T H E W E S T . Ex President Brpjamin Harriaon djed j (JP«o|* Oojf JR muxam .O u u M ru x^ q r.) that the people maintain Huge $yto _____ expensive jwtitut^ons to ¿urn out W ahhisoton , March 11, 1901. •P,i,,eJ Mi,<^ "n,J >olJ‘«r«. "9‘ gocial Alter deciding not'Io take up the „„ ex -'«<’« * •* . <>» *b •«*«” »»«» “ e" who der are out of order Wliat to Do. pursued a dignified course and held a saving of lime In made the Uuitfd States fpreat were | There is comfort in the knowledge so |'l<^renee, Oregon, Marçh 22, 1901 distinguished position in his profession, to have remained in session long enough j neither toadies nor suphs. No republic often expressed that Dr. Kilmer s Swamp- figuring in some of the most important io have settled both of those questions, ' Root, the great kidney remedy fulfills every ~ ~tanT •, — e — - — — can stand that recognizes any other ! wish |n curlng rheumatism, pain in the Few men have had showered on their international eases of recent times, not- hut there aro such wide differences of aristocracy than that of brains. back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every Paj-t jieads more vituperation and abuse than . ably as counsel for \ elicgliela, which opinion about changing the ru es so as J 1 of the urinary passage. It corrects inability ----------------j t0 water and scalding pain in passing h a s fallen to the lot of Andrew Carnegie, 1 country he represented before the artii- to limit debate that its settlement would Prof. Ivison, of f.nnaconing, Md., euf- ft. or bad effects following use of liquor; the Bteel king. As the head of a great (ration commission fit Paris to settle the ' have required more time than the sena- fered terribly from neuralgia of the wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go often pnyiufai turing corporation aud a man contention between the 8011th American tors were disposed to devote to it this stomach and indigestion for thirteen during the day, and to get up many times w lio lias accumulated an immense for- republic and (¡rent Britain. In that spring, and the influential senators had yeaf3 a n j after the doctors failed to cure during the night. The mild and the extra- 1 they fed him Qn morphine. A friend ordinary effect of Sw am p-R oot Is soon jnqe, perhaps no epithet has been too case he acquitted liimpelf with great reasons qt their own, some of them con­ liim , • , ,V7 . | ¡.„„„„„„I,, realized. It stands the highest for Its won- advtse.1 tl.e use of fc.0de granted of the U . 8. commissioners to the St. street to Jackson street. Said walk ----------- AND ESPECIALLY ON------------ f( r the masses ol tl.e people. Thus wo for ,,ny (.nuge arising prior to the resi- Louis exposition, which is a three-year shall lie built so as to conform to the giving lowest Department eee that this mail, after amassing great deuce of the complainant op defendant job at $5,000 a year, and three other ex- grade of the aidewnlk now laid on Main Store prices for every­ wealth, is now devoting the closing > l ,|'8 ylsfelf w#s nqt # ground for senators—Thurston, McBride and Lind­ street, and to lie made ns follows; Six thing to eat, drink, wear feet wide on top; plank two inches thick divorce in the stnte where the cause say—are slated for 8t Louis Exposition years of ids life to <|isposing of his or use. and hot more than twelve inches in arose. property in ways that shall be most Sec. 2. No persqn shall be entitled to coinnii8sionshipg. Tiiis is an indication width ; one cap 4x6 inches, six feet long, AND REMNANTS OF DRY GOODS TO CLOSE. to set on posts where