E “ Take Time by The Forelock/' MOKNINO— | ‘ • W E S T ILiMUKU ItVKUY FKIUAY _____ AT_____ imbnce , L ake C ounty , O regon .— • • • BY • • - w | h . weatherson Editor and bus lack- ts, Proprietor. : $1.50 a year in advance.----- ^red at the poet-office at Florence, county, Oregon, us second-class latter. M fllT ia llH J BATES MADE KNOWN ON AP­ PLICATION. MO* n o tic e . 6 e e n u per lin e, each Insertion Terence, O regon, March 15, 1901. W E S T L IN Q S . u e nave fft, Patrick’s day dance tonight, < fo to A .O . Funke’s lor all kinds of toolg All liver ills are cured by Hood’s ilia. 25c. OÔdtractor Yates Iras been making in*« needed repairs at the city jail this R F IT 9 k ■"*-Pioneer Hardware Store of Marsh- s agent for He Laval Cream Sep- ra. Cleaves, the jeweller, will soon Florence to again engage in the repairing business. galley nnd engine room ns well as i* machinery of the Robarts was given «M l of paint a few days ago. Jes se Bounds had the misfortune to in the point of a cantliook through his and last week and is now taking a few »ye rest in consequence. In the circuit court at Roseburg last atsrday Judge Hamilton sentenced lR ,L * ce, >or i prisoners to the penitentiary for irma of from one to four years. When you are bilious, use those fa- tous little pills known as DeWitt’s Lit* • Karly Risers to cleanse the liver and owels. They never gripe. Meyer & Kyle Itlsting of Astoria is talking of licensing slot ma- iiMs. It is estimated that about $3000 ’ year can be derived from an annual cense fee of $25 on every slot machiné i usa in Astoria. Sea that you get the original DeWitt’s Vitch Hazel Salve when you ask for it. 'be genuine is a certain cure for piles, t the OrMtorw^nd skin diseases. Meyer A Kyle. A few claps of thunder Saturday and iy made some of our people think times when they lived further here thunder etorms occur nearly eek during the summer season, r promptness and their pleasant make DeWitt’s Little Early Risers pillar little pills wherever they _ _ _ wn. They are simply perfect for iverand bowel troubles. Meyer & Kyle. Charles Griesen, of McMinnville, ’or musical iiiBtrnments, was in Friday and Saturday. He is respondent for the Portland Tel- The W est received a pleasant shades D. r W. G. Gilstrap and wife, of ene Register are rejoicing over val at ttieir home of W. G. Gil* ’J r. Will has already promised take” on the Register as soon as enough. rg Review: Miss Rosa Schus- ardiner, who had her broken ited here Thursday, returned to 'riday, where she will remain for of weeks. She is now steadily ng. ilson, a timber land locater who visited this county several the last few months, was in Wednesday on his way to Gar- He goes to Portland in a day or eet a party of capitalists from Rafley is erecting a building for market on Main street west of lorenco hotel building. It is to it long and 10 feet wide, with a ___ liront, and will make a decided nprovtment in the looks ct that part o > wb . P ltlF V n i Counterfeits of DeWitt’s Witch Hazel •alve are liable tocause blood poisoning. ein alone. The original has the am« DeWitt’s upon the box and wrap- «r. It is a harmless and healing salve sr ski« diseases. Unequalled for piles, fo y er* Kyle. The new general school law contains be following provision: ‘‘No contract made with any teacher who is by blood or marriage within the J gree to anv member of the rd without the concurrence of riemhers of the board, by a vote itered on the clerk’s records of Inge.” formal opening of Eugene’s new armory occurred last Friday It is said to have been the illlant social function ever held ne. The Fourth Regiment Band panies A and 0 were marched leir rooms to the commodious the ceremony of review exe- Gov. and Mrs. Geer were guests of the occasion, the governor s reviewing officer. Oliver Twist, children ask for aeweffoaigi. hen given One Minute Congh Mothers endorse it highly for It quickly cures all coughs and every throat and long trouble, ipecific for grippe and asthma and been a well known remedy for g cough. Meyer A Kyle. ÍG ( •• U. ST. STORIA for Infants and Children. Y ob Havi Always Bought PERSONALS. GENERAL NEWS. ESTERN HOUSE__ — WM. BRYND, Prop. > z-v » « y-t z-vxx r*l C O / -* ! 