< í . * % & * I rfid v is e ‘ O A n w om en w ho s u ffe r fra n i c h r o n ic d is e a s e s te w r ite to O r . P ie r c e ." That advice is based upon practical BtperleJiO?. After suffering for months, Bud fouling IP J benefit result from the treatm ent of the P'b . . Miss Belle Iletlnck wrote to Dr. Pierce f o r a d v ic e . She acted on the advice, regained her appe­ tite, recovered her strength, and gain- >»i ed several pounds A v in weight. ■ j >’ "Write to Doctor Pierce ” is good ad- v i c e fo r e v e r y woman to follow. Jt co sts n o th in g . Dr. Pierce invites sick women to eon- im, by letter, Address Dr. Pierce, In- Hotel and Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N. Y. In a little over thirty years, Dr. IHerce, assisted by his staff of nearly a score of physicians, has treated and cured over half a million women. «1 suffered from female weakness for five months " writes Miss Belle Hedrick of Nye, l'utnmn Co . W. A i l . "1 v «> trented by s good physician, Init lie never '.¿¿ilicd to do me a n y got Weekly io the Country, p i.s o nan cludlnff iwistage) to say p a rt o f the U n ited tea, C anada an.l Mcxloo. ■UR WEKK1.V CttllONKTIA tha brtffbtast I r u , . . l complete W eakly New epaper In the rid. prints r r g u L u lr 111 Columns. or sixteen laa. at News. I-P e ru lu re and Oenerol llo n : also a m aknlOceat A c rtc w lto ra i and r tlr u ltu r a l D e p artm en t. T h ia la one of tha n laat dep artm ents In any ist. E v e r y th in , w ritte n la fence In the Cnaat Btalaa. not on a'a kno w led s* a t th eir oarn localltlaa. IntSr- MPI.E Tks COPY SENT I'h t e e lile FREE. Itiilld lO T . UK »’’H l i O N i n . i S rank« w ith Ihs MHtAi'f't'* In tbs t'n ltv d At at as. n i t Ó lin O N lC la K h *s n<> *i« country. IIR C H R O N IC b H Iwui alw ay « bM fi. and • w ill t e . thi* ftie n d ar.d rhaaiptam et ar» ?h« tte al- t*a [*!«. *« a«<«lnat oonibmatloaa. clique«, cor Alton«, or oppreaalona *» any hind. I t w tU b« »pendent tn a v e ry th in f. M u tr a l In n o thin*. po YOU WANT THE CHRONICLE Reversible M a p ? Skswlsg lbs Uni |J gistes, Ossiisi«« • f Canada gJJ Nsrtbsrn N jx I« j O X Mag OJhfW Hl DK. of the World ■ b'y < BS and t.el D the «•» Y a«B r a»« rtae ear, «ge »repalda« tear »*>ar. •ri: K O TH F.H If. v © u U . I t p w a Has. II C o u l d n 't R e s is t . ! A« eccentric clergyman In Cornwall had been mupf) annoyed Ijy fhe way the members of the congregation hud of looking around to see lute comers. After enduring It for some time he said on entering the reading desk one duy: "Brethren, 1 regret to see that | your attention Is enlled away from your reilgloua flutles by your very natural desire to see who comes lu j behind you. I propose henceforth to save you the trouble by naming each person who may come late.” He then began, "Dearly beloved,” but paused half way to Interpolate, “Mr. 8., with his w ife and daughter.” Sir. S. looked rather surprised, but the mlulster, with perfect gravity, re­ sumed. Presently he again paused. “ Mr. C. nnd William IX” The nbnshed congregation kept their eyes studiously bent on their books. Tbe service proceeded In the most or­ derly manner, the parson Interrupting him self every now and then to nnuie l some newcomer. At last he said, still with tbe same perfect gravity; “Mrs. 8. h) a new bonnet.” In n moment every feminine head In the congregation hail turned around.