A D V E R T IS E R S SIUSLAW’S ONLY PAPES. O P P O R T U N IT Y FLORExNCE, OREGON, F R ID A Y . M ARCH 29, 1901. NO. 48. river is at Point Terrace. Tliere is a small sawmill about a mile down the stream, also a boom belonging to the S T E A M E R M A R G U E R IY E , f~ 4 - A T ? T > T " N r F T R Siuslaw Boom Co. Tliere is a school u ----- W ill m ake ------- S T A O E L .IN E . house near the postofiice. .................................T. T. Geer. B a rre tt, P ro p ’r, Mapleton, situated about 1% miles . ta.m to«, ■mgBCfctarv of S 'ate...............F. I. Dunbar. r e g u l a r d a i l y t r ip s Look at your tongue. ôetw een ■ «tob«. u4 «uTreasurer..............................F. S. Moore. below the head of tide, is practically at Stage leaves Steamboat Landing on Is it coated ? °d tV hZZïïSÜBupt. Public Instruction J. II. Ackerman j the head of navigation on the Siuslaw. Then you have a bad the Umpqua for Florence Saturdays. iw««ty mm /««state Printer.......................W. H. Leeds taste in your mouth every This place has a postofiice, store, hotel, Returning, Stage Leaves Florence this —■xAttffrt“*y General D. R. N. Blackburn morning. Your appetite school house and state fish hatchery. i ................... .B.T3. r A s . i Bean L J.l Sundays. is poor, and food dis­ T H E S T E A M E R } ...............F. A M Moore The Odd Fellows and Rebekahs each _ lupreme Court Extra Trips When Necessary tresses you. You have ____ ( _ C. E. Wolve erton iiave local organizations at Mapleton. frequent headaches and Cliurgcs Reasonable. WatT'^ü.'TJI&dgi -Second District. .J. W. Hamilton All these postofiices have a daily mail, are often dizzy. Your ■ -^ .-'^ yyyroeecu tin i; Attorney . . Geo. M. Brown stomach is weak and it being carried between Eugene and :h. B o « M O t a s o 0bU4N* t t M----------- ---------- -------- - TVill carry freight and passengers your bowels are always H om es F o r th e H om eless, O p p o rtu n itie s F o r th e Mapleton by stage each wny everyday. ■ »»a what m ~ constipated. COUNTY OFFICERS- from Florence to San Francisco. The mail hetwt in Mapleton and Flor­ B usiness M a n , F r u it- G r o w in g , S to c k - T here’s an old and re­ ence is carried by a steamer, which liable c u r e : nau « wo« « ------ W ill also bring tip freight E. B a n g s , P r o p r ie to r . R a is in g , L u m b e rin g , M a n u ­ H. R. Kincaid. makes tlie round trip from Mnpleton d B i Tooa«l«.lodge ««• *** »»» *** ■ Stage leaves| Eugene for Flor- d. h o w « ,« .« ’ fa c tu r in g , F is h in g . ............. J. R. Hill every day except Sunday. Mail is also F or further inform ation inquire j enee daily except Sunday at 6 a. m. ' Commissioners .. H. D. Edwards carried up the beach from Florence Arrives a t Florence the day fo l-' - OF — ............. E. U. Lee twice a week, connecting nt the Alsea lowing a t 10 a. m. .. W. W. Withers Ihefii A. W. B EA D LE & CO. R eturning stage leaves Florence with mail from Yaquina. There are Lane county is situnted in the western the fishermen find a ready sale for their .....................A. S. Patterson ____ / Treasurer reo for Fugene daily except Sunday at U. P. Burton 22 M arket St, Aasdasor.......................... four river steamers on tidewater, one of part of Oregon about midway of the catch at good prices. A hatchery was W. M Miller a t 2 p. in. Arrives in Eugene a t 6 , mom «L w ¡JSBI p I Superintendent San Francisco, California. p. in. the day following. slate nortli and south, and extends from built near the head of tide about eight which plies regularly lietween Florence . ,C. M. Collier G. W. Grillin •O« ( w «ooa joroner............. the summit of tl.o Cascade mountains years ago, by the state, for tlie artificial and Mapleton, while the others make C. H. Holden rus tice of Peace westward to the Pacific ocean. It is propagation of salmon. From one to occasional trips to carry freight and G. O. Campton Constable......... ! Single fare - - _ - 5.00. bounded on the nortli by Lincoln, Ben­ two millions of young fish are hatched