T H E l>y the Platt-Spooner am endm ent to tl e W E S T . O ne D o se L T e lls the s to ry . W h en y o u r hen 1 «aches, and y ou feel bilio us, const!* I pitted, a nd o u t o f tun e, w ith y o u r (s to m ac h sour an d no a p p e tite Just I buy a package of * P O B U « H ID KVftBY FBIDAY M O W i l M . - F lo bbncb , L amb C o u n t s , O kkoon W .U. WEATIIEUSON E ditor and T h e states lyin g west o( the ltocky M ountains seem to be ull in favor of the proposed fair at Portland in 1905 to cel­ ebrate the L ew is and Clark exploring A lready W ashington has appointed a com m ittee of five to m ake . recom m endations concerning tlie lair io th e n e x t legislature. Idaho has ap pointed a com m ission und adopted a m em orial to Congress in favor of an appropriation for the exposition, army appropriation bill, which ia now a this city, hut laie of Eugene, ns first law , bul they are not ilispored *lo bother deputy Io '.lie s ta le lis li and gam e warden W omen as Well as Men Are Made Miserable by Kidney Trouble. tlicir heads about when they do eo. was rr. honor fitly nnd worthily bestow ­ Those conditions tell the Cubans in ed. But ow ing to th e fact that Mr. Utah has m em orialised Congress to m ake an appropriation for the ex|iosition . th e legislature of that state lias also adopted The G reat W h ite Store, Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, dis­ plain Inngnnge just what tit*)' m ust do Penn only recently received the nppoint- courages and lessens ambition; beauty, vigor and cheerfulness soon to get Am erican authority rem oved. | nlent and entered upon his duties as disappear when the k id -, neys are out of order They adm it of no dickering. The Presi- j clerk in the U . 8 . land office at this or diseased. And take a dose, from 1 to 4 p ills . den t him self cannot, if lie would, change place he has not yet fully decided Kidney trouble has You w ill be surprised n t h o w easily become so prevalent they w ill do th e ir w o rk , cure y o u r one of those con d ition s in the sm allest whether or not lie will accept the new that tt Is not uncommon headache a n d biliousness, rouse tlio particular. It is now up to the U uhnns.j ofltve tendered him . V erily eouie men liv e r and m ak e you feel h app y again. for a child to be born •Jj cents. Sold by u ll m ed icine dealers. j j afflicted with weak kid­ They m ust choose between an accept­ seek the official honors in vain, while neys. If the child urin­ ance of all the condilions : u 1 an indefi­ others, w ithout seeking, are fairly over­ ates too often. If the nite continuation of Am erican rule over whelm ed w ith them .—Roseburg Plain- urine scalds the flesh or if. when the child reaches an age when It should be able to WASHINGTON LETTER. dealer. Cuba. control the passage, it Is yet afflicted with 1 bed-wetting, depend upon it. the cause of T he President did not increase the Prof. Ivison , of Lonaconing, Md„ snf- I the difficulty is kidney trouble, and the first ■ Enon O vr K koii . ak O obmbsfondbmt .) beauty of the parade, from a spectacular step should be towards the treatment of fered terribly from neuralgia of the point of view , when he intervened in the stom ach and indigestion for thirteen these Important organs. This unpleasant trouble is due to a diseased condition of the wrangle betw een Grand Marshal vears and after the doctors failed to cure kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as W ashinotom , March 4, 1901. Inauguration parades, as well as other G reene, of the inaugural parade, and him they feel him on m orphine. A friend most people suppose. Women as well as men are made mis­ advised the use of Kodol D yspepsia Core erable with kidney and bladder trouble, kinds, may pall upon one who hat seen the U nion veterans, and insisted that _ and after taking a few bottles of it he and both need the same great remedy. ninnv, hut there is one sigh t 10 he seen his personal escort from the W hite says, “ It has cured me en tirely. I can’t The mild and the immediate effect of i only in W ashington and only on in ang - House to the Capitoi should becom posed say too n a :li for