4 I ACME COilFl ERCIAL CO», Ex-President Harrison is repsrled to Jo Morris, Jr., made a business trip be seriously ill at Indianapolis, Indiana. E verything in connection with th e ■ , to Baiuaria the first of the week. 1 D on't w a it until sickness overtakes you. Tlie Montana legislature just before House is New and Firat-Clusa. Dr. Alex Patterson made another pro­ the close ol Ihe session elected Paris I BTteu that tired feeling, the first rheu­ * v A ¿ft FRANK B. WILSON, M u n g « , matic pain, the first -warnings^ o f impure fessional visit to Florence Saturday. Gibson to the U. S. Senate to suceed special attention to F. B. Wilson expects to move bis fam- $enator Carter, blood are manifest, take Hood's Sarsapa- COMMERCIAL TRAVELLERS. I rilla and you w ilt rescue your health and ily to Acme the lust of this month. Six hundred cases of smallpox are re­ The notice of the public is called ' probably save a serious sickness. Be sure Geo. O. Knowles spent several days ported from the vicinity of Pryor, n.ar to our new this week with hjs friends in Florence. Butte. Montana. As yet every case has B A TH R O O M . Miss Ione Splnun, who has been suf­ been of a mild form. where H ot and Cold B aths may be * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * fering with a broken arm, Is improving Intelligence from the seat of war in had nt any time. rapidly. South Africa is I lint General Kitchener W. D. Neely left for Eugene Tuesday, bus granted General Botha a seven Jays Mrs. Bultinan is visiting at the life having been summoned as a witness to armistice to emiblo him to confer witli i We Carry a Fine and saving station. j the other generals. attend circuit court. A card in this issue notifies the public j Belle Oasterllne, Nellie Lowe, Jesse President McKinley intends to visit Varied Stock o f __■ of prices nnd place of business of Marion Lowe and John Brynd visited on the . the Pacific const ttie coming summer, Morris’s barber shop. lakes the first of the week. , and will leave Washington for that pur- We hear a handsome organ, and per-1 Bertha Whittaker, of Eugena, has pose early in May. The round trip will ----- GIVEN BY----- haps other attractions, will soon be I been engaged to teach the spring term l&k© about six weeks, added to the borne of Win. Hardell. of school at Mapleton, commencing ! A severe storm swept over the upper S to p s tlie C o u g h » n il w o r k s o ff t h e C old April 1. ( Mississippi valley last Saturday and Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets cure a Miss Clara Sparling left Sunday for Sunday, causing the loss of ninny lives cold In one day. No Cure no Pay. Gardiner, where she will open dress­ and destroying much property. ‘ The AT ODD FELLOWS’ HALL Driea 25 cants. making parlors. The younx lady is an storm is said to have been the worst About twenty of her young friends accomplished seamstress, and will no since 1894. Friday, M arch 15, 1901. gave Miss Zella Persons a surprise party doubt give satisfaction to her Gardiner The Delaware legislature adjourned last Monday evening in liouor of her patrons. last Friday without electing a senator. tenth birthday. The state has not had full representa­ Supper at Western House. CO UN CIL PRO CEEDINGS* tion in the senate since 1892. The fight Snles of De Laval Separators to date between the different factions has been beat all previous records. The Pioneer Hardware Store of Marshfield is kept A special meeting of the city council continued till now the state has no rep­ busy supplying the great demand for was held Monday evening with M. Mor­ resentation in the upner house. ris, president pro. tern., in the chair. these wonderful machines. Emperor William of Germany was at CITY ELECTION NOTICE. Tiustees Weath- The Florence Dramatic Club will give , „ Morris, „ Christensen, , , . . tacked last week by Dietrich Welland, erson and Evans, Recorder ¿»helps and t((rew ¡ron Hah p|#te ftt U)o e|o. their play at Ihe I. O. O. F. hall in Flor­ Notice is