passengers. R ound trip - - - - 9.00. There is a stage line from Florence to ton and Linn counties, and by Douglas here each year nnd placed in the river , Tickets for sale a t E. Bangs’ CITY OFFICERS. j livery barn, Eugene, and a t O. W. county on the south. or some of its tributaries, and this helps Gnrdiner, connecting at the latter place D on’t take a cathartic H u rd 's office in Florence. Its area is 4,380 square miles. The a great deal to keep up the run of flsli in with boat and stage for points east and dose and then stop. Bet­ .. F. B. Wilson President south. surface varies from the level land along tlie river. R All through freight on the stage ter take a laxative- dose M. Morris each night, just enough to either way between Eugene and the Willamette river to the hills and San Francisco is the principal market But little has been done at lumbering W in Bernhardt U Mapleton, will be charged at the cause orle good free move­ Bo&iil of Trustées mountains of ine Cascade and Coast lor all kinds of produce from this part of L. Christensen in this vnliey till witliin the past two * ment the day following. rate of two cents per pound during 1). W. Stibbens ranges. years. Some logs had been cut each the state, shipments being made by the m onths of October, November, You feel better the Eugene, the county seat and largest year for some time before that, but tlie schooners carrying lumber from the Recorder........... ___John I. Butterfield very next day. Your December, Jan u ary , February, S city, is a beautiful place of about 4,000 demand was limited. Now there are mills here. A new steamer is to be pnt O. W. Hurd appetite returns, your March and April, and one cent per pound during the m onths of May, dyspepsia is cured, your inhabitants and is situated on the Wil­ four sawmills on tidewater and another on the route between San Francisco .G. C. Cumpton P u ll m a n Marshal............. headaches pass away, lamette river, 124 miles from Portland in course of construction. Those already and the Siuslaw about the middle of S le e p in g C a r s Ju n e, Ju ly , August and September. your tongue clears up, by railroad. The other incorporated in operation have a cutting capacity of April and tiiis will give opportunity E le g a n t your liver acts well, and SEC R ET SOCIETIES. NOTA RIES. towns of Lane county are Cottage about 100,000 feet per day, and it re­ for shipping produce more quickly and your bowels no longer D in in g C a rs give you trouble. Grove, Junction City, Springfield and quires many million feet of logs to keep regularly. The steamer Robarts also T o u ris t A. R. BUTTOLPH, Florence. them in operation during tlie year. makes frequent trips from Florence to Price, 25 cents. A ll druggists. S le e p in g C a rs a F. A A. M. Florence Lodge No. 107. The principal industries are farming, Shipbuilding lias been carried on to Ooos Bay and Yaquina, carrying passen­ Ma jfcegular 20111munication on second ** I have taken Ayer’s P ills for 35 8T. PAUL years, and 1 consider them th e best fruit growing, stork raising, mining and some extent and six fine vessels have gers and freight to and from these places. and fourth Saturdays in each month. made. One p ill does me more good M IN N E A P O L IS than half a 1 k > x o f any other kind I E. W. C obb , W. M. A few years ago the United States lumbering. Farming is carried on most been constructed from the excellent havo over tr ie d .” R. B, M ills , Secretary. DULUTH F io r n o e , O regon Mrs. N . E. T a l b o t , extensively in the Willumette' valley. timber found here and sent out to com­ government began the construction of a March 30,1899. A rrington, Kans. FARGO Fruit grows well in any part ol the pete for their »hare of the carrying trade jetty at the mouth of the river for the ► O R A N O FO RKS TO F R A N K B. W IL S O N . county. Stock thrives well in thia part of the world. It is lioi>ed that before purpose of improving the harbor. About O. W. Perpetua Lodge, No. 131, CRO O KSTO N 3d Tuesdays meets every 1st and of the state. Mining is carried on mostly many years have passed a permanent $130,000 has been expended up to the ________ W IN N IP E G Members and visiting • ml month. in ___ in the Bohemia and Blue River dis­ shipyard will be established on the 8i- present time and the work will no doubt n in good standing are cordially brattar, H E L E N A and i a ritti to attend. A. O. F unkjc , M. W. 