Kodol Dyspt*p*ir Cnre, " S w a m p -R o o t is soon realized. It is sold urntinn dftT th a t no man can nee w ithout entirely of bis com rades in arm s, but lie digests what you eat. M eyer & K yle, by druggists, in fifty* cent and one dollar ■ being im pressed and thrilled . T hat ia greatly increased hie popularity with sizes. You may have a | ORDINANCE NO. 28. sample bottle by mail the great gathering of people nt the east the veterans, and did the thing that was _______ ■ free, also pamphlet tell- Rom. ot Swwnp-aoo*. and acres o f ¡ in the eyes of nearly everybody the ¡ng all about it. Including many of the front of the C apítol—acres upturned faces—to see the President j right thing to do. It m ay tie, in fact is An O rdinance providing for th e building thousands of testimonial letters received of n Sidewalk on the North side of from sufferers cured. In writing,Dr. Kilmer sworn in, and see him deliver his inang- very lik ely, th at Mr. M ckinley w ill be Mam Street from Jefierson Street to & Co.. Binghamton, N . Y., , mention this paper. ural address. “ Sea” is the correct term, the last soldier of the civil war to be Monroe Street, along th e \\ e st side of ___________ _ , — H o o d 's PSBSs I Proprietor. Florence, Oregon, March 15, 1901. exp ed ition . The appointm ent of Lewis Bean, of Is Offering Exceptionally Fine Bargains in * Ladies’, Misses’ and Gents’ Mack­ intoshes and Rubber Boots, From Chilliren’s to Men’s Sizes. F a s c in a to rs and C h ild re n ’s Hoods We Have. S o m e th in g N e w fo r T h is Season. SS'LABGE ASSORTMENT OF LADIES’ BELTS ( M UST BE SE E N TO BE A P P R E C IA T E D ). Monroe Street from Main Street to for though P resident M cK inley has a President, and it was fitting tliat bis appoint a com m ission of three m embers F irst Street, and along F irst Street 1 voice alxive the average in strength, not personal escort or guard of honor should to rep reient U tah and arrange for an from Monroe Street to Jackson Street, more than perhaps 500 persons in all be composed of veterans of th at war. in tlie Original Town of Florence. aah ih it. that vast throng, could lirar enough of The Town o f Florence doe) Ordainas O nly a little over two w eeks till tha NEW ROAD LAWS. his inaugural address today to know follow s: ma what it was about. B ut all of them city election. VYliat about candidates Section 1. T hat it be and is hereby A new law passed at the recent session could see, and th at is w hat they ware for the various oiUces? ordained that a sidewalk sh all be built of the legislature, and which is already there for; they could read the address in on the north side of Main street in the G R E E N L E A F IT E M S . original town of Florence from Jefferson in full force and effect, provides for the the afternoon papers. fo r the N e ’ E ra Edition of street to Monroe street, thence along the T h e E m p o rta m Kcoaomlat collection 'of road taxes. T he law re­ The sw earing in of V ice-President March 11, 1901. west side of Monroe street from Main bow ia Pres«. quires county courts to levy a road tax R oosevelt was, com paratively speaking, j Fred Rowe is carrying on his father's street to First street, thence along the Our large, profuse!’/ il­ of not m ore than ten m ills on the dollar, a private affair, as it took ulace in the ; place. south side of First street from Monroe lustrated Springand Sum­ E leg a n t L ine of L A D IE S ’ and G E N T ’S N E C K W E A K , L *c«,’ based on the previous year’s assessm ent. senate cham ber and adm ittance to the Erna Tabor m ade a trip to E igene street to Jackson slreet. Said walk mer Catalogue, describ ng shall he built so . s to conform to the T h e fund thus creatod is to be expended galleries were by tickets only, nnd the last week. W h ite and Brocaded S ilk H andkerchiefs. grade of the sidew alk now laid on Main I the new fashions, and Miss E llinor H ale is stopping on under the direction of a county road- nu lllfM.r o f tick ets were necessarily litu- street, and lo he m ade ns follow s: Six giving lowest Department luaster, who has supervision of the road ¡g g a fe t0 „„y, )IOwever, that n C hickahom