hereby given that the annual ence on Saturday evening, March 30th, Marshal Cumpton were in attendance. peror, striking him in the face. At An ordinance was introduced provid­ Welland’s examination it was shown election of the Town of Florence will lie instead of the 23d, as at first announced. epileptic"fits held in the Odd Fellows’ building on A comic farce will also be given at the ing for building a sidewalk on north side i-74 <^4 i-^4 -74 *?4 ^74 ^74 *74 ^74 ^74^74 ^74 ^74 *74 *7* ^4 ^ 4^ 4 ^4 o Ma.n street from Jefferson street to RnJ not nsible for aetioil8. Tuesday, the second day of March, A. e*r\ /^4 close. Monroe street, thence along the west _ . , . . D. 1901. The polls will be opened at 9 First and Foremost in the field of side of Monroe to First street, tl,et.ee At San Juan, Porto Rico, a girl of ten o ’clock a. m. and closed at 6 o'clock p. medicine is Hood’s Sarsaparilla. It pos­ along the south side of First street t o ' reprimanded it. school. She «le- W e buy direct from the Largest Jobbing H o uim sesses unequalled merit and cures all Jnckson street, all in the original town ' elaietl she was beaten and a mob of 1500 m. This election will be held for the purpose of 'electing a President, four diseases caused or promoted by impure persons assembled. The police v?ore Manufacturers in the country, for CASH, and w e are enabled, Trustees, a Recorder and Marshal. or impoverished blood—including rheu­ of Florence. On motion the rules were suspended, unable to control them, but a corporal Dated this 15th day of March, 1901. to get the Low est Prices, besides alw ays being sure o f ob- matism, dyspepsia, catarrh. the ordinance read three limes and and five artillerymen left their post By order of the Board of Trustees. j without orders and dispersed the mob. The proposition to issue bonds in the adopted. J. C. Pitai es, Recorder. flrst-class goods. W e are not paying enorounM sum of $25,000 to obtain funds for the The marshal reported that some cots The President has appointed Ex-Sen a- erection of another Bchool building was are needed in the city jail. On motion ' tor Carter, of Montana, to be U. S. expenses and w ill sell you goods at reasonable rates. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. carried in Euaene last Mondav by a vote the marshal was instructed to have two. Commissioner of the St. Louis Exposi- of 234 -to 32. J. H. McClung was re­ cots built there. lion. The snlary is $5000 a year. It is The West Real Estate office has bar­ Uz -Uz Mz .U** \le \te A** AV Uz \ie -Mz Me .W Uz ate elected director without opposition. Me Me AV W W Me Me vae »ae *«» Bill ol A. O. Funke for $1.15 for re- said Ex-Senators Thurston of Nebraska, gains to offer in the following property. *74 *7* ^74 ?7\ ^74 ^74 *74 ^74 ^74 *7* >74 *74 *‘7* Headache often results from a disor­ pairing street lamps was allowed. i Lindsay of Kentucky, and McBride of A good dwelling house, and black­ dered condition of the stomach and con­ On motion the recorder was directed Oregon have been selected ns members smith shop doing a good business in a stipation of the bowels. A dose or two to advertise for bids for constructing of the commission. thriving town. The owner desires to of Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver sidewalk on Main, Monroe nnd First The Eastern Lumber Co., of Portland, change his location. A fine opportunity Tablets will correct these disorders and streets. bug received an order for ten Oregon for the right man. Price $850. cure the headache. Sold by O. W. Hurd. A petition was received asking that spruce spars for the Belmont syndicate 160 acres of unimproved land on North The Florence Dancing Club will this the liquor license of Cal Bracy be trans- yachts, one of which will represent evening givn a dance in honor of St. ferred to R. V. Hughes. Voted to grant; America in the international yacht race Fork about ten miles from Florence is Patrick’s day, which will no doubt be the petition when the requirements of next August. The sticks will be from 60 offered for saled. Near to county road. well attended, as the complete prepara­ the law regarding licenses are complied to 80 feet long and from nine to thirteen Will make a good stock ranch. Price tions for good music and a splendid sup­ with. inches wide at the top end and will cost $450. per have been made by the committees. The council then adjourned. about $1100 when delivered nt Boston. 