'LORENCE. - - - OREGON ored lithographed pialo« and Illu s tra tio n « . O riginal^ tricts, where some rich gold mines have uslaw, as there is certainly an abund­ be continued till the jetty is completed. latoet, artlaUo. exquisita and r t r t c U j up-to-date designa. I. o 3 | i .N otts , Recorder. BUTTS been discovered. Lumbering is carried ance of ns good timber for shipbuilding It ie thought Florence will then have T H R O U G H T IC K E T S on extensively in different parts of the here as can he found anywhere in tlie one of the best harbors on the coast of TO Oregon. world. county. O. O. F. Hocata Lodge No. I l l , meets C H IC A G O •rery Wednesday evening in Lodge On the west side of the Coast Range Indications of coal are found in vari­ Timber is one of the moet important W A S H IN G T O N Hall, Florence, Oregon. Brothers n re a a m .k in » .e o n o m i« , f . n c r w o rk,b n u a e b o id h in u c and lying partly in Lane and partly in ous places in this country, and it is of tlie material resources of tlie 8iuslaw g sod standing invited to ».' t.tend. P H IL A D E L P H IA short Blurt»»«, c u rra n t topic«, etc. Bubacrlb« to dajr. , . . . . B. A. E vans , N. G. Oaij aOo.joarly. Ladj a««ate wanted. 8uu4 t or term . D oU g la « COUTltieB, ¡0 f il e SlUShlW V n lie y . thought by some that there are exten­ valley, and ite wealth in this respect NEW YORK Of Eugene, Oregon F. C. fttiL, Sec. The river from which it takes its name, sive deposits of this mineral ill the val­ has but just begun to he realised. BOSTON A N D A L L has its source in tlie Coast mountains a ley, but as yet no systematic effort to Every stream, creek and canyon lias P O IN T S E A S T and S O U T H immense quantities of the finest fir tim­ short distance southwest of Oottage discover it lias been made. O. O. F. Maple Lodge No., 139. meets For Inform ation, tim e card«, maps and ticket* Grove, and flows in a general westerly Dairying has been carried on in a lim­ ber—tlie trees v yyin g from four to ten every Thursday evening in Meyer & etc., c a ll on or write Kyle’tH a ll, Mapleton. Oregon. Broth- or northwesterly direction a distance of ited way ever since tlie country was first feet in diameter and many of them 900 R. M c M urphey , srs ia good standing invited to attend. General Agent. Rooms 2 and 4, Sh elton Block, probably 100 miles, till it enters tlie settled, hut the lack of facilities for ship­ feet high. When delivered at the mills A G e n e ra l B a n k in g B u s in e ss T. J. N kklv , N. G. EUGENE, OREGON. Pacific ocean. Tlie basin of this stream ping tlie product to market prevented it is manufactured into the finest qual­ For ladle«, ml'__ __________ . , OaoB.PitiLea \ r . Transacted on Favorable Terms la in «(Titan “ chi« ” effect p o t attained A- D C H A R L T O N , other patterns. B a r « no equal fo ra tjri includes nearly all of that part of Lane tlie people, for several years, from en­ ity of 'umber and brings a good price in Asslktant General Passenger A gent, D rafts Issued on the principal c itie s of th e ; lying west of the Coast Range, together gaging in this industry beyond what was the market. The timber here is as yet 255 Morrison St., Cor., 3(1. O . 