iny. feet wide on lo p ; plank two inches thick Store prices for every­ Mrs. W illeut is hom e from Blncbley, supervisors. U pon the petition of 12 g reater num ber heard the inaugural and not more lhan tw elve inches in and Mrs. Slayter is betler. Its a boy. thing to eat, drink, wear Large Line of Underwear for both old and young, consisting of. w idth; one cap 4x6 inches, six feet lung, freeholders of any road district, ap- Bj j rcgg uf the V ice-P resident than heard The Carlyle-Eldridge lugging com pany to set on posts where |iosts are required; or use. proved by tlie roadtnasler, fur the im- o j t |,u p reg¡ j e n t. One of the first Children’s Waists, Uuion Suits for Ladies, is cutting logs on th e D ow ning place four stringers, 2x6 inches, break joints provem ent ol th e road, tlie county court j u l¡eH performed by tlie V ice-P resident, again. j in laying; nails not less than 30 penny Misses and Children. sh all consider th e petition, nnd, if ap- „((tr sen ator l-’rye adm inistered the oath ta OolaSwn Stai* (SaucAmn M Norm an E aglesham is sellin g off his . The said walk shall be placed where it proved, sh all call for sealed bids for the to wug to adm inister the oath to personal property, intendin g to nvc not require tlie removal of sand or J perform ance of the work and furnishing thirteen new senators. If lie had any the place. soil to the depth of more than one foot, S. S. M iller, who had the grip so th at ! and where it requires posts said posts Nine »ore« floor «paoe— 1.000 clerks. of the m aterial needed, and let the con­ superstitious qualm s about the num ber, These are a few of the many new things. Call at the 1 his life was thought to be in danger, il i shall he set three feet deep in the tract to th e best bidder, provided, how­ lie failed to ex h ib it them . ground and above the ground long im proving ever, that the court may reject any nnd W hite Store for everything. The throe things in the inaugural O R D IN A N C E NO. 27. Clarence B urnett has rented Fred ' enough to ¡x.1 the walk of good height. all bids. The court ia also authorized to parude, w hich was one of tlie finest Row e's place, and he and his fam ily are Said posts to be not lees than six inches purehaae rock crushers out of tlie road W ashington ever hud, although not so square and placed five feet apart one An Ordinance to forbid keeping or set­ living there. way from center to center and eight feet ting up any bouse of ill-faiue, brothel fun d. T he tax provided for in th is act long ns som e have been, that seem ed to Stock holds up in price pretty w ell. apart the other way, ail of the m aterial or bawdy house in the Town of Flor­ is in lieu of taxes heretofore m ade .-ol- interest the crowds on the stie e t the Clarence B urnett sold a fresh cow and to lie of good qu ality. ence and to provide for punishing lectable under ottier acts. m ost, were V ice-P resident Roosevelt, calf for $35 cash. Section 2. That the cost of the sid e ­ kee(iers or inm ates of such hou ses of Seth Sim m ons is not im proving m uch, A nother law w hich goes into effect at tlie battallion of Porto Rico troops, und walks shall he paid by the lots fronting I ill-fam e, brothels, or bawdy houses. once requires th e collection of a roHd tlie two perform ing bears brought from if any. H e gets around the house som e, on said walk and carried out to t h e 1 The Town o f Florence does Ordain as hut not out of doors. square on all corners, and the cost of poll taa of $3 from every male in h ab itan t („ participate in the parade as Follows: M essrs. R am sey and Ed. H aight the street crossings out of the general betw een the ages of 21 and fifty years paym ent of an election wager. S uction I . It shall not lie lawful for hauled in all the oats they could find for fund of the Town of Florence. any person or persons to keep or set up, T h e county court m ay require the psy- The F ifty-S ixth Congress died today, sale at H ale last week. Section 3. T hat on said walk where it w ith in th e lim its of the Town of Flor­ In c « m ent of the tax in cash, and su it may be just before noon, although its last legis­ is