— Millinery Trade Kevlew. A M y a te r y o f th e Sea. One of the most curious finds ever ' made from the sen was that which came to the A sores In 1858, The Is­ land of Corvo was then In the possus- slon of two ruunwny British sailors. , One morning there drifted ashore a 1 craft which had evidently been frozen j In the Ice for a long time. It was an [ ancient nnd battered brig, without | masts, bulwark or name, but the batches were on, the cabin doors fa s t ; and the hulk was buoyant. She had lit­ tle cargo, and thfit consisted of skins 'nnd fura In prime condition. No papers were found In the cabin, j but It w as figured that she w as a | sealer or trader, carrying a crew of ! 10 or 12, and that she bnd been pro- i visioned for a year. The flour was spoiled, but the beef w in perfectly preserved. She hud liven abandoned j when frozen In an Iceberg nnd drifted for years. The date of the letter found In the forecastle showed that the brig had been nlinndoned nearly half s century before. The two sailors got put the furs, which eventually brought them $4,000, nnd tw o barrels of lieef ami then set fire to the wreek. No trace ' was ever found of Its name or owners. J n n t a n O r d l u n r y S te a ls . “When In Hamburg, we supposed we must do ns the Hamburgers did, so nt our first meal there we asked for Hamburg steak,” said the woman. “Besides, we wanted to see how that viand would taste upon Its native heath, anyway. But to all our requests, couched In our la-st scholastic German, the waiter shook his head. Like many another prophet, the Hamburg steak was apparently without honor In Its own country. At nil events, our waiter hadn't heard of It. ’Oh. well,’ ive suld, 'Just bring us sn ordinary beef steak. Hut. Io and behold, when tbe meat was served there It was all chop|>vd up and made Into small cakes—what Ameri­ cans call, in fact. ’Hamburg stcakl* To Hamburgers a Hamburg steak was sn *ordluary steak.* "—New York Suu. A <2o««l Schema. Mrt. Yuuucliqgbantt—Do you Dotk* any dlfiTcrrtivv In tho uillk, tloar? Mr. Youngbualxiiitl—1 aboubl any aa Thia la n much bvttor quality than wo havo boati gvtllng lately. Mr». Youngbuabaiid-lndroil It la. I fo t It off a new man, who aaltl ba would (uaranti-a It Io l>c iN-rfoctly pure, «p I bouffbt onoiiffh to laat for • ooupla o f waoka. l* v « fi MacbtimJ^a.--. W aln« l u h a i i w i * M henil ia« nna^U i „ .«) • * ____ GOL» i Q iiea Away Pm s i« u - .» .* r * in 150.a® PIANO ■shir end gteal »MMUaeol « 4» Mtdiiioe v . i ' . ç « c ' lie ' " * ‘' ■Id «sS s b v . m i . oo i " , e „ .d a r I " '-di psmeidsts ) Sing »iN be s.1,1 I " F r e o . ___ U tW O M A W FU B U B H IW S rt«™»??» es« Mt COMMSV. Tte«« FUN FROM YONKERS. S ln d e I t s O svfl y u n e r n l - T o l l e t . There are curtain Insect» that have such a respect for Mrs. Gruudy and are endowed with such an Innate love o f neatness and order that not even death, or rather decapitation, can pre- I vent them from making one grand iinal toilet, which Is clearly designed to give them a sedate and respectable appearance after dentil. Dr. Balllon, a skilled entomologist, discovered this remarkable fact. “Dur­ ing one of my recent horseback rides," t e says, “I frequently caught one of ithose large tiles wtylcli annoy cattle i and horses so much, and I promptly pot f);.} of It by crushing Its head. One day, Instead of throwing the mu- i tllated Insect aw ay, I placed It on the )>nck of my hand and Indolently wutch- I id It. For some seconds tjje Insect re- i malned motionless, but then, to my unbounded surprise, It moved Its front ' legs forward to the place where the i head should have been, and, after it had rubbed them nervously together, apparently In anguish. It begnu to brysh its body and to smooth Its wings wit I) Its hind legs. Under the gentle pressure of these limbs the body grad- 1 ually became extended and the ex­ tremity curved, while the wings grnd- | pally changed their natural ixisitton and left the upi>er part of the body j exposed. Meunwjille