0. F. Irene Encampment, No. 42, P o r t l a n d , O r . United States and foreign countries. with a portion of tlie northern part of needed to supply tlie local demand. But con paratively untouched by thd woods­ meets in I. O. O. F. hall in Florence Interest allow ed on Dem and C ertificates of L Dougins county. a creamery was established on the lower man a axe, tliere having been but a very th e second and fourth Friday of each D eposit when left stated period. m o n th . Members of this degree are river four years ago, and this furnishes limited demand for logs till within tlie Tlie tide ebbs and flows for about 25 C ollections receive our prompt a tten tion. c o rd ia lly invited to attend. City and C ounty Warrants bought. S. J. S eymour , O. I . miles from the mouth of tlie river, and a steady market during the summer past year or two. Since that time two i r p u t to g e th e r O n ly I t and I * cent« «etch-noao CASSIDY 4 8 ON - - Proprietors. F. C. Pxiu, Scribe. •»r. «eld In nearly « ra ry olty «ad to w n , or by m alL the river is navigable for good sized season for all tlie milk and cream to he new mills have been constructed, and W . E. BROWN, D. A . PAINE, K Ask fo r th e m . Absolutely ra ry lates t up-to-date atylaa. F lo n e n o i , O r e g o n . ' President. Vice President. T H E M rC A L L C O M PA N Y, these, in addition to the two previously boats nearly the whole of this distance. obtained in the surrounding section. M A -141 V m 4 14th ttre e t. . • • • B«w T«rk CMy, ■» F . W . OSBURN, W .W . BROWN, O . O . F.—Mignon Lodge No. 105, built here, furnish a market for millions Unlike many of tlie coast rivers, in as­ Florence, the largest town on the Si­ C ash ier. A ss't C ashier. • Rebekah Degree, meets in Meyer U j, exien.led to all. A. W ight . white people. About 22 years ago the ' owned and operated by tlie Florence Along this creek grows millions of feet I’lIE Wffil Preacher in cliargA ing a specialty. Indians relinquished their title to the . Canning Company and tlie sawmill of of the finest timber to be found any­ government, most of them were removed J the Florence Lumber Company. About where. sold si 1» * * * ATTORNEYS On Whittaker Greek there is some to other reservations, and tlie land was : 2*a miles up the river is located the rich bottom land as well as a goodly thrown open for settlement. Several Florence Creamery, O. W. Hurd’s can- M o n e y Saved W ashington Street, Florence, Oregon. towns have spiung up and the white nery, and a large sawmill is now under amount of nice timber. A By Wild-Oat Creek, one of the larger inhabitants now number several tlious- construction. The 0 . Timmins Co.’s P a t r o n iz in g it. and. A few families of Indians, who cannery stands on tlie south bank of the branches of the Siuslaw, enters tlie river WANTED.—Tnpnble, reliable person in every WRITE FOR CIRCULARS *ehr « tof«yi«daf cuuntv to represent large eom pw iy o f «olid have given up their tribal relations and river about t mile above Florence. The about 20 miles alaive the head of tide. O r e g o n Q e 0 . H a ,e P r n r t S ew in g M achinea w e m anufacture and their financial, reputation; MM41 «alary per year, paya­ -I l o p prices before you purchase an y other. are living like tlie whiter, yet remain. Odd Fellows, Rebekahs, Masons and It is also bordered by good bottom lands ble w eekly; per day abRolutely sure and nil 7 and 8 M cLaren’* B uild ing. A ttention g iv e n to co llectio n « and pro- i THE NEW HOME SEWIH3 MICHINE CO., expennen; t'aiwht. bona fide, definite «alary, no Farming, fruit growing, stock raising, Workmen each have prosperous lodges which produce excellent crops where CENTRALLY LOCATED. UllANGK, MASH. com m ission; sainry paid each Waturday nnd ex ­ tlie soil is cultivated Tli s stream flows fishing and lumbering are carried on in town. ■ Union Sqnnra, N. V. OhlM«o, I’l. St. LonK Mo. pense money advnn«edexch we».*k. STANDARD FREE SAMPLE ROOMS. : b u l l « , TexaJI. Ban Frnnctaco, Cnl. A tlm ila , ( I * . HOUSE, .334 D k a r bo a n S t ., C i icaoo . 