m ore than tw enty-four inches from R ev. Mr. Sm ith was expected to ence, any house of ill-fam e, brothel, or Instituted in justice's court to collect it, lative day will hear the date of March 2d preach at the O liickalioininy school the ground there be a railing or banister bawdy house for any purpose w hatso­ « il. thirty inches high , 2x4, dressed on top and wages of an y delinquent levied u | xjii — it was still officially Saturday when house yesterday at 2 o ’clock. and two sides, nnd posts 2x4 every eigh t ever. E dite to satisfy any judgm ent recovered. Mr. Jordan, of E lm ir*, w ho is teach­ S ection 2. A ny person or persons who the gavel (ell (or final adjournm ent. All feet, and a 1x6 eighteen inches from the ing school on Indian creek, has been shall keep or set up, w ithin the lim its of of the regular appropriation hills were walk, to be on the side n ext to street. ha arri engaged to teach the A lpha school this the Town of F lorence, any house ol ill- TO SECURE IMMIGRATION. Section 4. T hat the building of said i disposed of, but a lot of legislation, in tra*, sum m er. fame, brothel, or bawdy bouse, for the . sidew alks sh all be let by the Board of eluding the oloom argarine bill, was left J . A. B urnett is still grow.na stronger, ^ rugje(Jg 0 { j|iu Town of Florence on purpose of prostitution, fornication, or Th ou san ds o l People C om ing W est and «taot unacted u|x>n. though it will be som a tim e before he is contract or contracts to the low est res­ lew dness, sh all, upon conviction thereof Lane C ounty M u tt A c t before the recorder, be punished by a The thou ghtfu ln ess of G en. Nelson A. able to work. He has been visitin g on ponsible bidder, reserving tlie righ t to fine of not less tlinn $50.00 nor more M iles prevented H aw aii from being left Deadw ood. reject any and all bids. The building of Kuxena R r flite r , March S. Two cattle buyers cam e down Lake siad sidew alks and street crossings sh all than $100.00, or by im prisonm ent in the w ithout representation in tlie inaugural Many of the hnndrede of newcom ers city jail for not less than tw enty-five eoopJ ten-m onies. G en. M iles invited D ele­ creek som e distance W ednesday, but did ’ he com pleted within 60 days from letting days nor m ore than fifty days. w h o have been pouring into the state of not find any bargains, and w ent out of such coutract or contracts. The Board gate W ilcox, who is a native of H aw aii, S ection ' 3. Any person w h o shall be W ashington and Into Portland on the w ithout any stock n e x t day. of Trustees of the Town of Florence an inm ate of a house of ill-fam e, b r o th e l.. _ _ _ to join his receiving com m ittee, which c h e a p exeursiona from the east are offei- Two handsom e young ladies cam e over shall have supervision of the construc­ performed conspicuous duties both • ( , j ,ie ,noU|,i # ing Inst week looking for a tion of said w alks. . , _ , „ , . or bawdy house w ithin th e lim its of the ed no inducem ent to visit the W illam ette a a — Section 5. A ll crossw alks sh all be Town of Florence, sh all, open conviction the capitoi nnd at th e inaugural b a ll,! bachelor, They found several, but not valley where the paradise of the w est is thereof before the recorder, be fined not j the one they w anted, and tiiey w ent built the sam e as the sidew alks. and lie did so. io less than $50.00 nor more than $100.00, found. Section 6. This Ordinal) e si all bo A speech mado by Senator Pritchard hom e Thursday. wo to ■ or be im prisoned in the city jail not less All transcontinental lines are running •••••••••• , T lie first wagon of tl e season went in full foicc and eff ct from and alter its than tw enty-five days nor m ore than th ese excu rsion s, each >o«d bringing in >" l' ° " " of “ ,B through Nelson bottom the 4th. Several P «^age by the Board of Trustees and fifty days. Wm. Congress indicates that tlie old question published ten days in tlie W est . excu rsion trains in two sections twice followed, hut there are a couple of dan- S zctiox 4. In »II prosecutions for vio­ Approved th is llt li day of March. 