150 acres mostly tlmbe. land lying in Tickets to dance and supper, $1.25. section 13, township, 18 south, range 10 -V* -7Y-TV - v v - T V . CATARRH CANNOT BE CURED r e m a r k a b l e C U R E S of R heum a t ib m . west. About three acres cleared. A At the election in Portland last Mon­ witli local applications, as they cannot From the Vindicator, Rutherfordton, S . C. day Mrs. L. W. Sitton was elected school The editor of the Vindicator has had reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is creek large enough to float logs runs director, defeating R. K. Warren, who occasion to test the efficncy of Ohaniber- a blood or constitutional disease, and in through the land. Price $560. Your patronage is always appreciated, and no was a candidate for re-election, by a ma­ lain’a Pain Balm twice with the most order to cure it yon m.iBt take internal A tract of about 50 acres fronting on jority of 103 votes in a total of 3193. remarkable results in each case. First, remedies. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken Clear lake three miles south of Florence. small your purchases, you may rest assured It will ba This is the first time a woman has been with rheumatism in the shoulder from , internally and acts directly on the blood A fair house and about five acres cleared. aim to sell you the best goods obtainable at reasonable prices. elected school director in Portland. which he Buffered the most excruciating and mucous surfaces. Hull’s Catarrh A good wagon road from the place to the Siuslaw river at Glenada. A fine It is now clearly proved that any pain for ten days, which was relieved I Cure is not a quack medicine. It w - hs farmer engaged in dairying, either on with two applications of Pain Balm, i prescribed by one of the best physicians place for a summer residence. Price large or small scale, cannot be successful rubbing the parts afflicted nnd realizing j in this country for years, and is a regain) $500. without the new process of separating ■ instant benefit and entire relief in a very i prescription. It is composed of one of A tract of a little over two acres of cream from milk. The De Laval is the i short time. Second, in rheumatism in the best tonics known, combined witli bottom land between Florence and recognized superior of all machines. thigh joint, almost prostrating him witli i itie best blood purifiers, acting directly Acme, lying on tidewater near Rose The Pioneer Hardware Store, of Marsh- j severe pain, which was relieved by two on the mucous surfaces. The perfect Hill cannery. A fair house on tlie land. field, is agent. applications, rubbing with the liniment . combination of the two ingredients is A fine place for gardening or raising It is said that Ex-Fish Commissioner ; on retiring at night, and getting up free wliat produces such wonderful results in small fruit. Price $200. curing Cam rrli. Send for testimonials, Reed will try to hold on to that office, from pain. For sale by O. W. Hurd, 100 acres of land near Clear lake lying free. F.*J. C heney A Co., Props., and that therd will be a contest over the in section 11, township 19 south, raiige CIRCUIT COURT- Sold by druggists, price 7oc. Toledo,O. 12 west. Price $250. position on the ground that, as the new Hall’s Family Pills are the best. law contains no repealing clause, the old 112 acres unimproved land lying on Circuit court convenes in Eugene next one is still in force and the office of fisli the north side of Clear lake 2% miles ALPHA CLIPPINGS* commissioner has not been abolished or Monday for the spring term. There is a south of Florence. A good wagon road its incumbent removed. » light docket, being oniv about fifty cases from it to the Biuslaw river. Price $600. B y E ven C h a n d e . H a v e 0 1 way3 on