41-14 here to some extent, The soil is fertile, Glenada is si hinted on tlie south side for nearly its entire length through one » # # » * E . E. B E N E D IC T . FOR SALE BV snd, when cleared, produces abundant of the Siuslaw, opposite Florence. It ol the finest liodies of fir timlier to ha Good dealers wanted in every town, F IR S T -C L A S S . crops of the nicest vegetables and hay. lias a number of dwellings, a cliurcli, found anywhere. The Eugene-Mapleton j Write for prices and terms to San Fran > R N K Y - A T - L A W cisco, Cal. Must kinds of fruit, such ns apples, school house, bote), postottlce, and a stage road follows tlie course of this : Oregon. W ASTED—ACTIVE MAS OF GOOD CHA It AC I>e»rs, plums, and prunes grow well and small store. This place is the terminus creek from the moutli to near it: source. j ter Io d eliver nnd collect tn Oregon, for old «--tnhll.hcd innniifncturinv wholenale house, Iaiku Creek, the largest tributary, l>eaches do nicely, a few miles hack from of the Glenads-Gardiner mail route, pmo n year.gure one. Kouenty more than experi- SO YEARS* HOLLENBECK BROS. A BRHTOW, P bop «. , eucerequired. Our reference, nnv bank In nny flows into the Siuslaw about seven miles the coast. Small fruits, such as cur- E X P E R IE N C E over wtiicli mail is carried three times a city. E iic I ori nclf nd-lresred «’limped envelope. Mtiiilifnctureni, Third Floor, 331 Dearborn St., above tidewater. This stream, with its RATES $1.00 to $2.00 PER DAY Chleago. i rants, goosetierries, strawlierries, and week. F ■ i blackberrie«, yield rich return« for the Acme, a lively town which lias grown branches, drains a large tract of coun­ Digests what you eat. labor expended in setting out and caring rapidly during the past year, Is about try, moat of which is covered with heavy Itartificlally digests the food and aid« . , three miles up the river from F lo ren c e. timber. Tlie princi|>al brancliee of Lake Nature in atrengtbeuing and recon­ IR.DC m.ww» structing the exhausted digestive or* Stock, sudi as cattle, sheep and goats, Here are a large store, a meat market, Oreek are Indian, Nelson and Deadwood OCSMNS ant and1 ¿ ¿ S c ’ M o’’ o thS? pMpariSoi» weU hel* ’ c*t"e but two sawmills, two hotels and a aclwol- creaks, each of which lias ricli bottom CoFvnioMrs « e . » «endlnff a sketch and daeerlptton may Q niekfr «M«r«4 O ff* F U DTTt WffZW FA TU TT «cwrtatn our eplntnn free whether aa can approach It in efficiency. I t in- little’or no (ceding during the winter, house. The Siuslaw Room Co. have a lands on which some good ranches have OBTAiWXD ftani bv >4«I. «k«teh «r pb'-to with la prttbably patentable. C o m m a iite a - lieen cleared. Along these »treains, aa sian 11 y rettevesand pennanently cures y ,|ll)on |IM a |w. y , |Ke„ an boom for storing logs near thia place. 4w«r.Hp patentsMHty • • -F A O I eiiy-wud.tei.Ual. Handbook on Patente ! 0»v«*t«»n4Tr*4e lfark»o..**inff1 snd »11 P.L . ■ A W BOOS F B U O euuw « ra ls m c s i s«4 M l . Old««« acenry for «wearing patents. Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, well as many smaller brandies, there «rt b n iin « « c o n la r te d fn rM o S c r a te F c c . - ' ■fnnnalKHi W A IT « FOB COFT OF OOA «FACIAL i taken throagh Mann A Co. raeair« Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, portant occupation since the white Point Terrace, about ten miles ap the are inimeinie quantities of timber which R endm odrl,draw lngorphoto. W aadvlaalf OFFAA 1« itO»« m o M liberal »M a n i * « « •« «« mate k r Mae, with oat ckanre, tn the • r x f n l itte r s e r , an.( K V IA T IM T1M TO A «10X11.0 patm U b lefr-ea(chirjo. OnrfonnotdnoUU a if o lb M r e ^ U o n m ^ r f e c t i^ s G o n . lleJ 1,er" "nJ »«rnialies employment for j river from Acme, has a poetotHce ami a BAAO R tefcr« far pau.nl A te mm pataatl.aam r-d. A -IIo w toOb- , ran lie easi'y put Into the water ami taia Paloat»." witk eo»l • ( aaina tn »lia C. S., Prieesoc. andti.^UjtestoiMBUtBsxjjjuinaj several hundred men for two or three < hurcli. The government quarry from tl’>sied down to the mills on tlie lawes naty IHnatrated vaetly. Ixrraat fllr- and fa n t(a caaatries .r a t fr « . Addreea, * ny «cianiile tournal. Tarma. a *P n ia e re « ^ w E. C. DeW ITT S C O , C k lc e a » months every fall. Tliere are three ! which rock i f obtain»! for th e construe-: r'rfr-_____________ ____ _ _ tmtha, |L Sold by all aowadoaler». 8NOW & CO. RATCNT 14«V K R O , Or* RsTtBrr Orrt««. WâBWt«