1901. inim i- l,ow kir *'“* Bcn>t0 h as R r'k|,t ,o 8 ° in gerout m udhoics th at som ebody ought each w eek, carrying 500 to 1000 lation of this O rdinance, com m on fame MARION M ORRIS. shall be com petent evidence in support grant*. W ashington is alert. Every determ ining w hether the m ajority of a to report to tlie load supervisor. A ttest: P resident Pro. Tern. of the charge. tow n and county of im portance has rep­ state legislature were legally ’elected, 1 hear that one farmer on Deadwood j J. C. I’ hblps , Recorder. S ection 5. This O rdinance sh all take nprov w ill figure in the F ifty-Seventh Con­ creek, who has plenty of hay, lias had resen tatives at these term inals ready FO R effect a n l be in full force from and after several cattle “ on the lift” this spring. A GO O D C O U C H M E D IC IN E gress, in the caso of Senator Sim m ons, w ith inform ation and literature with its approval by the president and publi- J. W . C A R M A N C H IL D R E N . P R O F « » I F T < M C oen I d id n ’t hear his nam e, so I ca n ’t report w h ich to got them out on a tour of in­ of North Carolina, elected to succeed j him to the society for the prevention of “ I have no hesitancy in recom m en d in g! cation in a new spaper for ten days. «I ve a j Senator Butler. Approved this 5tli day o f M arch, 1901. Cham berlain's Cough R em ed y,” says F. vestigation . ' cruelty to anim als. The President vetoed the bill author­ M ARION M ORRIS, P. Moran, a well known and popular W hen these people arrive hi Portland The county court has been g x x l baker, of Petersburg, V s. "W e have A ttest : P resident pro tem . th e y wander around aim lessly, no one izing the reference of a num ber of claim s enough to give this road district som e J. C. P helps , Recorder. given it our children when troubled with volu n teers any inform ation, they become ,or ind iati depredations to the court o f , Wggt # rogj t | iroU i|, t |,„ |,xjge at Ixtd coughs, also whooping cough, and it disgu sted and go over in to W ashington d » » » « . principio that as all the ' Uie W illiam Job natone place, where CONTEST NOTICE. lias alw ays given perfect satisfaction. It claim s arose during th e pending war travel has been blocked whenever the was recom m ended to me by a druggist or rsturn hom e. Last nigh t there was a D epartment <>r thk I ntertor , v i l l i the Indians, they should be disal- » » ' er ««« W o r k is being done as,th e best cough m edicine for children U ni toil States Land Office, Rose burg. Or., m eetin g at the city hall to discuss ways w there now February 1M, lvOI. as it contained no opium or other harm ­ and m eans ol getting som e ot th e people lowed. A sufficient contest affidavit having been filed ful drug.” For sale by O. W. H urd. Herman Steinhauer is selling off his Senator Morgan was so chagrined over in this office by M ilton A. Nicnlle, contestant, to visit lam e co u n ty . The m eeting was personal property, preparatory to a against homestead entry No. 9M .\ made May Kth, the failure of Nicaragua Canal legislation sa iled to order, M. 8. Barker being 1900, for s’ 2 ne’ 4, n ’ a Section 9, township W prospecting tour in California. H is T O TH E DEAF G. G ilstrap lie “• kud 10 01 »l,e is in'hi« h*t. and so'm e'chicaliom - S., Range 8 W ., by M a tt Mattson, Coutcstee, in cjioeen chairm an and W which it ia alleged that said M att Matt«on has clisirm an sliip of th e com m ittee on inter- )ny jx-opls were over here last week A rich Indy enred of her Deafness and w holly abandoned aai<>•« and offer evidence touching m id allegation no cause for it. It was I who drew up « a g h i w ith a pitchfork. »esses un equalled cu rative p ow ers and at 1# o'clock a. in. on A p ril 17th, I» « , B arker, S . H . F rien d ly and A, G. H ovey. The people of the A lpha school district its record o f cure* i» G R E A T E S T . before C. it. H olilen, V. 8. Commtsaioner, at r the resolutions deploring tlie death of A com m ittee on printing was ap­ Florence. Lan» County, Oregon, and that Ansi are sp lit into tw o factions— up-stream the q u ren, and turned them over to the BALL hearing w ill he held at 10o'clock a. m. on A pm pril . --------- Beauty of finish, quality of m aterial, e le g a n e a « f 1 poin ted os follow s t W . G. G ilstrap, F. sn d "down-stream . T he down-stream 7»th. tWtl. before the Register and Receiver r at F FOR SALE OR EX C H A N G E . B E A R IN G S, senator from Iowa (A llison ), to oiler. It the finest workm anship, th e sim p lest, m ost e o n .p l.ts »^0««». folks located and built a Sihoolhouse the C o lle d State, Land Office iu Row-burg, M . W ilk in s and M. Svarvenid. « » . L like a bicycle, beet of attachm ents, esay paym ents, old « « sb i« M was 1 who drew np tlie Davis r e |» it . last year. Now th e up-stream folks. A house and lot in G lenada. The Oregon. T lie so licitin g com u iitloe w ill start out in exchange, one m illion five hundred thousand The «aid ronteatant having, in a proper affi and when Ihe nam e of D avis was signed w lio are in tlie m ajority, propose to build ,i(juge jg 1(J by (get > n , Q|W gtory B1|J act. L "WHITE” th is m orning to see w hat can ' * done. .tavlt. Sled February lath. 1 » I, art forth faeU users, thirty years of success, oourteoua tre a ts to it, the dem ocrule sooffvd at hiai as a s betler house further up the stream Also a good woodshed whlch ,h ow ,h »’ * ” « du« dtltgene» p e ra o u l the Easiest Lane county c»nnut spend $500 to bet* ( i t - ’ i . . i , a m .iv a t h ia c r lo -ca iiM , th « r e n n r t »nd abandon tlie other. Better em ulate more can you a sk 7 ■ 1 aervn-e of t h l, notire cannot be made. I I 1» here­ B ritish sym pa htaer, l a w ..... th e report nei|[,lbo r ,. We do not on p rem ise.. For further Running particulars by entered aad directed that «ueh notice be tor advantage than «1 th e present tim e U W h i f p ” Bieyel*» vnn lig h ter a n d a r t M achine held that th e U la y to n -B u lw .r treaty was „ agrrel Blwut |h e W. have not f o a . i r e a t t U . given by due nnd pro|ier publication in p u ttin g th e m erits of our sectiou m ost durable and handeem e w l Made J. T Ratm iga, Regfeter. »nine tim e to quarrel about | ~ »till in effect, U e have been trying to |iai| on« on the m arket. Call or write and le t ua prove it. before tlie thou san ds of iiewcotncrs aim 1. It. B ooth . Receiver. s e t th is canal legi,lation for sixteen and a fam ily is living in the school T H E G EN TLE WOMAN is a m onth- «re «rriving to m ake hom es in th e w e st. yenrs, and yet, we, tlie Am erican Con- I I ly m agazine devoted to subjects of in ter­ a resolution authorising the governor to VALUABLE BOOK FREE— SEND and A DD RESS w New lot oi Dress Trimmings, in the latest shades g and kinds JU S T O P E N E D . EMPORIUM SANrSamisca ^owrs (pruUj, 0. W. HURD. C A R M A N ’S CHEAP CASH STOREI Drv Goods, ★ Groceries ★ and ★ Notion***"1 *n conviction pLOR EN CE MEAT MARKET ~~ Just Ooened.. Goods as Reo rese ntedXift THE WHITE IS KINO It£ t T h e lingering eough follow ing grippe grees cannot Ju ao, because G reat B ril-' ratta for O«.e M inute Cough Cure. F. r am w ants d elay. »H throat and lon g troubles th is i» the _______ O fhcialt of th is governm ent believe o n ly Im rm less romedy that gives m im e -, C a U n , w ill see th e w d ia te .esu li* . P i g . enta cunsum ptioii cu m pb i « i w ith th e cuuditiuna laid down batear A K I . r m*ke **'• w A N T R I).—Capable, reltabie person In every est to the ladies. T lie regular subecrip- v ,u"*y to npm ent la ree company of M ild to rv a a a c o te in o x i r a t , ,, , . , financia] reputation; SMt «alary per y s u . pava Take la x a tiv e Bromo Q uinine Tablets. lion price Is one dollar b et wa have iiimte , bu .« -k i, w per a . , .»mdouiy « « « £ .u All druggist* refund th e m oney if th ey arrangem ent by w hich we offkr it for a « p e n a r ': «iralght. bnna-gdr. de«nlte «alary, ne fail lo cure. E. W . G rove's signatore ia short tim e for fiftv cents »year. Call and commimton; «alary paid eaah Oat urda y and ex- p e n » money advanced each week. STA N PZSr» oa each b o s. 26c. sec a sam ple coav. I UwLati. x*4 tiSAoaua* sx_ uaicaeo, ti t. WHITE SEWING MACHINE COMPANY. 300-306 Post street, San Franoisoo, Ctal. B D. F a u ii . Daaler ia hite Sewia¿ M tchiqai Rumtafo >-»«M