posts are required; beneficial to mankind, Carnegie’s B (Jivorce for »ny cause aris ng in this of the value of knowing tlie ropes. OoUfenftatae f t » » on. C a UM ots J a ' m iMrfenl-AswrLAlnflrAlUA#« A firm which lias procured more than four stringers, 2x6 inches, break joints course recalls the answer of tip old Bus state who has not had actual residence in laying; nails not less than 30 penny*. ■Ian minister whq, tyhen pressed for his in this state for at least one year next 22,000 patents for inventors, as C. A. The said walk shall he placed where it before I'fipgjng spit far divorce, with a reason for doing certain things, replied; Snow it Co., the Washington patent Nin. aer.i floor ,pac*—1.00U clerks. will not require the removal of sand or bona fide intention of making thia state lawyers have done, have a right to feel soil to the depth of more than one foot, VWait for my death befqre yqt) judge uiy Ids or her permanent home. life." lf a ll would follow this in speak­ NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Sec. 3. Nq person aliali be entitled to that they have been instrumental in in­ and where it requires poet! eaid |a>sts ing of their fellow man there would be a divorce for any cause arising out of creasing tlie prosperity of the country, shall lie set three feet deep iu the L an d Office a t Koaeburg, O regon, fewer harali and unjust judgments. But tl.is state unless the complainant or and in keeping American invention nt ground and aliove tlie ground long F ebruary 18th, 1901. enough to put tlie walk of good height. defendant shall have resided within tide N o tic e 1« h ereb y g iv e n th a t th e fo llo w in g - suppose Carnegie hud not given his tlie head of tlie world’s procession. Said jiosts to lie not less than six inches n a m ed s ettler h as filed n o tic e o f h is in te n tio n state for at least two years next before The President is not discouraged be­ square nnd placed five feet apart one to m ak e fin a l p roof in ¿upport o f hi« c la im , and wealth away, but had eontiltpe<| on to hyipgipg suit for divorce, with a bona flie end of hit life a busy, active man of flt|„ intention of making this elate hit or cause of tlie apathy of tlie senate on the way from center to center and eight feet th a t »aid proof w ill be m a d e b efo re C. H H o ld e n , U . 8. Commi««i<»ner, a t F lo ren ce, pffairt. P oet it follow that lie should her permanent Imine._______ reciprocity question, shown by the fail­ apart tlie other way, all of tlie material O regon , on A pril 27th, 1901, v ia : Fred C. B ean , to he of good quality. o n II.K . N o. 9624, for t h e n lj of pe copdcmped simply because he liccamp ure of a whole batch of reciprocity R E M A R K A B L E C U R E * o r R H IU M A T I» *. Section 2. That tlie cost of tlie side­ See. 9, a n d n w '4 mw 1 z < sec. 10, T p. 18 3., R. 9 W. treaties for lack of action by the senate. walks shall lie paid by the lota fronting jrlchT In gaiuipg wealth for himself did From th e V in d ica to r, R u th er fo rd to n , N. C. H e n a m es th e f o llo w in g w ltn es« es to prove c o n tin u o u s re sid e n c e u p o n a n d c u ltiv a tio n The editor of the Vindicator has had By liis direction, Secretary Huy has „„ »„¡j w»ik an« atre«‘ c r ° « 'nBa out of the general B. m a n , o f F lo ren ce, O regon. pot hie great enterprise^ furnish employ- J. T. B r id o e i , remarkable results In each case. First, fund of the Town of Florence. R eg ister pient to thousands of Inhorinif men, with rheumatism in the shoulder from reciprocity treaty with France may he