the bind legs 1 continued to brush each other from ¿line to time. j “Naturally I watched this extra­ ordinary sight with great Interest, nnd, In order to see the finale, I took the Insect Into my study, where It lived an entire day. spending the time at t|(,e ungrntefurtask of making B own I funeral toilet.” c h r e ttlr ln ▲ 1M >U K *I I have bees a grast sufferer fro m fo r over f i - e years. Nothing g iv e mo say My feet s u 1 lege and abdomea w are bloc. ■sin 1 could Sot wearsbooeou m y feat and only a. ly eu U IN » . « I » saw • » » i Hlpaaa , i p » e . e Tabulae . . w —eww — - - — ■ — - — la draee. advartUed dally paper, bought «o n a ^ n d took thaaa aa •d . Uav« takan tbam about tfcr«« w««ka and t U tueh a vb a ac«! I am not eo n ttlp n u d any i aud 1 owe It a ll to R lpan i Tabul««. l a a tL , «even j ear« old. have no ocuupuUou, oniy i houMehold d’ tlea and nursing uiy tic k kuabr IIo ha« had tha dropay and I am trying M u Tabule« fo r him . He feela soma batter but II t take some tim e, he ha« been t ic k « • long, m ay use m y le tte r and name aa you Ilk a I heve urea Ripeas Tabalee w ith eo amor, sette. tecuua that 1 can cbeorluU r reoom nuad Wem. Beve beau troubled lo r about three je e rs w ith eu>l I celled bllloue alte ó te coming ou reg tilerlj eses » wees. Wee told by different pbyekiune i l wee caused by bed teats, o f which 1 bed several. 1 had the teeth extracted, but We a l­ le a te oontluued 1 te d eccu advertisements of Klpane Tabules In all tbs papere but had no faith W them, but about els w eete since a friend iu dueed me to try Wem. Uovo ta te n but tw o of the sm all S cent boxre of the Tabule, and have he t BO recurrence of the a t t u t a lleve never given a testim onial for anything before, but ihe pregi am ount of good which I FaUeva hae been done me by Ripana Tabulae tnduocs me to add mine to the many testimoniala Jon doubtless have In your poeseeelou now. A. T. baWlTT. / » A Room. Som e P it h y P a r a g r a p h s C a lc u la te d t o A uiUM tf l o t . Spriggs -Bluffern’s clothes are all torn. Griggs— li e must have be.en doing the town. Spriggs—Not nt all. Griggs—Well, then, he w as out on o tear. i .“ I know a rnau who alw ays does ev­ eryth Ing right.” “Ob, nonsense!" “Well, he has no left hand." Smith—Those Joke writers must be put to nil awful strain sometimes for subjects. Brown—Yes; that’s when they’re at their w its’ end. “When those cals congregate out op my back fence nnd start to yowl at night, 1 drop u pot of hot water down on them .” “Thnt's a sort of concert pitch.” The Editor—That uew scribe we’ve got Is said to be a novel writer. The Copy Holder—You hot he Is. I haven't found one good sentence In his work yet. Griggs—All those young «-omen la that circus performance lust nlglit were as pretty as pictures. Briggs—Then It must have been o living picture show. la takes. ___ C astoria is a harm less su b stitu te for C astor O il, P a r e ­ g o ric, D rops a n d S ooth in g Syrups. I t is P le a sa n t. I t con tain s n e ith e r O pium , M orphine n or o th e r N arootio su b sta n ce. Its a g e is its g u aran tee. I t d estroys W orm s n nd allays F everish n ess. I t cu res D iarrhoea au il W ind C olic. I t relieves T e e th in g T roubles, cures C onstipation a n d F la tu len cy . I t a ssim ilates th e F o o d , reg u la tes th e Stom ach and D o w els, g ivin g h ealth y and natural sleep . T h e C hildren’s P a n a c e a —T h e M other’s F rien d . C A S T O R IA G E N U IN E ALW AYS Bears the Signature of q»**#************4**** l r The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For O ver 30 Y e a rs . a rd F a m ily M edi­ cine : Cures th e com m on every-day mi *q uuaui