wtaieil It is provided, I hough. Oregon. Accoriling Io a Washington special to G. C. C umpton . all t e .«ken up during » . « » or ".ore population, and. except The said contestant having, in a proper affi­ , . the Tribune, the American A inmunilion that no aatrayo aha A tSafluy’a Meat Market, Florence, Or davit, «led February 18th. 190L set forth facts j several »(«ecial instances the mam - |,as Instituted an action which show th at after due diligence personal the months of May to Novemla-r Inclus­ (acturing bulletins will be tssueil tor nKHÌ|)gt prigge-Seabiiry Gnu A Aiu­ Blanks for Warranty D ~ .ls for sale , .r rv .e e o l t h t . notice cannot he ma.le. It is here- ive. except l.reai liy or vicious animals, n ! by ofdcivd and directed th at in ch uoilce be , ti hole states. That for Rhode Island t„,in|,u»n Company, of New J e rs e y , in a t Ib a W a n t o t f iia . given by due and proper publication. which may he taken up in any m.mth. Beauty of rinisli, quality of material, elegance ol d«n| « ill be the first ready, and Delaware which the charge is made that the or.l- J. T . Register. - <| BEARING NGS, the finest workmanship, the sim plest, most complete I W ithin ten days the owner .nay claim The bu llel.n . will he pub-1 nance bo.eau in Augu.t, l«m , purmittvd J. II. B ooth . Receiver. ¡II follow, T1"* best of attachments, easy payments, old machines tak-’ ,,ie priggs-Seahury Company, a private .m l eecure the animal upon tl.e payment 1 like g bicycle NOTICE FOK PUBLICATION-j make the .......................... .1 * » in exchange, one million five hundred thousand sali« i-oni-ern, to use tl.e Frankford arsenal, a died a« I« “ " ’. " T '. '* '; NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION la in i o ffio t at R o w hure. Oregon. "W HITE” users, thirty years of success, courteous treatment— FJ Judge Goaiy, of Oaliforuif, »h o was a government institution, near Phi la. lel- Land Office, si Roseburg Oregon. ing it. After ten .lave the eoi.nly clerk I March 2*. ISM. the Easiest plila, with its power, macliinery and more can you ask? March 22. 1901. . I I . « a n im a l ia a,«pr.imd memlwr ol the hmtaa through three con _______ Norie« is hereby given th a t the follow ing Running Notice Is hereby given tl.at the fottowlng- 1 X I " news- graces and who ..n o w in W .shing.ou workmen, for the purpose of manufac­ lighter ard »” lor the ..«mesi w-tllcr has Bled norie« of Ms Im e n lto n usm r.l settler has Bint notice ot his Intention i Machine turing guns ninl eaimunition to make filial pm ol In supp.»« »« •><’ r , »im most durable and handsome < ’ and i*’1'» before the «„preme court, to make final proof in support of his claim , and Made ..„■r if value-1 «' more ihan $>■> » u lk , plainly almut the ail.-g.d ex Colombian government. mal « V .h t s proof ' X X Wilt t . " be . « made a . n b w - f v “ n tv r e C . . o H r . e Hoi r m . M - « «aid proof w ill he mode before M a ri. L on tlie market. Call or write and let us prove it. I « w V T s a . vis: lie«, r A U » !, «a h i, H W « e . V . ». . ommisstonve. M Eugmre. Oregon, TO THE DEAF Prof. In ä ö ü . of l»m a»m l«», M.I., .„ cu ce ol tlm bubonic plague mt the on May i"« * c.ire « > « , |Mili«n.u wilt, those rumora J»f Artificiel Ear Drun.a, gave $»0,