Section 3. That on said walk where it N O T I C l T F O R ^ r U B L I C A T l O N . ratified until September 24, 1902. giving t|iepi up op|iqrtpu'|y to belter , p ldch lie Buffered the most excruciating is more tlnfn twenty-four inches from fheir condition? Of course Carnegie pain for ten days, which was relieved Whether senators will show more Inter­ tlie ground there la* a railing or banister U n ited S tates Land Office, could not laj com dered a p hilanthropist!»'"' »ppl'eathms of Bain Balm, est in reciprocity dining the life of the thirty inches high, 2x4, dressed on top R osebu rg, O regon, ' ... . , . rubbing the parta afflicted and realixing and two aides, and posts 2x4 everr eight lied lie , . , ,> , > M arch 16,1901. lie devoted s life simply I J to getting > » instant benefit and entire relief in a very present congress than they d'.d In the feet, and a 1x6 eighteen inches from tlie N o tic e i t h ereby g iv e n th a t in c o m p lia n c e 4 and keeping gr* wealth, hut are there g i , o r t time, Second, in rheumatism in last remains to be seen. The adminis- i w ith th e p ro v isio n s o f th e a c t o f C ongress o f walk, to be on the aide next to street. pot foduy larg? numliers of fienfile ip thigh joint, almost prostrating him with tration believes that reciprocity is nee- < Section 4. Tiiat tlie building of snid J u n e 8. 1878, e n title d “ A n a c t fo r th e sa le o f fhte country who are in utpcli bettor severe pain, which wae relieved by two essary to avoid a commercial war on the sidewalks shall be let by the Board of tim b er la n d s in th e State« o f C a lifo r n ia , O regon, N evad a a n d W a sh in g to n T errito ry ,” ns e x te n d ­ circumstance, tl'ian they would have nppHealion», rubbing with the liniment United States by combined Europe. Trustees of the Town of Florence on ed to a ll th e P u b lic I.and S ta tes by a ct o f A ugu st ~ ‘ : on retiring at night, and getting up free According to Prof. Charles W. Dab- contract or contracts to the lowest res- 4,1892, J a m es E. G ibb on s, o f P o rtla n d , c o u n ty peen l,ad such a ,>ersoii as Cpmegto from F(jr gflle by w „ urJ poiisible bidder, reserving tlie right to o f M u ltn o m a h , S ta te o f O regon, lia s th is day pever ex isle,12 -------------------- -— ney, president of the U nivei- >f Ten­ filed in t h is office h is sw orn s ta te m e n t N o. 1496, | reject any and all bids. Tlie building of GREENLEAF ITEMb. nessee, who jtestifled before the indus- siad sidewalks and street eroseinge shall for th e p u rch a se o f th e nw^< o f S ectio n N o. 11, In T o w n s h ip N o. 18 8 ., R a n g e N o. 9 W.. Tlie war stsm p on bank checks goee 1 trial commission, on conditions in tlie be completed within 60 days from letting a u d w ill offer proof to sh o w th a t th e lan d | March 18, 1901 out of existence on tlie 1st of July, hav­ Seth Simmons’e health docs not in i-1 South, the South has entered u|>on a of such coutract or contracts. The Board s o u g h t is m o re v a lu a b le for its Hm ber or sto n e th a n for a g ricu ltu ra l purpose», a n d to ing been almlished ns a means of raising P ’ Q v e - | period of natural evolution, wldeli will of Trustees of tlie Town of Florence esta b lish h is c la im to said la n d b efore th e t) war revenue. The last fiscal year Deer are »care# anil skunks are p le n -, CIury industries steadily forward for shall have supervision of tlie conetruc- R eg ister aud R eceiv er o f th is o ffice a t R oseburg, O regon, o n W ed n esd a y , th e 29th d ay o f M ay, . tion of said walks. gliows