H and a P in e ^tocl^ of Mrs. C. E. VanDeusen, of Kilbourn, to settle. The following are the cases in 160 acres on upper North Fork, a whicli residents in the west part of the Wis., was afflicted witli stomach trouble large part of It bottom land. Will make Marcii 12, 1901. and constipation for a long time. She county are interested: a graxl home. Price $850. Mr. Jordan will teach our summer Emma J. Smith vs. L. O. Smith ; di- says, “ I have trie«! many preparations 80 acres timber land with creek large but none have done me the good that vorce. L. Bilyeu for plaintiff; Thomp- school. enough to float logs running through the | Miss Ellinor Hale is visiting at Chick- Chamberlain’s Stomach nnd Liver Tab­ son & Hardy for defendant. land and into tide water. Price $526. Alibie P. Allen vs. Ira S. Allen, di- aliouiiny and Hale. lets have.” These Tablets are for sale 138 arres of land st Elmira, Oregon. . Mr. Elmer Lamb, who is logging at at O. W. Hurd’s drug store. Price, 25c. vorce; E. R. Skipworth for plaintiff. A box house, good barn, and plenty of Silas S. Miller vs. Jesse Bounds ct.a l.; • Mapleton, was home last week fora Samples free. outbuildings on premites; 6 acres foreclosure. Harbaugh & Kisseuger for vjBjt. Louis Eminett, who resides on Iddis orchard, 16 acres in cultivation, 10 ö r y Gfooclsj 0 ress G joods, plaintiff. 0 . A. I’olterf has placet! an order with creek, on the coast north of the light­ John C. Bpck et. al. vs. William Kyle tlie Alpha saw mill for 12,000 feet of acres more cleared land, and 80 acres house, was before the recorder Friday slashed; balance, brush and timber et. al.; injunction. L. Bilyeu and lumber for a new barn. evening for an infraction of the city | land. Price $20 per acre, $1000 down. Thompson A Hardy for plaintiff; John laws. He was fined $5 and costs, $8 in We wisii a stock dealer would come in T. Lighter and J. C. Fullerton for de­ For further information inquire at all, nnd turned loose on his own recog-' and buy a large number of young cattle The W est office, Florence, Oregon or fendant. nizance to secure the amount, and he which are for sale here. F. E. Fremont vs. Julia C. Fremont; John C Beck, Point Terrace, Oregon. returned to his home without producing i The estate of James Pope, consisting divorce. L. Bilyeu for plaintiff. the cash. Charles B. Morgan vs. Elisabeth Mor­ of 160 acres ol land, 6 head of cattle, DAIRY FARM FOR 8ALE. The stomach controls the situation. gan; divorce. L. Bilyeu for Plaintiff. money, notes and tools, was appraised Those who are hearty and strong are at $770.25. • A fine dairy farm on Maple creek six those who can eat and digest plenty of j A n h o n est m ed ic in e for L a C r ipb e . Squire Jas. Burnett, who has been ill miles from Florence is now offered tor Geo. W. Wait», of South Gardiner, Hats & Caps, food. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests' Boots & Shoes, nearly all winter, has so far recovered w hat yon cat and allows you to eat all Me., says: “ I have had the worst cough, his health as to bo able to visit ids sale. It contains 160 acres, 35 of it bottom the good food you want. If you suffer cold, chills and grip Hud have taken lots friends on Deadwood tliis week. land and 30 acres have beeu plowed. from indigestion, heartburn, belching or of trash of no account lint profit to the Mr. and Mrs. Oarlstrom arrived from any other stomach trouble, tills prepar­ vendor. Cliamt'erlaln's Cough Remedy Eugene lust week witli a big load of pro­ Can cut 35 tons of hay. A good two story house 26 by 38 feet; a barn 44 by ation can’t help but do you good. The is the only thing that has done any good visions and household goods and have most sensitive stomach can take it. whatever. I have uped one hottie of it begun housekeeping on their new ranch. 