Wianuam ill o f hum anity. ■ o th e r was troubled w ith h e a r t b u r n and aleeplessnass. caused by indigestion, fo r a good many re a r a One day she aa\r a teatlmonlsd tn the paper Indorsing R i p a n s Tabules. She e determined to give thorn a tria l, was g r e a t l y relieved by their use a n d n o w ta k a s th e Tabulae regularly. She keeps a few cartons Ripans Tabules in the house and says she w ill not be w ith o u t them. The heartburn and sleeplessness have disappeared w ith the indigestion which was form erly so great a burden fo r her. Our whole fam ily take the Tabules regularly, especially after a hearty m eat My m other Is fifty years of age and Is enjoying the best of health and spirits ; also eats hearty meals, an Impossibility before the took ‘Mgr - * Tabule«. AxToa H . — aA,g » £ve«**e***********eeee*S tt M y ««Yen-year-aid ht suffered w ith palas | his head. eonstlpaMs.. and eomplalnad a f k * stomach. H e oouid n< sat like ehlldren of h |r age do and w h a t k * did eat did not agrsft w ith him. B e w a a th f i and o f a saffron s o lo j Reading some o f the testimonials la favor ♦ - Tahnlee M m X..I naintllv gmred m* tiìm wbi — * j jousgeto the heednehee hove disappeared, bowels ere I J good ooudltloa end be never completes or h r; etomech. Be Is now a red, chubby feaed bap. Tkl wonderful eheuge I eltrtb u te to lUpaae Tebulm,, I em .etlefled thet they wtU beueBt say one (teas tbe cradle to old ege) U w kaa eooordtag ho O re B. W. Yearn. 0 tlune. m I i »^ n i p a u b Tabules. IB D U IB B , I i tried i r i o u them « u c * a x . . Ripans Ripans «.» o n ■ l w y relieved but acluelly cured my 1 a . e v U a c i . eoetelnlug Tee stress Txltnae pecked In . peper eerton (wiW oel glees) Is am a> ____ drug em m e-roe riv e cesTe. This low priced m rt Is Intended for W . poor end the ccoeoM g at W . flvwecnt enrton. (Hu Ubule.) non be bed by mail by ■"“Jlng “ r v , . . . ^ . On. M Spruce Street. New T o rb -o r e .incle eertonlrra rxircuee) w ill be sent tor i n.-.— may also be bed of eome grocers, general rtorekeopere, new, eg""** »Od a» enaee U<| koakar shops. They baalsh pein, iaduce sleep and prolong life. One gives rc m b . ★ á ‘r ★ D e s ira b le PVIÄR/ ’.o q ? ^ G T I(^ E ★ Stars in °L e* rr « And The C o rre c te d . City Editor—Evidently you didn’t get n very close view of Nookasb's summer place. Reporter—Not very close. Why? City Editor—You refer to It as “a magnificent marble pile,” whereas It’s a frame house. Reporter—Is It? Just cross out “mar­ ble,” then, nnd Insert “wood.”—Phila­ delphia Press. 4J4 ■%- ■# ^ iÿ a m h iU 5T- PORTÖimOR A n I , l y l o f tb e l.n te H e a te d T e r n . nal. -I-PA-NS T h e m odern sta n d ­ Three T H t C C N T A U R C O M P A N Y , 7 T M U R R A Y 6 T R E E T . N E W Y O R K C IT Y . "Pa, I know that ma wunts me to be­ come a sleight of hand a r tist” remark­ ed the light o f the household, who was just about to sh ift for himself. "Infinite rot!” stammered the dis­ gusted pnter. “ Well,” was the reply, “she tells me 1 should leuni alw ays to keep some- thiug up my sleeve.”—Yonkers Herald. "My heart.” moaned Mildred Glen- dotve. wringing her bauds. “Is like Ice!” Van Alstyne Van Brugh stnred pre­ cisely as If stung. ‘‘Then, of course. I ennnot ask you to give me your heart!” he exelnlmed In n hollow voice. For even love Is not blind to the great price of Ice In summer.—Detroit Jour­ r . B laumbm . Rubber Neck—Now, w bat’s the dif­ ference between the Atluutle and Pa­ cifie oceans? Sage of the Sea—The United State«. W. H. WEATHERSON. JOHN C. BECK. Point Terrace, Or. J L P tT S a n d S O IE IS T O E S ^ » Sold With k >3 a FLORENCE REAL ESTATE AGENCÏ. k o ii^ t a rcd ^ o ld arad (§>cWß £ot