that 350,000,000 checks passed tiful. years. He said that cotton, cattle and , Section 5. All crosswalks shall be 1901. Mis. J. A. Carlvle, of Ohiekahominy, through the hanks, each bearing i) two- H e n a m es a s w itn esse s: mules bring better prices than ever built tlie same as tlie sidewalk« B urt W arren. J. H. U rban, W. M. V a u lt nnd cent (stam p, yielding a revenue of who has lieen suffering with a severe ■ before, and that the |>oople of the south I Section 6. This Ordinance shall be J o h n W. S herm an , a ll o f P o r tla n d , Oregon. siege of the g t ip, is worse agsin. . - - - . $7,000,000 to tlie government. A great in full force and effect front and after its A n y a n d a ll person» c la im in g a d v ersely th e Ghickahomiiiy valley has been full of » er* enjoying a period of great prosper- ai»ove-dcscribcd la n d s are req u ested to file th eir and o other financial inglltu-1 ! piany hanks ..»..ss ...n. ...».......................... from o( U te. ! ity ; . 1 » that industrial education was passage J by , ; ; the Board of Trustees and cla im » in t h is office o n or before snid 29th d a y o f published ten days in tlie W _ est . tions have supplied theircuatoinera with j ' i i l . i n s urtai »iH.i.iiigs ail ■!> i n u s wax ta- u tr space o n a i in . . a i .. .. . . i ..a, May, 1901. making the n»gro more productive as a Approved this 11th day of March. 1901. J . T. B r id g e s , R egister. ptamped cheek Ixjuks, sometimes at tho Mr. Evans was stricken witli paralysis eitixen than he had been as a slave. MARION MORRIS, C O N T E S T " N O T IC E ? - jnero cost of tlie stamp«, sometimes as a A week ago and la not much better. He Representatives Gannon, Daltell, and A ttest: President Pro. Tem. J. W . CARM AN DlPARTM EXTO F THE iMTKRroJt, gratuity. It is presiimed that when tho Blurted fur tlie pustufficc and hud almost Richardson have a joli that is not envied ' I>1,KI-Mi Recorder. U n ited S ta tes I^ind Office, R oseburg, Or., reached it when lie was Been tu stiigacr law abolishitig them goes into force February 18,1901. and tall. He was carried to Mrs. Down- l»y any of I heir colleagues. They eonsti- A COOO CO U C H M E D IC IN E FO R A su fficien t co n test a ffid a v it h a v in g been filed |,iere w|ll be Ju large number of these ing's mid cared lor there. ' tute the committee authorixed to have C H IL D R E N . in th is office by M ilton A. N ic o lie , co n testa n t, Unused check liooks still on hand and The blnstlng done In the ledge at the the house entirely refurnished, includ- “ I Imve no liesitsney in recommending m w iu s ib o im s K m l en try X o.flW A m a d e M sy S fn , piuch speculation is being indulged in William Johnstone place is not, as re- ¡ng new desks for tl.e members and new­ ClinmberlHin’s Cough Remedy,” »«vs F. ,or A ? ;’ ” ’ l , ^ “ o n 8’. ® z ’ • 8 ., R an ge 8 W ., b y M att M attson , C o n te ste e, in e s t now as to wl,nt will he done will, ported, to cut a new road through the - .„ o( U|o o|<| iw) .„ t*. Moran, a well known and popular whic h It Is a lle g e d th a t said M att M attson has them . The government hag, of course, rock at a I,iglier elevation than the old, baker, of Petersburg, Va. “ We have w h o lly a b a n d o n ed m id tract a n d ch a n g ed his k galleries. They know tlmt no matter given it our Children when troubled with r e sid e n c e th erefro m f o r m o r e th a n s ix m o n th s mad« no provieion for their redemption but Io raise the old roadlwd above the » . 