70 feet, with heavy frame; a goat house 16 by 40 feet; an orchard of about 500 and tlie chills, cold ami grip have all left Meyer A Kyle. Mrs. M. D. Austin, whose husband trees of different ai*.Js of fruit has been me. I congratulate the iiiannfacturers The State Board of Fish Commission­ died last fall, nnd who lias been living bearing for a year or two. ers held a meeting at Salem the 7th I of an honest medicine.” For sale by O. A water wheel of about 8 horse power i with her daughter, Mrs. Harrison of W. Hurd. inst. II. G. Van Dusen presented his ! furnishes motive power at the barn for Brownsville, is expected home tlie last Ixmd as warden. The board appointed I N O T IC E T O CO N TR A C TO R S. cutting feed, sawing wood, etc. 1 of tliis month. Fred Wickham, of Astoria, H. S. Moody,: Tlie farm is \ mile from school ^nd Our school meeting passed off very of Oregon City, and M. S. McCowan, of Notice is hereby given that sealed bids 14 mile from a county road, Clackamas, as water bailiffs. Their will be received at tlie office of tlie Town quietly. G. Bteinhauer was elected di­ Price $1600. duties are to enforce the fi.liery law in Recorder until March 23rd, 1901, tor tlie rector. and O. A. l’otterf, clerk. Tiiere A bargain for anybody wanting a was no shedding of coats for any pur­ ttieir respective localities, under the su­ construction of tlie following sidewalks farm. pervision of the master warden. Ttieir and street crossings: On north side of pose, as we hear was done at Reed, on For further information inquire at the Indian creek, on account of certain compensation is fixed by law at $3 per Main street frot.i Jefferson street to W est office. day for actual time employed, with an Monroe street; on west side of Monroe profits to which some objected. Mrs. McVey, who in answer to an ad­ allowance of not to exceed $2 per day for street from Main street to First street; A STOCK FARM* traveling expenses. A. J. Talbot, of on south side of First stieet from Mon­ vertisement for a wife, came here from Enu Claire, Wis., and married Mr. Mc- Clackamas county, was employed to roe to Jackson street, all in the original A good stock farm of 100 acres lying , Vey some months ago, is very much dis­ take charge of the state butchery on the town of Florence. on South slough is now offered for sale. pleased witli Oregon in general and will Umpqua. March 12tli, A. D. 1901. About half ol it la bottom and tide land, ~ FOR »ALE. J. O. I ’ bki .I'S, Recorder. ' leave for tier former home in a short tlie tide land being already dikod. A ¡time. As Mr. McVey does not wish to PURS WANTED. dispose ol his home here site will go new bouse, an orchard of over 200 trees on the place, and about 600,000 feet of Ten cows and heifers. Part of them i without him. good timber conveniently situated for will come in very soon and the others The highest rash price paid for all logging. Extensive out range. About later on ; some of them fine milch cows. kinds of furs aud bides. FOR SALE 16 bead of cattle, most ol them cowe, For farther particulars eall at Kd. T. G. C, CcwrTON. At a bargain: Mv seven-room dwell­ with the land. Price $3,000, Including Mnlier'a ranch on Fiddle Creek, or ad­ At Bafley's Meat Market, Florence, Or. ing witli four lots fronting 200 feet on stock. Inquire at the Florence Reel dress Ada P. O.. Douglas eonnty, Ore. TO OUR PATRONS. . the river in Glenada. House lias large, | Estate Agency. well lighted rooms with plastered and We here made arrangements by papered walls; fine view of ocean and Blanks for Warranty Deeds (or sale which we will furnish tlie Weekly country; good spring water. Place cost at tha W bmt office. Oregonian with tlie W est for one V*»r $900—will sell for $350 cash. Cai! on or T t l i ptswatam >• r r ,r T box of th e ( m o I m Laxative Bromo*Quimne t » ouu to any address for tlie sum of tv.o Jul­ address, Chas. R. David, Point Terrace, Tlie Ban Francisco Examiner and the jOrtflM. ian oavable cash in advance. V M iW n t(k ± K A St. Patrick’s Day — DANCE— General Merchandise, Patent Medicines, Florence Dancing Club Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Tickets, $ 1 .2 5 . Prints, fluslins, Yarns, Crash, Notions, g Groceries. We Have a Complete Stock Boots and Shoes. of METER & HTLE * * * * GrçpeErçjEg, ★ ★ r J 1 L Gent’s Furnishing Goods, H a r d u ia r E . Paints, Oils, etc. Prices as Low as the Lowest Ploreone,