1" : ................. . high water mark by blasting rock from bow well they perforin their tusk, they had cough», sis,, whooping cougli, «ml it j‘"d " ' a ‘ •"*“ *" . . ’ . - n o t s e ttle d u p o n nnd c u ltiv a te d by said en try- #inl their poe»e»»ors will doubt Ires lie atmve and titling it. 1 hear that the will not escape criticism. At any rate, has «lwiiys given perfect s«tis(«ction. It mi(n by lnw „ qu,rwl; wll,’ .neged sb- p-quired Ip pocket their Ins» mid set comity court gave $00 to help the work. the long experience of tlie three gentle. 1 was recoin mended to tne by a druggist s cn ce from th e »aid lan d w as n o t d u e to h is Jbeni «»¡do us souvenirs of (lie Spiinisli John MacVay, of Alpha, is trying to men ought to enable them to come very as.the l»eft cough medicine for children ! em p lo y m e n t in th e A rm y. N a v y , or Marin i Uorps o f th e U n ited S ta tes as a private sell out to go to Minnesota. Tlie lady near to pulling in what will Ire needed, Ha it contained no opium or other harm i so ld ier, officer, sea m a n , or m a rin e d u r in g th e j»ar.~- 8 . 1', phroni» I«- iul drug.“ For sale by O. W. Hurd. wlio, in response to Ills advertisement ; war w ith S p a in , or a n y o th er w ar in w hich The Boston Herald expresses the fear |1)r a wjjo t.a,|,e fron, tlmt slate and mar- even if they don't please everybody. th e U n ited S tates m ay be en g a g ed , said p arties j »re hereby n o tified to ap pear, respot.d ; Jhat if ex-Senittor Garter should visjt ritsl him, refuses Io live in Hie baek- | Secretary Long's answer lo the senate TO THE DEAF an d offer e v id e n c e to u c h in g sa id a lle g a tio n . glly tlie liusiness men might treat woods ‘ and “ “ has gone as far hack as Eu resolution asking whether officers in tlie a t 10 o ’clo ck a. m . on A p ril 17th, 1W1, A rich ladv cured of her Deafness and before U. II. H o ld e n . U. 8. C o m m issio n e r, at }di,i «« horse thieve« nr« Ircnteil in gene, where she will wait a few weeks navy, promoted from the ranks, were , F lo ren ce, L an e C o u n ty , O regon , and th a t final for him in sell out. II he does not do so | allowed to wear the same uniform worn Noises in the Head by Dr. Nicholson’« Mont«n«. Tlie ships «re getting loo big ! h ea rin g w ill be h e ld a t 10 o ’clo ck a. m. on A pril »non she will go on to Minnesota and he naval Artificial Ear Drums, gave $10,000 lo his 29th, 1901, bef >re tlie R egister a n d R eceiv er at ' for the cligniii l into Boston l,nrl*or «ml « ill follow a» aoon a» he can settle hie h* o'” « " Institute, so I hat deaf people unable to th e V niteO E lates h am l o ffic e in R oseburg, affairs. The couple seem fond of each academy, shows the senate inquiry to j p niese a deeper ehannel is m«de toon procure the Ear Drums may have them J Otegon, i have tieen timely and nertinent. The free. Adilress No. 10573-c. The N idi- T h e »aid co n te s ta n t h a v in g , in a proper affl- p ie port RiU lose her trade. Tins iom- other. Thu limrering c.ihgl. billowing grippe admits that they do not, but ,d ,un In.titute, 780, Eighth Avenue, 1 ' ^ ¿ " ¡ ,7 ' / Om'r«it,?d,,r’H llw i<^K «"»i petition of big eliipw ie Iwi oniing «1,in n ­ ing. Hhipe are Iwilpg built « liicli van ,- ,11» f,,r Ipie Minute Cough Cure. Fer denies that the distinction is tnajle be- New York. II. S. A. serv ice o f t h is n oth-, e a n n o , he au id e. It I , here- ing. ¡-„ter only a lew port« and then all tl.e qll il.nait and long trouble, this Is the cause one set ol ollkere won their wav - ' * other norta muet dig out or loee trade, only harmle»e remedy that gives name- on t|„.ir lneri,g (rom t|,e rgllka, and the FOR »A L E I J. T. nairH ixs. R egister, BALL Beauty of tinisli, quality of material, eleganeg p i ) “ * ______________ _ iliaie result«. Prevents consumption. , . , . , . — — J. H. B ooth , R eceiver. BEARINGS, oilier was educated at public expense at u , Hr|pUn. (lwei1. the finest workmanship, the sim plest, moet complete In an (nteryiew with a reporter for the M*»er A Ki Iu. like a bicycle, best of attachments, easy payments, old machiaM —r- Annapolis. He save further that the ing wilt, four h.la fronting » « luet on N O T IC E F O R P U B L I C A T I O N make tlie pregopian Senator S in on statevi that fjo T IC S TO CONTRACTORS. the river in Ulenada. Hooee lias large, u o u i u n i i u i r . iu eicliange, one million fire hundred Uioneand navy de|>artment ie now preparing a ’’W HITE” •verylxxlv *»»■ Ut»n|»|>»iiib‘«l fft Ü h iä ’ qj * j “ . , a » .. lawk, which will * •" lighted rooms with p l a s t e r e d a n d L* " < 1 K ostburx, O n w nn . users, thirty years of success, courteous treatmeat . Not let* i« hereby g i\en tlmt sealed hid« uniform regulat’on book, whlrtl - _ . _ . M arch Ti n e t tlie Easiest more can yon ask? , i permit officers promote«I from tlie ranks l’* l * ’* '' walla, fine view of o n m and p a rler’« defeat of lliy harbor appropria- lie n i|,e.,ffli-u of the Town . . „ , S o i l « 1» h ereby g iv e n th a t th e fello v rln « - Running -„ la in niahtnia and uniform I C»«l «PDng water. Place coat nam ed settler h a . (lied n o tic e ot h l . In te n tio n |ion Ip ,•'? cpngretia. Hu tlunkg licirv ler utifjl March » r d , 1901. for tire Machine lightgx and • ” o n s f i i c t i . n u f l l i u f ..lh .« in g s id e w a lk s meigma n n d u n i f o r m , |< x ) D - w t l l s e l l f o r $360 caati. Call on or •» niakeSnal proof in su p p o rt o f h ls c la lm . and ihm there i | but little doubt that n riw r mid conet m eli”* most durable and handsome Made not now worn by them, but which are gtldreoa. C har H. David. Point Terrace, lhat prnof W|U ** ,nM■ Momoe ’ tor th e v ', t » i „ , i , « .I ,, se c . 29, Tp. 17 8..« »treat ; on weet «Me of Monroe officer», which • practical adaritfioo * w est. FURS WAMTIO. ^-pelili pi ita pnswage. '^trvel (nun A,eln etreet Ip First Street ; u( lite injnetice of tli« dieerimination. — KUMUMUKO MVMMY F HIDA Y MORNING.— Wed lie», lay, March 13th, at hit home in Imliarupujit after a tyrief illness. Acute pneumonia maidenly developed a week previously and baffled the efforts of the best medical skill (o «ulsiue it. Mr. Harrison was ope of (lie few Presidents the country fma ever had who did not W in te r Clean-Up. Win m ill, t< when f • ST R IC T L Y C A SH ON T H E S E C O O D S . out al VALUABLE BOOK O U R PO LIC Y t a o KJU3E and A D D R ESS $ ” l «utter ulciaiw pre 11»«, i U<- j 11« 'villc. Tauo c-f bladd« r Hixl conipl but kept e* m y bed ft» re ceiv e d y «tlsksed m l Pierev f 11 Favorite XHtcovcty, tw o m onth, K ittin g b I JiotiMf wort B eep P r ic e -C u ttin g a n d Q u ic k Salei" W IN T E R M E R C H A N D IS E # Dr. Pit Adviser, receipt o expense i U. V. Pi* SHOES S A N n a N C is e a 'A AND Special Counter Will Be in Order fo This Sale. ■VO UTAS T J R .T T X iY ' 0 .W .H U R Ü C A R M A N ’S CHEAr CASH STORE! Drv Coods, * Croceries .AMPLE FLORENCE MEAT ★ and * Notion) MARKET. ........ Just Ooened.. Goods as Reoresented PROPWISTO The < «-•»iru m «pap*« « 1 ’ t ii ® f u r • i n . ”, M«t It Ie# rWO. t» K ••n»a) / >e VfcltH ««Ad» i!lo»t ar»l •;*i |M !>«• Ifki V H B «’tat J? ijm wilt U . \ *w *. •• »r«t tu n « a» if J U»P«3iilAclvna«, BiM>«Mk